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《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(1):207-220
Narraguinnep Reservoir has been identified as containing fish with elevated Hg concentrations and has been posted with an advisory recommending against consumption of fish. There are presently no point sources of significant Hg contamination to this reservoir or its supply waters. To evaluate potential historical Hg sources and deposition of Hg to Narraguinnep Reservoir, the authors measured Hg concentrations in sediment cores collected from this reservoir. The cores were dated by the 137Cs method and these dates were further refined by relating water supply basin hydrological records with core sedimentology. Rates of historical Hg flux were calculated (ng/cm2/a) based on the Hg concentrations in the cores, sediment bulk densities, and sedimentation rates. The flux of Hg found in Narraguinnep Reservoir increased by approximately a factor of 2 after about 1970. The 3 most likely sources of Hg to Narraguinnep Reservoir are surrounding bedrocks, upstream inactive Au–Ag mines, and several coal-fired electric power plants in the Four Corners region. Patterns of Hg flux do not support dominant Hg derivation from surrounding bedrocks or upstream mining sources. There are 14 coal-fired power plants within 320 km of Narraguinnep Reservoir that produce over 80 × 106 MWH of power and about 1640 kg-Hg/a are released through stack emissions, contributing significant Hg to the surrounding environment. Two of the largest power plants, located within 80 km of the reservoir, emit about 950 kg-Hg/a. Spatial and temporal patterns of Hg fluxes for sediment cores collected from Narraguinnep Reservoir suggest that the most likely source of Hg to this reservoir is from atmospheric emissions from the coal-fired electric power plants, the largest of which began operation in this region in the late-1960s and early 1970s.  相似文献   

The valley floor of a 33.9 km2 watershed in western Colorado experienced gradual sedimentation from before ∼ 6765 to ∼ 500 cal yr BP followed by deep incision, renewed aggradation, and secondary incision. In contrast, at least four terraces and widespread cut-and-fill architecture in the valley floor downstream indicate multiple episodes of incision and deposition occurred during the same time interval. The upper valley fill history is atypical compared to other drainages in the Colorado Plateau.One possible reason for these differences is that a bedrock canyon between the upper and lower valley prevented headward erosion from reaching the upper valley fill. Another possibility is that widespread, sand-rich, clay-poor lithologies in the upper drainage limited surface runoff and generally favored alluviation, whereas more clay-rich lithologies in the lower drainage resulted in increased surface runoff and more frequent incision. Twenty-two dates from valley fill charcoal indicate an approximate forest fire recurrence interval of several hundred years, similar to that from other studies in juniper-piñon woodlands. Results show that closely spaced vertical sampling of alluvium in headwater valleys where linkages between hillslope processes and fluvial activity are relatively direct can provide insight about the role of fires in alluvial chronologies of semi-arid watersheds.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(3):627-638
Concentrations of total Hg and methylmercury (MMHg) in riparian soil, mine-waste calcine, sediment, and moss samples collected from abandoned Hg mines in Wanshan district, Guizhou province, China, were measured to show regional dispersion of Hg-contamination. High total Hg and MMHg concentrations obtained in riparian soils from mined areas, ranged from 5.1 to 790 mg kg−1 and 0.13 to 15 ng g−1, respectively. However, total Hg and MMHg concentrations in the soils collected from control sites were significantly lower varying from 0.1 to 1.2 mg kg−1 and 0.10 to 1.6 ng g−1, respectively. Total Hg and MMHg concentrations in sediments varied from 90 to 930 mg kg−1 and 3.0 to 20 ng g−1, respectively. Total Hg concentrations in mine-waste calcines were highly elevated ranging from 5.7 to 4400 mg kg−1, but MMHg concentrations were generally low ranging from 0.17 to 1.1 ng g−1. Similar to the high Hg concentrations in soil and sediments, moss samples collected from rocks ranged from 1.0 to 95 mg kg−1 in total Hg and from 0.21 to 20 ng g−1 in MMHg. Elevated Hg concentrations in mosses suggest that atmospheric deposition might be an important pathway of Hg to the local terrestrial system. Moreover, the spatial distribution patterns of Hg contamination in the local environment suggest derivation from historic Hg mining sites in the Wanshan area.  相似文献   

