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As one of the main controlling factors of oil and gas accumulation, faults are closely related to the distribution of oil and gas reservoirs. Studying how faults control petroliferous basins is particularly important. In this work, we investigated the plane positions of major faults in the China seas and its adjacent areas using the normalized vertical derivative of the total horizontal derivative (NVDR-THDR) of the Bouguer gravity anomaly, the fusion results of gravity and magnetic anomalies, and the residual Bouguer gravity anomaly. The apparent depths of major faults in the China seas and its adjacent areas were inverted using the Tilt-Euler method based on the Bouguer gravity anomaly. The results show that the strikes of the faults in the China seas and its adjacent areas are mainly NE and NW, followed by EW, and near-SN. Among them, the lengths of most ultra-crustal faults are in the range of 1 000–3 000 km, and their apparent depths lie between 10 km and 40 km. The lengths of crustal faults lie between 300 km and 1 000 km, and their apparent depths are between 0 km and 20 km. According to the plane positions and apparent depths of the faults, we put forward the concept of fault influence factor for the first time. Based on this factor, the key areas for oil and gas exploration were found as follows: the east of South North China Basin in the intracontinental rift basins; the southeast region of East China Sea Shelf Basin, the Taixinan and Qiongdongnan basins in the continental margin rift basins; Zhongjiannan Basin in the strike-slip pull-apart basins; the Liyue, Beikang, and the Nanweixi basins in the rifted continental basins. This work provides valuable insights into oil and gas exploration, mineral resource exploration, and deep geological structure research in the China seas and its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

Owing to the strategic significance of national oil and gas resources, their exploration and production must be prioritized in China. Oil and gas resources are closely related to deep crustal structures, and Moho characteristics influence oil and gas distribution. Therefore, it is important to study the relationship between the variation of the Moho surface depth undulation and hydrocarbon basins for the future prediction of their locations. The Moho depth in the study area can be inverted using the Moho depth control information, the Moho gravity anomaly, and the variable density distribution calculated by the infinite plate. Based on these results, the influences of Moho characteristics on petroleum basins were studied. We found that the Moho surface depth undulation deviation and crustal thickness undulation deviation in the hydrocarbon-rich basins are large, and the horizontal gradient deviation of the Moho surface shows a positive linear relationship with oil and gas resources in the basin. The oil-bearing mechanism of the Moho basin is further discussed herein. The Moho uplift area and the slope zone correspond to the distribution of oil and gas fields. The tensile stress produced by the Moho uplift can form tensile fractures or cause tensile fractures on the surface, further developing into a fault or depression basin that receives deposits. The organic matter can become oil and natural gas under suitable chemical and structural conditions. Under the action of groundwater or other dynamic forces, oil and natural gas are gradually transported to the uplift or the buried hill in the depression zone, and oil and gas fields are formed under the condition of good caprock. The research results can provide new insights into the relationship between deep structures and oil and gas basins as well as assist in the strategic planning of oil and gas exploration activities.  相似文献   

The geological-geophysical map series of the eastern China seas and adjacent region (1:1 000 000) will be published in the late half year of 2009. The regional tectonic map is one of the main professional maps. The Mapping methods, the division method of geological tectonic units and the main geological tectonic units are mainly discussed. The strata from Pliocene to Holocene are peeled off so as to display the Pre-Pliocene structures. In basins, isopaches are drawn for the Cenozoic deposits. The plate tectonic theory and present tectonic pattern are adopted as the priorities in tectonic division. As to the division of intraplate tectonic units, it is a revision, complement and improvement of previous dividing systems, and the nomenclature for each tectonic unit follows the current system in China. The first-order tectonic unit is plate (Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate and Philippine Sea Plate). The second-order tectonic unit is tectonic domain (East Asian continental tectonic domain,East Asian continental margin tectonic domain and west Pacific tectonic domain). The Philippine Sea Plate and the west part of the Pacific Plate are called the West Pacific tectonic domain. The part of the Eurasian Plate involved in this study area can be further divided into East Asian continental tectonic domain and East Asian continental margin tectonic domain. The East Asian continental margin domain is composed of the Ryukyu island arc, the Okinawa Trough back-arc basin and the back-arc basin of Sea of Japan. The East Asian continental tectonic domain in this study area is composed of the Sino-Korea Massif, the Changjiang River (Yangtze) Massif and South China Massif. In turn, these massifs consist of basins, folded belts or uplift zones. The basins,the folded belts or the uplift zones are further divided into uplifts and depressions made up of sags and swells.  相似文献   

