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Olivine clinopyroxenite xenoliths in the Oslo Rift,SE Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Olivine clinopyroxenite xenoliths in a basalt flow at Krokskogen in the Oslo rift consist mainly of Al-Ti-rich clinopyroxene and alteration products after olivine (possibly also orthopyroxene). The clinopyroxene contains primary inclusions of Cr-Al-bearing titanomagnetite, pyrite and devitrified glass, and secondary fluid inclusions rich in CO2. On the basis of petrography, mineral compositions and bulk major and trace element chemistry, it is concluded that the xenoliths represent cumulates with about 5% trapped liquid, formed from a mildly alkaline basaltic magma. Microthermometrical analysis of secondary or pseudosecondary fluid inclusions give a minimum pressure of formation of 5.5 to 6 kbars, that is a depth greater than 16–17 km. The host lava has initial Nd=+4.16±0.17 and Sr=–5.50±0.26, which is believed to reflect the isotopic composition of the lithospheric mantle source region under south Norway in early Permian time. The isotopic character of the magma which gave rise to the xenoliths is preserved in clinopyroxenes which have Nd t =+1.9 to +2.6 and Sr t = –1.1 to –1.8. The isotopic differences between the host magma and the xenoliths reflect some degree of crustal contamination of the xenolith's parent magma.The xenoliths of this study represent an important source of information about the large masses of dense cumulates found at depth in the crust under the Oslo rift.  相似文献   

We provide new data on Sm-Nd systematics, K-Ar dating and the major element chemistry of kimberlites from the eastern United States (mostly from central New York State) and their constituent mineral phases of olivine, clinopyroxene, garnet, phlogopite and perovskite. In addition, we report Nd-isotopes in a few kimberlites from South Africa, Lesotho and from the eastern part of China. The major element compositions of the New York dike rocks and of their constituent minerals including a xenolith of eclogite are comparable with those from the Kimberley area in South Africa. The K-Ar age of emplacement of the New York dikes is further established to be 143 Ma.We have analyzed the Nd-isotopic composition of the following kimberlites and related rocks: Nine kimberlite pipes from South Africa and Lesotho, two from southern India; one from the U.S.S.R., fifteen kimberlite pipes and related dike rocks from eastern and central U.S. and two pipes from the Shandong Province of eastern China. The age of emplacement of these kimberlites ranges from 1300 million years to 90 million years. The initial Nd-isotopic compositions of these kimberlitic rocks expressed as Nd I with respect to a chondritic bulk-earth growth-curve show a range between 0 and +4, with the majority of the kimberlites being in the range 0 to +2. This range is not matched by any other suite of mantle-derived igneous rocks. This result strengthens our earlier conclusion that kimberlitic liquids are derived from a relatively primeval and unique mantle reservoir with a nearly chondritic Sm/Nd ratio.  相似文献   

The Peräpohja schist belt in northern Finland rests unconformably on Archaean granitoids, and marks the early stages of Proterozoic crustal evolution in the Fennoscandian (Baltic) shield. 2440 Ma old layered mafic intrusions predate the supracrustal , and ca. 2200 Ma old sills of the gabbro-wehrlite association intrude the lowest quartzites and volcanics (Runkaus) of the sequence. The Sm-Nd mineral isochron of the Penikat layered intrusion gives an age of 2410±64 Ma. The initial Nd-values of the Penikat intrusion (Nd(2440) = –1.6) and the Runkausvaara sill (Nd(2200) 0) suggest that these mafic magmas were contaminated by older crustal material. The Sm-Nd and Pb isotopic results on the 2.44–2.2 Ga old Runkaus volcanics indicate mobility of Pb, fractionation of Sm/Nd during late greenschist facies metamorphism, and crustal contamination. The Pb-Pb data provide an age of 1972±80 Ma with a high initial 207Pb/204Pb ratio (1 = 8.49), while scattered Sm-Nd data result in an imprecise age of 2330±180 Ma, with an initial Nd-value of about zero. Secondary titanite gives an U-Pb age of ca. 2250 Ma. The Jouttiaapa basalts, in contrast, ascended from the mantle without interaction with older crust. These LREE depleted tholeiites mark a break in continental sedimentation, and yield a Sm-Nd age of 2090±70 Ma. Their initial Nd = + 4.2 ±0.5 implies that the subcontinental early Proterozoic mantle had been depleted in LREE for a long period of time. The first lava flows are strongly depleted in LREE, suggesting that their source was significantly more depleted than the source of mid-ocean ridge basalts today.  相似文献   

