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The final dynamical collapse of oxygen cores of 103 and 104 M which undergo the pair formation instability is computed. These cores are found to suffer complete collapse, presumably to form black holes, in contrast to cores of 100M which have previously been found to explode completely, leaving no remnant. These calculations represent a first attempt to ascertain the outcome of evolution over several decades of mass previously unexplored. The outcome may have some relevance to models of X-ray sources in globular clusters.  相似文献   

The collapse of iron-oxygen stars with masses of 2M has been calculated. The commencement of the collapse is due to dissociation of iron-group nuclei into free nucleons. After a while, the collapse proceeds in consequence of intensive energy losses due to neutrino volume radiation. At an intermediate stage of the collapse, the core — opaque with respect to neutrino radiation (neutrino core) — is formed inside the collapsing star. Both the gradual increase of the mass of the neutrino core and the partial absorption of neutrinos radiated from the surface of the neutrino core by the stellar envelope (deposition) were taken into account in our calculations. The kinetics of oxygen burning in the outer layers of the envelope was also allowed for. Neither the deposition, nor the oxygen burning, result in ejection of stellar envelopes.  相似文献   

The results obtained from our IUE observations of some Scuti stars and in particular 71 Tau and 69 Tau are reviewed. 71 Tau is the second brightest X-ray source of the Hyades cluster; on the contrary 69 Tau, very similar to 71 Tau in the optical range, does not show X emissions. The complex and in somewhat controversial scenario obtained from this survey is also discussed. In particular we consider the X-ray emission detected in some Scuti with respect to the chromospheric activity level as measured through the MgII line and to other stellar parameters.  相似文献   

8M⊙恒星演化过程中湍流应力作用效果的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以恒星结构与演化理论中常用的混合程理论为基础,将湍流作用表现出来的宏观应力引入恒星结构与演化模型中的流体静力学平衡方程.通过计算8M⊙恒星从主序星到早期AGB星演化过程中湍流应力梯度与引力的比值来研究湍流作用对恒星演化与结构的影响.结果发现:在核燃烧阶段其比值很小,湍流作用几乎可以忽略;但在RGB和早期AGB演化阶段,发现在恒星外部存在一个湍流应力梯度为引力的几倍到几十倍的很小区域,而该小区域以外的对流区内湍流作用力能达到引力的65%,这些对AGB星的中心温度变化与热脉动发生的时间等恒星结构与演化规律有不同程度的影响.  相似文献   

Summary. Soft X–ray Transients (SXRTs) have long been suspected to contain old, weakly magnetic neutron stars that have been spun up by accretion torques. After reviewing their observational properties, we analyse the different regimes that likely characterise the neutron stars in these systems across the very large range of mass inflow rates, from the peak of the outbursts to the quiescent emission. While it is clear that close to the outburst maxima accretion onto the neutron star surface takes place, as the mass inflow rate decreases, accretion might stop at the magnetospheric boundary because of the centrifugal barrier provided by the neutron star. For low enough mass inflow rates (and sufficiently short rotation periods), the radio pulsar mechanism might turn on and sweep the inflowing matter away. The origin of the quiescent emission, observed in a number of SXRTs at a level of , plays a crucial role in constraining the neutron star magnetic field and spin period. Accretion onto the neutron star surface is an unlikely mechanism for the quiescent emission of SXRTs, as it requires very low magnetic fields and/or long spin periods. Thermal radiation from a cooling neutron star surface in between the outbursts can be ruled out as the only cause of the quiescent emission. We find that accretion onto the neutron star magnetosphere and shock emission powered by an enshrouded radio pulsar provide far more plausible models. In the latter case the range of allowed neutron star spin periods and magnetic fields is consistent with the values recently inferred from the properties of kHz quasi-periodic oscillation in low mass X–ray binaries. If quiescent SXRTs contain enshrouded radio pulsars, they provide a missing link between X–ray binaries and millisecond pulsars. Received 4 November 1997; Accepted 15 April 1998  相似文献   

