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Partitioning of Cu, Pb, Zn, U, As and Mo between the minus 70 μm and minus 200 μm fractions of stream sediments from arid and semi-arid terrains is examined in the light of published case histories supplemented by new data. The advantages of selecting a particular fraction for routine sampling in such arid environments are assessed in terms of five criteria: (1) homogeneity of background population; (2) definition of threshold; (3) absolute element abundance levels; (4) contrast between anomalous and background populations; and (5) length of dispersion train. The most homogeneous background population distributions and improved definition of the threshold between background and anomaly occur in the very fine, minus 70 μm fraction of stream sediments for the majority of elements, in particular for Zn, Cu, U and As. Data for Pb and Mo do not consistently favour either size fraction in the case histories studied. Increased abundance levels of elements which are normally close to the analytical detection limit (U, Mo, As) occur most frequently in the minus 70 μm fraction, although Cu, Pb and Zn levels are commonly higher in the coarser fraction. In addition the finer size fraction better defines the anomalous population and provides the longer dispersion trains for Cu, Pb, Zn, U and As in the majority of case histories.The data examined indicate that the minus 70 μm fraction provides more useful information, in many instances, than the minus 200 μm fraction. The evidence suggests that problems expected with the use of the fine fraction — dilution through the abundance of wind blown material, and insufficient fine sediment — do not restrict the use of this fraction in stream sediment surveys in arid terrains.  相似文献   

The Nickel Plate deposit, in which gold occurs as <25 μm blebs associated with arsenopyrite in garnet-pyroxene skarns, is in the subalpine zone near the southern limit of the Thompson Plateau. During the last glaciation the Cordilleran ice sheet moved south-southwest across the deposit and deposited a stony basal till. A dispersion train with anomalous concentrations of gold in tills and soils now extends 2 km down ice from the deposit.Gold contents of samples of humus (LFH horizon) and the −212 μm fraction of mineral soils (A, B and C horizons) was determined by instrumental neutron activation and fire assay-atomic absorption, respectively. Selected samples were examined in detail to determine distribution of gold between different size and density fractions.Despite erratic variability, Au contents of the −212 μm fraction generally decrease from 200–400 ppb close to the mine site to <50 ppb at distal sites. At most sites there is also a twofold increase of gold values down the soil profile. Within samples concentrations of Au in the −420 + 212 μm, −212 + 106 μm, −106 + 53 μm and −53 μm fractions are usually roughly constant. However, because of its abundance, the −53 μm fraction contains more than 70% of the gold. Amenability of gold in this fraction to cyanidation suggests that it is largely free gold. For size fractions > 53 μm the contribution of the heavy mineral (SG > 3.3) fraction to total gold content increases with decreasing grain size.Distribution of gold between size and density fractions is consistent with its release from the bedrock or pre-glacial regolith by glacial abrasion. The bulk of the gold was incorporated into the fine fractions of the till at or close to the source. However, differences between down ice dilution ratios for gold in different heavy mineral size fractions suggest that comminution of host minerals continued to transfer gold to the finer size fractions during glacial transport.For exploration purposes, B and C horizon samples provide the best anomaly contrast. Estimates of the abundance of gold particles in different size fractions indicate that the nugget effect, which causes erratic gold values in the −212 μm fraction, can be avoided by analysis of 30 g of −53 μm material.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from streambeds in an undisturbed watershed in eastern Quebec (Gaspé Peninsula). Two sampling sites were located on a stream draining an area of known mineralization (Cu, Pb, Zn) and two on a control stream. The sediment samples were separated into 8 distinct size classes in the 850 μm to <1 μm size range by wet sieving, gravity sedimentation or centrifugation. Each sediment subsample was then subjected to a sequential extraction procedure designed to partition the particulate heavy metals into five fractions: (1) exchangeable; (2) specifically adsorbed or bound to carbonates; (3) bound to Fe-Mn oxides; (4) bound to organic matter; (5) residual. The following metals were analyzed in each extract: Cu, Pb, Zn; Fe, Mn.Comparison of samples from the mineralized area with control samples revealed the expected increase in total concentrations for Cu, Pb and Zn. Non-detrital metals were mainly associated with Fe oxides (specifically adsorbed; occluded) and with organic matter or resistant sulfides. For a given sample, variation of trace metal levels in fractions 2 and 3 with grain size reflected changes in the available quantities of the inorganic scavenging phase (FeOx/MnOx); normalization with respect to Fe and Mn content in fraction 3 greatly reduced the apparent dependency on grain size.The results of this study suggest that a single reducing extraction (NH2OH.HCl) could be used advantageously to detect anomalies in routine geochemical surveys. A second leaching step with acidified H2O2 could also be included, as the trace metal concentrations in fraction 4, normalized with respect to organic carbon content, also showed high {anomaly/background} ratios.  相似文献   

