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当前,我国已进入统筹城乡发展的新阶段,经过近年来的实践,立足农村、城乡互动的农村土地整治已逐渐成为现阶段统筹城乡发展的有效路径和重要抓手,并且H益成为协调统筹城乡、工农关系的长效之策。  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展是解决我国“三农”问题、全面建设小康社会的根本要求,统筹城乡发展的核心是提高农民收入与改善农民生活、缩小城乡居民收入与生活差距,而农民土地权益问题则是统筹城乡发展的关键。  相似文献   

县域是统筹城乡发展最为关键和迫切的地域单元。统筹城乡发展,须以区域经济社会发展进入一定阶段为前提,涉及城乡经济、社会、文化、基础设施等多个方面,构建统筹城乡发展评价体系具有明显的复杂性。在回顾总结已有测评研究和对统筹城乡发展进行再认识的基础上,构建了3个一级指标、18个二级指标组成的评价指标体系,据此对陕西省华阴市统筹城乡发展水平进行综合评判,提出了统筹城乡发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

城乡统筹发展,是转变经济发展方式,推动经济转型升级的重要举措,是党中央、国务院按照科学发展观的要求,加快城乡经济发展的一项战略决策。城乡统筹发展,对国土部门要求更高,任务更重,面临的困难和矛盾更大。因此,国土部门应与时俱进,竭尽全力做好城乡统筹发展的文章,从而使国土部门在城乡统筹发展中发挥更大更好的作用。  相似文献   

李丁  丑述仁 《地下水》2011,(6):181-184
利用熵值法评价城乡统筹背景下县域各乡镇的发展条件,计算出各项指标权重,采用综合加权法得出华县各乡镇的发展条件评价结果,为选取县域重点发展镇提供依据。以渭南市华县14个乡镇作为评价对象,选取与城乡统筹相关的14项指标后进行实证研究。结果表明:对县域各乡镇城乡统筹发展影响最为明显的是城镇化水平,乡镇企业总产值、人口密度、每千人床位数、累计项目投资等因素对其城乡统筹发展影响较大;对华县各乡镇发展条件评价结果进行分析,将华县各乡镇按其城乡统筹发展条件优劣划分成不同的层次,提出各层次乡镇在城乡统筹方面的工作重点。  相似文献   

长期以来,有道难题始终卡在徐景颜的心坎上:当前,山东省经济社会发展,既面临进一步解放和发展农村生产力、加快现代农业建设的重大任务,又面临落实城乡统筹、加快构建城乡一体化经济社会发展新格局的历史使命。统筹城乡发展从哪里切入?新农村建设从何处突破?  相似文献   

城乡统筹发展中的土地利用问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
城乡统筹中的土地开发利用,应当体现整体化、融合化、动态化的配置原则。要调整传统的城市规划化、土地国有化、农民市民化的城市化发展演进模式,改变目前城乡社会资源要素不均,衡配置和土地开发利用的双轨制,应当在发展思路、发展方式和发展机制上予以完善、改革和创新,可将统筹“两规”、统筹基础设施和公共服务用地,统筹农村低效土地利用作为切入口。  相似文献   

党的十七大把“统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设,解决好农业、农村、农民问题”作为全党工作的重中之重。十七届三中全会又明确要求“加快社会主义新农村建设,大力推进城乡统筹发展”。在全国深入推进城乡统筹发展、建设社会主义新农村的关键时期,如何把握时机,抓住机遇,探索“城镇建设用地增加和农村建设用地减少相挂钩”(以下简称“增减挂钩”)的思路和对策,积极稳妥地落实和推进“增减挂钩”这项利国利民的工作,对当前加快社会主义新农村建设,推进城乡统筹发展,促进土地资源的合理、高效、集约和持续利用都具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

统筹城乡用地、优化城乡用地结构和布局,既是节约和集约用地的重要途径,又是统筹城乡发展的客观需要。通过分析禹城市城乡用地结构和布局,提出优化城乡用地结构和布局的建议和对策,从而为制定合理的土地利用总体规划提供基本的依据。  相似文献   

谢哲 《浙江地质》2011,(4):38-41
当前,我国经济社会总体上已经进入以工促农、以城带乡的发展阶段。党的十七届三中全会通过了《关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》,对新形势下农村改革发展作出了重大部署。其中,加快城乡统筹综合改革,破解城乡二元结构带来的难题,使城乡经济社会形成一体化发展新格局,是新一轮农村改革发展的重大课题。城乡二元结构存在着深层次利益冲突,  相似文献   

地质环境与城市发展研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文概述了城市地质环境与城市发展国内外研究现状,指出了我国城市工程地质工作存在的问题,论证了地质环境与城市发展中主要问题的解决途径,提出了地质环境与城市发展研究与工作的一些建议。论文还介绍了与地质环境与城市发展密切相关的我国工程地质专业设置现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   

