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何琦  肖龙  魏启荣  倪平泽 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3229-3240
滇西吉义独蛇绿混杂岩位于金沙江缝合带的南端,岩石组合出露较齐全,包括堆晶橄榄岩、堆晶辉石岩、堆晶辉长岩以及玄武岩等,它们呈构造岩片的形式产出并与外来岩块组成蛇绿混杂岩.堆晶橄榄岩和辉石岩具低Al_2O_3,低TiO_2,而高Mg~#值(Mg~#=0.88~0.92),富集Cr和Ni,稀土总量偏低(∑REE=14.82×10~(-6)~27.75×10~(-6)),倒"U"型的稀土元素分布特征.堆晶辉长岩和玄武岩的Mg~#值较低,分别为0.70~0.79和0.51~0.66,具拉斑系列的演化趋势.玄武岩可以细分为2组:第一组玄武岩以平坦型稀土配分模式,低Mg~#(Mg~#=0.44~0.46),低稀土总量(∑REE=52.29×10~(-6)~60.26×10~(-6))为特征;第二组玄武岩则为LREE弱富集型的稀土配分模式,其Mg~#较高(Mg~#=0.54~0.68),稀土总量也较高(∑REE=62.13×10~(-6)~101.87×10~(-6)).在原始地幔标准化的微量元素配分图解中,两组玄武岩均相对富集大离子亲石元素而亏损Nb、Ta和Ti,与岛弧岩浆岩类似,明显不同于N-MORB.岩石的Sr-Nd同位素组成较为均一和稳定,堆晶橄榄岩和辉石岩的(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i=0.7051~0.7056,5_(Nd)(t)=2.8~4.1,玄武岩的(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i=0.7050~0.7056,ε_(Nd)(t)=5.1~5.8,且显示出原始地幔的同位素组成特征,暗示这些岩石为同源岩浆分异演化而成的岩浆产物.岩浆演化的主要方式为分离结晶作用,受地壳混染不明显.岩浆结晶形成岩石的顺序为:堆晶橄榄岩→堆晶辉石岩→堆晶辉长岩→玄武岩2组→玄武岩1组.岩石地球化学特征表明,吉义独蛇绿岩的形成与俯冲作用有关,且形成于金沙江洋内俯冲的消减环境.  相似文献   

张望  王居里  胡洋 《岩石学报》2021,37(4):1139-1158



The Izu-Bonin intra-oceanic arc with 20–35 km thick continental crust is being subducted under the Honshu, presumably since 17 Ma. Tomographic image clearly demonstrates that the whole Izu-Bonin arc is subducting under the Honshu arc. Geologic cross section and the thickness of continental crust do not support the accretion of thick crust in spite of the continued subduction over 17 Ma.  相似文献   

黄彤宇  王强  杨宗永 《岩石学报》2024,40(3):719-740

俯冲侵蚀是指在板块俯冲过程中, 俯冲板块通过构造作用移走俯冲上盘的物质并将其带到深部地幔的过程。前人研究表明, 俯冲侵蚀在新生代环太平洋俯冲带是一种十分普遍且非常重要的地质过程, 同时对活动陆缘的构造变形、岩浆弧的形成、金属成矿、壳-幔物质循环以及大陆地壳的生长与演化均具有重要的影响。本文在回顾前人研究历史的基础上, 简要介绍了俯冲侵蚀的基本模型和控制因素, 系统总结了俯冲侵蚀引起的地质效应以及识别依据, 分析探讨了俯冲侵蚀与金属成矿、大陆地壳演化的关系。此外, 本文还介绍了俯冲侵蚀在国内的研究现状, 并分析了青藏高原的班公湖-怒江缝合带和雅鲁藏布江缝合带晚中生代俯冲侵蚀识别的研究实例, 揭示了欧亚大陆南缘在晚中生代是一个侵蚀型的板块汇聚边界。最后对我国今后开展相关研究提出了一些思考和展望。


