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Nonlinear projections of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) index onto North American winter (December–March) 500-mb geopotential height (Z500) and surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies reveal a pronounced asymmetry in the atmospheric patterns associated with positive and negative phases of the AO. In a linear view, the Z500 anomaly field associated with positive AO resembles a positive North Atlantic Oscillation pattern with statistically significant positive and negative anomalies stretching zonally into central-eastern USA and Canada, respectively, resulting in a cold climate anomaly over northeastern and eastern Canada, Alaska and the west coast of USA, and a warm climate anomaly over the rest of the continent. By contrast, the nonlinear behavior, mainly a quadratic association with AO, which is most apparent when the amplitude of the AO index is large, has the same spatial pattern and sign for both positive and negative values of the index. The nonlinear pattern reveals negative Z500 anomalies over the west coast of USA and the North Atlantic and positive Z500 anomalies at higher latitudes centered over the Gulf of Alaska and northeastern Canada accompanied by cooler than normal climate over the USA and southwestern Canada and warmer than normal climate over other regions of the continent. A similar analysis is conducted on the data from the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling and Analysis second generation coupled general circulation model. The nonlinear patterns of North American Z500 and SAT anomalies associated with the AO in the model simulation are generally consistent with the observational results, thereby confirming the robustness of the nonlinear behavior of North American winter climate with respect to the AO in a climate simulation that is completely independent of the observations.  相似文献   

基于1960—2019年中国东北地区108个台站逐日降水资料、JRA-55再分析资料和Hadley中心海温数据,分析了东北地区春季极端连续无雨日的年际变化特征及其与前冬北太平洋地区大气环流和海表温度的关系。研究表明,东北地区春季极端连续无雨日集中在3—4月。当3—4月极端连续无雨日偏多时,贝加尔湖地区存在异常高压,东北地区受偏北气流影响,局地水汽辐散。进一步分析发现,东北地区3—4月极端连续无雨日与前冬1—2月北太平洋地区偶极型海平面气压存在密切联系。该大气模态可以引起同期北太平洋海温呈现出马蹄形异常分布并持续到3—4月。在3—4月,海温异常可以通过改变北太平洋上空的经向温度梯度,引起东亚到北太平洋地区的西风变化,进而有利于贝加尔湖地区出现异常高压。另一方面,海温异常还会增强北半球中纬度的波列活动,东传的波列也可以增强贝加尔湖地区的高压。上述异常环流为东北地区极端连续无雨日的增加提供了有利背景条件。留一交叉验证结果显示,前冬1—2月北太平洋地区偶极型海平面气压可作为东北春季极端连续无雨日的潜在预测因子。  相似文献   

通过非线性典型相关分析(NLCCA)方法,用赤道太平洋海表温度异常(SSTA)与北半球冬季500 hPa高度场异常间的非线性分析,反映ENSO与东亚冬季风之间的非线性关系。在极冷和极暖ENSO期东亚大槽和极涡的强弱进退不对称,说明冬季风的活动和强度不对称。NLCCA结果显示:冬季风对ENSO的响应分为线性和非线性部分,非线性投影是一条二次抛物线。冬季风异常线性空间型为冬季风减弱形势,非线性空间型则显示东亚大槽加强东进和冬季风加强,非线性和线性空间型的差异说明东亚冬季风对于ENSO信号确有非线性响应。  相似文献   

对洪泽湖地区冬季平均温度分析得出:洪泽湖地区冬季平均温度46a里上升了2℃,1986-2006年冬季平均温度一直维持在2℃以上;2006年冬季平均温度显著偏高;2007年2月平均温度创有记录以来历史最高,属于异常偏高年;中等以上ENSO事件对洪泽湖地区冬季平均温度的影响结果是正常年居多.  相似文献   

