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张青波  李世海  冯春  王杰 《岩土力学》2013,34(8):2385-2392
针对边坡工程中岩土体连续-非连续渐进破坏的特点,提出一种新的变形体离散元方法(DEM)。与传统有限单元法(FEM)不同,弹簧元法(SEM)通过构建一组广义弹簧系统描述单元的力学行为。弹簧元法中的一个广义弹簧可以具有多个方向的刚度系数,确定广义弹簧系统的构造形式及其各刚度系数表达式是弹簧元法的核心。以三角形单元为例,介绍平面弹簧元的基本理论。对任何二维正交广义弹簧系统,通过定义广义弹簧变形与单元应变之间的关系,直接对比单元的应变能与弹簧系统的弹性势能即可得到广义弹簧刚度系数的表达形式。定义泊松刚度系数和纯剪刚度系数两个系统参数,描述正交广义弹簧之间的联系。对任意泊松比的材料,该方法都可准确地描述泊松效应的影响,计算结果与传统有限元法一致。该方法不需要求得有限元单元刚度矩阵的具体形式,具有直接方便、物理意义明确的优点,应用该方法给出任意4节点单元弹簧系统的构造形式及其各刚度系数的表达式。基于SEM的可变形块体离散元法,用弹簧元中的广义弹簧求解块体变形,用离散元中的接触弹簧计算块体间作用力,在单元节点的控制方程中实现弹簧元-离散元耦合计算,通过接触弹簧的状态实现材料由连续到非连续的破坏过程。在基于连续介质离散元法(CDEM)程序的基础上实现弹簧元-离散元耦合程序,应用耦合程序计算均质土坡在重力作用下的弹塑性变形和基覆边坡在重力作用下的破坏,初步证明该方法用于边坡变形渐进破坏分析的可行性。  相似文献   

In order to reduce the maintenance costs of ballasted railway track and improve passenger comfort, the railway ballast particle breakage and its effect on track settlement need to be better understood. The failure process of individual railway ballast loaded between flat platens is simulated using the discrete element method, considering its irregular shape with the incorporation of parallel bonds. The tensile strength, the stress of a survival probability of 37% of samples, is obtained and compared with laboratory results from published literature for the verification of DEM simulations. The evolution to failure of the particle is understood from the stress-strain curve and progressive failure modes. The internal breakage mechanisms are analysed by tracking the accumulation of bond breakage number and the contact force distributions.  相似文献   

刘彪  王桥  张宗亮  周伟  FENG Y T  彭张振  李蕴升  徐俊  郭凯 《岩土力学》2022,43(12):3493-3502
结合边界元法和离散元法,提出一种可以进行计算颗粒内部应力和破碎路径的方法。该方法利用离散元法求解颗粒的相互作用和每个颗粒上的荷载。然后利用边界元法计算颗粒的应力分布,为了实现动态平衡,将颗粒的加速度视为恒定大小的体力。但体力导致边界积分方程中出现域积分,故采用直线积分法将域积分转化为边界积分,以保证边界元法降维的优势。为了提高边界元的计算效率,对于几何形状相似的颗粒,以其中一个颗粒作为模板颗粒,只需要计算模板颗粒在局部坐标系中的系数矩阵,其他相似颗粒可以通过局部和全局坐标系之间的映射获得。在得到应力后,基于Hoek-Brown准则来判断颗粒是否破碎。此外,将破坏路径简化为直线,并采用最小二乘法拟合得到破坏路径。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of the intermediate principle stress on the particle breakage of granular materials. The crushable agglomerate method is applied to model soil particles and numerical true triaxial tests were carried out. The results show that particle breakage increases with increasing b value, the relationship of which follows an exponential function and agrees well with previous experimental results. More importantly, the study found that the relationship between particle breakage and total energy input is independent of the intermediate principle stress, which provides a good basis for the constitutive modeling of granular materials.  相似文献   

The behavior of crushable rockfill sheared along different stress paths is studied using the discrete element method. Rockfill particles are modeled as breakable agglomerates, and reasonable consistency is found between the predicted and experimental results. The simulation highlights the influence of agglomerate breakage on both the macro- and micro-behavior of the assembly. The evolution of both the number and mode of agglomerate breakage during shearing is significantly influenced by the confining pressure, deviator stress ratio, and loading direction. The relationship between the deviator stress ratio on the macro-scale and the deviator fabric on the micro-scale along different stress paths is explored.  相似文献   