The results described relate to an investigation into the nature of Au dispersion in glacial till, undertaken to identify optimum search techniques for use in exploration for Au mineralization.The diversity of Au mineralization, in terms of the host rock lithologies, mineralogy and grain size of the Au, would be expected to give rise to differences in the secondary response in the associated overburden. Common exploration procedures involve the analyses of the heavy-mineral fraction or a particular size fraction of the tills. However, having regard to the expected variable response of Au in associated glacial till, attributed to variations in primary mineralization, effective exploration requires that the methodology employed is capable of locating all types of Au mineralization.Bulk till samples were collected from various sites associated with the Owl Creek deposit near Timmins and the Hemlo deposits. Grain size analyses were carried out on the till samples and on the heavy-mineral concentrates. The concentration of the Au in the various fractions was determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis.Preliminary results allow a number of provisional conclusions to be drawn:
1. (1) Grain size analysis of the −2 mm fraction of tills indicates that the silt and clay fraction constitutes 20–50%, whereas, in contrast, the equivalent heavy-mineral concentrates are dominantly composed of the coarser −500 + 63 μm material.
2. (2) The amount of Au present in the heavy-mineral concentrates of tills represents only a minor proportion of the total Au in the original till samples. In addition, the proportion of the total Au recovered in the heavy-mineral concentrate varies from 4 to 15%. Both factors indicate that caution is necessary in interpreting the significance of heavy-mineral Au data.
3. (3) Examination of the size distribution of Au within the heavy-mineral concentrate indicates that the majority of the Au is contained in the −125 μm fraction.
4. (4) The concentration factor (the original sample weight divided by the heavy-mineral concentrate weight) varies up to 7-fold between samples due presumably to the differing proportions of heavy minerals. Hence, in Au deposits of equivalent economic significance this gives rise to varying Au concentrations in heavy-mineral concentrates according to the quantity of heavy minerals present. Significant interpretation can only be achieved by re-expressing the Au contents of heavy-mineral concentrates in terms of the absolute amount of Au in heavy-mineral concentrates.
5. (5) A comparison of the heavy-mineral concentrates produced by different laboratories indicates marked differences in the weight of the heavy-mineral concentrate, the Au concentration of the heavy-mineral concentrate, the total weight of Au in the heavy-mineral concentrate and the size distribution of the Au in the heavy-mineral concentrate.
6. (6) Analysis of the −63 μm silt and clay size fraction indicates anomalous Au contents within this fraction of the tills collected from Owl Creek and Hemlo, extending over 500 m down-ice from mineralization at Hemlo.
7. (7) Analysis of the −63 μm silt and clay size fraction is suitable for the detection of fine-grained Au deposits that are not amenable to detection on the basis of heavy-mineral concentrate analyses.
8. (8) The analysis of the silt and clay fraction reduces the sample representativity problems associated with analyzing coarser fractions.
9. (9) A comparison of the Au distribution in heavy-mineral concentrates and the −63 μm fraction of till down-ice from the Owl Creek deposit indicates broadly similar dispersion patterns.
In conclusion, although the results are based on relatively few samples, their consistency permits some general conclusions to be drawn. The silt and the heavy-mineral concentrate analyses provide different information and in view of the diversity of exploration targets and surface environments exploration reliability can be increased by analyzing both the −63 μm silt and clay fraction and the heavy-mineral concentrate.  相似文献   

