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The Fishguard Volcanic Complex represents an important volcanic episode which occurred within the Welsh sector of the British Caledonide region during early Ordovkian times. A variety of extrusive and contemporaneous intrusive rocks are present, ranging in composition from basic, through intermediate to acidic. Mineral and whole-rock chemical analyses have been determined on a representative suite of rocks from the complex and, despite secondary alteration effects, the original tholeiitic characteristics of the suite can be discerned. The variation observed is considered to result largely from low-pressure crystal fractionation, although the origin of the acidic magma remains speculative in view of subsequent extensive recrystallization. The rocks of the Fishguard Volcanic Complex formed in the Welsh Basin, which has been likened by earlier workers to a marginal basin. Comparison of the geochemical characteristics of the Fishguard Volcanic Complex with that of documented marginal basin rocks appears to favour this contention.  相似文献   

We present a detailed review of the petrological and geochemical aspects of rhyolite and associated silicic volcanic rocks(up to 20 vol%of all rocks)reported to date from twelve well known Phanerozoic continental mafic Large Igneous Provinces(LIPs).These typically spread over<104 km^2(rarely 105 km^2 for Parana-Etendeka)area and comprise<10~4 km^3 of extrusive silicic rocks,erupted either during or after the main basaltic eruption within<5 Myr,with some eruption(s)continuing for≤30 Myr.These rhyolites and associated silicic volcanic rocks(60-81 wt.%of SiO2)are mostly metaluminous to peraluminous and are formed via(ⅰ)fractional crystallization of parental mafic magma with negligible crustal contamination,and(ⅱ)melting of continental crust or assimilation and fractional crystallization(AFC)of mafic magma with significant crustal contribution.Rhyolites formed by extensive fractional crystallization are characterized by the presence of clinopyroxene phenocrysts,exhibit steep negative slopes in bivariate major oxides plots and weak to no Nb-Ta anomaly;these typically have temperature>900℃.Rhyolites formed by significant crustal contribution are characterized by strong negative Nb-Ta anomalies,absence of clinopyroxene phenocrysts,and are likely to have a magma temperature<900℃.Geochemical signatures suggest rhyolite melt generation in the plagioclase stability field with a minor fraction originating from lower crustal depths.A large part of the compositional variability in rhyolites,particularly the SrNd-Pb-O isotope ratios,suggests a significant role of continental crust(upper crustal melting or AFC)in the evolution of these silicic rocks in the continental mafic LIPs.  相似文献   

The Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) contains abundant sulphides, especially near the base, and hosts one of the worlds largest nickel and copper deposits. The Bushveld Complex (BC) contains relatively little sulphide, but hosts the worlds largest platinum-group element deposits. The most recent calculations of the sulphur solubility in magmas that produced the BC are based on the sulphur solubility of mid-ocean ridge basalts that have less SiO2 than Bushveld magmas. Such a difference may lead to an overestimation of sulphur solubility by as much as 25%. The revised sulphur solubility curve presented here for Bushveld magmas may also have relevance to the SIC in view of its siliceous nature. Sulphur solubility curves can be used to determine the proportion of sulphide expected in cumulate rocks once sulphur saturation is attained. These models are tested using observed sulphide contents in both intrusions. The observed decreasing sulphur contents (>0.3–0.05% S) from the base of the SIC upward are broadly consistent with these sulphur solubility curves, and are consistent with sulphide saturation through the entire mafic portion. In contrast, the lower half of the BC contains extremely little sulphur (generally <0.02% S), except for two thin layers, which is not consistent with sustained sulphide saturation at any level. Previous interpretations of the sulphur content of Bushveld rocks have suggested that the Lower and Critical Zones were sulphide saturated, but that they had then lost some of the sulphide due to various processes. The present sulphide content of the cumulates of the BC is so low that, if they had once been saturated, over 90% of all the sulphide must have been removed. Mass balance calculations indicate that these large amounts of displaced sulphur remain unaccounted for in such models. Instead, the observed sulphur contents are in reasonable agreement with that expected in a cumulate sequence forming from a sulphur-undersaturated magma. Whereas the Merensky Reef and Bastard pyroxenite contain minor sulphides, the compositions of the immediate hanging wall rocks indicate sulphide undersaturation. Such an abrupt return to sulphide undersaturation is not consistent with models involving sulphide formation from large volumes of magma. One possible explanation for these two observations is that intermittent sulphur degassing occurred through a fractured roof of the BC, so that the magma was never continuously sulphur-saturated with respect to an immiscible sulphide liquid.  相似文献   

