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The excitation rate P of solar p-modes is computed with a model of stochastic excitation which involves constraints on the averaged properties of the solar turbulence. These constraints are obtained from a 3D simulation. Resulting values for P are found 4.5 times larger than when the calculation assumes properties of turbulent convection which are derived from an 1D solar model based on Gough (1977)'s formulation of the mixing-length theory (GMLT). This difference is mainly due to the assumed values for the mean anisotropy of the velocity field in each case.Calculations based on 3D constraints bring the P maximum closer to the observational one.We also compute P for several models of intermediate mass stars (1 M 2 M).Differences in the values of P max between models computed with the classical mixing-length theory and GMLT models are found large enough for main sequence stars to suggest that measurements of P in this mass range will be able to discriminate between different models of turbulent convection.  相似文献   

简要地阐述了恒星光电测光工作中的常规数据处理方法及应该注意的一些问题。对食双星光电测光这一领域的观测数据处理进行了概述,给出了BV双色光电测光观测数据处理软件包的编程思想及具体实现。最后介绍了这个软件包的使用情况和结果。  相似文献   

在太阳大气不同层次连续光谱中叠加有丰富的发射线或吸收线,对这些谱线轮廓进行反演分析可以探测太阳大气的化学成分和物理状态.太阳大气的色球及过渡区由于其密度低难以建立热动平衡,建立相应的大气模型需要采用非局部热动平衡(Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium,N-LTE)理论.根据相对偏离因子计算来研究太阳中低层大气偏离局部热动平衡(Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium,LTE)分布的情况.首先对日全食观测过程中得到色球和过渡区不同高度形成的两条光谱数据进行反演,得到确定观测谱线的参数信息,如连续谱源函数、谱线源函数、多普勒宽度和由此推出的等效动力学温度;根据这些反演出的谱线参量计算出二维视场内每个空间采样点偏离LTE状态的定量结果;其次,根据用于观测的积分视场单元光纤排布阵列重构出辐射强度、等效动力学温度和相对偏离因子二维分布.结果显示:在局部小区域,温度分布和相对偏离因子的分布存在较强相关性,而与辐射强度分布无明显相关.从两条谱线导出的等效温度和相对偏离因子分布存在明显的差异.这两种二维分布揭示出太阳大气某些小尺度区域具有较强的结构性和复杂性,为进一步理解太阳中低层大气物理提供了一种新的视角.  相似文献   

There are abundant emission and absorption lines superimposed on the continuum spectra of the different solar atmospheric layers. The chemical composition and physical state of the solar atmosphere can be probed by the inversion of the profiles of these spectral lines. Due to the low density and large temperature difference in the chromosphere and transition region of the Sun, it is hard to establish the thermal dynamic equilibrium. It is necessary to adopt the theory of Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (N-LTE) to construct the corresponding atmospheric model. In this paper, the departure from the Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) in the middle and lower atmosphere of the sun is investigated with the well-defined relative departure factor and the relevant calculations. We first make an inversion of the spectral lines formed at the different heights in the chromosphere and transition region during a total solar eclipse, to obtain the parameters of the observed spectral lines, such as the continuum source function, line source function, Doppler width, and thus the equivalent kinetic temperature. According to these line parameters obtained by the inversion, we calculate the quantitative results about the departure from the LTE at each space sampling point in the 2D field of view. Secondly, we reconstruct the 2D distributions of the radiation intensity, equivalent kinetic temperature, and relative departure factor according to the alignment of the optical fiber array in the integrated field unit (IFU) used by the telescope. The results show that there is a stronger correlation in the distributions of the temperature and relative departure factor existed in local small regions, but without evident correlation with the distribution of radiation intensity. There is an obvious difference between the distributions of the equivalent temperature and relative departure factor derived from two spectral lines, which shows a strong structurization and complexity existed in some local small regions of the solar atmosphere, and provides a new perspective for us to further understand the physics of the middle and lower atmosphere of the Sun.  相似文献   