Extra-tropical atmospheric circulation variability is addressed in this study using two complementary approaches: circulation types and modes of variability. Principal component analysis (PCA) in T- and S-modes has been used to estimate the features. An objective synoptic classification of Euro-Atlantic atmospheric circulation is described. Eight circulation types have been identified and described in terms of their spatial features, mean frequency and lifetime, transitions and trends. The most persistent type is connected with the presence of a ridge over the British Isles and Iceland, while the less persistent type is related to a tilted ridge west of the continent. Increases in the persistence of some circulation types such as the Scandinavian and the Euro-Atlantic blockings and a ridge with axis over Western Europe have been found in the 1990s. Data from two independent re-analyses are used to test the robustness of the results. The main differences between the two datasets have been found in the distribution of events as a function of their duration. In a second step, the main modes of variability over the Euro-Atlantic area have been identified using daily data. An analysis of the relationship between these modes and the circulation types suggests that specific circulation types shift the phases of certain modes of variability.  相似文献   

Summary The authors examine relationships between the East Asian winter monsoon and the ENSO, particularly on the interdecadal timescales. Based on the analyses of SLP data from 1899 to 1997, the East-Asian winter monsoon index (WMI) is defined as the zonal difference of SLP between ∼120° E and ∼160° E. It is found that 18 out of 28 strong winter monsoon years are either before the development of an El Ni?o or during the decaying La Ni?a event, 12 out of 28 weak winter monsoon are before the development of a La Ni?a or during the decaying El Ni?o event. There is a significant positive correlation coefficient value of about 0.49 between the normalized 11-yr running mean of WMI and ENSO index, however, the WMI-ENSO relationship is not consistently highly correlated. The temporal evolution of correlation between WMI and ENSO indices in both 11-yr and 21-yr moving window shows that the WMI-ENSO relationship clearly undergo low-frequency oscillation. Obviously, both observational and IPSL air-sea coupled modeling WMI index has a near-decadal peak with PDO timescales and internal peaks with ENSO timescales by applying the Multitaper method. Moreover, the cross wavelet and wavelet coherence analysis of WMI/ENSO indicate that there is a larger significant sections with an in phase behavior between WMI and ENSO at period of 20–30 yrs, suggesting that the interdecadal variation of the WMI-ENSO relationship might exist.  相似文献   

Based on the method of rotated principal component (RPC) analysis and wavelet transforms, the win-ter precipitation from 36 stations over China for the period 1881-1993 is examined. The results show thatthe three leading space-time modes correspond, in sequence, to winter rainfall anomalies over the reaches ofthe Yangtze River, the bend of the Yellow River, and the northeastern region of China. The three modes ex-hibit interannual oscillations with quasi-biennial and 8-year periods as well as interdecadal oscillationswith 16- and 32-year periods. The interannual oscillation (< 10 years) occurs in phase over the differentareas, and its maximum amplitude migrates northward considerably with prominent interdecadal variations.However, the interdecadal oscillations (10-32 years) are out of phase over the different regions, and theamplitude variations have the characteristics of stationary waves.The rainfall anomalies appear to be closely re lated to the anti-phase changes of mean sea-level pres-sure (SLP) over the Asian mainland and the North Pacific. When the SLP rises over the North Pacific anddecreases over the Asian mainland, the precipitation over East China increases noticeably. The linkage be-tween the rainfall over China and the SLP anomalies apparently results from the strength of the East Asianwinter monsoon and its associated temperature and moisture advection.  相似文献   

李莲康 《贵州气象》2004,28(Z2):55-56
针对人工制作海平面气压及本站气压查算表存在的不足,介绍了如何使用MicrosoftExcel2000电子表格来完成这一制作过程,大大缩短了制作时间,提高了准确度.  相似文献   

Summary ?Homogenized monthly and annual mean temperatures for ten locations in Hungary from 1901 to 1999 are analyzed. A principal component analysis was performed and the first new component containing 94.5% of the total variance has been retained. A linear regression of this variable on a sea level pressure NAO index results in relatively weak correlations. In order to consider the trends in both data series, a polynomial of years is added to the regression. After a selection of the optimal polynomial orders by Akaike’s criteria the correlation coefficients are significantly increased. The Southern Oscillation Index (SO index) characterizing the El Ni?o – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is then incorporated in the relationship via a nonlinear, threshold model. The threshold model consists of the above linear regressions but is conditioned on the SO index threshold variable. The rationale behind this approach is to allow a change of model performance according to ENSO phase. The thresholds are not pre-specified but are estimated from the data, while the number of thresholds is chosen by Akaike’s criteria. A likelihood ratio test shows an improvement of these models over the linear model with very strong significance levels, except in June. Received March 25, 2002; revised June 20, 2002; accepted June 23, 2002  相似文献   