Serpentinized ultramafic rocks occur in two separate basement complexes in the South Arm of Sulawesi, the Bantimala and Barru Blocks. We present petrographic, mineral chemical and geochemical data for these rocks, and interpret them in terms of petrogenesis and tectonic setting. The rocks of both blocks show strong serpentinization of original anhydrous silicates. The Bantimala ultramafics consist mainly of peridotite (harzburgite and dunite) and clinopyroxenite, with lenses of podiform chromitite. Metamorphism is evidenced by the occurrence of amphibolite-facies tremolite schist. In contrast, the Barru ultramafics consist of harzburgite peridotite and podiform chromitite, which also show an amphibolite-facies overprint that in this case may be related to intrusion by a large dacite/granodiorite body. Whole-rock trace element analyses and spinel compositions show that the Barru harzburgite is depleted relative to primitive mantle, and has had some melt extracted. In contrast, the Bantimala dunite, harzburgite and clinopyroxenite are cumulates. Both are derived from a supra-subduction zone environment, and were obducted during the closure of small back-arc basins. If there has been no rotation of the blocks, then the Bantimala ultramafics were emplaced from an ENE direction, while the Barru ultramafics were emplaced from the WNW. The ultramafic suites from these two blocks are juxtaposed with metamorphic assemblages, which were later intruded by younger volcanics, particularly in the Barru Block.  相似文献   

Dario Vison    Bruno Lombardo 《Lithos》2002,62(3-4):125-150
In the Higher Himalaya of the region from Cho Oyu to the Arun valley northeast of Makalu, the Miocene leucogranites are not hosted only in the upper High Himalayan Crystallines (HHC); a network of dykes also cuts the lower HHC and the Lesser Himalayan Crystallines (LHC).

The plutons and dykes are mainly composed of two-mica (muscovite+biotite±tourmaline±cordierite±andalusite±sillimanite) leucogranite, with tourmaline≤2.6% and biotite>1.5% modal, and tourmaline (muscovite+tourmaline±biotite±sillimanite ±garnet±kyanite±andalusite±spinel±corundum) leucogranite, with tourmaline>2.2% and biotite<1.5% modal.

Both leucogranite types were produced by partial melting in the andalusite–sillimanite facies series, under LP/HT conditions constrained by the occurrence of peritectic andalusite and cordierite. The geochemical features of the leucogranites suggest that tourmaline leucogranite was produced by muscovite dehydration melting in muscovite-rich metapelites at P350 MPa and T≥640°C, whereas two-mica leucogranite was produced by biotite dehydration melting in biotite-rich metapelites at P300 MPa and T≥660–710 °C.

Melting in fertile muscovite-rich metapelites of the top of both the HHC and LHC produced magmas which were emplaced at the same structural level in which they had been generated. Melting in the biotite-rich gneiss of both the HHC and LHC produced hotter magmas which were transported upwards by dyking and eventually coalesced in the plutons of the upper HHC. A similar process also produced a network of two-mica granite at the top of the LHC in the Ama Drime–Nyönno Ri Range northeast of Makalu.