Samples were collected near known gold mineralization from anomalous and background soils developed on glacial till in British Columbia and Ontario, and in residual soils in Nevada, Utah and the Yukon Territory. After wet sieving to five size fractions finer than 2000 mm, and separation of heavy minerals (S.G. > 3.3) for the − 212 + 106 μm and − 106 + 53 μm fractions, gold concentrations in each fraction were determined by fire assay-atomic absorption.In all cases more than 60% of the gold resides in the − 53 μm fraction. For the residual soils most of the remaining gold is associated with the light mineral fractions and only a negligible proportion resides in the heavy minerals. Estimates of the numbers of gold particles and subsampling variability suggest that gold, in both heavy and light mineral fractions, is largely present as inclusions of fine gold. For exploration purposes, optimum sample representativity would be obtained with the − 53 μm fraction. However, because this fraction is a major component of the soils, use of a coarser size fraction (e.g., − 212 μm) will only slightly reduce sample representativity. Also, because most of the gold is associated with the − 53 μm and light mineral fractions, use of heavy mineral concentrates offers no significant advantage and in some cases would result in anomalous conditions being overlooked.  相似文献   

Refractory compounds are responsible for the long-term sequestration of organic matter in soil. The aim of this study is to assess the storage of refractory compounds, i.e. compounds with long turnover times, across size separates in arable soils. The contents and distribution of organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) in size fractions were examined for two contrasting treatment types from long-term agroecosystem experiments, i.e. C-depleted and fertilized plots. The soil organic carbon (SOC) pool of the C-depleted plots is considered to be relatively enriched in refractory compounds compared with the SOC in the fertilized counterparts. In two of the three long-term experiments, the relative retention of OC in separates <20 μm was considerably higher than in separates 2000–20 μm (OC contents in depleted plots compared with fertilized plots). Highest residual contents of OC were found in fractions <6 μm. In the third experiment, additionally to the very fine fractions, separates 250–20 μm retained a high proportion of OC. The behavior of N was analogous to that of OC: the highest relative residues in the depleted plots were found in fine separates. These results indicate that in the investigated arable soils, C and N compounds associated with fine separates are most stable. Refractory OC in arable soils may be largely stored in fine particle-size fractions.  相似文献   

Rocks of the Archaean Kuhmo greenstone belt and the fine fraction (− 63 μm) of 236 till samples were analysed for Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and Fe mainly with the AAS method. The influence of bedrock upon the lithology and geochemistry of till is clear, and can be seen immediately at the proximal contact. Expected trace-metal contents for the fine fraction of till were calculated using the average metal contents of the rock types and the proportions of these rock types in the till (2–6 cm pebbles). The expected values were then compared with the measured values in the fine fraction of till at the same locality. This approach seems effective for lithological comparison between various grain-size fractions of till.In general, the measured metal contents are clearly lower than expected. This indicates that the proportion of the greenstone material in the fine fraction of the till is smaller than in the coarse fraction. Correlations between measured and expected values of individual trace metals as well as their correlation with the different rock types are low, in most cases indicating inconsistent variation in the lithology of the coarse and fine fraction of the till. Good positive correlations between the number of pebbles of mafic metavolcanics and contents of Cu, Co, Mn and Fe in the fine fraction of till show that the influence of these rocks on the trace-element geochemistry of the tills in the study area is most significant as might be expected.  相似文献   

The Cr and Ni contents are high in the Eocene lignite of the Shenbei coalfield, which is a small intracontinental basin located in Liaoning Province, China. In this paper, we studied the distribution, origin and occurrence of Cr, Ni and other hazardous trace elements in the Shenbei lignite on the basis of coal petrology, and geochemistry of the lignite and combustion products. The following conclusions on the Shenbei lignite can be drawn: (1) The dominant maceral group in the Shenbei coal is huminite (humodetrinite), accounting for 96%–99% of the total maceral. Inertinite content is less than 1%. Liptinite content (sporinite and cutinite) is 0.2–1.6%. Common minerals in the Shenbei lignite include clay minerals (kaolinite), pyrite and quartz, and calcite and siderite. Chromite is not present in the lignite. (2) Potentially hazardous trace elements such as Co (22 μg/g), Cr (79 μg/g), Cu (63 μg/g), Zn (93 μg/g), V (88 μg/g) and Ni (75 μg/g) are strongly enriched in the Shenbei lignite compared with average concentration of trace elements in the Chinese coal and worldwide lignite. These elements are mainly associated with fulvic acid (FA) and/or coal organic macromolecular compounds in most of the studied lignite samples, indicating an organic association and enrichment of these elements in the Shenbei lignite. (3) Unusually high trace elements contents in the Shenbei lignite are derived mainly from the olivine basalt (country rock of coal basin) that consists of 52.7% plagioclase, 17.8% pyroxene, 14% olivine and 15.5% Ti–Fe oxide minerals. These olivine basalts have higher Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn contents than other types of rock and worldwide basalts do. (4) Fly ash of the Shenbei lignite, with 90% 1–50 μm amorphous particles and 8% 1–10 μm cenosphere, has high contents of Zn (23,707 μg/g), Be (12 μg/g), Sr (1574 μg/g), Pb (486 μg/g) and Cr (349 μg/g). In particular, the ferruginous micro-cenoshperes contain 1–12.79% Zn. Fine bottom ash (<0.031mm) of the Shenbei lignite has higher contents for most of the elements with the exception of Mo, Sn and Zn. Therefore, the potentially environmental and health impact of the fly ash and fine bottom ash should constitute a major concern.  相似文献   