More than half of the US rural population lives inside metro or micropolitan areas and even at more disaggregated scales, such as the census tracts, most spatial units mix rural and urban population. At a national scale, only 30% of the country are inhabited by 100% urban or 100% rural population, implying that more than two third of the US territory are somewhere in between both situations. As the rural/urban dichotomy appears today to be blurred by the emergence of new phenomena like rurbanization or exurbanization, our perception of rural America may be somewhat twisted and the reality of rural areas underplayed. This paper focuses on using finer-grade spatial units such as the census blocks and block groups, in order to provide new elements about the extension, localization and characteristics of rural America as well as about its inner dynamics. To that end, we analyze and process geographical and social data at these two levels of information, and use population density as a main factor of analysis. This allows us not only to propose new measurement of the extent of rural space in the USA but also to propose a new vision of its spatial dynamics by studying how several social indicators such as income, median age or sex ratio reveal regional and micro-regional variations and situations in the rural part of the US.  相似文献   

Bolivia is a country with high levels of poverty and inequality among its peoples and regions. For the nation and its urban and rural areas, trends in the social and spatial distribution of poverty (and extreme poverty) are identified from 1976 to 2003 using UBN data with minor support where appropriate from poverty lines. The main survey between 1992 and 2001 uses composite and selected UBN to track detailed poverty change for the country’s nine departments, its ten largest cities and a selection of other smaller urban and rural municipalities. Because of rising background increases in population in the various surveyed administrative units, many instances of relative reductions in poverty are accompanied by rising absolute increases. Marked spatial variations in poverty and development in the country over the last several decades are identified as the main driver for the country’s quickening pace of rural–urban migration. As a result, the paper concludes by assessing two different but closely related views. One investigation tests the notion that because more poor people have been living in Bolivia’s cities than in its rural areas since the mid to late 1990s, rapid rural–urban migration has simply shifted the locus of poverty from the countryside to the cities in a process called, the ‘urbanisation of poverty.’ A second, more challenging, investigation assesses the view that the flow of poor rural people to the better serviced urban areas of Bolivia has actually acted to alleviate national poverty levels.  相似文献   

城镇化是西北地区发展的必由之路,然而最大的自然障碍因素是水资源严重短缺。国外较早地开展并已有效地利用了城市雨水,而我国起步比较晚。西北地区在推进城镇化建设中,宜把城市雨水资源化作为城市节水的方向之一。城市雨水资源的利用对西北地区城市可持续发展有重要的意义。  相似文献   

One of the aspects characterizing the relationship between core and periphery is the process of migration. We will attempt to build a conceptual model of the migration balance and ruralization rate in different parts of a national territory, in regard to the structure of core and periphery.Israel passed within a short time from a situation of a developing country in the beginning of the 1950s to a developed country in the 1960s and 1970s. The model of ruralization rate and migration balance of Israel in the beginning was characteristic of migration passes from rural to urban regions. In contrast, in the 1970s the rural region adjacent to the metropolis absorbed the short term migration from the urban core and also the long term migration from the rural regions in the periphery.  相似文献   

本文提出了新中国医院建设的三个阶段和特征,并根据国家有关规划和统计年鉴提供的数据,对我国城镇医院的发展进行预测,提出了到2020年各种情况下医院床位数增加的预测值,可供有关部门参考。  相似文献   

文章在对南京城乡规划工作进行回顾与反思的基础上,分析了当前南京城乡统筹发展面临的形势和问题,指出统筹南京全域规划工作的总体思路。最后,笔者从"全域统筹,一体发展"的大南京城乡空间格局下,提出了南京城乡规划管理工作的策略应对。  相似文献   

侯红蕊  白杨  李志强 《地下水》2011,33(3):125-127
干旱区约占我国陆地面积的30%,区内水资源短缺,严重的制约了城市的发展,因此探讨干旱区城市水系规划对区内城市发展具有重要意义.以内蒙古鸟海市水系规划为例,对干旱区城市水系规划的内容和模式进行研究.认为干旱区城市水系规划应在协调水资源利用的同时,更注重水系的生态环境发展与景观系统规划,以实现水资源的可持续利用和水系的可持...  相似文献   

Spatial concentration of manufacturing always ends up with regional inequalities. This phenomenon is also true in the case of Thailand. The pattern of industrial development in Thailand from 1996 to 2005 was examined using composite index in analyzing the pattern, the results of which are described in this paper. The review was aimed at assessing the effects of development policies and the factors that influenced the concentration of industrial development in the country. Results of the analysis indicated that most industries are concentrated only in Bangkok and its vicinity even if the Government of Thailand has promoted investment policies to support and develop provincial industries in the remote rural areas. Moreover, the results also showed that capital intensive based industries are concentrated in the urban areas, while the resources-based industries are mainly found in the rural areas. Despite wide zonal variation of industrial development within Thailand, the outcomes of the industrial decentralization policy are very impressive and leading to the path of greater success in coming decades.  相似文献   

在我国的城市建设中,对历史遗迹、历史环境、历史地段和街区的更新和建设问题尤为突出。新旧城区的新旧建筑所涉及到的各项经济技术指标,显然不能用建设规范、技术规定中的数字来一刀切;而按照新指标建设的城市,也不会具有历史风貌。在土地资源日益稀缺的今天,保持风貌区相对较高的建筑密度既可以延续城市历史风貌,也是一种节约土地的方法。  相似文献   

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