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One of the measurable symptoms of man-induced climatic change is a global rise in mean sea-level. A review of the suggested mechanisms for sea-level rise is given, supported by a critical discussion of present predictions and predictive models. The data base on which these predictions are based is geographically inhomogeneous and particularly sparse in the Southern Hemisphere. Some preliminary work which has been done on the possible environmental impact of sea-level rise on coastal areas is described, but very little of this is for Southern Hemisphere countries. It is suggested that since the Southern Hemisphere has particular observational requirements because of a higher ratio of ocean to terrestrial areas, particular attention in international monitoring programmes be given to it. This has special relevance to sea-level measurements in hostile environments such as off Antarctica.  相似文献   

A link between the Antarctic sea-ice extent and low-frequency atmospheric variations, particularly ENSO, has been suggested by recent modeling and empirical studies. This question is examined here using a high-resolution (by week, by region) data base of Antarctic sea-ice extent for the 1973–1982 period. Although of relatively short duration by Northern Hemisphere standards, such a data base offers an opportunity rare in Southern Hemisphere climate studies. The seaice variations are examined in the context of longer-term indices of the large-scale atmospheric circulation. These are a Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and an index of sea-level pressure (SLP) wavenumber one in the Southern Hemisphere extratropics. The indices are updated through 1982, and their associations with regional-scale pressure indices in the Australia-New Zealand sector are also examined. The 1973–1982 period is anomalous when compared with the period 1951–1972. Correlation analysis of the monthly sea ice and circulation index values reveals that much of the apparent link between the ice and the SOI suggested in previous studies arises from autocorrelations present in both data sets and the strong annual cycle of sea-ice extent. Removing these effects from the data and re-running the correlations reveals that most of the resulting significant associations between the ice and one or other of the circulation indices can probably be explained on the basis of chance. In order to reconcile these findings with previous studies that show some strong ice-circulation interactions on regional scales, only those months in which significant correlations occur between both largescale circulation indices and the sea ice are examined further. These occur preferentially in the Ross and Weddell sectors, which constitute the regions contributing most to the variability of Antarctic sea ice. The analysis suggests that the sea-ice-extent changes lag the SOI by several months but may precede changes in extratropical SLP wavenumber one. Confirmation of these tentative regional ice extent-circulation teleconnections necessarily awaits the forward extension of the high-resolution sea-ice data base beyond the 10 years available here.This paper is based on material presented at the Conference on Mechanisms of Interannual and Longer-Term Climatic Variations held at the University of Melbourne, Australia: December 8–12, 1986.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of Antarctic sea ice distribution on the large scale circulation of the Southern Hemisphere using a fully coupled GCM where the sea ice submodel is replaced by a climatology of observed extremes in sea ice concentration. Three 150-year simulations were completed for maximum, minimum and average sea ice concentrations and the results for the austral summer (January?CMarch) were compared using the surface temperatures forced by the sea ice distributions as a filter for creating the composite differences. The results indicate that in the austral summer the polar cell expands (contracts) under minimum (maximum) sea ice conditions with corresponding shifts in the midlatitude Ferrell cell. We suggest that this response occurs because sea ice lies in the margin between the polar and midlatitude cells. The polarity of the Southern Hemisphere Annular (SAM) mode is also influenced such that when sea ice is at a minimum (maximum) the polarity of the SAM tends to be negative (positive).  相似文献   

利用1973~1989年南极海冰北界资料研究海冰变异对华南不同区域后汛期降雨的影响,认为:华南后汛期降雨与南极海冰和南半球大气环流间存在遥相关显著性。分析海冰与南半球大气环流、副高、热带气旋、南亚高压等系统间的相关关系表明,海冰变异是通过影响这些系统,而对后汛期降雨产生影响作用的。其中上年9月罗斯海海冰、7月全南极海冰和威德尔海海冰的作用更明显。当年1月低纬气旋数和前期南美深对流区强弱与广西后汛期降雨关系显著。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the long-term fluctuations of snow accumulation in the Antarctic and analyzes its correlation with the sea level pressure (SLP) in the middle latitude (40°–50° S) of the Southern Hemisphere. Stratigraphic data which were compiled from studies on ice cores and snow-pits at eight stations in the Antarctic were used in the present study. It was found that the data concerning fluctuations in snow accumulation for East Antarctica showed correlations, whereas no such correlation was observed for the data from West Antarctica.This study shows possible relationships between snow accumulation in the Antarctic and SLP in the middle latitudes. The fluctuations of accumulation at South Pole, Dome C, Wilkes and South Ice Point show correlations with SLP over a large area in the 40°–50° S latitudinal zone. For the long-term fluctuations of SLP in the 40°–50 ° S latitudinal zone, a zonal fluctuation with wave number zero structure and a longitudinal variation of SLP anomalies due to their out-of-phase-fluctuation between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans were observed. The temporal scales for these fluctuations were found to be in the order of 20–30 years and 40–60 years, respectively. The influences of these two modes on the behaviour of snow accumulation in the Antarctic is also discussed.Now at Kitami Institute of Technology, Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan.  相似文献   

