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Landforms in an area of 1667 sq.km in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh along the east coast of India has been mapped with the aid of aerial photographs. Simultaneously the current land use has been noted and the data collected in the field of the nature of surficial deposits, drainage and erosion. An attempt is made to classify the area into land systems designated as (1) hill and hillocks, (2) rolling plains, (3) fluvial plain and (4) coastal zone and give details of their characteristic features. Recommendations are made for better landuse of some of the areas taking into consideration the knowledge of their total potential.  相似文献   

This study deals with the technique of remote sensing and how far it helps in the rapid study of geographical phenomena especially land use within a very short time and accurate manner. It evaluates how well data from the Landsat - Multispectral Scanner (MSS) could be used to detect, identify and delineate land use features within the Andhra Pradesh State. The main objective was to prepare a small scale land use map from satellite imagery showing the broad distribution of land use patterns to serve as a base for monitoring land use change.  相似文献   

The paper describes the details of a comparative study of geological interpretations carried out from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery, Landsat MSS (B & W) imagery and Aerial Photographs, covering 2100 sq km of area in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. The area comprises Peninsular—Gneissic Complex and rocks of Dharwar and Cuddapah Super Groups beside the Quaternary alluvial deposits along the Penneru river and its tributaries. Geomorphologically the areas is represented by denudational, fluvial and structural landforms. The study indicates that the details of the geological and geomorphological maps prepared from SAR imagery and aerial photographs are comparable despite the smaller scale of SAR imagery while the same are not exhibited in Landsat imagery mainly due to its low resolution. Although broad lithological units are possible to be discriminated on SAR as well as aerial photographs, some of the finer rock types viz. gabbroic dykes could be discriminated from the delerite dykes in the SAR imagery due to their different surface roughness. Stereoscopic coverage and enhanced micro-relief of SAR imagery gives better geomorphological details in comparison to aerial photographs. A detailed study of lineaments has also been carried out which shows that in SAR imagery there is over-representation of short lineaments due to enhanced micro-relief and radarshadow effects across the look direction and under-representation of lineaments along the look direction. Landsat imagery is perhaps the best for demarcating lineaments of regional magnitude while aerial photographs are good for depicting shorter lineaments. However, certain lineaments seen in SAR imagery are often not continuously seen on aerial photographs.  相似文献   

Multi-disciplinary integrated studies were carried out in the drought prone, backward district of Anantapur, for an appraisal of its natural resource and environmental potential, by applying the photointerpretation and remote sensing techniques. Shortage of land and water resources are identified as the major constraints for developmental planning. The natural resources and the potential available for development are documented in various thematic maps. The landuse pattern for agriculture and forestry is mainly controlled by the lithological and morphological units. It is surmised, that with the new source for groend water identified along linement and fracture zones, there is scope for augmenting and uplift the land use and crop-pattern, and this helps to upgrade the socio-economic condition of the district.  相似文献   

Resourcesat-I data is to provide continuity in operational remote sensing with its enhanced capabilities in the field of land and water resources management. Using GIS tools and image processing techniques are to identify the morphological features and water resources of the Meghadrigedda watershed. The morphometric parameters such as linear aspects and aerial aspects of six sub-watersheds of the watershed were determined and are computed. The drainage pattern is mainly dendritic type. The six sub-watersheds are elongated in shape. The Meghadrigedda reservoir supplies around 8 million gallon/day of water to the needs of Visakhapatnam city for domestic and industrial purpose. Most of the water tanks of the area have been silted and subjected to unauthorized occupations. Twelve recharge pits were located to excavate silted water tanks. To improve the ground water levels, thirteen suitable sites were identified for the construction of check dams in the Meghadrigedda watershed.  相似文献   

Utilising aerial photographs as the chief source of information an attempt has been made to study the land units, land use, land capability and limitations in relation to geomorphology of an area of about 350 sq. kms. in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. Besides identifying major individual landforms, the area is divided into four geomorphic environments each characterised by dominant landform pattern and relief. Each form and unit is described. Nine types of land units based on amount of slope and six land use classes were chosen after preliminary interpretation and a reconnaissance field check. The estimated range in slope is given for each land unit. The land’s capability and limitations are brought out from consideration of landforms, land units (slopes), nature of soil and water resources. Soil samples were collected from each geomorphic unit and analysed. The results are presented in the form of 3 maps and 2 tables, which may be of use for planning and development of the area.  相似文献   