The Zedong ophiolite is the largest ophiolite massif east of Dazhuqu in the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone in the southern Tibetan Plateau. However, its age, geodynamic setting and relationship to the Xigaze ophiolite remain controversial. New zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock geochemical and Nd–Pb isotopic data from ophiolitic units provide constraints on the geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Zedong ophiolite. U–Pb zircon geochronology of dolerite lavas and late gabbro–diabase dikes yield weighted mean ages of 153.9 ± 2.5 Ma and 149.2 ± 5.1 Ma, respectively. Strong positive εNd(t) and positive Δ7/4Pb and Δ8/4Pb values indicate derivation from a highly depleted mantle source with an isotopic composition similar to that of the Indian MORB-type mantle. The geochemistry of ophiolitic lavas and early dikes are analogous to typical island arc tholeiites whereas late dikes are similar to boninites. The geochemistry of these rock types suggests multi-stage partial melting of the mantle and gradually enhanced subduction influences to the mantle source through time. Combined with the MORB-like 162.9 ± 2.8 Ma Luobusha ophiolitic lavas, we suggest that the Luobusha lavas, Zedong lavas and early dikes originated in an infant proto-arc setting whereas late dikes in the Zedong ophiolite originated in a forearc setting. Together, they represent a Neo-Tethyan subduction initiation sequence. The Late Jurassic intra-oceanic proto-arc to forearc setting of the Zedong ophiolite contrasts with the continental margin forearc setting for the Xigaze ophiolite, which suggests a laterally complex geodynamic setting for ophiolites along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone.  相似文献   

张晓冉  席锦钰  刘平平  李舢 《岩石学报》2023,39(9):2554-2568

板块俯冲起始是板块构造理论的核心内容, 但却研究最为薄弱。印度尼西亚北苏拉威西岛弧是始新世期间开始发育的一个印度洋洋内弧, 其记录了多期次(包括印度洋、马鲁古海和西里伯斯海)的且处于不同演化阶段的俯冲作用及相应的俯冲起始过程, 因此该岛弧是研究板块俯冲起始的天然实验室。本文通过回顾板块俯冲起始研究进展, 结合北苏拉威西岛弧内已有的野外调查、锆石U-Pb定年、岩石地球化学特征等, 以厘清区域内岛弧岩浆的岩石类型、形成时代、空间分布和岩浆活动节律, 制约岛弧岩浆的构造背景和岩浆源区性质等, 并着重关注该岛弧内可能与板块俯冲起始相关的地质和岩石记录, 如弧前玄武岩、玻安岩、俯冲带(SSZ)型蛇绿岩、变质底板等。在此基础上, 综合限定北苏拉威西岛弧记录的印度洋洋壳俯冲历史, 探讨其俯冲起始的时间与地球动力学机制。本文仅抛砖引玉, 期待更多学者参与到北苏拉威西岛弧板块俯冲起始的研究中来。



大兴安岭中段地区位于新林-喜桂图断裂带与贺根山-黑河断裂带之间的兴安增生地体之上, 是多个构造域交汇的重要构造部位。该地区在晚古生代至早中生代时期经历了古亚洲洋构造域向蒙古鄂霍次克洋构造域的转换。本文选择该地区的上三叠统地层开展研究, 以期确定其形成的构造背景, 同时来限定上述两大构造域对中国东北影响的时空范围。此次工作使用LA-ICP-MS U-Pb法对大兴安岭中段地区上三叠统柴河组中变质长石细粒砂岩进行碎屑锆石测年和杏仁状角闪安山岩锆石测年。碎屑锆石最年轻一组年龄的加权平均值为219Ma, 杏仁状角闪安山岩夹层的加权平均年龄为217Ma, 结合地层内化石限定了柴河组沉积于晚三叠世中期, 该年龄和额尔古纳地块上与蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋演化相关的岩浆活动事件吻合。另有地球化学分析表明, 柴河组砂岩具有高SiO2、Al2O3、低MgO的特征, K2O/Na2O平均值为10.58, 指示砂岩为杂砂岩特征, 轻稀土富集, 重稀土分布平坦, 存在一定的Eu富集, 在化学成分特征上显示出大陆岛弧的特点, 沉积岩源岩主要来自上地壳; 通过物源分析结果揭示出柴河组砂岩来源于再旋回造山带, 碎屑物磨圆度较低、分选较差, 表现出源区相对不稳定, 快速剥蚀、搬运及沉积的特征。这些特征表明, 柴河组沉积过程中处于汇聚(俯冲)型沉积环境, 属于汇聚板块边缘弧后前陆沉积盆地特征, 以挤压型沉积作用为主。结合前人研究成果, 我们认为柴河组形成于晚三叠世时期蒙古-鄂霍次克洋板块向南俯冲的构造背景下。


