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STEREO A and B observations of the radial magnetic field between 1 January 2007 and 31 October 2008 show significant evidence that in the heliosphere, the ambient radial magnetic field component with any dynamic effects removed is uniformly distributed. Based on this monopolar nature of the ambient heliospheric field we find that the surface beyond which the magnetic fields are in the monopolar configuration must be spherical, and this spherical surface can be defined as the inner boundary of the heliosphere that separates the monopole-dominated heliospheric magnetic field from the multipole-dominated coronal magnetic field. By using the radial variation of the coronal helmet streamers belts and the horizontal current – current sheet – source surface model we find that the spherical inner boundary of the heliosphere should be located around 14 solar radii near solar minimum phase.  相似文献   

We study the relationship between the brightness (I) and magnetic field (B) distributions of sunspots using 272 samples observed at the San Fernando Observatory and the National Solar Observatory, Kitt Peak, whose characteristics varied widely. We find that the I – B relationship has a quadratic form for the spots with magnetic field less than about 2000 G. The slope of the linear part of the I – B curve varies by about a factor of three for different types of spots. In general the slope increases as the spot approaches disk center. The I – B slope does not have a clear dependency on the spot size but the lower limit appears to increase as a function of the ratio of umbra and penumbra area. The I – B slope changes as a function of age of the sunspots. We discuss various sunspot models using these results.  相似文献   

Active region magnetic flux that emerges to the photosphere from below will show complexity in the structure, with many small-scale fragmented features appearing in between the main bipole and then disappearing. Some fragments seen will be absorbed into the main polarities and others seem to cancel with opposite magnetic field. In this paper we investigate the response of the corona to the behaviour of these small fragments and whether energy through reconnection will be transported into the corona. In order to investigate this we analyse data from the Hinode space mission during flux emergence on 1?–?2 December 2006. At the initial stages of flux emergence several small-scale enhancements (of only a few pixels size) are seen in the coronal line widths and diffuse coronal emission exists. The magnetic flux emerges as a fragmented structure, and coronal loops appear above these structures or close to them. These loops are large-scale structures – most small-scale features predominantly stay within the chromosphere or at the edges of the flux emergence. The most distinctive feature in the Doppler velocity is a strong ring of coronal outflows around the edge of the emerging flux region on the eastern side which is either due to reconnection or compression of the structure. This feature lasts for many hours and is seen in many wavelengths. We discuss the implications of this feature in terms of the onset of persistent outflows from an active region that could contribute to the slow solar wind.  相似文献   

We compare the number and characteristics of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) to those of magnetic clouds (MCs) by using in-situ solar wind plasma and magnetic field observations made at 1 AU during solar cycle 23. We found that ≈ 28% of ICMEs appear to contain MCs, since 103 magnetic clouds (MCs) occurred during 1995  – 2006, and 307 ICMEs occurred during 1996 – 2006. For the period between 1996 and 2006, 85 MCs are identified as part of ICMEs, and six MCs are not associated with ICMEs, which conflicts with the idea that MCs are usually a subset of ICMEs. It was also found that solar wind conditions inside MCs and ICMEs are usually similar, but the linear correlation between geomagnetic storm intensity (Dst min ) and relevant solar wind parameters is better for MCs than for ICMEs. The differences between average event duration (Δt) and average proton plasma β (〈β〉) are two of the major differences between MCs and ICMEs: i) the average duration of ICMEs (29.6 h) is 44% longer than for MCs (20.6 hours), and ii) the average of 〈β〉 is 0.01 for MCs and 0.24 for ICMEs. The difference between the definition of a MC and that for an ICME is one of the major reasons for these average characteristics being different (i.e., listed above as items i) and ii)), and it is the reason for the frequency of their occurrences being different.  相似文献   

The good quality of the observing sequence of about 60 photographs of the white-light corona taken during the total solar eclipse observations on 29 March 2006, in Al Sallum, Egypt, enable us to use a new method of image processing for enhancement of the fine structure of coronal phenomena. We present selected magnetic-field lines derived for different parameters of the extrapolation model. The coincidence of the observed coronal white-light fine structures and the computed field-line positions provides a 3D causal relationship between coronal structures and the coronal magnetic field.  相似文献   

