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Direct Sequential Simulation and Cosimulation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Sequential simulation of a continuous variable usually requires its transformation into a binary or a Gaussian variable, giving rise to the classical algorithms of sequential indicator simulation or sequential Gaussian simulation. Journel (1994) showed that the sequential simulation of a continuous variable, without any prior transformation, succeeded in reproducing the covariance model, provided that the simulated values are drawn from local distributions centered at the simple kriging estimates with a variance corresponding to the simple kriging estimation variance. Unfortunately, it does not reproduce the histogram of the original variable, which is one of the basic requirements of any simulation method. This has been the most serious limitation to the practical application of the direct simulation approach. In this paper, a new approach for the direct sequential simulation is proposed. The idea is to use the local sk estimates of the mean and variance, not to define the local cdf but to sample from the global cdf. Simulated values of original variable are drawn from intervals of the global cdf, which are calculated with the local estimates of the mean and variance. One of the main advantages of the direct sequential simulation method is that it allows joint simulation of N v variables without any transformation. A set of examples of direct simulation and cosimulation are presented.  相似文献   

Two different Markov models for cross-covariance and coregionalization modeling are proposed and compared in cokriging and stochastic simulation modes. The newly introduced Markov model 2 performs better in cases where the secondary data are defined on a larger support volume than the primary variable being estimated or simulated. Incorrect adoption of the more traditional Markov model 1 may result in cokriging estimated maps that are artificially too close to the secondary data map and in simulated realizations with too high nugget effect.  相似文献   

The continuous-lag Markov chain provides a conceptually simple, mathematically compact, and theoretically powerful model of spatial variability for categorical variables. Markov chains have a long-standing record of applicability to one-dimensional (1-D) geologic data, but 2- and 3-D applications are rare. Theoretically, a multidimensional Markov chain may assume that 1-D Markov chains characterize spatial variability in all directions. Given that a 1-D continuous Markov chain can be described concisely by a transition rate matrix, this paper develops 3-D continuous-lag Markov chain models by interpolating transition rate matrices established for three principal directions, say strike, dip, and vertical. The transition rate matrix for each principal direction can be developed directly from data or indirectly by conceptual approaches. Application of Sylvester's theorem facilitates establishment of the transition rate matrix, as well as calculation of transition probabilities. The resulting 3-D continuous-lag Markov chain models then can be applied to geo-statistical estimation and simulation techniques, such as indicator cokriging, disjunctive kriging, sequential indicator simulation, and simulated annealing.  相似文献   

Assessment of uncertainty in the performance of fluvial reservoirs often requires the ability to generate realizations of channel sands that are conditional to well observations. For channels with low sinuosity this problem has been effectively solved. When the sinuosity is large, however, the standard stochastic models for fluvial reservoirs are not valid, because the deviation of the channel from a principal direction line is multivalued. In this paper, I show how the method of randomized maximum likelihood can be used to generate conditional realizations of channels with large sinuosity. In one example, a Gaussian random field model is used to generate an unconditional realization of a channel with large sinuosity, and this realization is then conditioned to well observations. Channels generated in the second approach are less realistic, but may be sufficient for modeling reservoir connectivity in a realistic way. In the second example, an unconditional realization of a channel is generated by a complex geologic model with random forcing. It is then adjusted in a meaningful way to honor well observations. The key feature in the solution is the use of channel direction instead of channel deviation as the characteristic random function describing the geometry of the channel.  相似文献   

Spectral simulation has gained application in building geologic models due to the advantage of better honoring the spatial continuity of petrophysical properties, such as reservoir porosity and shale volume. Distinct from sequential simulation methods, spectral simulation is a global algorithm in the sense that a global density spectrum is calculated once and the inverse Fourier transform is performed on the Fourier coefficient also only once to generate a simulation realization. The generated realizations honor the spatial continuity structure globally over the whole field instead of only within a search neighborhood, as with sequential simulation algorithms. However, the disadvantage of global spectral simulation is that it traditionally cannot account for the local information such as the local continuity trends, which are often observed in reservoirs and hence are important to be accounted for in geologic models. This disadvantage has limited wider application of spectral simulation in building geologic models. In this paper, we present ways of conditioning geologic models to the relevant local information. To account for the local continuity trends, we first scale different frequency components of the original model with local-amplitude spectrum ratios that are specific to the local trend. The sum of these scaled frequency components renders a new model that displays the desired local continuity trend. The implementation details of this new method are discussed and examples are provided to illustrate the algorithm.  相似文献   

