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The Llano uplift exposes rocks of approximately 1000 m.y. age. The weighted average composition of the exposed crust is: 70.7% SiO2; 0.35% TiO2; 13.6% A12O3; 3.4% total Fe as Fe2O3; 1.1% MgO; 2.6% CaO; 3.3% Na2O; and 4.4% K2O. This composition is similar to, but more potassic, than equivalent estimates for the Canadian shield.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1988,3(5):455-474
Formation waters in the Palo Duro Basin, Texas, U.S.A. fall into four major groups based on integrated chemical and isotopic characteristics: (1) interbed brines within the major Permian evaporite aquitard; these are the most chemically concentrated and18O-rich fluids in the basin, and are interpreted as evaporatively concentrated sea water which has been hydrologically isolated since the Permian; (2) brines below the salt on the eastern side of the basin have ClBr, divalent cation, and isotopic systematics indicating a mixture of evaporatively concentrated sea water and meteoric water of δD= −20‰; (3) brines below the salt on the western side of the basin have chemical and isotopic systematics suggesting a mixture of two pulses of meteoric water, one with δD= −20‰ and the other with δD= −55‰; and (4) waters above the salt have the isotopic composition of meteoric waters. Diagenetic alteration of the cation chemistry has occurred for brines within and below the salt. Aquifers below the salt on the eastern side are interpreted as having been charged with dense Permian evaporite brines which subsequently mixed in various amounts with a basin-wide pulse of Triassic meteoric water. On the western side the descending Triassic meteoric waters became saline by dissolution of halite and are currently mixing with a Tertiary pulse of meteoric water initiated by the Laramide uplift to the west. The hydrochemistry suggests flow on the western side of the basin and static conditions on the eastern side. An unrecognized, approximately N-S permeability restriction, or discontinuity in the potentiometric flow surface, is inferred for major aquifers in the central area of the basin.  相似文献   

Benthic exchange of nutrients in Galveston Bay, Texas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nutrient regeneration rates were determined at three sites increasing in distance from the Trinity River, the main freshwater input source, to Galveston Bay, Texas, from 1994 through 1996. Diffusive fluxes generally agreed in direction with directly measured benthic fluxes but underestimated the exchange of nutrients across the sediment-water interface. While the fluxes of ammonium and phosphate were directed from the sediment into the overlying waters, the fluxes of silicate and chloride changed in both magnitude and direction in response to changing Trinity River flow conditions. Oxygen fluxes showed benthic production during both summer 1995 and winter 1996, while light-dark deployments showed production-consumption, respectively. Benthic inputs of nutrients were higher at either the middle or outer Trinity Bay regions, most likely due to a higher quality and quantity of the autochthonous organic matter deposited. This feature is consistent with and gives evidence for previously observed non-conservative mixing behaviors reported for nutrients in this region of Galveston Bay. Calculated turnover times, between 7 to 135 d for phosphate, 4 to 56 d for silicate, and 0.3 to 10 d for ammonium were significantly shorter than the average Trinity Bay water residence time of 1.5 yr for the period September 1995 through October 1996. During periods of decreased Trinity River flow and increased residence times, benthic inputs of ammonium and phosphate were 1 to 2 orders of magnitude greater than Trinity River inputs and were the dominant input source of these nutrients to Trinity Bay. The sediments, a sink for silicate when overlying water column concentrations of silicate were elevated, became a source of silicate to the overlying waters of Trinity Bay under reduced flow, high salinity conditions.  相似文献   

Laminated sediments in Baffin Bay, Texas, consist of alternate layers of blue-green algal remains and terrigenous muds. These sediments resemble stromatolites and contain stenols and stannols. The relatively rare C-27, C-28 and C-29 Δ22-5α-stenols and the commonly found Δ5 and Δ5.22 sterols and stannols are present in the Baffin Bay sediments.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1986,7(2):117-140
During most of the Cretaceous the San Marcos Platform, central Texas, was a low-lying, subaerial terrain. After the Middle Albian it was a low-lying, carbonate terrain, similar to modern Florida, receiving little sediment and yielding little sediment.The Platform was inundated eight times (late early Aptian into middle Aptian, late late Aptian to middle late Albian, earliest Cenomanian, late early Cenomanian, late Cenomanian, earliest Campanian, early middle Campanian, middle(?) Maastrichtian) during the Cretaceous, the last of which is based only on indirect evidence.There are some anomalies. During the latter part of the long normal, magnetostratigraphic interval (34) of the Cretaceous, the San Marco Platform was almost entirely subaerial. Many of the inundations agree neither with the Vail cycles nor with the Kauffman cycles. The conclusion is that transgressions onto the San Marcos Platform are probably associated with sediment-loading of the Gulf Coast Basin.  相似文献   

