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The effect of citrate and oxalate on tremolite dissolution rate was measured at 37 °C in non-stirred flow-through reactors, using modified Gamble’s solutions at pH 4 (macrophages), 7.4 (interstitial fluids) and 5.5 (intermediate check point) containing 0, 0.15, 1.5 and 15 mmol L−1 of citrate or oxalate. The dissolution rates calculated from Si concentration in the output solutions without organic ligands depend on pH, decreasing when the pH increases from −13.00 (pH 4) to −13.35 (pH 7.4) mol g−1 s−1 and following a proton-promoted mechanism. The presence of both ligands enhances dissolution rates at every pH, increasing this effect when the ligand concentration increases. Citrate produces a stronger effect as a catalyst than oxalate, mainly at more acidic pHs and enhances dissolution rates until 20 times for solutions with 15 mmol L−1 citrate. However, at pH 7.4 the effect is lighter and oxalate solutions (15 mmol L−1) only enhances dissolution rates eight times respect to free organic ligand solutions. Dissolution is promoted by the attack to protons and organic ligands to the tremolite surface. Magnesium speciation in oxalate and citrate solutions shows that Mg citrate complexes are more effective than oxalate ones during the alteration of tremolite in magrophages, but this tendency is the opposite for interstitial fluids, being oxalate magnesium complexes stronger. The biodurability estimations show that the destruction of the fibers is faster in acidic conditions (macrophages) than in the neutral solutions (interstitial fluid). At pH 4, both ligands oxalate and citrate reduce the residence time of the fibers with respect to that calculated in absence of ligands. Nevertheless, at pH 7.4 the presence of ligands does not reduce significantly the lifetime of the fibers.  相似文献   

The dissolution kinetics of a simulated lunar glass were examined at pH 3, 5, and 7. Additionally, the pH 7 experiments were conducted in the presence of citric and oxalic acid at concentrations of 2 and 20 mM. The organic acids were buffered at pH 7 to examine the effect of each molecule in their dissociated form. At pH 3, 5, and 7, the dissolution of the synthetic lunar glass was observed to proceed via a two-stage process. The first stage involved the parabolic release of Ca, Mg, Al, and Fe, and the linear release of Si. Dissolution was incongruent, creating a leached layer rich in Si and Ti which was verified by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). During the second stage the release of Ca, Mg, Al, and Fe was linear. A coupled diffusion/surface dissolution model was proposed for dissolution of the simulated lunar glass at pH 3, 5, and 7. During the first stage the initial release of mobile cations (i.e., Ca, Mg, Al, Fe) was limited by diffusion through the surface leached layer of the glass (parabolic release), while Si release was controlled by the hydrolysis of the Si-O-Al bonds at the glass surface (linear release). As dissolution continued, the mobile cations diffused from greater depths within the glass surface. A steady-state was then reached where the diffusion rate across the increased path lengths equalled the Si release rate from the surface. In the presence of the organic acids, the dissolution of the synthetic lunar glass proceeded by a one stage process. The release of Ca, Mg, Al, and Fe followed a parabolic relationship, while the release of Si was linear. The relative reactivity of the organic acids used in the experiments was citrate > oxalate. A thinner leached layer rich in Si/Ti, as compared to the pH experiments, was observed using TEM. Rate data suggest that the chemisorption of the organic anion to the surface silanol groups was responsible for enhanced dissolution in the presence of the organic acids. It is proposed that the increased rate of Si release is responsible for the one stage parabolic release of mobile cations and the relatively thin leached layer compared to experiments at pH 3 and 5.  相似文献   

The rate of chrysotile dissolution over five days was studied in constant-pH, batch suspensions at 25°C. After the first day, release of Mg occurred at a constant rate and exhibited a fractional dependence on pH, [H+]0.24. Interpreted in terms of a site-binding model for adsorption of protons on the surface, this fractional dependence implies that the rate is limited by a chemical reaction involving less than one adsorbed proton per Mg released into solution. The actual magnitude of the rate (10?15.7 mol cm?2 s?1 at pH 8) supports this interpretation. The inorganics NO3?, Cl?, HCO3? and SO4- and the organics catechol and oxalate affected the rate of Mg release only during the initial 12 to 24 hours of each experiment. Silica release was linear from the outset of each experiment, but showed no definite pH dependence.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the kinetics of smectite (K-montmorillonite) dissolution was investigated at 50 and 70 °C in stirred flow-through reactors over the pH range of 1-13.5. Experiments done at very acidic and very basic pH were far from equilibrium. Near neutral pH experiments were closer to equilibrium. The Al/Si release ratio, while initially being incongruent, ultimately approached the stoichiometric value in most of the experiments. Temperature, extreme pH, and time favor congruency. Rates can be described by:

