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Strain patterns within mantle rocks and surrounding coarse‐grained felsic granulites from the Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex in the Variscan Bohemian Massif have been studied in order to assess their strain coupling. The studied rock association occurs within low‐strain domains surrounded by fine‐grained granulite and migmatite. The Doubrava peridotite contains closely spaced and steeply dipping layers of garnet clinopyroxenite, which are parallel to the NE–SW‐striking, high‐temperature foliation in nearby granulites, while the Úhrov peridotite lacks such layering. The Spa?ice eclogite is not associated with peridotite and shows upright folds of alternating coarse‐ and fine‐grained varieties bearing NE–SW‐striking axial planes. Electron back‐scattered diffraction measurements revealed full strain coupling between clinopyroxenites and coarse‐grained granulites in the S1 fabric that is superposed on the S0 fabric preserved in peridotites. The B‐type olivine lattice preferred orientation (LPO) characterizes the S0 fabric in peridotites and its reworking is strongly controlled by the presence of macroscopic clinopyroxenite layering. The S1 in clinopyroxenites and coarse‐grained granulites is associated with the LS‐type clinopyroxene LPO and prism <c> slip in quartz respectively. While the S1 fabric in these rock types is accompanied invariably by a sub‐vertical stretching lineation, the S1 fabric developed in reworked Úhrov peridotite is associated with strongly planar axial (010) type of olivine LPO. The peridotites with the S0 fabric are interpreted to be relicts of a fore‐arc mantle wedge hydrated to a various extent above the Saxothuringian subduction zone. The prograde metamorphism recorded in peridotites and eclogites occurred presumably during mantle wedge flow and was reaching UHP conditions. Strain coupling in the S1 fabric between clinopyroxenites and granulites at Doubrava and upright folding of eclogites at Spa?ice document a link between tectonic and magmatic processes during orogenic thickening, coeval with intrusions of the arc‐related calcalkaline suites of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (c. 360–345 Ma). Juxtaposition of peridotites and granulites could be explained by a rheological heterogeneity connected to the development of clinopyroxenite layering in the upper mantle and a previously published model of a lithospheric‐scale transpressional arc system. It invokes vertical shearing along NE–SW trending, sub‐vertical foliations in the upper mantle that could have led to an emplacement of mantle bodies into the granulitized, orogenic root in the sub‐arc region. Clearly, such a transpressional arc system could represent an important pathway for an emplacement of deep‐seated rocks in the orogenic lower crust.  相似文献   

The Brunovistulian terrane represents a microcontinent of enigmatic Proterozoic provenance that was located at the southern margin of Baltica in the early Paleozoic. During the Variscan orogeny, it represented the lower plate at the southern margin of Laurussia, involved in the collision with the Armorican terrane assemblage. In this respect, it resembles the Avalonian terrane in the west and the Istanbul Zone in the east. There is a growing evidence about the presence of a Devonian back-arc at the margin of the Brunovistulian terrane. The early Variscan phase was characterized by the formation of Devonian extensional basins with the within-plate volcanic activity and formation of narrow segments of oceanic crust. The oldest Viséan flysch of the Rheic/Rhenohercynian remnant basin (Protivanov, Andelska Hora and Horní Benesov formations) forms the highest allochthonous units and contains, together with slices of Silurian Bohemian facies, clastic micas from early Paleozoic crystalline rocks that are presumably derived from terranes of Armorican affinity although provenance from an active Brunovistulian margin cannot be fully excluded either. The development of the Moravo–Silesian late Paleozoic basin was terminated by coal-bearing paralic and limnic sediments. The progressive Carboniferous stacking of nappes and their impingement on the Laurussian foreland led to crustal thickening and shortening and a number of distinct deformational and folding events. The postorogenic extension led to the formation of the terminal Carboniferous-early Permian Boskovice Graben located in the eastern part of the Brunovistulian terrane, in front of the crystalline nappes. The highest, allochthonous westernmost flysch units, locally with the basal slices of the Devonian and Silurian rocks thrusted over the Silesicum in the NW part of the Brunovistulian terrane, may share a similar tectonic position with the Giessen–Harz nappes. The Silesicum represents the outermost margin of the Brunovistulian terrane with many features in common with the Northern Phyllite Zone at the Avalonia–Armorica interface in Germany.  相似文献   

