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Summary The seasonal and annual duration of sunshine in Austria during the 30 year period 1960–1989 is analyzed and the trends during this time interval are mapped. It is shown that sunshine decreased in the northern and eastern parts of Austria. In the mountain regions only small changes can be seen but there is some evidence that in the high mountain regions a remarkable increase in sunshine duration has taken place.Dedicated to O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. F. Steinhauser.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

In this study, linkage between changing characteristics of precipitation extremes and cloud covers over Central India is explored during summer monsoon period using Satellite data (1998–2015). This is a first attempt to relate the changes in cloud cover to the changes in precipitation extremes. Non-rainy cirrus clouds are excluded from this study. Results show that heavy rainfall (≥ 60 mm/day) is associated with cold cloud tops (Tb≤220 K) while moderate rainfall (<60 mm/day and ≥20 mm) occurs mostly with middle clouds (Tb>220 K and ≤245 K). Low level clouds (Tb> 245 K) are responsible for light rainfall (<20 mm/day). Increases in top 20%, 10%, 5% and 1% heavy precipitation relate well with the increases in very deep convective, deep convective and convective cloud cover. Among these relations, increase in top 5% heavy precipitation relates best with increase in very deep convective cloud cover. Decrease in bottom 30% low precipitation relates with decrease in low level cloud cover. The results reported in this study fit into the framework of how weather extremes respond to climate change.  相似文献   

A statistical structure of the time series of air temperature with a daily resolution is studied from the data of nine meteorological stations of Russia for the period from 1961 to 2006. A quantitative relation is obtained between the temperature anomaly duration and its extrema for different seasons of the year. The analysis also enabled to reveal the increase in the duration of long-term air temperature anomalies from the west to the east.  相似文献   

浅谈暗筒式日照计日照时数失真的原因及解决方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结多年地面测报工作实践经验,寻找日照时数失真的原因,并提出几点能有效避免日照时数记录失真的方法。  相似文献   

南海及周边地区云量分布及低云量与南海海温的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张亚洲 《气象科学》2012,32(3):260-268
利用国际卫星云气候计划提供的月平均云气候资料集,分析了南海及周边地区云量的分布特征,并进一步研究了低云量与南海海温的关系。结果表明:(1)南海及周边地区总云量分布存在显著的季节性差异特征。(2)低云主要分布在南海海区,中云为华南地区,而高云则主要位于靠近赤道区域。(3)低云受海表温度影响较大,而中高云则主要与强对流相对应。低云主要分布于南海海表冷水中心南侧的暖水区内的温度梯度区,其高值区分布与海表温度梯度分布基本一致,海表温度梯度的大小与高值中心的低云量成正比。(4)低云量高值中心位置与水平海温梯度区两侧基本一致,高温暖水受西边界强迫上升在海表层辐合,有利于低云的生成。  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - In recent decades, automated sensors for sunshine duration (SD) measurements have been introduced in meteorological networks, thereby replacing traditional...  相似文献   

日照计(暗筒式)在仪器合格、安装正确的情况下,感光迹线呈固有的表现形式,具有明显的特征.一旦仪器安装上出现偏差,感光迹线便出现异常.1980年版的<地面气象观测>(全国中等气象学校试用教材)曾对仪器底座安装不水平时感光迹线的表现形式作过如下表述:  相似文献   

徐大海 《气象》1990,16(12):21-25
本文给出了有云天空入射太阳辐射量计算式,将Pasquill稳定度类别的Turner(或Gordon)判别法与Smith判别法直接联系了起来。说明按有效云量即总云量与低云量之和的一半所判别的太阳辐射强度指数,将使Turner方法更简单、准确。  相似文献   

Summary At Berlin-Dahlem, monthly single station data on cloudiness, sunshine duration, mean, maximum and minimum temperature is statistically analyzed for the time period 1955–1993.It is found that sunshine duration varies inversely with cloud cover; cloud cover correlates negatively with temperature range. Cloud cover correlates negatively with temperature between March and September, and positively with temperature during the remaining months.Between 1955 und 1993, there are no significant changes in temperature range in any month but June and September, when a decline occurred.Sunshine declined significantly in March, June and September. Trends between 1955 and 1987 indicate a larger decline of sunshine and decline in temperature range than between 1955 and 1993.Locally, sulfate deposition, which may be taken as an indicator of the atmospheric sulfate load, decreased by more than a third between the mid-1950s and the late 1980s. Therefore, at Berlin, the observed increase of cloudiness (decrease of sunshine duration) between the 1950s and the late 1980s went parallel to the measured decrease of sulfate deposition.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the daily and hourly values of sunshine duration, as well as the spells of virtually sunless days (daily sunshine duration 3.0 hrs) in Crete island are examined for the decade 1971–1980, which has been chosen for homogeneity of the existing observations.We have found that the sunshine duration at meteorological stations on the south side of Crete island exceeds the sunshine duration at the meteorological stations located on the north side of the island, which is attributed to the combination of Crete's relief and the prevalence of the north winds. We have also found that the sunshine duration measured at the meteorological stations on the east side of the island during the cold period of the year (October-March) exceeds the sunshine measured at the meteorological stations on the west side. This excess is attributed to the influence of the moving cyclones of the Mediterranean Sea especially during this season.We also believe that the moving cyclones are responsible for the same picture which appears when we study the virtually sunless spells with 1, 2 or three consecutive days at all the examined meteorological stations, while virtually sunless spells with more than 3 days show a concentration on meteorological stations on the north side of the island which is caused by the ground relief and the north-blowing winds.Finally, we found that virtually sunless spells follow a modified G. Polya distribution which, using theX 2-test, gives a very good fit at the 95% confidence level.
Zusammenfassung Es werden die tägliche und stündliche Sonnenscheindauer sowie Tage mit kurzer Besonnung (tägliche Sonnenscheindauer 3,0 Stunden) auf Kreta für die Dekade 1971–1980, die aufgrund der Homogenität der Beobachtungen ausgewählt wurde, untersucht.Die Sonnenscheindauer auf der Südseite der Insel übersteigt die auf der Nordseite, was auf das Relief Kretas und die vorherrschenden Nordwinde zurückgeführt wird. In der kalten Jahreszeit (Oktober bis März) übersteigt die Sonnenscheindauer im Osten die im Westen. Dieser Unterschied dürfte auf den zu dieser Zeit starken Einfluß der wandernden Zyklonen im Mittelmeer zurückzuführen sein.Es wird vermutet, daß das vermehrte Auftreten von ein bis drei aufeinanderfolgenden, praktisch sonnenfreien Tagen im Westen auf die gleiche Ursache zurückzuführen ist, während mehr als drei sonnenfreie Tage konzentriert im Norden auftreten, wohl wegen des Reliefs und des Nordwinds.Schließlich wird gezeigt, daß die praktisch sonnenfreien Tage einer modifzierten Polya-Verteilung folgen. EinX 2-Test ergibt eine gute Übereinstimmung mit einem 95% Konfidenzintervall.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