Here we report on an experimental investigation of the relation between the dissolution rate of albite feldspar and the Gibbs free energy of reaction, ΔGr. The experiments were carried out in a continuously stirred flow-through reactor at 150 °C and pH(150 °C) 9.2. The dissolution rates R are based on steady-state Si and Al concentrations and sample mass loss. The overall relation between ΔGr and R was determined over a free energy range of −150 < ΔGr < −15.6 kJ mol−1. The data define a continuous and highly non-linear, sigmoidal relation between R and ΔGr that is characterized by three distinct free energy regions. The region furthest from equilibrium, delimited by −150 < ΔGr < −70 kJ mol−1, represents an extensive dissolution rate plateau with an average rate . In this free energy range the rates of dissolution are constant and independent of ΔGr, as well as [Si] and [Al]. The free energy range delimited by −70 ? ΔGr ? −25 kJ mol−1, referred to as the ‘transition equilibrium’ region, is characterized by a sharp decrease in dissolution rates with increasing ΔGr, indicating a very strong inverse dependence of the rates on free energy. Dissolution nearest equilibrium, defined by ΔGr > −25 kJ mol−1, represents the ‘near equilibrium’ region where the rates decrease as chemical equilibrium is approached, but with a much weaker dependence on ΔGr. The lowest rate measured in this study, R = 6.2 × 10−11 mol m−2 s−1 at ΔGr = −16.3 kJ mol−1, is more than two orders of magnitude slower than the plateau rate. The data have been fitted to a rate equation (adapted from Burch et al. [Burch, T. E., Nagy, K. L., Lasaga, A. C., 1993. Free energy dependence of albite dissolution kinetics at 80 °C and pH 8.8. Chem. Geol.105, 137-162]) that represents the sum of two parallel reactions
R=k1[1-exp(-ngm1)]+k2[1-exp(-g)]m2,  相似文献   

Experimental research on the chemical weathering of alkaline-olivine basalt from Huangyi Mountain,Kuandain County,Liaoning.Province and olivine basalt from Dayangke,Mingxi County,Fujian Province has shown that the acidity of the solution tends to become neutral regardless of what the acidity of the starting solution would be during basalt0-water interaction.We call this phenome-non“pH neutralized Effect”.The dissolved species in the solution were determined and unreacted and reacted sample-surface chemical components involved or uninvolved in reaction were analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).The results revealed two different mechanisms of dissolution of basalt in acidic and basic solutions.  相似文献   

The effect of oxalate, a strong chelator for Al and other cations, on the dissolution rates of oligoclase feldspar and tremolite amphibole was investigated in a flow-through reactor at 22°C. Oxalate at concentrations of 0.5 and 1 mM has essentially no effect on the dissolution rate of tremolite, nor on the steady-state rate of release of Si from oligoclase. The fact that oxalate has no effect on dissolution rate suggests that detachment of Si rather than Al or Mg is the rate-limiting step. At pH 4 and 9, oxalate has no effect on the steady-state rate of release of Al, and dissolution is congruent. At pH 5 and 7, oligoclase dissolution is congruent in the presence of oxalate, but in the absence of oxalate Al is preferentially retained in the solid relative to Si.Large transient “spikes” of Al or Si are observed when oxalate is added to or removed from the system. The cause of the spikes is unknown; we suggest adsorption on feldspar surfaces away from sites of active dissolution as a possibility. Solutions in the reactors are undersaturated with respect to both gibbsite and kaolinite, so neither the spikes nor the incongruent dissolution can be explained by formation of a secondary precipitate.The rate of dissolution of tremolite is independent of pH over the pH range 2–5, and decreases at higher pH. The rate of dissolution of oligoclase in our experiments was independent of pH over the pH range 4–9. Since the dissolution rate of these minerals is independent of pH and organic ligand concentration, the effect of acid deposition from the atmosphere on the rate of supply of cations from weathering of granitic rocks should be minor.  相似文献   