Various metacarbonate and associated calc-silicate rocks form minor but genetically significant components of the lithological units in the Bohemian Massif of the Variscan orogen in Central Europe.These rocks vary in terms of their lithostratigraphy,chemical composition and mineral assemblage(dolomite/calcite ratio,silicate abundance).Tourmaline is present in five paragenetic settings within the metacarbonate and calc-silicate units.TypeⅠcomprises individual,euhedral,prismatic grains and grain aggregates in a carbonate-dominant(calcite±dolomite)matrix poor in silicates.TypeⅡis characterized by euhedral to subhedral grains and coarse-to fine-grained aggregates in silicate-rich layers/nests within metacarbonate bodies whereas typeⅢoccurs as prismatic grains and aggregates at the contact zones between carbonate and associated silicate host rocks.TypeⅣis in veins crosscutting metacarbonate bodies,and typeⅣtourmaline occurs at the exocontacts of elbaite-subtype granitic pegmatite.Tourmaline from the different settings shows distinctive compositional features.Typical for typeⅠare Mg-rich compositions,with fluor-uvite>dravite>>magnesio-lucchesiite.Tourmalines from typeⅡsilicate-rich layers/nests are highly variable,corresponding to oxy-schorl,magnesio-foitite,Al-rich dravite and fluor-uvite.Typical for typeⅢtourmalines are Ca,Ti-bearing oxy-dravite compositions.The typeⅣveins feature dravite and fluor-uvite tourmaline compositions whereas typeⅤtourmaline is Li,F-rich dravite.Tourmaline is the only Bbearing phase in paragenetic typesⅠ-Ⅳ,where it is characterised by two principal ranges of B-isotope composition(δ^11B=-13‰to-9‰and-18‰to-14‰).These ranges correspond to regionally different units of the Moldanubian Zone.Thus,the Svratka Unit(Moldanubian Zone s.l.)contains only isotopically lighter tourmaline(δ^11B=-18‰to-14‰),whereas metacarbonates in the Poli?ka unit(Teplá-Barrandian Zone)and Olesnice unit(Moravicum of the Moravo-Silesian Zone)has exclusively isotopically heavier tourmaline(δ^11B=-9‰to-13‰).Tourmalines from metacarbonates in the Variegated Unit cover both ranges of isotope composition.The isotopically light end of the B isotope range may indicate the presence of continental evaporites within individual investigated areas.On the other hand,variations in the range of~8δ-units is consistent with the reported shift in B isotopic composition of metasedimentary rocks of the Bohemian Massif due to the prograde metamorphism from very-low grade to eclogite facies.In contrast to the metacarbonate-hosted settings,tourmaline of paragenetic type V from the exocontact of granitic pegmatites displays a significantly heavier range ofδ^11B(as low as-7.7‰to-0.6‰),which is attributed to partitioning of 10 B to cogenetic axinite and/or different B-signature of the source pegmatite containing tourmaline with heavyδ^11B signature.  相似文献   


The tectonic contact between low-grade metase-dimentary series and high-grade rocks in the Hlinsko region (Bohemian Massif) is commonly interpreted as a thrust of the Barrandian sediments over the upper Moldanubian nappe.

The sediments occur in an E-facing synform that contains a tonalitic laccolith on its eastern boundary with the Moldanubian, and is truncated by a granodiorite pluton to the west. The synform represents a late deformational folding event related to the granodiorite intrusion. NW-oriented normal shear in the tonalite is indicated by S-C microstructures. Kinematic criteria associated with the major foliation and lineation development in the metasediments also indicate a north-westward, normal shear. In addition, Moldanubian gneiss display late shear bands due to north-westward, normal shear. Consequently, the presumed thrust is a low-angle, normal shear zone.

Low-pressure type metamorphism (3 < P < 4 x 102 MPa) coeval with the major deformational phase in pelites of the Hlinsko synform is attributed to both the tonalite aureole and the extensive HT metamorphism (under P > 6 x 102 MPa) that has affected the underlying Moldanubian.

The possibly polyphase normal fault is consistent with the meta-morphic pressure jump between the metasediments and the Moldanubian.