Mapping landslide susceptibility in Travis County, Texas, USA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A geographic information system (GIS) was used to construct a landslide hazard map for Travis County, Texas. The County is experiencing rapid growth, and development has encroached into unstable terrain that is vulnerable to landslides. Four layers of data were superimposed to create the landslide hazard map. Slope was given the most emphasis, followed by geology, vegetation, and proximity to faults. The final map shows areas of low, medium, and high landslide susceptibility. Areas of high susceptibility occupy stream and reservoir banks, rock escarpments, and agricultural land. The landslide hazard map can be a useful geologic criterion for land use planning. Planners can use the map to allocate appropriate land uses to unstable terrain, and to identify existing structures at risk from landslide activity. The methods presented in this paper can be adapted to other counties in the U.S. and elsewhere. Results of this study suggest that geographic information systems can effectively compile and overlay several data layers relevant to landslide hazards.  相似文献   

In late Cretaceous time, subsilicic, alkalic magmas formed sills,laccoliths, plug-like bodies, small volcanoes, and a few dikesin Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Texas coastal plain alongan arcuate trend approximately coinciding with the buried Ouachitastructural belt. Transverse structural features apparently localizedthe igneous activity in two centers. In the larger center nearUvalde, Texas about half of the bodies are melilite-olivinenephelinite, a third olivine nephelinite and the remainder analcitephonolite, olivine basalt, and nepheline basanite, in orderof decreasing abundance. Basaltic and nephelinitic magmas were the primary magmas fromwhich all igneous rocks of the province were derived. Removalof olivine gave rise to a small range in chemical compositionof the basaltic rocks, but not gradation toward silica undersaturation.Nephelinitic magmas with compositions near that at which normativecalcium orthosilicate appears differentiated along two trendsto form melilite-olivine nephelinite as one end product andthrough nepheline basanite to analcite phonolite as the other.These two trends arose independently, their courses being determinedby the composition of the primary nephelinitic magma and theplane Fo-Di-Ne which has no piercing point at low pressure.  相似文献   

Late Eocene lignites in the Brazos River Valley area occur in parasequence-scale cycles containing mostly marine sediments. Lignite is present at the base of the marine interval and forms the base of the cycle in a majority of cases. Less frequently, lignite is underlain by a thin interval of nonmarine deposits that form the base of the cycle. In both situations, the lignite is part of a thin transgressive interval. Cycles are separated by an exposure surface, usually marked by plant rooting and/or development of a paleosol in the top of the underlying sediments. Peat accumulated on top of these exposure surfaces and lignite is preserved where marine flooding allowed ocean waters to cover the peat deposits with fine grained sediments, producing high-ash lignite horizons of great lateral extent but variable thickness and quality. This strandplain model of lignite occurrence provides a better understanding of Late Eocene lignites in Texas than the deltaic or fluvial-deltaic models previously used. The strandplain model of lignite occurrence is appropriate for most of the Yegua-Jackson lignites (Middle-Late Eocene) of Texas and should be considered when evaluating depositional conditions of Paleogene lignites in the northern Gulf Coast region. A re-evaluation of Late Eocene stratigraphy of the Brazos Valley area accompanies the documentation of depositional environments.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of the Lake Waco drainage basin,Texas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The origin of surface water chemistry in highly impacted drainage basins must be investigated on a drainage-basin scale if the causes of the pollution are to be elucidated. This study characterizes and deciphers the surface water chemistry of a nutrient polluted river system in central Texas. Four tributaries of the Lake Waco reservoir were chemically characterized temporally and spatially in order to gain a complete understanding of the nature and origin of dissolved solids being transported into the lake. Temporal chemical variations measured at the base of each of the drainage basins are repetitive and seasonal. The most periodic and well-defined variation is exhibited by nitrate concentrations although many of the other solutes show seasonal changes as well. These temporal chemical changes are controlled by seasonal precipitation. During rainy seasons, the shallow aquifer is recharged resulting in stream discharge that is high in nitrate, calcium, and bicarbonate. When the shallow flow system is depleted in the summer, stream waters are dominated by deeper groundwater and become rich in sodium. Spatial variations in the chemistry of South Bosque surface waters were characterized using the snapshot technique. The spatial distribution of nitrate in surface waters is controlled by fertilizer application to row crops and the location of a munitions factory. The concentrations of naturally derived solutes such as Ca+, Na+, Cl, and SO4–2are controlled by underlying lithologies.  相似文献   