Ravindra  B.  Venkatakrishnan  P. 《Solar physics》2003,214(2):267-285
Near simultaneous coronal EUV images were used to show that the He ii 304 network brightening is independent of coronal EUV radiation. We studied the quantitative relation between the intensity of He ii 304 network brightening with the associated magnetic elements. An almost linear relationship was found between the He ii 304 network brightening and the magnetic field for a field strength higher than 10 G with exceptions at neutral lines and in the intra-network. We also calculated the most probable formation height of He ii 304 network elements using the potential extrapolation of the photospheric magnetic field. The results show that He ii 304 network elements form at or around 3000 km above the height of the layer at which the sources of magnetic flux are deployed.  相似文献   

To model and study local magnetic-field enhancements in a solar flux rope we consider the magnetic field in its interior as a superposition of two linear (constant α) force-free magnetic-field distributions, viz. a global one, which is locally similar to a part of the cylinder, and a local torus-shaped magnetic distribution. The newly derived solution for a toroid with an aspect ratio close to unity is applied. The symmetry axis of the toroid and that of the cylinder may or may not coincide. Both the large and small radii of the toroid are set equal to the cylinder’s radius. The total magnetic field distribution yields a flux tube which has a variable diameter with local minima and maxima. In principle, this approach can be used for the interpretation and analysis of solar-limb observations of coronal loops.  相似文献   

Two impulsive microwave bursts observed by Owens-Valley Solar Arrays (OVSA)are studied.The fast time variation of the turnover frequency in these bursts is quite different from the constant value in the earlier conclusion.The observational turnover frequencies are consistent with the calculations using the non-thermal gyro- synchrotron radiation model.We find the turnover frequency may play an important role for calculating the coronal magnetic field on the basis of Dulk and Marsh's ap- proximations.  相似文献   

The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) provides the first opportunity to triangulate the three-dimensional coordinates of active region loops simultaneously from two different vantage points in space. Three-dimensional coordinates of the coronal magnetic field have been calculated with theoretical magnetic field models for decades, but it is only with the recent availability of STEREO data that a rigorous, quantitative comparison between observed loop geometries and theoretical magnetic field models can be performed. Such a comparison provides a valuable opportunity to assess the validity of theoretical magnetic field models. Here we measure the misalignment angles between model magnetic fields and observed coronal loops in three active regions, as observed with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) on STEREO on 30 April, 9 May, and 19 May 2007. We perform stereoscopic triangulation of some 100?–?200 EUVI loops in each active region and compute extrapolated magnetic field lines using magnetogram information from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). We examine two different magnetic extrapolation methods: (1) a potential field and (2) a radially stretched potential field that conserves the magnetic divergence. We find considerable disagreement between each theoretical model and the observed loop geometries, with an average misalignment angle on the order of 20°?–?40°. We conclude that there is a need for either more suitable (coronal rather than photospheric) magnetic field measurements or more realistic field extrapolation models.  相似文献   

W. B. Song 《Solar physics》2010,261(2):311-320
Referring to the aerodynamic drag force, we present an analytical model to predict the arrival time of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). All related calculations are based on the expression for the deceleration of fast CMEs in the interplanetary medium (ICMEs), [(v)\dot]=-\frac115 700(v-VSW)2\dot{v}=-\frac{1}{15\,700}(v-V_{\mathrm{SW}})^{2} , where V SW is the solar wind speed. The results can reproduce well the observations of three typical parameters: the initial speed of the CME, the speed of the ICME at 1 AU and the transit time. Our simple model reveals that the drag acceleration should be really the essential feature of the interplanetary motion of CMEs, as suggested by Vršnak and Gopalswamy (J. Geophys. Res. 107, 1019, 2002).  相似文献   

Measurement of the floor in the interplanetary magnetic field and estimation of the time-invariant open magnetic flux of the Sun require knowledge of closed magnetic flux carried away by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In contrast with previous papers, we do not use global solar parameters to estimate such values: instead we identify different large-scale types of solar wind for the 1976 – 2000 interval to obtain the fraction of interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs). By calculating the magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field B averaged over two Carrington rotations, the floor of the magnetic field can be estimated from the B value at a solar cycle minimum when the number of ICMEs is minimal. We find a value of 4.65±0.6 nT, in good agreement with previous results.  相似文献   

