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Statistical Properties of the Highest Pulses in Gamma-Ray Bursts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the statistical properties of the highest pulses within individual gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). A wavelet package analysis technique and a developed pulse-finding algorithm have been applied to identify the highest pulses from burst profiles observed by BATSE on board CGRO from 1991 April 21 to 1999 January 26. The statistical light curves of the highest pulses in four energy channels have been derived by an aligning method, which illustrate the temporal evolution of the pulse emission. Our result that narrower pulses go with higher energies is consistent with previous findings. By normalizing both the pulse durations and counts to unity, “characteristic” profiles of the highest pulses in the four channels are also derived. The four characteristic profiles are turned out to be almost the same, thus strongly support the previous conclusion that the temporal profiles in different energy channels are self-similar and the previous conjecture on GRB pulses, implying that the emission process is similar at different energies. The cosmological time dilation effect is examined by investigating the relationship between the pulse flux and pulse duration. An anti-correlation between the two was found, which agrees with the expectation of the cosmological time dilation effect. Also, the evolution of the pulse duration with the observational epoch is studied. The result shows that the pulse duration tends to be shorter in later epochs. This trend cannot be explained by the present theoretical models, and may represent a great challenge to current theories.  相似文献   

提供一个基于光变曲线的长γ暴光度的估计量.对BASTE记录到的12个已知红移的γ暴,利用时域上的时变分析方法计算了各暴的功率密度谱,用功率密度的峰值P表征光变曲线变化的剧烈程度.通过拟合发现在共动坐标系P与γ暴的各向同性峰值光度L之间存在着相关关系.这是继Norris等和Reichart等发现时间延迟与光度、变化率与光度的相关性之后又一个γ暴时变特征量与其光度之间的相关关系.  相似文献   

A systematic study on the early X-ray afterglows of both optically bright and dark gamma-ray bursts (B-GRBs and D-GRBs) observed by Swift is presented. Our sample includes 25 GRBs of which 13 are B-GRBs and 12 are D-GRBs. Our results show that the distributions of the X-ray afterglow fluxes (Fx), the gamma-ray fluxes (5r), and the ratio (Rr,x.) are similar for the two kinds of GRBs, that any observed differences should be simply statistical fluctuation. These results indicate that the progenitors of the two kinds of GRBs are of the same population with comparable total energies of explosion. The suppression of optical emission in the D-GRBs should result from circumburst but not from their central engine.  相似文献   

This work presents a possible luminosity estimator for long γ-ray bursts (GRBs) based on their light curves. We use the method of variability analysis in the time domain to calculate the power density spectrum (PDS) for each of the 12 GRBs with known redshifts observed by CGRO/BATSE. The peak of the power density spectrum P is a measure of the intensity of variability of the given light curve and a strong correlation is found between P and the isotropic peak luminosity L of the GRB. It is a successor to the lag-luminosity relation of Norris et al. (2000) and the variability-luminosity relation of Reichart et al. (2001).  相似文献   

Two dimensional distributions of T90 versus Epeak(or Ebreak)for three bright GRB samples have been investigated.The result shows that although both T90 and Epeak(or Ebreak) each span over a wide range,they are restricted to the region log(T90)≤-log(Epeak) 5.24.This cannot be explained by the current fireball model.It may represent a constraint on the fireball model.  相似文献   

The correlation between distant Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) and foreground galaxy clusters is re-examined by using the well localized (with an accuracy down to a few arcsec) Swift/XRT GRBs.The galaxy clusters are compiled from both the X-ray selected ROSAT brightest cluster sample (BCS) and the BCS extension by requiring δ≧ 0° and b ≧ 20°.The Swift/XRT GRBs fulfilling the above selection criteria are cross-correlated with the clusters.Both Nearest-Neighbor analysis and the angular two-point cross-correlation function show that there is not enough evidence supporting the correlation between the GRBs and foreground clusters.We suggest that the non-correlation is probably related to the GRB number-flux relation slope.  相似文献   