Greenstone, blueschist and eclogite metabasaltic blocks from the Franciscan complex of California preserve extensive petrographic and chemical evidence for interaction with hydrous fluids at high-P, low-T metamorphic conditions. The Nd and Sr isotope variations within and among the blocks constrain the origin of the basaltic protoliths, the nature of the fluid metasomatism that occurred within the upper levels (15–45 km) of the paleosubduction zonc, and the character and provenance of the rock that generated the hydrous fluids within the paleosubduction zone. Samples with little or no petrographic evidence of retrograde alteration and unaltered garnet separates have Nd. With increasing degrees of retrograde alteration, Nd isotope compositions are consistently lower, ranging down to Nd(160)=5. Actinolitic alteration rinds which are present on some blocks have the least radiogenic compositions with Nd=1.6 to 6.1. While Nd isotope compositions of unaltered blockes are in the range expected for basalt derived from normal depleted mantle, the Sr isotope compositions are more radiogenic ranging from Sr(160)=–5 to +11. Compositions of unaltered eclogite and blue-schist blocks are consistent with a protolith origin in normal oceanic crust derived from depleted mantle. The Sr isotopy systematics indicate that the protoliths were modified by seawater alteration in an ocean-floor hydrothermal system. Isotopic compositions of samples from parts of blocks that have a retrograde metamorphic overprint show a strong correlation between less radiogenic Nd compositions and the extent of retrograde metamorphism. Maximum Nd isotope ratios of the metasomatizing fluid are provided by analyses of actinolitic rinds, and range from Nd(160)=1.6 to 6.1. A possible source for fluids of this composition is subducted sediment that was derived from a continental craton. Because rind formation occurred while the basaltic blocks were within an ultramafic matrix, the fluids must have migrated from sediments in the accretionary wedge into an overlying wedge of mantle material imbricated with blocks of oceanic crust. This suggests possibly km-scale movement of fluids that carry an amount of the rare-earth elements sufficient to significantly modify the trace-element budget of subducted basalt.  相似文献   

Whole-rock and mineral samples from the Jabal al Wask and Jabal Ess ophiolites, northwestern Saudi Arabia, yield Sm-Nd isochron ages of 743+24 Ma and 782±38 Ma, respectively. These formation ages, which provide maximum limits for possible obduction ages, are in broad but not precise agreement with the previously known geologic history of the Arabian Shield. They indicate that the ophiolitic rocks are roughly coeval with nearby volcanic and plutonic rocks, supporting a back-arc origin for the two ophiolites. We suggest that the Jabal al Wask and Jabal Ess ophiolites were parts of the same northeast-southwest trending ophiolite belt, now offset along the Najd fault system. Initial Nd values range from +6.6 to+ 7.6, indicating derivation from a mantle source that has been LIL-depleted for at least 2 Ga. Reported Nd values from the Arabian Shield that are lower than this suggest the presence of older, reworked continental crust.  相似文献   

