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石英C轴组构常常记录递进变形过程中晚期增量变形的构造特征,因而可以通过对大别造山带内岩石中石英C轴组构的分析来确定造山带构造变形历史中的晚期变形事件的运动学特征。本次工作在大别造山带各单元中采集了一系列样品,对其进行石英C轴组构分析。石英C轴组构结果表明,北淮阳带就位于同造山折返第一阶段,其运动型式为上盘向NW的剪切变形;南大别高压—超高压榴辉岩带与宿松杂岩带就位于同造山折返第二阶段,运动型式表现为上盘向SE的剪切变形;北大别带就位于早白垩世穹状隆升过程中。北大别带在穹状隆升过程中表现为上盘向NW的运动型式,在深部可能存在向NW方向的下地壳物质的塑性流动。  相似文献   

夏浩然  刘俊来 《地质通报》2011,30(01):58-70
石英集合体的结晶学优选可由位错滑移、双晶滑移、定向成核与生长等形成,其中位错滑移是塑性变形岩石中石英结晶学优选产生的最重要的机制。影响变形石英结晶学优选的因素有温度、应变速率、应变、差应力、水、复矿物岩石中各种矿物间的相互作用、初始结晶学方向等。系统总结了石英晶体变形与滑移系,结晶学优选的测量与表达,多种条件下石英的结晶学优选,以及在判断剪切方向、计算运动学涡度、判定变形温度、分析变形历史等方面的应用,并认为应用石英组构作运动学和动力学解析时需与其它微观、宏观现象相结合。  相似文献   

石英结晶学优选与应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石英集合体的结晶学优选可由位错滑移、双晶滑移、定向成核与生长等形成,其中位错滑移是塑性变形岩石中石英结晶学优选产生的最重要的机制。影响变形石英结晶学优选的因素有温度、应变速率、应变、差应力、水、复矿物岩石中各种矿物间的相互作用、初始结晶学方向等。系统总结了石英晶体变形与滑移系,结晶学优选的测量与表达,多种条件下石英的结晶学优选,以及在判断剪切方向、计算运动学涡度、判定变形温度、分析变形历史等方面的应用,并认为应用石英组构作运动学和动力学解析时需与其它微观、宏观现象相结合。  相似文献   

石英是自然界中最主要的造岩矿物之一,也是地壳流变过程的主要变形矿物,其c轴组构特征与变形温度、剪切指向具有密切的关系,因而常被用来获取剪切指向、估计变形温度、计算运动学涡度等。但由于受到变形分解、先存构造、流体等因素的影响,同一岩石中常会得到多个不同的石英c轴组构结果。如果天然变形岩石同时受到多种因素的影响,其石英c轴组构会表现为何种特征?与岩石变形温度、剪切旋向是否仍具有很好的对应性?基于以上问题,本次工作以大别山东缘郯庐断裂带内经历了多期变形、富含流体活动的超糜棱岩为研究对象,在同一岩石薄片中选择不同区域,利用EBSD开展石英c轴组构分析。分析结果表明,选择的超糜棱岩的石英c轴组构点极密分布形态指示岩石变形发生于非共轴变形条件下;剪切指向方面,6个分析区域中区域1表现为左旋剪切指向特征,与薄片中优势剪切指向一致,而除区域4外的其他4个区域显示出与优势剪切指向相反的右旋剪切指向特征;变形温度方面,区域4以柱面滑移为主,显示了高温变形特征,而其余5个区域均以底面滑移为主,指示了低温变形环境。根据本次石英c轴组构特征分析结果,可以得出一些认识:岩石中石英表现为完全的GBM动态重结晶,所指示的温度明显高于大量沿糜棱面理分布的绿泥石所指示的绿片岩相环境,显示流体活动促进了岩石变形;而石英c轴组构指示的变形温度为绿片岩相环境,与绿泥石存在的现象一致,表明糜棱岩化过程中流体活动对石英c轴组构的影响并不明显。在发生过多期变形事件的岩石中,岩石中早期高温变形信息有可能保留下来并记录在石英c轴组构特征中,因而通过石英c轴组构分析有可能获得早期事件的信息;虽然石英c轴组构影响因素众多,但首先开展详细的显微镜下观察,然后有选择地对剪切指向清晰区域开展石英c轴组构分析,仍然能够得到与岩石中优势剪切指向一致的石英c轴组构结果。  相似文献   

