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简述了确定奎先达坂为我国天文台址资源考察选点的历史过程;奎选达坂的概况,最后给出了1995年1月1日-12月31日定点气象和天文可用时间的观测结果。  相似文献   

作者于1995年9月对新疆天山南坡的奎先达坂进行考察,记述了考察的印象并对下一步的视宁度观测提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

我观测了月偏食@黄再勇我观测了月偏食我是一个普通的天文爱好者,从小就对星空有着无比浓厚的兴趣,但业余天文观测则是从最这几年才开始的,我非常喜欢《天文爱好者》。由于我住在贵州山区。这里的地理状况和多变的气候限制了天文观测。全年真正晴朗无月的夜空并不多见。19...  相似文献   

本文利用3002米山峰1979.3~198O.2一年间的天文可用时间的观测结果及宾川气象站17年的云量观测资料,用简单的统计学方法,对3002米山峰的天文可用时间作了区间估计。  相似文献   

在九峰观测流星雨¥武昌后长街31号区教委科技站@潘万慧在九峰观测流星雨997年11月18日凌晨,来自湖北省天文学会、武汉市天文协会的十二名天文同好们带着天文望远镜、照相机及统计图表等观测设备和记录资料,顶着一阵冷似一阵的山风守候在远离武汉市区的中科院测地所...  相似文献   

难忘的月全食观测¥北京朝阳区垂杨柳北工大附中天文小组@龚雪飞@张晔@冯晓洁@杨捷难忘的月全食观测1997年9月17日秋高气爽,皓月当空,在这个万家团聚的日子里,我们迎来了本世纪我国境内可见的最后一次月全食。但对于我们北工大附中天文小组的同学们来说,整夜观测...  相似文献   

《天文爱好者》是由中国天文学会和北京天文馆联合主办的天文学科普杂志,目前为双月刊,明年起恢复为月刊。现开辟有宇宙信息、宇宙学、太阳系空间探测、宇宙画廊、追星一族、星空漫步、天文信箱、星空有约、天象观测、少年天文、观测角、爱好者之页、网络天文、天文奥赛等栏目,欢迎广大天文专家和爱好者投稿。来稿力求通俗易懂、生动活泼,篇幅不超过4000字,请勿  相似文献   

一、测定恒星角直径的“天赐良机”月亮在天空中每月移动一周 ,每小时东移约半度 ,月亮移动时常将背后的恒星或行星掩蔽起来 ,这种月球掩星的现象称为月掩星。月掩星的观测不仅可以使人们欣赏这一重要天象 ,更重要的是人们可以利用月掩星的时机测定恒星的角直径 ,并且可以利用观测的掩星时刻与历算的时刻对比 ,可以测定月球的精确位置及地球自转的不均匀性等。查看天文年历或天文普及年历 ,你会看到有许多机会可观测到月掩星的真实情景 ,天文爱好者朋友们对参与此项天文活动一定会饶有兴趣。大家要学会使用天文年历 ,它是观测的最好“助手”…  相似文献   

新书介绍1997年《天文普及年历》1997年《天文普及年历》已编撰完毕,预计于1996年12月即能与广大读者见面。本年历除刊出1997年太阳系各天体的观测数据,日月食、双星、变星、深空天体(三),“与1997年有关的天文学纪事”、“近年出版的主要天文...  相似文献   

喜观流星雨@吴志伟喜观流星雨1997年11月17日夜,笔者找到天文同好尹相东一同进行狮子座流星雨的观测。天空虽晴,但月光影响强烈,四周环境也不甚理想,因此我们心里直打“退堂鼓”。可身为天文爱好者哪有放过观测机会的道理!拍摄条件虽不理想,但计数观测还是必要的...  相似文献   

The stability of the solar wind is studied in the case of spherical symmetry and constant temperature. It is shown that the stability problem must be formulated as a mixed initial and boundary-value problem in which are prescribed the perturbation values of velocity and density at an initial time and additionally the velocity perturbation at the base of the corona for all times. The solution is constructed by linear superposition of normal solutions, which contain the time only in an exponential factor. The stability problem becomes a singular eigenvalue problem for the amplitudes of the velocity and pressure perturbations, since additionally to the boundary condition at the base of the corona one must add the condition that the amplitudes behave regularly at the critical point. It is proved that only stable eigenvalues exist.  相似文献   

现代日晕光度计是用于精确测定监测址点的多种大气参量的精密仪器,它已列为我国西部太阳设备选址工作中的重要设备。利用同一架日晕光度计首先对昭通大山包进行了多波段数据采集。在仔细分析初步测光结果的基础上,进一步完善日晕光度计的光学系统。使用改进后的设备对昆明凤凰山址点进行了多次数据采集,都获得了理想数据。这表明日晕光度计的多波段测光系统已能够用于西部太阳选址工作中。  相似文献   