A coupled global atmosphere-ocean model is used to study the influence of the Antarctica ice sheet in a configuration that mimics that of the early Miocene on the atmospheric and oceanic circulations. Based on different climate simulations of the present day (CTR) and conducted with distinct Antarctic ice sheet topography (AIS-EXP), it is found that the reduction of the Antarctic ice sheet topography (AIS) induces warming of the Southern Hemisphere and reduces the meridional thermal gradient. Consequently, the atmospheric transient low level eddy heat flux $[(\overline{v^{\prime}T^{\prime}})]$ and the eddy momentum flux $[(\overline{u^{\prime}v^{\prime}})]$ are reduced causing the reduced transport of heat from the mid-latitudes to the pole. The stationary flow and transient wave anomalies generate changes in the SSTs which modify the rate of deep water formation, strengthening the formation of the Antarctic Bottom Water. Substantial changes are predicted to occur in the atmospheric and oceanic heat transport and a comparison between the total heat transport of the atmosphere-ocean system, as simulated by the AIS-EXP and the CTR runs, shows that the reduction of the AIS height leads to reduced Southern Hemisphere poleward and increased equatorward heat transport. These results are in agreement with reduced storm track activities and baroclinicity.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) surfaces have been experiencing an overall rapid warming and wetting while wind speed and solar radiation have been declining in the last three decades. This study investigated how climate changes influenced the hydrological cycle on the TP during 1984??2006. To facilitate the analysis, a land surface model was used to simulate surface water budget at all CMA (China Meteorological Administration) stations on the TP. The simulated results were first validated against observed ground temperature and observation-derived heat flux on the western TP and observed discharge trends on the eastern TP. The response of evaporation and runoff to the climate changes was then analyzed. Major finding are as follows. (1) Surface water balance has been changed in recent decades. Observed precipitation shows insignificant increasing trends in central TP and decreasing trends along the TP periphery while evaporation shows overall increasing trends, leading to decreased discharge at major TP water resource areas (semi-humid and humid zones in the eastern and southern TP). (2) At the annual scale, evaporation is water-limited in dry areas and energy-limited (radiation and air temperature) in wet areas; these constraints can be interpreted by the Budyko-curve. Evaporation in autumns and winters was strongly controlled by soil water storage in summers, weakening the dependence of evaporation on precipitation at seasonal scales. (3) There is a complementary effect between the simulated actual evaporation and potential evaporation, but this complementary relationship may deviate from Bouchet??s hypothesis when vapor pressure deficit (or air temperature) is too low, which suppresses the power of vapor transfer.  相似文献   

<正>1北半球与南半球的温差早在16世纪就有人认为北半球平均温度要高于南半球,这种观点在20世纪初基本得到了证实[1]。3个现代观测序列给出来的1961—1990年北半球与南半球的平均温差分别为1.2℃(CRU[2])、1.4℃(NCEP[3])和1.5℃(ERA-40[4])。因此,北半球平均温度高于南半球已经成为一个确凿无疑的气候特征。2温差形成的原因  相似文献   

Climate change impacts on the regional hydrological cycle are compared for model projections following an ambitious emissions-reduction scenario (E1) and a medium-high emissions scenario with no mitigation policy (A1B). The E1 scenario is designed to limit global annual mean warming to 2 °C or less above pre-industrial levels. A multi-model ensemble consisting of ten coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation models is analyzed, which includes five Earth System Models containing interactive carbon cycles. The aim of the study is to assess the changes that could be mitigated under the E1 scenario and to identify regions where even small climate change may lead to strong changes in precipitation, cloud cover and evapotranspiration. In these regions the hydrological cycle is considered particularly vulnerable to climate change, highlighting the need for adaptation measures even if strong mitigation of climate change would be achieved. In the A1B projections, there are significant drying trends in sub-tropical regions, precipitation increases in high latitudes and some monsoon regions, as well as changes in cloudiness and evapotranspiration. These signals are reduced in E1 scenario projections. However, even under the E1 scenario, significant precipitation decrease in the subtropics and increase in high latitudes are projected. Particularly the Amazon region shows strong drying tendencies in some models, most probably related to vegetation interaction. Where climate change is relatively small, the E1 scenario tends to keep the average magnitude of potential changes at a level comparable to current intra-seasonal to inter-annual variability at that location. Such regions are mainly located in the mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

