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We compared the signals of several water column properties (upwelling intensity, sea level anomaly, temperature, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, and surface sediments) of the continental shelf off Concepción (36°S) during the 1997-1998 El Niño with those of a normal year (2002-2003). We found that the primary hydrographic effect of El Niño 1997-1998 was a reduction in the input of nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor Equatorial Subsurface Water over the shelf. This affected the biology of the water column, as evidenced by the reduced phytoplankton biomass. Surface sediment properties (biogenic opal, organic carbon, bulk δ15N) observed during El Niño 1997-1998 reflected a reduced export production and the sediments failed to show the water column seasonality that occurs under normal conditions. In addition, weakened denitrification and/or upper water column fertilization could be inferred from the sedimentary δ15N. Although diminished, export production was preserved in the surface sediments, revealing less degraded organic matter in the upwelling period of the El Niño year than in the normal year. We suggest that the fresher organic material on the seafloor was probably associated with a severe reduction in the polychaete Parapronospio pinnata, which is considered to be the most important metazoan remineralizer of organic carbon at the sediment-water interface in the study area.  相似文献   

The Impact of the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) and the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation(ENSO) event for Indonesian rainfall has been investigated for the period from 1950 to 2011. Inter-annual change of IOD and ENSO indices are used to investigate their relationship with Indonesian rainfall. By using the wavelet transform method, we found a positive significant correlation between IOD and Indonesian rainfall on the time scale of nearly 2.5–4 years.Furthermore, the positive significant correlation between ENSO(sea surface temperature anomaly at Ni?o3.4 area indices) and Indonesian rainfall exists for shorter than 2 years and between 5.5 to 6.5-year time scales.  相似文献   

为研究东部型和中部型两类厄尔尼诺(El Ni?o)事件与中国近海海表温度(sea surface temperature,SST)变化间的联系,基于中国科学院大气物理研究所连续80年(1940—2019年)的SST再分析数据,采用EOF分解、合成分析等方法做了初步分析,发现中国近海及毗邻海域近80年SST变化与全球变暖密切相关。并且两类El Ni?o事件对中国近海SST变化的影响存在显著差异。东部型El Ni?o事件发展过程中,中国近海及毗邻海域SST在发展年主要为负异常,衰退期为正异常;中部型ElNi?o事件发展过程中, SST变化区域差异大,发展年日本附近海域为正异常, 28°N以南为弱的负异常。两类El Ni?o事件引发西太平洋风场反气旋涡的时间、位置与强度等的不同,是造成中国近海风场与海表温度异常(sea surface temperature anomaly, SSTA)差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

Access to information about past states of the environment and social systems is fundamental to understand, and cope with, the challenges of climate change and over-exploitation of natural resources at the onset of the 21st century. The loss of (old) data is a major threat to understanding better and mitigating long-term effects of human activities and anthropogenic changes to the environment. Although this is intuitively evident for old and local literature of any kind, even present-day international publishing of papers without the underlying raw data makes access to basic information a crucial issue. Here, we summarise experience resulting from a EU-funded International Science & Technology Cooperation (INCO) project (CENSOR) addressing Coastal Ecosystem Research and Management in the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) context. We show that indeed “Grey Literature” is still one of the most important sources of knowledge about natural science research and management of natural resource systems in Latin American countries. We argue that public archiving of original data of present-day research and old (Grey) Literature and easy public access are important for appreciating today's global environmental challenges caused by human activities, both past and present.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in live and dead coral cover were documented at three localities off the Costa Rican central Pacific coast first in 1992 during the aftermath of the 1991–1992 El Niño; again in the period between 1994 and 1995, and last in January 2001. Recovery of coral communities after the 1991–1992 El Niño was expressed by a significant increase (~40 %) in 1994 of live coral cover at one locality (Manuel Antonio). A subsequent decrease (~50 %) in response to the very strong 1997–1998 episode was recorded at Manuel Antonio and Ballena, mainly due to partial tissue mortality of branching (Pocillopora spp.) and massive (Porites lobata) corals. Mortality of entire colonies associated to that event was scarce and confined to branching and nodular (Psammocora stellata) corals. This species was not found at one locality (Cambutal) in the 2001 survey and it is presumed locally extinct. The recovery of this coral and others will depend on recruits from surviving colonies in deeper waters and other coral communities in the vicinity. Within sites at a given locality, contrasting results in live coral cover variability were found. This is partially due to distinct coral assemblages, coral growth, physical exposure to tidal regime, and, related to the latter, variable duration and intensity of the warming event. In general, predominant meteorological conditions at the studied area are conducive to solar radiation (UV) stress during El Niño years and are related to changes in the atmosphere‐ocean interactions in response to the warming events.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of the temperature structure of the Kuroshio Extension is studied by establishing time series for the period 1950 to 1970 and then comparing it with the time series of sea level differences across the North Equatorial Current obtained by Wyrtki (1975). First, the present analysis shows a significant correlation between the interannual fluctuation of the Kuroshio Extension and the eddy activity south of the Kuroshio axis, suggesting the importance of the eddy-driven mechanism. Secondly, spectral analysis shows close connections between the Kuroshio Extension and the North Equatorial Current with a reasonable time lag of about 1.5 years. This time lag of the mid-latitude variability is also supported by other independent data. In particular, the present preliminary study strongly suggests that the bimodal behavior of the Kuroshio path south of Japan and the intensity of the Kuroshio Countercurrent are closely connected with the Southern Oscillation/El Niño.  相似文献   

