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朱博渊  徐琪  朱玲玲  李义天 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1832-1843
近70年来荆江三口分流持续减少,为分析各历史阶段三口分流变化的驱动因素,根据1955—2021年干支流水文、地形实测资料开展研究,并基于控制变量法识别各驱动因素贡献比例。结果表明:三口分流阶段性减少,且集中在5—11月。长江上游降雨减少导致的干流来流偏枯以及下荆江裁弯、葛洲坝拦沙造成的干流河道冲刷和三口口门淤积对三口分流减少促进作用明显,调弦口堵口对三口分流影响不大,三峡水库蓄水后干流河道与三口口门同步冲刷,三口分流变化不大。长江上游汛期降雨减少明显,对5—11月三口分流减少影响较大,且三口分流主要发生于汛期干流中洪水位时,导致在下荆江裁弯期干流河床大幅下切条件下5—11月分流显著减少;葛洲坝调度、三峡水库初期调度和试验性蓄水调度也集中于5—11月,使得5—11月三口分流量分别减小0.4×108、12.5×108和38.6×108m3。调弦口堵口对三口分流的增大作用远小于降雨的减小作用,贡献比例为负值;下荆江裁弯对三口分流减少的贡献比例达85%;水库运用期降雨对三口分流减少的贡献最大,贡献比例大于50%,葛洲坝调度几乎不...  相似文献   

长江下游仪征河段处于枯季潮流界的上边界,揭示其汊道分流属性及滩槽联动演变机制,对河势控制工程及深水航道工程实践具有重要意义.本研究收集了1955—2021年水文泥沙及地形等资料,在汊道分流关系及调整成因上:世业洲右汊的分流属性为枯水倾向型汊道,即低流量时期分流比大于高流量时期;1959—2021年期间,世业洲右汊分流比经历了“稳定-下降-上升”的调整过程,上游河段滩槽格局调整及流域来沙减少引起的汊道间不均衡冲刷是分流关系调整的主因;流域流量过程调整、河道崩岸等综合影响引起1959—2017年期间世业洲右汊分流比为减小态势,航道工程实施起到了调控汊道关系的功能,世业洲右汊分流比为增加态势.在滩槽联动演变关系上:仪征河段进口段以展宽为主,世业洲左汊展宽程度大于右汊,左汊河床形态变化与进口段滩槽形态的一致性关系优于右汊,即上游进口段滩槽演变、流域来沙量减少等综合作用会加速了左汊发展;2015年南京以下12.5 m深水航道二期工程建设以来,工程区域淤积且洲体完整性增强,且深槽冲刷及河槽容积增大,表明航道工程已实现汊道分流关系及滩槽调控的功能.  相似文献   

黄建平  马丽  张晁军 《地震学报》2006,28(5):529-539
以伤口愈合理论为基础的地震矩比成像算法,把每次大震的能量按照一定的原则在其周围分配,分析地震矩比R值随时空变化的特征,从而找出地震矩比R值与强震的对应关系.本文以中国地震目录分别作分区、震源深度分析和记录完整性分析,应用调整了参数的地震矩比成像算法,分析了1966年以来中国不同地区7.0级以上地震前,震中及其周围R值对应的异常演化过程,发现通过分析R值异常的时空变化,能够定量化确定未来大震的空间范围和时间迫近程度.结果显示,R值的时空变化能够定量反映大震发生的时空要素,而且R值的变化特征能够反映介质破裂的规律.   相似文献   

断层活动协调比计算方法的改进及震例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据断层活动协调比的概念,讨论了起算点对协调比计算结果的影响,提出了移动窗计算断层活动协调比的方法以及离散度评定指标.震例分析结果表明,丽江7.0级地震前丽江场地断层活动协调比数值变化范围较大,分布较离散;震后数值相对稳定,离散度较低.反映了在孕震阶段断层的应变积累以及由其引起的3分量运动相互协调性较差;震后断层处于自由活动状态,积累的应变能得到释放,3分量运动相互协调一致.目前丽江场地断层活动协调比数值离散度处于低值,断层应变积累处于较低水平.  相似文献   