Gold anomalies in drainage sediments are often erratic, reflecting both the nugget effect and hydraulic effects whereby gold is concentrated at favorable sites along a stream. This study investigates these factors in a stream in northeastern Thailand.Bulk sediment samples, consisting of approximately 40 kg of −12 mm material, were collected from bar and pavement sites along an 8 km study reach. Samples were wet sieved into eight size fractions. The five fractions between 425 μm and 53 μm were then processed to obtain heavy mineral concentrates (SG > 3.3). Gold content of all size and density fractions finer than 425 μm was determined by fire assay-atomic absorption.Concentrations of Au in the heavy mineral concentrates typically range from 10,000 to 50,000 ppb (maximum 198,000 ppb), whereas the corresponding light mineral fractions and the −53 μm fraction generally contain <5 ppb gold. Within the heavy mineral fractions concentrations of Au generally increase downstream away from their supposed source and are higher at pavement than at point bar sites. Variations in abundance of gold between point bar sites can be related to stream characteristics (such as width, velocity and bed roughness) that are indicative of changing energy conditions and of the ability of the stream to winnow light minerals from its bed.The estimated median number of gold particles in the heavy mineral concentrates increase from less than one in the 212–425 μm fraction to about three in the 53–106 μm size range. However, because of dilution by the light mineral and −53 μm fractions, the probability of a 30 g analytical sub-sample containing a particle of gold is so low that in thirteen out of sixteen −149 μm sediment samples no gold was detected. Insofar as this results from dilution by large quantities of −53 μm sediment, failure of conventional sieved sediment samples to reliably detect the anomaly is probably a consequence of increased erosion caused by deforestation and land usage.Heavy mineral concentrates from pavement and other high energy sites are more reliable than conventional sediment samples for detecting gold anomalies of the Huai Hin Laep type. A low sample density is adequate but, because anomaly contrast may increase downstream, careful interpretation is required.  相似文献   

Radiocaesium (137Cs) dispersion and Cs+ fixation were studied in the sediments collected from the lagoon systems of “Ria de Aveiro”. The Cs+ sorption was tested for the fine mica grains and for the < 2 μm clay fractions extracted from silty clays. The Cs+ exchange is found strongly onto mica-rich fractions than smectite-rich fractions. The distribution coefficient increases if the silty material is constituted by rich-mica clay fractions or if the non-clay minerals are removed from the silty-clay material. The samples studied behave as multisite ion exchange, where Cs+ engages in ion-exchange reactions with hydrated cations on planar sites on expansible layer silicates. Higher concentrations of the 137Cs were found associated with mica-rich silty clays. The 137Cs ranges from 3.2 to 3.9 Bq kg− 1 in the < 38 μm fractions and from 2.9 to 3.3 Bq kg− 1 in the < 64 μm fractions.  相似文献   

Orientation studies were carried out by the BRGM mission in Saudi Arabia between 1982–1986 to investigate the dispersion of gold in soils and wadi sediments and to define the optimum sample medium around eight prospects in the central Arabian pediplain. A comparison of gold distribution in several sieved fractions with various pedologic horizons shows that the distribution of gold changes abruptly from the coarser sizes near the source to the finest sizes 150 m downstream.The coarse fraction recommended by previous workers is not representative and yields erratic results in the specific environment of the pediplain. Gold is enriched and more homogeneously distributed in the minus 80 μm fraction of the skeletal soils and wadi sediments.Regional geochemical survey can be effective using a sensitive analytical method for gold and the minus 80 μm fraction of the brown gravelly sediment with a minimum density of 2 samples per km2. Geochemical halos in the 30–50 ppb range indicate gold mineralization 500 to 1000 m upstream, depending on relief.In a first follow-up stage, continued use of the same size of the upper argillaceous layer with a regular reg sampling grid gives more contrasted and more extensive anomalies than using a coarse material. These anomalies may be slightly offset by the present arid erosion. A second follow-up stage is then recommended at a closer grid and sampling the brown blocky layer below the surficial reg pavement. Again, the use of the finest fraction at this exploration stage has given the best probability of finding a blind gold target.Optical determination of gold on a nonmagnetic fraction of heavy panconcentrate is not recommended, because nugget growth is practically absent in the present arid conditions and flour-sized gold particles are lost in desliming samples.  相似文献   