A stochastic channel embedded in a background facies is conditioned to data observed at wells. The background facies is a fixed rectangular box. The model parameters consist of geometric parameters that describe the shape, size, and location of the channel, and permeability and porosity in the channel and nonchannel facies. We extend methodology previously developed to condition a stochastic channel to well-test pressure data, and well observations of the channel thickness and the depth of the top of the channel. The main objective of this work is to characterize the reduction in uncertainty in channel model parameters and predicted reservoir performance that can be achieved by conditioning to well-test pressure data at one or more wells. Multiple conditional realizations of the geometric parameters and rock properties are generated to evaluate the uncertainty in model parameters. The ensemble of predictions of reservoir performance generated from the suite of realizations provides a Monte Carlo estimate of the uncertainty in future performance predictions. In addition, we provide some insight on how prior variances, data measurement errors, and sensitivity coefficients interact to determine the reduction in model parameters obtained by conditioning to pressure data and examine the value of active and observation well data in resolving model parameters.  相似文献   

A standard procedure for conditioning a stochastic channel to well-test pressure data requires the minimization of an objective function. The Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm is a natural choice for minimization, but may suffer from slow convergence or converge to a local minimum which gives an unacceptable match of observed pressure data if a poor initial guess is used. In this work, we present a procedure to generate a good initial guess when the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm is used to condition a stochastic channel to pressure data and well observations of channel facies, channel thickness, and channel top depth. This technique yields improved computational efficiency when the Levenberg–Marquardt method is used as the optimization procedure for generating realizations of the model by the randomized maximum likelihood method.  相似文献   

Trend modelling is an important part of natural resource characterization. A common approach to account for a variable with a trend is to decompose it into a relatively smoothly varying trend and a more variable residual component. Then, the residuals are stochastically modelled independent of the trend. This decomposition can result in values outside the plausible range of variability, such as grades below zero or ratios that exceed 1.0. We transform the residuals conditional to the trend component to explicitly remove these complex features prior to geostatistical modelling. Back transformation of the modelled residual values allows the complex relations to be reproduced. A petroleum-related application shows the robustness of the proposed transformation. Furthermore, a mining application shows that when this conditional transformation is applied to the original variable, instead of the residual, simulated values are assured to be nonnegative.  相似文献   

Fitting semivariograms with analytical models can be tedious and restrictive. There are many smooth functions that could be used for the semivariogram; however, arbitrary interpolation of the semivariogram will almost certainly create an invalid function. A spectral correction, that is, taking the Fourier transform of the corresponding covariance values, resetting all negative terms to zero, standardizing the spectrum to sum to the sill, and inverse transforming is a valuable method for constructing valid discrete semivariogram models. This paper addresses some important implementation details and provides a methodology to working with spectrally corrected semivariograms.  相似文献   

On the basis of local measurements of hydraulic conductivity,geostatistical methods have been found to be useful in heterogeneity characterization of a hydraulic conductivity field on a regional scale. However,the methods are not suited to directly integrate dynamic production data,such as,hydraulic head and solute concentration,into the study of conductivity distribution. These data,which record the flow and transport processes in the medium,are closely related to the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity. In this study,a three-dimensional gradient-based inverse method-the sequential self-calibration (SSC) method-is developed to calibrate a hydraulic conductivity field,initially generated by a geostatistical simulation method,conditioned on tracer test results. The SSC method can honor both local hydraulic conductivity measurements and tracer test data. The mismatch between the simulated hydraulic conductivity field and the reference true one,measured by its mean square error (MSE),is reduced through the SSC conditional study. In comparison with the unconditional results,the SSC conditional study creates the mean breakthrough curve much closer to the reference true curve,and significantly reduces the prediction uncertainty of the solute transport in the observed locations. Further,the reduction of uncertainty is spatially dependent,which indicates that good locations,geological structure,and boundary conditions will affect the efficiency of the SSC study results.  相似文献   

