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冬季夜晚闪烁的群星中,猎户座里的两颗主星十分醒目。猎户座的α星中名为参宿四,肉眼看上去是一颗红色亮星,事实上,它是一颗变星,星等在2~0等左右。猎户座的β星中名为参宿七,它是一颗白色亮星,星等为0.1等。猎户座α星和β星的关系很有趣。按星等来说,β星是猎户座里最亮的恒星,但它却屈居老二。  相似文献   

The alidade's non-uniform temperature field of a large radio telescope is very obvious under solar radiation. Estimating a radio telescope's pointing errors, caused by the alidade deformation under solar radiation, is significant to improve the telescope's pointing accuracy. To study the effect of the alidade thermal behavior on the pointing accuracy of a large radio telescope, a temperature experiment is first carried out in a 70-m radio telescope on a sunny day. According to the measured results, the temperature distribution rule of the alidade is summarized initially. In addition, the alidade's temperature field is calculated by finite element thermal analysis. The simulated results are proved to be in good agreement with the experimental results. Finally, the alidade deformation under solar radiation is computed by finite element thermalstructure coupling analysis. The telescope's pointing errors caused by alidade deformation are estimated via the alidade's node displacements. The final results show that the effect of alidade thermal behavior on the telescope's elevation pointing errors ?ε_2 + ?ε_r is much more than the effect on the telescope's crosselevation pointing errors ?ε_1. The maximum of ?ε_2 + ?ε_r is more than 45, while the maximum of ?ε_1 is less than 6. This study can provide valuable references for improving the pointing accuracy of large radio telescopes.  相似文献   

As one of the most violent activities in the solar atmosphere,white-light flares(WLFs)are generally known for their enhanced white-light(or continuum)emission,which primarily originates in the solar lower atmosphere.However,we know little about how white-light emission is produced.In this study,we aim to investigate the response of the continua at 3600?and 4250?and also the Hαand Lyαlines during WLFs modeled using radiative hydrodynamic simulations.We take non-thermal electron beams as the energy source for the WLFs in two different initial atmospheres and vary their parameters.Our results show that the model with non-thermal electron beam heating clearly shows enhancements in the continua at 3600?and 4250?as well as in the Hαand Lyαlines.A larger electron beam flux,a smaller spectral index,or an initial penumbral atmosphere leads to a stronger emission increase at 3600?,4250?and in the Hαline.The Lyαline,however,is more obviously enhanced in a quiet-Sun initial atmosphere with a larger electron beam spectral index.It is also notable that the continua at 3600?and 4250?and the Hαline exhibit a dimming at the start of heating and reach their peak emissions after the peak time of the heating function,while the Lyαline does not show such behaviors.These results can serve as a reference for the analysis of future WLF observations.  相似文献   

2009年5月29日,国际天文学联合会发表第9049号公告称,来自中国浙江温州的孙国佑和新疆乌鲁木齐的高兴,利用乌鲁木齐南山的新星搜索系统,在人马座中发现一颗新星V5582 SGR获得确认。他们使用的相机为Canon EOS 350D+、135-mm f/2相机镜头,单张曝光60秒,拍摄到的照片的极限星等约为13.5等,发现时新星的星等为11.5等。这是中国天文爱好们发现的第一颗新星。  相似文献   

The inner vacuum gap model has become the foundation stone of most theories on pulsar radio emission. The fundamental picture of this model is the sparking, which was conjectured to be induced by magnetic absorption of background gamma photons. However, a question is, can the sparking be triggered in the millisecond pulsars (MSPs) with magnetic fields (B) only about 108 G? We investigate this problem by including the pair production above the inner gap. Under the assumption that the magnetic field is dipolar, our results show the background gamma-ray emission can not be the key factor that triggers the sparking, at least not in MSPs with B - 108 G, if the temperature in the polar cap region is only so high as is observed (< 4 × 106 K). Some other mechanisms are required.  相似文献   

