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The “Nainital-Cape Survey” program for searching photometric variability in chemically peculiar (CP) stars was initiated in 1997 at ARIES, Nainital. We present here the results obtained to date. The Am stars HD 98851, HD 102480, HD 13079 and HD 113878 were discovered to exhibit δ Scuti type variability. Photometric variability was also discovered in HD 13038, for which the type of peculiarity and variability is not fully explained. The null results of this survey are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We report on our follow‐up spectroscopy of HD 1071478 B, a recently detected faint co‐moving companion of the exoplanet host star HD 107148 A. The companion is separated from its primary star by about 35″ (or 1790 AU of projected separation) and its optical and near infrared photometry is consistent with a white dwarf, located at the distance of HD 107148 A. In order to confirm the white dwarf nature of the co‐moving companion, we obtained follow‐up spectroscopic observations of HD 107148 B with CAFOS at the CAHA 2.2 m telescope. According to our CAFOS spectroscopy HD 107148 B is a DA white dwarf with an effective temperature in the range between 5900 and 6400K. The properties of HD 107148 B can further be constrained with the derived effective temperature and the known visual and infrared photometry of the companion, using evolutionary models of DA white dwarfs. We obtain for HD 107148 B a mass of 0.56 ± 0.05 M, a luminosity of (2.0 ± 0.2) × 10–4 L, log g [cm s–2]) = 7.95 ± 0.09, and a cooling age of 2100 ± 270 Myr. With its white dwarf companion the exoplanet host star HD 107148 A forms an evolved stellar system, which hosts at least one exoplanet. So far, only few of these evolved systems are known, which represent only about 5 % of all known exoplanet host multiple stellar systems. HD 107148 B is the second confirmed white dwarf companion of an exoplanet host star with a projected separation to its primary star of more than 1000 AU. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present 93 micrometer measurements of 55 double stars observed with the 152 cm telescope at the Spanish observatory at Calar Alto (Almeria, Spain).  相似文献   

Greaves (2006) proposed that three red, high proper motion stars within 10° of 51 Peg (NLTT 54007, 54064, and 55547) are co‐moving companions to this famous exoplanet host star. While the stars clearly have proper motions similar to 51 Peg, the inferred kinematic parallaxes for these stars produce extremely inconsistent color‐magnitude positions 2 to 4 magnitudes below the main sequence. All three stars are likely to be background stars unrelated to 51 Peg (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A total of 28 young nearby stars (ages ≤60 Myr) have been observed in the Ks‐band with the adaptive optics imager Naos‐Conica of the Very Large Telescope at the Paranal Observatory in Chile. Among the targets are ten visual binaries and one triple system at distances between 10 and 130 pc, all previously known. During a first observing epoch a total of 20 faint stellar or sub‐stellar companion‐candidates were detected around seven of the targets. These fields, as well as most of the stellar binaries, were re‐observed with the same instrument during a second epoch, about one year later. We present the astrometric observations of all binaries. Their analysis revealed that all stellar binaries are co‐moving. In two cases (HD 119022 AB and FG Aqr B/C) indications for significant orbital motions were found. However, all sub‐stellar companion candidates turned out to be non‐moving background objects except PZ Tel which is part of this project but whose results were published elsewhere. Detection limits were determined for all targets, and limiting masses were derived adopting three different age values; they turn out to be less than 10 Jupiter masses in most cases, well below the brown dwarf mass range. The fraction of stellar multiplicity and of the sub‐stellar companion occurrence in the star forming regions in Chamaeleon are compared to the statistics of our search, and possible reasons for the observed differences are discussed. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have started a spectroscopic survey to identify new chromospherically active components and low-mass pre-main sequence (PMS) stars in recently discovered All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) eclipsing binaries. In this paper, we briefly describe our scientific motivation, the observing tools and the results obtained from the first phase of this survey. Using the available observing facilities in India, the spectroscopic observations of a sample of 180 candidate eclipsing binary stars selected from ASAS-I&II releases were carried out during 2004–2006. The strength of Hα emission was used to characterize the level of chromospheric activity. Our spectroscopic survey reveals that out of 180 stars about 36 binary systems show excess Hα emission. One of the objects in our sample, ASAS 081700-4243.8, displays very strong Hα emission. Follow-up high-resolution spectroscopic observations reveal that this object is indeed very interesting and most likely a classical Be-type system with K0III companion.  相似文献   

The Praesepe cluster contains a number of δ Sct and γ Dor pulsators. Asteroseismology of cluster stars is simplified by the common distance, age and stellar abundances. Since asteroseismology requires a large number of known frequencies, the small pulsation amplitudes of these stars require space satellite campaigns. The present study utilizes photometric MOST satellite measurements in order to determine the pulsation frequencies of two evolved (EP Cnc, BT Cnc) and two main‐sequence (BS Cnc, HD 73872) δ Sct stars in the Praesepe cluster. The frequency analysis of the 2008 and 2009 data detected up to 34 frequencies per star with most amplitudes in the submillimag range. In BS Cnc, two modes showed strong amplitude variability between 2008 and 2009. The frequencies ranged from 0.76 to 41.7 cd–1. After considering the different evolutionary states and mean stellar densities of these four stars, the differences and large ranges in frequency remain (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

342 CCD measurements of relative positions and magnitude differences for 145 visual double stars are presented. Observations were carried out at the 1.23m telescope of the German‐Spanish Astronomical Center at Calar Alto (Spain), all of them in V and R photometric bands.  相似文献   

