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提出了利用多尺度球面小波解算GPS应变场的方法,该方法通过建立不规则分布的小波基函数以凸显测站非均匀分布的特征,获取不同空间尺度的应变场.通过对模拟数据进行对比分析验证该方法的有效性,模拟结果显示,多尺度球面小波应变计算方法稳健性较好.在位移场中加入高斯随机误差(均值为0.0 mm,标准差为0.5 mm)对应变计算结果的影响可忽略不计.从原有位移场随机抽取的60%的数据解算应变场时,仍然能够获取比较可靠的结果,但如果出现大范围的数据空缺,则会对应变结果产生明显影响.基于华北地区GPS测站原始观测数据,通过高精度数据处理方法解算了该区域GPS速度场,根据多尺度球面小波方法,解算了该区域的应变率场及其误差,并分析了其空间分布特征.  相似文献   

褚伟  徐亚  郝天珧 《地球物理学报》2022,65(6):2198-2209

基于球坐标系的地球物理反演能有效避免地球曲率的影响, 适用于大尺度构造研究.本文基于重力异常数据在球坐标系下反演莫霍面深度, 结合数据误差及光滑正则化项建立反演目标函数并求解, 同时将该方法应用于苏拉威西地区.苏拉威西地区具有复杂的断裂系统、年轻的俯冲带, 是研究俯冲起始机制等前沿科学问题的理想场所.目前研究区的地球物理观测尚不充分, 缺乏对莫霍面形成有效约束的地震数据, 对研究区莫霍面的整体认识较少.本文基于卫星重力观测数据, 通过匹配滤波方法提取与研究区莫霍面结构相关的重力异常, 并结合频谱分析确定该地区的莫霍面深度参考值.在反演中, 通过两次随机子抽样交叉验证选择最优的超参数, 包括正则化因子、莫霍面密度差以及参考莫霍面深度, 迭代反演获得莫霍面深度.反演结果表明: 研究区莫霍面平均深度为20.0 km, 深度变化范围为9.2~33.3 km.总体上, 海区莫霍面浅, 约10.0~20.0 km, 陆区莫霍面深, 约25.0~33.0 km, 该结果与Crust1.0全球模型、前人重力反演结果以及地震数据基本相符, 总体上反映了苏拉威西地区的莫霍面变化特征.


融合多源数据的高精度、高分辨率的局部重力场建模是物理大地测量学的前沿和热点问题.本文研究了基于径向基函数融合多源数据的局部重力场建模方法,利用Monte-Carlo方差分量估计实现了不同类型的观测数据的合理定权,引入了最小标准差法确定基函数的适宜网络,分析了地形因素对于基函数网络确定及局部重力场建模精度的影响.以泊松小波基函数为构造基函数,结合残差地形模型,融合实测的陆地重力异常、船载重力异常及航空重力扰动数据构建了局部区域陆海统一的似大地水准面模型.研究结果表明:引入残差地形模型平滑了地形质量引入的高频扰动信号,简化了基函数的网络设计;并提高了重力似大地水准面的精度,平原地区其精度提高了4 mm,地形起伏较大的山区其精度提高了约5 cm.总体而言,基于"三步法"构建的局部重力似大地水准面在荷兰、比利时及德国相关区域,其精度分别达到1.12 cm、2.80 cm以及2.92 cm.  相似文献   


随着跨大陆尺度的大地电磁(Magnetotellurics,简称MT)勘探的广泛开展,为了克服地球曲率带来的误差,有必要开展基于球坐标系下的3D MT正反演研究.该类正、反演问题的一个重要特点是所采用的频率往往比较低,在电磁场满足的偏微分方程中跟电导率有关的项几乎可以忽略.当采用数值方法进行该类电磁正演时,由于数值离散误差,正演算法无法模拟电性变化带来的电荷积累.因此在采用迭代求解器求解该类正演问题时,即使采用了传统的迭代电流散度校正技术,迭代求解器的收敛依然很慢.针对以上问题,本文显式地将散度校正项添加到原始控制方程中来对控制方程进行约束(为方便称之为正则化约束项),以保证每次迭代电流的散度为零.此方法避免了额外求解散度方程,以期显著提高球坐标系下3D MT正演效率.在正演中,采用球谐函数高阶项P10来近似MT的场源,在球坐标系下对加入了正则化约束项的正演方程进行有限差分离散.本文首先设计了一个一维层状结构模型,对本文所提算法的数值解与解析解进行了对比.然后设计了一个简单低阻模型和一个基于实测数据反演结果的Cascadia模型,测试了本文算法的数值表现.通过结果对比,验证了本文算法的正确性.数值表现测试结果显示相比于传统算法,本文算法在计算时间和迭代次数上都显著减少,而且不会随周期变化而发生显著变化.