The prograde character of leucogranite melt-producing reactions in the Everest–Makalu area suggests that, here, the generation of Miocene leucogranites took place in a regime of nearly isobaric heating following nearly adiabatic decompression.  相似文献   

The Burpala alkaline massif contains rocks with more than 50 minerals rich in Zr,Nb,Ti,Th,Be and rare earth elements(REE).The rocks vary in composition from shonkinite,melanocratic syenite,nepheline and alkali syenites to alaskite and alkali granite and contain up to 10%LILE and HSFE,3.6%of REE and varying amounts of other trace elements(4%Zr,0.5%Y,0.5%Nb,0.5%Th and 0.1%U).Geological and geochemical data suggest that all the rocks in the Burpala massif were derived from alkaline magma enriched in rare earth elements.The extreme products of magma fractionation are REE rich pegmatites,apatite-fiuorite bearing rocks and carbonatites.The Sr and Nd isotope data suggest that the source of primary melt is enriched mantle(EM-Ⅱ).We correlate the massif to mantle plume impact on the active margin of the Siberian continent.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅造山带东端的南迦巴瓦岩群是高喜马拉雅结晶岩系的一部分,主要由麻粒岩相和角闪岩相变质的片麻岩、斜长角闪岩、片岩和钙硅酸盐岩组成.长英质片麻岩主要由斜长石、钾长石、石英、石榴石、黑云母和褐帘石组成.片麻岩中的锆石具有核一边结构,由一个大的继承岩浆核和一个窄的变质生长边组成.锆石岩浆核具同心韵律环带.其REE配分模式以HREE富集和负Eu异常为特征,并具有高的Th/U比值.锆石U-Pb年代分析表明,这种继承岩浆锆石给出的加权平均年龄为490~500Ma.地球化学特征表明,这些片麻岩的原岩是花岗岩和花岗闪长岩,形成在俯冲带的岩浆弧构造环境.钙硅酸盐岩中的锆石具有高级变质岩中变质生长锆石的典型特征,即具有相对较低的REE含量,不明显的负Eu异常和较低的Th/U比值.变质锆石所获得的U-Pb加权平均年龄为505Ma.本文和现有的研究结果表明,喜马拉雅造山带是一个复合造山带,它经历了古生代的原始造山作用,在新生代印度与欧亚板块的碰撞过程中发生了再造山作用.喜马拉的古生代造山带作用是原特提斯洋向冈瓦纳大陆北缘俯冲和亚洲微陆块(包括拉萨和羌塘地块)增生的结果,是在冈瓦纳大陆拼合之后其边缘发生的安底斯型造山作用,因此,它并不属于在冈瓦纳超大陆聚合过程中陆-陆碰撞形成的泛非造山带.  相似文献   

昆中蛇绿岩岩石学和地球化学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为昆南变质地体与柴达木-中阿尔金地块边界的中昆仑缝合带,沿带断续出露蛇绿杂岩.本次研究涉及布青山蛇绿岩、诺木洪蛇绿岩和阿其克库勒湖西缘蛇绿岩,通过对其岩石学、岩石化学和微量元素与稀土元素地球化学特征分析,确定其属蛇绿岩类,证明蛇绿杂岩带性质属板块缝合带.  相似文献   

The petrology and geochemistry of some new occurrences of Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous hypabyssal-facies kimberlites from the Chigicherla, Wajrakarur-Lattavaram and Kalyandurg clusters of the Wajrakarur kimberlite field (WKF), Eastern Dharwar craton (EDC), southern India, are reported. The kimberlites contain two generations of olivine, and multiple groundmass phases including phlogopite, spinel, calcite, dolomite, apatite, perovskite, apatite and rare titanite, and xenocrysts of eclogitic garnet and picro-ilmenite. Since many of the silicate minerals in these kimberlites have been subjected to carbonisation and alteration, the compositions of the groundmass oxide minerals play a crucial role in their characterisation and in understanding melt compositions. While there is no evidence for significant crustal contamination in these kimberlites, some limited effects of ilmenite entrainment are evident in samples from the Kalyandurg cluster. Geochemical studies reveal that the WKF kimberlites are less differentiated and more primitive than those from the Narayanpet kimberlite field (NKF), Eastern Dharwar craton. Highly fractionated (La/Yb = 108–145) chondrite-normalised distribution patterns with La abundances of 500–1,000 × chondrite and low heavy rare earth elements (HREE) abundances of 5–10 × chondrite are characteristic of these rocks. Metasomatism by percolating melts from the convecting mantle, rather than by subduction-related processes, is inferred to have occurred in their source regions based on incompatible element signatures. While the majority of the Eastern Dharwar craton kimberlites are similar to the Group I kimberlites of southern Africa in terms of petrology, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope systematics, others show the geochemical traits of Group II kimberlites or an overlap between Group I and II kimberlites. Rare earth element (REE)-based semi-quantitative forward modelling of batch melting of southern African Group I and II kimberlite source compositions involving a metasomatised garnet lherzolite and very low degrees of partial melting demonstrate that (1) WKF and NKF kimberlites display a relatively far greater range in the degree of melting than those from the on-craton occurrences from southern Africa and are similar to that of world-wide melilitites, (2) different degrees of partial melting of a common source cannot account for the genesis of all the EDC kimberlites, (3) multiple and highly heterogeneous kimberlite sources involve in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the Eastern Dharwar craton and (4) WKF and NKF kimberlites generation is a resultant of complex interplay between the heterogeneous sources and their different degrees of partial melting. These observations are consistent with the recent results obtained from inversion modelling of REE concentrations from EDC kimberlites in that both the forward as wells as inverse melting models necessitate a dominantly lithospheric, and not asthenospheric, mantle source regions. The invading metasomatic (enriching) melts percolating from the convecting (asthenosphere) mantle impart an OIB-like isotopic signature to the final melt products.  相似文献   