Synkinematic quartz veins are ubiquitous in the shear zone separating the Veleta unit from the Calar Alto unit in the internal part of the Betic Cordilleras. They have been studied with respect to quartz c-axis fabrics, microstructures and fluid inclusions. Veins were probably generated during syn-metamorphic stacking of the units at P = 500 – 600 MPa and T = 400 – 500°C. Quartz displays two groups of microstructures in the shear zone: (1) older coarse-grained mosaics (CGM) resulting from exaggerated grain growth; and (2) younger fine-grained mosaics (FGM) developed at the expense of the former. The fine-grained mosaics show polygonal granoblastic and elongate mosaic microstructures in general, with ribbon microstructures often found near the boundary of the units. Fluids contained in secondary inclusions vary from high salinity brines to different types of CO2—brine mixtures and low density CO2 fluids. Differences in composition and P-T trapping conditions are indicated for the different types of inclusions. Some fluid inclusions are older than the FGM, whereas others are younger, thus constraining the P- T conditions at which the two microstructural events took place. Fluid inclusion evidence suggests conditions of Pfluid > 170 MPa and T 370–430°C for the CGM and Pfluid 20–80 MPa and T > 340°C for the FGM.The quartz c-axis fabrics dealt with here correspond to the second recrystallization event, as little evidence of older fabrics is preserved in the shear zone. C-axis patterns vary across the shear zone from slightly asymmetrical type I crossed girdles in the hanging wall and footwall to more asymmetrical crossed girdles at the boundary of the units. This indicates a correlative increase in the magnitude of the heterogeneous shear strain in the same direction. Most of the deformation is concentrated at the top of the Veleta unit. The sense of movement is top to the west, in agreement with other kinematic markers.The quartz c-axis fabrics resulted from dynamic recrystallization during simple shear. The retrograde P-T path inferred from fluid inclusion analysis, along with other geological and geochronological evidence, indicates that this deformation is coeval with a reduction in the crustal overburden.Geochronological and stratigraphic data show that the proposed Dos Picos extensional detachment, separating the Calar Alto and Veleta units, took place during the early Miocene, synchronous with the intense thinning of the Nevado-Filábride Complex and of the whole continental crust underlying the Alborán Basin.  相似文献   

小秦岭金矿含金石英脉中石英晶体微形貌研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用微分干涉显微镜等手段对小秦岭金矿含金石英脉中不同成矿阶段的石英晶体微形貌进行了研究。石英晶体{101^-1}、{011^-1}、{101^-0}单形晶面上不同特征的微形貌对了解石英晶体的生长机理、生长速率、生长环境的变化及成矿溶液的过饱和度具有重要意义,同时也可提供成矿阶段划分及晶体生长时热力学条件的信息。  相似文献   

The Ardara pluton as part of the Donegal batholith was intruded into Neoproterozoic metasediments and metadolerites at mid-crustal levels. The emplacement mechanism of the Ardara granite is very controversial, and mechanisms ranging from diapirism, ballooning and stoping followed by nested diapirism have been proposed. Magnetic fabrics, rock fabrics and K/Ar dating of micas are used here to constrain the emplacement history. The compositional zoning of the Ardara pluton is clearly reflected in the different bulk magnetic susceptibilities between the outer quartz monzodiorite and the central granodiorite, whereas the intervening tonalite is of intermediate nature. The magnetic carriers are characterized by the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS), thermomagnetic measurements and through high field analyses (HFA). The separation of the ferrimagnetic and paramagnetic contributions revealed that biotite and magnetite control the AMS in the quartz monzodiorite. Both minerals are oriented in such a way that their summed contribution is constructive and originates from the shape fabric of magnetite and the texture of biotite. Biotite is responsible mainly for the AMS in the tonalite and granodiorite. The magnetic foliation can be directly related to the macroscopic foliation and also to the D4 structures in the country rocks. The foliation is consistent with the geometry of the roughly circular shape and has a mostly steep to vertical dip. Towards the central granodiorite the magnetic foliation dies out, although plagioclase texture measurements indicate a weak magmatic shape fabric. With the exception of the tail, the Kmax axes (magnetic lineation) vary from steeply to gently plunging. The so-called lineation factor is approximately 1.01 and therefore points to a less significant axial symmetry. These observations coincide with strain estimates on mafic enclaves that show a very consistent pattern of K ∼0 flattening strain. Texture analyses of biotite and quartz additionally support the observations made by the strain analyses and the magnetic fabric data. Microstructural investigations give evidence that the fabrics are associated with the emplacement over a range of temperatures from truly magmatic to high-temperature solid-state conditions. The age of the intrusion is still under discussion, but a new cooling age was determined by K/Ar dating of biotite at 403.7±8 Ma corresponding to a temperature range between 450 and 300°C. For a mylonite along the southern contact between the Ardara pluton and the country rock a K/Ar muscovite age of 378.8±7 Ma indicates a minimum age for the shear zone when the Ardara pluton must have already been cooled down below 350±50°C. Received: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   

