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The Xihu Depression in the East China Sea Shelf Basin is a large petroliferous sedimentary depression, in which oil and gas reservoirs were mainly discovered in the Pinghu Slope and the central inversion zone. The oil-gas source correlation in the Xihu Depression was analyzed by hydrocarbon generating thermal simulation data via gold-tube pyrolysis experiments. The results indicated that the oil and gas in the Xihu Depression were mainly derived from coal measure source rocks of the Eocene Pinghu Formation. Therefore, the identification of coal seams is extremely crucial for evaluating coal measure source rocks in the Pinghu Formation in the Xihu Depression. Geochemical and petrological characterization pointed to input of terrigenous organic matter and redox conditions of the depositional environment as factors that govern the ability of the coal measure source rocks in hydrocarbon generation in the Xihu Depression. In this regard, the sedimentary organic facies in the Pinghu Formation were classified into four predominantly terrigenous and one mixed-source subfacies, which all varied in carbon and hydrogen content. The coal measure source rocks in the carbon- and hydrogen-rich tidal flat-lagoon exhibited the highest hydrocarbon generation potential, whereas the mudstone in the neritic facies was the poorest in its hydrocarbon yield. These results suggested that the coal measure source rocks in the Pinghu Formation likely developed in the Hangzhou Slope and the Tiantai Slope, both representing promising sources for oil and gas exploration.  相似文献   

2007年夏季在东海舟山海域河口锋区开展了陆源溶解有机质的调查研究。测定了有色溶解有机质(CDOM)在激发波长370 nm/发射波长460 nm处的荧光强度和在λ=355 nm处的吸收系数,用于代表陆源CDOM浓度,并测定了荧光指数以指示CDOM来源。结果表明,CDOM的荧光值和紫外吸收系数之间呈显著正相关性,陆源CDOM浓度大体有向海方向降低的趋势,但是纵向上存在一些"突跃"现象。在舟山海域东北角不时观测到表层水体含有高浓度的CDOM,但变异性很大,推测可能该海区受到长江口羽状流的影响。在连续观测站发现陆源CDOM浓度在低平潮时往往比高平潮时要高。河海水在混合过程中CDOM浓度与盐度呈显著的线性负相关关系。在低盐度的悬沙锋区(S<24)CDOM浓度明显低于理论稀释值,而在较高盐度的羽状锋区,CDOM浓度接近于理论稀释值。在盐度为24~31范围内,大部分水样的荧光指数在1.50上下波动,表明其中CDOM来源以陆地来源为主;在较低盐度(S<24)的水样中荧光指数在1.70至1.90以上,表明CDOM以海洋来源为主,这与其陆源组分在高浊度的低盐度区存在显著的去除过程有关。研究表明,舟山海域水质存在着显著的变异性,与近岸羽状流密切相关,陆源溶解有机质的分布特征对此有较好的响应。  相似文献   

The increase of total organic carbon content of the late Oligocene-early Miocene terrigenously-dominated marine shales in the shallower depth intervals was reported in the Ying-Qiong Basin, South China Sea. The organic enriched lower Sanya Formation shales(early Miocene) have biomarker characteristics of tropical/subtropical plants, with abundant high molecular weight n-alkanes, angiosperm-derived oleanane,rearranged oleananes Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅱ, tricyclic/tetracyclic terpanes including des-A-oleanane, X, ...  相似文献   

