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The average rate of growth during the ascending portion of the sunspot cycle, defined here as the difference in smoothed sunspot number values between elapsed time (in months) t and sunspot minimum divided by t, is shown to correlate (r 0.78) with the size of the sunspot cycle, especially for t 18 months. Also, the maximum value of the average rate of growth is shown to highly correlate (r = 0.98) with the size of the cycle. Based on the first 18 months of the cycle, cycle 22 is projected to have an R(M) = 186.0 ± 27.2 (at the ± 1 level), and based on the first 24 months of the cycle, it is projected to have an R(M) = 201.0 ± 20.1 (at the ± 1 level). Presently, the average rate of growth is continuing to rise, having a value of about 4.5 at 24 months into the cycle, a value second only to that of cycle 19 (4.8 at t = 24 and a maximum value of 5.26 at t = 27). Using 4.5 as the maximum value of the average rate of growth for cycle 22, a lower limit can be estimated for R(M); namely R(M) for cycle 22 is estimated to be 164.0 (at the 97.5% level of confidence). Thus, these findings are consistent with the previous single variate predictions that project R(M) for cycle 22 to be one of the greatest on record, probably larger than cycle 21 (164.5) and near that of cycle 19 (201.3).  相似文献   

Examined are associational aspects as they relate the maximum amplitude R M for the sunspot cycle to the rate of rise R t during the ascending phase, where R M is the smoothed sunspot number at cycle maximum and R t is the sum of the monthly mean sunspot numbers for selected 6-month intervals (t) measured from cycle onset. One finds that, prior to about 2 yr into the cycle, the rate of rise is not a reliable predictor for maximum amplitude. Only during the latter half of the ascent do the fits display strong linearity, having a coefficient of correlation r 0.9 and a standard error S yx 20. During the first four intervals, the expected R M and the observed R M were found to differ by no more than 20 units of smoothed sunspot number only 25, 42, 50, and 58 % of the time; during the latter four intervals, they differed by no more than 20 units 67, 83, 92, and 100% of the time.  相似文献   

A few prediction methods have been developed based on the precursor technique which is found to be successful for forecasting the solar activity. Considering the geomagnetic activity aa indices during the descending phase of the preceding solar cycle as the precursor, we predict the maximum amplitude of annual mean sunspot number in cycle 24 to be 111 ± 21. This suggests that the maximum amplitude of the upcoming cycle 24 will be less than cycles 21–22. Further, we have estimated the annual mean geomagnetic activity aa index for the solar maximum year in cycle 24 to be 20.6 ± 4.7 and the average of the annual mean sunspot number during the descending phase of cycle 24 is estimated to be 48 ± 16.8.  相似文献   

Guiqing  Zhang  Huaning  Wang 《Solar physics》1999,188(2):397-400
Instantaneous predictions of the maximum monthly smoothed sunspot number in solar cycle 23 have been made with a linear regressive model, which gives the predicted maximum value as a function of the smoothed sunspot numbers corresponding to a given month from the minimum in all preceding cycles. These predictions indicate that the intensity of solar activity in the current cycle will be at an average level.  相似文献   

R. P. Kane 《Solar physics》1987,108(2):415-416
Using an earlier correlation analysis between the annual sunspot numbers at sunspot maximum epochs and the minimum annual aa index in the immediately preceding years, the minimum annual aa index (21.6) during 1985–86 implies a maximum annual sunspot number of about 190±40 in the coming solar maximum epoch, in about 1988–89.  相似文献   

Occurrences of interplanetary shock waves near the Earth after the powerful isolated flares of 1957–1978 are investigated. The close connection between the occurrences of shock waves and the positions of magnetic axes of bipolar groups of sunspots is suggested on the basis of a statistical study. The shock waves are principally observed when the Earth finds itself near the planes that are projected through the flares in parallel to the appropriate magnetic axes of the nearest bipolar groups. This regularity is interpreted as an indirect argument for a three-dimensional geometry for the interplanetary shock waves which, when projected on these flattened to corresponding planes, are traces of large circular arcs. The typical angular scales of isolated interplanetary shock waves are estimated as 150° and 30° parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the magnetic axes correspondingly.  相似文献   