We suggest that the tonalite intruded syntectonically within the normal ductile shear zone active during waning stages of the Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   

The Variscan orogenic belt, of which the Bohemian Massif is a part, is typically recognized for its characteristic low pressure, high temperature metamorphism and a large volume of granites. However, there are also bodies of high pressure rocks (eclogites, garnet peridotites and high pressure granulites) which are small in size but widely distributed throughtout the Massif. Initially the high pressure rocks were considered to be relicts of a much older orogenic event, but the increasing data derived from isotopic and geochronological investigations show that many of these rocks have Palaeozoic protoliths. Metamorphic ages from the high pressure rocks define no single event. Instead, a number of discrete clusters of ages are found between about 430 Ma and the time of the dominant low pressure event at around 320–330 Ma.Most of the eclogite and granulite facies rocks are assigned to allochthonous nappes that arrived close to the end of the low pressure event, but before final granite intrusion. The nappes contain a mixture of different units and the relationship between rocks with high pressure relicts and host gneisses with no apparent signs of deep burial is still problematic. Some of the high pressure rocks retain evidence of multiple stages of partial re-equilibration during uplift. Moreover, it can be shown in certain instances that host gneisses also endured a multistage metamorphic development but with a peak event convergent with one of the breakdown stages in the enclosed rocks with high pressure relicts. It thus appears that the nappe units are composite bodies probably formed during episodic intracrustal thrusting. Fluids derived from prograde dehydration reactions in the newly under thrusting slab are taken to be the catalysts that drove the partial re-equilibrations.On the scale of the whole Massif it can be seen within the units with high pressure relicts that the temperature at the peak recorded pressure and that during the breakdown are variable in different locations. It is interpreted that regional metamorphic gradients are preserved for given stages in the history and thus the present day dismembered nappe relicts are not too far removed from their original spatial distribution in an original coherent unit. From the temperature information alone it is highly probable that the refrigerating underthrusting slab was situated in the north-west. However, this north-west to south-east underthrusting probably represents the major 380–370 Ma event and is no guide to the final thrusting that emplaced the much thinned nappe pile with high pressure relicts.Granite genesis is attributed to the late stage stacking, during the final Himalayan-type collision stage, of thinned crust covered by young, water-rich, sediments — erosion products of the earlier orogenic stages. Regional metamorphism at shallow depths above the voluminous granites was followed by final nappe emplacement which rejuvenated the granite ascent in places. Correspondence to: P. J. O'Brien  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In the Hlinsko region (Variscan Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) a major extensional shear zone separates low-grade metasedimentary series (Hlinsko schists) and high-grade rocks of the Moldanubian terrane (Svratka Crystalline Unit). During late-Variscan extension, a tonalite intruded syntectonically into the normal ductile shear zone, and caused contact metamorphism of the overlying schists. Concurrent syntectonic sedimentation of a flysch series took place at the top of the hangingwall schists. In order to decipher the detailed petrological evolution of the Hlinsko unit situated in the hangingwall of this tectonic contact, a phase diagram approach and petrogenetic grids, calculated with the thermocalc computer program, were used. The crystallization/deformation relationships and the paragenetic analysis of the Hlinsko schists define a P–T path with an initial minor increase in pressure followed by cooling. Calculated pseudosections constrain this anticlockwise P-T evolution to the upper part of the andalusite field between 0.36 and 0.40 GPa for temperatures ranging from 570 to 530°C. A low aH2O is required to explain the presence of andalusite-biotite-bearing assemblages, and could be related to the presence of abundant graphite. In contrast, the footwall rocks of the Svratka Crystalline Unit record decompression from around 0.8 GPa at a relatively constant temperature, followed by cooling. Thus, the footwall and the hangingwall units display opposite, but convergent P–T histories. Decompression in the footwall rocks is related to a rapid exhumation. We propose that the inverse, anticlockwise P–T path recorded in the hangingwall pelites is related to the rapid, extension-controlled sedimentation of the overlying flysch series.  相似文献   