为研究北极地区挪威海内Aegir脊及邻区断裂构造特征,为北极地区油气勘探提供方向,在斯克里普斯海洋研究所发布的研究区重力数据(网格数据)基础上填充最新船测数据,对已有重磁资料进行异常分离、滑动平均和重磁场边界识别。目前,研究区的特征断裂和构造单元划分尚不清楚。根据异常极值带、异常带走向、异常梯度带变化程度等,对研究区进行了断裂识别和构造单元划分。研究表明:重磁异常特征呈NNE—NW—NE向展布,重力异常呈现高低分带,反映出该区基底隆坳相间的格架。根据重磁异常与断裂对应关系,识别出4个构造走向和7条主要断裂,划分出Mohns脊、扬马延微陆块、东扬马延断裂带、西扬马延断裂带、Aegir脊、东扬马延深海盆地和挪威深海盆地等7个构造单元。  相似文献   

本文较详细地阐述了台湾海峡两岸深、浅部地球物理场和地壳结构特征及其地质意义。并浅析了该区构造演化机制。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR的再分析资料、全球海温资料(OISST)及区域气候模式(RegCM3)研究了东亚夏季低层(925hPa)大气环流对东海及其邻近海域热力异常的响应.结果表明,夏季,当东海及其邻近海域的海温升高0.5和1.0℃时,在中国东部和东海及其邻近海域上空均会出现一个异常的气旋性环流,而且海温越高,气旋性环流越明显,并在海面上空形成辐合中心;反之,当东海及其邻近海域海温降低时,中国东部和东海及其邻近海域上空将出现一个异常的反气旋性环流,并在海面上空形成辐散中心.东海及其邻近海域夏季海温的异常可通过热力作用影响低层大气的辐合(散)和垂向运动,并影响局地低层大气和上层海洋的相互作用,从而使得东亚大气环流发生改变,进而可能对中国大陆东部气候和近海环境的变化产生重要作用.  相似文献   

孟庆佳  施建伟  刘娜  王凡 《海洋科学》2011,35(12):121-126
利用中国科学院海洋研究所“中国海洋科学数据库”历史资料并结合Pathfinder 卫星遥感资料, 对中国近海的海表面温度(SST)多年变化情况进行了分析讨论, 给出了变化趋势。针对1963~1996 年和1985~1996 年两个时间段, 对夏季和冬季中国近海SST 的长期变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明, 在中国近海除个...  相似文献   

综述了南海和台湾以东海域若干气旋型和反气旋型涡旋研究.在南海存在着许多活跃的中尺度涡,我们分别对南海中、南部海域和南海北部海域中尺度涡作了评述.在南海北部海域,目前最感兴趣的问题为:南海水与西菲律宾海通过吕宋海峡的交换的物理过程,以及黑潮是否以反气旋流套形式进入南海.这些问题目前尚不清楚,尤其是这些问题的机理.这些问题必须通过今后深入和细致的、长时间的海流和水文观测,以及长时间卫星遥感观测资料的论证才能逐渐认识清楚.台湾以东海域,黑潮两侧经常出现中尺度涡,而且变化较大而复杂.文中着重讨论兰屿冷涡和台湾东北的气旋式冷涡.  相似文献   