Isotope data and trace elements concentrations are presented for volcanic and plutonic rocks from the Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George and Ardley islands (South Shetland arc, Antarctica). These islands were formed during subduction of the Phoenix Plate under the Antarctica Plate from Cretaceous to Tertiary. Isotopically (87Sr/86Sr)o ratios vary from 0.7033 to 0.7046 and (143Nd/144Nd)o ratios from 0.5127 to 0.5129. εNd values vary from +2.71 to +7.30 that indicate asthenospheric mantle source for the analysed samples. 208Pb/204Pb ratios vary from 38.12 to 38.70, 207Pb/204Pb ratios are between 15.49 and 15.68, and 206Pb/204Pb from 18.28 to 18.81. The South Shetland rocks are thought to be derived from a depleted MORB mantle source (DMM) modified by mixtures of two enriched mantle components such as slab-derived melts and/or fluids and small fractions of oceanic sediment (EM I and EM II). The isotopic compositions of the subduction component can be explained by mixing between at least 4 wt.% of sediment and 96 wt.% of melts and/or fluids derived from altered MORB.  相似文献   

张泽明  丁慧霞  董昕  田作林  杜瑾雪 《岩石学报》2021,37(11):3377-3398
形成在汇聚板块边缘的俯冲带由俯冲岩石圈板块和上部岩石圈板块组成,具有不对称的热结构。俯冲岩石圈板块具有冷的地温梯度,而上部岩石圈板块具有热的地温梯度。俯冲板块的变质作用发生在5~15℃/km地温梯度下,可进一步划分为冷俯冲板块型(5~10℃/km)和热俯冲板块型(10~15℃/km),即西阿尔卑斯型和古巴型。俯冲带上板块的变质作用发生15~50℃/km地温梯度下,可进一步划为冷地壳型(15~25℃/km)和热地壳型(25~50℃/km),统称为科迪勒拉型。冷俯冲板块的变质作用是以大洋和大陆地壳岩石深俯冲到地幔,发生低温/高压及超高压变质作用为特征。所形成的低温/高压和超高压变质岩具有顺时针型P-T轨迹,其折返过程是以近等温或升温降压和部分熔融为特征。热俯冲板块型变质作用发生在年轻板块的正常俯冲和古老板块的平缓俯冲过程中。从大洋岩石圈初始俯冲到成熟俯冲,俯冲板块的地温梯度由热到冷,从热俯冲型转变成冷俯冲型。热俯冲板块的变质岩可具有顺时针型,也可具有逆时针型P-T轨迹,可以发生高温和高压下的部分熔融,形成埃达克质岩浆岩。俯冲带上板块的冷地壳型变质作用发生在构造挤压导致的加厚地壳环境,加厚的下地壳发生高温、高压麻粒岩相和榴辉岩相变质作用,可具有顺时针和逆时针型P-T轨迹。加厚新生下地壳的部分熔融形成埃达克质岩浆和高密度的基性残留体(弧榴辉岩)。热地壳型变质作用发生在构造伸展导致的减薄地壳环境。由于强烈的幔源岩浆增生和软流圈上涌,下地壳发生高温或超高温麻粒岩相变质作用和部分熔融,所形成的变质岩可具有顺时针型或逆时针型P-T轨迹。在岩浆弧加厚地壳的伸展过程中,早先形成的高温和高压变质岩可以叠加超高温变质作用。俯冲带上板块的岩浆弧可能是超高温变质岩形成的最主要构造环境。上板块下地壳的部分熔融可以形成大体积的花岗岩,由此导致新生地壳组成和成分的分异,是大陆地壳生长和成熟的重要机制。大陆碰撞造山带的加厚下地壳具有冷的地温梯度,可以发生高压麻粒岩和榴辉岩相变质作用。这些高级变质岩具有顺时针型P-T轨迹,在其折返过程中叠加中压、高温,甚至超高温变质作用。碰撞造山带下地壳的长期部分熔融可以形成不同成分的壳源花岗岩。  相似文献   

