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The simulation of surface flow dynamics using a flow-path network model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes a flow-path network (FPN) model to simulate complex surface flow based on a drainage-constrained triangulated irregular network (TIN). The TIN was constructed using critical points and drainage lines extracted from a digital terrain surface. Runoff generated on the surface was simplified as ‘water volumes’ at constrained random points that were then used as the starting points of flow paths (i.e. flow source points). The flow-path for each ‘water volume’ was constructed by tracing the direction of flow from the flow source point over the TIN surface to the stream system and then to the outlet of the watershed. The FPN was represented by a set of topologically defined one-dimensional line segments and nodes. Hydrologic variables, such as flow velocity and volume, were computed and integrated into the FPN to support dynamic surface flow simulation. A hypothetical rainfall event simulation on a hilly landscape showed that the FPN model was able to simulate the dynamics of surface flow over time. A real-world catchment test demonstrated that flow rates predicted by the FPN model agreed well with field observations. Overall, the FPN model proposed in this study provides a vector-based modeling framework for simulating surface flow dynamics. Further studies are required to enhance the simulations of individual hydrologic processes such as flow generation and overland and channel flows, which were much simplified in this study.  相似文献   

基于DEM的沟谷系统提取算法综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
该文对近20多a来基于栅格数字高程模型(DEM)提取沟谷系统的方法与技术进行了综述。将沟谷系统提取方法归纳为三类:局部方法、全局方法、局部与全局相结合的方法,比较了各类方法的优缺点。分别综述与比较了提取沟谷系统的三个主要问题——水流路径的确定、洼地的处理以及累计汇流阈值的确定的解决算法以及存在的不足。笔者认为要使这方面的研究走向真正的实用化,必须借助其它的信息,利用人工智能和模式识别等多种手段来实现自动提取。  相似文献   

东亚土地覆盖环境背景数字地面模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香宝  刘纪远  张增祥 《地理研究》2001,20(6):653-659
应用地理信息系统、遥感技术及数字地面模型方法,选取影响东亚土地覆盖环境背景的主要因素高程带、坡度、坡向、气温、降水量、最大可能蒸散量、湿润度及植被指数等指标,在统一的投影、统一的空间分辨率、统一的空间范围等前提下,对它们进行单要素的专题数字地面模型研究,并用主成份分析方法将各单项数字地面模型进行集成,生成包含各单项要素特征的综合性的数字地面模型,最后对综合性数字地面模型所反映的东亚土地覆盖环境背景特征作了分析  相似文献   

Modelling topological relationships between places and events is challenging especially because these relationships are dynamic, and their evolutionary analysis relies on the explanatory power of representing their interactions across different temporal resolutions. In this paper, we introduce the Space-Time Varying Graph (STVG) based on the whole graph approach that combines directed and bipartite subgraphs with a time-tree for representing the complex interaction between places and events across time. We demonstrate how the proposed STVG can be exploited to identify and extract evolutionary patterns of traffic accidents using graph metrics, ad-hoc graph queries and clustering algorithms. The results reveal evolutionary patterns that uncover the places with high incidence of accidents over different time resolutions, reveal the main reasons why the traffic accidents have occurred, and disclose evolving communities of densely connected traffic accidents over time.  相似文献   


The notion of context continues to be both an enduring rationale and empirical problem for addressing human agency for geographers. Despite its centrality to geographic scholarship, context has largely been an abstraction in geography with relatively little effort to either clarify what it means or how to formally operationalize it for research purposes. When context has been formally addressed, it has primarily emphasized either impacts on agency at a specific scale through a reliance on a place-based interpretation. This paper takes up the issue of context by developing a multi-scalar theoretical framework that is suited for use with social network-based statistical models called exponential random graph models or ERGMs. The theory of context emphasizes the importance for both geographic and social contexts for agency while also recognizing place specific and larger scale influences. Using network data about World War I, a series of ERGMs are developed to demonstrate the importance of multiple types of contexts to the observed outcomes. The approach used in this paper reinforces the old truism that context matters by demonstrating it empirically. Most importantly, this paper illustrates the value of continued engagement with a wider spectrum of the theories of how and why context matters.  相似文献   

Urban hierarchies are closely related to economic growth, urban planning and sustainable urban development. Due to the limited availability of reliable statistical data at fine scales, most existing studies on urban hierarchy characterization failed to capture the detailed urban spatial structure information. Previous studies have demonstrated that night time light data are correlated with many urban socio-economic indicators and hence can be used to characterize urban hierarchies. This paper presents a novel method for studying urban hierarchies from night time light data. Night time light data were first conceptualized as continuous mathematical surfaces, termed night time light surfaces. From the morphology of these surfaces the corresponding surface networks were derived. Hereafter, a night time light intensity (NTLI) graph was defined to describe the morphology of the surface network. Then, structural similarity between the night time light surfaces of any two different cities was calculated via a threshold-based maximum common induced graph searching algorithm. Finally, urban hierarchies were defined on the basis of the structural similarities between different cities. Using the 2015 annual NPP-VIIRS night time light data, the urban hierarchies of 32 major cities in China were successfully examined. The results are highly consistent with the reference urban hierarchies.  相似文献   

基于路网结构的旅游景点可达性分析——以南京市区为例   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
靳诚  陆玉麒  张莉  徐菁 《地理研究》2009,28(1):246-258
运用旅游景点可达性方法来定量地研究城市旅游空间结构,开发基于最短时间路径选择算法的旅游景点可达性计算与分析信息系统,基于南京市区的公路路网结构,对南京市区旅游景点可达性做了实证研究,生成了景点可达性的分值扩散图、时间等值线图、旅游景点服务范围图和以乡镇为基本计算单元的景点可达性图.通过对生成图表的分析,笔者发现:南京市区旅游景点整体可达性较好,80.59%的区域景点可达性在40min之内,但其内部差异也比较明显,中心主城区景点可达性较好,外围地区特别是边界地区景点可达性较差,最差地区为103min39s,通过对乡镇为基本计算单元的整体景点可达性的等级分析,发现南京市区景点可达性在地域分布上呈现以主城区为中心的圈层空间结构.在上述分析的基础上,将南京市区分为主城区、近郊区、远郊区三个区域,根据三个地区各自特点制定了相应的景点可达性优化目标,并给出了优化措施.  相似文献   

以日本东南海地震为情景,以日本丰田汽车及其关联企业为例,基于工厂个体数据及其部件供应的拓扑和空间网络,模拟灾害风险在产业网络中扩散转移过程,建立直接损失与间接功能损失的评估模型,为产业空间网络风险评估提供新的思路和方法借鉴。结果表明:在东南海地震情景下,丰田汽车约48.1%的工厂将直接受损,其中生产设施损失约5587亿日元,厂房建筑损失约1980亿日元。由于关键工厂受损,将间接导致整个产业网络中断。在最长37日恢复情景下,将造成约9230亿日元的间接功能损失。地震灾害对丰田汽车产业网络影响显著,有必要采取有效措施进行减灾降险。  相似文献   

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