多板纲软体动物统称石鳖,是软体动物门较为低等的一个类群,在软体动物的系统进化中占有重要的地位。但有关我国沿海多板纲软体动物的调查研究十分欠缺,而且对中国沿海多板纲的分布状况和区系特点尚不明确,并存在着一些鉴定错误和分类混乱现象。本研究利用10%Na OH溶液处理齿舌部获取齿舌带和壳板的方法,通过扫描电镜和显微镜观察拍照,对我国沿岸常见多板纲软体动物中5科7属13种的齿舌和壳板形态结构进行了描述,并进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

通过对海南岛海岸带野外考察,在文昌市铜鼓岭石头公园观察到高程为30m的海平面遗迹,在东方市黄流镇观察到高程为25~35m的海平面遗迹,在三亚市鹿回头观察到高程为2.5m的海平面遗迹。综合研究前人在该区关于海平面变化的研究成果,得出如下几点初步认识:(1)南海及其周缘地区中全新世以来海平面呈下降趋势,海平面最高位置出现在7000a左右、高于现代海平面3m左右的位置;(2)南海中全新世以来海平面遗迹所揭示的古海平面高程的差异性是古海平面本身持续下降和该区地壳差异性垂直运动共同作用的结果;(3)南海及其周缘地区中全新世期间中央海盆及其西缘的珠江口、红河、湄公河和昭披耶河4个河流三角洲地区为构造沉降区,而南海周缘的台湾岛、雷州半岛、印支半岛、南马来半岛、爪哇岛和苏拉威西岛6个地区为构造抬升区,抬升幅度最大的地方在台湾岛。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地位于欧亚板块东南缘,中生代以来盆地形成和演化过程受到古太平洋板块多期洋壳俯冲及其多构造体系叠加改造,其盆地原型、构造-沉积演化与油气成藏关系一直是研究的热点。本文综合应用东海陆架盆地南部最新地震调查、钻井和临近陆域资料,通过海陆对比、中生界层序地层建立、构造-沉积演化过程重塑,探讨中生界油气成藏的关键问题和勘探方向。研究结果认为东海陆架盆地南部中生界存在2个超层序7个层序,中生代以来演化表现为晚三叠世前的被动大陆边缘基底、晚三叠世—中侏罗世活动大陆边缘拗陷、白垩纪活动陆缘断陷盆地;早期基底NE向格架控制中生代盆地结构与宏观含油气性,中生代两期构造演化造就了两套生储盖组合,基隆运动、渔山运动和雁荡运动控制早期油气的生成、聚集,龙井运动主要控制早期油气藏调整与改造、再成藏;继承性隆起(斜坡)闽江斜坡和“凹中凸”台北转折带是中生界油气主要勘探方向。  相似文献   

通过对海南岛海岸带野外考察,在文昌市铜鼓岭石头公园观察到高程为30 m的海平面遗迹,在东方市黄流镇观察到高程为25~35 m的海平面遗迹,在三亚市鹿回头观察到高程为25 m的海平面遗迹。综合研究前人在该区关于海平面变化的研究成果,得出如下几点初步认识:(1)南海及其周缘地区中全新世以来海平面呈下降趋势,海平面最高位置出现在7 000 a左右、高于现代海平面3 m左右的位置;(2)南海中全新世以来海平面遗迹所揭示的古海平面高程的差异性是古海平面本身持续下降和该区地壳差异性垂直运动共同作用的结果;(3)南海及其周缘地区中全新世期间中央海盆及其西缘的珠江口、红河、湄公河和昭披耶河4个河流三角洲地区为构造沉降区,而南海周缘的台湾岛、雷州半岛、印支半岛、南马来半岛、爪哇岛和苏拉威西岛6个地区为构造抬升区,抬升幅度最大的地方在台湾岛。  相似文献   

