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Observations made by the Hinotori satellite have been analysed to determine the yearly variations of the electron density and electron temperature in the low-latitude topside ionosphere. The observations reveal the existence of an equinoctial asymmetry in the topside electron density at low latitudes, i.e. the density is higher at one equinox than at the other. The asymmetry is hemisphere-dependent with the higher electron density occurring at the March equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and at the September equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The asymmetry becomes stronger with increasing latitude in both hemispheres. The behaviour of the asymmetry has no significant longitudinal and magnetic activity variations. A mechanism for the equinoctial asymmetry has been investigated using CTIP (coupled thermosphere ionosphere plasmasphere model). The model results reproduce the observed equinoctial asymmetry and suggest that the asymmetry is caused by the north-south imbalance of the thermosphere and ionosphere at the equinoxes due to the slow response of the thermosphere arising from the effects of the global thermospheric circulation. The observations also show that the relationship between the electron density and electron temperature is different for daytime and nighttime. During daytime the yearly variation of the electron temperature has negative correlation with the electron density, except at magnetic latitudes lower than 10°. At night, the correlation is positive.  相似文献   

The measurements on board the Cosmos-1809 satellite of various parameters of the topside ionosphere plasma during more than ten typhoons in various regions are analyzed. It is shown that specific zones of increased pressure of the electron gas, electric field, and intense ion oscillations are formed during the intensification stage. In some cases the “typhoon eye” is formed over the tropical depression zone in the ionosphere, that is, the region with sharply decreased plasma density and pressure is observed a day and more prior to the moment when it happens in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

It is common knowledge that the night-time ionosphere at the middle and moderately high latitudes is sustained by the charged particle flux arriving from plasmasphere along magnetic field lines. The downward directed particle velocity in this flux decreases with the decreasing height. It provides a potential source for plasma instability. This should be interpreted in such a way that the initial density perturbations increase with the time, and are enhanced as they propagate in space. In this paper we have carried out investigations of topside ionosphere plasma stability on the basis of solving the dispersion equation for low-frequency waves in a weakly inhomogeneous medium. Also analysis have been made of propagation of the waves within ray approximation. Is shown, that of irregularities, extending down accrue on intensity up to heights of a maximum of layer F2, and are loss in low layers of ionosphere.  相似文献   

A consistent patter, indicating that subtroughs in the He+ density and plasma bubbles can be considered as phenomena of the same origin, has been obtained within the scope of the existent model of equatorial plasma bubbles. The study has been performed based on the measurements of the ISS-b satellite, which flew during the period of high solar activity. The conclusion has been made based on a comparative analysis of the characteristics of subtroughs with the parameters of the known equatorial phenomena. (1) The similarity of the LT variations in the latitude of the minimums of subtroughs in the He+ density has been revealed. (2) It has been displayed that the variations in the averaged depth of subtroughs change from season to season similarly to the LT variations in the average velocity of the equatorial vertical plasma drift. (3) Good correlation (R = 0.67) between the occurrence probability of subtroughs and equatorial spread F statistics, constructed as the functions of LT and month, has been obtained. (4) The obtained velocity of the possible rise of plasma irregularities (observed as regions depleted in He+) is in good agreement with the ionosonde, satellite, and radar measurements of the equatorial plasma bubble velocities of the same period. (5) It has been indicated that plasma irregularities, reaching the altitudes of the topside ionosphere in the low-latitude and midlatitude regions during high solar activity, are most observable as depleted regions (subtroughs) of He+ density.  相似文献   

Summary Detailed gravity measurements recently carried out on the Gorner glacier, Switzerland, are used to determine the variation of thickness across the glacier ice. The Gorner glacier was chosen as a test site because seismic control was available. The glacier ice at a profile near the Monte Rosa massif is associated with a relative gravity low of about –23 mgal. Model oalculations yield a corresponding ice thickness of about 400 m at the central part of the profile. A comparison of the derived residual gravity anomaly with the calculated effect of the 3-D ice model based on seismic information is made. It is shown that the regional field determined for the Gorner glacier is appropriate and gives the correct residual anomaly associated with the glacier ice. Therefore, the proposed gravity technique for determining variations of the thickness of glacier ice appears to be a valuable and rather inexpensive method for surveying glaciers.Institut für Geophysik, ETH-Zürich, Contribution No 145.  相似文献   