T Tauri stars are young stars usually surrounded by dusty disks similar to the one from which we believe our own Solar System formed. Most T Tauri stars exhibit a broad emission or absorption band between 7.5 and 13.5µm which is attributed to silicate grains in the circumstellar environment. We imaged three spatially resolved T Tauri binaries through a set of broadband filters which include the spectral region occupied by the silicate band. Two of these objects (T Tauri and Haro 6–10) are infrared companion systems in which one component is optically much fainter but contributes strongly in the infrared. Both infrared companions exhibit a deep silicate absorption which is not present in their primaries, indicating that they suffer very strong local extinction which may be due to an edge-on circumstellar disk or to a dense shell. We also took low resolution spectra of the silicate feature of two unresolved T Tauris to look for narrow features in the silicate band which would indicate the presence of specific minerals such as olivine. We observed GK Tau, for which Cohen and Witteborn (1985) reported a narrow emission feature at 9.7µm, but do not find evidence for this feature, and conclude that it is either time-dependent or an artifact of absorption by telluric ozone.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Evolutionary tracks from the zero age main sequence to the asymptotic giant branch were computed for stars with initial masses 2 M M ZAMS ≤ 5 M and metallicity Z = 0.02. Some models of evolutionary sequences were used as initial conditions for equations of radiation hydrodynamics and turbulent convection describing radial stellar pulsations. The early asymptotic giant branch stars are shown to pulsate in the fundamental mode with periods 30 day ? Π ? 400day. The rate of period change gradually increases as the star evolves but is too small to be detected (Π?/Π < 10?5 yr?1). Pulsation properties of thermally pulsing AGB stars are investigated on time intervals comprising 17 thermal pulses for evolutionary sequences with initial masses M ZAMS = 2 M and 3 M and 6 thermal pulses for M ZAMS = 4 M and 5 M . Stars with initial masses M ZAMS ≤ 3 M pulsate either in the fundamental mode or in the first overtone, whereas more massive red giants (M ZAMS ≥ 4 M ) pulsate in the fundamental mode with periods Π ? 103 day. Most rapid pulsation period change with rate ?0.02 yr?1 ? Π?/Π ? ?0.01 yr?1 occurs during decrease of the surface luminosity after the maximum of the luminosity in the helium shell source. The rate of subsequent increase of the period is Π?/Π ? 5 × 10?3 yr?1.  相似文献   

We present and discuss IR observations for 35 stars of different variability types averaged over many years. These include about twenty symbiotic stars, four W Ser stars and one Algol, six Miras, etc.  相似文献   

Evolutionary sequences are computed from the main sequence to central helium exhaustion for a 15M star, with an initial composition ofX=0.70,Y=0.27,Z=0.03. Parallel sequences are computed to investigate the effects of different mass loss rates on the evolution of the star. These rates are chosen to reflect the physical causes of the mass loss, and occur at all phases of evolution. One sequence without, and one with, mass loss are recomputed, allowing for semiconvection and full convection in intermediate mass zones, using the Schwarzschild and Härm criterion for convective neutrality.Low to moderate rates of mass loss in the early evolutionary phases shift the evolution to lower luminosities and effective temperatures, but do not radically alter the form of evolution. However, the resulting evolutionary sequences can be up to 25% undermassive for their luminosity as they enter the red giant branch (RGB). Most sequences evolve through a subsequent stable blue phase (the blue loop), which is shifted to lower luminosities and effective temperatures by the previous mass loss and is also widened. This blue loop is suppressed if approximately 10% of the stellar mass is lost in the RGB. Mass loss delays the evolution of the central region of the star relative to that of the outer region, so that central helium ignition and exhaustion are displaced to later points on the evolutionary tracks. Mass loss also reduces the size of the helium core, although its mass fraction is larger.If semiconvective and intermediate fully convective zones are included, then in a sequence without mass loss these zones greatly alter the chemical profile of the model. The sequence evolves at a higher luminosity, with a stable blue supergiant phase occurring prior to the RGB. Central helium exhaustion occurs during the ascent of the RGB. However, if mass loss is included, the extent of these zones is drastically reduced, and the evolutionary pattern is similar to that without such zones. No blue loop is found.Observations indicate that the blue supergiant region is wider and bluer than predicted by previous evolutionary calculations. The present results show that mass loss widens and reddens this phase. Hence, the inclusion of other factors will be necessary to reconcile theory and observations.  相似文献   