Correlated with the maximum amplitude (R max) of the sunspot cycle are the sum (R sum) and the mean (R mean) of sunspot number over the duration of the cycle, having a correlation coefficient r equal to 0.925 and 0.960, respectively. Runs tests of R max, R sum, and R mean for cycles 0–21 have probabilities of randomness P equal to 6.3, 1.2, and 9.2%, respectively, indicating a tendency for these solar-cycle related parameters to be nonrandomly distributed. The past record of these parameters can be described using a simple two-parameter secular fit, one parameter being an 8-cycle modulation (the so-called Gleissberg cycle or long period) and the other being a long-term general (linear) increase lasting tens of cycles. For each of the solar-cycle related parameters, the secular fit has an r equal to about 0.7–0.8, implying that about 50–60% of the variation in R max, R sum, and R mean can be accounted for by the variation in the secular fit.Extrapolation of the two-parameter secular fit of R max to cycle 22 suggests that the present cycle will have an R max = 74.5 ± 49.0, where the error bar equals ± 2 standard errors; hence, the maximum amplitude for cycle 22 should be lower than about 125 when sunspot number is expressed as an annual average or it should be lower than about 130 when sunspot number is expressed as a smoothed (13-month running mean) average. The long-term general increase in sunspot number appears to have begun about the time of the Maunder minimum, implying that the 314-yr periodicity found in ancient varve data may not be a dominant feature of present sunspot cycles.  相似文献   

We analysed the combined Greenwich (1874–1976) and Solar Optical Observatories Network (1977–2011) data on sunspot groups. The daily rate of change of the area of a spot group is computed using the differences between the epochs of the spot group observation on any two consecutive days during its life-time and between the corrected whole spot areas of the spot group at these epochs. Positive/negative value of the daily rate of change of the area of a spot group represents the growth/decay rate of the spot group. We found that the total amounts of growth and decay of spot groups whose life times ≥2 days in a given time interval (say one-year) well correlate to the amount of activity in the same interval. We have also found that there exists a reasonably good correlation and an approximate linear relationship between the logarithmic values of the decay rate and area of the spot group at the first day of the corresponding consecutive days, largely suggesting that a large/small area (magnetic flux) decreases in a faster/slower rate. There exists a long-term variation (about 90-year) in the slope of the linear relationship. The solar cycle variation in the decay of spot groups may have a strong relationship with the corresponding variations in solar energetic phenomena such as solar flare activity. The decay of spot groups may also substantially contribute to the coherence relationship between the total solar irradiance and the solar activity variations.  相似文献   


We are considering the spacetime described by the metric proposed by Mannheim and Kazanas. The effective potential and the circular orbits are discussed. The rotational velocity derived from the geodesics equation agrees with the observed flat galactic rotation curves. Finally, solutions to the Gordon equation for massless bosons evolving in this spacetime are obtained in terms of Heun general functions.


A correlation analysis shows that the sunspot numbers at the peaks of the last eight solar cycles are well-correlated with the sunspot numbers in heliolatitudes 20°–40° (specially in the southern hemisphere) occurring in the solar minimum years immediately preceding the solar maximum years.On leave from Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India.  相似文献   

Power spectral densities computed from low-latitude horizontal intensity of the Earth's magnetic field over two-year periods of declining phases of solar cycles 16 to 19 show a close relationship with the maximum relative sunspot number of the following solar cycles. The maximum sunspot number shows an exponential rise with the power density near 1/27 cd?1; maximum R z,however, increases linearly with power density near 1/14 cd?1. It is also shown that the rate of decline of sunspot number in a solar cycle is almost exactly related, linearly, to power spectral density for the preceding solar cycle. Power densities near 1/27 and 1/14 cd?1 in declining phase of solar cycle appear to be satisfactory indices for the maximum relative sunspot number of the following cycle and its rate of decline thereafter.  相似文献   

Precursor prediction techniques have generally performed well in predicting the maximum amplitude of sunspot cycles, based on cycles 10–21. Single variate methods based on minimum sunspot amplitude have reliably predicted the size of the sunspot cycle 9 out of 12 times, where a reliable prediction is defined as one having an observed maximum amplitude within the prediction interval (determined from the average error). On the other hand, single variate methods based on the size of the geomagnetic minimum have reliably predicted the size of the sunspot cycle 8 of 10 times (geomagnetic data are only available since about cycle 12). Bivariate prediction methods have, thus far, performed flawlessly, giving reliable predictions 10 out of 10 times (bivariate methods are based on sunspot and geomagnetic data). For cycle 22, single variate methods (based on geomagnetic data) suggest a maximum amplitude of about 170 ± 25, while bivariate methods suggest a maximum amplitude of about 140 ± 15; thus, both techniques suggest that cycle 22 will be of smaller maximum amplitude than that observed during cycle 19, and possibly even smaller than that observed for cycle 21. Compared to the mean cycle, cycle 22 is presently behaving as if it is a + 2.6 cycle (maximum amplitude about 225). It appears then that either cycle 22 will be the first cycle not to be reliably predicted by the combined precursor techniques (i.e., cycle 22 is an anomaly, a statistical outlier) or the deviation of cycle 22 relative to the mean cycle will substantially decrease over the next 18 months. Because cycle 22 is a large amplitude cycle, maximum smoothed sunspot number is expected to occur early in 1990 (between December 1989 and May 1990).  相似文献   