Annual and seasonal variations in the low-latitude topside ionosphere are investigated using observations made by the Hinotori satellite and the Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (SUPIM). The observed electron densities at 600 km altitude show a strong annual anomaly at all longitudes. The average electron densities of conjugate latitudes within the latitude range ±25° are higher at the December solstice than at the June solstice by about 100% during daytime and 30% during night-time. Model calculations show that the annual variations in the neutral gas densities play important roles. The model values obtained from calculations with inputs for the neutral densities obtained from MSIS86 reproduce the general behaviour of the observed annual anomaly. However, the differences in the modelled electron densities at the two solstices are only about 30% of that seen in the observed values. The model calculations suggest that while the differences between the solstice values of neutral wind, resulting from the coupling of the neutral gas and plasma, may also make a significant contribution to the daytime annual anomaly, the E × B drift velocity may slightly weaken the annual anomaly during daytime and strengthen the anomaly during the post-sunset period. It is suggested that energy sources, other than those arising from the 6% difference in the solar EUV fluxes at the two solstices due to the change in the Sun-Earth distance, may contribute to the annual anomaly. Observations show strong seasonal variations at the solstices, with the electron density at 600 km altitude being higher in the summer hemisphere than in the winter hemisphere, contrary to the behaviour in NmF2. Model calculations confirm that the seasonal behaviour results from effects caused by transequatorial component of the neutral wind in the direction summer hemisphere to winter hemisphere.  相似文献   

The results of studying the ionospheric response to solar flares, obtained from the data of the GPS signal observations and incoherent scatter radars and as a result of the model calculations, are presented. It is shown that, according to the GPS data, a flare can cause a decrease in the electron content at altitudes of the topside ionosphere (h > 300 km). Similar effects of formation of a negative disturbance in the ionospheric F region were also observed during the solar flares of May 21 and 23, 1967, with the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar. The mechanism by which negative disturbances appear in the topside ionosphere during solar flares has been studied in this work based on the theoretical model of the ionosphere-plasmasphere coupling. It has been indicated that the formation of the electron density negative disturbance in the topside ionosphere is caused by an intense removal of O+ ions into the overlying plasmasphere under the action of an abrupt increase in the ion production rate and thermal expansion of the ionospheric plasma.  相似文献   

基于2014年至2017年SWARM三颗卫星四年的磁场观测数据,我们挑选出Pc3压缩波事件,研究了顶部电离层Pc3压缩波活动强度的磁纬-磁地方时分布、随磁地方时变化的季节特征以及地理经纬度分布,并进一步分析了Pc3压缩波发生频次的分布特征.结果表明,中高纬和低纬的Pc3压缩波可能存在不同的激发机制.中高纬地区的扰动强度随高度衰减,且高纬地区几乎所有地方时都可以观测到Pc3压缩波,可能主要是由入射的阿尔芬波与电离层相互作用产生;而低纬地区扰动强度没有明显的高度依赖性且主要发生日侧,可能主要是上游波以快模波的形式直接传播到电离层所致.同时,该研究结果给出了入射阿尔芬波和电离层相互作用耦合产生Pc3压缩波理论模型的观测证据.  相似文献   

A comparison of the diurnal and seasonal variations in the ionospheric equivalent slab thickness (τ) and bottomside slab thickness (B0) is presented based on the observation during high solar activities at a mid-latitude station—Wuhan (114.4°E, 30.6°N). The investigated data include foF2, hmF2, B0, B1, and TEC, and are derived from the measured ionogram and GPS receiver over Wuhan from April 1999 to March 2000. The results show that τ and B0 are highly/weakly correlated during the day/night, respectively. Furthermore, a comprehensive discussion of the relation between τ, B0, and hmF2 for geomagnetic storm events is provided in this paper.  相似文献   


本文基于IRI模型、地面数字测高仪和GNSS TEC数据,提出了一种利用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,简称EOF)估算顶部电离层电子密度剖面的方法,并将其应用于美国Millstone Hill测高仪和GNSS数据以估算顶部电离层电子密度剖面.通过将估算的临界频率、峰值高度、400 km以上电子密度分别与测高仪实测临界频率、测高仪实测峰值高度以及非相干散射雷达实测400 km以上电子密度作对比以对方法的有效性进行验证.统计结果显示估算临界频率、峰值高度与测高仪实测数据基本一致,400 km以上估算电子密度相较于非相干散射雷达实测的绝对误差平均值仅是测高仪推算400 km以上电子密度绝对误差平均值的一半左右.所以本文提出的方法可以更加精确地估算顶部电离层电子密度.


