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Smallpox mortality from an early 19th century epidemic in Finland is mapped at the parish village level. First, geographically referenced historical materials are used to construct a map showing the spread of smallpox mortality among villages. Next, the diffusion of smallpox morbidity is simulated by computer for the same set of villages. These two maps are then compared. Results indicate that at this scale maps of mortality diffusion can show general trends but have no direct spatial correspondence to the underlying pattern of morbidity diffusion. Mortality maps cannot be used as a surrogate measure of infectious contact behavior at micro scales of analysis.  相似文献   

Studies of land-use change often require the combination of socioeconomic survey data with spatially continuous maps of land-cover change. One approach is to define maps of land ownership, assuming that all land-use change can be attributed to the owners or managers of each parcel of land. Unfortunately, records of administrative boundaries between towns and villages are commonly unavailable in developing countries and prohibitively costly or time consuming to map for individual projects. However, point locations of the settlements themselves can be obtained easily from existing maps or remotely-sensed imagery. In this paper we compare three methods – circular buffers, unweighted Voronoi polygons (sometimes referred to as Thiessen polygons) and multiplicatively weighted Voronoi polygons – for estimating boundaries between villages in an agricultural landscape in West Africa. The benefits and limitations of each approach are discussed, and their accuracy assessed using 98 independently collected GPS coordinates of village boundaries. We present a novel method for generating and optimising weights for multiplicatively weighted Voronoi polygons using survey data of village sizes from a subset of villages. By using both spatial information and survey data from villages, we show that multiplicatively weighted Voronoi polygons outperform other methods of predicting village boundaries, and increase the correlation coefficient between surveyed village area and mapped areas from 0.18 to 0.68 compared with more commonly used unweighted Voronoi polygons. Our method of weighting Voronoi polygons can be implemented with data and software commonly available to researchers and non-governmental organisations.  相似文献   

吴娜琳  李二玲  李小建 《地理研究》2013,32(7):1303-1315
专业村是中国区域农业专业化发展的空间载体,其扩散因能扩大专业种植规模、形成地理优势而备受关注。运用2011 年河南省柘城县辣椒种植业调查数据,采用空间分析、社会网络分析、回归分析等方法,从辣椒种植空间扩散及影响因素入手,探讨了辣椒种植专业村的空间扩散过程及其影响因素。研究发现:① 特色种植空间扩散主要有4 种途径,但以政府廊道、近邻廊道为主;② 专业村的空间扩散特征为:点域扩散→交通轴线扩散→局部面状扩散→广域扩散→边缘区扩散。此发现说明,示范效应、政府深刻影响着柘城县农户对辣椒种植的选择,距离、交通及村庄区位等地理要素深刻影响着扩散的空间格局。③ 整个特色种植的扩散速度主要受距离县城远近的影响,专业村的扩散速度主要受距离辣椒种植基地远近的影响。④ 特色种植的扩散强度受资源、政府影响最大;随着时间的推移,媒体、市场、耕地规模影响逐步增强。专业村的扩散强度受区位影响较弱,受资源、种植习惯的影响较大,且随时间的推移,市场因素影响凸显。总之,影响特色种植空间扩散的因素较分散,影响专业村空间扩散的因素较集中,但均随着时间的变化不断变化,且整体呈现:区位、资源条件的影响始终最大,市场因素作用趋于增强。最后,文章从村域微观环境、村际中观环境及社会宏观背景三个方面对其进行了分析和解释。  相似文献   

中国历史文化名村的时空分布特征及成因   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
李亚娟  陈田  王婧  汪德根 《地理研究》2013,32(8):1477-1485
古村落是具有文化遗产性质的乡村聚落,选取古村落发展中最具代表性的国家级历史文化名村来分析中国古村落的空间分布特征,探讨其影响因素和分布原因,从而进一步引导中国乡村地区的同步发展,促进城乡一体化进程。研究表明:① 我国历史文化名村主要沿河流分布、多是历史上的经济文化中心、交通要塞和文明的发祥地,并形成了3 大集中区、3 大相对集中区和4 大过渡扩散区,孕育了6 个文化区;② 中国历史文化名村建造时间跨度较大,但多集中在唐宋明清4 个朝代,明朝保留下来的古村落最多,分布范围最广;③ 造成中国历史文化名村分布不均衡的主要原因有资源禀赋特点、评定标准的局限、依托腹地的经济发达程度和区域政策导向。  相似文献   