An improved algorithm based on the contact dynamics approach is proposed. Like previous developed algorithms it involves two stages. In the first one (local stage) for each particle, forces are computed from the relative displacement using an interaction law, which models frictional contact and shock. In the second stage (global stage) Newton's second law is used to determine, for each particle, the resulting acceleration which is then time-integrated to find the new particle positions. This process is repeated for each time step until convergence is achieved. The two distinguishing features of the present algorithm are the local integration of the frictional contact law and the convergence criterion. By adopting a variational statement of the frictional contact law based on the bi-potential concept, the integration procedure is reduced to a single predictor-corrector step and a new convergence criterion is introduced. Both aspects significantly reduce the computing time and enhance the convergence. Numerical applications show the robustness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

基于离散元的冻结砂土三轴力学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁伟  姚晓亮  王文丽 《冰川冻土》2019,41(6):1388-1396
采用离散元软件中的平行黏结模型模拟冻土中冰-土颗粒间相互作用。通过调整模型细观参数,模拟了特定围压不同试验温度和应变速率条件下冻结砂土的三轴试验规律。进一步对比分析计算和试验结果表明,模型的细观参数中的刚度系数和黏结强度对材料的宏观力学行为影响较大,设定的黏结强度参数与温度成反比而和应变速率成正比。在宏观上,峰值强度随温度降低而增大,随应变速率的增大而增大。进一步分析离散元中颗粒的运动产生的剪切带倾角表明:剪切带倾角与温度成反比,而应变速率对其的影响较小;根据已有数据结果,剪切带与内摩擦角间的统计关系符合经典土力学中的摩尔-库伦解。  相似文献   

胡靖  顾晓强  黄茂松 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):624-628
采用三维离散元法(DEM)对不同初始孔隙比的粒状土进行一维压缩 试验模拟。对比了传统定义静止土压力系数 以及增量型定义静止土压力系数 ,分析了静止土压力系数的影响因素(初始应力状态、初始孔隙比和应力历史),检验了Jaky公式及Mayne和Kulhawy公式的适用性。结果表明,对于初始等向围压试样,随着竖向压力的增大, 减小,则 先增大到峰值后再减小;对于初始 状态试样, 、 随着竖向压力的增大均减小。 、 分别在竖向压力达到初始等向围压6~10倍及4倍左右达到稳定值,即真实的 值; 、 随孔隙比减小而明显减小。应力历史对 有显著影响,对于相同应力状态的加载和卸载阶段 差别很大。Jaky公式及Mayne和Kulhawy公式计算结果与数值模拟结果有一定差 异,采用峰值摩擦角比采用残余摩擦角的公式计算结果更接近数值模拟结果。  相似文献   

地震属性技术可从地震资料中提取出隐藏其中的有用信息,不仅提高了原始地震资料的利用价值,同时也提高了地震技术在石油工业中的应用水平。随着三维地震勘探技术的广泛应用,解决了二维勘探中存在的一些问题,但同时也带来地震数据量的激增。地震勘探技术的不断发展,对高性能计算提出了更高的要求,新的高性能计算技术不断被应用到地震勘探中。近年来,因GPU的计算性能迅猛发展,使之成为高性能计算的一个重要发展方向。这里基于CUDA(计算统一设备架构)编程平台,利用GPU加速地震属性提取。通过对比发现,利用GPU可以得到六倍左右的加速比,这表明应用GPU可以有效地缩短程序的运行时。  相似文献   

Controlling the face stability of shallow shield tunnels is difficult due to the inadequate understanding of face failure mechanism. The failure mechanism and the limit support pressure of a tunnel face in dry sandy ground were investigated by using discrete element method (DEM), which has particular advantages for revealing mechanical properties of granular materials. The contact parameters of the dry sand particles were obtained by calibrating the results of laboratory direct shear tests. A series of three-dimensional DEM models for different ratios of the cover depth to the diameter of the tunnel (C/= 0.5, 1, and 2; i.e., relative depth) were then built to simulated the process of tunnel face failure. The limit support pressure, failure zone and soil arching were discussed and compared with other methods. The results of DEM simulations show that the process of tunnel face failure can be divided into two stages. With the increase of the horizontal displacement of the tunnel face, the support pressure decreases to the limit support pressure and then increases to the residual support pressure. The limit support pressure increases with the rise of relative depth and then tends to be constant. In the process of tunnel face failure, the failure zone is gradually enlarged in size and expands to the ground surface. The numerical results also demonstrate that soil arching occurs in the upper part of the failure zone and the soil becomes loosened in the failure zone. Consequently, the comprehensive analysis of tunnel face failure may help to guarantee safe construction during tunneling.  相似文献   