High-temperature, high-pressure eclogite and garnet pyroxenite occur as lenses in garnet peridotite bodies of the Gföhl nappe in the Bohemian Massif. The high-pressure assemblages formed in the mantle and are important for allowing investigations of mantle compositions and processes. Eclogite is distinguished from garnet pyroxenite on the basis of elemental composition, with mg number <80, Na2O > 0.75 wt.%, Cr2O3 < 0.15 wt.% and Ni < 400 ppm. Considerable scatter in two-element variation diagrams and the common modal layering of some eclogite bodies indicate the importance of crystal accumulation in eclogite and garnet pyroxenite petrogenesis. A wide range in isotopic composition of clinopyroxene separates [Nd, +5.4 to –6.0; (87Sr/86Sr)i, 0.70314–0.71445; 18OSMOW, 3.8–5.8%o] requires that subducted oceanic crust is a component in some melts from which eclogite and garnet pyroxenite crystallized. Variscan Sm-Nd ages were obtained for garnet-clinopyroxene pairs from Dobeovice eclogite (338 Ma), Úhrov eclogite (344 Ma) and Nové Dvory garnet pyroxenite (343 Ma). Gföhl eclogite and garnet pyroxenite formed by high-pressure crystal accumulation (±trapped melt) from transient melts in the lithosphere, and the source of such melts was subducted, hydrothermally altered oceanic crust, including subducted sediments. Much of the chemical variation in the eclogites can be explained by simple fractional crystallization, whereas variation in the pyroxenites indicates fractional crystallization accompanied by some assimilation of the peridotite host.  相似文献   

The Spanish Central System(SCS) contains several suites of Palaeozoic mafic igneous intrusions with contrasting geochemical affinity:Ordovician tholeiitic metabasites,Variscan calc-alkaline gabbros(Gb1) and microdiorites(Gb2),shoshonitic monzogabbros(Gb3) and alkaline diabases and lamprophyres(Gb4).Not all of these rocks are accurately dated,and several aspects of their genesis are still poorly understood.We present new whole-rock geochemical data(major and trace elements,and Sr-Nd isotopes),U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic ratios on magmatic zircons and 40 Ar/~(39)Ar amphibole geochronology results in order to establish a precise chronology for the successive events of magmatism in the SCS,and discuss the nature of their mantle sources.Accurate ages have been determined for the Variscan gabbros(305-294 Ma),the microdiorites(299 Ma) and the accompanying felsic porphyries(292 Ma),the shoshonitic monzogabbros(285 Ma),and the alkaline diabases(274 Ma) and monzosyenites(271-264 Ma).According to this information,the Variscan mafic magmatism would be mainly concentrated in the range of 305-294 Ma,with a final manifestation represented by the minor shoshonitic dykes.The alkaline magmatism proved to be slightly older than previously thought and yielded at least two distinct pulses:diabases and lamprophyres-monzosyenites.Zircon Hf isotopes evidence the involvement of depleted and slightly enriched mantle sources.The bulk of the eHf values are in the broad range of-8 to+11,indicative of melting both depleted and enriched mantle regions.The high within-sample Hf isotope variation(up to-11 epsilon units) shown by samples from the Variscan series(gabbros,microdiorites and monzogabbros) could be explained mainly by hybridisation of magmas derived from heterogeneous lithospheric mantle sources.Pressure estimates indicate that the Variscan mafic magmas were extracted from the lithosphere.The Nd-Hf isotopic composition of these suites of rocks suggests the recycling of pelitic sediments during the Cadomian orogeny.Deeper(asthenospheric) mantle levels were involved in the generation of the alkaline suite,whose anomalous negative eHf values(moderately decoupled with respect to radiogenic Nd) could be associated with subducted oceanic components raised by mantle upwelling associated with lithosphere thinning and extension during the Permian.  相似文献   

The Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (CBPC) consists of episodically emplaced plutons, the internal fabrics of which recorded tectonic evolution of a continental magmatic arc. The ~354–350 Ma calc-alkaline plutons were emplaced by multiple processes into the upper-crustal Teplá-Barrandian Unit, and their magmatic fabrics recorded increments of regional transpression. Multiple fabrics of the younger, ~346 Ma Blatná pluton recorded both regional transpression and the onset of exhumation of mid-crustal orogenic root (Moldanubian Unit). Continuous exhumation-related deformation during pluton cooling resulted in the development of a wide zone of sub-solidus deformation along the SE margin of the CBPC. Finally, syn-exhumation tabular durbachitic pluton of ultrapotassic composition was emplaced atop the intrusive sequence at ~343–340 Ma, and the ultrapotassic Tábor pluton intruded after exhumation of the orogenic root (~337 Ma). We suggest that the emplacement of plutons during regional transpression in the upper crust produced thermally softened domain which then accommodated the exhumation of the mid-crustal orogenic root, and that the complex nature of the Teplá-Barrandian/Moldanubian boundary is a result of regional transpression in the upper crust, the enhancement of regional deformation in overlapping structural aureoles, the subsequent exhumation of the orogenic root domain, and post-emplacement brittle faulting.  相似文献   

Ductile extensional movements along the steeply inclined Hoher-Bogen shear zone caused the juxtaposition of Teplá-Barrandian amphibolites, granulites, and metaperidotites against Moldanubian mica schists and paragneisses. Garnet pyriclasites are well preserved within low-strain domains of this shear zone. Their degree of metamorphism is significantly higher than that of the surrounding rocks. Microstructural and mineral chemical data suggest in situ formation of the garnet pyriclasite by dehydration of pyroxene amphibolite at T>750–840°C and P<10–13 kbar including recrystallization-accommodated grain-size reduction of plagioclase and clinopyroxene, nucleation of garnet, and breakdown of amphibole into garnet+clinopyroxene+rutile. Subsequent decompression and retrograde extensional shearing led to the formation of mylonitic epidote amphibolite. The presence of lower crustal and mantle-derived slices within the Hoher-Bogen shear zone supports the view that (a) in Upper Devonian times the Teplá-Barrandian unit was thrust over Moldanubian rocks as a complete crustal unit, and (b) that during the subsequent Lower Carboniferous orogenic collapse, the garnet pyriclasite and metaperidotite were scraped off from the basal parts of the Teplá-Barrandian unit being dragged into the Hoher-Bogen shear zone due to dramatic and large-scale elevator-style movements. Received: 23 March 1999 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

The Sr-Nd isotopic data for selected granitoids of the Central Bohemian Pluton show a broad negative correlation with the total range of (87Sr/86Sr)330 = 0.7051–0.7129 and Nd 330 = +0.2 to –8.9. The older intrusions have more depleted Sr-Nd compositions and calc-alkaline geochemistry (Sázava suite), whereas the younger intrusions shift towards K-rich calc-alkaline (Blatná suite) and shoshonitic rocks (íany and ertovo bemeno suites) with more evolved isotopic signatures. The distribution of the data is interpreted as reflecting a diversity of sources and processes, rather than a single progressive crustal contamination trend. The Sázava suite could have originated by partial melting of metabasites, or of a mantle source with an isotopic composition close to bulk earth, or by hybridization of crustally-derived tonalitic and mantle-derived magmas. Variation within the Blatná suite is modelled by mixing between a moderately enriched [(87Sr/86Sr)330 0.708, Nd 330 –3] mantle component with either an isotopically evolved metasedimentary component, or with more evolved magmas of the suite. The íany suite was most probably produced by partial melting of peraluminous lithologies, possibly of the adjacent Moldanubian unit. The ertovo bemeno suite evolved from strongly enriched mantle-derived magmas [(87Sr/86Sr)3300.7128, Nd 330 –7], either through closed-system fractional crystallization or interaction with magma corresponding to leucogranites of the Central Bohemian Pluton.  相似文献   