TZ Lyrae: an Algol-type Eclipsing Binary with Mass Transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a detailed investigation of the Algol-type binary TZ Lyrae, based on 55 light minimum timings spanning 90 years. It is found that the orbital period shows a long-term increase with a cyclic variation superimposed. The rate of the secular increase is dP/dt = 7.18 × 10?8d yr?1, indicating that a mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one at a rate of dm = 2.21 × 10-8M⊙yr-1. The cyclic component, with a period of P3 = 45.5 yr and an amplitude of A = 0d.0040, may be interpreted as either the light-time effect in the presence of a third body or magnetic activity cycles in the components. Using the latest version Wilson-Devinney code, a revised photometric solution was deduced from B and V observations. The results show that TZ Lyr is an Algol-type eclipsing binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.297(±0.003). The semidetached configuration with a lobe-filling secondary suggests a mass transfer from the secondary to the primary, which is in agreement with the long-term period increase of the binary system.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION In the hierarchical clustering model, massive objects form by gravitational aggregation oflower-mass objects, and the disks in spiral galaxies like our Galaxy form by a late accretionof gas from an extended reservoir around the galactic halos. According to this scenario, spiralgalaxies are still growing at present. At the virial temperature of galactic halos, T r.-' io5 ?i06 K, the dominant cooling mech-anism is X-ray bremsstrahlung. If the cooling rate is significant, the…  相似文献   

The Chang'e-3 panoramic camera, which is composed of two cameras with identical functions, performances and interfaces, is installed on the lunar rover mast. It can acquire 3D images of the lunar surface based on the principle of binocular stereo vision. By rotating and pitching the mast, it can take several photographs of the patrol area. After stitching these images, panoramic images of the scenes will be obtained.Thus the topography and geomorphology of the patrol area and the impact crater, as well as the geological structure of the lunar surface, will be analyzed and studied.In addition, it can take color photographs of the lander using the Bayer color coding principle. It can observe the working status of the lander by switching between static image mode and dynamic video mode with automatic exposure time. The focal length of the lens on the panoramic camera is 50 mm and the field of view is 19.7?umination and viewing conditions, the largest signal-to-no×14.5?.Under the best illise ratio of the panoramic camera is 44 d B. Its static modulation transfer function is 0.33. A large number of ground testing experiments and on-orbit imaging results show that the functional interface of the panoramic camera works normally. The image quality of the panoramic camera is satisfactory. All the performance parameters of the panoramic camera satisfy the design requirements.  相似文献   

热超短周期造父变星的周期≤0.~d1、变幅≥0.~m2、光谱型为A.在银河系中呈延仲球状分布;在银晕星族的球状星团和年老盘族的运动星群中都有.在色星等图上,处于造父不稳定带的左外侧而温度较高,故简称热造父变星.球状星团中超短周期造父变星现知五颗.三颗是热造父变星:半人马ω的V65星(M_v= 0.~m82),M56的V11星(M_v= 0.~m10)和M15的K1082星(M_v=0.~m09)。它们在色星等图上的位置紧邻,亮度和天琴RR型星相近,但色均较蓝.它们都处在银河系中呈延伸球状分布的贫金属星团中.银河系中已知超短周期造父变星的周期变幅图上,有可用0.~m2简示的变幅分布隙,和两条周期分布隙.其中变幅≥0.~m2、周期≤ 0.~d1的-群共九颗,是银河系一般星场的热造父变星.其银纬分布除一颗是b= 10°44′外,余均为|h|>20°.这九颗中的两颗是年老盘族的运动星群的成员,-颗具有空间速度高和金属线强度ΔS≥2的星族Ⅱ星的特点.  相似文献   

G302=L3107是球状星团M4中的一颗红星,目前还没有自行或视线速度的测定,Greenstein和Lee分别给出此星的星等和色指数为:  相似文献   

This paper reports on the installation and observations of a new solar telescope installed on 2014 October 7 at the Kodaikanal Observatory. The telescope is a refractive type equipped with a tunable Lyot Hα filter. A CCD camera with size 2k×2k acquires images of the Sun and has a pixel size of 1.21′′pixel-1and a full field-of-view of 41′. The telescope is equipped with a guiding system which keeps the image of the Sun within a few pixels throughout the observations. The FWHM of the Lyot filter is 0.4 A? and the filter is motorized, capable of scanning the Hα line profile at a smaller step size of 0.01 A?. Partial-disk imaging covering about 10′is also possible with the help of a relay lens kept in front of the CCD camera. In this paper, we report the detailed specifications of the telescope, filter unit, the installation, observations and the procedures we have followed to calibrate and align the data. We also present preliminary results with this new full-disk telescope.  相似文献   