Mass movement can be activated by earthquakes, rapid snowmelt, or intense rainstorms in conjunction with gravity. Whereas mass movement plays a major role in the evolution of a hillslope by modifying slope morphology and transporting material from the slope to the valley, it is also a potential natural hazard. Determining the relationships of frequency and magnitude of landslides are fundamental to understanding the role of landslides in the study of landscape evolution, hazard assessment, and determination of the rate of hillslope denudation. We mapped 735 shallow and active landslides in the Paonia to McClure Pass area of western Colorado from aerial photographs and field surveys. The study area covers ~815 km2. The frequency–magnitude relationships of the landslides illustrate the flux of debris by mass movement in the area. The comparison of the probability density of the landslides with the double Pareto curve, defined by power scaling for negative slope (α), power scaling for positive slope (β), and location of rollover (t), shows that α?=?1.1, β?=?1.9, and t?=?1,600 m2 for areas of landslides and α?=?1.15, β?=?1.8, and t?=?1,900 m3 for volumes of landslides. The total area of landslides is 4.8?×?106 m2 and the total volume of the landslides is 1.4?×?107 m3. The areas (A) and the volumes (V) of landslides are related by V?=?0.0254?×?A 1.45. The frequency–magnitude analysis shows that landslides with areas ranging in size from 1,600 to 20,000 m2 are the most hazardous landslides in the study area. These landslides are the most frequent and also do a significant amount of geomorphic work. We also developed a conceptual model of hillslope development to upland plateau driven by river incision, shallow landsliding, and deep-seated large landsliding. The gentle slope to flat upland plateau that dominated the Quaternary landscape of the study area was modified to the present steep and rugged topography by the combined action of fluvial incision and glacial processes in response to rock uplift, very-frequent shallow landsliding, and less-frequent deep-seated landsliding.  相似文献   



Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in urban planning  相似文献   



1990 Watershed Management Symposium Durango, Colorado, USA  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (CH3Hg+) concentrations in streambed sediment and water were determined at 27 locations throughout the Sacramento River Basin, CA. Mercury in sediment was elevated at locations downstream of either Hg mining or Au mining activities where Hg was used in the recovery of Au. Methylmercury in sediment was highest (2.84 ng/g) at a location with the greatest wetland land cover, in spite of lower total Hg at that site relative to other river sites. Mercury in unfiltered water was measured at 4 locations on the Sacramento River and at tributaries draining the mining regions, as well as agricultural regions. The highest levels of Hg in unfiltered water (2248 ng/l) were measured at a site downstream of a historic Hg mining area, and the highest levels at all sites were measured in samples collected during high streamflow when the levels of suspended sediment were also elevated. Mercury in unfiltered water exceeded the current federal and state recommended criterion for protection of aquatic life (50 ng/l as total Hg in unfiltered water) only during high streamflow conditions. The highest loading of Hg to the San Francisco Bay system was attributed to sources within the Cache Creek watershed, which are downstream of historic Hg mines, and to an unknown source or sources to the mainstem of the Sacramento River upstream of historic Au mining regions. That unknown source is possibly associated with a volcanic deposit. Methylmercury concentrations also were dependent on season and hydrologic conditions. The highest levels (1.98 ng/l) in the Sacramento River, during the period of study, were measured during a major flood event. The reactivity of Hg in unfiltered water was assessed by measuring the amount available for reaction by a strong reducing agent. Although most Hg was found to be nonreactive, the highest reactivity (7.8% of the total Hg in water) was measured in the sample collected from the same site with high CH3Hg+ in sediment, and during the time of year when that site was under continual flooded conditions. Although Hg concentrations in water downstream of the Hg mining operations were measured as high as 2248 ng/l during stormwater runoff events, the transported Hg was found to have a low potential for geochemical transformations, as indicated by the low reactivity to the reducing agent (0.0001% of the total), probably because most of the Hg in the unfiltered water sample was in the mercury sulfide form.  相似文献   

Isocon analysis of migmatization in the Front Range, Colorado, USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Isocon analysis has been applied to five sets of leucosome, mafic selvages and immediately adjacent mesosome in the migmatites from a 15-m outcrop in the Colorado Front Range. The results show: (i) mafic selvages formed from the adjacent mesosome by loss of felsic components and therefore the mesosomes are indeed palaeosomes or protoliths; (ii) the leucosomes did not form in a closed system from the palaeosome (in which case the material lost from the palaeosome during selvage formation would become the leucosome). The observed volumes and compositions of leucosomes require that the present leucosome must contain some material in addition to the felsic components lost from the selvages. The materials that must be added are leucotonalitic to granitic in composition, varying greatly in K/(Na + Ca) ratio. The trend in leucosome composition can be reproduced by assuming that a metasomatic exchange, KNa + Ca, modified originally leucotonalitic leucosomes to more K-rich compositions. These leucosomes most likely formed by injection of silicate melts accompanied, or followed, by metasomatism. The trend of leucosome compositions in this study reflects the general trend in the leucosome compositions which have been published from other areas, indicating that the proposed mechanism can be applicable to other regional migmatites.  相似文献   