Isotopic data were collected on lower crustal xenoliths to constrain the Mexican lower crust as source material for the mid-Tertiary Sierra Madre Occidental, which is one of the largest silicic volcanic piles known. The xenoliths are predominantly pelitic gneisses and mafic orthogneisses that were brought to the surface on the eastern edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental by recent alkalic basalts. The pelitic gneisses are uniform in mineral assemblage and contain garnet+quartz+plagioclase+sanidine+rutile +sillimanite/kyanite+graphite. The orthogneisses are plagioclase, garnet and/or spinel bearing two pyroxene granulites. Available geothermometric and geobarometric data show that the xenoliths equilibrated at temperatures and pressures consistent with those of the mantle/crust boundary in those areas.The xenoliths range from 46.2 to 67.2 SiO2. Paragneisses are in general more silicic than the orthogneisses. The xenoliths have Rb concentrations between 0.4 and 97 ppm but most samples are very low, with less than 3 ppm Rb. The Sr isotopic ratios of orthogneisses from the lowermost crust throughout most of northern Mexico are very similar and range from ca. 0.705 to 0.706. Previous studies indicate that these rocks have measured (inNd) values between+2 and –5. Paragneiss xenoliths are generally more radiogenic in Sr isotopic ratio, up to 0.730, and have lower Nd values of–11.The Nd and Sr isotopic characteristics of the orthogneisses are similar to those of the voluminous mid-Tertiary ignimbrites of the Sierra Madre Occidental. The xenoliths cannot represent cumulate material produced during the mid-Tertiary volcanism because they are Paleozoic or older. Consequently, based on Sr and Nd isotopic data, the silicic ignimbrites could comprise up to 100% lower crustal material.  相似文献   

Young volcanic rocks from different sections of the Aleutian Islands-Alaska Peninsula Arc have been measured for 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd and some trace elements. We found the 143Nd/144Nd to be highly restricted in range ( Nd=6 to 7) and low as compared to midocean ridge ba-salts (MORB). This indicates that the source of the Aleutian Arc magmas is different from MORB and remarkably isotopically homogeneous with respect to Nd. The range reported here for arc rocks is substantially smaller than found by other workers. However, the Sr isotope ratios vary considerably ( Sr=–24 to –14). Those samples from small volcanic centers north of the main arc (second arc) are characterized by low Sr. Our data in combination with previous studies suggest that there are slight geochemical differences between discrete sections of the arc. The general uniformity of Nd isotope ratios are thought to be the surface expression of an efficient mixing or homogenization process beneath the arc plate, but which still causes a wide dispersion in Sr isotopic composition.To relate the arc rocks to the broader tectonic setting and to identify possible sources of arc magmas, measurements were done on volcanic and sedimentary rocks from the North Pacific/Bering Sea area. Alkali basalts from the back-arc islands St. George, Nunivak and St. Lawrence and alkali-rich tholeiites from the fore-arc have Nd=+4 to +9 and are correlated on the Sr- Nddiagram parallel to the mantle array but shifted to lower Sr. These samples are thought to be isotopically representative of the mantle transported to that region. A tholeiitic basalt from the Kamchatka Basin ocean floor (back-arc), however, yielded typical MORB values ( Nd=10, Sr=–24). Composite sediment samples were made from DSDP cores in the Aleutian Abyssal Plain, Gulf of Alaska and the Alka Basin which represent mixtures of continentally and arc-derived materials. These composites have intermediate Nd isotopic ( Nd= –2 and +2) and high Sr isotopic values ( Sr=+9 and +37). These data show that possible source materials of the Aleutian Arc volcanics are isotopically different from and much more heterogeneous than the arc rocks themselves.On the basis of this study and of literature data, we developed a set of alternative models for volcanic arc magma generation, based on the restricted range in Nd and the wider range in Sr for arc rocks. Different isotopic and trace element characteristics found in different arcs or arc sections are explained by varying mixing proportions or concentrations in source materials. The basic observations require rather strict mixing ratios to obtain constant Nd. The preferred model is one where the melting of subducted oceanic crust is controlled by the amount of trapped sediment with the melting restricted to the upper part of the altered basaltic layer. Homogenization within the upper part of the oceanic crust is brought about by hydrothermal circulation attending dewatering of the slab during subduction and possibly some oxygen exchange of the magmas on ascent.Division Contribution Number 3849 (411)  相似文献   

