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Scallops and flutes are common dissolution rock forms encountered in karst caves and surface streams. Their evolution is only partially understood and no numerical model that simulates their formation has been presented. This work at least partially fills the gap by introducing a numerical approach to simulate the evolution of different initial forms of soluble surfaces embedded in a turbulent fluid. The aim is to analyze wall dissolution phenomena from basic principles and to identify stable profiles. The analysis is based on a finite volume moving boundary method. The underlying mathematical model is a \(k-\epsilon \) turbulent model for fluid flow coupled with turbulent scalar transport. The rock wall is treated as a moving boundary, where the normal wall retreat velocity is proportional to the under-saturation of the boundary fluid cells with respect to the mineral comprising the wall. As the flow time scale is several orders of magnitude smaller than the dissolution time scale, stationary flow field, concentration field and wall propagation velocity are calculated for each iteration. The boundary at all points is then moved by distracting minimal velocity along the entire boundary from the actual velocity at a certain location, and then normalized to the maximum allowed shift, which is equal to half the height of the boundary cell. In this way only deformation of the initial wall is calculated. The method was applied to several different initial profiles. During the evolution, the profiles progressively converged towards stable forms. In this work, a framework is proposed for a computation of the moving boundary problem related to slow dissolution of a soluble surface.  相似文献   

嵇少丞  龙长兴  夏斌 《地质学报》2006,80(12):1919-1929
褶皱是挤压造山带中最普遍的地质构造,但是为什么在地震反射剖面上却极少呈现褶皱呢?本文从一个构造地质学者的角度出发,数值模拟了几种常见褶皱构造的地震波反射响应。结果表明,传统的反射地震技术并不能正确成像闭合褶皱、斜歪或倒转褶皱及二级以上的多级复合褶皱。褶皱陡倾翼的反射消失,而褶皱转折端的反射形成一系列断断续续分布的假水平层理,这些假水平层理在下地壳中极易被错误地解释成由地壳拉张形成的水平构造层理或由底侵作用形成的水平基性岩席。笔者认为,老、中、新褶皱造山带的下地壳中大多数不连续水平反射可能是由褶皱造成的。  相似文献   

川东“侏罗山式”褶皱的数值模拟及成因探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过采用有限差分法(FLAC)对“侏罗山式”褶皱进行数值模拟发现,层间粘聚力差异和上覆压力是控制隔档式褶皱、隔槽式褶皱样式的主要因素,即层间的能干性差异和埋深的控制。当地层在埋深较浅时,层间能干性差异对褶皱样式起主控作用,能干性差异小时出现隔槽式褶皱,差异大时出现隔档式褶皱。随着埋深加大,压力逐渐起主要作用,这时仅出现隔槽式褶皱。川东东带褶皱地层总体上层间能干性差异小,因而盖层的深部与浅部皆出现隔槽式褶皱,与模拟结果一致。西带褶皱地层总体层间能干性差异大,因而浅部出现隔档式褶皱。而其深部的下古生界地层主要受上覆压力控制,根据模拟推测应为隔槽式褶皱。  相似文献   

鄰士  王朝钧 《地质论评》1947,12(Z2):293-298
第一章构造地质学(即全书之绪论)1.构造地质学之意义及其与他种地质学科之关系。2.因研究之范围及方法不同,构造地质学复可分为三部分。3.本书研讨之范围。  相似文献   

川东侏罗山式褶皱构造带的物理模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
川东地区发育一系列NE走向的侏罗山式褶皱构造,按照褶皱的组合形态,自东向西发育隔槽式褶皱和隔档式褶皱,齐岳山断裂是二者的分界线。本文采取物理模拟手段对川东侏罗山式褶皱形成的控制因素进行实验研究,选取硅树脂模拟滑脱层,石英砂和微玻璃珠模拟沉积盖层,改变盖层与基底之间摩擦力、盖层的物性、滑脱层的埋藏深度等因素。模拟实验研究表明,滑脱层的深度和盖层性质是川东侏罗山式褶皱形成的主要控制因素。齐岳山断裂以东地区主要是下寒武统膏页岩充当滑脱层,滑脱层埋深较大,地表构造形态表现为隔槽式褶皱;齐岳山断裂以西地区,下二叠统泥质灰岩充当滑脱层,埋深较浅,盖层表现为隔档式褶皱。微玻璃珠是模拟侏罗山式褶皱较好的实验材料,推测川东薄皮构造带形成时候以塑形变形为主。  相似文献   