为了解长江靖江段两种刀鲚生态型长颌鲚与短颌鲚的生境履历的不同,利用X射线电子探针微区分析技术研究采集自长江靖江江段的长颌鲚和短颌鲚个体耳石的锶和钙微化学特征.定量分析结果显示,短颌鲚个体的耳石锶、钙比值(即Sr/Ca×10~3)稳定在2.00左右,反映了其在纯淡水生活的习性;而长颌鲚的锶、钙比值波动显著,不仅具有对应淡水生活的低值(1.18±0.48~2.11±0.94),还具有对应半咸水生活的高值(3.39±0.60~6.79±1.13),反映了其溯河洄游的生活习性.短颌鲚因在淡水生活,其淡水系数(FC)值均为1.00,2013年和2014年长颌鲚的FC值分别为0.36±0.06和0.50±0.11,证明了长颌鲚与短颌鲚群体间存在差异,而且长颌鲚不同年份群体间也并不相同.长颌鲚和短颌鲚的洄游模式存在显著差异,同时不同年份间的长颌鲚也存在生境履历差异.靖江段长颌鲚资源群可能来自不同出生地起源及生活史背景不同的群体.该江段是两类刀鲚的重要栖息地或洄游通道.  相似文献   

肖潇  毛北平  吴时强 《湖泊科学》2021,33(1):266-276
洞悉长江洞庭湖汇流河段的水文关系及其变化规律对确保长江中下游的防洪安全至关重要.为了掌握汇流河段水文特征演变情况,本文结合汇流河段处监利、城陵矶、螺山等国家重要水文控制断面的近百年水文资料,通过M-K检验、Morlet小波分析等方法研究了该河段逐日水位、流量等水文数据,分析了汇流河段年内分配、年际变化、变化趋势、突变点及变化周期等水文特征,并探讨了具体成因.研究结果表明:①长江与洞庭湖汇流河段年最高水位一般出现在7月,年最低水位一般出现在1、2月;②汇流河段年径流量主要集中在59月,占年径流总量的63.64%~73.44%;③近50年城陵矶水位高、中、低水分别约抬升0.98、0.56、1.46 m;④近10年城陵矶与监利年径流比降至0.66.⑤在长江中下游水利开发历程中,经突变检验表明,下荆江裁弯取直和三峡蓄水175 m对江湖水文特征的影响较为明显.⑥城陵矶站和螺山站的年径流量、水位平均周期约为16 a,监利站的年径流量、水位平均周期约为8 a.⑦19542017年间,汇流比最大值一直在降低,其发生时间在逐渐提前.以上成果为深入研究流域复杂的江湖演变规律提供了科学参考.  相似文献   