汕头湾表层沉积物重金属元素含量和分布特征研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
乔永民  黄长江 《海洋学报》2009,31(1):106-116
于2002年9月在汕头湾采集了13个表层沉积物样品,测定了它们的细粒级组分、总有机质、铝、铁、锰、铜、锌、铅、镉、铬、镍、钴的含量,对其分布特征及其彼此之间相关性进行了分析,并以南海陆架区重金属含量为背景值计算了汕头湾表层沉积物重金属元素的富集系数,结果表明,铁、锰、铜、锌、铅、镉、铬、镍、钴的含量范围分别为2.91%~3.94%,427.85~810.96,24.43~79.49,84.83~248.50,35.56~50.25,0.30~1.75,36.11~74.22,16.99~31.69,8.22~10.87 mg/kg,其分布由汕头湾上游的榕江口至湾口呈波浪状递减(锰除外)。汕头湾表层沉积物中各重金属的富集系数均大于1,其中富集系数从大到小的重金属元素是铜、镉、铅、锌、镍、铬和锰。人为排污、水动力作用、黏土含量、盐度是多数重金属元素分布特征的控制因素。锰的分布特征更多地取决于汕头湾水域的氧化还原条件。  相似文献   

As a potential oil and gas reservoir, reef complexes have been a research focus from petroleum geologists for a long time. There are favorable conditions for the development of reef complexes in the South China Sea; however, their internal structures, evolution and distribution are still poorly understood. Based on 2D and 3D seismic data, the internal structures and evolution patterns of the reef complexes on the carbonate platform margin in the deep water areas over the western South China Sea were studied in detail. The result shows that two types of reef complexes, i.e., fault controlling platform margin reef complexes and ramp reef complexes have been developed in the study area. The reef complexes have independent or continuous mound or lenticular seismic reflections, with three internal structures (i.e., aggrading, prograding and retrograding structures). There are different growth rates during the evolution of the reef complexes, resulting in the formation of catch-up reefs, keep-up reefs and quick step reefs. The study also reveals that different platform margin reef complexes have different internal structures and distributions, because of the different platform types. These results may be applied to the exploration and prediction of carbonate platform margin reef complexes in other areas that are similar to the study area.  相似文献   

2004年4~5月初在东海赤潮高发区暴发的特大规模原甲藻赤潮前期和暴发初期对该海域进行的现场调查,并对该海域COD的分布特征进行了探讨。结果表明,赤潮暴发前COD为0.295-1.836mg/L,主要受陆源输入影响。根据其在局部海区底层出现的异常升高结合其他参数分析可对特定海区潜在赤潮暴发的可能性进行评估。赤潮暴发时COD为0.36~3.14mg/L,表层和中层与叶绿素存在显著正相关关系,表明其主要受生物影响。富营养化指数表明赤潮暴发前近一半海域已经处于富营养化状态,但COD对富营养化的贡献不如营养盐重要。  相似文献   

长江口崇明东滩水域悬沙粒径组成和再悬浮作用特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
根据2006年10月在崇明东滩潮间带和潮下带两个站位的大小潮水文泥沙观测资料和悬沙水样的室内粒度分析资料,对悬沙粒径的时空分布特征及其与流速等的关系进行了分析,并对再悬浮特点进行了探讨,结果表明,大小潮期间的悬沙颗粒组成较细,平均粒径的均值仅为6μm;大潮时的悬沙粒径略粗于小潮的,潮间带的略粗于潮下带的;由底床向上悬沙粒径趋于减小。悬沙粒径与流速、悬沙含量无明显的统计学关系,底质粒径、再悬浮强度和再悬浮泥沙粒径的空间变化以及浮泥的悬浮作用等是主要的影响因素。由于底质粒径的空间分布复杂,在东滩水域再悬浮具有明显的空间变化。在底质平均粒径大于60μm的粗颗粒沉积区,大小潮的再悬浮作用微小,底质以推移质运动为主。在底质平均粒径介于5~11μm的细颗粒沉积区上,悬沙级配与底质级配基本相同,该区域是再悬浮的主要发生源地;悬沙级配的变化过程揭示,再悬浮对底层悬沙的贡献率平均为8%~20%,大潮时的再悬浮强度是小潮的5~10倍,由底质再悬浮产生的悬沙在底部水层中的平均含量约为0.03~0.47 kg/m3。  相似文献   