Initial Nd and Sr isotopic ratios were obtained for middle Miocene igneous rocks as well as for related rocks from the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan to investigate the petrogenesis of acidic magmas and their relation to a peculiar tectonic environment bearing on the back-arc spreading of the Japan Sea. On the Nd- Sr diagram, data points for the acidic rocks fall in the – Nd, + Sr quadrant occupying different positions from those for sedimentary and old crustal rocks, and seem to define several subparallel lines which extend towards the lower-righthand sedimentary field. The S-type acidic rocks occupy an intermediate position between I-type rocks and sedimentary ones, a fact suggesting mixing of an igneous component and a sedimentary one. The linear mixing trend observed on the Nd- Sr diagram can be attained in the restricted case that the igneous component has similar Sr/Nd concentration ratios to that of the sedimentary one, which implies an intermediate to acidic composition for the igneous component. Inconsistency between the elemental and isotopic variations observed may be reconciled by considering that mixing, probably in the relatively deep part of the crust, might have occured prior to chemical differentiation processes. The episodic igneous activity and the high heat energy required to melt such materials involving sedimentary rocks may be explained by a model in which a hot mantle region probably corresponding to the rising part of the mantle convection supplied the heating energy to the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan when passing beneath Southwest Japan in the course of movement of the hot rising part from the Shikoku basin areas to the Japan Sea area.  相似文献   

We report the results of a Sm-Nd isotopic, major element and rare earth element (REE) study of the Older Metamorphic Group (OMG) tonalite-amphibolite association of the eastern Indian Craton. The Older Metamorphic Tonalite Gneisses (OMTG) have been previously dated to be 3.8 Ga using Sm-Nd isotope systematies, and 3.2–3.4 Ga by Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb dating. The results of this study indicate that the protoliths of the OMG amphibolites are 3.3 Ga isochron age=3.30±0.06 Ga, Nd= +0.9 ± 0.7), and therefore, the OMTG, which intrude into the associated amphibolites, cannot be any older than 3.3 Ga. The amphibolites display light REE enrichment ((Ce/Yb)N=2.2–6.7; La=30–100 x chondrite) and nearly flat heavy REE patterns ((Tb/Lu)N=1.2–1.9); the basaltic parents of the amphibolites were probably generated by the partial melting of a spinel lherzolite mantle. Strong linear relationships between the amphibolites and tonalites in 147Sm/144Nd-143Nd/144Nd space (isochron age =3.29±0.04 Ga, Nd= +0.8 ± 0.8) imply that they are genetically related. The tonalites display fractionated REE patterns (La=100–300 x chondrite) with moderate heavy REE depletions ((Tb/Lu)N=1.9–3.4). The isotopic, major element and REE data are consistent with the derivation of the OMTG from partial melting of OMG amphibolites or equivalent rocks at amphibolegarnet stabilization depths. An initial Nd(t) value of +0.9±0.7 for the amphibolites indicates the presence of a slightly depleted mantle source at 3.3 Ga with 147Sm/144Nd. between 0.20 and 0.22. It is suggested that the growth of continental crust in the eastern Indian craton occurred in response to magmatic underplating in a plume setting.  相似文献   

Rb-Sr isotopic data for anorthosites, charnockites, ferrodioritic to quartz monzonitic plutons, and high-grade gneisses of the Blue Ridge of central Virginia show evidence of post-emplacement metamorphism, but in some cases retain Grenville ages. The Pedlar River Charnockite Suite yields an isochron age of 1021 +/-36 Ma, (initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7047 +/-6), which agrees with published U-Pb zircon ages. Five samples of that unit which contain Paleozoic mylonitic fabrics define a regression line of 683 Ma, interpreted as a mixing line with no age significance. Samples of the Roseland Anorthosite Complex show excessive scatter on a Rb-Sr evolution diagram probably due to Paleozoic (475 m.y.) metamorphism. Data from the ferrodioritic to quartz monzonitic plutons of the area yield an age of 1009 +/-26 Ma (inital ratio=0.7058 +/-4), which is in the range of the U-Pb zircon ages of 1000–1100 Ma. The Stage Road Layered Gneiss yields an age of 1147 +/-34 Ma (initial ratio of 0.7047 +/- 5).Sm-Nd data for the Pedlar River Charnockite Suite reflect a pre-Grenville age of 1489 +/-118 Ma ( Nd=+6.7 +/-1.2). Data for the Roseland Anorthosite Complex and the ferrodioritic to quartz monzonitic plutons yield Grenville isochron ages of 1045 +/44 Ma ( Nd=+1.0 +/-0.3) and 1027 +/-101 Ma ( Nd=+1.4 +/-1.0), respectively. Two Roseland Anorthosite samples plot far above the isochron, demonstrating the effects of post-emplacement disturbance of Sm-Nd systematics, while mylonitized Pedlar River Charnockite Suite samples show no evidence of Sm-Nd redistribution.The disparity of the Sm-Nd age and other isotopic ages for the Pedlar River Charnockite Suite probably reflects a Sm-Nd source age, suggesting the presence of an older crust within this portion of the ca. 1 Ga old basement.  相似文献   