基于昌吉地区10个气象站点1970-2020年的气象观测数据,运用气候倾向法、5年滑动平均趋势分析法、M-K检验法、Pearson相关分析法以及ArcGIS10.7环境下的反距离加权(IDW)插值法探究昌吉地区日照时数时空变化规律及影响因素。结果表明:昌吉地区日照时数多年平均值为2840.3h,空间分布特征为“东部多,中西部少;山区多,平原少”,并呈现显著减少趋势,其速率为-62.8h/10a;从季度上看,日照时数夏季最高,其次是春季和秋季,冬季最低;下降速率冬季最快,其次是秋季和夏季,春季变化幅度最小;日照时数年内变化呈现双峰型,最大值出现在5月、7月和8月,最小值出现在12月,1-12月日照时数均呈现减少趋势,1月减少最为明显,12月次之。昌吉地区年日照时数在1987年发生突变;在影响因子方面,日照时数与总云量、水气压、雾日数呈现显著负相关,与大风日数、扬沙日数呈现显著正相关,说明,总云量、水气压、雾日数的逐年增加和大风日数逐年减少是日照时数逐年减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

On the cover     
正A scientist from the NIFROCLIM (Soil nitrogen turnover and nitrous oxide emissions in permafrost landscapes of northern China in a changing climate; www.nifroclim.de) project collecting intact frozen soil cores. For more information on the NIFROCLIM project, see Ramm et al. (2020), starting on page 793, in this issue.  相似文献   

On the cover     
正Greenhouse gas emissions (top) in cities can be detected in remote areas (bottom).The cover art design for the bottom figure is reproduced from a photo taken by Mr.Peng LIU showing the China Global Atmosphere Watch Baseline Observatory (CGAWBO) at Mt.Waliguan,Qinghai Province.For more information,see the  相似文献   

The data series of monthly clouldiness over global ocean from COADS was compared with that of from satellite Nimbus-7 during April 1979 to March 1985. The correspondence between them is good. Both the two methods of observation can provide useful information of the distribution of cloudiness and the two data sets can be mutually complementary.  相似文献   

On the cover     
正In this issue, Brient (2020), beginning on page 1, reviews the concept of emergent constraints, which aims to find relationships between intermodel variations of some aspect of the recent observable climate and the uncertainties of particular future climate predictions. The idea is that the observations would then inform the  相似文献   

Summary Two lines of research into climate change and El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) converge on the conclusion that changes in ENSO statistics occur as a response to global climate (temperature) fluctuations. One approach focuses on the statistics of temperature fluctuations interpreted within the framework of random walks. The second is based on the discovery of correlation between the recurrence frequency of El Niño and temperature change, while developing physical arguments to explain several phenomena associated with changes in El Niño frequency. Consideration of both perspectives leads to greater confidence in, and guidance for, the physical interpretation of the relationship between ENSO and global climate change. Topics considered include global dynamics of ENSO, ENSO triggers, and climate prediction and predictability.Revised November 14, 2002; accepted November 28, 2002 Published online: June 12, 2003  相似文献   

陈传振  张秀娟  李莉  董明 《山东气象》2021,41(4):95-101
利用南极长城站 1988—2017 年连续的日照、云量、天气现象、气温和湿度等观测资料,研究 了南极西部乔治王岛 30 a的日照变化特征及其与气象要素的关系。 结果显示,南极地区的日照时 间远少于中低纬度地区,这主要因为该地区常年以阴云天气为主,云层对太阳光的遮挡降低了日 照时间的总量值。2000 年以来,随着总云量和相对湿度的增加,日照时间呈减少趋势。 根据统计分析月平均相对湿度以及每月出现雨、雪、雾、轻雾、吹雪等天气现象和最低气温三0 ℃的天数,发 现液态( 固态) 现象的发生频率与日照百分率的变化趋势一致(相反) ,即日照百分率低(高) 时,液态现象少(多) ,固态现象多(少) 。  相似文献   

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