Attempts have been made by different organizations in India to organize data in order to develop a suitable information system. These attempts were oriented towards specific uses, such as natural resources, data management, thematic mapping and the like. In some attempts software has been developed for some specific purpose. It is not an easy task to develop an information system for a country such as India. Its extent in latitude and longitude is well above average. There are federal and state agencies for the collection of data and the preparation of maps. The geographical information concerning India is available from the following sources: the administrative areas of states, union territories, districts, sub-districts and villages; survey sheets; remote sensing images; aerial photographs; and thematic base maps of the National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation. There are other map series available which have been used for socio-economic mapping. By the end of 1987 the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite will be launched and then remotely-sensed data will be readily available. Considering the geographical bases available in the country, five levels can be identified for developing an information system for India. Some of the thematic maps at 1:1000 000 scale can be used for initiating such a geographical information system.  相似文献   

Relief shading is the most common type of cartographic relief representation for print and digital maps. Manual relief shading results in informative and visually pleasing representations of terrain, but it is time consuming and expensive to produce. Current analytical relief shading can be created quickly, but the resulting maps are not as aesthetically appealing and do not show landscape features in an explicit manner. This article introduces an automated digital method that produces shaded relief with locally adjusted illumination directions to simulate the techniques and cartographic principles of manual relief shading. Ridgelines and valley lines are derived from a digital terrain model, vectorized, and used in a diffusion curve algorithm. A graph analysis generalizes the lines before using them for diffusion curve shading. The direction of illumination is adjusted based on the spatial orientation of ridgelines and valley lines. The diffusion curve shading is combined with standard analytical relief shading to create a final diffusion relief shading image. Similar to manual relief shading, major landforms and the structure of the terrain are more clearly shown in the diffusion relief shading. The presented method best highlights major landforms in terrain characterized by sharp, clearly defined ridges and valleys.  相似文献   

Under traditional agriculture, Japanese farm communities arranged land uses to collect natural resources from the surrounding landscape to support intensive cultivation nearby villages. This may have produced a land-use pattern analogous to the European infield–outfield system, a type of concentric ring model of land use centered on villages. This study applies a multiple buffer analysis to a Japanese rural landscape depicted in historical maps surveyed in the 1880s, to investigate the spatial patterns that had existed under traditional agriculture for a study area in the Kanto Plain near Tokyo. About 60% of the landscape depicted in the map area consisted of woodlands and grasslands. The land-use pattern combined a concentric ring pattern centered on villages and a parallel band pattern arrayed across the upland plateau between rice paddies. The modal distance from villages to rice paddies was about 400 m, suggesting that the villages were deliberately located at this distance along the rice paddies in the long, narrow river valleys. The distance distribution of other land uses suggests that high priority was given to locating dry fields close to villages, and grasslands in the center of the upland plateau, while woodlands followed a distribution expected from the distances available within the map area. The analysis lends support to the suggestion that traditional rural landscapes were not a random mosaic of various land uses, but often had a spatial structure, that can be accounted in plans to preserve or restore them. The multiple buffer analysis also suggests that distance from key landscape features, in itself, can be considered a limited spatial resource because only a limited amount of area exists for each distance zone.  相似文献   