In-situ IR measurements of OH species in quartz at high temperatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nature of OH species in natural clear quartz was investigated by means of in-situ IR measurements over the temperature range –185 to 1000 °C. Reversible thermal behavior of OH species was examined for a sample pre-heated to 1000 °C for 1 hour. At room temperature, the IR spectrum of the quartz sample examined includes an intense absorption peak at 3379 cm–1 which has been assigned to an OH stretching vibration associated with Al substituting for Si (OH(Al)). The major spectral changes of the OH(Al) bond involve a systematic shift of its peak position and a decrease in its integral absorbance with temperature. A quasi-linear increase of the peak position from –185 to 400 °C is interpreted to be due to the change in the vibrational frequency of OH(Al) with hydrogen bond (H bond) distance. At higher temperatures, the IR frequency shows only a slight change, indicating a small influence of the H bond. On the other hand, the gradual decrease of the integral absorbance of OH(Al) with temperature indicates a decrease of this defect’s molar absorptivity without any reduction in defect concentration. This is interpreted to result from a decrease in dipole moment of OH(Al) with temperature. A sudden shift of the vibrational frequency from 3396 to 3386 cm–1 between 550 and 560 °C and a constant value of the integral absorbance from 535 to 570 °C were considered to be related to the change in H bond distance during the structural transformation of α-quartz to its β-form. The local environment of OH(Al) begins to change at temperatures below 570 °C, where the crystallographic α–β transition occurs. Received: 18 February 1998/ Accepted: 10 July 1998  相似文献   

花岗伟晶岩石英流体包裹体中的短链羧酸   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
用离子色谱法研究了某些花岗伟晶岩中石英流体包裹体浸取液的短链送终酸(甲酸、乙酸、丙酸和草酸)和无机阴离子(氟、氯和硫酸根离子)组成,同时进行了矿物包裹体流体的氢和石英的氧同位素成分测定以及显微计温学研究。结果表明,北京延庆大庄科花岗伟晶岩的石英流体包裹体浸取液中含有少量的甲酸和乙酸。花岗岩演化晚期-伟晶岩阶段的高温水热流体中可以存在短链羧酸。  相似文献   

本文以油酸钠作为捕收剂,研究了磷酸氢二钠、柠檬酸和硅酸钠等抑制剂对粉石英与红柱石浮选分离效果的影响.结果表明,磷酸氢二钠是红柱石与粉石英浮选分离的一种优良的抑制剂;在其最佳浓度0.47×10-2 mol /L,浮选液pH值为8.5时,粉石英与红柱石浮选回收率差高达47.86%.红外光谱及Zeta电位分析结果表明,油酸钠对红柱石兼有物理和化学吸附作用,对粉石英仅有物理吸附作用,因而对红柱石有更强的捕收能力;磷酸氢二钠对粉石英表面起解吸作用,能有效抑制粉石英起浮,从而实现粉石英与红柱石的分离.  相似文献   

The western Dabie orogen (also known as the Hong'an block) forms the western part of the Dabie–Sulu HP–UHP belt, central China. Rocks of this orogen have been subjected to pervasive ductile deformation, and include numerous quartz schists and felsic mylonites cropping out in ductile shear zones. Quartz textures in these mylonites contain important clues for understanding the movement sense of late-collisional extrusion and exhumation of high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) rocks from the lower crustal level to the upper crustal level during Middle Triassic and Early Jurassic. The orientation and distribution of quartz crystallographic axes were used to confirm the regional shear sense across the orogen. The asymmetry of c-axis patterns consistently indicates top-to-the-southeast thrusting across the orogen in early structural stages. Later stages of deformation show different senses of movement in northern and southern parts of the orogen, with top-to-the-northwest sinistral shearing recorded in rocks north of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies belt, and top-to-the-southeast dextral shearing south of the same unit.Based on our study on quartz c-axis fabrics and marco- to micro-scale structures, simultaneous southeastward shearing within a large part of the orogen and normal faulting north of the Xinxian HP–UHP unit is explained by upward extrusion in early stages of deformation. The extrusion process has been attributed to syn- and late-collisional processes, accounting for some earlier deformation in the western Dabie orogen such as metamorphic sequences around the core of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies unit. Much higher pressure of deformation is also indicated in the aligned glaucophane and omphacite from blueschist and eclogite in the field. An orogen-parallel eastward extrusion of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies unit, however, occurred diachronously in later stages of deformation. Therefore, a tectonic model combining an early upward extrusion with a later eastward extrusion is presented. Two different stages and types of extrusion for exhumation of HP–UHP rocks are suitable to all of east central China. Geochronological data shows that the first, upward extrusion occurred during Middle Triassic, the second, eastward extrusion occurred during Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. These two extrusions are correlative with two stages of rapid exhumation of the Dabie HP–UHP rocks, respectively. These two-stage late-collisional (Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic) extrusion events bridge the gap between syn-collisional (Early to Middle Triassic) vertical extrusion and post-collisional (Cretaceous) eastward-directed lateral escape and provide vital clues to understanding the more detailed processes of exhumation of HP–UHP rocks.  相似文献   

