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Kazunari Iwasaki Toru Tsuribe 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,387(4):1554-1562
A new self-similar solution describing the dynamical condensation of a radiative gas is investigated under a plane-parallel geometry. The dynamical condensation is caused by thermal instability. The solution is applicable to generic flow with a net cooling rate per unit volume and time ∝ρ2 T α , where ρ, T and α are the density, temperature and a free parameter, respectively. Given α, a family of self-similar solutions with one parameter η is found in which the central density and pressure evolve as follows: ρ( x = 0, t ) ∝ ( t c − t )−η/(2−α) and P ( x = 0, t ) ∝ ( t c − t )(1−η)/(1−α) , where t c is the epoch at which the central density becomes infinite. For η∼ 0 the solution describes the isochoric mode, whereas for η∼ 1 the solution describes the isobaric mode. The self-similar solutions exist in the range between the two limits; that is, for 0 < η < 1 . No self-similar solution is found for α > 1 . We compare the obtained self-similar solutions with the results of one-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. In a converging flow, the results of the numerical simulations agree well with the self-similar solutions in the high-density limit. Our self-similar solutions are applicable to the formation of interstellar clouds (H i clouds and molecular clouds) by thermal instability. 相似文献
Ben A. Ayliffe Matthew R. Bate 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,397(2):657-665
We investigate the properties of circumplanetary discs formed in three-dimensional, self-gravitating radiation hydrodynamical models of gas accretion by protoplanets. We determine disc sizes, scaleheights, and density and temperature profiles for different protoplanet masses, in solar nebulae of differing grain opacities.
We find that the analytical prediction of circumplanetary disc radii in an evacuated gap ( RHill /3) from Quillen & Trilling yields a good estimate for discs formed by high-mass protoplanets. The radial density profiles of the circumplanetary discs may be described by power laws between r −2 and r −3/2 . We find no evidence for the ring-like density enhancements that have been found in some previous models of circumplanetary discs. Temperature profiles follow a ∼ r −7/10 power law regardless of protoplanet mass or nebula grain opacity. The discs invariably have large scaleheights ( H / r > 0.2) , making them thick in comparison with their encompassing circumstellar discs, and they show no flaring. 相似文献
We find that the analytical prediction of circumplanetary disc radii in an evacuated gap ( R
We test here the first stage of a route of modifications to be applied to the public GADGET2 code for dynamically identifying accretion centers during the collision process of two adjacent and identical gas cores. Each colliding core has a uniform density profile and rigid body rotation; its mass and size have been chosen to represent the observed core L1544; for the thermal and rotational energy ratios with respect to the potential energy, we assume the values α = 0.3 and β = 0.1, respectively. These values favor the gravitational collapse of the core. We here study cases of both head‐on and off‐center collisions, in which the pre‐collision velocity increases the initial sound speed of the barotropic gas by up to several times. In a simulation the accretion centers are formed by the highest density particles, so we here report their location and properties in order to realize the collision effects on the collapsing and colliding cores. In one of the models, we observe a roughly spherical distribution of accretion centers located at the front wave of the collision. In a forthcoming publication we will apply the full modified GADGET code to study the collision of turbulent cores. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Giovanni Carraro Cesario Lia & Cesare Chiosi 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,297(4):1021-1040
In this paper we report on pd-sph , the new tree-sph code developed in Padua. The main features of the code are described and the results of a new and independent series of 1D and 3D tests are shown. The paper is mainly dedicated to the presentation of the code and to the critical discussion of its performance. In particular, great attention is devoted to the convergency analysis. The code is highly adaptive in space and time by means of individual smoothing lengths and individual time-steps. At present it contains both dark and baryonic matter, this latter in the form of gas and stars, cooling, thermal conduction, star formation, feedback from Type I and II supernovae, stellar winds, and ultraviolet flux from massive stars, and finally chemical enrichment. New cooling rates that depend on the metal abundance of the interstellar medium are employed, and the differences with respect to the standard ones are outlined. Finally, we show the simulation of the dynamical and chemical evolution of a disc-like galaxy with and without feedback. The code is suitably designed to study in a global fashion the problem of formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies, and in particular to feed a spectrophotometric code from which the integrated spectra, magnitudes and colours (together with their spatial gradients) can be derived. 相似文献