A class of coupled system of the El Niño/La Niña-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) mechanism is studied. Using the perturbed theory, the asymptotic expansions of the solution for ENSO model are obtained and the asymptotic behavior of solution for corresponding problem is considered.  相似文献   

The 4.2 ka event that occurred during the period from 4 500–3 900 a BP was characterized by cold and dry climates and resulted in the collapse of civilizations around the world. The cause of this climatic event, however, has been under debate. We collected four corals(Porites lutea) from Yongxing Island, Xisha Islands, South China Sea, dated them with the U-series method, and measured the annual coral growth rates using X-ray technology. The dating results showed that the coral growth ages were from 4 500–3 900 a BP, which coincide well with the period of the4.2 ka event. We then reconstructed annual sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) variations based on the coral growth rates. The growth rate-based SSTA results showed that the interdecadal SSTA from 4 500–3 900 a BP was lower than that during modern times(1961–2008 AD). A spectral analysis showed that the SSTA variations from4 500–3 900 a BP were under the influence of El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) activities. From 4 500–4 100 a BP, the climate exhibited La Ni?a-like conditions with weak ENSO intensity and relatively stable and lower SSTA amplitudes. From 4 100–3 900 a BP, the climate underwent a complicated period of ENSO variability and showed alternating El Ni?o-or La Ni?a-like conditions at interdecadal time scales and large SSTA amplitudes. We speculate that during the early and middle stages of the 4.2 ka event, the cold climate caused by weak ENSO activities largely weakened social productivity. Then, during the end stages of the 4.2 ka event, the repeated fluctuations in the ENSO intensity caused frequent extreme weather events, resulting in the collapse of civilizations worldwide. Thus, the new evidence obtained from our coral records suggests that the 4.2 ka event as well as the related collapse of civilizations were very likely driven by ENSO variability.  相似文献   

谭晶  王彰贵  黄荣辉  蔡怡 《海洋学报》2017,39(11):61-74
利用1951—2015年NOAA气候预测中心的SST扩展重建资料(ERSST V3b)、国家气候中心提供的我国160站月降水量资料、美国国家环境预报中心/大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)提供的各气压层的水平风速、垂直速度和比湿资料,研究了印度洋不同海温模态对两类厄尔尼诺事件与我国南方秋季降水关系的影响。结果表明,虽然东部型(中部型)厄尔尼诺年秋季我国长江以南地区降水偏多(少),但当东部型厄尔尼诺与印度洋正偶极子同时发生年秋季,我国长江以南地区降水偏多的程度显著提高;当中部型厄尔尼诺与印度洋正偶极子同时发生年秋季,我国西南地区降水转为偏多,其他南方地区降水仍然偏少;当中部型厄尔尼诺与印度洋一致增暖型海温同时发生年秋季,我国整个长江以南地区降水偏少,且偏少的幅度要显著高于不考虑印度洋海温异常的情况。此外还对印度洋不同海温模态对两类厄尔尼诺事件与我国南方秋季降水关系的影响的环流成因进行了分析。  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature (SST) isoline charts that were manually mapped using in situ SST data and satellite-derived SST data are valuable because they incorporate oceanographers’ knowledge and experience. This type of SST data is useful for studying sea conditions of an area, for analyzing environmental factors that could affect fishing grounds, as a parameter for atmospheric or oceanic models, or as a diagnostic tool for comparison with the SSTs produced by ocean models. However, isoline maps must be digitized and interpolated into grid data in order to be used in these applications. Herein, we propose a coupled interpolation (CI), which couples improved multi-section interpolation and single-point change surface interpolation containing orientation, for generating grid data from SST isolines. We interpolated 1049 SST isoline maps (temperature interval 1°), which cover an area of the northwestern Pacific Ocean (125°E–180°E, 26°N–50°N) and were published by the Japan Fisheries Information Service Center (JAFIC) during 1990–2000, to grid datasets with 15′ grid resolution. We assessed the quality of grid datasets by checking noise points, RMSE analysis, checking offset errors, retrieving percentage of Kuroshio axes and visually comparing inverse isotherms with original isotherms. The quality analysis and comparison with four other interpolators showed the CI interpolator to be a good technique for generating SST grid data from isotherms. We also computed the SST anomaly (SSTA) using the SST grid datasets. The amplitude values of integral SSTA in the area of 31–46°N, 170–180°E were low, whereas they were high in the SW–NE rectangular area of 35–46°N, 142–160°E.  相似文献   