The relevance of research underlies in the fact that numerical models of technogenic rock arrays can predict and evaluate structural and mechanical properties, which are very difficult or even impossible to study instrumentally. It is possible to simulate the technogenic rock array’s structure by the method of discrete elements, where each particle in the array structure is described separately. The article contains the method of numerical simulation of structure of bulk disjointed rock array, describes the basic initial and boundary conditions of the model; represents the visualization of numerical model of the array created with peripheral dumping (as the array with more textured and visual segregated granulometric composition). The ways of application of technogenic rock array numerical modeling in the mining process are described. Comparative analysis of real and simulated array structure shows the adequacy of the numerical model and the algorithm developed for its creation. In addition, the adequacy of the model is supported by a high convergence of the experimental and calculated dependence of the filtration rate values upon the particle size distribution of technogenic rock arrays.  相似文献   

油气田开发阶段的构造地质学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对东部复杂断块油田滚动勘探开发的需要提出的小断层数量与可能分布位置的定量预测及其导流性研究,对油藏渗流系统的评价具有重要作用.油层和储层顶面的微幅度构造研究,对油水运动规律和油田开发高含水期剩余油分布的预测有重要的指导作用.储层中裂缝的分布影响着低渗透油田开发井网的部署及注水开发的效果,对裂缝参数的定量描述与井间预测以及分组裂缝渗透性的综合评价是低渗透油田合理高效开发的关键.古构造应力场控制了储层构造裂缝的形成与分布,现今构造应力场影响着各组裂缝目前的保存状态及其渗透率各向异性,同时还是确定合理注水压力、射孔方案和压裂改造设计的重要依据.  相似文献   

Summary A pillar failure at shallow depth of overburden, featuring the recent formation of subvertical open cracks in the rock was observed. An extensive laboratory test program including Brazilian tests, uniaxial and triaxial compression tests for obtaining strength and deformation characteristics of the limestone was executed. Strength from single and multiple failure triaxial compression tests on intact rock and from tests on small scale rock mass specimens were obtained. Classification of the rock mass was conducted for use with the Hoek-Brown strength criterion. Numerical analysis shows that the strength of the rock mass exceeds by far the applied stress, suggesting a stable pillar. This typical rock engineering approach to assess rock mass stability is shown to be inadequate.  相似文献   

张猛  贾东  王毛毛  李志刚  李一泉 《地质论评》2013,59(6):1207-1217
斜向逆冲作用在自然界普遍存在,研究斜向逆冲断层相关褶皱的构造几何学特征,识别断层相关褶皱是否存在斜向逆冲有重要意义。文章采用Trishear 4.5、Gocad以及Trishear3D软件构建一系列不同滑移量的断层转折褶皱和断层传播褶皱的二维正演剖面,通过连接一系列不同排列方式的二维剖面建立了三种不同逆冲滑移方向的断层转折褶皱和断层传播褶皱的假三维模型,通过不同假三维模型的比较分析来探讨斜向逆冲断层相关褶皱的构造几何学特征。研究发现,斜向逆冲断层相关褶皱区别于正向逆冲断层相关褶皱的特征主要有两点:① 正向逆冲断层相关褶皱层面等高线图上的最高点与后翼等高线中点的连线以及水平切面上的核心点与后翼中点的连线方向均与断层走向垂直,而斜向逆冲断层相关褶皱的最高点以及核心点与后翼中点的连线方向均与断层走向斜交,并且最高点与后翼等高线中点的连线方向或者核心点与后翼中点的连线方向均与逆冲滑移方向一致;② 在褶皱平行断层走向纵剖面上,正向逆冲断层相关褶皱各个层面最高点的连线是直立的,而斜向逆冲断层相关褶皱各个层面最高点的连线发生倾斜。通过这两个特征可以判别褶皱是否存在斜向逆冲以及逆冲的方向。将模型分析结果运用到四川盆地西南部三维地震勘探资料所覆盖的邛西背斜和大兴西背斜的实例中。研究结果表明,两个背斜均存在右旋斜向逆冲,逆冲方向与各自断层走向的夹角均为70°左右,邛西背斜和大兴西背斜的逆冲方向分别是NE79°和NE77°左右,这与龙门山南段晚上新世以来的主应力方向以及反演的汶川地震最大主应力方向一致。  相似文献   

