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By using Yohkoh soft X-ray data, H filtergrams, and radio data, the activation of the disappearing filament and the flare eruption on 7 May 1992 have been studied. Main conclusions are as follows: (1) the emergence of new magnetic flux tends to affect the pre-existing X-ray loops, which usually appear in arcades spanning H filament, changing the magnetic environment of the filament, and then enhance the current in the filament. Therefore newly emerging flux plays a fundamental role in the destabilization of this filament. (2) According to the H data and the rising motion of the filament, the corresponding current variation in the filament has been calculated. It seems that the current interruption may be a possible trigger mechanism for this filament disappearance. (3) The magnetic field strength and the energy flux of energetic electrons in the source region of microwave bursts have been estimated by using the microwave spectrum. During the main phase, the mean magnetic strength and the energy flux of energetic electrons are about 300–400 G and 1×1011 erg cm–2 s –1, respectively. (4) The energy provided by reconnection of the current sheet and the total energy of the current filament are estimated and we show that there is enough energy stored in the filament to feed the 7 May, 1992 flare.  相似文献   

We present observations of an activated quiescent filament obtained in Hα from the high-resolution Dutch Open Telescope (DOT) on 20 August 2010. The filament developed a barb in 10 min, which disappeared within the next 35 min. A data set from the DOT spanning 2 h was used to analyse this event. Line-of-sight velocity maps were constructed from the Doppler images, which reveal flows in filament spine during this period. Photospheric magnetograms were used from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to determine the changes in magnetic flux in the region surrounding the barb location. The analysis shows flows in the filament spine towards the barb location preceding its formation, and flows in the barb towards the spine during its disappearance. Magnetograms reveal patches of minority polarity flux close to the end of the barb at its greatest elongation. The flows in the spine and barbs are along numerous threads that compose these typical filament structures. The flows are consistent with field-aligned threads and demonstrate that the replacement time of the mass in barbs, and by inference, in the spine is very rapid.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient and automatic method for detecting filament disappearances. This method was applied to the Big Bear Solar Observatory's (BBSO) full-disk H images. The initial step is to detect the filaments in the solar image, then determine if they are growing, stable or disappearing. If a disappearing filament is found, the solar community can be automatically alerted in near real time. This system is proven to be accurate and fast. In addition, three statistical studies of the appearance and disappearance of all filaments in 1999 are presented.  相似文献   

A filament eruption, accompanied by a B9.5 flare, coronal dimming, and an EUV wave, was observed by the Solar TERrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) on 19 May 2007, beginning at about 13:00 UT. Here, we use observations from the SECCHI/EUVI telescopes and other solar observations to analyze the behavior and geometry of the filament before and during the eruption. At this time, STEREO A and B were separated by about 8.5°, sufficient to determine the three-dimensional structure of the filament using stereoscopy. The filament could be followed in SECCHI/EUVI 304 Å stereoscopic data from about 12 hours before to about 2 hours after the eruption, allowing us to determine the 3D trajectory of the erupting filament. From the 3D reconstructions of the filament and the chromospheric ribbons in the early stage of the eruption, simultaneous heating of both the rising filamentary material and the chromosphere directly below is observed, consistent with an eruption resulting from magnetic reconnection below the filament. Comparisons of the filament during eruption in 304 Å and Hα? show that when it becomes emissive in He II, it tends to disappear in Hα?, indicating that the disappearance probably results from heating or motion, not loss, of filamentary material.  相似文献   

A filament disappearance event was observed on 22 May 2008 during our recent campaign JOP 178. The filament, situated in the Southern Hemisphere, showed sinistral chirality consistent with the hemispheric rule. The event was well observed by several observatories, in particular by THEMIS. One day, before the disappearance, Hα observations showed up- and down-flows in adjacent locations along the filament, which suggest plasma motions along twisted flux rope. THEMIS and GONG observations show shearing photospheric motions leading to magnetic flux canceling around barbs. STEREO A, B spacecraft with separation angle 52.4°, showed quite different views of this untwisting flux rope in He ii 304 Å images. Here, we reconstruct the three-dimensional geometry of the filament during its eruption phase using STEREO EUV He ii 304 Å images and find that the filament was highly inclined to the solar normal. The He ii 304 Å movies show individual threads, which oscillate and rise to an altitude of about 120 Mm with apparent velocities of about 100 km?s?1 during the rapid evolution phase. Finally, as the flux rope expands into the corona, the filament disappears by becoming optically thin to undetectable levels. No CME was detected by STEREO, only a faint CME was recorded by LASCO at the beginning of the disappearance phase at 02:00 UT, which could be due to partial filament eruption. Further, STEREO Fe xii 195 Å images showed bright loops beneath the filament prior to the disappearance phase, suggesting magnetic reconnection below the flux rope.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric observations of the periodic comet P/Swift-Tuttle (1992t) were taken through 104 cm telescope of Uttar Pradesh State Observatory Nainital, using EG & G spectrograph coupled with optical multichannel analyser and reticon array detector in the optical region of the spectrum, during four nights of December 1992. The molecular emission bands of CN ( = 0) at 3888 Å, CH + C3 at 4050 Å and C2 ( = +1,0, –1) at 4690 A, 5160 Å and 5530 Å respectively, were identified. Column densities and production rates have been determined.  相似文献   