The Marathon portion of the Ouachita thrust belt consists of a highly deformed allochthonous wedge of Cambrian-Pennsylvanian slope strata (Marathon facies) that was transported to the northwest and emplaced over Pennsylvanian foredeep sediments. The foredeep strata in turn overlie early-middle Paleozoic shelfal sediments which are deformed by late Paleozoic basement-involved reverse faults. The Dugout Creek thrust is the basal thrust of the allochthon. Shortening in this sheet and overlying sheets is 80%. Steep imbricate faults link the Dugout Creek thrust to upper level detachments forming complex duplex zones. Progressive thrusting and shortening within the allochthon folded the upper level detachments and associated thrust sheets. The Caballos Novaculite is the most competent unit within the Marathon facies and controlled development of prominent detachment folds.Deeper imbricate sheets composed of the Late Pennsylvanian foredeep strata, and possibly early-middle Paleozoic shelfal sediments developed concurrently with emplacement of the Marathon allochthon and folded the overlying allochthon. Following termination of thrusting in the earliest Permian, subsidence and deposition shifted northward to the Delaware, Midland and Val Verde foreland basins.  相似文献   

Playas are small, circular basins forming a ubiquitous component of the southern High Plains landscape. They are filled with carbonaceous mud deposited since the terminal Pleistocene. The stratigraphy and geochronology of 30 playas was investigated to better understand the paleoenvironmental record of basin filling. At the base of the fill in some playas is a well sorted eolian sand dated between ~ 13,000 and ~ 11,000 14C yr BP. The beginning of mud deposition, representing aggradation of eolian dust on a moist, vegetated playa floor was largely between ~ 12,000 and ~ 10,500 14C yr BP. Playa filling slowed ~ 9000 to ~ 4000 14C yr BP, probably due to dry conditions, increased ~ 4000 to ~ 2000 14C yr BP, then slowed again. Eolian sand and loam, likely representing regional aridity, accumulated in some basins episodically just prior to ~ 10,700 14C yr BP, between ~ 8600 and ~ 4700 14C yr BP, and at ~ 1300 14C yr BP. Stable C isotopes from one basin indicate that the playa was inundated only seasonally throughout the record beginning ~ 11,500 14C yr BP. The phytolith record in that basin indicates an abrupt shift toward cooling ~ 11,400 to ~ 11,200 14C yr BP and then increasing importance of xeric-adapted C4 grasses through the Holocene.  相似文献   

The Laguna Madre has experienced a persistent bloom ofAureoumbra lagunensis for over eight years. The persistence of this bloom may be due in part to the often hypersaline conditions in Laguna Madre (40–60 psu) that favor the growth ofA. lagunensis. Above-normal rainfall in the fall of 1997 reduced the salinities in Baffin Bay from >40 to<20 psu.A. lagunensis cell densities dropped from>106 cells ml−1 in July 1997 to c. 200 cells ml−1 in January 1998. During this time of low brown tide density, phytoplankton biomass generally remained high and the Laguna Madre experienced successive blooms of diatoms (Rhizosolenia spp.) and cyanobacteria. Hypersaline conditions returned in 1998 and brown tide densities increased to>0.5 × 106 cells ml−1 by summer. The extraordinary persistence of the brown tide and the unusual sequence of intense blooms may be related in part to the reduction of zooplankton populations. Microzooplankton populations declined following the above-normal rain in the fall of 1997; populations did not recover until fall 1998. Copepod populations also declined sharply and remained low in Laguna Madre, but recovered by summer 1998 in Baffin Bay. Dilution experiments indicated that microzooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth were usually balanced when measured during our cruises. The rapid recovery of theA. lagunensis bloom suggests that this alga may be a more resilient component of the Laguna Madre flora than previously suspected.  相似文献   