大陆边缘动力沉降及其深部构造作用控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘少峰 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1199-1212
动力沉降是动力地形的一种,即动力地形低。动力地形一般认为具有两种成因,一种为与超大陆集聚和分散有关的动力地形,另一种为与大洋板片俯冲有关的动力地形。大陆边缘动力沉降的模拟已经提出了不同的动力学模型,如大洋板块缓倾角或陡倾角俯冲模型、不同样式(俯冲角度变化和速度变化)和性质(大洋岩石圈热年代变化等)的大洋板块俯冲模式和具应力引导的、动态三维的板块俯冲模型。关于大陆边缘动力沉降及其深部板块俯冲作用控制的研究已经趋向更加符合实际、更加精细和系统。对深部地幔活动及其地表动力地形响应的深入研究有望对关于大陆边缘区高级别层序单元及其界面的成因机制、大陆内部动力沉降与深部构造作用之间的耦合关系、我国晚中生代至新生代大陆边缘区动力学背景和油气资源评价等问题的研究取得新的进展和突破。  相似文献   

John Milsom   《Tectonophysics》2005,410(1-4):325-336
It is now widely, although not universally, accepted that the Carpathian orogen marks the site of an arc–continent collision that followed the subduction of a now vanished small ocean basin. Seismic tomography has defined a high-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle similar to those associated with subduction zones worldwide. There is, however, no recognisable Wadati–Benioff Zone (WBZ), and intermediate-depth seismicity is confined to a relatively small, roughly cylindrical and vertically elongated region beneath the extreme southeastern corner of the mountain chain. There is no consensus in the published studies as to the origin of this ‘Vrancea Zone’.

The Banda Sea region of eastern Indonesia has sometimes been cited as an analogue for the Pannonian/Transylvanian basin and the enclosing Carpathian orocline, but at first sight the patterns of seismicity appear very different. Intermediate depth seismic activity defines a subducted slab that dips north, south and west beneath the Banda Sea, a configuration explained as a consequence of the rapid expansion of the sea during roll-back subduction. If the similar scenario proposed for the Carpathians is correct, then it is the absence of a Carpathian WBZ that is actually anomalous. Closer examination of Banda Arc seismicity shows that it can be divided into two parts, these being a scoop-shaped WBZ and an adjacent ‘Damar Zone’ of much more intense intermediate-depth activity. At its eastern end the Damar Zone merges with the WBZ, but in the west there is evidence for separation from it. A plausible explanation of this pattern is that a lower layer of the downgoing slab is peeling away from the remainder.

The Banda/Australia collision is now almost complete and the activity in the WBZ proper can be expected to decrease. Damar Zone activity, on the other hand, may persist for a much longer period, migrating towards the foreland as the detaching layer separates from the remainder of the subducted lithosphere. In a few million years the seismicity of the Banda region could well resemble the present day seismicity of the Carpathian orogen.  相似文献   