Ophiolites are widespread along the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone, northern Tibet. However, it is still debated on the formation ages and tectonic evolution process of these ophiolites. The Zhongcang ophiolite is a typical ophiolite in the western part of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone. It is composed of serpentinized peridotite, cumulate and isotropic gabbros, massive and pillow basalts, basaltic volcanic breccia, and minor red chert. Zircon SHRIMP Ue Pb dating for the isotropic gabbro yielded weighted mean age of 163.4 ± 1.8 Ma. Positive zircon ε Hf(t) values(+15.0 to +20.2) and mantle-like σ~(18)O values(5.29 ±0.21)% indicate that the isotropic gabbros were derived from a long-term depleted mantle source. The isotropic gabbros have normal mid-ocean ridge basalt(N-MORB) like immobile element patterns with high Mg O, low TiO_2 and moderate rare earth element(REE) abundances, and negative Nb,Ti, Zr and Hf anomalies. Basalts show typical oceanic island basalt(OIB) geochemical features, and they are similar to those of OIB-type rocks of the Early Cretaceous Zhongcang oceanic plateau within the Bangong-Nujiang Ocean. Together with these data, we suggest that the Zhongcang ophiolite was probably formed by the subduction of the Bangong-Nujiang Ocean during the Middle Jurassic. The subduction of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethyan Ocean could begin in the Earlye Middle Jurassic and continue to the Early Cretaceous, and finally continental collision between the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes at the west Bangong-Nujiang suture zone probably has taken place later than the Early Cretaceous(ca. 110 Ma).  相似文献   

The Gondwana (Early Permian to Early Cretaceous) basins of eastern India have been intruded by ultramafic–ultrapotassic (minette, lamproite and orangeite) and mafic (dolerite) rocks. The Salma dike is the most prominent among mafic intrusives in the Raniganj basin. This dike is tholeiitic in composition; MgO varies from 5.4 to 6.3% and the mg number from 54 to 59. In general, the major and trace element abundances are uniform both along and across the strike. There is geochemical and mineralogical evidence for fractional crystallization. The chondrite normalized REE pattern of the Salma dike (La/Ybn=3.5) is similar to that of Deccan dikes of the Son–Narmada rift zone, western India. 87Sr/86Sr varies from 0.70552 to 0.70671 suggesting assimilation of crustal material. Some trace element abundances (e.g. Ti, Zr, Y) of the Salma dike are comparable to Group I Rajmahal basalts. The 40Ar–39Ar whole rock age of 65 Ma for the Salma dike is less than the ca. 114 Ma age for the Rajmahal basalt, but is similar to the generally accepted age for Deccan volcanic rocks. Despite geographical proximity with the Rajmahal basalt, the Salma dike is believed to be related to late phase of Deccan volcanic activity.  相似文献   