We reviewed the recent progress in the field of stellar/galactic archeology, which is a study of the relics from the early galaxy. The oldest and most pristine objects that can be observed in the galaxy are the low mass metal poor stars of the Milky Way. They were formed during the early phases, when the ISM might have been polluted only by the Pop-III supernovae. With the recent large spectroscopic surveys (e.g. HK survey by Beers and collaborators, the Hamburg-ESO survey by Christlieb and collaborators and Sloan Digital Sky Survey) it has been possible to get clues on the nature of the first stars that has contributed to the heavy elements. Most of these metal-poor low mass stars also retain their signature of the early dynamical evolution of the galaxy, which can be studied through their orbits around the galaxy and spatial distribution. Here, we discuss the connection between the chemical and the kinematical properties of metal-poor stars in order to probe the early galaxy formation. We also discuss about the globular clusters, the satellite galaxies around the Milky Way and its possible contribution to the formation of the galaxy halo.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the space velocities of stars with the proper motions and trigonometric parallaxes from the Gaia TGAS catalogue in combination with the line-of-sight velocities from the RAVE5 catalogue. In the V, \(\sqrt {{U^2} + 2{V^2}} \) velocity plane we have identified three clumps, BB17-1, BB17-2, and BB17-3, in the region of large velocities (V<?150 km s?1). The stars of the BB17-1 and BB17-2 clumps are associated with the kinematic groups VelHel-6 and VelHel-7 detected previously by Helmi et al. We give the greatest attention to the BB17-3 clump. The latter is shown to be most closely linked with the debris of the globular cluster ω Cen. In the BB17-3 clump we have identified 28 stars with a low velocity dispersion with respect to the center of their distribution. All these stars have very close individual age estimates: log t ≈ 10. The distribution of metallicity indices in this sample is typical for the stars of the globular cluster ω Cen. In our opinion, the BB17-3 clump can be described as a homogeneous stream in the debris of the cluster ω Cen.  相似文献   

Bobylev  V. V.  Bajkova  A. T. 《Astronomy Letters》2021,47(3):180-187
Astronomy Letters - We have studied stellar candidates for close (within 1 pc) encounters with the Solar system. For all of the stars under consideration the kinematic characteristics have been...  相似文献   

The main constituents of the dust, produced around late-type carbon stars, are thought to be carbon and silicon carbide (SiC), although their exact nature is not yet well established. This subject has been addressed by several authors and good fits of a large number of IRAS sources (chosen among the carbon stars exhibiting the SiC feature at about 11.3 μm) were obtained. In this work we use the same procedure on a limited number of objects, of the same type, taking into account the variability of such sources and the changes induced in their IR spectra. For this purpose, the chosen stars have been observed with a spectral resolution higher than that available for the IRAS data (λ/Δλ ≅ 50), using the CGS3 instrument of the UKIRT telescope, both in the low (λ/Δλ ≅ 160) and in the high (λ/Δλ ≅ 500) resolution configuration. The results are discussed and some preliminary conclusions are drawn. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It has been two decades since astronomers first discovered that accretion disks around young stars drive highly collimated supersonic jets. Thanks to concerted efforts to understand emission line ratios from jets, we know that velocity variations dominate the heating within these flows, and motions in stellar jets, now observed in real time, are primarily radial. The fluid dynamics of the cooling zones can be complex, with interacting shocks, clumps, and instabilities that could benefit from insights into the physics that only experiments can provide. Recent laboratory experiments have reproduced jets with velocities and Mach numbers similar to those within stellar jets, and the field seems poised to make significant advances by connecting observations and theories with experiments. This article points out several aspects of stellar jets that might be clarified by such experiments.  相似文献   

The main constituents of the dust, produced around late-type carbon stars, are thought to be carbon and silicon carbide (SiC), although their exact nature is not yet well established. This subject has been addressed by several authors and good fits of a large number of IRAS sources (chosen among the carbon stars exhibiting the SiC feature at about 11.3 m) were obtained. In this work we use the same procedure on a limited number of objects, of the same type, taking into account the variability of such sources and the changes induced in their IR spectra. For this purpose, the chosen stars have been observed with a spectral resolution higher than that available for the IRAS data (/ 50), using the CGS3 instrument of the UKIRT telescope, both in the low ( / 160) and in the high ( / 500) resolution configuration. The results are discussed and some preliminary conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

星族合成方法及发射线星系核区中的恒星组分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔旭  薛随建 《天文学进展》1997,15(3):254-262
论述星族合成方法对研究复合恒星体系的重要意义。综述了星族合成的三种基本方法,着重介绍了以星团光谱为样本的星族合成方法及其应用,最后,作为一个例子,我们利用CSPS方法给出发射线星系Mrk499谱的合成结果。  相似文献   

Deriving atmospheric parameters of a large sample of stars is of vital importance to understand the formation and evolution of the Milky Way. Photometric surveys, especially those with near-ultraviolet filters, can offer accurate measurements of stellar parameters, with the precision comparable to that from low/medium resolution spectroscopy. In this study, we explore the capability of measuring stellar atmospheric parameters from Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) broad-band photometry (par...  相似文献   

The direct detection of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) by telescopic imaging is not currently practical for objects much less than 100 km in diameter. However, indirect methods such as serendipitous stellar occultations might still be employed to detect these bodies. The method of serendipitous stellar occultations has been previously used with some success in detecting KBOs—Roques et al. (Astron J 132(2):819–822, 2006) detected three Trans-Neptunian objects; Schlichting et al. (Nature 462(7275):895–897, 2009) and Schlichting et al. (Astrophys J 761:150, 2012) each detected a single object in archival Hubble Space Telescope data. However, previous assessments of KBO occultation detection rates have been calculated only for telescopes—we extend this method to video camera systems, and we apply this derivation to the automated meteor camera systems currently in use at the University of Western Ontario. We find that in a typical scenario we can expect one occultation per month. However recent studies such as those of Shankman et al. (Astrophys. J. Lett. 764. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/764/1/L2, 2013) and Gladman et al. (AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 2012) which indicate that the population of small KBOs may be smaller than has been assumed in the past may result in a sharp reduction of these rates. Nonetheless, a survey for KBO occultations using existing meteor camera systems may provide valuable information about the number density of KBOs.  相似文献   

