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The experiments on gold solubility in amino acid solution mdicate that gold is very intensively soluble in amino acid(or other organic acids),which is extensively present in geological bodies,and is most soluble in histidine.The temperature and concentration,acidity and type of amino acid in the solution are important factors affecting gold-amino acid complexing. The solubility of gold in amino acid is different under different conditions of temperature, amino acid concentration and pH value of the solution,At 80℃ and pH=6-8,gold is most soluble in amino acid.Gold dispersed in water and rocks could be concentrated and transported by amino acid and then precipitated in favorable loci.Amino acids might have played an important role in metallogenesis as well as in the formation of source beds of gold.Nitrogen,oxygen and sulfur in amino acid might have reacted with gold to form soluble complex ions.  相似文献   

This paper,based on the fundamental inorganic chemical and organic geochemical characteristics of oilfield waters from the Turpan Depression,presents the contents of organic matter,the distribution of low-carbon fatty acids and the contents of aromatic hydrocarbons as well as their principal ultraviolet absorption spectral and fluorescence spectral characteristics in oilfield waters from different oil/gas-bearing areas.The oil/gas reservoirs in this depression are classified in terms of their conserving conditions.In additon,the paper also discusses the chemical characteristics of oilfield waters from different types of oil/gas reservoirs with an emphasis on the characteristics of their localization in the γNa/γCa-γN a/γCl correction diagram.On this basis it is attempted to expound the fundamental geochemical characteristics of oilfield waters from the Turpan Depression and their geological significance.  相似文献   

The Duobaoshan ore concentration area, located in Nenjiang County of Heilongjiang Province, is an important porphyry Cu-Mo ore concentration area in China, which is characterized by complex magmatic activities and multi–phase overprinting metallogenesis. On the basis of field geological observation, systematic sampling, in-lab analysis and the metallogenic regularity in the Xiang'an–Mongolian metallogenic belt, this work carried out high-precision dating and geochemical analysis on the Yuejin, 173-kilometer and Wolihedingzi rock bodies. These rock bodies are renamed monzonitic granite and their consistent age(238 Ma) show that they were formed not in Variscan but in Indosinian. Therefore, it is inferred that the ore spots formed in the potassium silicate and sericite alteration zones of the rock mass also belong to Indosinian. In addition, we collected granodiorite from the Tongshan mining pit, and its zircon age is 223.1±2.8 Ma and the Cu content of the sample is high. The Tongshan mineralization is inferred to undergo the superimposition of Indosinian diagenetic mineralization. The age of the granodiorite porphyry related to copper-molybdenum mineralization in the Xiaoduobaoshan area is 222.1±5.5 Ma, and the earlier age of granodiorite is 471.8±7.4 Ma, indicating that the initial magmatic activities belong to the Duobaoshan porphyry system in the Caledonian period. The geochemical characteristics of the Indosinian rock samples show continental arc features, with reference to tectonic-magmatic activities of the whole Daxing'anling area. We consider that the magmatic activities and mineralization of the Indosinian period are affected by the southward subduction of Okhotsk Ocean since Late Permian. By combining the mineralization rules of Daxinganling area and the structural systems of Duobaoshan ore concentration area, we divide two rock-mineralization belts in this area including the Yuejin–Duobaoshan–Tongshan belt and 173-kilometer–Xiaoduobaoshan–Wolihedingzi belt, which are distributed nearly parallel along the NW-trending fractures and show similar geotectonic settings and the timing of the magmatic activities. It is favorable for discovering porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in these two metallogenic belts, especially in the Yuejin, 173-kilometer and Wolihedingzi areas where less research work has been made.  相似文献   

The paper studies CO2 degassing and controlling factors under the condition of contact metamorphism in the Shuangshan area, southern Tan-Lu fault belt and the method of calculating the amount of CO2 degassing. The results show that the amount of CO2 degassing is controlled by the characteristics of the country rocks, including the thermal conductivity, penetrability, porosity and connectivity. Compositions, size and depth of intrusive rock also have an important influence on CO2 degassing, i.e., they generated numerous cracks in the country rocks, and thus allowed the easy flow and accumulation of fluids. The amount of CO2 flux in contact metamorphism is calculated quantitatively based on the metamorphic reaction and time-integrated fluid flux. The value (0.729- 2.446×10^4 mol/cm^2) of CO2 flux suggests that CO2 was provided mainly by the contact metamorphic reaction. The generation and releasing of CO2 are positively correlated with the degree of metamorphism, and XCO2 in fluids gradually increases from dolomite zone to calcite zone, but in the zone of grossular, fluid flux is the largest and XCO2 sharply decreases due to involvement of magmatic water. This study presents evidence that a large amount of industrial-scale CO2 can be produced during contact metamorphism. On the basis of theoretical and practical studies, a cone model has been proposed to response CO2 degassing for the contact metamorphism, and it can be used to explore CO2 accumulations beyond the oil-gas basins. This model can also be applied to the study of inorganic genesis of CO2 accumulations.  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction Tieshan Syenite crosses between Dongfeng and Zhangyuan’an in Zhenghe of Fujian province,occurs in the direction of 42°,Total length 8500m,width 600-800m and its Area of about 39km2.Outcrops of the mass are  相似文献   