Corona textures around kyanite, involving for example zoned plagioclase separating kyanite from the matrix, reflect the instability of kyanite with the matrix on changing P–T conditions, commonly related to decompression. The chemical potential gradients set up between the kyanite and the matrix as a consequence of slow Al diffusion drive corona development, with the zoning of the plagioclase reflecting the gradients. Calculated mineral equilibria are used to account for corona textures involving plagioclase ± garnet around kyanite, and replacement of kyanite by plagioclase + spinel symplectite, in quartz + plagioclase + K‐feldspar + garnet + kyanite granulite facies gneiss from the Blanský les massif in the Bohemian massif, Czech Republic. In the garnet‐bearing coronas, a commonly discontinuous garnet layer lies between the kyanite and the continuous plagioclase layer in the corona, with both the garnet and the plagioclase appearing mainly to replace matrix rather than kyanite. The garnet layer commonly extends around kyanite from original matrix garnet adjacent to the kyanite. Where garnet is missing in the corona, the kyanite itself may be replaced by a spinelplagioclase corona. In a local equilibrium model, the mineral and mineral compositional spatial relationships are shown to correspond to paths in μ(Na2O)–μ(CaO)–μ(K2O)–μ(FeO)–μ(MgO)–μ(SiO2) in the model chemical system, Na2OCaOK2OFeOMgOAl2O3SiO2 (NCKFMAS). The discontinuous nature of the garnet layer in coronas is accounted for by the effect of the adjacent original garnet on the chemical potential relationships. The replacement of kyanite by spinel + plagioclase appears to be metastable with respect to replacement by corundum + plagioclase, possibly reflecting the difficulty of nucleating corundum.  相似文献   

The presence of numerous roof pendants, stoped blocks and discordant intrusive contacts suggests that magmatic stoping was a widespread, large-scale process during the final construction of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex, Bohemian Massif. The measured total length of the discordant contacts that cut off the regional cleavage and were presumably formed by stoping corresponds to about half of all contacts with the upper-crustal host rocks. In addition, at least some of the straight, cleavage-parallel intrusive contacts may also have recorded complex intrusive histories ending with piecemeal stoping of thin cleavage-bounded host rock blocks into the magma chamber. Based on the above, we argue that the fast strain rates required for emplacement of large plutons of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex into brittle upper crustal host rocks over relatively short-time span could not have been accommodated entirely by slow ductile flow or slip along faults. Instead, the emplacement was largely accommodated by much faster thermal cracking and extensive stoping independent of regional tectonic deformation. Finally, we emphasize that magmatic stoping may significantly modify the preserved structural patterns around plutons, may operate as an important mechanism of final construction of upper-crustal plutons and thus may contribute to vertical recycling and downward transport of crustal material within the magma plumbing systems in the crust.  相似文献   

The Altaid orogen was formed by aggregation of Paleozoic subduction–accretion complexes and Precambrian basement blocks between the Late Proterozoic and the Early Mesozoic. Because the Altaids are the site of abundant granitic plutonism and host some of the largest gold deposits in the world, understanding their formation has important implications on the comprehension of Phanerozoic crustal growth and metallogeny. In this study, we present the first extensive lead isotope data on magmatic and metasedimentary rocks as well as ore deposits of the southern part of the Altaids, including the Tien Shan (Tianshan) and southern Altay (Altai) orogenic belts. Our results show that each terrane investigated within the Tien Shan and southern Altay is characterized by a distinct Pb isotope signature and that there is a SW–NE Pb isotope gradient suggesting a progressive transition from a continental crust environment in the West (the Kyzylkum and Kokshaal segments of the Southern Tien Shan) to an almost 100% juvenile (MORB-type mantle-derived) crust environment in the East (Altay). The Pb isotope signatures of the studied ore deposits follow closely those of magmatic and metasedimentary rocks of the host terranes, thus supporting the validity of lead isotopes to discriminate terranes. Whereas this apparently suggests that no unique reservoir has been responsible for the huge gold concentration in this region, masking of a preferential Pb-poor Au-bearing reservoir by mixing with Pb-rich crustal reservoirs during the mineralizing events cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

To study the relative and absolute timing of post-Variscan cooling and denudation processes in the Erzgebirge of the Mid-European Variscides, eight samples for apatite fission-track (AFT) analysis were collected from a ~1,300 m drill-core. The fission-track data reveal two stages of accelerated cooling through the apatite partial annealing zone (APAZ; i.e., 110±10–60 °C) in the Late Jurassic-Late Cretaceous and in the late Cenozoic, respectively. Late Jurassic-Late Cretaceous cooling corresponding to denudation of 1.5–5.9 km has been related to wrench tectonics along the Elbe Zone during Triassic-Jurassic Pangea breakup. Late Cenozoic exhumation of 2.1–5.6 km, and the increase of the geothermal gradient from 17±5 °C km–1 (Oligocene/Miocene) to 25–27 °C km–1 (recent) is likely connected to the formation of the Eger Graben starting from the Oligocene, as a result of the late Alpine orogenic phases.  相似文献   

