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I re-examine the brightness temperature problem in PKS 0405-385, which is an extreme intra-day variable radio quasar with an inferred brightness temperature of  ∼5 × 1014 K  at 5 GHz, well above the Compton catastrophe limit of  ∼1011 K  that is reached when the synchrotron photon energy density exceeds the energy density of the magnetic field. If one takes into account the uncertainty in the distance to the ionized clouds responsible for interstellar scintillation causing rapid intra-day variability in PKS 0405-385, it is possible that the brightness temperature could be as low as  ∼1013 K  at 5 GHz, or even lower. The radio spectrum can be fitted by optically thin emission from mono-energetic electrons, or an electron spectrum with a low-energy cut-off such that the critical frequency of the lowest energy electrons is above the radio frequencies of interest. If one observes optically thin emission along a long narrow emission region, the average energy density in the emission region can be many orders of magnitude lower than calculated from the observed intensity if one assumed a spherical emission region. I discuss the physical conditions in the emission region and find that the Compton catastrophe can then be avoided using a reasonable Doppler factor. I also show that MeV to 100-GeV gamma-ray emission at observable flux levels should be expected from extreme intra-day variable sources such as PKS 0405-385.  相似文献   

We use observed peak and total flux densities at 6cm and 20cm to determine the spectral indices separately for the core and extended components of QSOs and galaxies, as well as their core-dominance parameters. Our results indicate that 1) Nine QSOs show both greater than 1.0 core-dominance parameters (those objects should be blazars) and greater than 0.5 spectral indices. The average core spectral index is αCore = 0.85±0.21 for the nine blazars, which implies that it is not reliable to use αradio = 0.0 for blazars. For the different subclasses, the core and extended spectral indices are as follows: for the blazars, αCore = 0.22±0.06 and αExt =0.77±0.12; the galaxies,αCore = 1.01±0.13 and αExt =0.83±0.21, and for the QSOs, αCore = 0.28±0.10 and αExt =0.68±0.08. 2) The core spectral index and core dominance parameter (R) show an anti-correlation, αC = (-1.28±0.26) log R+ (0.65 ± 0.11); 3) R is approximately linearly correlated with redshift (z).  相似文献   

We present 23-GHz MERLIN observations of the high-luminosity radio galaxy PKS 1117+146. The radio image obtained from these data shows, for the first time, a central weak component (designated C) that we identify as the core of the radio galaxy, and two outer components (designated N and S) which are the hotspots of the extended lobes observed at lower frequencies. Extended emission in components C and S is an indication of a possible jet connecting the core to the strongest component. The overall optical and radio properties of PKS 1117+146 are consistent with the source being classified as a compact symmetric object (CSO). We discuss this hypothesis, which would make PKS 1117+146 the largest CSO known so far.  相似文献   

向飞  陈勇 《天文学报》2006,47(1):19-30
利用星系团PKS 0745—191中心区域的Chandra数据,研究了在中心星系的西边且沿着射电结构而分布的一团明亮X射线气体的性质,发现这团气体是低温而高密的;另由射电观测计算发现射电气体在中心星系的西边压强梯度要大于东边,这说明那团 X射线冷气体与射电气体之间存在相互作用.该冷气体可能是由射电浮力泡从中心星系带出;或者是外围冷气体受到了射电气体的支撑及扰动而形成.进一步,假设气体处在压强重力平衡状态,计算了中心区域的X射线气体的体积占有率为b=0.69±0.28,并且讨论了射电气体所包含的相对论性粒子的性质以及射电气体膨胀对冷流的影响.  相似文献   

We present total intensity maps of the galaxy NGC 2997 at frequencies 1435.1MHz (λ21cm) and 1652.4MHz (λ18cm) observed with the Very Large Array (VLA). The high spatial resolution allows us to distinguish two dominant arms. Using multi-frequency data, we separate the thermal and non-thermal contributions to the radio emission. The thermal emission is about 35% of the total emission at λ3 cm. We use it to estimate a space-averaged thermal  相似文献   

We present radio observations of the radio galaxy PKS 2152–699 obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The much higher resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the new radio maps reveal the presence of a bright radio component about 10 arcsec north-east of the nucleus. This lies close to the highly ionized cloud previously studied in the optical and here shown in a broad-band red snapshot image with the HST PC 2. It suggests that PKS 2152–699 may be a jet/cloud interaction similar to 3C 277.3. This could cause the change in the position angle (of ∼ 20°) of the radio emission from the inner to the outer regions. On the large scale, the source has Fanaroff & Riley type II morphology although the presence of the two hotspots in the centres of the lobes is unusual. The northern lobe shows a particularly relaxed structure while the southern one has an edge-brightened, arc-like structure.  相似文献   

A very rapid polarization position angle swing of~180°(with a time scale of~6 hours)observed at 2cm in QSO 1150+812(z=1.25)was reported by Kochenov & Gabuzda.This very rare event is difficult to explain.We found a pos- sible interpretation in the framework of a source model consisting of three polarized components,in which two compact polarized components are nearly simultaneously occulted by an interstellar cloud,with consequent focusing-defocusing effects.A spe- cific plasma-lens model is proposed which can reasonably fit the polarized flux density curve with results derived for the two lensed components.Some physical parameters of the plasma-lens and the source components are estimated.The two compact po- larized components are estimated to have brightness temperatures of~6×10~(12)K. Thus a bulk relativistic motion with a Lorentz factor less than 10 is required to meet the inverse-Compton limit.  相似文献   