A. Sáiz R. Domínguez-Tenreiro P.B. Tissera S. Courteau 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,325(1):119-132
We present results from a careful and detailed analysis of the structural and dynamical properties of a sample of 29 disc-like objects identified at z =0 in three AP3M–SPH fully consistent cosmological simulations. These simulations are realizations of a CDM hierarchical model, in which an inefficient Schmidt-law-like algorithm to model the stellar formation process has been implemented. We focus on properties that can be constrained with available data from observations of spiral galaxies, namely the bulge and disc structural parameters and the rotation curves. Comparison with data from Broeils, de Jong and Courteau gives satisfactory agreement, in contrast with previous findings using other codes. This suggests that the stellar formation implementation we have used has succeeded in forming compact bulges that stabilize disc-like structures in the violent phases of their assembly, while in the quiescent phases the gas has cooled and collapsed in accord with the Fall & Efstathiou standard model of disc formation. 相似文献
Redistributing hot gas around galaxies: do cool clouds signal a solution to the overcooling problem?
Tobias Kaufmann James S. Bullock Ariyeh H. Maller Taotao Fang James Wadsley 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,396(1):191-202
We present a pair of high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations that explore the evolution and cooling behaviour of hot gas around Milky Way size galaxies. The simulations contain the same total baryonic mass and are identical other than their initial gas density distributions. The first is initialized with a low-entropy hot gas halo that traces the cuspy profile of the dark matter, and the second is initialized with a high-entropy hot halo with a cored density profile as might be expected in models with pre-heating feedback. Galaxy formation proceeds in dramatically different fashion depending on the initial setup. While the low-entropy halo cools rapidly, primarily from the central region, the high-entropy halo is quasi-stable for ∼4 Gyr and eventually cools via the fragmentation and infall of clouds from ∼100 kpc distances. The low-entropy halo's X-ray surface brightness is ∼100 times brighter than current limits and the resultant disc galaxy contains more than half of the system's baryons. The high-entropy halo has an X-ray brightness that is in line with observations, an extended distribution of pressure-confined clouds reminiscent of observed populations and a final disc galaxy that has half the mass and ∼50 per cent more specific angular momentum than the disc formed in the low-entropy simulation. The final high-entropy system retains the majority of its baryons in a low-density hot halo. The hot halo harbours a trace population of cool, mostly ionized, pressure-confined clouds that contain ∼10 per cent of the halo's baryons after 10 Gyr of cooling. The covering fraction for H i and Mg ii absorption clouds in the high-entropy halo is ∼0.4 and ∼0.6, respectively, although most of the mass that fuels disc growth is ionized, and hence would be under counted in H i surveys. 相似文献
Scott T. Kay F. R. Pearce A. Jenkins C. S. Frenk S. D. M. White P. A. Thomas H. M. P. Couchman 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,316(2):374-394
Numerical simulations of galaxy formation require a number of parameters. Some of these are intrinsic to the numerical integration scheme (e.g., the time-step), while others describe the physical model (e.g., the gas metallicity). In this paper we present results of a systematic exploration of the effects of varying a subset of these parameters on simulations of galaxy formation. We use N -body and 'Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics' techniques to follow the evolution of cold dark matter and gas in a small volume. We compare a fiducial model with 24 different simulations, in which one parameter at a time is varied, focusing on properties such as the relative fraction of hot and cold gas, and the abundance and masses of galaxies. We find that for reasonable choices of numerical values, many parameters have relatively little effect on the galaxies, with the notable exception of the parameters that control the resolution of the simulation and the efficiency with which gas cools. 相似文献