The distribution of acoustic power over sunspots shows an enhanced absorption near the umbra – penumbra boundary. Previous studies revealed that the region of enhanced absorption coincides with the region of strongest transverse potential field. The aim of this paper is to i) utilize the high-resolution vector magnetograms derived using Hinode SOT/SP observations and study the relationship between the vector magnetic field and power absorption and ii) study the variation of power absorption in sunspot penumbrae due to the presence of spine-like radial structures.  相似文献   

B. Pintér 《Solar physics》2008,251(1-2):329-340
Helioseismic global modes change in time, in particular on time scales of the solar cycle. These changes show, in fact, strong correlation with the magnetic activity cycle of the Sun, indicating that a most likely cause of the variation of the mode characteristics, such as frequency, is the magnetic field. In the present paper I attempt to find out in what ways and to what degree the magnetic atmosphere of the Sun can influence the f and p modes of helioseismology. Frequency shifts of the order of a microhertz, line widths of the order of a nanohertz, and penetration depths of the order of a megameter are obtained.  相似文献   

In an earlier research the employment of a radiation transport model with angle-dependent partial frequency redistribution, self-absorption by interplanetary hydrogen, realistic solar HLyαemission profile, and a time dependent `hot' hydrogen model to analyze 5 interplanetary HLyα glow spectra obtained with theHubble–Space–Telescope–GHRS spectrometer, has not resulted in unequivocal determination of a set of thermodynamical parameters of the interstellar hydrogen The residual discrepancies between the model and the data concern the observations performed within an interval of 1 year close to the solar minimum from very similar lines of sight. In this paper we investigate by calculating interplanetary HLyα lines with the use of a one hydrogen distribution and several solar HLyα line profiles whether this residual may be caused by possible variations in time of the shape of the solar HLyα emission line profile which cause variable illuminations of the interplanetary gas. These variations of illuminations cause variations in Doppler shift of the resonant interplanetary HLyα line that can amount to ≃ 4 km s-1in the line peak. Consequently we conclude that without adequate knowledge of the solar HLyα emission line profile during spectral observations of the interplanetary hydrogen gas it is impossible to obtain an agreement between models and observations better than by this value. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate how the background magnetic field of the Sun behaves in different hemispheres. We used SOHO/MDI data obtained during a period of eight years from 2003 to 2011 to analyze the intensity distribution of the background magnetic field over the solar surface. We find that the background fields of both polarities (signs) are more intense in the southern than in the northern hemisphere. Mixed polarities are observed in the vicinity of the equator. In addition to the main field, a weaker field of opposite polarity is always present in the polar regions. In the declining phase of the cycle, the main field dominates, but at the minimum and in the rising phase of the cycle, it is gradually replaced by the growing stronger secondary field.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that transient coronal holes (TCHs, dimmings) correspond to the magnetic footpoints of CMEs that remain rooted in the Sun as the CME expands out into the interplanetary space. However, the observation that the average intensity of the 12 May 1997 dimmings recover to their pre-eruption intensity in SOHO/EIT data within 48 hours, whilst suprathermal unidirectional electron heat fluxes are observed at 1 AU in the related ICME more than 70 hours after the eruption, leads us to question why and how the dimmings disappear whilst the magnetic connectivity is maintained. We also examine two other CME-related dimming events: 13 May 2005 and 6 July 2006. We study the morphology of the dimmings and how they recover. We find that, far from exhibiting a uniform intensity, dimmings observed in SOHO/EIT data have a deep central core and a more shallow extended dimming area. The dimmings recover not only by shrinking of their outer boundaries but also by internal brightenings. We quantitatively demonstrate that the model developed by Fisk and Schwadron (Astrophys. J. 560, 425, 2001) of interchange reconnections between “open” magnetic field and small coronal loops is a strong candidate for the mechanism facilitating the recovery of the dimmings. This process disperses the concentration of  “open” magnetic field (forming the dimming) out into the surrounding quiet Sun, thus recovering the intensity of the dimmings whilst still maintaining the magnetic connectivity to the Sun. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