严成增  郑宏  葛修润 《岩土力学》2015,36(1):249-256
传统的离散元类数值方法存在处理角-角接触时接触力方向不确定、三维情形时接触计算极其复杂等问题。Munjiza提出的基于势的接触力计算方法很好地解决了这一问题,但同时存在势的物理意义不明确,计算出的接触力与物理直观不符、相同嵌入量计算的接触力大小不一致等问题。在已有研究的基础上,提出了一种基于统一标定的势接触力计算方法,该方法重新定义了势函数,即三角形单元内一点的势与该点到3条边的最短距离成正比。采用这种势函数定义可以对嵌入量进行统一表征。在相同的嵌入量下,计算的接触力大小是一致的,同时保留基于势的接触力计算方法所有优点。新定义的势函数,解决了原有势函数所存在的重大缺陷,只要重叠区域不变,计算的总接触力是不变的,接触力计算具有局部特性,而与划分的三角形单元的整体形状和大小无关,即新的接触力计算方法,具有更好的网格鲁棒性。该方法使得基于势的接触力计算方法建立在坚实的物理基础之上,意义重大。  相似文献   

Although the potential contact force proposed by Munjiza overcomes the difficulties inherent in the traditional discrete element methods, the physical meaning of the potential is not clear and the contact force derived from the original potential function is strongly dependent on the mesh configuration. In this study, we redefine a potential function and propose a new contact force calculation method based on a unified standard. Moreover, the new potential function retains all the advantages of the original potential function but has less mesh dependency. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑到颗粒形状对粗粒料的力学特性有重大影响,提出了一种新的表征颗粒形状的方法,即在椭圆上随机选取一系列点连接成多边形颗粒,表征狭长扁平的颗粒。新方法较圆上取点的方法能代表更多类型的颗粒形状,适用范围更广。提出了一种新的粗粒料投放算法,即先缩小颗粒,然采用随机算法将缩小的颗粒投放至给定区域,对颗粒划分好网格后,将颗粒放大到原来的大小,然后采用有限元-离散元(FEM/DEM)方法计算稳定后即生成了相应的试样。通过将上述颗粒生成及投放算法与FEM/DEM结合,应用于粗粒料的数值模拟。分析表明,FEM/DEM是研究粗粒料力学性质的较好方法,对复杂的颗粒形状也可简单建模,且因在颗粒内部划分了有限元网格,复杂的接触判断及接触力计算转化为标准统一的三角形和三角形之间的接触判断及接触力计算,所有的计算均可标准化、统一化。同时因为颗粒是可以变形的,依然保留了连续介质力学中应力和应变的概念,无须像PFC那样需通过测量圆来间接表示某点的应力、应变。最后,通过粗粒料的侧限压缩试验的数值模拟,展现了文中提出的一整套解决方案在模拟粗粒料方面的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

A calibration procedure, in which coupled effects of microscopic parameters are considered, is proposed to determine the values of the microscopic parameters in the Discrete Element Method (DEM) for Fujian quartz sand. Laboratory tri-axial tests are conducted to be compared with the DEM simulations and the effects of end restraint in the laboratory tests are eliminated through a digital image measurement system. Sensitivities of the macroscopic behaviour of the specimen to the microscopic parameters are analyzed through DEM simulations. Four coupled effects of the microscopic parameters on the macroscopic behaviour are investigated through a graphic method and then considered in the calibration procedure.  相似文献   

基于DDEM的自然崩落采矿法崩落规律的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
姜增国  杨保仓 《岩土力学》2005,26(2):239-242
利用DDEM(可变形离散单元法)原理和方法,研究了自然崩落法矿体崩落规律。针对具体地质条件和赋存情况及矿岩物理力学性质,采用计算机数值模拟分析了自然崩落法的崩落规律,得出了DDEM在用于模拟矿块自然崩落法中崩落规律和分析其崩落机理时是较适合的结论,不仅可以从力学角度对崩落的力学机理进行研究,而且能直观地用图形给出矿体在崩落过程中的具体形态变化,有效地指导放矿,现场试验验证效果良好。  相似文献   

石梁宏  李双洋  尹楠 《冰川冻土》2021,43(1):195-203
多年冻土是含有冰的特殊土体,在自然环境变化及工程扰动下易发生冻胀融沉变形,严重威胁着青藏高原工程建筑物的安全稳定,特别对青藏铁路的畅通运营提出了严峻挑战.以青藏铁路五道梁地区路基断面为研究对象,采用颗粒离散单元法,通过建立热-力离散元计算模型,对路基的温度场和变形进行了计算和预测.结果表明:离散单元法克服了有限元方法无...  相似文献   