Can pulsar-like compact objects release further huge free energy besides the kinematic energy of rotation?This is actually relevant to the equation of state of cold supra-nuclear matter,which is still under hot debate.Enormous energy is surely needed to understand various observations,such as γ-ray bursts,fast radio bursts and soft γ-ray repeaters.In this paper,the elastic/gravitational free energy of solid strangeon stars is revisited for strangeon stars,with two anisotropic models to calculate...  相似文献   

对20颗依巴谷(Hipparcos)卫星所观测的碳星作了近红外JHK测光,由近红外观测结果估算了其在K波段的热改正BCK和视热星等mbpl以及有效温度Te,结合依巴谷卫星所得视差,得到其中一些星的绝对热星等Mbol。  相似文献   

The extraction of high-temperature regions in active regions(ARs) is an important means to help understand the mechanism of coronal heating. The important observational means of high-temperature radiation in ARs is the main emission line of Fe XVⅢ in the 94 ? of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly. However, the diagnostic algorithms for Fe XVⅢ, including the differential emission measure(DEM) and linear diagnostics proposed by Del based on the DEM, have been greatly limited for a long time, and the...  相似文献   

一、选择题:第1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10题与低年组相同08.观测发现有一个天体颜色和太阳很相似。利用各种可能手段估计它的距离,进而估计它的绝对星等,发现它的绝对星等要比太阳暗几个星等。这颗星最可能属于( )。(A)红巨星 (B)白矮星 (C)彗星 (D)小行星 (E)不知道二、问答题(需给出解题步骤):第11,14,15题与低年组第13,14,12题相同12.三颗质量各为太阳质量1/3的恒星是以它们为顶点的一个边长为1AU的等边三角形,并在它们所构成的平面内绕共同质心转动,求其转动周期。  相似文献   

We study intensity disturbances above a solar polar coronal hole that can be seen in the AIA 171 A?and 193 passbands,aiming to provide more insights into their physical nature.The damping and power spectra of the intensity disturbances with frequencies from 0.07 m Hz to 10.5 m Hz are investigated.The damping of the intensity disturbances tends to be stronger at lower frequencies,and their damping behavior below 980′′(for comparison,the limb is at 945′′) is different from what happens above.No significant difference is found between the damping of the intensity disturbances in the AIA 171 and that in the AIA193 A?.The indices of the power spectra of the intensity disturbances are found to be slightly smaller in the AIA 171 than in the AIA 193 A?,but the difference is within one standard deviation.An additional enhanced component is present in the power spectra in a period range of 8–40 min at lower heights.The power spectra of a spicule is highly correlated with its associated intensity disturbance,which suggests that the power spectra of the intensity disturbances might be a mixture of spicules and wave activities.We suggest that each intensity disturbance in the polar coronal hole is possibly a series of independent slow magnetoacoustic waves triggered by spicular activities.  相似文献   

The best physical and geometrical parameters of the main sequence close visual binary system(CVBS), HIP 105947, are presented. These parameters have been constructed conclusively using Al-Wardat's complex method for analyzing CVBSs, which is a method for constructing a synthetic spectral energy distribution(SED) for the entire binary system using individual SEDs for each component star. The model atmospheres are in its turn built using the Kurucz(ATLAS9) line-blanketed plane-parallel models. At the same time, the orbital parameters for the system are calculated using Tokovinin's dynamical method for constructing the best orbits of an interferometric binary system. Moreover, the mass-sum of the components, as well as the ?θ and ?ρ residuals for the system, is introduced. The combination of Al-Wardat's and Tokovinin's methods yields the best estimations of the physical and geometrical parameters. The positions of the components in the system on the evolutionary tracks and isochrones are plotted and the formation and evolution of the system are discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is thought to be a key process in most solar eruptions. Thanks to highresolution observations and simulations, the studied scale of the reconnection process has become smaller and smaller. Spectroscopic observations show that the reconnection site can be very small, which always exhibits a bright core and two extended wings with fast speeds, i.e., transition-region explosive events.In this paper, using the PLUTO code, we perform a 2-D magnetohydrodynamic simulation to investigate small-scale reconnection in double current sheets. Based on our simulation results, such as the line-of-sight velocity, number density and plasma temperature, we can synthesize the line profile of SiIV 1402.77? which is a well known emission line used to study transition-region explosive events on the Sun. The synthetic line profile of Si IV 1402.77? is complex with a bright core and two broad wings which can extend to nearly 200 km s-1. Our simulation results suggest that the transition-region explosive events on the Sun are produced by plasmoid instability during small-scale magnetic reconnection.  相似文献   

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