A series of granitoids from Proterozoic to Cenozoic age occurred in the western Kunlun orogenic belt, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Several intrusions such as the West Datong (Middle Caledonian age), North Kuda (Late Caledonian age) and Kuzigan, Karibasheng, Zankan (Himalayan age) plutons have shoshonitic affinity. Their rock assemblages include (quartz) monzodiorite–(quartz) monzonite–quartz syenite (Middle Caledonian) or monzonitic granite–granite (Late Caledonian) or biotite (monzonitic) granite–diopside granite–diopside syenite (Himalayan). Generally, biotite is iron–phlogopite, with some eastonite and high Mg/(Mg+FeT) and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. Amphibole is mainly edenitic hornblende and magnesian hastingsitic hornblende, with some edenite and higher Mg/(Mg+FeT) and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. The rocks show SiO2 contents of 52.77–71.85% and high K2O+Na2O (mostly >8%, average 9.14%), K2O/Na2O (mostly >1, average 1.50) and Fe2O3/FeO (0.85–1.51, average 1.01) and low TiO2 contents (0.15–1.12%, average 0.57%). Al2O3 contents (13.01–19.20%) are high but variable. The granitoids are prominently enriched in LILE, LREE and volatiles such as F. However, the studied shoshonitic granitoids among the three intrusive periods also show differences in isotopic compositions and trace element concentrations, suggesting their different geneses: the origin of the West Datong pluton is probably related to the involvement of subducted oceanic crust sediments into the mantle source; the North Kuda and Himalayan plutons could have been generated by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust sediments or metasediments of thickened continental lower crust in the process of late-orogenic slab break-off or lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   

The 160 km2 Caledonian Fongen-Hyllingen complex is an extremelydifferentiated, layered, basic intrusion, synorogenically emplacedat 5–6 kb in the allochthonous Trondheim nappe complex,situated in the Trondheim region of Norway. A zone of gabbroic rocks without rythmic layering usually occursalong the margin and a supposed feeder to at least part of thecomplex is preserved. A wide variety of magmatic sedimentarystructures are present in the c. 10,000 m thick sequence ofrhythmically layered rocks which vary from olivine-picotitecumulates at the base to quartz-bearing ferrosyenites at thetop. Mineral compositions, fractionation trends, and the compositionof feeder rocks suggest a tholeiitic parent. Mineral compositions cover extreme ranges. Olivine varies fromFo86·2 to Fo0·2 with a hiatus between about Fo71and Fo61. Plagioclase ranges from An79·5 to An1·5,albite coexisting with orthoclase microperthite in the finaldifferentiates. Cumulus Ca-poor pyroxene (Wo2.4En66.8Fs30.8-Wo2·0En17·0Fs81·0)first shows sporadic inversion from pigeonite at the Fe-richcomposition of Fs67 and the final Ca-poor pyroxenes are replacedby magmatic grunerite which reaches an Mg: Fe ratio of 12:88.Ca-rich pyroxenes (Wo44·7En43·8Fs11·5-Wo47·0En0Fs53·0)are highly calcic and have a slight Ca-minimum in the earlystages, unrelated to the disappearance of Ca-poor pyroxene.Calcic amphibole, a constant intercumulus phase in most of thecomplex, becomes a cumulus phase in the later stages and variesfrom titanian-pargasite to ferro-edenite. Magnetite and ilmenitejoin the cumulate assemblage at Fo55 and ilmenite persists intothe final quartz-bearing ferrosyenite where it shows replacementby sphene. Apatite, biotite, zircon, quartz, K-feldspar andallanite join the final extreme differentiates in the namedsequence. The fractionation trend is, in many respects, transitionalbetween those typical of the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series,and is interpreted as reflecting crystallization under moderate,increasing PH2O. Cryptic layering shows several reversals to higher temperatureassemblages with increasing stratigraphic height. Successivereversals are to irregular compositions and measured in termsof olivine composition, can be up to about 30 mole per centFo. The minimum stratigraphic thickness to include the entirefractionation range is reduced to about 2200 m after ‘removal’of the compositional overlaps due to the reversals. Thus roughlythree-quarters of the present cumulate stratigraphic sequencerepresents magma replenishment. A mechanism involving the mixingof fresh magma batches with the residual, differentiated magmafrom the previous influx, is envisaged. The periodic influxof fresh magma took place into a chamber which was probablyclosed to the exit of material.  相似文献   