彭芳乐  华针  曹延波 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3277-3283
为分析加筋材料的抗弯刚度对加筋性能的影响,加筋材料采用梁单元形式。基于动态松弛法,通过定义梁单元的刚度矩阵,求解内力矢量,随后定义虚拟质量密度而建立总质量矩阵,将加筋材料的梁单元有限元模型嵌入到已有的动态松弛法求解程序中。通过对简支梁的简单加载模拟验证了该梁单元模型的准确性能。随后,将该有限元模型与已有的动态松弛法计算程序结合(含砂土本构及弱面单元模型),对加筋砂土地基室内模型试验进行了数值模拟。将梁单元的模拟结果与杆单元(梁单元的特例)模拟结果进行了比较,并分别探讨了抗拉刚度和抗弯刚度对加筋砂土地基承载性能的影响。结果表明:抗拉刚度对承载能力的影响较小;抗弯刚度对承载力的影响程度与加筋材料的布置形式有关,特别是当加筋砂土中出现剪切带以后,其影响逐渐增大。因此,在分析加筋砂土结构的增强机制时,建议采用梁单元(具有一定的抗弯刚度)对加筋材料进行模拟。  相似文献   

宿辉  杨家琦  胡宝文  高轩  马辉 《岩土力学》2018,39(12):4642-4651
颗粒尺寸是影响颗粒离散元模型宏观力学性质与计算效率的一个重要因素。为充分考虑由模型随机性导致的模拟结果的不确定性,利用统计学方法对模型的颗粒尺寸效应进行研究。整体检验结果表明:特征长度比L/R的改变对模型力学参数(峰值强度、弹性模量、泊松比及峰值应变)与破坏特征参数(黏结破裂率)的总体分布位置均有显著性影响,且各参数的变异系数会随着L/R的减小而增大。进一步的多重比较结果表明:当L/R≥125时,L/R对峰值强度、弹性模量、泊松比及峰值应变的总体分布位置均无显著影响;当L/R≥79时,相邻3个粒径水平的黏结破坏率总体分布位置无显著性差异;随着L/R的减小,模型损伤程度增加,破坏模式由整体剪切破坏转向局部损伤引起的失稳破坏,最终失去模拟岩石材料的效力。最后,综合各项力学参数的统计学检验结果、模型破坏模式及计算效率,岩石模型颗粒的特征长度比取L/R=200较为合适。  相似文献   

常见的地质灾害如滑坡、泥石流、岩崩等通常都涉及不同形状的颗粒物质运动,这些形状不同的颗粒又多具有不同的尺寸和含量。基于典型的颗粒柱坍塌试验,首先根据试验方法确定了离散元模拟所需的各项参数,然后采用随机多面体方法生成了可控制长细比的大颗粒,利用离散元法就不同大颗粒含量下形态变化对二元颗粒柱坍塌特性的影响开展研究,研究结果表明:(1)利用离散元法可以较好地重现室内试验中小球和多面体组成的二元颗粒系统的颗粒柱坍塌过程;(2)在不同长细比的不规则大颗粒和小球组成的二元颗粒柱系统中,当大颗粒含量高于临界含量值20%时,二元颗粒柱坍塌持续的时间随非球形大颗粒长细比的增加而增加;(3)在不同长细比的不规则大颗粒和小球组成的二元颗粒柱中,当大颗粒含量高于临界含量值20%时,在相同百分比的大颗粒含量下,大颗粒长细比的增加会提高大颗粒平均配位数以及降低颗粒的运动能力,大颗粒间形成更强的互锁作用,降低了颗粒柱的整体流动性,使其最终堆积高度更高、最大跑出距离更短以及更小的归一化动能峰值。(4)在不同长细比的不规则大颗粒和小球组成的二元颗粒柱中,小颗粒可以较为明显降低大颗粒间摩擦及互锁作用,增加流动性,降低大骨料形态对坍塌过程的影响。  相似文献   

A micro-mechanical model is developed to study the fracture propagation process in rocks. The model is represented by an array of bonded particles simulated by the discrete based method. Experimental results of tests using Cracked Chevron Notched Brazilian Discs (CCNBD) with different inclination angles relative to the direction of loading are used to calibrate and validate the model. Dimensional analysis is used to identify and minimise the microscale parameters to be considered. The comparison between experimental and computational results shows a satisfactorily good agreement.  相似文献   

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