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Iron line emission is common in the X‐ray spectra of accreting black holes. When the line emission is broad or variable then it is likely to originate from close to the black hole. X‐ray irradiation of the accretion flow by the power‐law X‐ray continuum produces the X‐ray ‘reflection’ spectrum which includes the iron line. The shape and variability of the iron lines and reflection can be used as a diagnostic of the radius, velocity and nature of the flow. The inner radius of the dense flow corresponds to the innermost stable circular orbit and thus can be used to determine the spin of the black hole. Studies of broad iron lines and reflection spectra offer much promise for understanding how the inner parts of accretion flows (and outflows) around black holes operate. There remains great potential for XMM‐Newton to continue to make significant progress in this work. The need for high quality spectra and thus for long exposure times is paramount. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report on the iron Kα line properties of a sample of Seyfert galaxies observed with the XMM‐Newton EPIC pn instrument. Using a systematic and uniform analysis, we find that complexity at iron‐K is extremely common in the XMM‐Newton spectra. Once appropriate soft X‐ray absorption, narrow 6.4 keV emission and associated Compton reflection are accounted for, ∼75% of the sample show an improvement when a further component is introduced. The typical properties of the broad emission are both qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with previous results from ASCA. The complexity is in general very well described by relativistic accretion disk models. In most cases the characteristic emission radius is constrained to be within ∼50R g, where strong gravitational effects become important. We find in about 1/3 of the sample the accretion disk interpretation is strongly favoured over competing models. In a few objects no broad line is apparent. We find evidence for emission within 6R g in only two cases, both of which exhibit highly complex absorption. Evidence for black hole spin based on the X‐ray spectra therefore remains tentative. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this contribution, I briefly review recent progress in detecting and measuring the properties of relativistic iron lines observed in stellar‐mass black hole systems, and the aspects of these lines that are most relevant to studies of similar lines in Seyfert‐1 AGN. In particular, the lines observed in stellar‐mass black holes are not complicated by complex low‐energy absorption or partial‐covering of the central engine, and strong lines are largely independent of the model used to fit the underlying broad‐band continuum flux. Indeed, relativistic iron lines are the most robust diagnostic of black hole spin that is presently available to observers, with specific advantages over the systematics–plagued disk continuum. If accretion onto stellar‐mass black holes simply scales with mass, then the widespread nature of lines in stellar‐mass black holes may indicate that lines should be common in Seyfert‐1 AGN, though perhaps harder to detect. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Initial results on the iron K‐shell line and reflection component in several AGN observed as part of the Suzaku Guaranteed Time program are reviewed. This paper discusses a small sample of Compton‐thin Seyferts observed to date with Suzaku; namely MCG‐5‐23‐16, MCG‐6‐30‐15, NGC4051, NGC3516, NGC2110, 3C 120 and NGC2992. The broad iron Kα emission line appears to be present in all but one of these Seyfert galaxies, while the narrow core of the line from distant matter is ubiquitous in all the observations. The iron line in MCG‐6‐30‐15 shows the most extreme relativistic blurring of all the objects, the red‐wing of the line requires the inner accretion disk to extend inwards to within 2.2R g of the black hole, in agreement with the XMM‐Newton observations. Strong excess emission in the Hard X‐ray Detector (HXD) above 10 keV is observed in many of these Seyfert galaxies, consistent with the presence of a reflection component from reprocessing in Compton‐thick matter (e.g. the accretion disk). Only one Seyfert galaxy (NGC 2110) shows neither a broad iron line nor a reflection component. The spectral variability of MCG‐6‐30‐15, MCG‐5‐23‐16 and NGC 4051 is also discussed. In all 3 cases, the spectra appear harder when the source is fainter, while there is little variability of the iron line or reflection component with source flux. This agrees with a simple two component spectral model, whereby the variable emission is the primary power‐law, while the iron line and reflection component remain relatively constant. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A brief overview of the ESAC/XMM‐Newton Science Operations Centre Workshop on “Variable and Broad Iron Lines around Black Holes” is presented. Following the relativistic disk‐line theory of accreting black holes, ASCA discovered such broad iron lines from several AGN. XMM‐Newton and Chandra confirmed the ASCA results, but also found more complexities. It was pointed out that poor modelling of the continuum may mimic broad iron line, if ionized absorbers are present. This degeneracy between the broad line and the continuum shape was shown to be resolved by separately determining the continuum and the reflection component with use of an accurate hard X‐ray spectrum obtained with Suzaku. As a result, the relativistic broad iron lines are now robust. Time variations of the primary continuum and the reflection component are often decoupled, the latter varying little. This is explained by the light bending model that applies in the region near to an extreme Kerr hole. The red‐ and/or blueshifted transient iron line features were found with XMM‐Newton, some of which revealed a possible quasi‐periodicity. Such transient features are important dynamical probes of the black hole vicinity. The remaining issues are briefly mentioned. Finally, there is no doubt that the broad line physics continues to be extremely important. Prospects for the future development are discussed, which justify large next‐generation missions. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present preliminary results from a 150 ks Suzaku observation of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516. Suzaku 's wide bandpass has enabled us to deconvolve the broadband emitting and absorbing components in this object, breaking model degeneracies inherent in previous, smaller‐bandpass spectra. The primary power‐law continuum is absorbed by an ionized absorber as well as a partial‐covering absorber; the column density of the ionized absorber has increased by a factor of ∼3 since XMM‐Newton observations in 2001. We detect a soft power‐law component which may be scattered emission. We confirm the presence of the broad Fe line, finding a eV equivalent width line that indicates emission extending down to a few Schwarzschild radii. Models which exclude either the broad line or the partial‐covering absorber are rejected. Suzaku 's high effective area and low background near 6 keV also allow us to resolve the narrow Fe K emission line; we find a FWHM velocity width near 4000 km s–1, commensurate with Broad Line Region velocities. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

“Variable and Broad Iron Lines around Black Holes” was the topic of the first scientific workshop organized by the XMMNewton Science Operations Centre. This foreword gives a brief introduction to the history of black hole research, which motivated the workshop's scientific topic. The organizing committees are listed and the meeting is shortly outlined. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We consider warped equilibrium configurations for stellar and gaseous discs in the Keplerian force field of a supermassive black hole, assuming that the self-gravity of the disc provides the only acting torques. Modelling the disc as a collection of concentric circular rings and computing the torques in the non-linear regime, we show that stable, strongly warped precessing equilibria are possible. These solutions exist for a wide range of disc-to-black-hole mass ratios   M d/ M bh  , can span large warp angles of up to  ±∼120°  , have inner and outer boundaries, and extend over a radial range of a factor of typically two to four. These equilibrium configurations obey a scaling relation such that in good approximation     where     is the (retrograde) precession frequency and Ω is a characteristic orbital frequency in the disc. Stability was determined using linear perturbation theory and, in a few cases, confirmed by numerical integration of the equations of motion. Most of the precessing equilibria are found to be stable, but some are unstable. The main result of this study is that highly warped discs near black holes can persist for long times without any persistent forcing other than by their self-gravity. The possible relevance of this to galactic nuclei is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Current, accumulating evidence for (mildly) relativistic blue‐ and red‐shifted absorption lines in AGNs is reviewed. XMM‐Newton and Chandra sensitive X‐ray observations are starting to probe not only the kinematics (velocity) but also the dynamics (accelerations) of highly ionized gas flowing in‐and‐out from, likely, a few gravitational radii from the black hole. It is thus emphasized that X‐ray absorption‐line spectroscopy provides new potential to map the accretion flows near black holes, to probe the launching regions of relativistic jets/outflows, and to quantify the cosmological feedback of AGNs. Prospects to tackle these issues with future high energy missions are briefly addressed. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Thanks to the large effective area and the spectral resolution of current X‐ray satellites, the detection of X‐ray narrow spectral features in the 5–7 keV band is becoming commonplace in many AGN observations. Such lines, both in emission and in absorption, are mostly interpreted as arising from Iron atoms. When observed with some displacement from their rest frame position, these lines carry the potential to study the motion of circumnuclear gas in AGN, providing a diagnostic of the effects of the gravitational field of the central black hole. These narrow features have been often found with marginal statistical significance. A systematic search for narrow features in type1 AGN is being performed on all spectra available in the XMM‐Newton archive with the aim to estimate the significance of the features with Monte Carlo simulations of synthetic spectra. The project and preliminary results are presented. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The polarization from a spot orbiting around Schwarzschild and extreme Kerr black holes is studied. We assume different models of local polarization. Firstly, as a toy model we set the local polarization vector either normal to the disc plane, or perpendicular to the toroidal magnetic field. Then we examine the more realistic situation with a spot arising due to the emission from the primary source above the disc. We employ either Rayleigh single scattering or Compton multiple scattering approximations. The time dependence of the degree and angle of polarization during the spot revolution is examined as a function of the observer's inclination angle and black hole angular momentum. The gravitational and Doppler shifts, lensing effect as well as time delays are taken into account. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We review the most important findings on AGN physics and cosmological evolution as obtained by extragalactic X‐ray surveys and associated multiwavelength observations. We briefly discuss the perspectives for future enterprises and in particular the scientific case for an extremely deep (2–3 Ms) XMM survey. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We propose a classification of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) based on their efficiency in the conversion of infalling mass in emitted radiation. We use a theoretical model that assumes a conservation of angular momentum between the gas falling inside the hole and the photons emitted outwards, and suggests the existence of the scaling relation MReσ3, where M is the mass of the central SMBH, whereas Re and σ are the effective radius and velocity dispersion of the host galaxies (bulges), respectively. We apply our model on a data set of 57 galaxies of different morphological types and with M measurements, obtained through the analysis of Spitzer /IRAC 3.6‐µ m images. In order to find the best fit of the corresponding scaling law, we use the FITEXY routine to perform a least‐squares regression of M on Reσ3 for the considered sample of galaxies. Our analysis shows that the relation is tight and our theoretical model allows to easily estimate the efficiency of mass conversion into radiation of the central SMBHs. Finally we propose a new appealing way to classify the SMBHs in terms of this parameter. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Weighing black holes with warm absorbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a new technique for determining an upper limit for the mass of the black hole in active galactic nuclei showing warm absorption features. The method relies on the balance of radiative and gravitational forces acting on outflowing warm absorber clouds. It has been applied to six objects: five Seyfert 1 galaxies: IC 4329a, MCG-6-30-15, NGC 3516, NGC 4051 and NGC 5548; and one radio-quiet quasar: MR 2251-178. We discuss our result in comparison with other methods. The procedure could also be applied to any other radiatively driven optically thin outflow in which the spectral band covering the major absorption is directly observed.  相似文献   

I review some basic results on AGN with supersoft X‐ray spectra and their relations to Galactic binaries in their soft high states. This paper is based on a talk given at the Supersoft Sources Workshop at ESTEC in May 2009. Given the length of the talk and the number of pages the review cannot be complete and is biased towards my personal view. I demonstrate that at high accretion rates supersoft AGNs and Galactic binaries share steep soft X‐ray spectra, that the X‐ray variability of supersoft AGNs is more pronounced compared to Galactic binaries in their high states, that the X‐ray variability of supersoft novae and supersoft AGNs is similar, and that in Galactic binaries mostly positive time lags are seen, while negative time lags are observed in some supersoft AGN (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

With the launch of XMM‐Newton in 1999, two Narrow‐Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (NLS1s) have been detected (IRAS 13224–3809 and 1H 0707–495) showing sharp spectral drops at energies equal or above the neutral Fe K edge at 7.1 keV without any narrow Fe K reemission. In this paper I summarize our present knowledge on the observed properties of sharp high‐energy spectral drops. I list the problems presently arising from the reflection dominated and the optically thick disc models. Finally, I present an alternative solution which consists of a combination of the accretion disc model and the reflection dominated model. This might solve the problems of the standard accretion disc model. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Strong magnetic fields modify particle motion in the curved space–time of spinning black holes and change the stability conditions of circular orbits. We study conditions for magnetocentrifugal jet launching from accretion discs around black holes, whereby large-scale black hole lines anchored in the disc may fling tenuous coronal gas outwards. For a Schwarzschild black hole, magnetocentrifugal launching requires that the poloidal component of magnetic fields makes an angle less than  60°  to the outward direction at the disc surface, similar to the Newtonian case. For prograde rotating discs around Kerr black holes, this angle increases and becomes  90°  for footpoints anchored to the disc near the horizon of a critically spinning   a = M   black hole. Thus, a disc around a critically spinning black hole may centrifugally launch a jet even along the rotation axis.  相似文献   

We present the analysis of X‐ray spectral variability made on a sample of 7 Seyfert 1 bright galaxies, using XMM‐Newton data. From the “XMM‐Newton Science Archive” we selected those bright Seyfert 1 showing one or more prominent flares in their 2–10 keV light curves. For each of them we extracted spectra in 3 different time intervals: before, during and after the flare. We fitted them with a simple power law and then shifted a narrow emission and absorption line template across the 2.5–10 keV data, in order to investigate the presence of line‐like features with a confidence level greater than 99%. Some highly significant features were detected in 3 out of 7 sources studied. In particular, the 3 sources, namely PG 1211+143, NGC 4051 and NGC 3783, showed the presence of a variable emission feature in the 4.5–5.8 keV band, characterized by an increase of its intensity after the flare peak. Because of the observed variability pattern, this feature seems to be ascribable to a reverbered redshifted relativistic component of the Fe K line. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the results of the simultaneous XMM‐Newton and Chandra observations of the bright Seyfert 1.9 galaxy MCG–5‐23‐16, which is one of the best known examples of a relativistically broadened iron Kα line. We find that: a) the soft X‐ray emission is likely to be dominated by photoionized gas, b) the complex iron emission line is best modelled with a narrow and a broad component with a FWHM ∼44000 km/s. This latter component has an EW ∼50 eV and its profile is well described with an emission line mainly originating from the accretion disk a few tens of gravitational radii from the central black hole and viewed with an inclination angle ∼40°. We found evidence of a possible sporadic absorption line at ∼7.7 keV which, if associated with Fe XXVI Kα resonance absorption, is indicative of a possible high velocity (v ∼ 0.1c) outflow. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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