We used the VLBA(NRAO, USA) and made VLBI observations towards the compact steep spectrum sources 3C43, 3C48 and 3C454 at the central frequency 1.6 GHz, and obtained their total flux density maps and information on the structures of their components. By comparison with the previous data, we analyzed the variations of their flux densities as well as the displacements of their components. It is found that the total flux density of the source 3C43, as well as the flux densities and relative positions of its components are quite stable in 14 years. For the source 3C454, the total flux density and the flux densities of its components are also relatively stable, but two of the components moved away from the central core with superluminal velocities of 21.6c and 17.7c. Fitted to their flux densities at 4 L-band frequencies, the spectral indexes of the sources 3C43 and 3C454 were obtained to be 0.63 and 0.86, respectively, in good agreement with previous results, and consistent with the definition of α ≥0.5 for compact steep spectrum sources.  相似文献   

The rapid polarization position angle swing of ~ 180?observed in QSO 1150+812 at 2cm by Kochenov and Gabuzda is quite a regular event. One interesting property of the event is that, during the time of the swing the polarized flux density remained almost constant. We suggest that such an event can be explained in terms of a relativistic thin shock propagating through a uniform helical magnetic field, giving rise to relativistic aberration effects as the transverse field component rotates. The model may also be applicable to other similar events in which variations in polarization are not accompanied by variations in total flux density.  相似文献   

Quasi-simultaneous VLBI observations at 15-86 GHz have shown that in the classical superluminal radio source 3C 273, the spectral index α(Sv∝v^α) has a systematic variation along the jet. For epoch 1995.15, a spectral reversal was observed at core distance -1.5mas, where the superluminal knot C12 Located. Similarly, for epoch 1997.18, two spectral reversals wrer observed at core distances of -1.8 mas and -4.2 mas ,where superluminal knots C11 and C14 were, respectively. These spectral reversals are associated with local maxima of the jet width. We suggest that this phenomenon may be related to a stratification of the jet structure, i.e., its physical parameters (flow velocity, Doppler factor, electron density and energy, magnetic field strength,etc.) are substantially dependent on the distance from the jet axis. These properties may be naturally formed through gasdynamic processes when the jet expands into a lower pressure ambient medium.  相似文献   

We present a multiwavelength study of the environment of the unidentified X-ray/γ-ray sources IGR J18027–1455 and IGR J21247 + 5058, recently discovered by the IBIS/ISGRI instrument, onboard the INTEGRAL satellite. The main properties of the sources found inside their position error circles, give us clues about the nature of these high-energy sources.  相似文献   

We present the results from a campaign to monitor the relatively low redshift (z=0.3) circumpolar superluminal quasar 1928+738 with VSOP during the first Announcement of Opportunity period. The four epochs of data show that there have been substantial structural changes in this source near the core on the time-scale of a few months.  相似文献   

Polarization position angle swings of - 180 ° observed in extragalactic radio sources are a regular behavior of variability in polarization. They should be due to some kind of physically regular process. We consider relativistic shocks which propagate through and 'illuminate' regular configurations of magnetic field, producing polarization angle swing events. Two magnetic field configurations (force-free field and homogeneous helical field) are considered to demonstrate the results. It is shown that the properties of polarization angle swings and the relationship between the swings and variations in total and polarized flux density are critically dependent on the configuration of magnetic field and the dynamical behavior of the shock. In particular, we find that in some cases polarization angle swings can occur when the total and polarized flux densities only vary by a very small amount. These results may be useful for understanding the polarization variability with both long and short timescales obser  相似文献   

Chandra ACIS observations of PKS 0521−365 find that the X-ray emission of this BL Lac object consists of emission from an unresolved core, a diffuse halo and a 2-arcsec jet feature coincident with the inner radio/optical jet. A comparison with a new ATCA 8.6-GHz map also finds X-ray emission from the bright hotspot south-east of the nucleus. The jet spectrum, from radio to X-ray, is probably synchrotron emission from an electron population with a broken power-law energy distribution, and resembles the spectra seen from the jets of low-power (FR I) radio galaxies. The hotspot X-ray flux is consistent with the expectations of synchrotron self-Compton emission from a plasma close to equipartition, as seen in studies of high-power (FR II) radio galaxies. While the angular structure of the halo is similar to that found by an analysis of the ROSAT High Resolution Imager image, its brightness is seen to be lower with Chandra , and the halo is best interpreted as thermal emission from an atmosphere of similar luminosity to the haloes around FR I radio galaxies. The X-ray properties of PKS 0521−365 are consistent with it being a foreshortened, beamed, radio galaxy.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of multi-frequency observations of linear polarization in the intraday variable quasar 0917+624 (z = 1.44). The observations were made in May 1989 at five frequencies (1.4, 2.7, 5.0, 8.3 and 15GHz) with the VLA and the Effelsberg 100 m-telescope and in December 1988 at two frequencies (2.7 and 5.0 GHz) with the latter. It is shown that the relationship between the variations of the polarized and total flux density is highly wavelength dependent, and the multi-frequency polarization behavior may be essential for investigating the mechanisms causing these variations. It is shown that the variations observed at 20 cm can be interpreted in terms of refractive interstellar scintillation. However, after subtracting the variation due to scintillation, three 'features' emerged in the light-curve of the polarized flux density, indicating an additional variable component. Interestingly, these features are shown to be correlated with the variations at 2-6 cm, thus indicating that thes  相似文献   

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