New Hf isotopic compositions for island arc basalts from the Luzon arc (Philippines) define a remarkable sub-horizontal trend in Hf–Nd isotopic space with a small range of Hf (+5 to +17) associated with a large variation in Nd (–7 to +8). The data plot above and barely overlap the terrestrial array defined by oceanic basalts and continental crust. Mixing hyperbolas passing through the data intersect fields for depleted mantle and pelagic sediments suggesting that these two components formed the source of the Luzon arc lavas. An exception is the Batan Island where the low Nd ratios are associated with low Hf values. A mixing hyperbola fitting the Batan samples suggests that their mantle source was modified by subducted material prior to contamination by terrigenous clays. More generally, the geochemical relationships in Luzon lavas show that the mixing endmembers are source components rather than melts. The relationship between Nd and Hf isotopic compositions in the Luzon volcanics show that the type of sediment subducted under an island arc is a determining factor in the control of the two isotopic systems in island arc environments.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The Ivrea zone represents a tilted cross section through deep continental crust. Sm-Nd isotopic data for peridotites from Baldissero and Balmuccia and for a suite of gabbros from the mafic formation adjacent to the Balmuccia peridotite provide evidence for an event of partial melting 607±19 Ma ago in an extended mantle source with 607 Nd =+0.4±0.3. The peridotites are interpreted as the corresponding melt residue, the lower part of the mafic formation as the complementary melts which underwent further differentiation immediately after extraction. The Finero body represents a complex with layers of phlogopite peridotite, hornblende peridotite, and amphibole-rich gabbro. The isotopic signatures fall into two groups: (1) highly radiogenic Nd and low-radiogenic Sr characterize the phlogopite-free, amphibole-rich rocks, whereas (2) low-radiogenic Nd and highly radiogenic Sr is found in ultramafics affected by phlogopite metasomatism. Phlogopite metasomatism in the Ivrea zone is dated by a Rb-Sr whole rock isochron yielding 293±13 Ma. It was fed by K-rich fluids which were probably derived from metasediments. The high initial 293 Nd value of about +7.5 for phlogopite-free samples indicates a high time-integrated Sm/Nd ratio in the Finero protolith 293 Ma ago. Sm-Nd analyses of metapelites from the paragneiss series yield Proterozoic crustal residence ages of 1.2 to 1.8 Ga. Internal Sm-Nd isochrons for three garnetiferous rocks show that closure of garnet at temperatures around 600° C or even lower occurred about 250 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios of Phanerozoic granitoids and related intrusions of the New Zealand block display a mixing-type array indicative of the involvement in their sources of old continental crustal material, most likely of Proterozoic age. Sr(T) values range from –4 to +273 (87Sr/86Sr=0.7041–0.7233), while Nd(T) ranges from +2.7 to –11.0. Preexisting metasedimentary rocks have generally higher Sr and lower Nd (ranging to present-day values of +646 and –15.0, respectively), and, particularly for the Mesozoic intrusives, are isotopically appropriate mixing end-members. The widespread, early Paleozoic Greenland Group graywackes, which are derived from Proterozoic sources, are modeled as the source of the crustal end-member mixing with mantle-derived mafic magmas to produce the intrusive rocks. Four different types of models are applied to the isotopic and trace-element (Rb, Sr, Ba, REE) data: simple mixing; mixing with a partial melt of the metasedimentary rock, with or without isotopic equilibrium; and assimilation-fractional crystallization. Based on these models, some constraints may be applied on petrogenesis (e.g., the lack of high Rb concentrations points to the presence of biotite, and HREE depletion points to the presence of garnet); however, the models fail to adequately explain all the data. The New Zealand granitoids show similarities in isotopic character not only to rocks from offshore islands on the New Zealand block, but also to similar-aged granitoids in adjacent regions of Antarctica and Australia. This points to similarities in crustal character between continental blocks formerly proximal in Gondwanaland. We note an overall increase in Nd and decrease in Sr in felsic magmas from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic in New Zealand, indicative of a decrease over time in the level of influence of recycled continental crust in subduction-related magmatism.Division Contribution No. 4538 (582)  相似文献   

