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《Urban geography》2013,34(7):589-590
By simultaneously controlling for the spatial and social characteristics of neighborhoods, this study sheds new empirical light on the relationship between ethnic-enclave residence and ethnic-niche employment. Considering women's commuting constraints and their theoretically more local social networks, this study explores whether residential segregation may be a more important determinant of labor-market segregation for immigrant women than for men. The study finds that residential segregation plays an important role in sustaining labor-market segregation among immigrants, and that gender emerges as a salient mediating factor. While living in an ethnic enclave tends to be associated with ethnic-niche employment for both men and women, women who live in enclave neighborhoods have a higher rate of ethnic-niche employment than men. However, greater geographic accessibility to niche jobs is associated with niche employment for both immigrant men and women in general, and place-based context seems as important to men as women.  相似文献   

南京内城商业绅士化发育特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
商业绅士化是指城市中传统商业、居住或工业被更高价值商业取代和置换的现象,与居住绅士化互为因果。由于城市发展阶段、模式和管制环境不同,不同国家和地区商业绅士化社会空间特征表现出显著差异。20世纪末以来,在城市社会空间转型语境下,具有异域风情的餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆、健身房等高档消费场所置换传统住宅或社区商业并在城市特定空间中集聚,是中国最典型的商业绅士化现象。遴选出符合商业绅士化特征的六类高端商娱场所,采用空间核密度等方法,对2008年和2018年南京内城上述商娱场所空间集聚、演进模式和机理效应进行分析。研究发现:① 商业绅士化“热点区”首先出现在城市传统商业中心和文化历史街区,随后向商业中心周边和新兴商业地段跳跃式扩散;② 根据实践路径差异,可将南京内城商业绅士化分为整体植入式、侵入演替式和转型升级式三种模式,分别以1912街区、南京大学—南京师范大学(南大—南师大)片区和新街口地区为代表;③ 经济和文化力量在推动商业绅士化的发生演化中均发挥重要作用,其中地方政府、资本联手对“商业租差”的追逐,以及年轻、高收入绅士化群体日益增长的时尚、高端文化消费需求,从供需两端驱动着商业绅士化过程;④ 商业绅士化在提升城市商业活力和经济效益的同时,也在一定程度上产生对原住居民和低端商业的排挤和置换效应。  相似文献   

欧美国家绅士化问题的城市地理学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧洲和北美地区的绅士化研究代表着世界绅士化研究的主流与方向。在介绍绅士化的传统与衍生概念的基础上,对绅士化概念问世以来的主要理论解释派系进行分析总结,特别是从生产端和消费端进行解释的两大阵营。本文对欧美绅士化的三波发展浪潮进行介绍,并将半个世纪以来的绅士化研究划分为4 个发展阶段:绅士化现象描述阶段、两大阵营的激烈论战阶段、两种理论的相互融合阶段与绅士化政策应对研究阶段。在对绅士化作为全球城市发展战略和绅士化的主要社会空间效应做出简单评价以后,展望了世界范围内绅士化问题的研究前景;绅士化研究虽然已经走过了很长的一段路,但依然存在着巨大的研究空间。  相似文献   

绅士化是一个基于社会阶层向上变化与演替的社会空间重构过程,以城市拆除建新为主要形式的新建绅士化是中国各大城市最主要的绅士化模式。当前对新建绅士化的研究大多从政府主导的生产端进行解析,而基于居民行为动机的消费端解析则相对较少。因此,论文以北京市宣武门新建绅士化为例,从消费端出发,分析居民的住房选择和社会空间效应,以期更好地理解中国绅士化及城市更新的多元动力和影响机制。研究发现,新建绅士化在中西方存在较大差异,这主要源于中国城市的发展背景、特殊的土地制度以及特定的社会文化环境。在绅士化群体特征方面,中国新建绅士化在社会经济特征上虽然与西方基本趋同,但在年龄和家庭结构上呈现多样化和复杂化;在住房选择上,中国绅士化群体的住房选择比较务实,都集中在追求生活便利、子女教育、改善居住环境等,这与西方追求文化要素的结果有很大不同。在社会空间效应方面,低收入阶层的原住居民在绅士化过程中被置换与动迁,虽然住房条件得到一定改善,但动迁使原住居民在日常生活和情感等方面都遭受了负面影响。文章最后呼吁,深入探讨和研究中国绅士化“本土”理论框架的建立是今后应该重点关注的主要课题。  相似文献   