Time-series data from sediment trap moorings intermittently deployed during 1991–1999 show that the fluxes of biogenic material (carbonate, opal and organic matter, including amino acids) and other related parameters are temporally and spatially distinct across the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). These variations resulted from the El Niño and La Niña conditions, which alternately prevailed over the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the mooring deployments. The westernmost WPWP (a hemipelagic region) recorded relatively high average total mass and amino acid fluxes during the El Niño event. This was in sharp contrast to the eastern part of the WPWP (oligotrophic and weak upwelling regions) which recorded higher flux values during the La Niña event. Settling particulate organic matter was rich in labile components (amino acids) during La Niña throughout the study area. Relative molar ratios of aspartic acid to β-alanine together with relative molar content of non-protein amino acids β-alanine and γ-aminobutyric acid) suggested that organic matter degradation was more intense during La Niña relative to that during El Niño in the WPWP. This study clearly shows that during an El Niño event the well documented decrease in export flux in the easternmost equatorial Pacific is accompanied by a significant increase in export flux in the westernmost equatorial Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in coccolithophore abundance, chlorophyll, nutrients and production of particulate organic and inorganic carbon (POC and PIC) were determined along a coastal to oceanic east-west transect (Line P) culminating at Ocean Station Papa in the northeastern subarctic Pacific between 1998 and 2000. Offshore stations generally exhibited low seasonality in chlorophyll concentrations, with moderate seasonality in POC production. Near shelf stations showed a similar pattern to offshore stations, but were also characterized by sporadic events of higher POC productivity. During the 1998 El Niño, June was characterized by low chlorophyll and POC productivity along the transect, presumably as a result of depleted surface nitrate. In contrast, during the 1999 La Niña, and in 2000, higher POC productivity and surface nitrate occurred along the transect in June. Chlorophyll and POC productivity were similar in late summer in all 3 years. The coccolithophore population was usually numerically dominated by Emiliania huxleyi, particularly in June. Along the transect, abundance of coccolithophores was much higher in June during the 1998 El Niño (mean of 221 cells ml−1) than in the 1999 La Niña (mean of 40 cells ml−1), with their abundance in late summers of both years being very low. Abundances were even higher along the transect in June and the late summer of 2000 with sporadic ‘blooms’ of >1000 cells ml−1 at some stations (cruise averages 395 and 552 cell ml−1, respectively). Production rates of PIC did not consistently correlate with areas of high coccolithophore abundance. PIC production was high (100-250 mg C m−2 d−1) along the transect during June 1998, and low (1-40 mg C m−2 d−1) during both winters, June 1999 and during late summers of 1998 and 1999. The year 2000 was more complicated, with high rates of PIC production accompanying high abundance of coccolithophores in late summer, but lower rates of PIC production accompanying high coccolithophore numbers in June. Our data suggest that the abundance of coccolithophores and the production rates of PIC in the subarctic are higher than previously thought. Occasional PIC:POC production ratios of 1 or greater in 1998 and 2000 suggest that coccolithophores in this region could have a significant impact on the efficiency of the biological carbon pump.  相似文献   