Fayalite, hypersthene, basalt, and obsidian were dissolved in buffered solutions (25°C; pH 4.5 and 5.5) under air, N2 or O2 atmospheres, in order to follow the kinetics of dissolution. Each dissolved more rapidly at lower pH values, dissolving most rapidly in the initial few days, followed by slower dissolution for periods up to six months. Dissolution was more rapid when air was excluded. In oxygen atmospheres an Fe(OH)3 precipitate armors mineral surfaces, thus inhibiting further dissolution, and further affects the solution by scavenging dissolved silica and cations. Dissolution reactions include initial exchange between cations and H+, incongruent dissolution of silicate structures, oxidation of Fe2+ in solution, precipitation of Fe(OH)3, and scavenging of dissolved silica and cations by Fe(OH)3. Dissolution kinetics may explain weathering of mafic rocks and minerals at the Earth's surface, the formation of Fe-oxide coatings on mineral grains, weathering of submarine mafic rocks and intrastratal solution of mafic minerals in buried sandstones. Early Precambrian weathering would have been more rapid before the appearance of large amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere, and continental denudation rates may have been higher than at present because of this effect and the predominance of mafic igneous rocks at an early stage of continent formation and growth.  相似文献   

化学刺激能够改善增强型地热系统(EGS)热储层裂隙连通情况、提高裂隙渗透率。本文以EGS热储化学刺激为出发点,开展土酸体系-花岗岩作用实验,总结实验规律,明确了酸岩作用机理,建立多矿物耦合反应动力学模型并获取重要参数。得出以下结论:土酸中HF浓度越高,对花岗岩的溶蚀率和溶蚀速率就越大,但更易产生二次沉淀;酸液中离子的浓度与不同矿物溶蚀存在对应关系,Na+和K+分别来自于钠长石和伊利石,Al3+和硅来自长石类和黏土类矿物,Ca2+前期来自方解石,后期受钙长石和氟石影响;土酸-花岗岩反应为双重机制控制下的动力学反应;HF机制下的矿物溶解反应速率常数数量级约为10-4~10-5,比中性机制下的矿物的溶解速率提高了约9个数量级。研究结果可以为EGS储层化学刺激工作提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the kinetics of smectite (K-montmorillonite) dissolution was investigated at 25 °C in batch and stirred flow-through reactors over the pH range of 1-13.5, in KNO3 solutions. Dissolution rates were obtained based on the release of Si and Al at steady-state under far from equilibrium conditions. Dissolution was non-stoichiometric between pH 5 and 10, due to adsorption/precipitation of Al. Dissolution rates computed from batch and flow-through experiments were consistent, irrespective of the Si and Al concentrations. Sample pre-treatment and the interlayer cation do not affect the steady-state dissolution rate or stoichiometry of cation release. The rate dependence on pH can be described by:

Oxygen isotope partitioning between calcite and tremolite was experimentally calibrated in the presence of small amounts of a supercritical CO2–H2O fluid at temperatures from 520 to 680° C and pressures from 3 to 10 kbar. The experiments were carried out within the stability field of the calcite-tremolite assemblage based on phase equilibrium relationships in the system CaO–MgO–SiO2–CO2–H2O, so that decomposition of calcite and tremolite was avoided under the experimental conditions. Appropriate proportions of carbon dioxide to water were used to meet this requirement. Large weight ratios of mineral to fluid were employed in order to make the isotopic exchange between calcite and tremolite in the presence of a fluid close to that without fluid. The data processing method for isotopic exchange in a three-phase system has been applied to extrapolate partial equilibrium data to equilibrium values. The determined fractionation factors between calcite (Cc) and tremolite (Tr) are expressed as:1031n Cc-Tr=3.80 × 106/T 2-1.67By combining the present data with the experimental calibrations of Clayton et al. (1989) on the calcite-quartz system, we obtain the fractionation for the quartztremolite system: 1031n Qz-Tr=4.18 × 106/T 2-1.67Our experimental calibrations are in good agreement with the theoretical calculations of Hoffbauer et al. (1994) and the empirical estimates of Bottinga and Javoy (1975) based on isotopic data from naturall assemblages. At 700 C good agreement also exists between our experimental data and theoretical values calculated by Zheng (1993b). With decreasing temperature, however, an increasing difference between these data appears.Retrograde isotopic reequilibration by oxygen diffusion may be common for amphibole relative to diopside in metamorphic rocks. However, isotopic equilibrium in amphibole can be preserved in cases of rapid cooling.  相似文献   