Individual bands of black and white photographic enlargements of Landsat imagery were interpreted visually using tone, texture, drainage pattern and morphological expressions of the relief features. The results have been related to the existing soil map prepared by API techniques with limited field check. Interpretation map of band 5 gave maximum number of delineations which have relevance to the soil association boundaries of the API map followed by band 4, and bands 6 and 7 helped in delineating water bodies and hills. A composite map prepared by superimposition of the interpretation maps of all the four bands was compared with the existing API map. 12 categories could be delineated on the Landsat composite map as against 13 of the API map. The overall classification performance achieved was in the order of 41.2, 47.1, 93.3 and 30.4 percent respectively for R, U, V and A landscapes and the combined overall performance for all the landscapes was 53%. The classification performance results could be improved by delineating the landscape units at a higher level such as hills, interfluves and toe slopes instead of hills, inselbergs, foot slopes, interfluves and toe slopes.  相似文献   

Ground water prospecting in hard rock areas of Uttar Pradesh is quite difficult, owing to the geological and geomorphic controls of sub-surface strata on the occurrence and movement of ground water resources, and, therefore, it requires systematic investigations, mainly with the aid of remotely sensed and data, which undoubtedly provide realistic information on the hydrogeological conditions, geomorphologic features, drainage patterns etc. of any rocky area. In this paper, an endeavour has been made to locate ground water possibilities in the drought-affected, rocky terrain of the southern Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh, covering part of block Muirpur which is mainly characterised by the varied geological formations, including Archean complex, pre-Vindhyan matasediments and Gondwana formation, through the application of air photointerpretation technique, primarily based on the geologic/geomorphologic approach. The hydro-investigation in the area was carried out using panchromatic aerial photos of 1∶60,000 scale, chiefly to identify the drainage patterns, major geomorphic geo structural and lithological units; as these may control the ground water regime of the area, Further. the present study was also ably supported with limited field survey and hydrogeological data, for achieving reliable results.  相似文献   

Glacial mapping is difficult and hazardous because of the remoteness and inaccessibility of the terrain. In this context, remotely-sensed data from satellites provide valuable information on glaciers and the associated landforms. It is important to note that judicious selection of spectral bands is critical in mapping the glacial features. Glacial landforms in parts of Gangotri glacier, NW Himalaya, have been delineated using selected bands of Landsat Thematic Mapper Data. Digital image processing of Landsat data has helped in identifying the major features of the Gangotri glacier such as accumulation and ablation zones, and glacial moraines. The study shows that Thematic Mapper bands 4, 5 and 7 are more useful in snow mapping because of their distinct spectral discriminability in identifying the glacial features.  相似文献   

Geospatial themes namely geology, topography and classified satellite image of the area in and around Ravipadu gabbro pluton (RGP), Prakasam alkaline province, Andhra Pradesh has been studied. The geological map of co-magmatic suite of RGP predominantly exposes olivine gabbro followed by olivine norite, troctolite and anorthosite. Graphic portrayal of the attributes such as mineralogical (modal) and chemical compositions of rocks of RGP is supplemented in the map display. The topography reveals that the terrain is flat and that it underwent differential erosion thereby exposing the deeply eroded RGP flanked on the North and South by two hilly mounds composed of cordierite-garnet gneiss (metapelite). Digital analysis of satellite image (IRS-1D) of the Ravipadu area, based on the spatial and spectral characteristics producing a classified image superposing on the vectorised geological map of the gabbroic body on a spatially referenced base, reveal a near perfect match of the two digital data products.  相似文献   

The map showing the extent of salt affected and sand dune soils was prepared at 1:50,000 scale using Landsat TM data for March 1987 and compared with the soil map of Kapurthala district based on 1965 aerial photographs and semi detailed survey of the district during 1975–76. The study revealed that in a span of 22 years (1965 to 1986) the area of sand dunes decreased from 22.7 per cent to 2.3 per cent and that of salt affected soils from 20.95 per cent to 4.38 per cent respectively as a consequence of reclamation of salt affected soils and clearing and levelling of sand dunes. Salt affected soils after reclamation have been brought under paddy-wheat rotation. Whereas sand dunes after clearing and levelling, have been brought under wheat or wheat -rice/fodder/oilseed crops.  相似文献   