Ijolites from the type locality at Iivaara, Finland, form a continuous series of magmatic rocks ranging from urtites to melteigites. Both Ni and Cr, but also the large ion lithophile light-rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Nb, Rb, Sr and Ba are low in concentration. The Nd contents equal those of the neighboring fenites, Sr is distinctly less abundant, and there is no significant Eu anomaly. The 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr of the ijolites demonstrate a systematic covariation between the data of carbonaties from the Kola Alkaline Province (Sr – 13.8, Nd + 5.6) and those of the fenites at Iivaara (Sr + 132.9, Nd – 24.7) with Sr varying from +0.3 to +23.9 and Nd varying from-9.2 to-19.3. The trace element abundances and the isotopic data give evidence for a crystallization of the rocks from a liquid generated by melting (rheomorphism) of high-grade fenitized country rocks rather than from a primary mantle-derived magma which was contaminated at crustal levels. The fenitization of wall rocks preceding the ijolite magma formation was clement selective. Mixing of elements during the fenitization process between the designated components carbonatite (or derivative fenitizing fluid) and wall rock should have been dynamical depending on the stability of the wall rock mineral assemblages in contact with the fenitizing fluids, the migration velocity of these fluids, and their capacity of the respective elements. Such dynamical mixing explains best the variation of the isotope ratios withont systematic covariation of the respective element concentrations.  相似文献   

Sm-Nd ages for garnets in the three Precambrian exposures of eastern and southern Mexico demonstrate that they belong to the Grenville tectonothermal event. The Sm-Nd garnet ages of 0.95 Ga for the Oaxacan Complex and 0.90 Ga for the Huiznopala Gneiss, Molango and the Novillo Gneiss, Ciudad Victoria, are postdated 75 Ma by Rb-Sr ages on biotites. Both sets of data document a cooling history following Grenville metamorphism at or before 1.0 Ga ago. Our garnet data are consistent with a blocking temperature for Sm-Nd in that mineral around 600° C suggested by Humphries and Cliff (1982).The three Precambrian occurrences have Nd chemical ages of separation from depleted mantle (TDM) grouped in the range 1.40–1.60 Ga. This may result from derivation of the rocks from actual crustal protoliths which had been separated from the mantle 0.5 Ga before the Grenville Orogeny. It is much more likely, however, that crustal materials of 1.7 Ga or older age were mixed with mantle-derived products during Grenville events to produce intermediate TDM ages and Nd values around zero 1.0 Ga ago.  相似文献   