We present near-infrared colour–magnitude diagrams and star counts for a number of regions along the Galactic plane. It is shown that along the l =27°, b =0° line of sight there is a feature at 5.7±0.7 kpc with a density of stars at least a factor of 2 and probably more than a factor of 5 times that of the disc at the same position. This feature forms a distinct clump on an H versus J − H diagram and is seen at all longitudes from the bulge to about l =28°, but at no longitude greater than this. The distance to the feature at l =20° is about 0.5 kpc further than at l =27°, and by l =10° it has merged with, or has become, the bulge. Given that at l =27° and l =21° there is also a clustering of very young stars, the only component that can reasonably explain what is seen is a bar with half-length of around 4 kpc and a position angle of about 43°±7°.  相似文献   

根据1994年10-12月北京天文台兴隆站的初步观测,分析了的某些规律。资料表明,表面层内的的瞬时值变化幅度相当大,几秒钟内可达一个量级以上,几分钟内可达两个量级以上。的三分钟平均值在晴朗夜晚变化超过两个量级的也不少见。整个边界层的积分值的变化幅度会小一点,但一晚上达到一个量级应不少见。静风时,山顶的逆温也迅速发展,积分值迅速变大,对星象质量不利。对静风频数的监测并配合声雷达的或r0测量,再加上湿度记录可以积累起有价值的宁静度边界层气候资料。  相似文献   

A possible variation of the photospheric temperature from the equator to the poles is investigated through the observation of the variation of the equivalent width of selected spectral lines sensitive to temperature variations. The present observations, made during the summer of 1964, show that the temperature variations, if any, must roughly be smaller than 1% of the limit temperature. A possible dependence of the temperature variations on the phase of the solar cycle has also been examined and it seems that no definite statement may be done at present. There are, however, some reasonable suspects that no temperature difference between poles and equator may exist at any time.  相似文献   

Das  T.K.  Sarkar  H.  Sen  A.K. 《Solar physics》2000,194(1):155-163
The ratios of radio to optical diameter of the solar disc at 10.7 and 3 cm wavelengths are examined. The radio observations are daily east–west scans of the solar disc, made over the period 1975–1992, which includes almost two complete solar cycles. We find that the apparent disc diameter is slightly greater at solar minimum than it is at solar maximum, suggesting that the radio diameter varies over the cycle. Moreover, the ratio is smaller at 3 cm wavelength than it is at 10.7 cm, at both solar maximum and minimum.  相似文献   

The flash spectra of the partial Sun and the chromosphere were obtained at the total solar eclipse on 7 March, 1970. We studied the distributions of the surface brightness of the continuum at six wavelengths in the visual region to compare them with the previous observations and the existing model atmospheres. All of the distributions show a shallow dip and a small hump similar to those of Heintze's observation at the 1954 eclipse. But the hump in our results is of quite a different type from that given by Heintze's revised model. It was found that none of the existing model atmospheres can reproduce this hump. The intensity distribution in the low chromosphere was also examined.  相似文献   

We apply the numerical technique of Poincare surface of section to investigate the dichotomy present in the Earth-Moon system, considering the framework of planar, circular, restricted three-body problem. A study on the transition of quasi-periodic orbits (oscillatory type dichotomy) present at the Jacobi constant C=2.85 shows that the dichotomy discussed here exist not at a particular value of the mass ratio and the Jacobi constant. It is observed that as C increases, the range of mass ratio at which the dichotomy pertains increases, even though the mass ratio at which the transition of orbits takes place decreases.  相似文献   

A careful correlation analysis is made between various types of solar activity as observed at photospheric levels and the daily variations of the geomagnetic Kp-index which, in turn, is a measure of the solar wind speed. We find that in no case does a significant enough correlation exist to pin-point a physical relation between some aspect of photospheric activity and the solar wind speed. It is concluded that the physical processes that do determine the wind speed occur at coronal heights.  相似文献   

The solar magnetic field maps every point in the corona to a corresponding place on the solar surface. Identifying the magnetic connection map is difficult at low latitudes near the heliospheric current sheet, but remarkably simple in coronal hole interiors. We present a simple analytic magnetic model (‘pseudocurrent extrapolation’) that reproduces the global structure of the corona, with significant physical advantages over other nearly analytic models such as source-surface potential field extrapolation. We use the model to demonstrate that local horizontal structure is preserved across altitude in the central portions of solar coronal holes, up to at least 30 Rs, in agreement with observations. We argue that the preserved horizontal structure may be used to track the magnetic footpoint associated with the location of a hypothetical spacecraft traveling through the solar corona, to relate in situ measurements of the young solar wind at ∼10–30 Rs to particular source regions at the solar surface. Further, we discuss the relationship between readily observable geometrical distortions and physical parameters of interest such as the field-aligned current density.  相似文献   

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