Near-infrared spectra of the near-Earth object (100085) 1992 UY4 are similar to those of P-type asteroids, providing a fitted geometric albedo of 0.052±0.005 and an effective diameter of 1.68±0.08 km. This object, with a likely outer-belt origin, also exhibits a 3-μm absorption feature with a band depth of 3%±1%, corresponding to a regolithic bulk hydrogen-to-silicon ratio of 0.30±0.05. The bulk of this hydrogen seems to be present in H2O-dominated minerals.  相似文献   

We reanalyse archival Ginga data of the soft X-ray transient source GS 2023+338 covering the beginning of its 1989 May outburst. The source showed a number of rather unusual features: very high and apparently saturated luminosity, dramatic flux and spectral variability (often on ∼1 s time-scale), and generally very hard spectrum, with no obvious soft thermal component characteristic for soft/high state.
We describe the spectrum obtained at the maximum of flux and we demonstrate that it is very different from spectra of other soft X-ray transients at similar luminosity. We confirm previous suggestions that the dramatic variability was the result of heavy and strongly variable photoelectric absorption. We also demonstrate that for a short time the spectrum of the source did look like a typical soft/high state spectrum but that this coincided with very heavy absorption.  相似文献   

本文利用Kuperu—Raadu模型下电流暗条在垂直方向上的力平衡方程,研究McMath10662和McMath10607两个活动区中暗条电流的变化及其垂直运动的规律,探讨暗条和耀斑的关系。结果表明:用具有镜象电流的日珥模型来描述爆发日珥是合适的;暗条长度可能与耀斑高度关系不密切,但电流暗条越长,对应的临界电流值越大。  相似文献   

We present observations of a mass ejection that was observed by five different instruments along its way from the solar surface to more than 100 solar radii. The instruments involved are the ground-based H coronagraph at Wrocaw, the white-light SOLWIND coronagraph on board the P78-1 satellite, zodiacal light photometers of the HELIOS B spacecraft, in situ plasma detectors and magnetometers on board the HELIOS B spacecraft, and interplanetary scintillation measurements on the ground. By using a CAT-scan analysis of the images obtained by the SOLWIND coronagraph near the Earth and HELIOS B photometers placed at 0.3 AU perpendicular to the Earth-Sun line, we have been able to get a three-dimensional density reconstruction of the mass ejection and fit the best velocity curve for its propagation. Although problems exist in smoothly joining the height-time curves (for instance, we had to reduce the brightness of the SOLWIND data by more than a factor of two to make the data sets agree photometrically), both this analysis and direct measurements by the other experiments clearly indicate higher speeds at greater distances from the Sun. The plasma acceleration in this case was obviously not limited only to distances within 3 R 0 , as is usually the case, but continued beyond the outer limit of the coronagraph view at 8 R 0 .The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

位于活动区磁中性线上方的暗条,随着活动区光球物质运动和磁结构演化,其上升运动规律呈多样性。根据暗条上升运动的特征,一般将其分为两类:第一类为缓慢上升(速度为Km.s^-1量级),在暗条上升过程中,亚电场中速是子能量为几十~100LeV量级(E〈ED,E为暗条表面电场强度,ED为经典Duecier场);第二类为快速上升(速度为几十~几百Km.s^-1量级)因暗条快速上升在其下方形成X型中性点,暗条加  相似文献   

Kippenhahn-Schluter模型回路和Kupperus-Raadu模型回路是暗条电流回路的两种极端形式,本文则从一般回路形式来研究暗条电流与暗条高度的关系。结果发现:当暗条电流与活动区磁场作用的Lorentz力方向与暗条重力方向相同时,流入活动区光球层的电流越大,其在暗条电流中所占的比例越大,暗条越稳定。当二力方向相反时,流入活动区光球层的电流越大,其在暗条电流中所占的比例越大,暗条越不稳定。  相似文献   

C. Zhu  D. Alexander  X. Sun  A. Daou 《Solar physics》2014,289(12):4533-4543
We study the interaction between an erupting solar filament and a nearby coronal hole, based on multi-viewpoint observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and STEREO. During the early evolution of the filament eruption, it exhibits a clockwise rotation that brings its easternmost leg in contact with the oppositely aligned field at the coronal hole boundary. The interaction between the two magnetic-field systems is manifested as the development of a narrow contact layer in which we see enhanced EUV brightening and bi-directional flows, suggesting that the contact layer is a region of strong and ongoing magnetic reconnection. The coronal mass ejection (CME) resulting from this eruption is highly asymmetric, with its southern portion opening up to the upper corona, while the northern portion remains closed and connected to the Sun. We suggest that the erupting flux rope that made up the filament reconnected with both the open and closed fields at the coronal hole boundary via interchange reconnection and closed-field disconnection, respectively, which led to the observed CME configuration.  相似文献   

