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在膜基—气体吸收耦合实验装置上,评价了疏水性PP(聚丙烯)微孔膜,活化MDEA(N-甲基二乙醇胺)溶液分离混合气中CO2传质性能,研究了气液流速、吸收剂和混合气的浓度等因素对总传质系数的影响,采用阻力层关联方程模型预测总传质系数Kov值。结果表明:活化MDEA溶液能提高总传质系数Kov值,模型的计算值和实验值符合较好。  相似文献   

Over the Asian continent,high aerosol loading is critical to ensure the high accuracy of CO2 retrieval in the near infrared absorption band.Simulations were performed to explore the effect of light path modification by aerosol son the atmospheric CO2 near infrared band(6140-6270 cm-1).The Vector LInearized Discrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer(VLIDORT) model and the Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model(LBLRTM) were used for forward calculations.The U.S.standard atmosphere was used for atmospheric profiles.The results indicate that the aerosols caused similar effects to increases in CO2 in the planetary boundary layer and became more significant with aerosol layer rising while aerosol optical depth was 0.1.This effect will cause an over estimation of the CO2 mixing ratio in the retrieval process and an under estimation in the aerosol layer.The results also indicate that the effect of urban and industrial aerosols is smaller than that of non-absorbing and dust aerosols because of the nearly constant absorption properties in the near infrared band.  相似文献   

Corrections of density effects resulting from air-parcel expansion/compression are important in interpreting eddy covariance fluxes of water vapor and CO2 when open-path systems are used. To account for these effects, mean vertical velocity and perturbation of the density of dry air are two critical parameters in treating those physical processes responsible for density variations. Based on various underlying assumptions, different studies have obtained different formulas for the mean vertical velocity and perturbation of the density of dry air, leading to a number of approaches to correct density effects. In this study, we re-examine physical processes related to different assumptions that are made to formulate the density effects. Specifically, we re-examine the assumptions of a zero dry air flux and a zero moist air flux in the surface layer, used for treating density variations, and their implications for correcting density effects. It is found that physical processes in relation to the assumption of a zero dry air flux account for the influence of dry air expansion/compression on density variations. Meanwhile, physical processes in relation to the assumption of a zero moist air flux account for the influence of moist air expansion/compression on density variations. In this study, we also re-examine mixing ratio issues. Our results indicate that the assumption of a zero dry air flux favors the use of the mixing ratio relative to dry air, while the assumption of a zero moist air flux favors the use of the mixing ratio relative to the total moist air. Additionally, we compare different formula for the mean vertical velocity, generated by air-parcel expansion/compression, and for density effect corrections using eddy covariance data measured over three boreal ecosystems.  相似文献   

We present an approach for assessing the impact of systematic biases in measured energy fluxes on CO2 flux estimates obtained from open-path eddy-covariance systems. In our analysis, we present equations to analyse the propagation of errors through the Webb, Pearman, and Leuning (WPL) algorithm [Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 106, 85–100, 1980] that is widely used to account for density fluctuations on CO2 flux measurements. Our results suggest that incomplete energy balance closure does not necessarily lead to an underestimation of CO2 fluxes despite the existence of surface energy imbalance; either an overestimation or underestimation of CO2 fluxes is possible depending on local atmospheric conditions and measurement errors in the sensible heat, latent heat, and CO2 fluxes. We use open-path eddy-covariance fluxes measured over a black spruce forest in interior Alaska to explore several energy imbalance scenarios and their consequences for CO2 fluxes.  相似文献   

利用TCCON网站提供的北半球7个地面观测站CO2干空气混合比(XCO2)数据,对3种卫星反演的XCO2产品进行了验证,包括SCIAMACHY产品、NIES-GOSAT产品和ACOS-GOSAT产品。结果表明:卫星CO2遥感反演产品与地基遥感资料具有较一致的季节性周期变化,一年中月平均浓度最高值均出现在4月和5月,最低值均出现在8月和9月;相对于地面观测,3种卫星产品均低估了XCO2;ACOS-GOSAT产品与NIES-GOSAT产品的精度大体相当,误差标准差分别为2.26×10-6和2.27×10-6;SCIAMACHY产品的精度略差,误差标准差为2.91×10-6。  相似文献   