Geographies of home and work have changed as public investment has favored central and distant suburban locations and as income inequality has increased. These changes result in shifting geographies of advantage that (dis)benefit gender and racial/ethnic groups unevenly. We examine commuting differentials by gender and race/ethnicity based on combinations of wages and commute times using data for the New York region.We find that Black, Asian, and Hispanic women and men are concentrated in jobs that have long commutes and low-wages, and Black and Hispanic workers’ concentrations increased from 2000–2010.Although Asian men and women remain overrepresented in that category, their share decreased in the 2000's.The urban core has become a region of heightened advantage, as White men, and an increasing share of White women, commute short times to well-paid jobs. Disadvantage has expanded for Black and Latina women whose long commutes are not compensated by well-paid employment.  相似文献   

梁璐 《热带地理》2020,40(5):786-794
近年来,女性主义地理学的研究内容转向身体、身份认同和象征空间等微观地理,消费空间的性别研究成为关注热点。文章基于女性主义视角,借助对典型消费空间的实证调查,考察空间性别化特征以及性别因素决定下的空间之权力隐喻关系,总结了人—地互动模式中的性别建构特征。研究发现,消费空间为女性提供了参与城市公共空间的场所,见证了女性空间权的觉醒与实践,但女性仍受男性规训与控制;现代女性在消费空间中的行为延续了传统的角色定位,公共空间参与度并未显著改变她们的性别角色和在家务上的性别化分工;消费空间再现和建构的性别关系、性别地位是一种典型的隐形歧视,女性处于实际上的不平等地位。因此,空间和性别不可分割且互为构成,两性在消费空间中的表现实质上是性别权力关系的投射,折射出这一地理空间中两性的宰控关系。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether women's short commutes should be interpreted as constrained or convenient work trips by examining how race, gender, travel mode, occupation, residential location, workplace location, and Inc.ome affect commuting time. The analysis is restricted to a sample of European American and African American male and female workers residing in Buffalo, New York, and the surrounding county using data drawn from the Public Use Microdata Samples of the 1990 U.S. census. Given the pervasive gender wage gap, women unsurprisingly have more compromised (short commutes to low-Inc.ome jobs) work trips than do men. Multivariate analysis reveals that among those who reverse commute to suburban locations, African American women have the longest work trips.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):223-245
It is now well established in geographic research that women commute shorter distances to work than men. This paper attempts to explore the common features that have emerged from the last two decades of research in various places within a metropolitan context. Three main sets of factors that may cause women to commute shorter distances are recognized: residence, employment, and transportation—each containing both social and spatial aspects. The analysis is centered around the spatial aspect. Most research on employed women seems to be characterized by distinguishing between the central city and the suburbs and thus the conclusions focus mostly upon this. An international comparison of different places shows that gender differences in commuting almost always are greater in the suburbs, from the point of view of both residential and employment dispersions. Directions for future research are suggested. Comparable methodologies will enable the inclusion of additional cities and will broaden the comparison. The examination of gender differences from the perspective of the dispersion of workplaces in metropolitan space should be further developed and analyzed according to a finer spatial scale than that used in looking at the central city vs. the suburbs. It also is suggested that factors of employment and residence should be analyzed differently so that qualitative methods may generate a greater significance for the factors associated with the domestic context. Finally, the investigation of gender differences in commuting and in the location of both residence and employment could lead to consideration of new conceptual frameworks for possible interaction between land used for both purposes within urban space.  相似文献   

广东省就业空间的性别化及权力特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林耿 《地理学报》2010,65(4):427-442
采用2000年第五次人口普查的数据,以市辖区(县、市)为基本地理单元,对广东省的21个地级市133个样本进行性别与就业空间的实证研究。通过分别对男性和女性6类就业区的比较分析发现,①广东省不同性别的就业整体同构与一定程度的性别隔离并存。整体同构来自互补性的就业角色,两性关系是平等的;性别隔离来自于隔离性的就业角色,两性之间存在着控制与被控制的权力关系。女性就业在与男性总体平等的同时,也存在被边缘化的现象。②在经济全球化和世界制造业转移的大背景下,不同性别的就业空间形成了中心-边缘结构。高度集聚的就业活动分布在环珠江口的珠江三角洲的经济中心区,与珠三角以外的其他就业区在空间上形成了核心-边缘结构。③不同性别的就业空间具有权力特征,具有生产性。中心-边缘结构构建了一种以广州和深圳为极点的就业空间秩序,这种结构制约着区域就业空间新秩序的出现,也体现为区域就业秩序下一种社会经济关系的生成。④在地域文化的深刻影响下,除粤东部分传统地区之外,广东不同性别的就业差异并未构成整体的就业空间性别化。  相似文献   