本文给出了对行星状星云NGC2346核星AGK3—0°695从1981年到1987年这段期间内所做的照相观测结果。从中我们看到该天体自1981年底开始出现的大变幅食光变现象持续数年之后,从1986年开始其光变幅度迅速减小,由85年的Δm~4~m减小到86年的Δm~1~m.1。而且到1987年其光变曲线仅存Δm~0~m.4的不规则亮度起伏,已无明显的周期性光变现象,文中对此现象做了初步分析讨论。  相似文献   

We present observations of the formation process of a small-scale filament on the quiet Sun during 5?–?6 February 2016 and investigate its formation cause. Initially, a small dipole emerged, and its associated arch filament system was found to reconnect with overlying coronal fields accompanied by numerous extreme ultraviolet bright points. When the bright points faded, many elongated dark threads formed and bridged the positive magnetic element of the dipole and the external negative network fields. Interestingly, an anticlockwise photospheric rotational motion (PRM) set in within the positive endpoint region of the newborn dark threads following the flux emergence and lasted for more than 10 hours. Under the drive of the PRM, these dispersive dark threads gradually aligned along the north-south direction and finally coalesced into an inverse S-shaped filament. Consistent with the dextral chirality of the filament, magnetic helicity calculations show that an amount of negative helicity was persistently injected from the rotational positive magnetic element and accumulated during the formation of the filament. These observations suggest that twisted emerging fields may lead to the formation of the filament via reconnection with pre-existing fields and release of its inner magnetic twist. The persistent PRM might trace a covert twist relaxation from below the photosphere to the low corona.  相似文献   

1989年7月8日,在AR5572中,北京天文台怀柔太阳观测站观测到宁静日珥的缠绕运动。磁场观测表明,它与磁对消密切相关。  相似文献   

After decades of effort, the solar activity cycle is exceptionally well characterized, but it remains poorly understood. Pioneering work at the Mount Wilson Observatory demonstrated that other Sun-like stars also show regular activity cycles, and suggested two possible relationships between the rotation rate and the length of the cycle. Neither of these relationships correctly describes the properties of the Sun, a peculiarity that demands explanation. Recent discoveries have started to shed light on this issue, suggesting that the Sun’s rotation rate and magnetic field are currently in a transitional phase that occurs in all middle-aged stars. Motivated by these developments, we identify the manifestation of this magnetic transition in the best available data on stellar cycles. We propose a reinterpretation of previously published observations to suggest that the solar cycle may be growing longer on stellar evolutionary timescales, and that the cycle might disappear sometime in the next 0.8?–?2.4 Gyr. Future tests of this hypothesis will come from ground-based activity monitoring of Kepler targets that span the magnetic transition, and from asteroseismology with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission to determine precise masses and ages for bright stars with known cycles.  相似文献   

We estimate Asteroid 1992 SK's physical properties from delay-Doppler images and Doppler-only echo spectra obtained during March 22-27, 1999, at Goldstone and from optical lightcurves obtained during February-March 1999 at Ond?ejov Observatory. The images span only about 15° of sky motion and are not strong, but they place up to twenty 40 m by 160 m pixels on the asteroid and have complete rotational phase coverage. Our analysis establishes that the radar observations are confined to subradar latitudes between −20° and −40°. The echo spectra and optical lightcurves span ∼80° of sky motion, which provides important geometric leverage on the pole direction. The lightcurves are essential for accurate estimation of the asteroid's shape and spin state. We estimate the asteroid's period to be 7.3182±0.0003 h and its pole direction to be at ecliptic longitude, latitude=(99°±5°,−3°±5°). The asteroid is about 1.4 km in maximum extent and mildly asymmetric, with an elongation of about 1.5 and relatively subdued topography. The OC radar albedo is 0.11±0.02 and the SC/OC ratio is 0.34±0.05. The current orbital solution permits accurate identification of planetary close approaches during 826-2690. We use our model to predict salient characteristics of radar images and optical lightcurves obtainable during the asteroid's March 2006 approach.  相似文献   

We report results from the combined analysis of UV and radio observations of a CME-driven shock observed on 7 May 2004 above the southeast limb of the Sun at 1.86 R with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The coronal mass ejection (CME) was first detected in white-light by the SOHO’s Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) C2 telescope and shock-associated type II metric emission was recorded simultaneously by ground-based radio spectrographs. The shock speed (∼ 690 km s−1), as deduced from the analysis of the type II emission drift in the radio spectra and the pre-shock local electron density estimated with the diagnostics provided by UVCS observations of the O vi λλ 1031.9, 1037.6 doublet line intensities, is just a factor ∼ 0.1 higher than the CME speed inferred by means of the white-light (and EUV) data in the middle corona. The local magnetosonic speed, computed from a standard magnetic field model, was estimated as high as ∼ 600 km s−1, implying that the CME speed was probably just sufficient to drive a weak fast-mode MHD shock ahead of the front. Simultaneously with the type II radio emission, significant changes in the O vi doublet line intensities and profiles were recorded in the UVCS spectra and found compatible with abrupt post-shock plasma acceleration and modest ion heating. This work provides further evidence for the CME-driven origin of the shocks observed in the middle corona.  相似文献   

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