提出空间碎片观测中对拖长背景恒星的测光算法,介绍了该方法的基本原理.利用迭代法对目标图像进行局部阈值分割提取,得到的二值图像通常包含多个连通域.最后对各连通域块检测判断,计算出目标的星等,达到测光的目的.通过与天文图像和数据处理软件IRAF的测光结果对比,此算法的误差在0.02mag左右,可以达到测光的要求.  相似文献   

江治波  杨戟 《天文学进展》2000,18(4):320-335
分子氢的红外振动发射线是显现年轻星质量外流的重要谱线之一。自Gautier等人1976年在猎户座发现年轻星质量外流的分子氢发射开始,人们在银河系内几乎所有的恒星形成区都发现了这种线发射。研究表明,分子氢发射与年轻星周围的其它活动现象(如分子外流和光学喷流)之间有着非常密切的联系。红外和光学喷流代表了年轻星剧烈活动的两个侧面,是喷流与周围介质相互作用强弱不同的表现,这种作用还拖带周围介质,产生分子外流,光学、红外喷流和分子外流组成了恒星形成区壮观的景象,它们是恒星形成活动的重要标志。随着红外探测技术的飞速发展,对年轻星外流活动现象的观测越来越丰富的详细,使人们对这种现象的本质越来越了解。在20世纪90年代NICMOS等大阵列红外探测器投入使用后,红外成像观测有了长足的进步。目前已在70个左右的区域里发现了H2发射,这一数字还在迅速增加,今后的研究主要可能向两个方向发展。其一是高分辨观测,进一步了解H2发射的结构以及与光学喷流和分子外流之间的关系;其二是天观测,了解银河系内的恒星形成H2区发射的大尺度结构和恒星形成的统计分布规律。  相似文献   

根据1994年10-12月北京天文台兴隆站的初步观测,分析了的某些规律。资料表明,表面层内的的瞬时值变化幅度相当大,几秒钟内可达一个量级以上,几分钟内可达两个量级以上。的三分钟平均值在晴朗夜晚变化超过两个量级的也不少见。整个边界层的积分值的变化幅度会小一点,但一晚上达到一个量级应不少见。静风时,山顶的逆温也迅速发展,积分值迅速变大,对星象质量不利。对静风频数的监测并配合声雷达的或r0测量,再加上湿度记录可以积累起有价值的宁静度边界层气候资料。  相似文献   

Based on archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/WFC images, we have performed stellar photometry for eight fields of the spiral galaxy NGC 1313 and its satellite, the low-mass Sph/Irr galaxy AM0319-662. Stars of various ages have been identified on the constructed Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams: young supergiants, middle-aged stars, and old stars (red giants); their apparent distributions over the body of the galaxy are presented. The red supergiants and giants have been divided into groups with larger and smaller color indices, corresponding to a difference in stellar metallicity. These groups of stars are shown to have different spatial distributions and to belong to two galaxies, NGC1313 itself and the disrupted satellite. We have determined the distance to NGC 1313, D = 3.88 ± 0.07 Mpc, by the TRGB method from six fields. Our photometry of 2014 HST images has revealed an emerged charge transfer inefficiency on the ACS/WFC CCDs, which manifests itself as a dependence of the photometry of stars on their coordinates on the CCD.  相似文献   

自转本身是恒星的基本物理量之一,同时影响恒星的其它许多物物量,包括对恒星半径、形状和体积的影响;对光度、包指数、谱线轮廓、等值宽度、偏振度等观测量的影响;对引力加速度、元素丰度的影响;对恒星内部结构,如中心压力、温度、密度的影响。这些将会影响到恒星在H—R图上的位置,演化路径以及年龄和寿命等。因此,无论是理论模型还是实测研究,对自转快的恒星应该进行自转影响的修正。  相似文献   

Effects of the grain shape on circumstellar dust dynamics and polarization of stellar radiation are analyzed. The grains are modeled by rotating prolate and oblate spheroids. It is shown that an asymmetry of the geometry of light scattering by non-spherical particles results in a component of the radiation pressure force perpendicular to the wave-vector of incident light. For silicate spheroids, this component can exceed 20 % of . For small metallic grains, the radiation pressure force for a spheroid can be 5–10 times greater than that for a sphere of the same volume. A simple light scattering consideration demonstrates that the distinction in the scattering geometry of aligned non-spherical grains can explain the observed wavelength variations of the positional angle of polarization. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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