Sequential Gaussian simulation (sgsim), Gaussian truncated simulation (gtsim), and probability field simulation (pfsim) are three algorithms frequently used for conditional stochastic simulation. They were developed independently and are seen as different algorithms in applications. This paper establishes that gtsim and pfsim can be bridged by a simple quantile transform between Gaussian and uniform distributions. As for the sgsim algorithm, the normal score back-transform can be seen as a series of truncations of the simulated Gaussian field. All three algorithms are shown to be applicable to both continuous and categorical variables. In practice, gtsim can be most often replaced by the more CPU-efficient pfsim algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper introduces geostatistical approaches (i.e., kriging estimation and simulation) for a group of non-Gaussian random fields that are power algebraic transformations of Gaussian and lognormal random fields. These are power random fields (PRFs) that allow the construction of stochastic polynomial series. They were derived from the exponential random field, which is expressed as Taylor series expansion with PRF terms. The equations developed from computation of moments for conditional random variables allow the correction of Gaussian kriging estimates for the non-Gaussian space. The introduced PRF geostatistics shall provide tools for integration of data that requires simple algebraic transformations, such as regression polynomials that are commonly encountered in the practical applications of estimation. The approach also allows for simulations drawn from skewed distributions.  相似文献   

Stochastic fractal (fGn and fBm) porosity and permeability fields are conditioned to given variogram, static (or hard), and multiwell pressure data within a Bayesian estimation framework. Because fGn distributions are normal/second-order stationary, it is shown that the Bayesian estimation methods based on the assumption of normal/second-order stationary distributions can be directly used to generate fGn porosity/permeability fields conditional to pressure data. However, because fBm is not second-order stationary, it is shown that such Bayesian estimation methods can be used with implementation of a pseudocovariance approach to generate fBm porosity/permeability fields conditional to multiwell pressure data. In addition, we provide methods to generate unconditional realizations of fBm/fGn fields honoring all variogram parameters. These unconditional realizations can then be conditioned to hard and pressure data observed at wells by using the randomized maximum likelihood method. Synthetic examples generated from one-, two-, and three-dimensional single-phase flow simulators are used to show the applicability of our methodology for generating realizations of fBm/fGn porosity and permeability fields conditioned to well-test pressure data and evaluating the uncertainty in reservoir performance predictions appropriately using these history-matched realizations.  相似文献   

The reliability of using fractal dimension (D) as a quantitative parameter to describe geological variables is dependent mainly on the accuracy of estimated D values from observed data. Two widely used methods for the estimation of fractal dimensions are based on fitting a fractal model to experimental variograms or power-spectra on a log-log plot. The purpose of this paper is to study the uncertainty in the fractal dimension estimated by these two methods. The results indicate that both spectrum and variogram methods result in biased estimates of the D value. Fractal dimension calculated by these two methods for the same data will be different unless the bias is properly corrected. The spectral method results in overestimated D values. The variogram method has a critical fractal dimension, below which overestimation occurs and above which underestimation occurs. On the bases of 36,000 simulated realizations we propose empirical formulae to correct for biases in the spectral and variogram estimated fractal dimension. Pitfalls in estimating fractal dimension from data contaminated by white noise or data having several fractal components have been identified and illustrated by simulated examples.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the computational benefits of polynomial representations for quantities in the likelihood function for the spatial linear model based on the power covariance scheme. These benefits include a comprehensive study of likelihoods and maximum likelihood estimators for data. For simplicity, we focus on a relatively simple covariance scheme and data observed at equal intervals along a transect; we briefly indicate how generalizations to more complicated covariance functions and higher dimensions will operate.  相似文献   