Jiongxin Xu 《水文研究》2005,19(9):1871-1882
In the past 30 years, the measured annual river flow of the Yellow River has declined significantly. After adding the diverted water back to get the ‘natural’ annual river flow, the tendency of decrease can still be seen. This indicates that the river flow renewability of the Yellow River has changed. The river flow renewability is indexed as the ratio of annual ‘natural’ river flow to annual precipitation over a river drainage basin, where the ‘natural’ river flow is the measured annual river flow plus the annual ‘net’ water diversion from the river. By using this index, based on the data from the drainage area between Hekouzhen and Longmen stations on the middle Yellow River, a study has been made of the river flow renewability of the Yellow River in the changing environment of the past 50 years. The river flow renewability index (Irr) in the drainage area between Hekouzhen and Longmen in the middle Yellow River basin has been found to decline significantly with time. In the meantime, annual precipitation decreased, annual air temperature increased, but the area of water and soil conservation measures has been increased. It has been found that Irr is positively correlated with the areal averaged annual precipitation, but negatively correlated with annual air temperature. There is close, negative correlation between Irr and the area of water and soil conservation measures including land terracing, tree and grass planting and checkdam building, implying that water and soil conservation measures have reduced the river flow renewability. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Instream flows are essential determinants of channel morphology, riparian and aquatic flora and fauna, water quality estuarine inflow and stream load transport. The ecological and environmental instream flow requirements (EEIFR) should be estimated to make the exploitation and utilization of water resources in a highly efficient and sustainable way and maintain the river ecosystem good health. As the largest tributary of the Yellow River, the Wei River is the ‘Mother River’ of Guanzhong region in Shaanxi province. It plays a great role in the development of West China and the health of the ecosystem of the Yellow River. The objective of this study is to estimate the EEIFR for improving the Wei River's ecological and environmental condition and develop the river healthily. Concerning the main ecological and environmental functions of the Wei River in Shaanxi Province, the EEIFR for each section of the Wei River including minimum instream flow requirements (IFR) for aquicolous biotopes maintenance, IFR for channel seepage, channel evaporation, stream self‐purification and sediment transportation were estimated in this paper. The methods to estimate the instream flow requirements for stream self‐purification and instream flow requirements for sediment transportation were proposed. The temporal scale of typical years include the year with the probability 25% of occurrence (high‐flow year), the year with the probability 50% (normal‐flow year) and the year with the probability 75% (low‐flow year). The results show that the EEIFR for the Wei River mainly include instream flow requirements for self‐purification and sediment transportation in each typical year. From high‐flow year to low‐flow year, the annual EEIFR for each reach decrease, except those for the reach from Linjiacun to Weijiabao, and from Linjiacun at the upper reaches to Huaxian at the lower reaches, and the annual reach EEIFR decrease in a sequence. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The low and high flow characteristic of the Blue Nile River (BNR) basin is presented. The study discusses low and high flow, flow duration curve (FDC) and trend analysis of the BNR and its major tributaries. Different probability density functions were fitted to better describe the low and high flows of the BNR and major tributaries in the basin. Wavelet analysis was used in understanding the variance and frequency‐time localization and detection of dominant oscillations in rainfall and flow. FDCs were developed, and low flow (below 50% exceedance) and high flow (over 75% exceedance) of the curves were analysed and compared. The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite‐based maps of monthly changes in gravity converted to water equivalents from 2003 to 2006 for February, May and September showed an increase in the moisture influx in the BNR basin for the month of September, and loss of moisture in February and May. It was also shown that 2004 and 2005 were drier with less moisture influx compared to 2003 and 2006. On the basis of the Kolmogorov‐Smirnov, Anderson‐Darling and Chi‐square tests, Gen. Pareto, Frechet 3P, Log‐normal, Log‐logistics, Fatigue Life and Phased Bi‐Weibull distributions best describe the low and high flows within the BNR basin. This will be beneficial in developing flow hydrographs for similar ungauged watersheds within the BNR basin. The below 50% and above 75% exceedance on the FDC for five major rivers in addition to the BNR showed different characteristics depending on size, land cover, topography and other factors. The low flow frequency analysis of the BNR at Bahir Dar showed 0·55 m3/s as the monthly low flow with recurrence interval of 10 years. The wavelet analysis of the rainfall (at Bahir Dar and basin‐wide) and flows at three selected stations shows inter‐ and intra‐annual variability of rainfall and flows at various scales. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

沉积盆地现今热流特征是岩石圈构造-热演化过程的综合反映和盆地热史恢复的必要约束条件,其总体变化趋势与热岩石圈厚度密切相关.本文根据新收集的珠江口盆地19口钻井温度数据,新增计算了19个大地热流数据,其中12个数据位于深水区(水深大于300 m),丰富了该盆地深水区钻井地热数据.结合前人研究成果,绘制了该盆地的大地热流图,并分析了其热流分布特征.在此基础上通过求解一维热传导方程,计算得到36口井位处的热岩石圈厚度,量化了盆地大地热流与热岩石圈厚度间的关系.结果显示,珠江口盆地大地热流值介于24.2~121.0 mW·m-2,平均71.8±13.6 mW·m-2,新增盆地深水区钻井平均热流值高达84.5±4.4 mW·m-2.大地热流分布整体上从陆架区到陆坡区升高,而热岩石圈厚度整体分布趋势与大地热流相反.大地热流与热岩石圈厚度间存在良好的指数相关性.  相似文献   