In the West Sudetes, northeastern Bohemia Massif, geochronometry provides evidence for repeated episodes of rapid cooling that contrasts sharply with an absence of structural evidence for significant tectonic exhumation by crustal extension. Instead, high-grade assemblages of the Orlica–Snieznik Complex have a regional sub-horizontal foliation and sub-horizontal lineations that trend parallel to narrow sub-vertical shear zones containing exhumed high-pressure assemblages. Mesoscopic petrofabrics combined with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data from amphibolite facies to migmatitic meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks reveal remarkably consistent average lineations that plunge shallowly to the SSW on both steep and sub-horizontal NNE-trending planar fabrics. The dominant SSW–NNE fabric orientation is parallel to the Bohemia–Brunia suture, which marks a major boundary along the eastern margin of the massif. The shape of the AMS ellipsoid is predominantly oblate, revealing flattened fabrics, with only local prolate ellipsoids. We envisage that the continental Brunian indentor operated as a rigid backstop and allowed the migmatized lower crustal orogenic root to be exhumed along the Bohemian margin shortly following terminal arc collision. Sub-vertical extrusion of the orogenic root was arrested in the mid-crust, where the lower ductile crust was laterally overturned at the base of rigid upper crustal blocks. Upon reaching the crustal high-strength lid the exhumed ductile mass of continental material laterally spread sub-parallel to the margin, underwent subsequent supra-Barrovian metamorphism, and quickly cooled. The application of AMS techniques to high-grade metamorphic rocks in concert with macroscopic structural observations is a powerful approach for resolving the deformation history of a terrane where visible rock fabrics can be tenuous.  相似文献   

The igneous complex of Neukirchen–Kdyn is located in the southwestern part of the Teplá–Barrandian unit (TBU) in the Bohemian Massif. The TBU forms the most extensive surface exposure of Cadomian basement in central Europe. Cambrian plutons show significant changes in composition, emplacement depth, isotopic cooling ages, and tectonometamorphic overprint from NE to SW. In the NE, the V epadly granodiorite and the Smr ovice diorite intruded at shallow crustal levels (<ca. 7 km depth) as was indicated by geobarometric data. K–Ar age data yield 547±7 and 549±7 for hornblende and 495±6 Ma for biotite of the Smr ovice diorite, suggesting that this pluton has remained at shallow crustal levels (T<ca. 350 °C) since its Cambrian emplacement. A similar history is indicated for the V epadly granodiorite and the Stod granite. In the SW, intermediate to mafic plutons of the Neukirchen–Kdyn massif (V eruby and Neukirchen gabbro, Hoher–Bogen metagabbro), which yield Cambrian ages, either intruded or were metamorphosed at considerably deeper structural levels (>20 km). The Teufelsberg ( ert v kámen) diorite, on the other hand, forms an unusual intrusion dated at 359±2 Ma (concordant U–Pb zircon age). K–Ar dating of biotite of the Teufelsberg diorite yields 342±4 Ma. These ages, together with published cooling ages of hornblende and mica in adjacent plutons, are compatible with widespread medium to high-grade metamorphism and strong deformation fabrics, suggesting a strong Variscan impact under elevated temperatures at deeper structural levels. The plutons of the Neukirchen area are cut by the steeply NE dipping Hoher–Bogen shear zone (HBSZ), which forms the boundary with the adjacent Moldanubian unit. The HBSZ is characterized by top-to-the-NE normal movements, which were particularly active during the Lower Carboniferous. A geodynamic model is presented that explains the lateral gradients in Cambrian pluton composition and emplacement depth by differential uplift and exhumation, the latter being probably related to long-lasting movements along the HBSZ as a consequence of Lower Carboniferous orogenic collapse.  相似文献   