吴仁广  陈烈庭 《大气科学》1994,18(Z1):792-800
本文利用1973—1982年南极海冰北界资料,分析了南极海冰平均北界(海冰范围)的变化及其与南半球大气环流变化间的联系。1976年前,南极海冰平均北界偏北(海冰范围扩大),而1977年-1980年,南极海冰平均北界偏南(海冰范围缩小)。与此相对应,这两个时期的南半球大气环流具有明显不同的特点。在南极海冰平均北界偏北、海冰范围扩大时期,南极高压和绕极低压带偏弱,南半球中高纬度地区槽脊位置偏西,南印度洋和南大晒洋副热带高压偏弱,南太平洋副热带西凤减弱、中纬度西风加强,而南太平洋副热带高压和印度尼西亚低压带发展,南方涛动处于正位相阶段;在南极海冰平均北界偏南、海冰范围缩小时期,则相反。分析表明,南方涛动与南极海冰之间存在相互联系,并以南极海冰超前南方涛动约2个月时的关系最好,其次是南极海冰落后南方涛动4个月。  相似文献   

Results of more than 800 new measurements of methane (CH4) concentrations in the Southern Hemisphere troposphere (34–41° S, 130–150° E) are reported. These were obtained between September 1980 and March 1983 from the surface at Cape Grim, Tasmania, through the middle (3.5–5.5 km) to the upper troposphere (7–10 km). The concentration of CH4 increased throughout the entire troposphere over the measurement period, adding further support to the view that CH4 concentrations are currently increasing on a global scale. For data averaged vertically through the troposphere the rate of increase found was 20 ppbv/yr or 1.3%/yr at December 1981. In the surface CH4 data a seasonal cycle with a peak to peak amplitude of approximately 28 ppbv is seen, with the minimum concentration occurring in March and the maximum in September–October. A cycle with the same phase as that seen at the surface, but with a significantly decreased amplitude, is apparent in the mid troposphere but no cycle is detected in the upper tropospheric data. The phase and amplitude of the cycle are qualitatively in agreement with the concept that the major sink for methane is oxidation by hydroxyl radicals. Also presented is evidence of a positive vertical gradient in methane, with a suggestion that the magnitude of this gradient has changed over the period of measurements.  相似文献   

1. Overview In June 2021, the 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC) and the 6th Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Meeting (http://polarmet.osu.edu/WAMC;021/) were held online and hosted by the Polar Meteorology Group at Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus,Ohio (Fig. 1).  相似文献   

Summary The transient response of the Southern Hemisphere to climate change is examined using an intermediate complexity climate model. Unlike previous studies, the Southern Ocean response on the centennial to multi-centennial time-scale is assessed in some detail. It is shown that changes in atmospheric CO2-concentrations lead to an increase in the strength of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) by ∼20 Sv by 2750 for an atmospheric CO2-concentration of 750 ppm. This increase is predominantly the result of an enhanced steric height gradient. The increase in the strength of the ACC induces changes in its steering around topographic features. This change in ACC pathway causes increased surface flow of colder waters into some regions (reducing the rate of warming) and increased surface flow of warmer waters into others (increasing the rate of warming). This meridional shifting of the ACC causes changes in atmospheric temperature in the Southern Hemisphere to be nonuniform. It is also shown that the strength and location of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) overturning cell is affected by increased atmospheric CO2. For a CO2-concentration scenario increasing gradually to 750 ppm, AABW production initially decreases, then recovers and eventually increases. New production zones form, which extend AABW production all the way from the Weddell Sea eastward into the Ross Sea. These new production zones are the result of increased areas of atmosphere-ocean interactions, due to decreased sea-ice coverage, although the overturned waters are now warmer and fresher due to climate change. A new production zone of Antarctic Intermediate water is also established in the Southeast Pacific Ocean, poleward of its present-day location.  相似文献   

Summary.  Using 9 years (1985–1993) data, final stratospheric warmings in the Southern Hemisphere are studied. Interannual variations in the onset date and the temperatures are noted. In 1985 the stratosphere was colder by about 5 K and the wave activity was less. This year the final warming got delayed. In contrast in 1988 the final warming occurred earlier when compared with the mean picture and the wave activity was more. An examination of Eliassen-Palm fluxes showed the important role of planetary waves in the wave-mean flow interaction. In the energetics the most spectacular change is the reduction of zonal kinetic energy. Before the warming the energy exchanges were Pz → Pe → Ke → Kz ← Pz and after the warming they were Pz ← Pe ← Ke → Kz ← Pz. The dramatic reduction of zonal kinetic energy seems to be due to two effects: the reduction in Ke → Kz conversion and the weakening of direct meridional circulation. Received October 3, 2001; revised June 5, 2002  相似文献   

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