Yoshimura  Hirokazu 《Solar physics》1983,87(2):251-259
Solar Physics - A new concept concerning sunspot cooling and X-ray bright point heating is presented. Sunspot and X-ray bright point small scale flux ropes detach from global scale solar cycle main...  相似文献   

The shape of the sunspot cycle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The temporal behavior of a sunspot cycle, as described by the International sunspot numbers, can be represented by a simple function with four parameters: starting time, amplitude, rise time, and asymmetry. Of these, the parameter that governs the asymmetry between the rise to maximum and the fall to minimum is found to vary little from cycle to cycle and can be fixed at a single value for all cycles. A close relationship is found between rise time and amplitude which allows for a representation of each cycle by a function containing only two parameters: the starting time and the amplitude. These parameters are determined for the previous 22 sunspot cycles and examined for any predictable behavior. A weak correlation is found between the amplitude of a cycle and the length of the previous cycle. This allows for an estimate of the amplitude accurate to within about 30% right at the start of the cycle. As the cycle progresses, the amplitude can be better determined to within 20% at 30 months and to within 10% at 42 months into the cycle, thereby providing a good prediction both for the timing and size of sunspot maximum and for the behavior of the remaining 7–12 years of the cycle. The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

F. De Meyer 《Solar physics》1981,70(2):259-272
The sunspot record for the time interval 1749–1977 can be represented conveniently by an harmonic model comprising a relatively large number of lines. Solar activity can otherwise be considered as a sequence of partly overlapping events, triggered periodically at intervals of the order of 11 years. Each individual cycle is approximated by a function of the Maxwell distribution type; the resulting impulse model consists of the superposition of the independent pulses. Application of these two models for the prediction of annual values of the Wolf sunspot numbers leads to controversial results. Mathematical modelling of the sunspot time series does not give an unambiguous result.  相似文献   

A suggestion is made that the periods for solar pulsation, solar rotation, and sunspot cycle may be closely related one to another.  相似文献   

Recent theories of the solar cycle and of coronal heating strongly suggest that solar cycle variations of different quantities (i.e. sunspots, coronal green line, etc.) ought not to be expected to be in phase with one another. In agreement with this notion we note that the shape of the corona typical of a maximum eclipse occurs 1.5yr before sunspot maximum, compared with 2 yr as might be expected from Leighton's standard model. Further, we argue that the phase of the solar wind cycle can be determined from geomagnetic observations. Using this phase, a solar cycle variation of 100 km s–1 in the solar wind velocity and 1 in the magnetic field intensity becomes apparent. In general, the solar wind cycle lags the coronal-eclipse-form cycle by 3 yr, compared with the 2 yr that might be expected from model calculations.  相似文献   

The Babcock solar dynamo model and known interactions of the interplanetary magnetic field with the earth's magnetosphere are used to explain the relations found between geomagnetic indices at solar minimum and the sunspot number at the following solar maximum. We augment the work of Kane (1987) by updating his method of analysis, including recent smoothed aa and AP indices. We predict a smoothed maximum sunspot number of 163±40 to peak in October 1990±9 months for solar cycle 22. This value is close to the Schatten and Sofia (1987) predicted value of 170±25, using more direct solar indicators.Now at Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Washington  相似文献   

Broad band pinhole photometer intensity observations of 15 large sunspots covering the spectral region 0.387–2.35 m are presented. The data are based on measurements on approximately 500 days during the period June, 1967 to December, 1979.We have found real and significant intensity differences between large sunspots. These differences may be explained by a systematic variation in the umbral temperature throughout the solar cycle. A connection between umbra intensity and heliographic latitude is discussed.No center-limb variation in the umbra/photosphere intensity ratio is detected. We have searched for possible connections between umbra intensity and a number of other sunspot parameters, like the spot size, without detecting any significant correlation. We conclude that the umbra/photosphere intensity ratio seems to be a unique function of epoch for large sunspots.  相似文献   

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