Landslides in the Nilgiris are mainly due to rainfall, but human intervention in the form of deforestation and plantation has turned this into a calamity. Our study in the Nilgiris district of Tamilnadu help of the Global Land Cover Facility data reveals that there is a drastic reduction in forest cover and human interventions in the form of unplanned tea estates has resulted in the loss of natural ecosystem of Nilgiris which is causing massive and frequent landslides.  相似文献   

Digital elevation model (DEM) data of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) are distributed at a horizontal resolution of 90 m (30 m only for US) for the world, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) DEM data provide 30 m horizontal resolution, while CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) gives 2.6 m horizontal resolution for global coverage. SRTM and ASTER data are available freely but 2.6 m CARTOSAT-1 data are costly. Hence, through this study, we found out a horizontal accuracy for selected ground control points (GCPs) from SRTM and ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM to implement this result (observed from horizontal accuracy) for those areas where the 2.6-m horizontal resolution data are not available. In addition to this, the present study helps in providing a benchmark against which the future DEM products (with horizontal resolution less than CARTOSAT-1) with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM can be evaluated. The original SRTM image contained voids that were represented digitally as ?140; such voids were initially filled using the measured values of elevation for obtaining accurate DEM. Horizontal accuracy analysis between SRTM- and ASTER-derived DEMs with respect to CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) DEM allowed a qualitative assessment of the horizontal component of the error, and the appropriable statistical measures were used to estimate their horizontal accuracies. The horizontal accuracy for ASTER and SRTM DEM with respect to CARTOSAT-1 were evaluated using the root mean square error (RMSE) and relative root mean square error (R-RMSE). The results from this study revealed that the average RMSE of 20 selected GCPs was 2.17 for SRTM and 2.817 for ASTER, which are also validated using R-RMSE test which proves that SRTM data have good horizontal accuracy than ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 because the average R-RMSE of 20 GCPs was 3.7 × 10?4 and 5.3 × 10?4 for SRTM and ASTER, respectively.  相似文献   

Geological investigations in the area south of Gani, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, were carried out with the help of aerial Photographs and multiband satellite imageries. The rocks of the Cuddapah Group and the Kurnool Group are exposed in the area under study. The Gani-Kalava anticline and the ENE-WSW trending Kalava fault are the important structural features of the area. The anticlinal structure could be better studied using the aerial photographs, while the fault is clearer on the imagery. Small scale folds involving the Cuddapahs and the Kurnools along the northern limb of the fold could be mapped using the aerial photographs. The Gani-Kalava anticline is a post-Kurnool structure, formed by movement along the Kalava fault and in the first instance the minor folds appear to be drags on the northern limb. However, certain structural and stratigraphic relations suggest that the folding in the Cuddapahs may be a pre-Kurnool phenomenon.  相似文献   

Water is the most important natural resource which forms the core of the ecological system. The advent of remote sensing has opened up new vistas in groundwater prospect evaluation, exploration and management. The role of hydrogeomorphological units in tile storage of groundwater from the Kancheepuram distict has been investigated using IRS P6 LISS-III data. The Kancheepuram district exhibits diverse hydrogeomorphological conditions where the groundwater regime is controlled mainly by topography and geology. The extent of various water prospectus zones in terms of percentage includes, maximum area, particularly the north-western, and central part which is characterized by good potential occupying about 43% of total area. The moderate potential is marked by only 35%, and is scattered along the northern and southern side of the study area, the remaining 12% is of poor prospectus, which is falling in the coastal region of the study area.  相似文献   