Surface microlayer and subsurface water samples were collected at an oligotrophic Mediterranean site during a diel cycle. The composition of phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids (PLFA) was determined in size-fractionated particles (0.2–0.7 μm; 0.7–200 μm) in order to characterize the major contributors of organic matter to different size fractions. GF/F-retained particles (0.7–200 μm) from the surface microlayer were consistently enriched in PLFA relative to the underlying water. Molecular markers revealed a substantial difference in biological assemblages in both particle sizes. The larger particles were dominated by dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria, microzooplankton and attached bacteria, whereas particles filtered through GF/F and collected on 0.2 μm porosity Durapore filters (0.2–0.7 μm) were mostly bacteria and heterotrophic flagellates. Bacterial PLFA associated with 0.7–200 μm particles were more abundant than those in the 0.2–0.7 μm particles. Specific markers in the branched series appeared more representative of bacteria of smaller particle size.  相似文献   

The Mapocho river, which crosses downtown Santiago, is one of the most important rivers in contact with a population of about six million inhabitants. Anthropogenic activities, industrialization, farming activities, transport, urbanization, animal and human excretions, domestic wastes and copper mining have affected the river, contaminating it and its sediments with heavy metals. Concentration and distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd were studied with the purpose of determining their bioavailability and their relation with the characteristics of the sediments. Freshly deposited seasonal sediments were collected from 0–8 cm depths from 6 locations (S1 to S6) along the 30-km long channel length, in the four seasons of year on the following dates: May 2001 (D1, autumn); August 2001 (D2, winter); October 2001 (D3, spring) and January 2002 (D4, summer). The dried samples were sifted to obtain the < 63-μm sediment fraction, since it has been shown that large amounts of heavy metals are bound in the fine-grained fraction of the sediment. Cu and Zn were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and Pb and Cd by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry. The highest concentrations of Cu (2850 μg g− 1) were found in the northern part of the river (S1, average D1–D4), near the mountains and a copper mine, and then decreased downstream to 209 μg g− 1 (S6). Total Zn showed an irregular variation, with higher values at S1 (1290 μg g− 1) and high values in some winter sampling (1384 μg g− 1 S4, S5–D2). Pb showed different trends, increasing from S1 to S6 (17 to 61 μg g− 1), with the highest values in the summer samples (83 μg g− 1, S4–S6, D4), and total Cd increased slightly from mean values of 0.2 and 0.5 μg g− 1. Partition into five fractions was made using Tessier's analytical sequential extraction technique; the residue was treated with aqua regia for recovery studies, although this step is not part of the Tessier procedure. The results show that Cu, Zn and Pb in the sediments were dependent on the sampling places along the river, and variation in two years was low (D1–D4). The highest values of total organic matter, carbonate and conductivity were found in S6, which has the smallest size particles, while at S1 the sediments were predominantly sand and contain larger amounts of silica. Cu associated with carbonate decreased gradually from 58% (1771 μg g− 1, S1) to 16% (32 μg g− 1, S6); Cu bonded to reducible fraction was almost constant (33% to 37%), and Cu associated with oxidizable fraction increased from 7% (S1) to 34% (S6), but copper content was lower (214 to 68 μg g− 1). Zn had a similar fractionation profile. However, Pb bound to oxidizable fraction did not show significant percent variation along the river (20% to 19%), but the amount bounded was 4 to 12 μg g− 1. The residual fraction increased from 24% to 41% (5 to 25 μg g− 1, S1 to S6). The distribution of Cd in the sediment was almost independent of the sampling stations and was bound to carbonate, reducible and residual fraction in similar proportion. Cu and Zn at S1 were mainly bound to carbonates and reducible phases with 91% and 73% (2779 and 965 μg g− 1, respectively), and with a change in the pH and/or the redox potential of the sediment–water system, these contaminants could easily enter the food chain. In S6 the amount of Cu and Zn in these phases was 50% and 53% (100 to 313 μg g− 1, respectively).  相似文献   