Controversy over the plate tectonic affinity and evolution of the Saxon granulites in a two‐ or multi‐plate setting during inter‐ or intracontinental collision makes the Saxon Granulite Massif a key area for the understanding of the Palaeozoic Variscan orogeny. The massif is a large dome structure in which tectonic slivers of metapelite and metaophiolite units occur along a shear zone separating a diapir‐like body of high‐P granulite below from low‐P metasedimentary rocks above. Each of the upper structural units records a different metamorphic evolution until its assembly with the exhuming granulite body. New age and petrologic data suggest that the metaophiolites developed from early Cambrian protoliths during high‐P amphibolite facies metamorphism in the mid‐ to late‐Devonian and thermal overprinting by the exhuming hot granulite body in the early Carboniferous. A correlation of new Ar–Ar biotite ages with published PTt data for the granulites implies that exhumation and cooling of the granulite body occurred at average rates of ~8 mm/year and ~80°C/Ma, with a drop in exhumation rate from ~20 to ~2.5 mm/year and a slight rise in cooling rate between early and late stages of exhumation. A time lag of c. 2 Ma between cooling through the closure temperatures for argon diffusion in hornblende and biotite indicates a cooling rate of 90°C/Ma when all units had assembled into the massif. A two‐plate model of the Variscan orogeny in which the above evolution is related to a short‐lived intra‐Gondwana subduction zone conflicts with the oceanic affinity of the metaophiolites and the timescale of c. 50 Ma for the metamorphism. Alternative models focusing on the internal Variscan belt assume distinctly different material paths through the lower or upper crust for strikingly similar granulite massifs. An earlier proposed model of bilateral subduction below the internal Variscan belt may solve this problem.  相似文献   

The Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt comprises a volcano-sedimentary succession exposed within a collision zone between the Saxothuringian and Brunovistulian crustal domains of the European Variscides. The studied rocks recorded two metamorphic episodes. The first episode, M1, occurred at conditions of c. 485 ± 25 °C and 18 ± 1.8 kbar related to burial within a subduction zone. The subsequent episode, M2, was linked to the final phases of exhumation to mid-crustal level, associated with pressure and temperature (P–T) conditions ranging from c. 520 ± 26 °C and 6 ± 0.6 kbar through 555 ± 28 °C and 7 kbar ± 0.7 to ~590 ± 30 °C and 3–4 ± 0.4 kbar. The documented deformation record is ascribed to three events, D1 to D3, interpreted as related to the burial and subsequent exhumation of the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt. The D1 event must have witnessed the subduction of the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt rock succession whereas the D2 event was associated with the exhumation and folding of the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt in an E-W-directed shortening regime. A subsequent folding related to the D2 event was initiated at HP conditions, however, the planar fabric produced during a late stage of the D2 event, defined by a low-pressure mineral assemblage M2, indicates that the D2 final stage was synchronous with the onset of the M2 episode. Consequently, the entire D2 event seems to have been associated with the exhumation of the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt to mid crustal level. The third deformation event D3, synchronous with the M2 episode, marked the last stage of the exhumation, and was linked to emplacement of granitoid veins and lenses. The latter resulted in heating and rheological weakening of the entire rock succession and in the formation of non-coaxial shear zones.  相似文献   

Mid-Devonian high-pressure (HP) and high-temperature (HT) metamorphism represents an enigmatic early phase in the evolution of the Variscan Orogeny. Within the Bohemian Massif this metamorphism is recorded mostly in allochthonous complexes with uncertain relationship to the major tectonic units. In this regard, the Mariánské Lázně Complex (MLC) is unique in its position at the base of its original upper plate (Teplá-Barrandian Zone). The MLC is composed of diverse, but predominantly mafic, magmatic-metamorphic rocks with late Ediacaran to mid-Devonian protolith ages. Mid-Devonian HP eclogite-facies metamorphism was swiftly followed by a HT granulite-facies overprint contemporaneous with the emplacement of magmatic rocks with apparent supra-subduction affinity. New Hf in zircon isotopic measurements combined with a review of whole-rock isotopic and geochemical data reveals that the magmatic protoliths of the MLC, as well as in the upper plate Teplá-Barrandian Zone, developed above a relatively unaltered Neoproterozoic lithospheric mantle. They remained coupled with this lithospheric mantle throughout a geological timeframe that encompasses separate Ediacaran and Cambrian age arc magmatism, protracted early Paleozoic rifting, and the earliest phases of the Variscan Orogeny. These results are presented in the context of reconstructing the original architecture of the Variscan terranes up to and including the mid-Devonian HP-HT event.  相似文献   

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