陈斌  徐备 《岩石学报》1996,12(4):546-561
内蒙古苏左旗地区古生代造山带中的花岗岩可分成两个序列,即白音宝力道序列和巴颜哈拉图序列。前者主要由角闪闪长岩、石英闪长岩、英云闪长岩及花岗闪长岩等同源岩石组成,化学成分以富FeO、MgO、Na2O、Co、Ni、Sr和贫SiO2、K2O、Rb为特征,稀土分布型式为平坦型,负铕异常不明显,单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素年龄为414~418Ma。后者主要由花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩和钾长花岗岩组成,化学成分以富SiO2、K2O、Rb和贫CaO、FeO、MgO、Co、Sr为特征,轻重稀土较强分馏,负铕异常明显,单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素年龄为363Ma。两个序列花岗岩在空间上密切共生,均呈近东西向带状分布,并平行于其南侧的早古生代蛇绿混杂带和高压蓝片岩带。白音宝力道序列属于岛弧型花岗岩类(I型),巴颜哈拉图序列属于碰撞型花岗岩类(S型),在构造上它们分别代表古生代期间华北板块相对南蒙微板块俯冲及其互相碰撞阶段的产物  相似文献   

新发现的赞比亚希富玛IOCG碳酸岩铜矿床位于泛非造山带卢菲里安弧复向斜带中部南缘,处于NW向深断裂带与NEE-EW向断裂带的交会部位。铜矿体主要赋存于含铜碳酸岩内。含铜碳酸岩主要侵入于新元古界上部孔德龙古群上部火山碎屑岩中,与矿区及其外围的岩浆岩构成含铜碳酸岩的杂岩组合。含铜碳酸岩灰白色块状构造,常见气孔构造和流动构造;含围岩捕掳体、熔融包体和流体包体;半自形细粒不等粒结构为主,镶嵌结构和包含结构很普遍;方解石和白云石双晶发育;矿物成分达40余种,主要非金属矿物为方解石,其次是硬石膏、白云石和萤石等;主要金属矿物为磁铁矿、黄铜矿和黄铁矿,其次有磁黄铁矿、闪锌矿、赤铁矿、辉钼矿、斑铜矿等。含铜碳酸岩全岩矿化,矿石构造主要为浸染状构造和斑杂状构造,其次为块状构造及稠密浸染状构造;矿石结构有自形-半自形细粒结构,他形细粒结构,交代熔蚀结构,固溶体分解结构,海绵陨铁结构等。含铜碳酸岩富CaO、FeO和Fe_2O_3,贫MgO,属铁质方解石碳酸岩;REE含量高,ΣREE=57.75×10~(-6)~1076×10~(-6),轻重稀土明显分馏,LREE/HREE=6.3~83.8,强正铕异常,弱负铈异常;富集Ba、Sr、Pb、U、Nb、P和LREE,亏损Ta、Zr、Hf和Ti;Zr/Hf、Y/Ho值和Y含量反映含铜碳酸岩出现了高度演化的熔体-流体过渡的岩浆体系;(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.705315~0.706708,在世界主要碳酸岩范围内;Sr-Nd同位素示踪显示岩浆可能源自EMⅠ;方解石的δ13CV-PDB为-17.8‰~-2.6‰,δ18OV-SMOW值变化于14.5‰~21.9‰;白云石的δ13CV-PDB为-18.8‰,δ18OV-SMOW值为13.5‰,均在世界碳酸岩的范围内;2个磁铁矿样品的δ18OV-SMOW值分别为4.3‰和4.6‰,接近地幔的氧同位素组成范围;金属硫化物的δ34SV-CDT(‰)值变化范围为-4.1~+10.5,在岩浆硫的范围内。此矿床为铁氧化物-铜-金(IOCG)型碳酸岩铜矿床。成岩成矿发生于泛非造山运动后造山伸展阶段拉张应力场构造环境。含铜碳酸岩和成矿物质可能主要源自受到富CO2地幔流体交代形成的EMⅠ富集地幔端元。成岩成矿机制可能是:从地幔源区部分熔融出的初始熔浆随着上侵和演化,液态不混溶出碱性硅酸盐岩浆和碳酸盐+硫酸盐岩浆;铜等成矿元素因亲硫而在碳酸盐+硫酸盐岩浆中富集。此岩浆随着上侵和演化发生液态不混溶作用,形成富集成矿物质和挥发分的含铜碳酸岩浆-热液过渡态流体。随着温度下降,其中碳酸盐矿物、硫酸盐矿物和磁铁矿大量晶出,氧被大量消耗掉,致使氧逸度降低,硫逸度增高,还原硫产生并快速增加,与Cu、Fe、Zn、Co、Mo等金属离子化合形成金属硫化物而成矿。  相似文献   