1 Introduction Mesozoic volcano-intrusive rocks are widely distributed in the Da Hinggan Range of northeastern China, and are considered as one of the most spectacular geological sights in eastern Asia. Recently, studies on granites with high εNd(t) values and Phanerozoic crustal growth in the Centra Asian Orogenic Belt have greatly promoted fundamental research into the geology of this area (Jahn et al., 2000, 2001, 2004; Wu et al., 2000, 2002, 2003). However, work on the eruption time,…  相似文献   

Studied in this paper are the mode of occurrence, petrology, petrochemistry, Sn abundance and REE geochemistry of Sn-mineralized granitoids in the Mt. Hengduanshan Region. The results show that the concentration of Sn increases with decreasing LREE but increasing HREE in the complex plutons associated with Sn mineralization. Generally, LREE< 150ppm, HREE> 50ppm, δEu = 0.01–0.14 and symmetrically “V” -shaped curves representing the REE patterns are the important indices of Sn enrichment and mineralization. This project was finantially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Abstract A high‐angle ductile thrusting deformation with top‐to‐the‐north movement penetratively developed in the Proterozoic‐Early Paleozoic metamorphic rocks along the Central East Kunlun belt. The deformed rocks suffered epidote‐amphibolite facies metamorphism. On the basis of our previous study, we present more data in this paper to further support that the ductile thrust deformation occurred in the later Caledonian and more detailed information about the deformation. A zircon U‐Pb concordant age of 446±2.2 Ma of a deformed granodiorite in the ductile thrust zone was obtained and can be interpreted as the lower limit of the deformation. A syntectonically crystallized and also strongly deformed hornblende Ar/Ar dating gives an Ar/Ar plateau age of 426.5±3.8 Ma, which represents the deformation age. A strongly orientated muscovite gives an Ar/Ar plateau age of 408±1.6 Ma, representing the cooling age after the peak temperature, constraining the upper limit of the ductile thrust deformation. This ductile thrust deformation can be interpreted as the result of the closing of the Central East Kunlun archipelago ocean. To the north, Ar/Ar plateau ages of 382.9±0.2 Ma and 386.8±0.8 Ma of muscovite in the deformed Xiaomiao Group represent the uplift cooling ages of deeper rocks after the thrusting movement. The original thrusting foliation has a low angle. A rotation model was put forward to explain the development of the foliation from the original low‐angle to present high‐angle dipping.  相似文献   

白云鄂博“白云岩”位于华北板块的北缘,宽沟背斜的南翼.蕴藏着世界最大的稀土矿床,还是大型—超大型铌、铁和钍等矿床赋存母岩.“白云岩”不是层状岩石,无明显的层理和固定的层位,而是一套大小不等,串珠状的”白云岩”带.“白云岩”与围岩呈明显的侵入关系.表现在“白云岩”切割H4石英砂岩、H5板岩和花岗岩脉,并有许多分枝脉插入到H4石英砂岩和H5板岩中.“白云岩”中存在H4石英砂岩的残留顶盖相,捕获了H4石英砂岩和H5板岩的捕掳体,并引起围岩的强烈蚀变.板岩的黑云化,石英砂岩的钠闪石化,花岗岩的碱交代.“白云岩”含有大量铌、稀土、钍等岩浆岩中常见的矿物晶体.硫、碳、氧、锶和铁等同位素组成都具有深源特征.说明白云鄂博“白云岩”不是沉积岩,而是岩浆碳酸岩.  相似文献   

