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We summarize evidence that neither dynamo theory nor the observational data give strong support to the idea that stellar magnetic fields must have dipolar rather than quadrupolar symmetry with respect to the stellar equator. We demonstrate that even the most basic model for magnetic stellar activity, i.e. the Parker migratory dynamo, provides many possibilities for the excitation of large-scale stellar magnetic fields of non-dipolar symmetry. We demonstrate the spontaneous transition of the dynamo-excited magnetic field from one symmetry type to another. We explore observational tests to distinguish between the two types of magnetic field symmetry, and thus detect the presence of quadrupolar magnetic symmetry in stars. Complete absence of quadrupolar symmetry would present a distinct challenge for contemporary stellar dynamo theory. We revisit some observations which, depending on further clarification, may already be revealing some properties of the quadrupolar component of the magnetic fields generated by stellar dynamos.  相似文献   

In the current study we present ab initio numerical computations of the generation and propagation of longitudinal waves in magnetic flux tubes embedded in the atmospheres of late-type stars. The interaction between convective turbulence and the magnetic structure is computed and the obtained longitudinal wave energy flux is used in a self-consistent manner to excite the small-scale magnetic flux tubes. In the current study we reduce the number of assumptions made in our previous studies by considering the full magnetic wave energy fluxes and spectra as well as time-dependent ionization (TDI) of hydrogen, employing multi-level Ca II atomic models, and taking into account departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium. Our models employ the recently confirmed value of the mixing-length parameter \(\alpha=1.8\). Regions with strong magnetic fields (magnetic filling factors of up to 50%) are also considered in the current study.The computed Ca II emission fluxes show a strong dependence on the magnetic filling factors, and the effect of time-dependent ionization (TDI) turns out to be very important in the atmospheres of late-type stars heated by acoustic and magnetic waves. The emitted Ca II fluxes with TDI included into the model are decreased by factors that range from 1.4 to 5.5 for G0V and M0V stars, respectively, compared to models that do not consider TDI.The results of our computations are compared with observations. Excellent agreement between the observed and predicted basal flux is obtained. The predicted trend of Ca II emission flux with magnetic filling factor and stellar surface temperature also agrees well with the observations but the calculated maximum fluxes for stars of different spectral types are about two times lower than observations. Though the longitudinal MHD waves considered here are important for chromosphere heating in high activity stars, additional heating mechanism(s) are apparently present.  相似文献   

In this lecture, I will briefly address several phenomena expected when magnetic fields are present in the innermost regions of circumstellar accretion discs: (i) the magneto-rotational instability and related “dead zones”; (ii) the formation of magnetically-driven jets and the observational constraints derived from Classical T Tauri stars; (iii) the magnetic star–disc interactions and their expected role in the stellar spin down.It should be noted that the magnetic fields invoked here are organized large scale magnetic fields, not turbulent small scale ones. I will therefore first argue why one can safely expect these fields to be present in circumstellar accretion discs. Objects devoid of such large scale fields would not be able to drive jets. A global picture is thus gradually emerging where the magnetic flux is an important control parameter of the star formation process as a whole. High angular resolution technics, by probing the innermost circumstellar disc regions should provide valuable constraints.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the line profile variations observed in optical transitions of O-type stars are reviewed. For a few well-observed stars, there is compelling evidence that the variations are due to photospheric velocity fields from one or more modes of nonradial pulsation. However, the origin of the line profile variations observed in most O stars is not yet established. To date, there is little empirical evidence to suggest that the variability in optical absorption lines of O stars is causally linked to the stellar wind variability commonly observed in their UV resonance lines.  相似文献   

The rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars currently represent the only main sequence stars other than the Sun which exhibit non-radial acoustic pulsations of high overtone. This makes them excellent subjects for asteroseismology, an approach which promises to yield accurate knowledge of the interior structures of stars. Of the 27 known roAp stars, 24 were discovered in Sutherland despite extensive searches conducted elsewhere. This paper reviews the discovery of the roAp phenomenon and describes the factors that contribute to the high discovery rate for these stars at Sutherland. Two long-term observational projects in progress at Sutherland are discussed,viz. the Cape roAp Star Survey and long-term monitoring of frequency variations in roAp stars.  相似文献   

Inverse Compton (IC) scattering by relativistic electrons produces a major component of the diffuse emission from the Galaxy. The photon fields involved are the cosmic microwave background and the interstellar radiation field (ISRF) from stars and dust. Calculations of the inverse Compton distribution have usually assumed a smooth ISRF, but in fact a large part of the Galactic luminosity comes from the most luminous stars, which are rare. Therefore we expect the ISRF, and hence the inverse Compton emission, to be clumpy at some level, which could be detectable by instruments such as GLAST. Even individual nearby luminous stars could be detectable assuming just the normal cosmic-ray electron spectrum. We present the basic formalism required and give possible candidate stars to be detected and make predictions for GLAST. Then we apply the formalism to the OB associations and the Sun, showing that the IC emission produced is not negligible compared to the sensitivity of current or coming detectors. We estimate that the gamma-ray flux from the halo around the Sun contributes to the diffuse background emission at the few percent level.  相似文献   