In this work we present the results of an investigation aimed at a search for an oscillatory phenomenon during short gamma‐ray bursts. The wavelet technique, used for this analysis, is applied to the data from the BATSE 3B catalogue. We have detected oscillations, which periods are found to be in the milliseconds range and their amplitudes up to dozens of percents. A possible scenario for such a phenomenon is the coalescence of stellar‐mass black holes and neutron stars. During the coalescence process the matter orbiting the black hole produces rapid, periodic phenomena. Such system will also emit gravitational waves which cause the orbital radius to decrease and leads to the emission of a chirp of radiation. Estimates lead to a timescale of milliseconds for the coalescence process and oscillation frequencies of hundreds of Hz. The gamma‐ray bursts considered in this paper, show both frequencies and survival times of oscillations close to the mentioned values. A chirp phenomenon is also present. We therefore argue in favor of the black hole – neutron star coalescence as a scenario for the production of short gamma‐ray bursts (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Long‐duration gamma‐ray bursts (GRBs) and type Ib/c supernovae (SNe Ib/c) are amongst nature's most magnificent explosions. While GRBs launch relativistic jets, SNe Ib/c are core‐collapse explosions whose progenitors have been stripped of their hydrogen and helium envelopes. Yet for over a decade, one of the key outstanding questions is what conditions lead to each kind of explosion in massive stars. Determining the fates of massive stars is not only a vibrant topic in itself, but also impacts using GRBs as star formation indicators over distances up to 13 billion light‐years and for mapping the chemical enrichment history of the universe. This article reviews a number of comprehensive observational studies that probe the progenitor environments, their metallicities and the explosion geometries of SN with and without GRBs, as well as the emerging field of SN environmental studies. Furthermore, it discusses SN2008D/XRT 080109 which was discovered serendipitously with the Swift satellite via its X‐ray emission from shock breakout and which generated great interest amongst both observers and theorists while illustrating a novel technique for stellar forensics. The article concludes with an outlook on how the most promising venues of research – with the many existing and upcoming large‐scale surveys such as PTF and LSST – will shed new light on the diverse deaths of massive stars (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using a theoretical model describing pulse shapes, we have clarified the relations between the observed pulses and their corresponding timescales, such as the angular spreading time, the dynamic time as well as the cooling time. We find that the angular spreading timescale caused by curvature effect of fireball surface only contributes to the falling part of the observed pulses, while the dynamic one in the co‐moving frame of the shell merely contributes to the rising portion of pulses provided the radiative time is negligible. In addition, the pulses resulted from the pure radiative cooling time of relativistic electrons exhibit properties of fast rise and slow decay (a quasi‐FRED) profile together with smooth peaks. Besides, we interpret the phenomena of wider pulses tending to be more asymmetric to be a consequence of the difference in emission regions. Meanwhile, we find the intrinsic emission time is decided by the ratios of lorentz factors and radii of the shells between short and long bursts. Based on the analysis of asymmetry, our results suggest that the long GRB pulses may occur in the regions with larger radius, while the short bursts could locate at the smaller distance from central engine. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The spectra of the host galaxies of gamma‐ray bursts at low redshift generally show strong hydrogen lines of the Balmer, Paschen and Brackett series, in addition to strong nebular metal lines. In special cases the hosts can be resolved in separate star forming regions, and spatially resolved spectroscopy can be obtained. Generally, the three strongest Balmer lines are used to derive the reddening experienced by the emission lines of the host gas, assuming a Milky Way extinction curve, case B recombination and a fixed electron temperature. We demonstrate how the wide wavelength range of X‐shooter, in combination with a rigorous calibration strategy, can be used to fit explicitly for RV, Te, and AV simultaneously using a large number of H and He I recombination lines, explicitly corrected for stellar atmosphere absorption. This increases our understanding of extinction and absorption in starforming regions in GRB hosts. We use two GRB hosts as examples of the methods, outlining the advantages of using X‐shooter over other instruments (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We describe the current status and recent results from our Swift/VLT legacy survey, a VLT Large Programme aimed at characterizing the host galaxies of a homogeneously selected sub‐sample of Swift gamma‐ray bursts (GRBs). The immediate goals are to determine the host luminosity function, study the effects of reddening, determine the fraction of Lyα emitters in the hosts, and obtain redshifts for targets without a reported one. We have defined a very carefully selected sample, obeying strict and well‐defined criteria: 68 targets in total. Among the preliminary results is a large optical detection rate, the lack of extremely red objects (only one possible case in the sample), and 10 new GRB redshifts with the mean redshift of the host sample assessed to be 〈z 〉 ≳ 2 (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Gamma‐ray bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful explosions since the formation of the Universe, associated with the death of massive stars or mergers of compact stellar objects. Several recent striking results strongly support the idea that host galaxies of GRBs are opening a new view on our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution, back to the very primordial universe at z ∼ 8. They form a unique sample of galaxies which cover a wide range of redshift, they are typically weak with low mass and unlike other methods they are not selected on luminosity. In recent years, thanks to the support of new generation instruments, multi‐band photometry and spectroscopy allow us to better investigate the properties of these host galaxies (e.g., stellar mass, age, SFR, metallicity), to study their possible evolution and to compare them with field galaxies and other classes of galaxies. GRB host spectroscopy is one of the main science drivers behind the X‐shooter spectrograph. In this paper, we present the first results of the program devoted to Italian‐French GTO multiband spectroscopy of GRB host galaxies with X‐shooter (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A technique for timescale analysis of spectral lags performed directly in the time domain is developed. Simulation studies are made to compare the time domain technique with the Fourier frequency analysis for spectral time lags. The time domain technique is applied to studying rapid variabilities of X-ray binaries and γ-ray bursts. The results indicate that in comparison with the Fourier analysis the timescale analysis technique is more powerful for the study of spectral lags in rapid variabilities on short time scales and short duration flaring phenomena.  相似文献   

