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M.?Sigmond "author-information "> "author-information__contact u-icon-before "> "mailto:sigmond@knmi.nl " title= "sigmond@knmi.nl " itemprop= "email " data-track= "click " data-track-action= "Email author " data-track-label= " ">Email author P.?C.?Siegmund H.?Kelder 《Climate Dynamics》2003,21(2):211-219
The coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere has been investigated by analysing low-frequency variations in: (1) the meridional mass flux into the polar cap (north of 60°N), computed separately for the stratosphere and the troposphere; (2) the polar cap mean surface pressure, and (3) the surface level meridional pressure gradient and zonal wind around 60°N. The analysis has been done for the 1979–93 Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, using ECMWF reanalysis data. The results show that for all winters the meridional mass flux variations in the stratosphere precede those in the troposphere, by about one day. This result can also be obtained qualitatively with a very simple model, based on the zonally averaged zonal and meridional momentum equations. The lag is not very sensitive to the latitude of the southern boundary of the polar cap. The analysed variations in the polar cap mean surface pressure associated with variations in the meridional mass flux, determine most of the variability in the analysed meridional surface pressure gradient and the associated surface zonal wind around 60°N. The results also show that in the stratosphere the Coriolis force associated with the zonal-mean meridional wind is in near-balance with the convergence of the eddy momentum flux, and in the lower troposphere with the zonal frictional force. In summary, the results indicate that in the extratropical northern winter hemisphere, low-frequency variations in the meridional wind in the stratosphere induce low-frequency variations in the zonal wind near the surface. 相似文献
Previous studies have indicated that the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) has a global impact on winter weather, but relatively less attention has been paid to its effect in summer. Using ERA5 data, this study reports that the QBO has a significant impact on the tropospheric circulation and surface air temperature (SAT) in the extratropics in Northeast Asia and the North Pacific in early summer. Specifically, a QBO-induced mean meridional circulation prevails from Northeast Asia to the North Pacific in the westerly QBO years, exhibiting westerly anomalies in 20°–35°N and easterly anomalies in 35°–65°N from the lower stratosphere to troposphere. This meridional pattern of zonal wind anomalies can excite positive vorticity and thus lead to anomalous low pressure and cyclonic circulation from Northeast Asia to the North Pacific, which in turn cause northerly wind anomalies and decreased SAT in Northeast Asia in June. Conversely, in the easterly QBO years, the QBO-related circulation and SAT anomalies are generally in an opposite polarity to those in the westerly QBO years. These findings provide new evidence of the impact of the QBO on the extratropical climate, and may benefit the prediction of SAT in Northeast Asia in early summer.摘要本文研究了平流层准两年振荡 (QBO) 对东北亚-北太平洋地区初夏对流层环流和地表气温的影响. 在QBO西风位相年, 东北亚至北太平洋地区存在一支由QBO引发的平均经向环流异常, 该经向环流异常可在东北亚至北太平洋地区激发正涡度, 并形成异常气旋式环流. 气旋左侧出现的异常偏北风导致6月东北亚地表气温下降. QBO东风位相年的结果与西风位相年大致相反. 这些结果为QBO对热带外地区天气,气候的影响提供了新的证据, 并为东北亚初夏地表气温的预测提供了新的线索. 相似文献
Using the data from the Chernobyl meteorological station for 2000–2010 and the wavelet analysis, the seasonal variations are analyzed of the average daily wind speed, wind gusts, wind speed variability, and instability coefficient (the ratio of the maximum wind speed to the average wind speed for each measurement). It is revealed that all parameters have pronounced seasonal variations, and the positions of seasonal maximum and minimum values of all variables under study are shifted relative to each other. The mean values of the shift between the seasonal variations of maximum and the average wind speed amount to 60–70 days, and those of the shift between the average speed and the instability coefficient, to about 145 days. The mentioned peculiarities of the display of seasonal variations are explained by atmospheric turbulent conditions. Proposed is a model that interprets the variability of the parameters under consideration as the statistics of separate eddies in the atmosphere. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to understand the cause of Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) bias in the High Resolution Atmospheric Model (HiRAM) driven by observed SST through process-oriented diagnosis. Wavenumber-frequency power spectrum and composite analyses indicate that HiRAM underestimates the spectral amplitude over the MJO band and mainly produces non-propagating rather than eastward-propagating intraseasonal rainfall anomalies, as observed. Column-integrated moist static energy (MSE) budget analysis is conducted to understand the MJO propagation bias in the simulation. It is found that the bias is due to the lack of a zonally asymmetric distribution of the MSE tendency anomaly in respect to the MJO convective center, which is mainly attributable to the bias in vertical MSE advection and surface turbulent flux. Further analysis suggests that it is the unrealistic simulation of MJO vertical circulation anomalies in the upper troposphere as well as overestimation of the Rossby wave response that results in the bias.摘要本研究评估了高分辨率大气环流模式HiRAM模拟的MJO. 结果表明, HiRAM模拟的MJO东传很弱. 我们通过计算整层积分的湿静力能 (MSE) 收支来诊断MJO东传模拟偏差的原因. 结果发现, MSE倾向相对于MJO对流中心的纬向非对称分布很弱是导致东传模拟偏弱的原因, 这主要是由MSE垂直平流和地表湍流通量的模拟偏差造成的. 进一步研究表明, 对流层上层MJO垂直环流结构的模拟偏差和MJO对流西侧的Rossby波环流偏强共同导致了模式的偏差. 本研究中指出的MJO传播模拟偏差的原因与之前基于多模式结果的结论不同, 这意味着要想了解特定模式的模拟偏差, 有必要对该模式进行具体分析. 相似文献
G.A. McBean 《大气与海洋》2013,51(3):576-595
Abstract The meridional heat flux in the North Pacific Ocean at 35°N is estimated primarily using hydrographic section data, following the method of Bryan (1962) and Bennett (1978). The meridional heat flux in the Kuroshio, computed using the Worthington and Kawai section across the current, was 1.76 PW (positive northward), with over 80% of the flux occurring in the upper 400 m. The large‐scale baroclinic heat flux across the rest of the section (145°? to North America) was —1.0 PW for the indopac (1976) section and —0.5 PW for the IOS‐72 section. The fluxes across the sections were also concentrated in the upper ocean with the upper 300 m accounting for over 75% of the flux. The mean horizontal barotropic gyre circulation results in little (0.1 PW) net heat flux because the northward‐moving water is only about 0.5°C warmer than the southward‐moving water. The contributions due to Ekman heat flux (—0.16 PW) and flow through the Japan Sea (0.13 PW) are also relatively small. The eddy heat flux is quite uncertain, but estimated to be about 0.3 PW. The total meridional heat flux, for the 1976 section, is calculated to be about 1.0 PW. The total is very dependent on the baroclinic heat flux in the highly variable Kuroshio region. The northward heat flux found in this study is more consistent with large‐scale atmospheric estimates and with Bryden et al. ‘s (1990) estimate for 24°? in the Pacific. 相似文献
Kevin Hamilton 《大气与海洋》2013,51(2):188-192
Abstract The initial development of the westerly acceleration phase of the tropical quasi‐biennial oscillation in late 1979 was examined using FGGE analyses at the 20‐ and 10‐mb levels. The analysed winds were found to undergo strong equatorially‐centred westerly accelerations. These accelerations are narrower in meridional extent than those expected to result from the interaction of the Wallace‐Kousky Kelvin wave with the mean flow. 相似文献
We analyze the ability of an oceanic monitoring array to detect potential changes in the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). The observing array is ‘deployed’ into a numerical model (ECHAM5/MPI-OM), and simulates the measurements of density and wind stress at 26°N in the Atlantic. The simulated array mimics the continuous monitoring system deployed in the framework of the UK Rapid Climate Change program. We analyze a set of three realizations of a climate change scenario (IPCC A1B), in which – within the considered time-horizon of 200 years – the MOC weakens, but does not collapse. For the detection analysis, we assume that the natural variability of the MOC is known from an independent source, the control run. Our detection approach accounts for the effects of observation errors, infrequent observations, autocorrelated internal variability, and uncertainty in the initial conditions. Continuous observation with the simulated array for approximately 60 years yields a statistically significant (p < 0.05) detection with 95 percent reliability assuming a random observation error of 1 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s?1). Observing continuously with an observation error of 3 Sv yields a detection time of about 90 years (with 95 percent reliability). Repeated hydrographic transects every 5 years/ 20 years result in a detection time of about 90 years/120 years, with 95 percent reliability and an assumed observation error of 3 Sv. An observation error of 3 Sv (one standard deviation) is a plausible estimate of the observation error associated with the RAPID UK 26°N array. 相似文献