Diamondiferous kimberlites occur in eastern Finland, in the areas of Kaavi–Kuopio and Kuhmo. Active diamond exploration has been ongoing in the country for over two decades, but the Karelian craton still remains under explored given its size and potential. In order to develop techniques that can be applied to diamond exploration in glaciated terrains, the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) carried out a detailed heavy mineral and geochemical survey of Quaternary till in 2001–2003 around two of the known kimberlitic bodies in Finland, Pipe 7 in Kaavi and Dyke 16 in Kuhmo. The mineralogical and geochemical signatures of these two kimberlites were studied in the basal till deposited down-ice from the targets. The kimberlites were selected to represent two different types in terms of shape, size, age and petrology, as well as showing contrasting country rocks and Quaternary deposits. Till samples up to 60 kg in weight were taken by excavator and by drill rig. Kimberlitic indicator mineral grains (0.25–1.0 mm) were concentrated using a GTK modified 3″Knelson Concentrator. Fine fractions (< 0.063 mm) of selected samples were analyzed by XRF and ICP-MS. The indicator grains down-ice from Pipe 7 form a well-defined fan in the basal till that can be followed for at least 2 km with a maximum concentration at 1.2 km distance from the pipe. Another kimberlitic body discovered during the study 300 m down-ice from Pipe 7 demonstrates that there are in fact at least two superimposed indicator fans. The results do not rule out the possibility of even more undiscovered kimberlitic sources in the area. In contrast, the indicator dispersal trail from Dyke 16 is shorter (1 km) and less well-defined than that at Kaavi, mainly due to the lower indicator content in the kimberlite itself and subsequently in till, as well as a large population of background chromites in till. The latter population is likely having been derived from the Archean Näätäniemi serpentinite massif and the associated ultramafic metavolcanics of the Kuhmo greenstone belt, located ca. 30 km up-ice from the sampling area. The indicator maximum at Seitaperä dyke swarm occurs immediately down-ice from the kimberlite, after which the concentration drops rapidly. Results of this study contribute to the overall understanding of the Quaternary history of the Kaavi and Kuhmo areas, and more importantly, provide key information to diamond exploration in these particular regions and also elsewhere in glaciated terrains.  相似文献   

Lignin is preserved in the fine silt fraction of an arable Luvisol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge about the fate of individual biomolecules during the decomposition process in soil is limited. We used the natural isotopic label introduced by 23 years of continuous maize cropping, together with compound specific 13C isotope analysis, to study lignin monomers in particle size fractions of a Luvisol. Isotope data indicated apparent decadal turnover times for lignin. A kinetic model suggests the existence of a fast and a slow decomposing lignin pool in the soil, reconciling a low stock-to-input ratio with decadal turnover times. We found new, maize-derived lignin primarily in the 63–2000 μm fraction, whereas old, C3-derived lignin from the pre-maize vegetation had accumulated mainly in the silt (2–20 μm) fraction. This distribution of lignin differed from that of total organic carbon, which was concentrated in the <2 μm fraction. Old, C3-derived carbon in all the soil fractions was depleted in lignin compared to new, maize-derived carbon. The observation that the 2–20 μm fraction was less depleted than the others indicates that lignin preservation is particle size specific, but the underlying mechanism controlling its preservation is not clear.  相似文献   

Urban roadside soils are important environmental media for assessing heavy metal concentrations in urban environment. However, among other things, heavy metal concentrations are controlled by soil particle grain size fractions. In this study, two roadside sites were chosen within the city of Xuzhou (China) to reflect differences in land use. Bulk soil samples were collected and then divided by particle diameter into five physical size fractions, 500–250, 250–125, 125–74, 74–45, < 45 μm. Concentrations of metals (Ti, Cr, Al, Ga, Pb, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, Zn, Mo, As, Sb, Se, Hg, Bi, Ag) were determined for each individual fraction. These metals could be roughly classified into two groups: anthropogenic element (Pb, Ba, Cd, Cu, Zn, Mo, As, Sb, Se, Hg, Bi, Ag) and lithophile element (Ti, Cr, Al, Ga, Co, Mn, Ni, V) in terms of values of enrichment factor. As expected, higher concentrations of anthropogenic heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Mo, As, Hg, Bi, Ag) are observed in the finest particle grain size fraction (i.e. < 45 μm). However, heavy metals Se, Sb and Ba behave independently of selected grain size fractions. From the viewpoint of mass loading, more than 30% of the concentrations for all anthropogenic heavy metals are contributed by the particle grain size fractions of 45–74 μm at site 1 and more than 70% of the concentrations for all heavy metals are contributed by the particle grain size fractions of 45–74 and 74–125 μm at site 2. These results are important for transport of soil-bound heavy metals and pollution control by various remedial options.  相似文献   