Samples of argillaceous source rocks from three sub-members of the Shahejie Formation (Es) in the Dongying Depression, China, were collected to investigate the differences in hydrocarbon generation among the sub-members, which developed in fresh (Es32, Es33) and saline (Es41) water environments. Pyrolysis, XRD and thermo-XRD analyses were used to compare the characteristics of organic matter (OM), clay minerals and OM occurrences. Total organic carbon and hydrocarbon potential proxies suggest that the samples from Es33 were much better than the other two intervals, which agrees with previous studies. The characteristics of clay minerals suggest that the samples from Es41 have the most abundant illite, with a maximum illite percentage in mixed-layer illite-smectite (ISm), and the best crystallinity of ISm with a main stacking mode of R1.5. However, the stacking modes of ISm in Es32 and Es33 were primarily R0 and R1, respectively, and the crystallinity was relatively poor. Thus, the smectite illitization process was faster in Es41 than in the other two intervals, and a saline environment was a primary cause for the acceleration of the process. Moreover, OM occurrence indicates that the samples from Es41 had the lowest amount of interlayer OM, whereas Es33 had the largest amount. Therefore, the rapid illitization in Es41 caused abundant interlayer OM to be desorbed and discharged, which in turn caused the amount of residual interlayer OM in Es41 to be less than that in the other two intervals. Thus, the source rocks of Es41 made a more significant contribution to hydrocarbon generation than those of the other two units. In conclusion, the inconsistent illitization among these intervals was a major cause of the differences in hydrocarbon generation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of hydrocarbons in self-sourced reservoirs strongly depends on the concentration and maturity of organic matter in sediments. Therefore, understanding the distribution of organic heterogeneity at the time of deposition is key to reduce the risk in exploration and development of unconventional resources. This study focuses on the Lower and Middle Triassic Montney and Doig Formations (Alberta and British Columbia). Samples from outcrops, cores and cuttings were analyzed for organic content with a Rock-Eval VI and for major and trace element concentration using ICP-MS and ICP-AES techniques. The interpretation of the analysis results in relation with the stratigraphic architecture provides a mean to better understand the distribution of the organic heterogeneities and the variations of primary productivity, sedimentation rates and anoxia that control the development of source rocks.The key findings of this analysis are:- The basin-scale distribution of the organic matter suggests that the two major source-rock intervals of the Lower and Middle Triassic correspond to the sequence 3 (Spathian Montney unit) and to the transgressive systems tract of sequence 4 (Doig phosphate zone).- The dominant controls on organic matter accumulations vary through time. The Montney source-rock interval is interpreted to be associated with a major basin restriction triggering anoxia during a second-order falling stage of relative sea level. The organic accumulation of the Doig phosphate zone is interpreted as being controlled by a sharp decrease of the sedimentation rate, combined with an increase of the primary productivity.- The spatial and temporal variations of anoxia, primary productivity and dilution reflect the geodynamic evolution of the basin that ultimately controls the basin physiography as well as the sources of nutrient and sediments.  相似文献   

The retrieval of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) distribution by remote sensing is mainly based on the empirical relationship of DOC concentration and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration in many literatures. To investigate the nature of this relationship, the distributions and mixing behaviors of DOC and CDOM are reviewed in the world’s major estuaries and bays. It is found that, generally, the CDOM concentration is well correlated with the salinity in most estuaries, while DOC usually shows a nonconservative behavior which leads to a weak correlation between the DOC concentration and the CDOM concentration. To establish a good satellite reversion of the DOC concentration, the East China Sea(ECS) was taken as an example, and the mixing behavior of DOC and CDOM as well as the influence of biogeochemical processes were analyzed except for the physical mixing process with the data from late autumn (November, 2010) and winter (December, 2009) cruises. In the two ECS cruises, the CDOM concentration was found to be tightly correlated with the salinity, influenced little by the photochemical or biological processes. The data from the winter cruise show that DOC followed a conservative mixing along the salinity gradient, while in the late autumn cruise it was significantly affected by the biological activities, resulting in a poor correlation between the DOC and the CDOM. Accordingly, an improved DOC algorithm (CSDM) was proposed: when the biological influence was significant (Chl a greater than 0.8 μg/dm3 ), DOC was retrieved by the conservative and biological model, and if the conservative mixing was dominant (Chl a less than 0.8 μg/dm3 ), the direct DOC concentration and CDOM concentration relationship was used. Based on the proposed algorithm, a reasonable DOC distribution for the ECS from satellite was obtained in this study, and the proposed method can be applied to the other large river-dominant marginal sea.  相似文献   