亚洲大陆晚新生代和现代构造变形以活动地块为主要特征,表现为在统一构造格局下不同地块间具有不同的运动方式和速度。为了研究这些具有不同运动学性质块体间的相互作用以及构造变形特征,基于亚洲大陆的总体构造格局构建了二维有限元模型。根据模拟结果,对比已知GPS数据、震源机制解以及地质调查数据等,定量分析了大陆内部主要活动地块构造应力场的分布特征,并探讨了影响亚洲大陆现今构造变形特征的主要因素。结果表明:在我国的西部陆块内,由于周边一系列近EW向弧形活动构造带的存在,导致其内部次级块体运动速率的衰减,从而进一步导致应力环境的变化,由青藏中部的挤压-拉张环境逐渐转变为塔里木、天山地区的完全挤压环境;在西伯利亚地块和印度板块的联合挤压作用下,华北地块上地壳的应力表现为较弱的挤压环境,而在该种应力环境下块体内部伸展构造的成因很可能与其深部的动力学环境有关;华南地块的运动方向与台湾造山带相反,从而形成一个秦岭-大别造山带以南的较强烈的挤压-拉张区;在印度-澳大利亚板块和菲律宾俯冲板块的联合挤压作用下,巽他地块作为华南地块和印支地块的逃逸窗口,表现出以婆罗洲、南海为中心近圆弧形的弱挤压区以及环绕挤压区外缘挤压-拉张区的应力分布特征。  相似文献   

深水褶皱冲断带的构造形态和特征会随着时间而变化进而影响深水油气勘探开发,而针对这个方面的研究在西北婆罗洲褶皱冲断带内相对薄弱.利用地震和地质相结合的方法,确定了逆冲相关褶皱的构造样式,探讨了其形成演化过程和主控因素,建立了研究区逆冲相关褶皱成藏模式.结果表明:研究区深水褶皱冲断带内发育隐伏型、顶部断裂型、滑塌型以及埋藏型4种逆冲相关褶皱构造样式,且平面上这4种逆冲相关褶皱自海向陆依次发育,其中隐伏型背斜褶皱幅度较低,海底无突出地形显示,主要发育于褶皱冲断带最前端;顶部断裂型背斜在海底有清晰的地形显示,以背斜顶部断裂发育为特征;滑塌型背斜顶部受正断层效应影响,翼部发育块体滑塌沉积;埋藏型背斜主要发育于现今陆架边缘附近,上覆厚层沉积层,在海底无突出地形表现.研究区所发育的4种逆冲相关褶皱构造是成因上有密切联系的统一整体,一个典型逆冲相关褶皱的形成大致经历滑脱、初始逆冲、强烈逆冲和埋藏4个阶段,依次发育隐伏型、顶部断裂型、滑塌型以及埋藏型4种背斜构造样式.同时,沿逆冲褶皱冲断带走向,受地形、沉积物供给、天然气水合物发育等因素控制,在同一挤压应力作用下,不同部位发育的逆冲相关褶皱样式存在差异性.在这种特殊的构造背景下,研究区发育独特的断裂控藏模式,极具勘探潜力.   相似文献   

Many natural phenomena exhibit size distributions that are power laws or power law type distributions. Power laws are specific in the sense that they can exhibit extremely long or heavy tails. The largest event in a sample from such distribution usually dominates the underlying physical or generating process (floods, earthquakes, diamond sizes and values, incomes, insurance). Often, the practitioner is faced with the difficult problem of predicting values far beyond the highest sample value and designing his system either to profit from them, or to protect against extreme quantiles. In this paper, we present a novel approach to estimating such heavy tails. The estimation of tail characteristics such as the extreme value index, extreme quantiles, and percentiles (rare events) is shown to depend primarily on the number of extreme data that are used to model the tail. Because only the most extreme data are useful for studying tails, thresholds must be selected above which the data are modeled as power laws. The mean square error (MSE) is used to select such thresholds. A semiparametric bootstrap method is developed to study estimation bias and variance and to derive confidence limits. A simulation study is performed to assess the accuracy of these confidence limits. The overall methodology is applied to the Harvard Central Moment Tensor catalog of global earthquakes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present three diverse types of applications of extreme value statistics in geology, namely: earthquakes magnitudes, diamond values, and impact crater size distribution on terrestrial planets. Each of these applications has a different perspective toward tail modeling, yet many of these phenomena exhibit heavy or long tails which can be modeled by power laws. It is shown that the estimation of important tail characteristics, such as the extreme value index, is directly linked to the interpretation of the underlying geological process. Only the most extreme data are useful for studying such phenomena, so thresholds must be selected above which the data become power laws. In the case of earthquake magnitudes, we investigate the use of extreme value statistics in predicting large events on the global scale and for shallow intracontinental earthquakes in Asia. Large differences are found between estimates obtained from extreme value statistics and the usually applied standard statistical techniques. In the case of diamond deposits, we investigate the impact of the most precious stones in the global valuation of primary deposits. It is shown that in the case of Pareto-type behavior, the expected value of few extreme stones in the entire deposit has considerable influence on the global valuation. In the case of impact crater distributions, we study the difference between craters distributions on Earth and Mars and distributions occurring on other planets or satellites within the solar system. A striking result is that all planets display the same distributional tail except for Earth and Mars. In a concluding account, we demonstrate the apparent loghyperbolic variation in all of the above-mentioned examples.  相似文献   