西岭金矿床是胶东金矿集区内近来新发现的超大型破碎蚀变岩型金矿床(475吨@4.56 g/t),位于著名的三山岛金矿床的东侧。本文在详实的野外地质观察的基础上,系统介绍了西岭金矿床的基础地质特征,并运用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,结合电子探针分析,系统研究了西岭金矿床金的赋存状态。西岭金矿床大量金矿物(银金矿和自然金)主要赋存在Ⅱ阶段石英-黄铁矿和Ⅲ阶段灰石英-多金属硫化物脉中。西岭金矿床金矿物主要有晶隙金、裂隙金和包体金三种赋存状态,以晶隙金为主。金的主要载体矿物为黄铁矿,次为石英、黄铜矿和方铅矿等。金矿物粒度大小包括粗粒金、中粒金、细粒金和微粒金,以细粒-微粒为主。金矿物形态有粒状、叶片状、线状、钩状、枝杈状和哑铃状等,以粒状为主。金矿物成分以Au和Ag为主,含微量的Cu、Cr、Fe、Ni、Te、S等元素。金成色为685~831,以银金矿为主,含少量自然金。综合地质和地球化学特征,西岭金矿床为蚀变岩型金矿床,是由早白垩世中温岩浆热液充填-交代形成。  相似文献   

Inspired from the anomaly of low pressure in the middle and deep reservoir of the Paleogene in the Jiyang depression, this paper theoritically discusses"waterconsumption"of the principal mineral alteration during the diagenetic stage. The preliminary research result shows that "water consumption" of mineral alteration in the diagenetic stage can make formation water greatly decrease. Relevant formations will be in the stage of low pressure without supply of exterior liquid. Pressure differences between the relevant formations and wall rocks make hydrocarbons enter easily to form the effective reservoir.  相似文献   

成岩过程中的“耗水作用”及其石油地质意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张善文 《沉积学报》2007,25(5):701-707
受济阳坳陷古近系中深部储层出现异常低压的启示,讨论了成岩过程中主要矿物蚀变的“耗水”问题,并从理论上计算了这种蚀变的耗水量。初步研究表明,成岩过程中矿物蚀变的“耗水作用”可使地层水大量减少,在没有外部流体补充的情况下,相应地层必然呈低压状态,并与围岩形成一定的压力差,易于烃类进入成藏。  相似文献   

东营凹陷古近系砂岩储层成岩耗水评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成岩作用过程中会发生流体浓缩现象,对油气成藏具有重要影响。综合岩石薄片、测试分析及地质统计资料,在成岩矿物蚀变耗水作用研究的基础上,对东营凹陷古近系砂岩储层成岩耗水进行了整体评价。结果表明,东营凹陷古近系砂岩储层成岩过程中普遍发生了耗水作用,耗水反应主要为长石高岭石化,砂体总耗水量平均为383亿t。纵向上,砂岩的长石转化率和耗水量明显存在浅部和深部2个高峰区段,即1200~2000 m和2000~3500 m。平面上,东营凹陷不同区带砂岩耗水量有差异,南部缓坡带和北部陡坡带的浅部区段长石转化率和单位体积耗水量大,洼陷带的长石转化率和单位体积耗水量则以深部区段为主,由于深部区段砂体体积大,造成深部区段尤其是洼陷带砂体耗水量大。  相似文献   

通过对川西坳陷中侏罗统上沙溪庙组砂岩储层样品的普通薄片和铸体薄片观察分析,讨论了砂岩中绿泥石环边胶结物的特征、形成期次以及油气地质意义。研究表明,富SiO2的孔隙流体对初期形成的绿泥石环边胶结物产生溶蚀作用。如果孔隙流体性质呈现适合石英胶结物形成时,当流体渗透过绿泥石环边到达石英碎屑颗粒表面,由于对绿泥石环边的溶蚀作用使得流体中SiO2浓度降低,则不足以形成石英胶结物,从而保护了孔隙空间不被充填。在成岩过程中矿物蚀变成绿泥石发生的"成岩耗水"作用使得地层水减少,地层压力降低,与围岩形成压力差,有利于油气运移和富集。  相似文献   

Moderate to poorly sorted immature Parsora sandstones rich in K-feldspar show much of the feldspar during early diagenesis transformed to kaolinite after prolonged interaction with acidic pore solutions. The kaolinitic epimatrix formed and was later partially or wholly converted as an orthomatrix producing chert-phyllosilicate assemblage. Ferric oxide, bleached biotite, kaolinite and quartz cement denote an oxy-acidic early diagenetic environment. Late diagenesis involved neoformation of primary or secondary matrix, illitisation of montmorillonite and muscovite authigenesis. The high pressure-temperature regime required for these transitions resulted from tectonic activity during Triassic-Jurassic times. Carbonate-chlorite appeared late in the sediments denoting an alkaline-reducing condition at the late part of the diagenesis. Finally, the secondary porosity developed through carbonate dissolution was later filled up with allochemical ferric iron cement receiving ions from the percolating meteoric water.  相似文献   