乡村发展水平精准评估及类型划分是乡村振兴研究的热点问题,可为分类分阶段实施乡村振兴战略提供科学依据。论文以河南省栾川县为例,融合行政村普查、电子地图POI等多源数据,从村域尺度构建多维发展测度指标体系,开展乡村发展水平的多维评估和类型识别。结果表明:① 栾川县乡村多维发展水平总体较低,中等及以上发展的村庄数占比为45.89%,并且任意2个维度间相互作用对解释多维发展指数的空间分异有非线性增强作用。② 乡村多维发展水平空间分异特征明显,发展水平高的村庄集中分布在县城附近及重点乡镇所在地,发展水平低和较低的村庄则主要分布在县域边界以及中部乡镇交接区域。③ 单维发展水平呈现较为显著的集聚分布特征,但不同维度间空间集聚格局有所差异。其中,地理区位和自然本底发展水平较高的村庄主要集聚在资源禀赋好、地势较为平坦的地区;地理区位、人口发展、经济基础和社会福利4个维度发展水平较高的村庄主要集聚在县城、乡镇政府所在地和旅游景区附近。④ 根据多维发展评估结果和优势因素,将村庄划分为优先振兴型、预备振兴型、保留维持型、衰退搬迁型和优先搬迁型5种类型。研究根据不同类型村庄的发展特征,提出振兴路径和发展策略。  相似文献   

Landslides are an increasing problem in Nepal’s Middle Hills due to both natural and human phenomena: mainly increasingly intense monsoon rains and a boom in rural road construction. This problem has largely been neglected due to underreporting of losses and the dispersed nature of landslides. Understanding how populations cope with landslides is a first step toward developing more effective landslide risk management programs. The present research focuses on two villages in Central-Eastern Nepal, both affected by active landslides but with different coping strategies. Research methods are interdisciplinary, based on a geological assessment of landslide risk and a socio-economic study of the villages using household questionnaires, focus group discussions and transect walks. Community risk maps are compared with geological landslide risk maps to better understand and communicate community risk perceptions, priorities and coping strategies. A modified typology of coping strategies is presented, based on previous work by Burton, Kates, and White (1993) that is useful for decision-makers for designing more effective programs for landslide mitigation. Main findings underscore that coping strategies, mainly seeking external assistance and outmigration, are closely linked to access to resources, ethnicity/social status and levels of community organization. Conclusions include the importance of investing in organizational skills, while building on local knowledge about landslide mitigation for reducing landslide risk. There is great potential to increase coping strategies by incorporating skills training on landslide mitigation in existing agricultural outreach and community forest user group training.  相似文献   

以河南省封丘县树莓产业为例,基于实地调查,从特色种植的空间扩散网络、村域种植规模变化、不同类型村空间分布特征、整体参与村空间集聚特征4方面对特色种植的空间持续性进行分析发现:特色种植空间扩散网络密度低,空间持续性不强,但其变化的空间范围一定,集聚特征明显。运用AMOS21.0对以上现象的影响因素进行分析发现:农户自身特性,尤其是冒险性精神对其持续种植时长影响较大;资金、技术、信息等生产条件获取越便利,农户持续种植时间越长;政府推动对农户持续种植具有正向作用;资源环境,尤其是土壤特性和能人带动对村域种植规模影响深刻;距离区位对村域持续种植的影响弱于基础设施条件。  相似文献   

运用Quickbird、Landsat TM/ETM+、Modis、房地产图、卫星过境时气象资料等数据,研究了昆明市主城区建筑区热环境特征。采用Modis数据进行Landsat band 6数据有效性验证,采用ENVI的FE模块进行基于Quickbird的城中村提取,分析连片建筑区、城中村和住宅小区的地表温度(LST)的空间分布特征。结果表明:城内、城郊地表热环境差异很明显;建筑区地表温度高温区逐渐从一、二环间向二、三环间移动;城中村和住宅小区的LST均温都存在相同特征:一环内>一、二环线间>二、三环线间>南三环外区域;2000-04-24住宅小区LST均值比城中村高0.5℃,2008-04-06城中村LST均值比住宅小区高1℃,2个时期住宅小区温度范围波动均比城中村大。  相似文献   