本文对修正海压的定义、气压高度表的原理、飞机用各种气压拨正高度的方法作了粗略介绍和讨论,并结合现阶段我国民用机场过渡高度层的改革,就《方案》中有关渡夹层的厚度问题作浅显的分析.  相似文献   

田永飞 《四川气象》2001,21(4):66-68
本文对修正海压的定义,气压高度表的原理,飞机用各种气压拨正高度的方法作了粗略介绍和讨论,并结合现阶段我国民用机场过高度层的改革,就《方案》中有关渡夹层的厚度问题作浅显的分析。  相似文献   

利用NCAR/CCM3大气环流模式,模拟不同海温背景场强迫下,北半球冬季大气环流对ENSO事件的响应。结果表明,模式能够模拟出不同海温背景场下,北半球冬季大气环流对ENSO事件的不同响应,模拟结果与诊断结果基本一致。在20世纪70年代末之后的平均海温背景场强迫下,El Nio对阿留申低压的加强作用比70年代末之前更明显,而ENSO暖位相对蒙古高压的作用则由70年代末之前的轻微减弱变为明显加强。虽然70年代末以后ENSO事件的强度比70年代末之前有所增大,但ENSO对东亚大槽和东亚冬季风的减弱作用反而不再那么明显;同时在高空风场中,由ENSO激发出的PNA型异常环流在70年代末以后明显加强。  相似文献   

何敏  董守玉  刘引鸽 《气象》1991,17(2):12-17
本文利用SLP(海平面气压)资料,综合分析夏季6—8月副高各特征量与北半球SLP场的同期及前期关系,着重研究它们的时空分布特征及变化规律。最后提出了利用SLP作副高各特征量长期预报的可能途径。  相似文献   

ENSO 年冬季北半球平流层大气环流异常特征分析   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
利用1957-2002年欧洲中心的再分析资料和Hadley气候预测和研究中心的全球海表温度资料,对ENSO年冬季的平流层环流进行了合成分析,分别从暖事件和冷事件年的温度场、高度场和风场,分析研究了平流层大气环流的异常特征.分析结果表明,对应El Ni(n)o年冬季,在赤道东太平洋的温度场、高度场和纬向风场都有由大气低层的正距平转变为平流层负距平的特征;与之相反,在El Ni(n)a年冬季,赤道东太平洋大气低层的负距平到了高层变为正距平.同时,在纬向平均垂直剖面图中, El Ni(n)o年冬季北半球高纬地区从对流层顶到平流层温度场和高度场为正距平,而La Ni(n)na年出现相反的情况.在热带平流层,El Ni(n)o年冬季高空纬向风场在50 hPa到15 hPa左右为负距平,从15 hPa到1 hPa为正距平;而El Ni(n)a年则相反.在El Ni(n)o年冬季100 hPa以上的北半球高纬度地区存在一个类偶极子结构的异常高度场和风场,El Ni(n)o年在极区主要为正距平,El Ni(n)a年在极区主要为负距平.  相似文献   