石英是一种在地壳上大量分布,有着广泛工业用途和广阔应用前景的矿物。当石英晶体形成演化时,受结晶时环境条件、流体性质、结晶后遭受改造(如变质作用、构造变形和热扰动等)等影响,杂质元素如P、Ti、Ge、Al、B、Be、Ca、Na、K、H、Li等会或多或少存在于石英晶体中,因此在自然界不存在纯SiO2组分的石英。同时,基于石英的微量元素组成,可以反演石英源区和形成演化过程,并用于研究岩石及矿床成因等科学问题。石英晶体内部杂质元素以类质同象替代、气液包裹体、矿物包裹体(不能按尺度分,应该按照状态划分存在形式)3种形式存在。石英中杂质元素的种类、含量、赋存形式,特别是包裹体特征将直接影响石英资源的品质和工业用途。本文还系统地阐述了石英的发光特性、工艺性能以及高纯石英的质量分类与标准和高纯石英原料来源等方面的内容。在本研究中,通过光学显微镜和激光拉曼测试,初步地查明了苏北张锦庄石英砂和广西姑婆山花岗岩石英中流体包裹体的分布和矿物包裹体的种类,这是开展后续研究的基础。高纯石英是优质石英资源经纯化加工得到的高品质石英原材料,可用于石英玻璃、石英坩埚、半导体、高温灯管、光纤、精密光学、微电子和太阳能等高新技术产业中。研究高纯石英原料的评价体系、理想源岩和形成机制有益于持续性地供给高纯石英原料, 极大地提高了石英原料的工业附加值。  相似文献   

作为战略性矿产资源之一,高纯石英已广泛应用于集成电路、半导体芯片、太阳能等高新技术产业中,但是能够生产高纯石英的原料矿床极为稀缺,我国尤为紧缺高纯石英原料矿。鄂东南地区是湖北省脉石英矿床的主要分布区。本文针对鄂东南付家山脉石英矿床,通过光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜观察了脉石英的脉石矿物类型和包裹体特征,采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-OES)对原矿进行了微量元素分析,旨在获得付家山脉石英矿床的杂质元素特征,进而评价矿床用作高纯石英原料的潜力。结果表明,付家山脉石英矿石SiO2含量大于99.95%,杂质元素主要为Al、K、Fe、Ti、Ca等,脉石矿物主要有白云母、钾长石、铁氧化物等,流体包裹体较为发育。杂质元素分析结果表明,付家山脉石英原矿质量达到低端高纯石英标准,经传统工艺提纯后,可能具有生产中高端高纯石英的潜力。  相似文献   

微指状叠层石(microdigitate stromatolites,以下简称MDS)是新太古代—中元古代一种重要的沉积构造。由于其内部以纤维状组构为重要特征,而缺乏直接的微生物化石证据,被认为代表特定海洋化学条件下形成的一种海底碳酸盐沉淀,属无机成因。本文对华北中元古代雾迷山组硅化MDS的显微组构研究发现,其柱体由亚毫米级浅色微亮晶纹层(平均厚约65μm)和暗色微晶纹层(平均厚约680μm)交互叠加而成。前者含较少细菌残余,重结晶显著;后者富含细菌残余、微晶多面体及微球粒,并进一步分为具密集连续次级微纹层的(平均厚约380μm)和具稀疏断续微纹层的(平均厚约300μm)两种暗纹层。这三种纹层在纵向上的规律性交互可能反映了季节性变化。毛发状垂向纤维贯穿于整个柱体,但在亮纹层内稀疏。这种纤维可能由垂向生长的丝状菌束(宽<10μm)矿化而成,有些由微球粒(粒径为10~30μm)定向富集构成。微球粒富含细菌残余、胞外聚合物(EPS)以及与之密切共生的纳米颗粒(粒径<45nm)。纳米颗粒可粘结形成亚μm级多面体,构成碳酸盐晶体生长的基点。包围微球粒的微亮晶环边和纤维组构间的微亮晶条带内少细菌残余,可能属微生物影响的矿化成因,而纤维体和微球粒则是微生物诱发矿化的结果。故中元古代MDS属微生物成因,它所展现的有机矿化过程可能也适用于更古老的叠层石。此外,MDS内有机矿物从纳米颗粒到微球粒的有序聚合可能代表了有机矿化的普遍过程,并可用作判定微生物成因碳酸盐岩的重要标识。  相似文献   