Local geography and gender are two major factors determining which crop varieties are cultivated in a case study of two rural villages in Bangladesh. This paper explores the interrelationships between gender, agrobiodiversity, and the use of, and preferences for, improved and local crop varieties. These are examined in relation to rice, minor field crops, and home garden fruits and vegetables. Reasons for both the displacement and the persistence of local varieties (LVs) are analysed in comparison to improved variety (IV) diffusion. The research evaluates agrobiodiversity through the number, types, and varieties of crops grown in fields and home gardens. The desired agroecological, economic, and cultural characteristics of crops grown document how respondents rank their variety preferences. Variety preferences and the perceived importance of LV preservation are compared with what is actually grown. The study indicates that there was little variation between villages in their approach towards the use of IV and LV rice; IVs were cultivated for their high yields and LV rice for taste and culinary uses. However, there were significant differences in relative agricultural dependence between the two villages which led to unique variety preferences. In both villages, women's preferences for IVs or LVs play a major role in crop choices, particularly as they manifest themselves in gendered domains of authority.  相似文献   

近30年冀鲁豫农业村落民宅景观演化过程与机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在冀鲁豫三省选择3个不同特征的村落作详细案例,结合对其他村落的实地踏查,采用照片对比、平面示意图分析、访谈、问卷调查和统计分析等研究方法,比较分析了近30年来该区域农业村落民宅景观的演化过程和机理。研究发现:30年来冀鲁豫农业村落的民宅景观经历了4个阶段的演化过程。民宅外观形态、样式、建筑材料与技术逐步现代化、去地方化,与泥土和自然的关系逐渐疏离。民宅内部格局的农业生产空间在经历了恢复和重组后逐渐弱化,生活空间的地位则持续提升,并逐步实现按代际、活动和性别的专门化和分隔化。家庭人口学特征是民宅演变代类差异产生的重要动力,家庭经济收入与民宅演变代类之间具有一定的相关性,人口流动对民宅演变代类差异的产生具有较明显作用。  相似文献   

Maps are often animated to help users make comparisons and comprehend trends. However, large and complex differences between sequential maps can inhibit users from doing so. This paper proposes a morphing technique to highlight trends without manual intervention. Changes between sequential maps are considered as the diffusion processes of expanding classes, with these processes simulated by cellular automata. A skeleton extraction technique is introduced to handle special cases. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed morphing technique can reveal obvious trends between dramatically changed maps. The potential application of the proposed morphing technique in sequential spatial data (e.g. remote-sensing images) is discussed.  相似文献   


Islam is an important topic in human and regional geography instruction, and major textbooks include maps showing Islam's core and rapid expansion diffusion, along with the number of pilgrims to Mecca from different countries. Determining the qibla, the sacred direction for daily prayer, and the distance to Mecca are additional topics that link human geography, Islamic mathematical geography, and modern geographic information science. Recently discovered Persian instruments used a retro-azimuthal map projection devised by medieval Muslim mathematicians to compute the qibla and distance to Mecca from anywhere within the seventeenth century realm of Islam. Modern global maps that allow the qibla and distance to Mecca to be determined from all populated areas on earth are added to the Persian instruments.  相似文献   

专业村集聚时空演化特征——以河南太行山麓为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马玉玲  乔家君  刘晨光  韩冬 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2259-2272
专业村发展正在经历由点到面的集聚发展阶段,逐渐呈现出集聚态势。在对专业村集聚概念界定的基础上,从外延(空间集聚)和内涵(功能集聚)两方面分析,构建测度模型,并以河南太行山麓集聚区为例进行实证分析,得出如下结论:① 专业村集聚是一个动态概念,其空间范围和内部功能都在不断发生变化。② 空间演化遵循“中心—外围”路径。实证分析表明河南太行山麓专业村存在空间集聚,且集聚程度不断提高;集聚范围逐渐扩大,并沿“中心—外围”路径扩散。③ 功能演化受亲缘、地缘、业缘联系的影响,联系密度逐渐增强。实证结果显示,河南太行山麓专业村集聚网络密度和集中度均上升,表明其网络联系紧密度逐渐增强,集聚优势凸显;中心势和中心度有所下降,表明专业村之间的支配关系更均衡,呈现由两极分化到层级发展的趋势;功能演化经历了低水平均衡阶段、极核阶段、高水平均衡阶段。  相似文献   