彭仕宓尹志军  李海燕 《地质论评》2004,50(6):662-666,i006
油田注水开发过程中,储层物性、微观孔隙结构和非均质性都会发生动态变化。建立反映储层性质动态变化的四维地质模型对于深化高含水期油田地质特征的认识、预测剩余油的分布规律、提高油田开发效果具有十分重要的地质意义。论文立足于油田开发过程中储层的动态变化,以冀东高尚堡沙三段储层建模为例,综合不同开发阶段的井网及相应的取心、测井和实验测试资料,研究注水过程中储层参数的变化规律,应用随机建模方法建立了不同开发阶段的储层三维地质模型,对储层四维地质模型的建立进行了有益的尝试,并在油田的实际应用中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

This experimental investigation examined the controls on the geometry of cross‐sets formed by subaqueous dunes. A range of steady, unidirectional flow conditions spanning the field of dune existence was investigated, and aggradation rate ranged from 0 mm s?1 to 0·014 mm s?1. Data from an ultrasonic depth profiler consist of high‐resolution temporal and spatial series of bed profiles from which dune height and length, migration rate and the depth of trough scour were measured. Cross‐set thickness and length were measured from sediment peels. The size and shape of dunes from an equilibrium assemblage change continuously. Individual dunes commonly increase in height by trough scouring and, occasionally, by being caught‐up by the upstream dune. Both types of behaviour occur suddenly and irregularly in time and, hence, do not appear to depend on dunes further upstream. However, dune climbing or flattening is a typical response of dunes that disappear under the influence of the upstream dune. All types of behaviour occur at any flow velocity or aggradation rate. Successive dune‐trough trajectories, defined by dunes showing various behaviours, affect the geometry of the preserved cross‐sets. Mean cross‐set thickness/mean dune height averages 0·33 (±0·7), and mean cross‐set length/mean dune length averages 0·49 (±0·08), and both show no systematic variation with aggradation rate or flow velocity. Mean cross‐set thickness/mean cross‐set length tends to decrease with increasing flow velocity and Froude number, therefore allowing a qualitative estimation of flow conditions. Quantitative analysis of the temporal changes in the geometry and migration rate of individual dunes allows the development of a two‐dimensional stochastic model of dune migration and formation of cross‐sets. Computer realizations produced stacks of cross‐sets of comparable shape and thickness to laboratory flume observations, indicating a good empirical understanding of the variability of dune‐trough trajectories. However, interactions among dunes and aggradation rates of the order of 10?2 mm s?1 should be considered in future improved models.  相似文献   

杨晶  白晓红 《岩土力学》2015,36(4):1002-1008
目前以压缩试验得到的e-p曲线为基础的分层总和法仍然是地基沉降分析中最常用的方法。割线模量法是近年来为人们所熟知的计算地基沉降的新方法,具有不受初始孔隙比影响、便于电算等优点。传统的割线模量法将土体的压缩应力-应变关系视为双曲线形式。通过对压实黄土压缩应力-应变关系曲线的研究和对传统割线模量法计算的割线模量与压缩模量的比较表明,导致割线模量法和e-p曲线法计算结果差异的主要原因是土体压缩应力-应变关系符合双曲线的假定,将压实黄土的应力-应变关系用更符合实际情况的幂函数进行拟合,得到了基于幂函数形式的压缩应力-应变关系曲线的沉降量计算公式,并结合具体工程进行了沉降计算对比分析,将割线模量法进行了推广应用。  相似文献   

暗挖地铁车站引起地表沉降拟合分析与Peck法比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
广州地铁 3号线某车站 ,拟采用盾构开挖双线隧道基础上扩挖车站。运用FLAC3D进行了数值分析 ;采用最小二乘法拟合地表沉降曲线 ,并与Peck法经验曲线对比 ;分析得到了较为符合实际的地表沉降计算经验公式 ,可为地铁建设同类工程提供参考  相似文献   

黄诚  杨春和  王安明 《岩土力学》2008,29(11):2919-2926
提出了一种用于分析在多参数随机情况下岩土力学数值模拟结果变异性的全概率方法。以特定数值模拟结果为随机隐式响应量,根据多维高效数值求积理论,计算出响应量特定函数的均值,利用快速傅里叶变换数值概率分析方法及笔者开发的最大熵分布,求解器软件一次性求解出响应量的全概率分布,用于定量评估数值模拟结果的变异性。算例表明该法具有精度和计算效率较高的优点。  相似文献   

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