A non‐parametric statistical method of tracking rapidly changing dynamical systems is introduced. The method implements the non‐linear wavelet thresholding estimator to estimate the evolutionary transfer function of the system. The consistency and optimality of the resulting estimate of our method on rapidly changing systems are stated, while no linear estimator can achieve the same optimality. Two examples of real data are studied using this non‐parametric method, including two vertical seismic array case studies and a series of seismic slope experiments. The analysis results are consistent with previous research for the vertical seismic array data. Moreover, our estimate is superior to those from previous research in the sense that our estimate is neither over‐smoothed nor under‐smoothed. The ana‐ lysis results are also consistent with the experimental observations for the seismic slope experimental data. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element model of the Irish and Celtic Sea regions with a range of grid resolutions is used to examine the influence of resolution upon the higher harmonics of the tide in the region. Comparisons are also made with published results from finite difference models of the area, and observations. Calculations using fine near-shore elements with non-zero water depths in coastal regions were found to be more accurate and less time consuming than those using a zero coastal water depth. A detailed examination of the spatial variability of the higher harmonics in near-shore regions of the eastern Irish Sea particularly the Solway and Morecambe Bay showed significant small-scale variability. This together with the variation in higher harmonics in the eastern Irish Sea and adjacent estuaries, clearly shows the need for an unstructured grid model of the region that can include the estuaries. To match the high resolution of the model in near-shore regions accurate high-resolution topography is required.  相似文献   

Predictions of present day secular variations in the Earth's long wavelength geopotential driven by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) have previously been analyzed to infer the radial profile of mantle viscosity and to constrain ongoing cryospheric mass balance. These predictions have been based on spherically symmetric Earth models. We explore the impact of lateral variations in mantle viscosity using a new finite-volume formulation for computing the response of 3-D Maxwell viscoelastic Earth models. The geometry of the viscosity field is constrained from seismic-to-mographic images of mantle structure, while the amplitude of the lateral viscosity variations is tuned by a free parameter in the modeling. We focus on the zonal ? harmonics for degrees = 2,…,8 and demonstrate that large-scale lateral viscosity variations of two to three orders of magnitude have a modest, 5-10%, impact on predictions of 2. In contrast, predictions of higher degree harmonics show a much greater sensitivity to lateral variation in viscosity structure. We conclude that future analyses of secular trends (for degree ? > 2) estimated from ongoing (GRACE, CHAMP) satellite missions must incorporate GIA predictions based on 3-D viscoelastic Earth models.  相似文献   

The choice of the optimal spherical radial basis function (SRBF) in local gravity field modelling from terrestrial gravity data is investigated. Various types of SRBFs are considered: the point-mass kernel, radial multipoles, Poisson wavelets, and the Poisson kernel. The analytical expressions for the Poisson kernel, the point-mass kernel and the radial multipoles are well known, while for the Poisson wavelet new closed analytical expressions are derived for arbitrary orders using recursions. The performance of each SRBF in local gravity field modelling is analyzed using real data. A penalized least-squares technique is applied to estimate the gravity field parameters. As follows from the analysis, almost the same accuracy of gravity field modelling can be achieved for different types of the SRBFs, provided that the depth of the SRBFs is chosen properly. Generalized cross validation is shown to be a suitable technique for the choice of the depth. As a good alternative to generalized cross validation, we propose the minimization of the RMS differences between predicted and observed values at a set of control points. The optimal regularization parameter is determined using variance component estimation techniques. The relation between the depth and the correlation length of the SRBFs is established. It is shown that the optimal depth depends on the type of the SRBF. However, the gravity field solution does not change significantly if the depth is changed by several km. The size of the data area (which is always larger than the target area) depends on the type of the SRBF. The point-mass kernel requires the largest data area.  相似文献   





在多孔隙含水层中地面磁共振(surface nuclear magnetic resonance,SNMR)信号呈现多弛豫衰减特性,常规盲源分离方法和单指数拟合方法引起信号严重失真和信息缺失等问题.本文提出了基于稀疏表示的随机噪声背景下多弛豫SNMR信号的提取方法.根据SNMR信号的衰减特征,设计了精确刻画SNMR信号且与随机噪声不相关的离散衰减余弦冗余字典.其次,针对多弛豫SNMR信号稀疏度未知的问题,通过设置合理的残差比阈值控制迭代次数,改进了广义正交匹配追踪(generalized orthogonal matching pursuit,gOMP)算法,使得该方法应用于SNMR信号的提取时,具有更好的自适应性和普适性.再次,鉴于SNMR测量数据为多次独立重复采集的结果,提出了基于数据流的SNMR信号提取策略,在提高算法鲁棒性的同时,保证了信号提取结果的唯一性.最后,通过仿真和实测数据证明了基于gOMP算法的稀疏表示方法可以显著地提升多弛豫SNMR信号的提取质量,降低随机噪声对含水层反演结果的影响,提高SNMR探测能力.