Metamorphosed black shale is an essential component of the Early Proterozoic Outokumpu rock assemblage, together with serpentinite, calc-silicate rock and quartz rock. This rock assemblage, hosting the major Cu-Co-Zn deposits of Outokumpu and considered ophiolitic in origin, has also been encountered to the northwest in the Kainuu schist belt. The rift basin encompassing the two areas was intruded by ophiolite complexes 1.96–1.97 billion years ago. Remnants of ultramafites are met as serpentinite and talc-carbonate rock lenses bounded by faults along the western margin of the Kainuu schist belt. The black schist formations range in thickness from tens of metres to 400 m. Metal-rich layers occur close to the serpentinite bodies. The most extensive formations of metal-rich black schist (300 Mt, 0.26% Ni, 0.14% Cu, 0.53% Zn) have been encountered at Talvivaara. The lithological, mineralogical and geochemical results indicate a genetic link between the Jormua, Talvivaara, Alanen and Pappilanmäki prospects in the Kainuu schist belt and the Outokumpu rock assemblage.  相似文献   

In order to determine the metal-bearing phases with special emphasis on Cu, a sequential extraction has been carried out on seven soil samples from a sulphide-bearing spodosol profile in Liikavaara Östra, close to the Aitik Copper Mine in northern Sweden. A reference spodosol profile with very low abundances of sulphides located far from anthropogenic emissions was also studied. Five fractions were selected for the extraction: (I) CH3COONa-extractable (exchangeable/adsorbed/carbonate); (II) Na4P2O7-extractable (labile organics); (III) 0.25 M NH2OH·HCl-extractable (amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides/Mn oxides); (IV) 1 M NH2OH·HCl-extractable (crystalline Fe oxides); and (V) KClO3/HCl-extractable (organics and sulphides). The distribution of trace elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the profile in Liikavaara Östra is different from that in the reference profile. Possible explanations for these differences are (i) the presence of sulphides in the soil, (ii) atmospheric deposition of dust derived from mining activities at the Aitik Copper Mine, and (iii) mineralogical heterogeneities inherited from the deposition of the till. There is no straightforward correlation between the amount of the extracted phases and the metal extractability in the soils. This fact indicates that other factors are important for the retention of trace metals as well. The data presented in this study suggest that Co, Cr and Ni, to a fairly large extent, are associated with the organic matter in the B-horizon in both profiles, while in the C-horizon in Liikavaara Östra, sulphides are probably the more important carriers of these elements. For Co and Ni, Fe oxyhydroxides seem to be important. Most of the Cr occurred in the residual remaining after the leaching procedure. Copper and Zn seem to be associated with the organic matter to some extent in the B-horizon. The concentration of Cu in the C-horizon in Liikavaara Östra is high (2310 ppm), but only a very small fraction is likely to be hosted by sulphides. It is concluded that the major part of Cu in the C-horizon and a prominent fraction in the B-horizon in Liikavaara Östra are associated with some secondary phase that is extractable during extractions III and IV. Possible candidates for this phase are goethite and inclusions of native Cu in weathered biotite.  相似文献   