The annual hydrological regime of the Nakambe River shows substantial changes during the period 1955–1998 with a shift occurring around 1970. From 1970 to the mid-1990s, despite a reduction in rainfall and an increase in the number of dams in the basin, average runoff and maximum daily discharges increased. This paper reviews the hydrological behaviour of the Nakambe River from 1955 to 1998 and examines the potential role of land use change on soil water holding capacity (WHC) in producing the counter-intuitive change in runoff observed after 1970. We compare the results of two monthly hydrological models using different rainfall, potential evapotranspiration and WHC data sets. Model simulations with soil WHC values modified over time based upon historical maps of land use, are compared against simulations with a constant value for WHC. The extent of natural vegetation declined from 43 to 13% of the total basin area between 1965 and 1995, whilst the cultivated areas increased from 53 to 76% and the area of bare soil nearly tripled from 4 to 11%. The total reduction in WHC is estimated to range from 33 to 62% depending on the method used, either considering that the WHC values given by the FAO stand for the environmental situation in 1965 or before. There is a marked improvement in river flow simulation using the time-varying values of soil WHC. The paper ends with a discussion of the role of other factors such as surface runoff processes and groundwater trends in explaining the hydrological behaviour of the Nakambe River.  相似文献   

The assessment of surface water resources (SWRs) in the semi‐arid Yongding River Basin is vital as the basin has been in a continuous state of serious water shortage over the last 20 years. In this study, the first version of the geomorphology‐based hydrological model (GBHM) has been applied to the basin over a long period of time (1956–2000) as part of an SWR assessment. This was done by simulating the natural hydrological processes in the basin. The model was first evaluated at 18 stream gauges during the period from 1990 to 1992 to evaluate both the daily streamflows and the annual SWRs using the land use data for 1990. The model was further validated in 2000 with the annual SWRs at seven major stream gauges. Second, the verified model was used in a 45‐year simulation to estimate the annual SWRs for the basin from 1956 to 2000 using the 1990 land use data. An empirical correlation between the annual precipitation and the annual SWRs was developed for the basin. Spatial distribution of the long‐term mean runoff coefficients for all 177 sub‐basins was also achieved. Third, an additional 10‐year (1991–2000) simulation was performed with the 2000 land use data to investigate the impact of land use changes from 1990 to 2000 on the long‐term annual SWRs. The results suggest that the 10‐year land use changes have led to a decrease of 8·3 × 107 m3 (7·9% of total) for the 10‐year mean annual SWRs in the simulation. To our knowledge, this work is the first attempt to assess the long‐term SWRs and the impact of land use change in the semi‐arid Yongding River Basin using a semi‐distributed hillslope hydrological model. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The climate sensitive analysis of potential climate change on streamflow has been conducted using a hydrologic model to identify hydrologic variability associated with climate scenarios as a function of perturbed climatic variables (e.g. carbon dioxide, temperature, and precipitation). The interannual variation of water resources availability as well as low flow frequency driven by monsoonal time shifts have been investigated to evaluate the likelihood of droughts in a changing climate. The results show that the timing shift of the monsoon window associated with future climate scenarios clearly affect annual water yield change of ? 12 and ? 8% corresponding to 1‐month earlier and 1‐month later monsoon windows, respectively. Also, a more severe low flow condition has been predicted at 0·03 m3/s as opposed to the historic 7Q10 flow of 1·54 m3/s given at extreme climate scenarios. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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