The South Australian seismograph network has been extended since 1968 so that most earthquakes of Richter magnitude ML ≥ 1.9 within the state are located accurately. Recurrence relations have been derived which define the seismicity of the known active areas. The seismic energy release has also been used to indicate the spatial variation in earthquake activity. Epicentre trends have been noted, and may be related to hypothesized movements on intracontinental plate boundaries.  相似文献   

张海迪 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1354-1365
康古尔构造带位于东天山觉罗塔格造山带北部,是构建中亚造山带晚古生代增生造山过程的关键。系统建立康古尔构造带的变形样式和变形条件,对进一步理解其构造背景和动力学机制具有重要意义。本文基于康古尔构造带红丘陵段构造解析、糜棱岩显微构造和石英c轴组构分析,厘定出2期构造变形:D1期为南北向挤压韧性剪切,变形温度为500~650℃;D2期为右行剪切,变形温度小于350℃。综合已有区域构造热年代学数据分析认为,D1期变形时间为294~280 Ma,形成于康古尔有限洋盆闭合后的中天山地块与吐哈地块南北向碰撞挤压过程,D2期右行剪切发生于276~242 Ma的后碰撞陆内缩短环境。本研究可为康古尔构造带晚古生代构造演化过程提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

江家垭铅锌矿床位于扬子地台东南缘,红岩溪背斜轴部,是湘西—鄂西铅锌成矿带重要的铅锌矿床之一,铅锌矿体呈似层状和脉状,受地层与构造的控制,主要产于下奥陶统南津关组砂屑灰岩中。文章首次采用超低本底石英Rb-Sr同位素测年方法,对湘西龙山江家垭铅锌矿床主成矿期形成的富铅锌石英脉进行了等时线年龄测定,获得成矿年龄为(372±9.8)Ma,n(87Sr)/n(86Sr)=(0.709409±0.000058)。通过成矿地质背景探讨,认为该矿床的形成与晚泥盆世华南地区发生的拉张断陷导致的盆地流体大规模运动有关。锶同位素初始比值测试结果表明江家垭铅锌矿床成矿物质来源可能主要源自围岩碳酸盐岩,成矿过程中陆壳的影响较为明显。  相似文献   

南秦岭安康地区志留系梅子垭组千枚岩中赋存丰富的脉石英矿产资源, 但其作为高纯石英原料研究程度低, 尤其是对其中影响石英提纯的痕量杂质元素含量及其赋存状态缺乏系统认识, 很大程度制约了该区高纯石英原料的质量评价和进一步的找矿突破。本文在厘定安康地区脉石英地质发育特征的基础上, 对研究区产出的3件脉状石英样品(AK200、AK201、AK202)开展了样品杂质元素检测, 对样品矿物学特征、杂质赋存形式和可提纯性能进行了研究, 进而进行了提纯实验, 结果显示, 3件样品提纯后SiO2含量分别为99.993 11%、99.997 66%和99.998 58%, 均达到高纯石英产品质量要求, 其中AK202样品提纯后达到4N8级。研究表明, 提纯后Al、Ti、Na、K为主要杂质元素, Al可能以杂质矿物、晶格杂质两种方式存在; Ti可能多以晶格杂质的方式存在; Na、K多以流体包裹体的方式存在; 杂质矿物、流体包裹体、晶格杂质对该区脉石英质量均产生不同程度影响, 其中流体包裹体为主要影响因素, 晶格杂质次之, 杂质矿物影响最小。这一结论对于评价该区的脉石英矿产资源质量、明确今后找矿目标体特征具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

Different polymorphs of silica and the opals exhibit significant variations in densities. The paper discusses and correlates the variations in the molar refraction with density. It emerges that in different polymorphs of silica, the increase in density involves a corresponding increase in the characteristic dispersion frequencies leading to a decrease in the molar refraction. The variation of the molar refraction with density can be represented in terms of an elementary formula. The variation of the molar refraction of opals with the water content in them is also accounted for.  相似文献   

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