Recent advances in studies on the interaction between the East Asian monsoon and the ENSO cycle are reviewed in this paper. Through the recent studies, not only have the responding features and processes of the East Asian winter and summer monsoon circulation anomalies and summer rainfall anomalies in East Asia to the ENSO cycle during its different stages been understood further, but also have the thermal and dynamic effects of the tropical western Pacific on the ENSO cycle been deeply analyzed from the observational facts and dynamic theories. The results of observational and theoretical studies showed that the dynamical effect of the atmospheric circulation and zonal wind anomalies in the lower troposphere over the tropical western Pacific on the ENSO cycle may be through the excitation of the equatorial oceanic Kelvin wave and Rossby waves in the equatorial Pacific. These studies demonstrated further that the ENSO cycle originates from the tropical western Pacific. Moreover, these recent studies also showed that the atmospheric circulation and zonal wind anomalies over the tropical western Pacific not only result from the air-sea interaction over the tropical western Pacific, but are also greatly influenced by the East Asian winter and summer monsoons. Additionally, the scientific problems in the interaction between the Asian monsoon and the ENSO cycle which should be studied further in the near future are also pointed out in this paper.  相似文献   

Summary  The Bangladesh coast, which lies on the confluence of three mighty rivers, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna, with the Himalayas to the north and the Bay of Bengal to the south, is an ideal zone for sea level rise due to enhanced rainfall during the monsoon season from June to September. An attempt has been made here to look into the cause-effect relationships between observed trends in sea surface temperature (SST) over the Bay of Bengal and the trends in monsoon rains and sea level in Bangladesh. The study utilizes the 14-year satellite-derived SSTs over the Bay of Bengal for 1985–1998, the tide gauge stations data along the Bangladesh coast for 1977–1998 and the 31-year monsoon rainfall data for Bangladesh, 1961–1991. Received October 20, 2000  相似文献   

北太平洋海平面气压的EOF分析与北方涛动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文利用自然正交函数(E0F)分析方法,对1951—1980年北太平洋月平均海平面气压距平场进行分解,讨论了自然正交函数前两个最重要的特征向量的空间分布及其年际变化的特征。指出第一特征向量的模型在西太平洋低纬地区有最大的凝聚,其时间系数序列与马尼拉站气压距平的年际变化很相似,而第二特征向量的模型在东太平洋副热带地区有最大的凝聚,其时间系数序列与 Ship N站气压距平的年际变化也很一致,并且由这两个特征向量的时间系数定义的北方涛动指数同由Ship N和马尼拉两个单站的气压距平定义的北方涛动指数之间有很好的对应关系。由于第一和第二特征向量的大尺度特征,及其表示了北太平洋气压年际变化总方差的30.5%,可以认为,马尼拉和Ship N站的气压距平在空间上是有代表性的,并且北方涛动在北太平洋大气环流年际变化中占有头等重要地位。  相似文献   

已有研究指出春季热带北大西洋海温对随后冬季ENSO事件的发生存在显著的影响。该研究发现它们的联系在20世纪80年代初以后显著增强。20世纪80年代初以后,春季热带北大西洋海温为正异常时,副热带东北太平洋存在显著的异常气旋环流,同时异常沃克环流在热带中东太平洋引起显著的异常下沉运动。异常气旋环流西侧的东北风异常增强气候态的风速,导致负海温异常。负海温异常通过Gill型大气响应使得热带西北太平洋产生异常的反气旋环流。同时,热带中东太平洋的沃克环流异常下沉运动也对热带西北太平洋异常反气旋环流的形成起到一定作用。热带西北太平洋反气旋环流南侧的东风异常通过海洋动力过程对随后冬季ENSO产生影响。因此,春季热带北大西洋海温对冬季ENSO存在显著的影响。然而,20世纪80年代以前,春季热带北大西洋海温相关的热带东北太平洋异常气旋环流和热带地区的异常沃克环流不显著,从而不能在热带西北太平洋产生异常反气旋。所以,20世纪80年代以前,春季热带北大西洋海温对冬季ENSO的影响不显著。进一步的分析指出,春季热带北大西洋海温对ENSO影响的年代际变化可能与热带北大西洋降水气候态的年代际变化有关。  相似文献   

Summary Based on grid-point data the mean annual variation of sea level pressure (SLP) over the major Mediterranean area is examined by means of a simple mathematical model (harmonic analysis).In order to study the time series of SLP values the period under study (1873–1980) is divided into three subperiods; positive and negative values of the departures from normal (P) during the 108-year period are noted. Linear trend and power spectral analysis methods are applied in order to find statistically significant trends and periodicities.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

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