At present the biodiversity in Eastern Ghats is threatened by loss of habitats, exploitation and unscientific management of natural resources, forest fire, biological invasion and other anthropogenic pressures. In this context, we have assessed the forest cover changes, fragmentation and disturbance in the R.V. Nagar Range of Eastern Ghats region, Andhra Pradesh using satellite remote sensing and GIS techniques. Satellite data of IRS-1A LISS II of 1988 and IRS-P6 LISS III of 2006 were assessed for forest cover changes in 1 sq.km grid and generated as Sensitivity Index map. Further the road and settlement buffer of 1000 m was generated to represent Threat Index map. From 1988 to 2006, the forest cover had a total cover loss of 35.2 sq.km and increase in scrub cover by 7.2%. Over all change analysis from 1988 to 2006 with reference to forest cover indicates, negative changes (loss of forest area) accounted for 48.1 sq.km area and positive changes (gain of forest) for an area of 12.1 sq.km of area. The results of the change detection using multi-date satellite imagery suggest degradation in forest cover over two decades, which necessitates the conservation measures in this range with high priority.  相似文献   

Extracting features from printed maps has been a challenge for decades; historical maps pose an even larger problem due to manual, inconsistent drawing or scribing, low printing quality, and geometrical distortions. In this article, a new workflow is introduced, consisting of a segmentation step and a vectorization step to acquire high‐quality polygon representations of building footprints from the Siegfried map series. For segmentation, an ensemble of U‐Nets is trained, yielding pixel‐based predictions with an average intersection over union of 88.2% and an average precision of 98.55%. For vectorization, methods based on contour tracing and orientation‐based clustering are proposed to approximate idealized polygonal representations. The workflow has been tested on 10 randomly selected map sheets from the Siegfried map, showing that the time required to manually correct these polygons drops to about 45 min per map sheet. Of this sample, approximately 10% of buildings required manual corrections. This workflow can serve as a blueprint for similar vectorization efforts.  相似文献   

以美国内布拉斯加为例,按照耕地灌溉比例0%—30%,30%—60%,60%—100%将农业区分为雨养农业区、混合农业区与灌溉农业区,同时筛选丰水年(2008年)、平水年(2005年)、枯水年(2012年),比较相同年份雨养农业区、混合农业区与灌溉农业区的作物长势的峰值特征差异,以及相同农业区在丰水年、平水年、枯水年的长势过程线的相似性,并定量分析作物长势随灌溉百分比的变化规律与趋势。研究表明:(1)相同年份,灌溉农业区作物长势好于混合农业区,混合农业区的作物长势好于雨养农业区,耕地灌溉比例越高,作物长势越好;(2)不同年份的灌溉农业区作物长势差异最小,混合农业区次之,雨养农业区长势差异最大,即耕地灌溉比例越高,作物长势越稳定;(3)枯水年雨养农业区的作物长势过程线与降水过程线同增同减,受灌溉与降水的双重影响,灌溉农业区的作物长势过程线的峰值滞后于降水峰值;丰水年,作物水分胁迫减弱,灌溉农业区、混合农业区与雨养农业区作物长势过程线与降水过程线变化趋势基本一致;(4)作物长势增幅与灌溉百分比之间呈现显著的分段二次函数变化关系,当灌溉百分比增幅小于60%时,作物长势增长幅度逐步加快,当灌溉百分比大于60%时,作物长势增速逐步放缓,在枯水年时,长势随灌溉百分比增加而增长的幅度高于丰水年与枯水年。鉴于不同农业区作物长势差异,作物长势的定量监测需要进一步区分灌溉与雨养农业。  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the analysis of the performance of Stable Point Network (SPN) and Coherent Pixel Technique (CPT), which are Advanced Differential Interferometry Techniques (A-DInSAR) that estimate, among other results, mean deformation velocity maps of the ground surface and displacement time series from a SAR dataset. The test site is the metropolitan area of the city of Murcia (Spain) where a moderate slow subsidence induced by the overexploitation of aquifers is present. SAR data acquired between July 1995 and August 2005 from ERS and ENVISAT sensors have been processed by the SPN and CPT techniques and compared with in situ instrumental measurements assumed as reference. Experimental results have shown that both SPN and CPT techniques provide estimates of the deformation evolution in time with an absolute difference below 6 mm consistently in all comparisons: SPN vs extensometer, CPT vs extensometer and SPN vs CPT. The proposed validation and comparison experiment between both A-DInSAR techniques has been useful to observe their differences and complementarities.  相似文献   

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