In recent years, new oil reservoirs have been discovered in the Eocene tight sandstone of the Huilu area, northern part of the Pearl River Mouth basin, South China Sea, indicating good prospects for tight oil exploration in the area. Exploration has shown that the Huilu area contains two main sets of source rocks: the Eocene Wenchang (E2w) and Enping (E2e) formations. To satisfy the requirements for further exploration in the Huilu area, particularly for tight oil in Eocene sand reservoirs, it is necessary to re-examine and analyze the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion characteristics. Based on mass balance, this study investigated the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion characteristics as well as the tight oil resource potential using geological and geochemical data and a modified conceptual model for generation and expulsion. The results show that the threshold and peak expulsion of the E2w source rocks are at 0.6% vitrinite reflectance and 0.9% vitrinite reflectance, respectively. There were five hydrocarbon expulsion centers, located in the western, eastern, and northern Huizhou Sag and the southern and northern Lufeng Sag. The hydrocarbon yields attributed to E2w source rocks are 2.4 × 1011 tons and 1.6 × 1011 tons, respectively, with an expulsion efficiency of 65%. The E2e source rock threshold and peak expulsion are at 0.65% vitrinite reflectance and 0.93% vitrinite reflectance, respectively, with hydrocarbon expulsion centers located in the centers of the Huizhou and Lufeng sags. The yields attributed to E2e source rocks are 1.1 × 1011 tons and 0.2 × 1011 tons, respectively, with an expulsion efficiency of 20%. Using an accumulation coefficient of 7%–13%, the Eocene tight reservoirs could contain approximately 1.3 × 1010 tons to 2.3 × 1010 tons, with an average of 1.8 × 1010 tons, of in-place tight oil resources (highest recoverable coefficient can reach 17–18%), indicating that there is significant tight oil potential in the Eocene strata of the Huilu area.  相似文献   

通过对西湖凹陷天台反转带花港组20口井地层水地球化学特征进行研究,进一步揭示地层水成因、来源以及保存条件。研究结果表明,花港组地层水离子组成以Cl−、Na+、Ca2+以及HCO3−为主,其中Na+和Cl−浓度与矿化度(TDS)之间呈现较好的线性关系,具有高浓缩地层水的特征。水型以氯化钙Ⅳ型和Ⅴ型为主;钠氯系数和脱硫系数均较小,远低于海水;钙镁系数高于深层水,均指示花港组地层封闭性好,处于交替停滞带,有利于油气的聚集与保存。Na+轻微亏损主要受钠长石化作用影响;Ca2+富集除了钠长石化作用外,有机质成熟过程中伴生的有机酸,对长石和含钙矿物的溶蚀作用,也促进地层水中Ca2+的富集;Mg2+亏损可能与高岭石、绿泥石以及白云岩化紧密相关。花港组地层水来源于陆相沉积水,受沉积环境、水-岩反应、蒸发浓缩作用以及流体混合作用共同控制,表现出富Ca2+,贫Mg2+,略微贫Na+的特点。  相似文献   

通过对丽水凹陷近些年完钻的多口探井开展微量元素地球化学分析,系统探讨了研究区古新统古盐度、古气候、古水深、氧化还原环境以及古生产力特征,为厘清凹陷内优质烃源岩形成及发育主控因素起到积极作用。研究认为,丽水凹陷古新统离物源区较近,相对富集Li、Ti、V、Zn、Ga、Rb、Ba、Hf、Th元素,Cr、Mn、Co、Ni、Cu、Sr、Nb、Zr、Ta、U元素则相对亏损(对比岩石圈上地壳微量元素含量),其母岩主要与酸性岩浆岩有关。 由Li、Sr、Ni、Ga元素含量以及Sr/Ba值指示古新统整体处于淡水-半咸水的环境,水体深度较浅。Sr/Cu值的变化指示古新统气候整体表现为干热的气候条件,但垂向上呈现一定的差异,其中古新统中早期处于炎热干旱的气候条件,晚期则为温湿-干热-温湿的交替变化气候。由Ni/Co、V/Sc以及Mo含量等参数指示古新统处于弱氧化-弱还原的沉积环境。利用Ba元素的生物含量(w(Ba生物))分析古新统的生产力情况,认为其整体生产力水平较高,具有较高的生烃潜力,尤其是灵峰组生产力最高,勘探潜力较大。古新统烃源岩有机质含量与古生产力参数、氧化还原性参数、古盐度参数之间呈现较好的相关性,指示沉积环境的诸多因素会对凹陷内优质烃源岩的发育起到协同控制作用。  相似文献   