|基于长江三角洲地区132个区/县的直接和间接CO2排放、人口、GDP和收入等数据,分析评估了区/县排放特征,并利用偏最小二乘法和残差法分别评估2012年区/县CO2排放影响因素和各区/县排放绩效。长三角地区的CO2排放在区/县层面上有较明显的聚集性,直接排放前40个区/县占总直接排放的86.59%。经济水平、总人口和人口密度对区/县CO2排放有较显著的影响。人口密度是负向驱动,即紧凑型发展比松散型发展有利于降低排放水平。排放绩效评估表明,76个区/县属于较优绩效,56个区/县属于较劣绩效。整体上看,当区/县总人口较小(<30万人)和总人口很大(>600万人)时,排放绩效相对较好,而总人口介于中间水平时,排放绩效的差异较大。因而,在长江三角洲地区进一步城镇化过程中,要充分重视城镇形态(人口密度)和总人口对于排放绩效的作用。  相似文献   

 通过对国际能源机构(IEA)最新公布的各国CO2排放量进行分析对比,结果显示,1990-2005年世界按购买力平价计算的CO2排放量整体呈下降趋势,降幅较大,而且在2000年之后基本保持稳定。经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家按购买力平价计算的CO2排放量也有不同程度的减少,非OECD国家按购买力平价计算的CO2排放量与1990年相比整体上也呈现负增长,但各国情况相差较大。在人均排放量方面OECD国家普遍高于世界平均水平,而大多数非OECD国家则低于世界平均水平。  相似文献   

水稻不同生长期稻田能量收支、CO2通量模拟研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用国家自然科学基金重大项目“长江三角洲低层大气物理化学过程与生态系统的相互作用”野外观测资料,将1999年常熟稻田水稻四个不同生长期(插秧、拔节、抽穗和成熟)的太阳辐射、水汽压、气温和水平风速及降水作为简化生物圈(SiB2)模式的5个强迫变量,在合理设计模式参数的前提下,分别模拟了上述四个阶段的能量收支、CO2通量。模拟结果表明:在水稻不同生长阶段的感热、潜热和下垫面热通量占净辐射的比例不同;CO2通量的模拟结果与1996年国际稻田试验结果相似。该研究为利用自动气象站网的资料估计各站能量收支、CO2通量、土壤水分平衡、以及土壤温度廓线提供了新证据。  相似文献   

The line-transition parameters of the High Resolution Transmission (HITRAN) 2008 database have been updated relative to previous editions. The transmission spectra and sensitivity to changes in CO2 concentrations using line parameters from the HITRAN 2004 and HITRAN 2008 databases are compared to evaluate the effect of the database updates on retrievals of carbon dioxide vertical columns from nearinfrared reflected sunlight. This comparison is done in three spectral regions covering the 2.06-, 1.61-, and 1.58-μm CO2bands used by the Greenhouse Gases Observatory Satellite (GOSAT) instrument and the planned successor to the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO). The updates to the HITRAN database have the largest effects on the transmittance and the off-line to on-line transmittance ratio in the 2.06-μm region and the smallest effects on these parameters in the 1.58-μm region. The influence of the updates to the HITRAN database on the off-line to on-line ratio calculation in the narrow spectral region 4855-4880 cm-1 could be equivalent to a change in CO2 of more than 50 ppmv. Use of the HITRAN 2004 database will lead to an underestimate of the column CO2abundance in the 2.06- and 1.61-μm spectral regions, whereas it will lead to an overestimate of the column CO2abundance in the 1.58-μm spectral region.  相似文献   

CO2 efflux was estimated using different regression methods in staticchamber observation from an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.The CO2 efflux showed a seasonal pattern, with the maximun fluxoccurring in the middle of July. The temperature sensitivity of CO2efflux (Q10> was 3.9, which was at the high end of the range ofglobal values. CO2 emissions calculated by linear and nonlinearregression were significantly different (p<0.05). Compared with the linearregression, CO2 emissions calculated by exponential regression andquadratic regression were 12.7% and 11.2% larger, respectively.However, there were no significant differences in temperature sensitivityvalues estimated by the three methods. In the entire growing season, theCO2 efflux estimated by linear regression may be underestimated by upto 25% compared to the real CO2 efflux. Consequently, great cautionshould be taken when using published flux data obtained by linear regressionof static chamber observations to estimate the regional CO2 flux inalpine meadows on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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