Stochastic Structural Modeling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A consistent stochastic model for faults and horizons is described. The faults are represented as a parametric invertible deformation operator. The faults may truncate each other. The horizons are modeled as correlated Gaussian fields and are represented in a grid. Petrophysical variables may be modeled in a reservoir before faulting in order to describe the juxtaposition effect of the faulting. It is possible to condition the realization on petrophysics, horizons, and fault plane observations in wells in addition to seismic data. The transmissibility in the fault plane may also be included in the model. Four different methods to integrate the fault and horizon models in a common model is described. The method is illustrated on an example from a real petroleum field with 18 interpreted faults that are handled stochastically.  相似文献   

Based on analyses of the share of documents of structural geology and tectonics in the GeoRef system over 100 years in the last century, and the historical change of international (31 years) and domestic (16 years) document counts of various topics in structural geology and tectonics, the position of structural geology and tectonics in the geosciences is evaluated and the major advaces in fields of plate tectonics, continental dynamics and global dynamics are reviewed. Our attention mainly focuses on the advances in studies of structural analysis, deformation mechanisms and rheology of rocks, contractional tectonics and late- and post-orogenic extensional collapse in orogens, large-scale strikeslip faults and indentation-extrusion tectonics, active tectonics and natural hazards. The relationships of structural geology and tectonics with petrology and geochronology are also discussed in terms of intersection of scientific disciplines. Finally, some suggestions are proposed for the further development of structural geology and tectonics in China.  相似文献   

分形概念及其在构造地质研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分形理论是现代非线性科学中的一个重要的分支,是科学研究中一种重要的数学工具和手段。分维值可以定量描述断裂分布的复杂性,它是断层数量、规模、发育程度、组合方式的综合体现,分维值越高,则构造越复杂,对煤矿生产的影响越大。简述了分形基本概念和常用分形维数的几种计算方法,通过实例重点介绍了分形理论在油气构造和矿井地质构造研究领域中的应用状况。  相似文献   

Petrological and isotopic evidence suggests that the protolith of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane was Precambrian continental crust consisting of granite, granodiorite, gabbro, marble, and basic dikes, with local granulite-facies assemblages. Around 220 Ma this unit of continental rocks was buried to depths up of ~120 km within the mantle. Structures formed during exhumation suggest highly mobile behavior of acidic rocks, even under conditions of very low water activity. Petrological studies show that the Sulu terrane underwent isothermal decompression, which implies relatively rapid exhumation, and suggests that the role of melting during exhumation may have been underestimated. The later stages of exhumation are associated with NW-SE-directed tectonic transport and the formation of at least one major normal detachment.  相似文献   

Wang  Shenghou  Cai  Zhongxian  Si  Xu  Cui  Yatong 《Mathematical Geosciences》2023,55(2):163-200
Mathematical Geosciences - Three-dimensional geological structure analysis is fundamental to geoscientific research. With the application of artificial intelligence in geological structure...  相似文献   

扬子板块北缘中段多期褶皱构造的变形特征及叠加关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扬子板块北缘在中生代期间经历多期构造变形,早期形成的构造样式多被后期的构造变形改造破坏,仅在大巴山弧形断裂和大洪山弧形带之间的南漳一带较好地保存了早期的构造变形样式。笔者通过对当阳复向斜北段发育的褶皱构造的构造要素测量统计和褶皱叠加关系的解析,在扬子板块北缘中段南漳一带识别出三期走向不同的褶皱叠加构造,按发育早晚顺序分别为NW-SE走向褶皱、NE-SW走向褶皱和近EW走向褶皱,分别对应扬子板块向北俯冲以及后期转入陆内变形、江南–雪峰褶皱逆冲带向NW逆冲推覆和晚侏罗世到早白垩世期间大巴山向SW推进等构造变形过程。  相似文献   

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