Magnesite (104) dissolution kinetics were studied in acidic aqueous solutions (2.0 < pH < 4.2) at temperatures between 60 and 90°C by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Comparison of dissolution fluxes obtained by AFM and chemical methods revealed six to seven times larger dissolution fluxes obtained by chemical analysis. Corresponding empirical activation energies were found to be 74 ±22 kJ/mol and 41 ± 4 kJ/mol (at pH 4.2) for the AFM and chemical methods, respectively. The empirical reaction order with respect to proton concentration was 0.36 ± 0.13 and 0.47 ± 0.03 for AFM and chemical methods, respectively. These comparisons suggest that the two experimental measurement methods differ as a result of the different sampling length scales associated with the methods. Negligible changes in step dissolution velocity with changes in bulk pH were found, suggesting that the principal source of increasing dissolution flux with decreasing pH is an increase in step density. However, the observed stable step orientation, which is dependent on pH, suggests that more than one proton adsorption equilibrium should be used to describe the surface chemistry of magnesite in acidic solution.  相似文献   

The dissolution kinetics of three stoichiometric dolomite specimens (hydrothermal single crystal, microcrystalline sedimentary rock, coarse-grained marble) were studied in aqueous carbonate solutions. Hydrodynamic conditions were controlled through use of a rotating dolomite disk in which one face was exposed to solution and fluid flow regime was defined by spinning rate. The resulting mass transfer properties were uniform across the disk surface. The dissolution experiments were begun at an initially undersaturated condition set by CO2 at ~ 1 atm dissolved in deionized water. The reaction was followed by measuring concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3?, and pH over time in a free-drift type of experiment at 0, 15, and 25°C.Dissolution rates for all three samples were similar in form and value; grain size effects were insignificant. Ca/Mg was constant throughout each run at 0.81–0.96. From initial conditions, the dissolution rate decreased as the solution became more saturated. At solution conditions still far from equilibrium (ion activity product = 10?19), rate dropped off sharply to a very low value. Surface morphology, determined by SEM, showed deep narrow holes in the single crystal, while the rocks dissolved along grain boundaries. These features suggested preferential dissolution of energetically favored sites and surface reaction rate control. Initial rates were used to calculate an apparent activation energy of 32 kJ mol?1 (sedimentary dolomite) and 27 kJ mol?1 (single crystal).Initial dissolution rates at 25°C and pH ~ 4 for all samples varied with spinning speed and ranged from 1–3 μmol m?2 s?1 for laminar flow conditions to almost 3–6 μmol m?2 s?1 as the transition to turbulence began. At lower temperatures, the rate was lower, and increasing spinning velocity had less effect. The strongest spinning rate dependence occurred far from equilibrium, and it became a less important factor as the saturation state increased.  相似文献   

The effect of lattice strain on mineral dissolution rates was examined by comparing the dissolution rates of shocked and unshocked minerals. Labradorite, oligoclase and hornblende were explosively shocked at mean pressures ranging from 4 to 22 GPa. The labradorite was examined with transmission electron microscopy to estimate the density of dislocations produced by the shock-loading experiment. Subsamples of the labradorite were then thermally annealed to remove some of the dislocations, and to evaluate the importance of such thermal pre-treatment in preparing mineral surfaces for experiments. The dissolution rates of these minerals were measured in batch experiments at pH-values of 2.7 and 4.0.

Shock-loading did not produce extremely high dislocation densities in the labradorite. The density of dislocations in the unshocked labradorite is ≤ 1010 m−2. After shocking, the density increases to 1012-1013 m−2. The distribution of dislocations is heterogeneous, and the amount of deformation does not increase substantially with shock pressure. These results are highly atypical of shock-modified minerals, where relatively low shock pressures usually induce high ( 1015 m−2) densities of dislocations. Thermal annealing for 1 hr. at 900°C in a dry furnace removes many dislocations from the shocked labradorite.