The heating of the solar corona has been a fundamental astrophysical issue for over sixty years. Over the last decade in particular, space-based solar observatories (Yohkoh, SOHO and TRACE) have revealed the complex and often subtle magnetic-field and plasma interactions throughout the solar atmosphere in unprecedented detail. It is now established that any energy release mechanism is magnetic in origin - the challenge posed is to determine what specific heat input is dominating in a given coronal feature throughout the solar cycle. This review outlines a range of possible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) coronal heating theories, including MHD wave dissipation and MHD reconnection as well as the accumulating observational evidence for quasi-periodic oscillations and small-scale energy bursts occurring in the corona. Also, we describe current attempts to interpret plasma temperature, density and velocity diagnostics in the light of specific localised energy release. The progress in these investigations expected from future solar missions (Solar-B, STEREO, SDO and Solar Orbiter) is also assessed.Received: 6 February 2003, Published online: 14 November 2003 Correspondence to: R. W. Walsh  相似文献   

Summary Magnetic fields have now been detected in stars in several parts of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Roughly dipolar fields ranging in strength between 3× 102 and 3×104 G are found in many chemically peculiar A and B main sequence stars. Dipolar fields are also found in some 2–3% of white dwarfs, but with strengths between 1×106 and 5×108 G. In both these types of stars, the observed fields vary as the underlying star turns, but do not change in a secular manner. In solartype stars, structurally complex fields of a few kG are found with filling factors of the order of 0.1 to 0.8. Further indirect evidence of fields in cool main sequence stars is provided by detection of visible and ultraviolet line emission (chromospheric activity), x radiation (coronal matter), and giant starspots. In this review, we survey the observations of stellar magnetism in all these types of stars, as well as efforts to model the observed magnetic fields and associated photospheric peculiarities and activity.This article was processed by the author using the Springer-Verlag TEX AAR macro package 1991.  相似文献   

The optical spectra of the seven late-type Wolf-Rayet central stars NGC-40 (PNG 120.0+09.8, subtype [WC8]), He 2-99 (PNG 309.0–04.2, [WC9]), BD+30°3639 (PN G 064.7+05.0, [WC9]), CPD-56°8032 (PNG 332.9–09.9, [WC11]), He2-113 (PNG 321.0+03.9, [WC11]), M4-18 (PNG 146.7+07.6, [WC11]) and K2-16 (PNG 352.9+11.4, [WC11]) are analyzed by means of spherically expanding model atmospheres. The NLTE simulations account for the elements hydrogen, helium, carbon and oxygen. As main results effective temperature, element abundances and final velocity of the wind are determined for each star. Assuming distances or luminosities for the objects, also the stellar radii and the mass-loss rates can be fixed. The results of these analyses establish empirical constraints for the evolutionary status of WC-type central stars as post-AGB objects and provide input for modeling their planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

The temperature curve in the solar chromosphere has puzzled astronomers for a long time.Referring to the structure of supergranular cells,we propose an in ductive heating model.It mainly includes the following three steps.(1) A small-scale dynamo exists in the supergranulation and produces alternating small-scale magnetic fluxes;(2) The supergranular flow distributes these small-scale fluxes according to a regular pattern;(3) A skin effect occurs in the alternating and regularly-distributed magnetic fields.The induced current is concentrated near the transition region and heats it by resistive dissipation.  相似文献   

Non-degenerate stars of essentially all spectral classes are soft X-ray sources. Their X-ray spectra have been important in constraining physical processes that heat plasma in stellar environments to temperatures exceeding one million degrees. Low-mass stars on the cooler part of the main sequence and their pre-main sequence predecessors define the dominant stellar population in the galaxy by number. Their X-ray spectra are reminiscent, in the broadest sense, of X-ray spectra from the solar corona. The Sun itself as a typical example of a main-sequence cool star has been a pivotal testbed for physical models to be applied to cool stars. X-ray emission from cool stars is indeed ascribed to magnetically trapped hot gas analogous to the solar coronal plasma, although plasma parameters such as temperature, density, and element abundances vary widely. Coronal structure, its thermal stratification and geometric extent can also be interpreted based on various spectral diagnostics. New features have been identified in pre-main sequence stars; some of these may be related to accretion shocks on the stellar surface, fluorescence on circumstellar disks due to X-ray irradiation, or shock heating in stellar outflows. Massive, hot stars clearly dominate the interaction with the galactic interstellar medium: they are the main sources of ionizing radiation, mechanical energy and chemical enrichment in galaxies. High-energy emission permits to probe some of the most important processes at work in these stars, and put constraints on their most peculiar feature: the stellar wind. Medium and high- resolution spectroscopy have shed new light on these objects as well. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of cool and hot stars through the study of X-ray spectra, in particular high-resolution spectra now available from XMM-Newton and Chandra. We address issues related to coronal structure, flares, the composition of coronal plasma, X-ray production in accretion streams and outflows, X-rays from single OB-type stars, massive binaries, magnetic hot objects and evolved WR stars.  相似文献   