南海热带气旋的气候变化及强度预测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立南海海域1949~2007年6~10月份热带气旋(以下简称TC)年、月频数和TC中心强度的历史资料统计文件,分析TC的年月变化。结果表明:近50年,TC具有10a左右的周期变化,1964~1974年和1985~1995年为南海两个强台风以上级别频发期,1997~2006年为TC频数少且强度弱的时期。同时TC强度的空间分布分析结果表明,中沙北部海域和东沙西部海域为强台风多发生区,各月TC强度分布特征明显不同,且其加强通道具有南-北-南阶段性变化。另外,通过分别对1949~2007年北半球500hPa高度场及海温场的格点资料和TC强度历史资料的相关计算,选取高相关格点,根据相关权重组成组合因子,构建二次型预测方程,做年月TC强度预测。预测检验结果显示,冬季的高度场和海温场对次年的TC强度预测效果良好。  相似文献   

简要介绍了黄海和东海的地理环境概况,着重分析调查海域的环流系统。有如下一些初步看法与结论。 台湾暖流的前缘混合水,可从长江冲淡水底层穿越而影响到苏北沿岸,直到32°N以北的浅水区域。对马暖流西侧的水体是东海混合水,而其东侧为黑潮分支。黄海暖流的流向在不同季节具有规律的摆动。黄海底层冷水团属于季节性水团,其强盛及消衰与温跃层的形成及消亡紧密相关。黄海底层冷水团与中部底层冷水并非每年彼此独立,它们的共同特征甚至比其差异更明显。夏季东海冷水不能借助爬升侵入黄海底层冷水团内部。在济州岛南部区域,中层的逆温、逆盐现象,是由黄海密度环流的扩散效应与东海冷水沿黄海底层冷水团边界的爬升这两个原因而形成的。  相似文献   

东海、黄海底层鱼类数量分布季节变化的因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  程家骅 《海洋学报》2008,30(4):123-130
根据2000年春(4月)、夏(6月)、秋(9月)、冬(12月)四季东海、黄海底拖网鱼类资源调查资料,使用因子分析的方法分析了该海域鱼类数量分布的季节变化特征。R型分析发现,春季关系最密切的鱼种有4种:斑鳐、凤鲚、海鳗和黑鳃梅童鱼;夏季有5种:鳀、小黄鱼、黄鮟鱇、绿鳍鱼和长蛇鲻;秋季也有5种:带鱼、灰鲳、虻鲉、日本鲭和小黄鱼;冬季有3种:带鱼、鳄齿鱼和发光鲷。历史资源调查证实,夏季的这5个鱼种之间以摄食与被摄食关系为主。进一步分析发现,各季节关系密切的鱼种所聚集分布的水域,正是这些鱼种各季对应的生理周期洄游分布的主要水域。根据Q型分析可以得到各季的综合优势鱼种及其优势分布水域,发现带鱼和小黄鱼是东海、黄海渔业资源的绝对优势鱼种,除了带鱼、小黄鱼以外,其他的综合优势鱼种都是一些价值较低的、生长速度较快的小型鱼类。  相似文献   

利用历史观测得到的温度剖面数据,通过严格筛选和插值,建立了南海北部的气候态垂向温度剖面。随后,利用回归统计分析的方法构建了海面温度异常(SSTA)、海面高度异常(SSHA)联合扩展温度剖面的经验回归模型,并采用卫星遥感得到的SST和SSH数据扩展了南海北部的三维海洋温度场,其时间分辨率为天,空间分辨率为0.25°×0.25°。通过与观测数据的对比研究,扩展得到的温度场可以较为准确地反映南海北部温度剖面的结构特征,并且能有效地体现出一些中尺度变化过程。结果表明,本研究反演得到的三维温度扩展场是较为可靠的,它可以作为海洋数值模型的初始场,实现现场观测数据和卫星遥感数据的互补,有助于更好地分析南海北部温度场的三维结构及变化特征。  相似文献   

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