The middle Wisconsinan Gilman Canyon Formation at the Buzzard's Roost type locality in southwestern Nebraska was investigated to document the stratigraphy and to reconstruct the environmental and climate record. The Gilman Canyon Formation was subdivided into three loess units and three soils, with radiocarbon ages constraining it between about 40 ka and 25 ka. Stable carbon isotope ratios, magnetic susceptibility, and carbon content were used to define and characterize soils within both the Gilman Canyon Formation and underlying Illinoian Loveland Loess. At the height of soil development within the Gilman Canyon Formation, climate was supporting C4-dominated grassland, with July temperatures equal to or exceeding those of today. Soil-forming intervals within the Loveland Loess, including the Sangamon Soil, also exhibited relative increases in C4 biomass. Climate, as recorded in the Gilman Canyon Formation, is corroborated by regional proxy data. The formation accumulated during MIS 3, and concurrent soil formation coincided with a summer insolation maximum.  相似文献   

Despite the application of radiocarbon dating for more than three decades along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, fundamental questions about the timing of glacial advances remain. For one of its sublobes, the Miami, we undertook areal mapping, detailed lithostratigraphic analysis, and radiocarbon dating to interpret four pulses of ice advance. On top of the undated sediments deposited during the first advance is a major unconformity. The second advance occurred about 20,000 BP and marks the beginning of the late Wisconsin glaciation. A minor recession (more than 30 km) ensued, but plants did not reoccupy the landscape. A third advance of the ice margin produced a stone-rich lodgement till to within 20 km of the late Wisconsin maximum. The final ice motion only occurred in the northern part of the study area and may be of local extent. Large accumulations of supraglacial gravity flowtills and outwash mark the final ice-margin retreat. Of these. only the second advance is well dated. This study implies that the number of advances of the ice margin is fewer than previously suggested. Consequently we argue that several of the sublobes across the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet acted in unison for the interval of 22.000 to 18.000 BP implying ice-sheet external forcing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the groundwater-withdrawal potential of the Fraser River watershed, a mountainous drainage system in north-central Colorado. Laboratory tests, field investigations, and numerical modeling are conducted to present a quantitative understanding of the watershed’s groundwater-flow system. Aquifer hydraulic conductivity values obtained from aquifer tests range from 1E?5 to 1E?3 m/s. Groundwater withdrawal is concentrated in channel-fill deposits of the Troublesome Formation within the Fraser basin. A steady state groundwater-flow model of the Fraser River watershed is developed and calibrated using 24 observation wells in the Fraser River valley and estimated baseflow of the Fraser River. Modeling results suggest that surface recharge is the major source of groundwater in the watershed. Groundwater exits the watershed through evapotranspiration and discharge to rivers. Transient groundwater-flow modeling evaluates future withdrawal scenarios using the hydraulic head distribution from the steady state model as the initial condition. Drawdown within Troublesome Formation aquifers from the current pumping schedule approaches 2 m. When the daily pumping rate is doubled, drawdown approaches 4 m. The radius of influence is hundreds of meters to 1 km. Pumping wells withdraw approximately 2 and 15 % of groundwater flowing through the well field for hydraulic conductivity of 1E?3 and 1E?5 m/s, respectively. This study suggests that the groundwater system at the Fraser Valley could sustain current and future withdrawals, given that the current recharge condition is maintained.  相似文献   