A Precambrian hypabyssal rhyolite porphyry in central Texas has retained its original texture, although alkali feldspar phenocrysts have inverted and unmixed from zoned, single-phase high-temperature feldspar to zoned microperthite with an intermediate microcline host.Blue quartz phenocrysts owe their color to dispersion by zircon inclusions. Neutron activation analysis reveals substitution of tetravalent cations for silicon in the quartz.In two outcrops, quartz and albite have been completely leached from the rock and K-feldspar added, leaving the texture intact. The leaching was most likely accomplished by residual brine from an overlying Lower Cretaceous evaporite deposit subsequently removed by erosion.  相似文献   

SUSAN HOVORKA 《Sedimentology》1987,34(6):1029-1054
The interpretation of the depositional environments in which bedded halite is formed is a frontier of evaporite sedimentology. Facies studies, supplemented by geochemical data, define an evaporite shelf depositional environment for the halite of the San Andres Formation of the Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle, that is significantly different from modern and previously described ancient halite-precipitating environments such as playas, salinas, sabkhas, and barred basins. A coastal palaeoenvironmental setting for the San Andres halite is defined by its facies position between normal marine-shelf carbonates and aeolian deposits. The San Andres brine pool extended over more than 10 000 km2 but was very shallow. Perennial brine-pool conditions (thick sequences of halite) alternated with ephemeral brine-pool conditions (halite, haloturbated mudstone-halite, mudstone interbeds, and microkarst). The depositional sequence in the perennial brine pool includes (1) flooding and minor dissolution of previously deposited halite, (2) precipitation of a thin lamina of gypsum, and (3) evaporation and precipitation of halite. Bottom-growth forms of halite, including chevrons and vertically elongated crystals, are well preserved. Cumulates of foundered, floating crystals and rafts were probably abundant but have been almost completely recrystallized. Mudstone interbeds in halite and microkarst features cut into bedded halite record the episodic interruption of brine-pool deposition and the establishment of subaerial conditions. Vertically elongated karst pits originate at the palaeosurfaces, cross-cut primary brine-pool fabrics, and are filled with geopetal sediment and coarse halite cement. Mudstone interbeds and mixtures of mudstone and halite have been haloturbated by the alternating growth and dissolution of halite reflecting conditions of fluctuating salinity. The geochemistry of halite from both ephemeral and perennial brine-pool environments reflects the frequent influx of marine brine, indicating that communication with the marine environments to the south was ‘good’ considering that restriction was sufficient to precipitate halite.  相似文献   

The Dallas-Fort Worth region was the fastest growing metropolitan area in the US in the decade 1990–2000. Rapid urbanization accompanied this population growth. A GIS-based analysis of urban growth in Denton County revealed that 53% of new urban development was on soils rated of low suitability for urban uses by the Soil Conservation Service. This compares to only 15% of urban areas on low-suitability soils prior to 1990. These soils are considered poorly suited for urban uses because they are montmorillonitic expansive soils. Expansive soils are known to cause damage to structures, including slab foundations used extensively in new housing in the Dallas–Fort Worth region. Increased urban development on these soils has increased the potential for soils-related hazards.  相似文献   

This study investigated distributions of alpha and beta activity in the Ogallala and Dockum Aquifers of northwest Texas, USA. The survey included 319 samples from the Ogallala Aquifer and 48 samples from the Dockum Aquifer. The Ogallala Aquifer produced slightly higher median alpha (7.2 versus 6.1 pCi/L) and beta (7.7 versus 7.0 pCi/L) levels. However, a higher percentage of samples from the Dockum Aquifer exceeded drinking water standards, and the maximum alpha observation from that aquifer was 197 pCi/L, more than 13 times the 15-pCi/L standard. Approximately 4.4% of alpha observations from the Ogallala Aquifer and 16.7% of observations from the Dockum Aquifer exceeded the standard. Fewer observations, 0% from the Ogallala Aquifer and 6.3% from the Dockum Aquifer, exceeded the 50-pCi/L level of concern for beta activity. There were significant positive correlations between alpha and beta activity in each aquifer. However, there were no significant correlations between radioactivity and well depth, other than a weak inverse correlation between beta activity and well depth in the Ogallala Aquifer. Uranium deposits in sandstone and shale of the Dockum Aquifer, and in calcrete and silcrete of the Ogallala Aquifer, and overlying lacustrine sediments, likely influence radioactivity patterns observed in this study.  相似文献   

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