A model of a first generation intermediate star of 5M , with Z=0 has been considered. The model is at an advanced stage of its evolution and has a double shell burning. It burns helium in the inner shell, and hydrogen, via CNO cycle, in the outer shell. =(log/log) T and T =(log/logT) were computed allowing for the oscillations of the relative mass abundance of the reagents in nuclear reactions. Including =(log/log) T and =(log/logT) of mean molecular weight and the effect of the oscillations of abundances due to nuclear reactions, stability was studied. Contrary to the results of the static calculations, we found that instability due to the excitation mechanism provided by the high temperature sensitivity of energy generation rate propagates up to the surface. Thus the model in question was found to be unstable against radial adiabatic pulsations, in its fundamental mode.  相似文献   

Predictions are presented for 78 close approaches by Mercury to stars in the SAO catalog between 1 January 1987 and 31 December 1995. No easily observable occultations were found, but 7 occultations of stars with visual magnitudes of 7 or fainter were found. These events are presented for the use of observers searching for material in the vicinity of Mercury and for those who need close bright stars for the improvement of ground-based images of Mercury.  相似文献   

We present a variety of well behaved classes of Charge Analogues of Tolman’s iv (1939). These solutions describe charged fluid balls with positively finite central pressure, positively finite central density; their ratio is less than one and causality condition is obeyed at the centre. The outmarch of pressure, density, pressure-density ratio and the adiabatic speed of sound is monotonically decreasing, however, the electric intensity is monotonically increasing in nature. These solutions give us wide range of parameter for every positive value of n for which the solution is well behaved hence, suitable for modeling of super dense stars. keeping in view of well behaved nature of these solutions, one new class of solutions is being studied extensively. Moreover, this class of solutions gives us wide range of constant K (0.3≤K≤0.91) for which the solution is well behaved hence, suitable for modeling of super dense stars like Strange Quark stars, Neutron stars and Pulsars. For this class of solutions the mass of a star is maximized with all degree of suitability, compatible with Quark stars, Neutron stars and Pulsars. By assuming the surface density ρ b =2×1014 g/cm3 (like, Brecher and Caporaso in Nature 259:377, 1976), corresponding to K=0.30 with X=0.39, the resulting well behaved model has the mass M=2.12M Θ, radius r b ≈15.27 km and moment of inertia I=4.482×1045 g cm2; for K=0.4 with X=0.31, the resulting well behaved model has the mass M=1.80M Θ, radius r b ≈14.65 km and moment of inertia I=3.454×1045 g cm2; and corresponding to K=0.91 with X=0.135, the resulting well behaved model has the mass M=0.83M Θ, radius r b ≈11.84 km and moment of inertia I=0.991×1045 g cm2. For n=0 we rediscovered Pant et al. (in Astrophys. Space Sci. 333:161, 2011b) well behaved solution. These values of masses and moment of inertia are found to be consistent with other models of Neutron stars and Pulsars available in the literature and are applicable for the Crab and the Vela Pulsars.  相似文献   

The hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars are considered to be core He-burning stars with surface temperatures T eff up to 40?000 K and log?g≥5. They are UV bright and ultraviolet observatories have a significant impact on studies of these objects. Using the technical characteristics of the instruments of the World Space Observatory–Ultraviolet (WSO–UV) mission and data from previous UV studies of sdBs we estimate the limiting apparent magnitudes for these stars that can be observed with the signal-to-noise ratio required in fine spectroscopic analysis. WSO–UV is an international space observatory for observation in UV spectral range 100–350 nm, that is beyond the reach of ground-based instruments but where most of astrophysical processes can be efficiently studied with unprecedented capability. The WSO–UV project is currently funded by national space agencies of Russia and Spain with participation of Germany, Ukraine and China. The WSO–UV consists of a 1.7 m aperture telescope (under responsibility of Russia) with instrumentation designed to carry out high resolution spectroscopy, long-slit low resolution spectroscopy and direct sky imaging. The WSO–UV Ground Segment is under development by Spain and Russia. They will coordinate the Mission and Science Operations and provide the satellite tracking stations for the project. The WSO–UV will work as a targeted scientific observatory. The scientific program of the observatory is open to excellent scientific projects from the world-wide community and occupies up to 40% of total observational time.  相似文献   

V and I magnitudes are presented for 20 stars to be occulted by the Uranian rings during the period 1986–1990 and for 15 stars to be occulted by Saturn's rings during 1986–1991. K magnitudes for seven Uranus stars are presented. The occultation stars are up to one magnitude brighter in the K bandpass than one would predict on the basis of V-I colors alone. This effect can be explained by typical amounts of interstellar reddening.  相似文献   

We present the measurements of positional parameters of 194 nearby binary stars performed at the 6-m BTA telescope of the SAO RAS from 2002 through 2006 applying the speckle interferometric technique. The observations were conducted at central filter wavelengths ranging from 545 to 800 nm using a speckle interferometer equipped with a fast CCD and a three-stage image intensifier. A significant part of the observed systems (80 stars) are pairs, the duality of which was discovered or suspected from the Hipparcos satellite observations. The remaining stars are visual binaries and interferometric binary systems with orbital motion period estimates from several to tens of years, as well as the pairs with slow relative motion of the components, used for gaging the image scales and positional angle calibrations.  相似文献   

We present the results of speckle interferometric observations of 156 stars possessing global magnetic fields, carried out with the 6-m BTA telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. Virtually all stars were observed between 2010 and 2012. Thirty-four stars were resolved into individual components (31 double and 3 triple), of which 14 binary systems (BD+41○43, HD2887, HD30466, HD36540, HD36955, HD37479, HD61045, HD89069, HD144334, HD164258, HD349321, HD343872, HD184471, HD196691) and 2 triple systems (HD37140, HD338226) were for the first time resolved by the astrometric method.  相似文献   

Recently, the estimation of coronal magnetic field using new methods, such as standoff distance method or density compression ratio method has been reported. In the present work, we utilized the density compression ratio of CME-driven shocks for 10 events at 29 different locations in the upper solar corona (10–26R ) and determined the coronal magnetic field for two different adiabatic indices (γ=4/3 and 5/3). In addition, radial dependence of shock parameters in the corona is studied. It is found that the magnetic field estimated in the above range agree with the general trend. In addition, we obtained a radial profile of magnetic field [B(R)=623R ?1.4] in the entire upper corona (3–30R ) by combining the magnetic field estimated by Kim et al. (Astrophys. J. 746:118, 2012) in the range 3–15R and that estimated in the present study in the range (10–26R ). The power-law indices are nearly in agreement with recent results of CME-driven shocks reported in the literature. The results are discussed with the comparison of newly reported coronal magnetic field values obtained by different techniques and found that the power-law relation closely follow the literature values.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2004,9(1):33-42
We obtained low resolution (R=100) mid-infrared (8–13 μm wavelengths) spectra of 8 nearby young main sequence stars with the Keck 1 telescope and Long-Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) to search for 10 μm silicate (Si–O stretch) emission from circumstellar dust. No stars exhibited readily apparent emission: Spectra were then analyzed by least-squares fitting of a template based on a spectrum of Comet Hale-Bopp. Using this technique, we were able to constrain the level of silicate emission to a threshold 10 times below what was previously possible from space. We found one star, HD 17925, with a spectrum statistically different from its calibrator and consistent with a silicate emission peak of 7% of the photosphere at a wavelength of 10 μm. Excess emission at 60 μm from this star has already been reported.  相似文献   

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