裂缝介质中石油运移物理模拟结果及地质意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2套裂缝网络模型进行了一系列石油在饱水裂缝介质中运移的物理模拟实验,从石油运移角度研究不同网络拓扑结构、不同缝宽、不同原油粘度等因素对石油运移的影响。通过实验结果分析发现,在裂缝宽度不同的多裂缝体系的石油运移过程中,宽度大的裂缝方向控制着石油运移的方向和原油在裂缝介质中的分布。同时发现,当流体势降低方向(驱替方向)与宽缝方向一致时,运移速度、运移量与粘度的大小尚能呈现出一定的关系:油的粘度越小,运移速度越快,运移量越大,反之亦然。但当流体势降低方向(驱替方向)与宽缝方向垂直时,变化趋于复杂。根据物理模拟实验的结果,指出在油气成藏研究和油气分布预测中,油气运移高峰期的古流体势分布和古应力场分布研究的配合,是判断油气运移方向、确定有利聚集区带的关键。  相似文献   

延吉盆地是一个后期改造较为强烈的断陷盆地。应用地震、地质、测井资料识别出延吉盆地中存在6个较大的不整合面,它们以角度不整合和超覆不整合2种类型为主。分析认为,燕山Ⅰ、Ⅱ幕运动形成了盆地雏形,燕山Ⅳ幕运动则使盆地回返,此期出现大量高岭石(40%),表明其与大气水淋滤等有关。短暂沉降后(龙井组),燕山运动晚期(Ⅴ幕)发生的又一次大规模以南北挤压为主的构造运动,导致南北两翼抬起幅度巨大,剥蚀厚度超过700 m,盆地中部剥蚀厚度大约为300 m。不整合面是划分三大构造层(前断陷期、断陷期、坳陷期)的依据。其早白垩世铜佛寺组和大砬子组间的整合关系利于油气的生成。不整合面既可改善储集体的渗透性,又是形成油气二次运移的良好通道。初步预测与不整合有关的油气藏(侵蚀残丘、地层超覆不整合、断层坡折)可作为下一步勘探的目标。  相似文献   

本文以全球发达国家近100年的铅消费历史为研究基础,剖析了美国、英国、日本等典型国家的铅消费轨迹,拟合了典型国家人均铅消费量的曲线方程,发现其都具有“S”形消费规律.在此规律基础上,标定了铅消费三个关键点:起飞点、转折点、零增长点,并给出了各个关键点与产业结构、城市化、汽车工业发展之间的内涵解释.运用“S”形消费规律,对中国未来20年的铅需求进行预测,预测了中国铅需求峰值位置,及对应的铅需求量,预测结果显示:2022年前后中国铅需求达到峰值,届时铅需求量约为590万吨,人均铅需求量为4.13 kg,随后铅消费开始缓慢下降.本文在中长期尺度上对中国铅需求进行定量预测,为我国未来铅资源开发规模与冶炼产业结构调整提供宏观背景和依据.  相似文献   

珠江流域水资源量及用水量近期变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚章民 《水文》2004,24(5):20-23
根据珠江流域近几年水资源公报提供的数据,对流域水资源量和用水量变化特点进行了分析研究,得出了初步的分析成果,为流域水资源的合理开发利用和优化配置提供参考依据。20世纪90年代珠江流域水旱灾害频繁,先后发生了1994年6月和1998年6月流域大洪水,1998年和2000年部分地区出现春旱和秋旱。同时,90年代又是流域经济发展较快的时期,尤其珠江三角洲沿海地区经济快速增长,用水量出现明显的增长,近几年用水量趋于相对稳定。  相似文献   

在含油气盆地中,烃源岩在成岩演化过程中排出的孔隙流体对砂岩储层的成岩作用有着重要的影响.本文对牛庄洼陷沙四上烃源岩、沙三下烃源岩及沙三段砂岩中成岩特征进行了分析研究.在牛18-牛20断层附近及其南侧井位中,砂岩胶结物以铁白云石、绿泥石和绿/蒙混层矿物为主,含有较高含量的Ca、Mg、Fe、Sr等元素,说明该成岩期的孔隙流体中富含Ca、Mg、Fe等元素,且盐度较高,这与沙四上烃源岩排出的孔隙流体具有明显的相似性,推测其成岩流体可能主要来自沙四上烃源岩.而在牛18-牛20断层北侧,砂岩胶结物以含铁方解石为主,绿泥石和绿/蒙混层矿物仅少量存在,可见沙四上烃源岩的影响有所减弱,而沙三下烃源岩的贡献明显增加,可以认为其成岩流体为沙四上和沙三下烃源岩的混源.  相似文献   

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