In the previous study, merged sea surface temperature (SST) dataset called “New Generation SST” has been produced from several infrared and microwave satellite SSTs through an objective mapping. Here we examine the merged SST by comparison with moored buoy SST at 1 m depth, which is treated as true sea surface temperature. Comparison between wavelet spectra of merged and buoy SSTs shows that the former have larger amplitudes than those of the latter, which is partly explained as an aliasing effect due to TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) aboard Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) sampling on merged products. Coherency between wavelet-decomposed merged and buoy SSTs has high values in autumn and low ones in winter to spring. In winter, phase differences between them are positive, meaning that wavelet components of merged SST lag those of buoy SST. Reasons for delay and low coherency are: (1) seasonal components of merged SSTs are strongly affected by a lack of infrared SSTs due to clouds in winter, and (2) small-scale oceanic features, undetectable by coarse-resolution microwave SSTs, are blurred by the merging process. Improvements of merging methodology are discussed with regard to present study results.  相似文献   

为解决海洋中大量观测数据只含有温度剖面而缺乏盐度观测的问题, 基于历史观测的温盐剖面资料, 考虑到盐度卫星数据的发展, 采用回归分析方法, 在孟加拉湾建立了盐度与温度、经纬度、表层盐度的关系, 并对不同反演方法的反演结果进行检验评估。结果发现, 在不引入海表盐度(sea surface salinity, SSS)时, 最佳反演模型是温度、温度的二次项与经纬度确定的回归模型, 而SSS的引入则可以进一步优化反演结果。将反演结果与观测结果进行对比, 显示用反演的盐度剖面计算的比容海面高度误差超过2cm, 而引入SSS后的误差低于1.5cm。SSS的引入能够较为真实地反映海洋盐度场的垂直结构和内部变化特征, 既能够捕捉到对上混合层有重要影响的SSS信号, 又能够反映盐度在跃层上的季节内变化以及盐度障碍层的季节变化。水团分析显示, 与气候态相比, 盐度反演结果可以更好地表征海洋上层水团的变化特征。  相似文献   

A class of E1 Niйo atmospheric physics oscillation model is considered. The E1 Niйo atmospheric physics oscillation is an abnormal phenomenon involved in the tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere interactions. The conceptual oscillator model should consider the variations of both the eastern and western Pacific anomaly patterns. An E1 Niйo atmospheric physics model is proposed using a method for the variational iteration theory. Using the variational iteration method, the approximate expansions of the solution of corresponding problem are constructed. That is, firstly, introducing a set of functional and accounting their variationals, the Lagrange multiplicators are counted, and then the variational iteration is defined, finally, the approximate solution is obtained. From approximate expansions of the solution, the zonal sea surface temperature anomaly in the equatorial eastern Pacific and the thermocline depth anomaly of the sea-air oscillation for E1 Niйo atmospheric physics model can be analyzed. E1 Niйo is a very complicated natural phenomenon. Hence basic models need to be reduced for the sea-air oscillator and are solved. The variational iteration is a simple and valid approximate method.  相似文献   

Juan  Tarazona  Wolf E.  Arntz Elba  Canahuire 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):425-446
Abstract. Monthly changes in the community structure of hypoxic soft-bottom macrobenthos have been studied at a station at 34 m depth in Ancón Bay (Peru) before and during two El Niño (EN) events. Of these events, 1982-83 is considered the strongest, and 1991–93 one of the most prolonged in the 20th century. On the oceanographic scale, EN 1982–83 ranges as "very strong", whereas EN 1991–93 ranges as "moderate".
The thermal anomalies at the station during EN 1982–83 (+ 7.8 °C) were almost twice those of EN 1991–93 (+ 4.1 °C). However, the community changes were not in all cases proportional to the extent of warming. Species numbers increased in a similar way (up to 24 species from near zero in each of the two events), but maximum faunal density was five times higher, and mean biomass was twice as high in 1982–83 compared with the event a decade later. Species diversity was slightly higher during EN 1982–83, whereas successional and trophic changes occurred on a broader scale during EN 1991–93. On the whole, the impact of the long-lasting event on the small soft-bottom macrofauna was not much weaker than that of the exceptionally strong event.
The authors discuss the mechanisms which may be responsible for the differences and similarities encountered in the benthic community dynamics during these two events. Both in the unusually strong and the unusually long EN, the community revealed a pattern of early biological response several months ahead of the onset of local warming which marks the official begin of EN. The question is addressed to what extent the increase of certain parameters in the benthic community could be used for predictive purposes.  相似文献   

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