 Deep-well injection has been used to dispose of municipal liquid wastes in southwestern Florida since 1988. The liquid wastes are injected into an extremely high-transmissivity zone of fractured dolomite in the Early Eocene Oldsmar Formation of the Floridan aquifer system; this zone is commonly referred to as the Boulder Zone. Data collected during the drilling and operational testing of southwestern Florida injection wells provide insights into the nature of the injection zone and overlying confining beds. The location of high-transmissivity zones that are capable of accepting large quantities of waste water is vertically and horizontally variable and cannot be predicted with certainty. A 40.9-m thick high-permeability interval in one injection well, for example, was absent in a well drilled only 85.4 m away. Some upward migration of low-density injected fluids has occurred, but at no site were the injected liquids detected in deep monitor wells, such as occurred at injection-well sites along the coasts of southeastern, west-central, and east-central Florida. The primary confinement of the injected liquids (i.e., deepest effective confining beds) consists of unfractured beds of low-permeability dolomite within the Oldsmar Formation, whose locations are also laterally and vertically variable. The origin and controls of the distribution of fractures in the Oldsmar Formation are poorly understood. Received, December 1997 Revised, June 1998, August 1998 Accepted, August 1998  相似文献   

The Markagunt gravity slide (MGS) is a large-volume landslide in southwestern Utah that originated within the Oligocene-Miocene Marysvale volcanic field. Gravity slides are single emplacement events with long runout distances and are now recognized as a new class of volcanic hazard. Accumulation of volcanic material on a structurally weak substrate along with voluminous shallow intrusive events led to collapse. Here, 40Ar/39Ar data for landslide-generated pseudotachylyte, the landslide-capping Haycock Mountain Tuff and the deformed Osiris Tuff are combined with a Bayesian age model to determine an emplacement age of 23.05 + 0.22/−0.20 Ma for the MGS. The results suggest a lag time of <200 kyr between the caldera-forming eruption of the Osiris Tuff, additional buildup of the unstable volcanic pile and subsequent mass movement.  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations in western Middle Park provide important information for understanding the soil‐stratigraphic context of Paleoindian components, as well as the latest Quaternary environmental change and landscape evolution in a Southern Rocky Mountain intermontane basin. Paleoindian components are associated with the oldest two of four latest Quaternary stratigraphic units (1–4) recognized in co‐alluvial mantles (combined slopewash and colluvium) in uplands and in alluvial valley fills. Limited data suggest accumulation of unit 1 as early as ∼12,500 14C yr B.P. in alluvial valleys and by at least ∼11,000 14C yr B.P. in uplands was followed by brief stability and soil formation. A relatively widespread disconformity marks earliest Holocene erosion and substantial removal of latest Pleistocene deposits in upland and alluvial settings followed by unit 2 deposition ∼10,000–9000 14C yr B.P., perhaps signaling the abrupt onset of an intensified summer monsoon. In situ Paleoindian components in uplands are found in a moderately developed buried soil (the Kremmling soil) formed in units 1 and 2 in thin (≤1m) hillslope co‐alluvial mantles. The Kremmling soil reflects geomorphic stability in upland and alluvial settings ∼9000–4500 14C yr BP, and represents a buried landscape with the potential to contain additional Paleoindian components, although elsewhere in western Middle Park Early Archaic components are documented in morphologically similar soils. Kremmling soil morphology, the relative abundance of charcoal in unit 2 relative to younger units, and charcoal morphology indicate the expansion of forest cover, including Pinus, and grass cover during the early and middle Holocene, suggesting conditions moister than present. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

美国科罗拉多高原Paradox盆地中的裂口盐墙和盐背斜,主要是在古生界和中生界沉积物的差异负载作用下发育起来的。盐构造顶部的平缓褶皱,通常被认为是晚白垩纪至古新世拉腊米挤压运动的产物,而其脊顶地堑与山谷,则被认为是挤压后的松弛拉伸及盐溶作用所造成的。基于野外调查、物理模拟以及现代盐构造学理论,研究认为这些平缓褶皱和脊顶地堑,主要是新生代始新世至渐新世北北东向区域拉伸作用的产物。因为岩盐较其围岩软弱,拉伸形变主要集中在早先形成的盐墙、盐背斜及其较薄的顶板中,使盐构造发生活化并形成新的拉伸构造。顶板中的拉伸构造主要包括正断层、地堑、断层滑移(断滑)褶皱以及滚动褶皱。由于区域拉伸方向斜交盐构造走向,断层分布多呈羽列状。在母盐层较厚地区,拉伸使盐刺穿在正断层之下次动上升;而在母盐层较薄地区,拉伸使盐刺穿下降。在初始盐刺穿较高地区,盐构造的侧翼下降;而在初始盐刺穿较低地区,盐构造整体下降。拉伸使盐刺穿变宽,脊顶地堑下沉,形成拉伸型下降盐刺穿特征性的尖角盐体构造。局部地区,盐体从破碎的顶板间溢出,覆盖了下沉的脊顶地堑。  相似文献   

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