对赤道中东太平洋和赤道西太平洋4个柱状样中有机碳、可溶有机质(即氯仿沥青"A")及其族组成(总烃、饱和烃、芳烃、非烃)、某些生物标志物(正构烷烃、类异戊二烯烃和萜类)分布特征进行物性和源性的地球化学对比研究,并对它们的共性和差异性进行了探讨。结果表明:它们的共性是非烃含量高,而饱和烃和芳烃含量低,饱和烃与芳烃的比值小,类异戊二烯含量高,样品的碳优势指数CPI值为0.812~1.380,Ts/Tm的比值在0.99~1.50,反映了检测出的分子化石经历了一定的成岩作用改造,具有低成熟烃特点。4个站位的有机质都处于低演化阶段,演化程度大小为WP02-1>ES0103>W2001-2>MP2001-01。由于物性、源性以及沉积环境的差异,正构烷烃的特征可以分为两类:MP2001-01柱样沉积物中正构烷烃谱图呈双峰型分布,前低碳峰群以nC17和nC18为主峰,后高碳峰群以nC27和nC29为主峰,nC23-/nC24+为0.631~0.950,表征了主要以海洋低等菌藻类和陆地高等植物两种混合来源;而W2001-2,ES0103和WP02-1三个站位的谱图呈单峰型,并以与水生大型植物有关的C25为主峰(nC25为主峰,nC24次之,个别为nC23)的中等碳链长占优势,nC23-/nC24+为0.081~0.234,表明正构烷烃主要来源是海洋水生大型植物,藻类对这些海域低熟烃的形成作出了巨大贡献。这3个站位Pr/Ph为0.215~0.901,反映出这些站位处于强还原、还原或少数弱氧化环境,还原环境在低熟烃形成和保存过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

渐新世花港组是东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷发育的最主要储层,基于普通薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜和荧光显微观察,结合同位素地球化学对东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷花港组砂岩储层的成岩作用、成岩序列及成岩流体演化进行了研究。结果表明,花港组砂岩储层目前处于中成岩阶段B期,主要经历了机械压实、绿泥石粘土摸、酸性及碱性溶蚀作用,石英次生加大,碳酸盐胶结和自生高岭石胶结等成岩作用。研究区发育有三期碳酸盐胶结物,早期菱铁矿胶结物,中期铁方解石和晚期铁白云石。根据碳酸盐胶结物的碳氧同位素特征分析认为早期碳酸盐胶结物是由过饱和的碱性湖水沉淀造成的,而晚期碳酸盐胶结物的形成与有机酸密切相关。研究区存在两类溶蚀作用,酸性溶蚀作用和碱性溶蚀作用,早期的酸性溶蚀作用主要是有机酸对长石、岩屑及早期碳酸盐胶结物的溶蚀,晚期的碱性溶蚀作用主要是发生于碱性环境下流体对石英及硅质胶结物的溶蚀。研究区发育有两期油气充注,早期发生于晚中新世,早期发生于晚中新世,早于中期碳酸盐胶结,晚于长石溶蚀和石英胶结充注,充注量较大,第四纪以来研究区发生了第二次充注,第二次充注发生于铁白云石胶结之后,此时储层已非常致密。  相似文献   

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