太古宙绿岩带岩石学和地球化学:实例与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
  壮魏春景陈   《地质科学》2017,(4):1241-1262
绿岩带是太古宙大陆地壳重要的构造单元。 按照岩石组合特征, 绿岩带可划分为 3 个类型:1) 巴伯顿型, 主要由基性-超基性火山岩组成, 含少量酸性火山岩及沉积岩, 中性火山岩很不发育;2) 苏必利尔型, 主要由中性火山岩和中-基性火山岩组成, 含沉积岩; 3) 达尔瓦尔型, 以广泛发育的沉积岩为特征。 其中, 巴伯顿型绿岩带在世界范围内分布较广, 且组成较为复杂, 表现出一系列独特的岩石学和地球化学特征:1) 基性-超基性火山岩在绿岩带层序中占主导地位;2) 发育具有异常高的地幔潜能温度的科马提岩类;3) 存在太古宙亏损型和富集型玄武岩等。 华北克拉通清原地区的表壳岩虽然经历高级变质作用, 但仍 具有清晰的层序, 与巴伯顿型绿岩带岩石组合特征类似, 因此我们倾向于将其厘定为清原绿岩带。 清原绿岩带主体形成于 2.5 Ga, 与广泛分布的新太古代花岗质片麻岩形成时代一致, 并不存在大规模的中太古代地质体。 清原绿岩带的岩石学和地球化学研究表明新太古代晚期原始地幔柱模型可以较为合理的解释清原地区及华北克拉通东部陆块其它新太古代基底岩石的成因, 但太古宙原始地幔柱与显生宙地幔柱在某些方面有所不同。  相似文献   

BEST  M. G. 《Journal of Petrology》1963,4(2):223-259
The Guadalupe igneous complex is one of several late Jurassic,mesozonal plutons in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Severallines of evidence suggest that the different rock types, rangingfrom eucrite to leucogranophyre, originated mainly through fractionalcrystallization of a parent basaltic magma. Important differencesbetween this complex and other large differentiated basic intrusionsinclude the presence of steeply inclined but weak layering inthe gabbroic rocks and an abundance of hydrous mafic mineralsrelative to olivine and pyroxene, which are not representedby iron-rich end-members in the granitic differentiates. Chemically,the differentiation trend is marked by a large variation infelsic parameters and only a weak enrichment in iron. This trend,which is similar to that of calc-alkaline suites of orogenicregions, may have been influenced by abnormally high pressuresof water and oxygen for a crystallizing basaltic magma.  相似文献   

Chemical and U–Pb isotopic analyses of metaigneous rocks in the northern Oaxacan Complex in southern Mexico indicate that they form part of two granitic–gabbroic suites intruded at 1157–1130 and 1012 Ma, which were metamorphosed under granulite facies conditions between 1004 and 980 Ma. Although the older suite has both within-plate and arc geochemical signatures, the arc characteristics (enrichment of La and Ce relative to Nb, Ta, and Th) are inferred to result from crustal contamination, a conclusion consistent with their negative Nd signatures. The younger suite is spatially associated with anorthosites (from which we were unable to acquire a protolith age), suggesting that collectively it forms part of anorthosite–mangerite–charnockite–granite (AMCG) suites. The tholeiitic nature of the mafic rocks along with the within-plate character of the felsic rocks suggests that they were intruded during extension related to either farfield backarc rifting, rifting above a slab window, or anorogenic intercontinental rifting. Potentially correlative AMCG suites are widespread in Mexico, the Grenville Province of eastern Canada and northeastern USA, and the Andean massifs of Colombia, however, Pb isotopic data most closely resemble those in South America. These data are consistent with published hypotheses that suggest Oaxaquia represents an exotic terrane derived from Amazonia.  相似文献   