中国传统村落可持续发展评价体系构建与实证   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
王淑佳  孙九霞 《地理学报》2021,76(4):921-938
作为中华文明重要载体的传统村落具有丰富多元的价值,虽然政府与学界进行了大量保护与研究工作,但其可持续发展之路仍任重道远.因此建立中国传统村落可持续发展评价体系,准确评估其可持续发展水平具有重要理论与现实意义.通过对传统村落的长期实地调研,本文提出社区和遗产两个基本属性间协调关系是传统村落可持续发展的关键.本文使用层次分...  相似文献   

"This paper considers morbidity and mortality variations at the small-area level in England and Wales and their relation to socio-economic factors. Separate affluence and deprivation effects on illness and mortality are identified from a single-level analysis, both exceeding the influence of social class, urbanity or ethnicity. A multi-level perspective is then adopted to explore ecological associations operating both at micro-area and higher level spatial scales. Contextual effects (higher level variability in the impacts of ward level variables) are identified in the effects of small area deprivation on mortality and illness, as well as cross-level interactions; thus the impact of small area social structure on health is partly defined by the wider regional and district setting."  相似文献   

湘南地区传统村落空间秩序的表征、测度与归因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓运员  付翔翔  郑文武  张海波 《地理研究》2021,40(10):2722-2742
传统村落的空间形态受自然和文化双重影响,表现出复杂的空间差异性,通过识别空间差异来判断人地关系及其系统内部的空间机理和文化形成机制,是人文地理学当前面临的重要科学问题。从空间秩序视角出发,选取湘南地区10个典型的传统村落,将方向性序量、紧凑度、分形维数以及社会网络分析中的中心性、中心势等指标引入到区域单元下传统村落的空间秩序研究中,通过比较村落内部及村落之间的各项指数变化,并利用TOPSIS法建立综合评价体系,探究传统村落空间秩序的共性与个性,最终分析其背后的影响因素及空间机理。研究表明:① 方向性序量是传统村落空间秩序最直接的表征,湘南地区传统村落方向性秩序均值都在0.7以上,属于上游水平。② 紧凑度和分形维数分别表征村落整体形态的紧凑性和复杂性,从正反两方面反映了传统村落的外向空间秩序,湘南地区传统村落紧凑度较好、边界轮廓复杂性较低。③ 点度中心性代表村落的向心性,接近中心性代表村落的集聚性,中介中心性代表村落的破碎性,湘南地区传统村落接近中心性和中介中心性的中心均在村落几何中心附近。④ 村落空间秩序实际上代表着社会秩序的自组织性,湘南地区传统村落空间秩序感整体都较强,其影响因素主要有自然山水、宗族血缘、经济基础和文化教育4个方面。研究对于识别传统村落空间形态特征并判断其文化形成机制具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

张娟锋  任超群  刘洪玉  虞晓芬 《地理研究》2012,31(10):1815-1824
利用北京市最新土地调查数据和GIS工具, 描述通州区农村居民的用地现状、空间分布和特征。(1)依据规划边界将通州农村居民点划分为圈内、环内、环外三类, 圈内农村居民点面积50.30km2 (121个行政村),占总面积的30.62%;环内居民点面积19.35km2 (57个行政村),占11.78%;环外农村居民点面积94.63km2 (277个行政村),占57.60%.(2)不同类型农村居民点的驱动力不同, 圈内农村居民点主要是经济驱动力和社会驱动力, 环内农村居民点主要是制度驱动力和环境驱动力, 环外的农村居民点主要是社会驱动力和生态驱动力。(3)圈内居民点整理方向是实现城镇化, 应采用土地一级开发模式, 发展城市二三产业;环内居民点整理方向是改善生态环境, 发展特色产业, 适宜采取城乡一体化综合开发模式;环外居民点整理方向是增加农业用地, 减少耕地占用, 适宜采用乡村整治模式。农村居民点整理需要以驱动力为基础, 结合空间特征采取差异化的整理模式。  相似文献   

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