P. K. Manoharan 《Solar physics》2010,265(1-2):137-157
In this paper, I investigate the three-dimensional evolution of solar wind density and speed distributions associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The primary solar wind data used in this study has been obtained from the interplanetary scintillation (IPS) measurements made at the Ooty Radio Telescope, which is capable of measuring scintillation of a large number of radio sources per day and solar wind estimates along different cuts of the heliosphere that allow the reconstruction of three-dimensional structures of propagating transients in the inner heliosphere. The results of this study are: i) three-dimensional IPS images possibly show evidence for the flux-rope structure associated with the CME and its radial size evolution; the overall size and features within the CME are largely determined by the magnetic energy carried by the CME. Such a magnetically energetic CME can cause an intense geomagnetic storm, even if the trailing part of the CME passes through the Earth; ii) IPS measurements along the radial direction of a CME at ~?120 R show density turbulence enhancements linked to the shock ahead of the CME and the core of the CME. The density of the core decreases with distance, suggesting the expansion of the CME. However, the density associated with the shock increases with distance from the Sun, indicating the development of a strong compression at the leading edge of the CME. The increase of stand-off distance between ~?120 R and 1 AU is consistent with the deceleration of the CME and the continued outward expansion of the shock. The key point in this study is that the magnetic energy possessed by the transient determines its radial evolution.  相似文献   

A set of two-dimensional Stokes spectral data of NOAA AR 10197 obtained by the Solar Stokes Spectral Telescope (S3T) at the Yunnan Observatory are qualitatively analyzed. The three components of the vector magnetic field, the strength H, inclinationγand azimuth X, are derived. Based on the three components, we contour the distributions of the longitudinal magnetic field and transverse magnetic field. The active region (AR) has two different magnetic polarities apparent in the longitudinal magnetic map due to projection effect. There is a basic agreement on the longitudinal magnetic fields between the S3T and SOHO/MDI magnetograms, with a correlation coefficientρBl = 0.911. The transverse magnetic field of the AR has a radial distribution from a center located in the southwest of the AR. It is also found that the transverse magnetic fields obtained by Huairou Solar Observing Station (HRSOS) have a similar radial distribution. The distributions of transverse magnetic field obtained by S3T and HRSOS have correlation coefficients,ρAzimu = 0.86 andρBt = 0.883, in regard to the azimuthal angle and intensity.  相似文献   

A comparison between the two tracers of magnetic field mirror asymmetry in solar active regions – twist and current helicity – is presented. It is shown that for individual active regions these tracers do not possess visible similarity but averaging by time over the solar cycle, or by latitude, reveals similarities in their behavior. The main property of the data set is antisymmetry over the solar equator. Considering the evolution of helical properties over the solar cycle we find signatures of a possible sign change at the beginning of the cycle, though more systematic observational data are required for a definite confirmation. We discuss the role of both tracers in the context of solar dynamo theory.  相似文献   

Y. Liu  J. Zhao 《Solar physics》2009,260(2):289-298
Using one-minute cadence time-series full disk magnetograms taken by the SOHO/MDI, we have studied the magnetic field elements at high latitude (poleward of 65° in latitude). It is found that an average lifetime of the magnetic field elements is 16.5 h during solar minimum, much longer than that during solar maximum (7.3 h). During solar minimum, number of the magnetic field elements with the dominant polarity is about 3 times as that of the opposite polarity elements. Their lifetime is 21.0 h on average, longer than that of the opposite polarity elements (2.3 h). It is also found that the lifetime of the magnetic field elements is related with their size, consistent with the magnetic field elements in the quiet sun at low latitude found by Hagenaar et al. (Astrophys. J. 511:932, 1999). During solar maximum, the polar regions are equally occupied by magnetic field elements with both polarities, and their lifetimes are roughly the same on average. No evidence shows there is a correlation between the lifetime and size of the magnetic field elements. Using an image cross-correlation method, we also measure the solar rotation rate at high latitude, up to 85° in latitude. The rate is ω=2.914−0.342sin 2 φ−0.482sin 4 φ μrad s−1 sidereal. It agrees with previous studies using the spectroscopic and image cross-correlation methods, and also agrees with the results using the element tracking method when the sample of the tracked magnetic field elements is large. The consistency of those results strongly suggests that this rate at high latitude is reliable.  相似文献   

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