A spectroscopic search for luminous companions to WC9-type Wolf–Rayet stars making circumstellar dust reveals the presence of absorption lines attributable to companions in the blue spectra of WR 69 (HD 136488) and WR 104 (Ve2–45). Comparison of spectra of WR 104 observed in 1995 and 1997 showed the absorption lines to be more conspicuous in the latter observation and the emission lines weaker, suggesting a selective eclipse of the WC9 star similar to that observed by Crowther in 1996. The WC9 emission-line spectra are shown to be less uniform than previously thought, showing a significant range of O  ii line strengths. The only two WC9 stars in the observed sample that do not make circumstellar dust, WR 81 (He3–1316) and WR 92 (HD 157451), are found to have anomalously weak O  ii and strong He  ii lines. We suggest that these spectroscopic differences may reflect a compositional difference that plays a role in determining which of the WC9 stars make dust.  相似文献   

Preliminary new orbital elements were computed for the visual binary stars A 1 ‐ ADS 1345, A 2629 ‐ ADS 3610, BU 560 ‐ ADS 4371, STF 3115 ‐ ADS 4376, STF 1426 AB ‐ ADS 7730 and STF 2437 ‐ ADS 11956. Using Straizys and Kuriliene's data, we derived new formulae for computing dynamical parallaxes for luminosity classes IV and V. The values found for those systems are in agreement with the Hipparcos parallaxes and the corresponding systemic masses are consistent with the spectral types. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We use an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to derive the orbital parameters of spectroscopic binary stars. Using measured radial velocity data of four double‐lined spectroscopic binary systems HD 152218, HD 143511, HD 27149, and ER Vul, we find corresponding orbital and spectroscopic elements. Our numerical results are in good agreement with those obtained by others using more traditional methods (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Intermediate dispersion spectroscopy of a sample of 40 hot subdwarf B stars between 5500 and 9000Å has been obtained. The sample includes a large fraction of targets which have been studied photometrically. Seven targets show strong lines arising from the infrared Ca  ii triplet, the unequivocal signature of a cool companion. The positive Ca  ii identifications include known photometric binaries and new targets; all are associated with a photometric red excess. Assuming a canonical value for the subdwarf luminosity, all of the detected companions are overluminous compared with the main sequence. The detection procedure indicates an improved and more secure method for the measurement of the binary frequency of hot subdwarfs.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a detailed near-infrared spectroscopic analysis of eight notable white dwarfs, predominantly of southern declination. In each case the spectrum failed to reveal compelling evidence for the presence of a spatially unresolved, cool, late-type companion. Therefore, we have placed an approximate limit on the spectral type of a putative companion to each degenerate. From these limits we conclude that if GD659, GD50, GD71 or WD2359−434 possesses an unresolved companion then most probably it is substellar in nature  ( M < 0.072 M)  . Furthermore, any spatially unresolved late-type companion to RE J0457−280, RE J0623−374, RE J0723−274 or RE J2214−491 most likely has   M < 0.082 M  . These results imply that if weak accretion from a nearby late-type companion is the cause of the unusual photospheric composition observed in a number of these degenerates then the companions are of very low mass, beyond the detection thresholds of this study. Furthermore, these results do not contradict a previously noted deficit of very-low-mass stellar and brown dwarf companions to main sequence F, G, K and early-M type primaries ( a ≲ 1000 au).  相似文献   

The orbital elements of HD 54901, HD 120544 and HD 123280, three nearby F‐type spectroscopic binaries, are presented. They are based on observations made between 1982 and 2004 with the CORAVEL instrument of Observatoire de Haute‐Provence. Physical parameters are derived for the two components of HD 54901 (SB2) and for the primaries of HD 120544 and HD 123280. The rotation‐revolution synchronism of the detected components is investigated. Pseudosynchronism is very likely achieved by the F7 V secondary component of HD 54901, whereas the F2/3 IV primary has not yet reached this stage. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present relative astrometric measurements of visual binaries made during the second semester of 2005, with the speckle camera PISCO at the 102 cm Zeiss telescope of Brera Astronomical Observatory, in Merate. Our sample contains orbital couples as well as binaries whose motion is still uncertain. The purpose of this long term program is to improve the accuracy of the orbits and determine the masses of the components. We performed 130 new observations of 120 objects, with most of the angular separations in the range 0″.1–4″, and with an average accuracy of 0″.01. Most of the position angles could be determined without the usual 180. ambiguity with the application of triple‐correlation techniques, and their mean error is 0°8. We have found a possible new triple system: ADS 11077. The measurements of the closest binaries were made with a new data reduction procedure, based on model fitting of the background of the auto‐correlations. As this procedure proved to be very efficient, we have re‐processed the old observations of close binaries made with PISCO in Merate since 2004. We thus improved 20 measurements already published and obtained 7 new measurements for observations that were previously reported as “unresolved”. We finally present revised orbits for ADS 684, MCA 55Aac (in the Beta 1 Cyg–Albireo multiple system) and ADS 14783 for which the previously published orbits led to large residuals with our measurements and for which the new observations made since their computation allowed a significant improvement of those old orbits. The sum of the masses that we derived for those systems are consistent with the spectral type of the stars and the dynamic parallaxes are in good agreement with the parallaxes measured by Hipparcos. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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