To understand the nature and role of multi-scale interaction involved in the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO), a dynamical model is built based on two essential processes: the convective complex of the MJO modulates the strength and location of synoptic-scale motions, which in turn feed back to the MJO through the convective momentum transfer (CMT). Our results exhibit that: (1) The lower tropospheric easterly CMT coming from the 2-day waves slows down the MJO dramatically; (2) although the lower tropospheric westerly CMT coming from the superclusters can produce the horizontal quadrupole vortex and vertical westerly wind-burst structures of the MJO, it drives the large-scale motions to propagate eastward too fast; (3) the planetary boundary layer provides an instability source for the MJO and pulls the MJO to propagate eastward at a speed of 0~10?ms?1; and (4) the optimal structure of the multi-scale MJO should be: the stronger superclusters/2-day waves prevail in the rear/front part of the MJO and produce lower tropospheric westerly/easterly CMT there. These theoretical results emphasize the role of CMT and encourage further observations in the multi-scale MJO. 相似文献
《Atmospheric Research》1996,43(1):31-46
The bi-daily (or two-day) variation of meteorological properties is presented for an oceanographic cruise that sailed along 35°N from California to Japan during March and April, 1976. The data were sampled every two hours for 35 days. All the weather variables recorded quantitatively show a two-day periodicity including air temperature (dry- and wet-bulb), sea level pressure, wind velocity (both north and east components as well as speed and direction), total cloud amount and visibility. For pressure and velocity the amplitude of the bi-daily variation is larger than that of the diurnal signal in the same data set analyzed previously; for temperature and cloud amount the bi-daily and diurnal signals have comparable amplitudes. In addition one computed meteorological quantity, relative humidity, exhibits the two-day variation. Also all the oceanographic quantities, sampled once per two hours or oftener, show a two-day cycle: sea-surface temperature, swell height and direction, and sea direction. The bi-daily periodicity can be seen in the raw data but it is more clearly visible after the higher and lower frequencies are reduced by a simple filtering procedure. At 50°N, 145°W (Weather Ship Papa) air temperature, sea level pressure and wind velocity also show a two-day variation during the time of the cruise. Apparently there is no previous documentation of a bi-daily periodicity in meteorological or oceanographic quantities at sea level with which to compare these results. It is hypothesized that the atmosphere is partially adjusting its heat balance horizontally on a time-scale of two days, based on the correlation between air temperature and the north-wind velocity component, which is consistent with a net poleward heat flux all across the ocean. This suggests that the ultimate cause of the bi-daily variation is related to the heating and cooling set up by the sun. 相似文献