岛弧-弧后盆地是海底热液硫化物发育的重要环境。本文总结了近几十年对西太平洋地区岛弧-弧后盆地热液活动调查及研究的成果,阐述了岛弧-弧后盆地热液活动的分布规律、构造环境、热液喷口水深和流体温度变化关系、相分离过程以及热液硫化物的金属元素组成特征,分析了成矿元素富集规律和控矿因素。研究认为,随着岛弧-弧后盆地热液喷口所处水深的增加,其最高喷口流体温度也相应增加,这与相分离过程有关;岛弧-弧后盆地热液硫化物与洋中脊硫化物不同,以Fe-Zn-Pb型硫化物为主,显著富集Zn、Pb、Au、Ag等金属元素;热液成矿作用主要受到岛弧及弧后扩张处的岩浆作用、相分离、基岩、弧后扩张速率、沉积物盖层等5类因素的制约。  相似文献   

申婷婷  张立飞  李旭平 《岩石学报》2012,28(7):2235-2249
新疆西天山长阿吾子异剥钙榴岩是目前首例发现的在俯冲带形成的原岩为榴辉岩的异剥钙榴岩,与其作用的流体为俯冲带流体。该异剥钙榴岩与大洋底变质作用形成的异剥钙榴岩相比,岩石学特征非常相似,但是元素迁移方面存在一定的差别。为了推断流体成分,我们使用了三种方法。一、测试了异剥钙榴岩化前后主要矿物相石榴石和辉石化学成分。二、在ACF图上,可以看出全岩成分从F端元向C端元演化,代表Fe减少,Ca增加的趋势,而且完全异剥钙榴岩成分落在了前人所做的异剥钙榴岩成分区间内。三、假设Al为不迁移元素,根据Grant的计算方法,做出主量元素、微量元素和REE的等浓度图。综合以上分析结果推断,俯冲带中流体的成分是复杂和变化的:部分异剥钙榴岩化阶段流体富集Ca、Si、Ti、Mn、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf,贫乏Fe、Mg、Na、K、REE、Tb、Y,氧逸度升高,流体属于不饱和状态,因此导致不平衡结构发育;完全异剥钙榴岩阶段,流体富集Ca、Mg、LREE、Ni、Cr,贫乏Fe、Ti、Rb、Ba、MREE、HREE等元素,此时流体作用强烈,富水流体相的强烈淋滤作用,使得大部分元素发生了迁移。  相似文献   

The western Hellenic subduction zone is characterized by a trenchward velocity of the upper plate. In the Ionian islands segment, complete seismic coupling is achieved, as is predicted by standard plate-tectonic models in which there is no slab pull force because the slab has broken off. The moderate local seismic moment rate relates to a shallow downdip limit for the seismogenic interface. This characteristic may be attributed to the ductility of the lower crust of the upper plate, which allows a décollement between the upper crust of the overriding plate and the subducting plate. Farther south, a deeper downdip limit of the seismogenic interface is indicated by thrust-faulting earthquakes, which persist much deeper in western Crete. A correspondingly larger downdip width of this seismogenic zone is consistent with the suggested larger maximum magnitude of earthquakes here. However, since the seismic moment release rate seems to be moderate in the Peloponnese and western Crete, like in in the Ionian islands, this seismically active interface cannot maintain complete seismic coupling across its larger downdip width. A cause may be the lateral addition of overweight to the part of the slab still attached in Crete, by the free fall of its part that has broken off from the surface further north. This increased slab pull reduces the compressive normal stress across the seismogenic interface and thus causes partial seismic coupling in its shallower part. However, the width of this part may provide an additional area contributing to slip in large earthquakes, which may nucleate deeper on stick-slip parts of the interface. Hints at anomalies in structure and seismicity, which need to be resolved, may relate to the present location of the edge of the tear in the slab.  相似文献   