The Okchon black shale in Korea provides a typical example of natural geological materials enriched with potentially toxic elements. The Chung-Joo, Duk-Pyung, Geum-Kwan, I-Won, Bo-Eun and Chu-Bu areas are underlain by these black shales and slates of the Guryongsan Formation or the Changri Formation, which are parts of the Okchon Group in the central part of the southern Korean Peninsula. In order to investigate the enrichment levels and dispersion patterns of potentially toxic elements in the rock–soil–plant system, environmental geochemical surveys were undertaken in the above six study areas in the Okchon Zone. After appropriate preparation, rock and soil samples were analyzed for potentially toxic elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), and plant samples by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). In particular, Ba, Cd, Mo, V and U in Okchon black shales are highly enriched, and their mean concentrations are significantly higher than those in black slates. These elements are geochemically associated, and might be enriched simultaneously. The highest mean concentrations of 42.0 μg g−1 As, 2100 μg g−1 Ba, 10.9 μg g−1 Cd, 213 μg g−1 Mo, 83 μg g−1 U, 938 μg g−1 V and 394 μg g−1 Zn are found in black shales from the Duk-Pyung area. Mean concentrations of As, Mo and U in soils overlying black shales occurring in the Duk-Pyung area (30 μg g−1 As, 24 μg g−1 Mo and 50 μg g−1 U) and Chu-Bu area (39 μg g−1 As, 15 μg g−1 Mo and 27 μg g−1 U) are higher than the permissible level. Enrichment index values of the six study areas decrease in the order of Duk-Pyung > Chu-Bu > Bo-Eun > Chung-Joo > Geum-Kwan = I-Won areas. Relationships between trace element concentrations in soils and plants are significantly correlated, and the biological absorption coefficients (BAC) in plants are in the order of Cd > Zn = Cu > Pb, which suggests that Cd is more bioavailable to plants than the other elements. Cadmium concentrations in plant species decrease in the order of chinese cabbage > red pepper > soybean = sesame > rice stalk > corn > rice grain. From the result of sequential extraction analysis of soils, relatively high proportions of Cu, Pb and Zn are present as residual fractions, and that of Cd as non-residual fractions. Cadmium occurs predominantly as exchangeable/water-acid soluble phase in soils, and this is in agreement with the findings of high Cd concentrations in plants.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary geochemical study of the distribution, dispersion, and glacial dispersal, of the pge and associated elements has been undertaken within soil, till, humus, vegetation and water at Ferguson Lake, Northwest Territories, Rottenstone Lake, Saskatchewan and Sudbury, Ontario.As the pge generally are present at low levels in surficial materials, development work on analytical techniques was an essential part of this study.At Ferguson Lake, the spatial distribution patterns of Au, Pt and Pd in till clearly indicate the exposed gossan zones, as expected, but also indicate a possible extension of the zone beneath a peat bog- and till-covered area. Down-ice dispersal of Au, Pt and Pd is limited to one to two hundred metres, in the <63 μm component of the till samples collected from frost boils. In vegetation the pge enrichment extends for several hundred metres down-ice and is best defined by Pd in birch twigs. Detectable, although extremely low, levels of Pt (2.8 ppt) and Pd (2.0 ppt) are present in waters in the vicinity of the gossanous zones at Ferguson Lake.At Rottenstone Lake, moderate to high concentrations of pge, Au, and base metals were found in ashed twigs of black spruce and the hmc of the tills for a distance of less than two hundred metres down-ice of the mineralization. Low Pd and Au concentrations were present in ashed spruce twigs about one kilometre down-ice of the mineralization, where only the hmc of the tills yielded anomalous concentrations of Pt and Au. There appears to be only limited dispersal of the pge and Au. These data indicate that only the hmc and the spruce twigs are of value in detecting Pt and Au in this area. Palladium presents a different picture, being detectable in only some of the soils, absent in the tills and hmc, yet appreciably enriched in the twig ash. The inference is that Pd is moving in solution and is being somewhat adsorbed in the soil but is much more significantly being taken up by the plant roots.At the Sudbury areas the pge, hosted in the Ni-Cu mineralization, are best reflected by elevated levels in the ashed humus of almost all elements examined. There is only minimal response in pge and Au to the mineralization from any of the fractions of the soil; whereas the <2 μm fraction of the B-horizon soil reflects the mineralization by elevated levels of As, Sb, Se, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn. Only hmc from the tills show elevated pge, Au and variable enhancement in As, Sb, Se and the base metals. The < 2 μm portion of the tills tends to be highest in As, Se, Cr and the base metals.This ongoing study shows that surficial materials and vegetation are effective in identifying areas of concealed pge mineralization. Various pathfinder elements, primarily Cu and Ni, but perhaps also As, Se, Sb and the other base metals, in the < 2 μm B-horizon soils and tills, may be informative in a preliminary evaluation of the pge potential of an area, prior to undertaking the more expensive precious-metal analyses. Humus and vegetation both appear extremely effective, and most cost efficient, and heavy-mineral concentrates (hmc) appear effective, for identifying areas with pge potential, whereas hmc from tills appear most effective for zeroing in on the site of the pge mineralization.  相似文献   

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