The density and temperature of the plasma electron component and wave emission intensity in the topside ionosphere were measured by the INTERCOSMOS-19 satellite. In the subauroral ionosphere, a decrease in the plasma density correlates with an increase in the plasma electron component temperature. In this case, the additional increase in the electron component temperature was measured in regions with increased plasma density gradients during the substorm recovery phase. In a linear approximation, the electromagnetic wave growth increments are small on electron fluxes precipitating in the auroral zone. It has been indicated that Bernstein electromagnetic waves propagating in the subauroral topside ionosphere can intensify in regions with increased plasma density gradients on electron fluxes orthogonal to the geomagnetic field, which are formed when plasma is heated by decaying electrostatic oscillations of the plasma electron component. This can be one of the most important factors responsible for the intensification of auroral kilometric radiation.  相似文献   

We analyze the data obtained using the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar to examine the response of the topside ionosphere to a moderate geomagnetic storm that occurred during the period March 7–11, 2008. During this time period a magnetic storm with a non-monotonic main phase decrease in the Dst index occurred. The recovery phase also exhibited a secondary Dst decrease. During the initial phase of the storm, Te and Ti increased coincident with the arrival of the solar wind. The main phase registered an increase in proton concentration proportional to Ne while temperatures reached the lowest values. Variations in O+ concentration were not significant but a reduction in helium fraction was observed. Soon after the peak of the storm, the transition height between the topside ionosphere and the protonosphere, where H+ ions dominate composition, was lower than would be expected during quiet conditions and this behavior lasted for approximately 12 h.  相似文献   

Observations from the special UK EISCAT program UFIS are presented. UFIS is a joint UHF-VHF experiment, designed to make simultaneous measurements of enhanced vertical plasma flows in the F-region and topside ionospheres. Three distinct intervals of upward ion flow were observed. During the first event, upward ion fluxes in excess of 1013 m–2 s–1 were detected, with vertical ion velocities reaching 300 ms–1 at 800 km. The upflow was associated with the passage of an auroral arc through the radar field of view. In the F-region, an enhanced and sheared convection electric field on the leading edge of the arc resulted in heating of the ions, whilst at higher altitudes, above the precipitation region, strongly enhanced electron temperatures were observed; such features are commonly associated with the generation of plasma upflows. These observations demonstrate some of the acceleration mechanisms which can exist within the small-scale structure of an auroral arc. A later upflow event was associated with enhanced electron temperatures and only a moderate convection electric field, with no indication of significantly elevated ion temperatures. There was again some evidence of F-region particle precipitation at the time of the upflow, which exhibited vertical ion velocities of similar magnitude to the earlier upflow, suggesting that the behaviour of the electrons might be the dominant factor in this type of event. A third upflow was detected at altitudes above the observing range of the UHF radar, but which was evident in the VHP data from 600 km upwards. Smaller vertical velocities were observed in this event, which was apparently uncorrelated with any features observed at lower altitudes. Limitations imposed by the experimental conditions inhibit the interpretation of this event, although the upflow was again likely related to topside plasma heating.  相似文献   

The possibility of registering a plasma bubble at altitudes of the topside ionosphere based on its minor species He+ were studied. The characteristic times of the main aeronomic and electrodynamic processes, in which a bubble and its ion component He+ are involved, were calculated and compared. The recombination processes of helium ions in a bubble, the vertical transfer of a plasma bubble as a whole, and the diffusion transfer of the plasma bubble minor constituent (He+) were considered. The characteristic times of ambipolar and transverse (Bohm) diffusion were calculated when the diffusion transfer was estimated. The effect of the photoionization processes on plasma bubble dissipation were estimated based on the He+ bubble ion component. It was shown that the bubble filling characteristic time with an average He+ depletion to the He+ ambient density is ~24 h. It was concluded that such a prolonged bubble lifetime makes it possible to register a plasma bubble reliably over approximately two days. However, it has been noted that only a residual plasma bubble structure, i.e., its trace visible in He+ ions, will apparently be registered during most prolonged observations.  相似文献   

The high-latitude ionosphere interfaces with the hot, tenuous, magnetospheric plasma, and a heat flow into the ionosphere is expected, which has a large impact on the plasma densities and temperatures in the high-latitude ionosphere. The value of this magnetospheric heat flux is unknown. In an effort to estimate the value of the magnetospheric heat flux into the high-latitude ionosphere, and show its effect on the high-latitude ionospheric plasma densities, we ran an ensemble of model runs using the Ionosphere Forecast Model (IFM) with different values of the heat flux through the upper boundary. These model runs included heating from both auroral and solar sources. Then, for each heat flux value, the plasma densities obtained from the model runs, at 840 km, were compared to the corresponding values measured by the DMSP F13 satellite. The heat flux value that gave the best comparison between the measured and calculated plasma densities was considered to be the best estimate for the topside heat flux. The comparison was conducted for a 1-year data set of the DMSP F13 measured plasma densities (4300 consecutive orbits). Our systematic IFM/DMSP plasma density comparisons indicate that when a zero magnetospheric downward heat flux is assumed at the upper boundary of the IFM model, on the average, the IFM underestimates the measured plasma densities by a factor of 2. A good IFM/DMSP plasma density comparison was achieved for each month in 1998 when for each month a constant heat flux was assumed at the upper boundary of the model. For the 12-month period, the heat flux values that gave the best IFM/DMSP plasma density comparisons varied on the average from −0.5×1010 to −1.5×1010 eV cm−2 s−1.  相似文献   