冈底斯岩浆弧的形成与演化   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
位于青藏高原南部的冈底斯岩浆弧是新特提斯大洋岩石圈长期俯冲导致的中生代岩浆作用的产物,而且在印度与亚洲大陆碰撞过程中叠加了强烈的新生代岩浆作用,是世界上典型的复合型大陆岩浆弧,也是研究增生与碰撞造山作用和大陆地壳生长与再造的天然实验室。基于岩浆、变质和成矿作用研究成果,我们将冈底斯弧的形成与演化历史划分5期,即新特提斯洋早期俯冲、新特提斯洋中脊俯冲、新特提斯洋晚期俯冲、印度-亚洲大陆碰撞和后碰撞期。第1期发生在晚白垩世之前,是以新特提斯洋岩石圈的长期俯冲、地幔楔部分熔融形成钙碱性弧岩浆岩为特征。长期的幔源岩浆作用导致了整个冈底斯弧发生显著的新生地壳生长,并在岩浆弧西部形成了一个大型的与俯冲相关的斑岩型铜矿。第2期发生在晚白垩世,活动的新特提斯洋中脊发生俯冲,软流软圈沿板片窗上涌,使上升的软流圈、地幔楔和俯冲洋壳发生部分熔融,导致了强烈的幔源岩浆作用和显著的新生地壳生长与加厚,并以不同类型和不同成分岩浆岩的同时发育和伴随的高温变质作用为特征。第3期发生在晚白垩世晚期,为新特提斯洋脊俯冲后残余大洋岩石圈的俯冲期,以正常的弧型岩浆作用为特征。第4期发生在古新世至中始新世,伴随印度与亚洲大陆的碰撞,俯冲的新特提斯洋岩石圈回转和断离引起软流圈上涌,诱发了强烈的幔源岩浆作用。在此阶段,大陆碰撞导致的地壳挤压缩短和幔源岩浆的底侵与增生,使冈底斯弧经历了显著的地壳生长和加厚,新生和古老加厚下地壳的高压、高温变质和部分熔融,幔源和壳源岩浆岩的共生和强烈的岩浆混合。所形成的I型花岗岩大多继承了新生地壳弧型岩浆岩的化学成分,并多显出埃达克岩的地球化学特征。在岩浆弧北部形成了一系列与起源于古老地壳花岗岩相关的Pb-Zn矿床。第5期发生在晚渐新世到早-中中新世的后碰撞挤压过程中,以地壳的继续加厚,加厚下地壳的高温变质、部分熔融和埃达克质岩石的形成为特征。在岩浆弧东段南部形成了一系列与起源于新生加厚下地壳埃达克质岩石相关的斑岩型Cu-Au-Mo矿。冈底斯带的多期岩浆、变质与成矿作用为其从新特提斯洋俯冲到印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的构造演化提供了重要限定。  相似文献   

藏南侏罗纪残留洋弧的地球化学特征及其大地构造意义   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带残留一系列中生代洋弧,厘定这些洋弧的形成时代和地球化学性质对于理解新特提斯洋的消减过程、确定南拉萨地体的组成和限定印度-欧亚板块的碰撞时限等都具有重要的意义。泽当微地体位于雅鲁藏布江缝合带东段,主要由英云闪长岩、花岗闪长岩和角闪岩组成。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,位于泽当西部的花岗闪长岩(简称泽当花岗闪长岩)形成于157.5±1.4Ma,与东部的英云闪长岩形成时代相近。全岩元素和同位素(Sr和Nd)地球化学分析结果表明泽当花岗闪长岩具有以下地球化学特征:(1)较高的SiO2(64.4%~68.4%)和Al2O3(16.9%~18.4%);(2)较高的Na2O/K2O比值(>2.1),显示富钠的特征;(3)富集LREE,亏损HREE,从Ho到Lu稀土分布样式上翘((Ho/Yb)N=0.69~0.90)和明显的Eu负异常;(4)较低的Y(<7.19×10-6)和Yb(<0.88×10-6),较高的Sr/Y>119.7和La/Yb>22.4,在Sr/Y-Y和La/Yb-Yb图解中,泽当花岗闪长岩都落入埃达克岩区域内;(5)87Sr/86Sr(t)(0.704065~0.704439)值较低,εNd(t)(+5.1~+6.1)值较高,显示其来自亏损地幔的特征;(6)亏损Zr、Hf、Ti和Y等高场强元素,富集大离子亲石元素,显示了岛弧岩浆岩的典型特征。上述数据表明,泽当花岗闪长岩不仅具有明显的岛弧岩浆岩的特征,而且具有显著的埃达克质特征,可能是在来自地幔楔部分熔融体的板底垫托作用下,新生基性下地壳重熔的产物。泽当微地体是一个残留的晚侏罗纪洋弧系统,是中生代新特提斯洋洋内俯冲系统的残留。  相似文献   