针对传统的高光谱数据分类方法分类精度不高、没有充分地利用空间信息等缺陷,提出一种基于Gabor空间纹理特征(Gabor spatial texture features)及无参数加权光谱特征(Nonparametric weighted spectral features)和稀疏表达分类(Sparse representation classification)的高光谱图像分类算法,可以简写为Gabor-NW SF和SRC,即GNWSF-SRC。所提出的GNWSF-SRC分类方法首先通过融合高光谱的Gabor空间特征和无参数加权光谱特征来更好地描述高光谱图像,然后通过其进行稀疏表达,最终通过对比其重构误差获得分类结果。在训练集比例不同的情况下,用所提出的方法对两组典型的高光谱数据进行处理,理论研究和仿真结果表明:与传统的分类方法相比,所提出算法能够提高分类精度、Kappa系数等,取得了较好的分类效果。  相似文献   

本文在常黏度的基础上,加上横向黏度变化,纯粹研究了横向黏度变化对球层中热对流的影响.结果表明,横向黏度变化可以加速或阻碍球层中的热对流,并对球层中热传输方式有调节作用,但是横向黏度变化对球层中热对流的影响会限制在一定的强度范围内,并且难以改变球层中热对流的格局.横向黏度变化所产生的环型场速度占总速度场的比例最多为十几个百分点,难以解释观测到的地表板块运动中的环型场能量大小.  相似文献   




月球重力场是月球科学研究的重要部分,是进一步了解月球内部结构和构造的基础,也是我国探月计划“嫦娥工程”一个重要的科学研究内容.本文针对“嫦娥工程”,利用GSFC/NASA/USA的GEODYNII/SOLVE轨道分析软件,分析计算了利用单星跟踪数据恢复月球重力场的能力,同时模拟计算了双星跟踪数据在恢复月球重力场方面的能力,结合可能的工程环境我们对两种情况分别给出了30天、60天和90天的计算结果.计算表明双星相比于单星对月球重力场的中低阶位系数有比较显著的改善.  相似文献   


基于布格重力异常相对于地形起伏光滑分布的约束条件,从一维自由空气重力异常数据出发,采用贝叶斯方法估算近地表岩石密度,同时采用三次B样条函数拟合布格重力异常,获取光滑分布的布格重力异常.数据拟合和光滑约束之间的权重采用Akaike贝叶斯准则(ABIC准则)自动确定.均匀剖分模型和不均匀剖分模型数据试验都验证了该方法的有效性.相关参数评价表明,足够多的样条系数可以提高估计结果的准确性,样条系数的个数接近测点数时可获得较稳定的估计结果.增大异常的噪声水平时,ABIC准则可有效地自动增大先验光滑约束的权重.云南地区两条重力剖面应用结果表明,剖面沿线的近地表密度值起伏变化明显(达2.45~2.8 g·cm-3),前寒武纪和古生代地层密度相对较高(主要为2.53~2.75 g·cm-3),而中生代密度较低(2.45~2.73 g·cm-3);本文估计的近地表密度结果与区域物性资料及地表地质特征较吻合;估计的剖面布格重力异常具有光滑性;红河断裂两侧近地表密度差异较大,可达0.4 g·cm-3.本文获得的两条剖面近地表密度结构和布格重力异常为该区深部结构与构造研究提供更可靠的重力基础数据.


Determination of spherical harmonic coefficients of the Earth’s gravity field is often an ill-posed problem and leads to solving an ill-conditioned system of equations. Inversion of such a system is critical, as small errors of data will yield large variations in the result. Regularization is a method to solve such an unstable system of equations. In this study, direct methods of Tikhonov, truncated and damped singular value decomposition and iterative methods of ν, algebraic reconstruction technique, range restricted generalized minimum residual and conjugate gradient are used to solve the normal equations constructed based on range rate data of the gravity field and climate experiment (GRACE) for specific periods. Numerical studies show that the Tikhonov regularization and damped singular value decomposition methods for which the regularization parameter is estimated using quasioptimal criterion deliver the smoothest solutions. Each regularized solution is compared to the global land data assimilation system (GLDAS) hydrological model. The Tikhonov regularization with L-curve delivers a solution with high correlation with this model and a relatively small standard deviation over oceans. Among iterative methods, conjugate gradient is the most suited one for the same reasons and it has the shortest computation time.  相似文献   

地球重力场恢复中的位旋转效应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
分析了地球自转引起的位旋转效应公式中采用近似速度的影响. 对一组GFZ的快速科学轨道、一组TUM的约化动力法轨道以及一组GFZ的事后科学轨道,计算了星历提供的速度与只有地球引力场对卫星产生作用时的卫星速度的差值,其中参考重力场模型分别采用EGM96、EIGEN2和EIGEN_CG01C. 通过比较得出:轨道数据与EIGEN2地球重力场模型的自恰性优于EGM96和EIGEN_CG01C地球重力场模型. 速度差各分量的变化具有很明显的周期性且与卫星轨道的运行周期相吻合. 当要求在卫星轨迹处获得1m2/s2精度的扰动位时,也即要求位旋转效应公式中卫星速度的近似精度小于2mm/s时,GFZ的快速科学轨道、TUM的约化动力法轨道只需要剔除那些速度精度不满足要求的卫星轨迹点;当要求在卫星轨迹处获得0.5m2/s2精度的扰动位时,应当重新估算上述轨道的速度信息,或采用精度更高的GFZ事后科学轨道.  相似文献   

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