A new procedure for smoothing a gamma-ray burst (GRB) light curve and calculating its variability is presented. Applying the procedure to a sample of 25 long GRBs, we have obtained a very tight correlation between the variability and the peak luminosity. The only significant outlier in the sample is GRB 030329. With this outlier excluded, the data scatter is reduced by a factor of ∼3 compared to that of Guidorzi et al., measured by the deviation of fit. Possible causes for the outlier are discussed.  相似文献   

During the last ten years, observations of long‐duration gamma‐ray bursts brought to the conclusion that at least a fraction of them is associated with bright supernovae of type Ib/c. In this talk, after a short review on the previously observed GRB‐SN connection cases, we present the recent case of GRB 100316/SN 2010bh. In particular, during the observational campaign of SN 2010bh, a pivotal role was played by VLT/X‐shooter, sampling with unique high quality data the spectral energy distribution of the early evolution phases from the UV to the K band (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Assuming an intrinsic ‘Band’ shape spectrum and an intrinsic energy‐independent emission profile we have investigated the connection between the evolution of the rest‐frame spectral parameters and the spectral lags measured in gamma‐ray burst (GRB) pulses by using a pulse model. We first focus our attention on the evolution of the peak energy, E0,p, and neglect the effect of the curvature effect. It is found that the evolution of E0,p alone can produce the observed lags. When E0,p varies from hard to soft only the positive lags can be observed. The negative lags would occur in the case of E0,p varying from soft to hard. When the evolution of E0,p and the low‐energy spectral index α0 varying from soft to hard then to soft we can find the aforesaid two sorts of lags. We then examine the combined case of the spectral evolution and the curvature effect of fireball and find the observed spectral lags would increase. A sample including 15 single pulses whose spectral evolution follows hard to soft has been investigated. All the lags of these pulses are positive, which is in good agreement with our theoretical predictions. Our analysis shows that only the intrinsic spectral evolution can produce the spectral lags and the observed lags should be contributed by the intrinsic spectral evolution and the curvature effect. But it is still unclear what cause the spectral evolution (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

GRB 100418A was an intermediate duration GRB detected by Swift. It showed an initially dim optical afterglow that had a late increase in brightness, reaching its maximum several hours after the burst onset, unlike typical afterglows that peak tens of seconds after. It also displayed a bright X‐ray and radio counterpart. In this paper we present the observations of the afterglow obtained with X‐shooter. Three epochs were obtained, 0.4, 1.4, and 2.4 days after the burst. In these spectra, each covering the range from 3000 to 24800 Å, we detect abundant absorption features with 4 velocity components, and emission lines from the host galaxy with 2 additional velocity components. In one single velocity component, we detect a Fe II* 2396 Å fine structure feature which disappears from the first to the second epoch indicating that it is due to the effect of the GRB radiation on its environment. We consider it to be the closest absorption component to the GRB itself, for which we determine a redshift of z = 0.6239 ± 0.0002. From the Hα to [N II] ratio we determine a host galaxy metallicity of 0.5 solar (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We investigate, independently of specific emission models, the constraints on the value of the bulk Lorentz factor Γ of a fireball. We assume that the burst emission comes from internal shocks in a region transparent to Thomson scattering, and before deceleration caused by the swept-up external matter is effective. We consider the role of Compton drag in decelerating fast-moving shells before they interact with slower ones, thus limiting the possible differences in the bulk Lorentz factor of shells. Tighter constraints on the possible range of Γ are derived by requiring that the internal shocks transform more than a few per cent of the bulk energy into radiation. Efficient bursts may require a hierarchical scenario, where a shell undergoes multiple interactions with other shells. We conclude that fireballs with average Lorentz factors larger than 1000 are unlikely to give rise to the observed bursts.  相似文献   

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