The Wolhyeonri complex in the southwestern margin of the Korean Peninsula is divided into three lithotectonic units: Late Paleozoic Zone I to the west, Middle Paleozoic Zone II in the middle and Early Paleozoic Zone III to the east. Zones II and III display characteristics of continental arc magmatic sequence. Zone II is dominated by mafic metavolcanics, whereas zone III is characterized by the presence of dismembered serpentinite bodies including chaotic mélange. These zones are proposed to have been formed in a convergent margin setting associated with subduction. Here we present zircon SHRIMP U–Pb ages from the various units within the Wolhyeonri complex which reveal the Paleozoic tectonic history of the region. The Late Carboniferous ages obtained from the main shear zone between the Wolhyeonri complex and the Paleoproterozoic Gyeonggi massif are thought to mark the timing of continental arc magmatism associated with the subduction process. In contrast, Zone I with Neoproterozoic arc magmatic remnants might indicate deposition in a forearc basin. The Wolhyeonri complex also preserves strong imprints of the Triassic collisional event, including the presence of Middle Triassic high-pressure metabasites and eclogites near the eastern boundary of the Zone III. These range of radiogenic ages derived from the Wolhyeonri complex correlate well with subduction and accretion history between the North and South China cratons. Similar geochronological features have also been indentified from the Qinling, Tongbai–Xinxian, and northern Dabie areas in east-central China. The existence of Paleozoic coeval subduction in East Asia prior to the Triassic collision is broadly consistent with a regional tectonic linkage to Gondwana.  相似文献   

万加亮  王志洪 《岩石学报》2012,28(8):2629-2646
本文对五台地区侵入于原北金岗库组的雁门关镁铁-超镁铁岩体进行了详细的岩石学、矿物学和岩石地球化学分析研究.雁门关岩体在矿物成份上,特别是单斜辉石、尖晶石和角闪石,具有阿拉斯加型侵入岩体和俯冲带或弧相关的岩浆特征,其元素地球化学特征也可与阿拉斯加型侵入杂岩体类比,具有明显的Nd (Ta),Zr (Hf),Y和Ti负异常.从构造环境判别图来看,雁门关岩体主要为与俯冲相关的成因,具大陆边缘弧的性质.因此,雁门关岩体是侵入在大陆边缘弧环境的岩浆经历了橄榄石和单斜辉石的分离结晶作用的产物.它与恒山-五台-阜平地区广泛分布的同时代花岗岩和火山岩一起,构成了华北克拉通中部造山带内一期重要的古元古代大陆边缘岛弧岩浆活动.  相似文献   


The northern zone of the Chon Aike Igneous Province, located in the North Patagonian Massif, exhibits extensive outcrops of Jurassic volcanic rocks of the Marifil Formation. In the Arroyo Verde area, the initial volcanic stage of the Marifil Formation, that we denominate V0 (192.6 ± 2.5 Ma), includes coulées, megabreccias and lapilli tuffs assigned to plinian-type volcanism. This magmatism was generated by cold-wet-oxidized magmas that resemble those produced in active continental margins and volcanic arcs. The second stage, located unconformably over the first, includes welded lava-like ignimbrites, massive lapilli tuff and rhyolitic lava flow that resemble the Snake River-type volcanism. The magma that produces this volcanic stage exhibit the characteristics of hot-dry-reduced magmas emplaced in intraplate continental environments associated with continental rifting. This stage coincides with the V1 volcanic episode early recorded in the Marifil Formation.  相似文献   

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