Hourly data of CO2 fugacity (fCO2) at 8°N–38°W were analyzed from 2008 to 2011. Analyses of wind, rainfall, temperature and salinity data from the buoy indicated two distinct seasonal periods. The first period (January to July) had a mean fCO2 of 378.9 μatm (n = 7512). During this period, in which the study area was characterized by small salinity variations, the fCO2 is mainly controlled by sea surface temperature (SST) variations (fCO2 = 24.4*SST-281.1, r2 = 0.8). During the second period (August–December), the mean fCO2 was 421.9 μatm (n = 11571). During these months, the region is subjected to the simultaneous action of (a) rainfall induced by the presence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ); (b) arrival of fresh water from the Amazon River plume that is transported to the east by the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) after the retroflection of the North Brazil Current (NBC); and (c) vertical input of CO2-rich water due to Ekman pumping. The data indicated the existence of high-frequency fCO2 variability (periods less than 24 h). This high variability is related to two different mechanisms. In the first mechanism, fCO2 increases are associated to rapid increases in SST and are attributed to the diurnal cycle of solar radiation. In addition, low wind speed contributes to SST rising by inhibiting vertical mixing. In the second mechanism, fCO2 decreases are associated to SSS decreases caused by heavy rainfall. 相似文献
Statistical relationship between the dates of the spring reconstruction of the stratospheric circulation (10 hPa) and frequency of Dzerdzeevskii elementary circulation mechanisms (ECM) over the Northern Hemisphere in March-June is studied. It is found that, after early (March) and late (May) stratospheric reconstruction, the frequency substantially differs, which can be useful for long-term forecasting. 相似文献
Om P. Tripathi S. G. Jennings C. D. O’Dowd K. P. Lambkin E. Moran 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》2013,70(4):297-316
Sixteen years (1994 – 2009) of ozone profiling by ozonesondes at Valentia Meteorological and Geophysical Observatory, Ireland (51.94° N, 10.23° W) along with a co-located MkIV Brewer spectrophotometer for the period 1993–2009 are analyzed. Simple and multiple linear regression methods are used to infer the recent trend, if any, in stratospheric column ozone over the station. The decadal trend from 1994 to 2010 is also calculated from the monthly mean data of Brewer and column ozone data derived from satellite observations. Both of these show a 1.5 % increase per decade during this period with an uncertainty of about ±0.25 %. Monthly mean data for March show a much stronger trend of?~?4.8 % increase per decade for both ozonesonde and Brewer data. The ozone profile is divided between three vertical slots of 0–15 km, 15–26 km, and 26 km to the top of the atmosphere and a 11-year running average is calculated. Ozone values for the month of March only are observed to increase at each level with a maximum change of +9.2?±?3.2 % per decade (between years 1994 and 2009) being observed in the vertical region from 15 to 26 km. In the tropospheric region from 0 to 15 km, the trend is positive but with a poor statistical significance. However, for the top level of above 26 km the trend is significantly positive at about 4 % per decade. The March integrated ozonesonde column ozone during this period is found to increase at a rate of ~6.6 % per decade compared with the Brewer and satellite positive trends of ~5 % per decade. 相似文献
The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) produced by a mesoscale model is investigated using standardized statistical diagnostics. Results show that upper- and lower-level zonal winds display the correct MJO structure, phase speed (8 m s?1) and space–time power spectrum. However, the simulated free atmosphere moisture, outgoing longwave radiation and precipitation do not exhibit any clear MJO signal. Yet, the boundary layer moisture, moist static energy and atmospheric instability, measured using a moist static energy instability index, have clear MJO signals. A significant finding is the ability of the model to simulate a realistic MJO phase speed in the winds without reproducing the MJO wind-convection coupling or a realistic propagation in the free atmosphere water vapor. This study suggests that the convergence of boundary layer moisture and the discharge and recharge of the moist static energy and atmospheric instability may be responsible for controlling the speed of propagation of the MJO circulation. 相似文献