Initial Nd isotopic ratios are reported for 23 samples representing magmatic crustal components in the Svecokarelian terrain of South Finland. U-Pb zircon ages are determined for all geologic units, involving 21 separate upper concordia intercept ages based on more than 100 UP-b analyses. The ages range for all the rocks from 1.90 Ga for primitve plutonic rocks to 1.79 Ga for post-tectonic intrusions. The well-known gabbro-diorite-tonalite-trondhjemite association of the Kalanti district appears to consist of components with different ages: trondhjemites are probably 1.90 Ga or older, diorites/tonalites belong to the main Svecokarelian plutonic eposide at 1.89-1.87 Ga, and at least some gabbro has a post-tectonic age of 1.80 Ga. Nd (T) values range between +2 to +3 for meta-andesites, large gabbros and primitive granitoids to –0.5 for more evolved granitoids. A magma source with Nd of at least +2 to +3 was available during 1.90 to 1.87 Ga, but evolved granitoids have Nd close to zero. The preferred interpretation is that depleted mantle with Nd=+4 to +5 was present beneath the Svecokarelian crust forming during 1.9-1.8 Ga, and that all rocks have been affected more or less by addition of an Archean crustal component with Nd=–9 to –13. The primitive rocks with Nd=+2 to + 3 were only slightly affected, while granitoids with Nd close to zero include a 10% Archean component. The widespread nature of the Archean addition and the distance of up to 500 km to actual exposed Archean crust make it most realistic that the Archean component was added to the form of sediments delivered by subducting Proterozoic ocean crust. The plutonic rocks of the Finnish Svecokarelian crust in areas away from Archean cratons consist of 90% newly mantle-derived material.  相似文献   

Dacitic lavas and ignimbrites were examined from seven localities that span the entire 700 km width of the mid- to late Cenozoic magmatic arc of northwestern Mexico and adjacent west Texas. These rocks have remarkably similar REE patterns that are parallel in the heavy REE and have modest negative Eu anomalies. Samples from three localities including Baja California, the Sierra Madre Occidental, and the Chihuahuan Basin and Range have initial 87Sr/86Sr between 0.7044 and 0.7050 and Nd near 0.0±1.0. These dacites are isotopically similar to associated basalts, and they show no systematic isotopic variation that is correlated with age or composition of the basement. There is no evidence that magmas parental to these dacites interacted significantly with continental crust. Samples form three other localites in the Basin and Range vary in initial 87Sr/86Sr from 0.7051 to 0.7070 and Nd from about -1 to –2. The composition of these rocks reflects contamination of the parental magmas by relatively small amounts of Precambrian crust. Collectively, the dacites of this study show much less isotopic variation than do Mesozoic granitoids (Farmer and DePaolo 1983) and late Cenozoic olivine tholeiites (Hart 1985) from similar transects of the western United States. The distinctive source region for the magmas parental to the Mexican dacites was relatively uniform isotopically, but it was enriched in LIL and HFS elements beneath the eastern Basin and Range.  相似文献   

The polyphasal magmatic evolution of the Caledonian Karmøy Ophiolite Complex includes: (1) formation of an axis sequence from island-arc tholeiitic (IAT) and more MORB-like magmas (493+7/-4 Ma); (2) intrusion of magmas of boninitic affinity (485±2 Ma); (3) intrusion of MORB- and IAT-like magmas; (4) intrusion and extrusion of calc-alkaline magmas (470+9/-5 Ma); (5) intrusion and extrusion of basalts with alkaline trace-element affinity. Repeated intrusion of MORB and IAT-like magmas may be explained by intermittent magmatism involving magma-chamber solidification and remelting of a source characterized by initial Nd of approximately +6.5. The boninitic rocks may have formed from two LREE-depleted sources: the primary source of the axis-sequence magmas and the residual source left after extraction of these magmas. These sources have been enriched in LREE, Th and Zr from subducted material exhibiting a continental Nd-isotope signature with initial Nd less than-8. Covariation between Nd and Th, Zr, Nd, Y and Yb may be explained by metasomatic enrichment of a LREE-depleted mantle source by a LREE-enriched subduction component, followed by partial melting during which the degree of melting of the metasomatized mantle source increased linearly with the amount of subduction component added to the mantle source. The calc-alkaline magmas may have formed by remelting of a highly depleted source, which became enriched in some trace elements derived from the source of the subsequent alkaline magmatism. The geology and geochemistry of the Karmøy Ophiolite Complex suggest growth of an island-arc upon newly-formed oceanic crust, followed by arc-splitting and the development of a new basin.  相似文献   

Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic analyses are reported for granulite facies orthogneisses from Fiordland southwest New Zealand. Whole-rock samples define a Rb-Sr isochron age of 120±15 Ma and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70391±4. Nd values (at 120 Ma) show a relatively wide range of from –0.4 to 2.7 indicating decoupling of Sr-Nd isotope systems. Associated ultramafic rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of from 0.70380 to 0.70430 and Nd values of from 0.1 to 3.0. The different initial ratios suggest that the various intrusions, although contemporaneous, were not derived through fractionation of a single parent magma. A metasedimentary enclave incorporated during emplacement of the granulitic rocks preserves a Proterozoic isotopic signature with a measured Nd(0) value of –10.2, 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.73679 and a T Nd provenance age of 1490 Ma. The Rb-Sr whole rock age of the granulites is the same as obtained from recent U-Pb zircon dating (Mattinson et al. 1986) and is interpreted as the time of magmatic emplacement and essentially contemporaneous granulite facies metamorphism. Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd analyses of mineral systems indicate that the terrain had cooled below 300° C by 100 Ma providing further evidence that high grade metamorphism was of exceptionally short duration.Unmetamorphosed leucogabbros from the Early Cretaceous Darran Complex of eastern Fiordland have significantly higher Nd values (3.9 to 4.6) and slightly lower 87Sr/ 86Sr (0.70373 to 0.70386) than the western Fiordland granulites. This indicates that the western and eastern Fiordland complexes are not correlative although both have geochemical similarities to Phanerozoic calc-alkaline island-arc suites. The Fiordland granulites are LREE enriched (LaN/ YbN=12 to 40) and have trace element characteristics (e.g. high K/Rb and low Rb/Sr ratios) typical of many Rb-depleted Precambrian granulite terrains. The Fiordland trace element trends, however are attributed to magmatic, not metamorphic processes, reflecting the character of the Early Cretaceous magma sources. The range of Nd values, but uniform initial 87Sr/86Sr of the western Fiordland granulites is consistent with derivation of the parent Early Cretaceous magmas at least in part from a LREE enriched, low Rb/Sr protoliths of mid-to late-Paleozoic age. Partial melting of this protolith occurred during or immediately preceding a period of great crustal thickening culminating in rapid thickening of existing crust by 20 km following emplacement of the granulitic rocks. The rapid crustal thickening was probably a consequence of a collisional event in which an Early Cretaceous magmatic arc was over-ridden by one or more thrust sheets.  相似文献   

Rocks with boninitic affinities have been recognised in a number of ophiolites, including the Cambrian Heathcote and Mt Wellington Greenstone Belts of Victoria. Boninites and high-Mg andesites from the Heathcote Greenstone Belt show a restricted range of initial Nd values of between +3.3 to +5.8. Extremely refractory boninites from the Mt Wellington Greenstone Belt have Nd ranging from +1.3 to –9. Ti/Zr is positively correlated with Sm/Nd with the Heathcote lavas generally possessing greater depletion of Ti and enrichment of Zr relative to the middle and heavy REE with increasing LREE/HREE. These data are consistent with the generation of boninites by partial melting of refractory peridotite following invasion by LREE- and Zr-enriched, low Nd fluids. Tholeiites overlying the boninites in both greenstone belts have flat REE patterns and Nd+5, lower than that anticipated for lavas derived from depleted MORB source reservoirs in the Cambrian, suggesting that their source was also contaminated by a LREE-enriched, low Nd component similar to that involved in the generation of the Howqua boninites. The added components have characteristics compatible with their derivation from subducted altered oceanic crust and/or from wet subducted sediments. The identification of boninites and other low-Ti lavas in the Victorian greenstone belts is strong evidence for island arc development in southeastern Australia during the Lower Cambrian and provides further support for a subduction-related origin for many ophiolites.  相似文献   

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