The difference in observed dissolution rates between shocked and unshocked minerals appears to have a weak correlation with the increase in the density of dislocations on the mineral surface. The unshocked and shocked oligoclase and hornblende samples exhibit limited dissolution enhancement at pH 4.0. Increasing the density of dislocations by several orders of magnitude with shock-loading causes a relatively small increase in dissolution rates for these silicate minerals. These results suggest that the surface dislocations produced by the shock treatment are not the primary sites for dissolution reactions.  相似文献   

The dissolution and precipitation rates of boehmite, AlOOH, at 100.3 °C and limited precipitation kinetics of gibbsite, Al(OH)3, at 50.0 °C were measured in neutral to basic solutions at 0.1 molal ionic strength (NaCl + NaOH + NaAl(OH)4) near-equilibrium using a pH-jump technique with a hydrogen-electrode concentration cell. This approach allowed relatively rapid reactions to be studied from under- and over-saturation by continuous in situ pH monitoring after addition of basic or acidic titrant, respectively, to a pre-equilibrated, well-stirred suspension of the solid powder. The magnitude of each perturbation was kept small to maintain near-equilibrium conditions. For the case of boehmite, multiple pH-jumps at different starting pHs from over- and under-saturated solutions gave the same observed, first order rate constant consistent with the simple or elementary reaction: .

This relaxation technique allowed us to apply a steady-state approximation to the change in aluminum concentration within the overall principle of detailed balancing and gave a resulting mean rate constant, (2.2 ± 0.3) × 10−5 kg m−2 s−1, corresponding to a 1σ uncertainty of 15%, in good agreement with those obtained from the traditional approach of considering the rate of reaction as a function of saturation index. Using the more traditional treatment, all dissolution and precipitation data for boehmite at 100.3 °C were found to follow closely the simple rate expression:

Rnet,boehmite=10-5.485{mOH-}{1-exp(ΔGr/RT)}, with Rnet in units of mol m−2 s−1. This is consistent with Transition State Theory for a reversible elementary reaction that is first order in OH concentration involving a single critical activated complex. The relationship applies over the experimental ΔGr range of 0.4–5.5 kJ mol−1 for precipitation and −0.1 to −1.9 kJ mol−1 for dissolution, and the pHm ≡ −log(mH+) range of 6–9.6. The gibbsite precipitation data at 50 °C could also be treated adequately with the same model:Rnet,gibbsite=10-5.86{mOH-}{1-exp(ΔGr/RT)}, over a more limited experimental range of ΔGr (0.7–3.7 kJ mol−1) and pHm (8.2–9.7).  相似文献   

以粉煤灰浸出液与自来水混合为例,结合水文地球化学模拟,分析了在混合作用下,pH值对单相混合溶液中矿物溶解/沉淀作用的影响。结果表明,由于混合作用,溶液pH值发生改变引起CO3^2-活度变化,从而影响方解石和白云石的饱和指数,随着混合比例从0.1到0.9的增加,实验和模拟单相混合溶液中白云石和方解石的饱和指数呈现不同规律的下降;在混合溶液pH值的影响下,玉髓饱和指数随混合比例的增大,呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势。  相似文献   

We have carried out a series of ab initio molecular orbital calculations for a cluster designed to model the OH site environment in tremolite to investigate the forces affecting the O-H stretch frequency in the crystal. The results of our calculations suggest that there are repulsive interactions between the hydrogen atom and silicon and oxygen atoms in the silicate ring adjacent to the OH site in tremolite. From our model calculations, we predict that the O-H stretching frequency of tremolite should first increase, then decrease, with applied pressure. This may affect the variation in H/D fractionation factors involving tremolite and other amphiboles with depth.  相似文献   

Probertite (NaCaB5O9·5H2O) and ulexite (NaCaB5O9·8H2O) posses identical chemical formula except for their water content. In this study, the dissolution of probertite in boric acid solution was investigated as a function of temperature and time. As the boric acid concentration increased, the dissolution of probertite also increased. However, the boric acid concentrations above 5 wt.% at 60 °C and 80 °C did not significantly affect the dissolution of probertite. The stirring speed had almost no effect on the dissolution of probertite. The dissolution kinetics of probertite in boric acid solution was controlled by first order pseudo homogeneous reaction. The activation energies for different probertite particle sizes varied from 25.25 kJ/mol K to 28.25 kJ/mol K, indicating that particle size had minor effect on the dissolution of probertite.  相似文献   

采用电子探针、等离子质谱、等离子光谱等测试方法对河南栾川透闪石玉进行了研究,并结合国内其他产地的透闪石玉进行了分析比较.结果表明,河南透闪石玉的主要矿物组成为透闪石,其化学组成特征与和田玉相似.初步推断其矿床成因为岩浆热液交代成因.  相似文献   

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