Wolf-Rayet stars     
Summary Recent literature on Population I Wolf-Rayet star research extending from the Milky Way to blue compact dwarf galaxies is reviewed, broken down into inventory, basic parameters and galactic distribution, atmospheres, binaries, intrinsic variability, mass loss, enrichment and evolution. Also the incidence of Wolf-Rayet stars with variable non-thermal radio emission, excess X-ray fluxes, and episodic/periodic IR excesses is reviewed. These phenomena appear to be associated with wind-wind interaction in wide long-period WR+OB binaries and with wind-compact object interaction in WR+c binaries, with orbit sizes of the order of magnitude of the WR radio photosphere sizes or larger.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating the possible particular behavior of carbon in a sample of chemically peculiar stars of the main sequence without turning to modeling, we performed spectroscopic observations of three important and usually prominent single ionized carbon lines: 4267.261, 6578.052 and 6582.882 Å. In addition, we observed a large number of standard stars in order to define a kind of normality strip, useful for comparing the observed trend for the peculiar stars. We paid particular attention to the problem of the determination of fundamental atmospheric parameters, especially for the chemically peculiar stars for which the abundance anomalies change the flux distribution in such a way that the classical photometric methods to infer effective temperatures and gravities parameter cannot be applied. Regarding CP stars, we found a normal carbon abundance in Hg–Mn, Si (with some exceptions) and He strong stars. He weak stars are normal too, but with a large spread out of the data around the mean value. A more complicated behavior has been noted in the group of SrCrEu stars: four out of seven show a strong overabundance, being the others normal.  相似文献   

Strong evidence that some neutron stars precess (nutate) with long periods (∼1 yr) challenges our current understanding of the neutron star interior. I describe how neutron star precession can be used to constrain the state of the interior in a new way. I argue that the standard picture of the outer core, in which superfluid neutrons coexist with type II, superconducting protons, requires revision. One possible resolution is that the protons are not type II, but type I. Another possibility is that the neutrons are normal in the outer core. I conclude with a brief discussion of the implications for detectable gravitational wave emission from millisecond pulsars. Much of the work described here was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant AST-00098728.  相似文献   

The solar atmosphere is heated by a flux of mechanical waves propagating in one or more of the modes: acoustic, Alfvén and gravitational.The acoustic theory is compared with observational data and found inadequate. First, the theory is based quantitatively on the Böhm-Vitense convection zone model, and large-scale convective motions (supergranulation) and magnetic fields (unipolar regions) show that convection has another form. On the other hand, when granular motions are invoked the energy flux is too small. Second, atmospheric heating is localized in faculae, and enhanced acoustic flux beneath these regions is no longer explicable. Finally, the short periods of 10–30 s invoked recently appear inexplicable. Objections to the gravitational wave heating process are given briefly.Previous objections to Alfvén waves as an energy source followed from the belief that fields were generally uniform and of strength 50 G, now known to be incorrect. Models of Alfvén wave generation are based on (i) granule eddy motions, (ii) overstable oscillations in subsurface flux tubes and sunspot flux ropes, and (iii) supergranule motions, both horizontal and vertical.The first provides waves which propagate along thin flux tubes oscillating as taut wires in a compressible fluid; they may explain mottles, fibrils and other small emission features. The second may explain the enormous dissipation in spot groups, including flares. The third has been invoked earlier to explain spicules, and may have effects in the solar wind.  相似文献   