The observed meridional overturning circulation (MOC) and meridional heat transport (MHT) estimated from the Rapid Climate Change/Meridional Circulation and Heat Flux Array (RAPID/MOCHA) at 26.5°N are used to evaluate the volume and heat transport in the eddy-resolving model LASG/IAP Climate system Ocean Model (LICOM). The authors find that the Florida Current transport and upper mid-ocean transport of the model are underestimated against the observations. The simulated variability of MOC and MHT show a high correlation with the observations, exceeding 0.6. Both the simu-lated and observed MOC and MHT show a significant seasonal variability. According to the power spectrum analysis, LICOM can represent the mesoscale eddy characteristic of the MOC similar to the observation. The model shows a high correlation of 0.58 for the internal upper mid-ocean transport (MO) and a density difference between the western and eastern boundaries, as noted in previous studies. 相似文献
A comprehensive study on the chemistry of deposition and the concentration of tropospheric ozone and particulate sulfate in the ocean atmosphere was carried out for the data sets in 1990’s. It is important to study the atmospheric situation over the past years as well as the latest, especially in the East Asian region where emission amount of anthropogenic air pollutants have increased year by year due to rapid economic growth. The survey was conducted for 5 years in East Asia and West Oceania (35°N–35°S, 100–135°E) in August and September in 1990’s. The purpose of the survey was to study and understand the chemistry of deposition and the concentration of tropospheric ozone and particulate sulfate in the ocean atmosphere comprehensively in one project. Rainfall over the ocean was insufficiently neutralized. Gas and aerosol over the ocean were mature, i.e., well-mixed, during the period of the transportation. The characteristic latitudinal dependence was observed in the tropospheric ozone concentration, namely, higher in the southern hemisphere and lower in the northern hemisphere (approximately 25 ppb in the 10–40°S region and 5–15 ppb in the 20–40°N region). On the other hand, high concentrations of tropospheric ozone of over 30 ppb were observed in the northern hemisphere, which was attributable to the long-range transportation. The TSP concentration was approximately under the level of 40 μg m?3 irrespectively of the latitude; in contrast, the nss-SO4 2- concentration showed a clear latitudinal dependence, i.e., higher in the northern hemisphere and lower in the southern hemisphere. The background levels of the nss-SO4 2- concentration were approximately 0.5 μg m?3 in the 10–40°S region and 2–3 μg m?3 and 4–5 μg m?3 in the 0–20°N and 20–40°N regions, respectively. 相似文献
Chidong Zhang Min Dong Silvio Gualdi Harry H. Hendon Eric D. Maloney Andrew Marshall Kenneth R. Sperber Wanqiu Wang 《Climate Dynamics》2006,27(6):573-592
The status of the numerical reproduction of the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) by current global models was assessed through
diagnoses of four pairs of coupled and uncoupled simulations. Slow eastward propagation of the MJO, especially in low-level
zonal wind, is realistic in all these simulations. However, the simulated MJO suffers from several common problems. The MJO
signal in precipitation is generally too weak and often eroded by an unrealistic split of an equatorial maximum of precipitation
into a double ITCZ structure over the western Pacific. The MJO signal in low-level zonal wind, on the other hand, is sometimes
too strong over the eastern Pacific but too weak over the Indian Ocean. The observed phase relationship between precipitation
and low-level zonal wind associated with the MJO in the western Pacific and their coherence in general are not reproduced
by the models. The seasonal migration in latitude of MJO activity is missing in most simulations. Air–sea coupling generally
strengthens the simulated eastward propagating signal, but its effects on the phase relationship and coherence between precipitation
and low-level zonal wind, and on their geographic distributions, seasonal cycles, and interannual variability are inconsistent
among the simulations. Such inconsistency cautions generalization of results from MJO simulations using a single model. In
comparison to observations, biases in the simulated MJO appear to be related to biases in the background state of mean precipitation,
low-level zonal wind, and boundary-layer moisture convergence. This study concludes that, while the realistic simulations
of the eastward propagation of the MJO are encouraging, reproducing other fundamental features of the MJO by current global
models remains an unmet challenge.
Chidong ZhangEmail: |