The Namche Barwa Complex (NBC) in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, south Tibet, is generally interpreted as the north-eastern extremity of the exposed Greater Himalayan Sequence, comprising Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic sedimentary strata along the northern margin of the Indian continent. Field and petrological investigations indicate that the NBC consists mainly of orthogneiss, paragneiss, amphibolites and calc-silicate rocks. U-Pb zircon data demonstrate that the protoliths of the orthogneiss formed during late Paleoproterozoic at ca. 1610 Ma and also in early Paleozoic at ca. 490-500 Ma. The amphibolites were derived from mafic magmatic rocks formed during 1645 to 1590 Ma. Zircons in the paragneisses have highly variable inherited zircon ages ranging from the Neoarchean to early Paleozoic, with four major age populations of 2490 Ma, 1640 Ma, 990 Ma and 480 Ma. The calc-silicate rock has zircons with early Paleozoic metamorphic age of 538 Ma. Almost all the rocks of the NBC have been metamorphosed during Cenozoic with the metamorphic zircon U-Pb ages ranging from 8 to 30 Ma and a peak at 23 Ma. These, together with previous results suggest that the NBC was originally derived from an Andean-type orogeny following the Columbia supercontinent assembly, and experienced multiple reworking during the Grenvillian, Pan-African and Himalayan orogenies. We conclude that the NBC in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis was derived from different provenance and tectonic setting as compared to those of the Greater Himalayan Sequence which constitutes the high-grade metamorphic core of the western and central Himalayan orogenic belt. We thus infer that the NBC was originally part of the eastern segment of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone.  相似文献   

After the discovery of the Aguablanca ore deposit (the unique Ni–Cu mine operating in SW Europe), a number of mafic‐ultramafic intrusions bearing Ni–Cu magmatic sulfides have been found in the Ossa–Morena Zone of the Iberian Massif (SW Iberian Peninsula). The Tejadillas prospect is one of these intrusions, situated close to the border between the Ossa–Morena Zone and the South Portuguese Zone of the Iberian Massif. This prospect contains an average grade of 0.16 wt % Ni and 0.08 wt % Cu with peaks of 1.2 wt % Ni and 0.2 wt % Cu. It forms part of the Cortegana Igneous Complex, a group of small mafic‐ultramafic igneous bodies located 65 km west of the Aguablanca deposit. In spite of good initial results, exploration work has revealed that sulfide mineralization is much less abundant than in Aguablanca. A comparative study using whole‐rock geochemical data between Aguablanca and Tejadillas shows that the Tejadillas igneous rocks present a lower degree of crustal contamination than those of Aguablanca. The low crustal contamination of the Tejadillas magmas inhibited the assimilation of significant amounts of crustal sulfur to the silicate magmas, resulting in the sparse formation of sulfides. In addition, Tejadillas sulfides are strongly depleted in PGE, with total PGE contents ranging from 14 to 81 ppb, the sum of Pd and Pt, since Os, Ir, Ru and Rh are usually below or close to the detection limit (2 ppb). High Cu/Pd ratios (9700–146,000) and depleted mantle‐normalized PGE patterns suggest that the Tejadillas sulfides formed from PGE‐depleted silicate magmas. Modeling has led us to establish that these sulfides segregated under R‐factors between 1000 and 10,000 from a silicate melt that previously experienced 0.015% of sulfide extraction. All these results highlight the importance of contamination processes with S‐rich crustal rocks and multiple episodes of sulfide segregations in the genesis of high‐tenor Ni–Cu–PGE ore deposits in mafic‐ultramafic intrusions of the region.  相似文献   

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