Despite great advances in observations and modelling, the problem of solar and stellar heating still remains one of the most challenging problems of space physics. To find a definite answer to what sort of mechanisms act to heat the plasma to a few million degrees requires a collaborative effort of small scales observations, large capacity numerical modelling and complicated theoretical approaches. A unique theory should incorporate aspects such as the generation of energy, its transport and dissipation. Up to now, the first two problems are rather clarified. However, the modality of transfer of magnetic or kinetic energy into heat is a question still awaiting for an answer. In the present paper we review the various popular heating mechanisms put forward in the existing extensive literature. The heating processes are, somewhat arbitrarily, classified as hydrodynamic, magnetohydrodynamic or kinetic based on the characteristics of the model medium. These mechanisms are further divided based on the time scales of the ultimate dissipation involved (i.e. AC and DC heating, turbulent heating). In particular, special attention is paid to discuss shock dissipation, mode coupling, resonant absorption, phase mixing, and, reconnection. Finally, we briefly review the various heating mechanisms proposed to heat other stars. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present an overview of recent X-ray observations of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars with XMM-Newton and Chandra. These observations are aimed at determining the differences in X-ray properties between massive WR + OB binary systems and putatively single WR stars. A new XMM spectrum of the nearby WN8 + OB binary WR 147 shows hard absorbed X-ray emission (including the Fe Kα line complex), characteristic of colliding wind shock sources. In contrast, sensitive observations of four of the closest known single WC (carbon-rich) WR stars have yielded only non-detections. These results tentatively suggest that single WC stars are X-ray quiet. The presence of a companion may thus be an essential factor in elevating the X-ray emission of WC + OB stars to detectable levels.  相似文献   

EIT waves are observed in EUV as bright fronts. Some of these bright fronts propagate across the solar disk. EIT waves are all associated with a flare and a CME and are commonly interpreted as fast-mode magnetosonic waves. Propagating EIT waves could also be the direct signature of the gradual opening of magnetic field lines during a CME. We quantitatively addressed this alternative interpretation. Using two independent 3D MHD codes, we performed nondimensional numerical simulations of a slowly rotating magnetic bipole, which progressively result in the formation of a twisted magnetic flux tube and its fast expansion, as during a CME. We analyse the origins, the development, and the observability in EUV of the narrow electric currents sheets that appear in the simulations. Both codes give similar results, which we confront with two well-known SOHO/EIT observations of propagating EIT waves (7 April and 12 May 1997), by scaling the vertical magnetic field components of the simulated bipole to the line of sight magnetic field observed by SOHO/MDI and the sign of helicity to the orientation of the soft X-ray sigmoids observed by Yohkoh/SXT. A large-scale and narrow current shell appears around the twisted flux tube in the dynamic phase of its expansion. This current shell is formed by the return currents of the system, which separate the twisted flux tube from the surrounding fields. It intensifies as the flux tube accelerates and it is co-spatial with weak plasma compression. The current density integrated over the altitude has the shape of an ellipse, which expands and rotates when viewed from above, reproducing the generic properties of propagating EIT waves. The timing, orientation, and location of bright and faint patches observed in the two EIT waves are remarkably well reproduced. We conjecture that propagating EIT waves are the observational signature of Joule heating in electric current shells, which separate expanding flux tubes from their surrounding fields during CMEs or plasma compression inside this current shell. We also conjecture that the bright edges of halo CMEs show the plasma compression in these current shells.  相似文献   

The outer layers of Sun-like stars are regions of rapid spatial variation which modulate the p-mode frequencies by partially reflecting the constituent acoustic waves. With the accuracy that has been achieved by current solar observations, and that is expected from imminent stellar observations, this modulation can be observed from the spectra of the low-degree modes. We present a new and simple theoretical calculation to determine the leading terms in an asymptotic expansion of the outer phase of these modes, which is determined by the structure of the surface layers of the star. Our procedure is to compare the stellar envelope with a plane-parallel polytropic envelope, which we regard as a smooth reference background state. Then we can isolate a seismic signature of the acoustic phase and relate it to the stratification of the outer layers of the convection zone. One can thereby constrain theories of convection that are used to construct the convection zones of the Sun and Sun-like stars. The accuracy of the diagnostic is tested in the solar case by comparing the predicted outer phase with an exact numerical calculation.  相似文献   

We lay out the scientific rationale for and present the instrumental requirements of a high‐resolution adaptiveoptics Echelle spectrograph with two full‐Stokes polarimeters for the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona. Magnetic processes just like those seen on the Sun and in the space environment of the Earth are now well recognized in many astrophysical areas. The application to other stars opened up a new field of research that became widely known as the solarstellar connection. Late‐type stars with convective envelopes are all affected by magnetic processes which give rise to a rich variety of phenomena on their surface and are largely responsible for the heating of their outer atmospheres. Magnetic fields are likely to play a crucial role in the accretion process of T‐Tauri stars as well as in the acceleration and collimation of jet‐like flows in young stellar objects (YSOs). Another area is the physics of active galactic nucleii (AGNs) , where the magnetic activity of the accreting black hole is now believed to be responsible for most of the behavior of these objects, including their X‐ray spectrum, their notoriously dramatic variability, and the powerful relativistic jets they produce. Another is the physics of the central engines of cosmic gamma‐ray bursts, the most powerful explosions in the universe, for which the extreme apparent energy release are explained through the collimation of the released energy by magnetic fields. Virtually all the physics of magnetic fields exploited in astrophysics is somehow linked to our understanding of the Sun's and the star's magnetic fields. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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