We apply a model-assisted technique to construct the topside electron density profile based on Digisonde measurements. This technique uses the Topside Sounder Model (TSM), which provides the plasma scale height, O+-H+ transition height, and their ratio Rt = H T /h T , derived from topside sounder data of Alouette and ISIS satellites. The Topside Sounder Model Profiler (TSMP) incorporates TSM and uses the model quantities as anchor points for the construction of topside density profiles. TSMP provides its model ratios with transition height and plasmaspheric scale height. The analysis carried out indicates that Digisonde derived F-region topside scale height Hm is systematically lower than one derived from topside sounder profiles. To construct topside profiles by using Hm, a correction factor of around 3 is needed to multiply the neutral scale height in the α-Chapman formula. It was found that the plasmaspheric scale height strongly depends on latitude and its ratio with the F-region scale height expresses large day-to-day variability.  相似文献   

We have determined the MLT distribution and KpKP dependence of the ion upflow and downflow of the thermal bulk oxygen ion population based on a data analysis using the EISCAT VHF radar CP-7 data obtained at Tromsø during the period between 1990 and 1996: (1) both ion upflow and downflow events can be observed at any local time (MLT), irrespective of dayside and nightside, and under any magnetic disturbance level, irrespective of quiet and disturbed levels; (2) these upflow and downflow events are more frequently observed in the nightside than in the dayside; (3) the upflow events are more frequently observed than the downflow events at any local time except midnight and at any KP level and the difference of the occurrence frequencies between the upflow and downflow events is smaller around midnight; and (4) the occurrence frequencies of both the ion upflow and downflow events appear to increase with increasing KP level, while the occurrence frequency of the downflow appears to stop increasing at some KP level  相似文献   

We show examples of common volume observations of three metals by lidar focusing on the altitude of the topside of the meteoric metal layer as described by Höffner and Friedman (H&F) [The mesospheric metal layer topside: a possible connection to meteoroids, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 4 (2004) 801–808]. In contrast to H&F, we will focus on time scales of a few hours and less whereas the previous study examined the seasonally averaged climatological state on time scales of several days or weeks, and we examine the entire topside, whereas H&F focused on data at 113 km. The examples, taken under different observation conditions in 1997 and 1998 at Kühlungsborn, Germany (54°N, 15°E), show that the metal layers can often be observed at altitudes as high as 130 km if the signal is integrated over a period of several hours. Under such conditions it is possible to derive reasonably good metal abundance ratios from nocturnally averaged data, which, in turn, allow the discussion of metal abundance ratios to broaden from a single altitude as discussed in H&F to an altitude range extending as high as 130 km. The examples herein show, for the first time, that it is possible to track the transition in the metal abundance ratios from the main layer to an altitude region that has not been studied in the past by lidar. On shorter time scales, small structures are detectable and observable, sometimes above 120 km, resulting in, on average, a broad but weak topside layer above 105 km. In particular, the example of 26–27 October 1997, obtained during enhanced meteor activity, is an indication that this broad layer may result from meteor ablation occurring in this altitude range during the observation. Ratios of metal densities for Ca, Fe, K, and Na are remarkably consistent above about 110 km and in close agreement with the results of H&F. They are less consistent with ratios measured in individual meteor trails and appear to have little relation to the ratios measured in CI meteorites. Finally, it is the temporal smoothing of descending sporadic metal atom layers on top of an undisturbed background metal layer that is the basis of the summer topside extension as described by H&F.  相似文献   

O+ field-aligned diffusive velocities and fluxes in the topside ionosphere have been calculated from electron density profiles retrieved from CHAMP radio occultation (RO) measurements. The velocities and fluxes from January 2002 to December 2003 at low- and mid-latitudes have been statistically analyzed. The results show that daytime diffusive fluxes changed gradually from downward to upward as altitude increases. The largest values of the upward diffusive fluxes and velocities occurred at around ±25° geomagnetic latitude. During solstices the plasma fluxes in the winter hemisphere were larger than those in the summer hemisphere.  相似文献   

In this report, the capabilities of the adaptively shifted integration (ASI)‐Gauss code in the analysis of the seismic responses of framed structures are verified and validated by comparing the results with detailed numerical simulations performed by the parallel finite element analysis code, E‐Simulator, and with experimental results obtained by E‐Defense. The numerical results obtained by both codes showed good agreement with the experimental results obtained by E‐Defense. Furthermore, seismic waves with unnaturally large magnitudes are applied to a high‐rise building model to demonstrate the ability of the ASI‐Gauss code to analyze the collapse behaviors of building frames. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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