This study investigates whether women's short commutes should be interpreted as constrained or convenient work trips by examining how race, gender, travel mode, occupation, residential location, workplace location, and Inc.ome affect commuting time. The analysis is restricted to a sample of European American and African American male and female workers residing in Buffalo, New York, and the surrounding county using data drawn from the Public Use Microdata Samples of the 1990 U.S. census. Given the pervasive gender wage gap, women unsurprisingly have more compromised (short commutes to low-Inc.ome jobs) work trips than do men. Multivariate analysis reveals that among those who reverse commute to suburban locations, African American women have the longest work trips.  相似文献   

Using in-depth interviews with women engaged in sustainable farming in the western United States, this project explores an unanticipated finding: migration from an urban area to rural “Prairie County” was necessary for these farmers to secure farm land and sustain their farming operations. This article interrogates the role of migration in women’s access to farmland as both an economic and cultural phenomenon. My findings highlight the necessity of migration for women’s participation in sustainable farming and suggest that women’s success in sustainable farming may align with the processes of rural gentrification, by which cultural and economic in-migrants amplify their social privilege and transform the values and economy of rural communities. This project, then, situates gender as a key structure to understanding both the classed dynamics of sustainable agriculture and rural gentrification.  相似文献   

In the past decade, the women's employment rate has increased in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states as a result of improved female educational attainment and the expansion of the local market economy. A significant gender gap in labor force participation (LFP) rates has emerged, however, compared to other countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The main aim of this article is to model the spatial variations of female LFP rates across the northeastern part of Oman. A geographically weighted regression (GWR) technique, within the geographic information system platform, is used to address how the relationships between Omani female LFP rates and a set of explanatory variables vary across Omani subnational boundaries. GWR is a powerful approach that can facilitate the identification of areas with lower or higher female LFP rates and help in better understanding the predictors that are associated with women's employment in specific locations. In so doing, this work attempts to fill the gap in the geographic literature regarding the modeling of local spatial patterns of female employment in developing countries. The results show that the female LFP rate is significantly associated with different spatial measures and particularly the geographic distribution of female education. Interestingly, the percentage of female jobs in the public sector is found to have a substantial negative effect on female LFP rates, especially in urban areas. This can be attributed to the propensity of Omani women to work in governmental jobs and reduce their participation in private and other business sectors. The findings of this research analysis not only offer a more nuanced examination of female LFP rate patterns but also provide empirical evidence in support of locally tailored policies pertaining to the female labor force, which might help in increasing women's participation trends in the local economy across local communities.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):657-676
Taking feminist research as a starting point into the ways in which gentrification shapes gender relations in the city, this article addresses the phenomenon of new-build gentrification in terms of the re-contouring of gendered boundaries of public and private urban life. I examine how a widespread process of condominium development in Toronto is informed by neoliberal policy imperatives such as growth and competition. I also explore the ways in which the neoliberal, political-economic rationality underlying condominium development translates into changes in the ways that a particular group of city dwellers, women condominium owners, conceptualize their relationships to their homes, neighborhoods, and the city at large. This study suggests that condominium living produces a shift in the way that public and private spaces are understood and experienced, and that this shift has contradictory implications for the reshaping of urban gender relations.  相似文献   

旅游对目的地社会文化影响空间分异研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于旅游社会文化影响空间分异研究,国内研究相对较少,而国外已有相关的研究。由于研究的尺度、资源类型以及研究方法和目的不同,旅游影响区域会有不同的划分类型。归纳了4类旅游社会文化影响空间分异的相关理论:旅游罩和飞地旅游、RBD理论和旅游绅士化、旅行和旅游流模式、利益相关者理论。旅游罩、RBD理论、旅行模式比较适合解释小尺度的空间分异,而飞地旅游、旅游绅士化和旅游流模式比较适合解释大尺度的空间分异。最后,提出在旅游的规划和管理中,必须要考虑不同区域居民的不同观点和看法,只有这样才能保持旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The paper brings together the results of a number of research projects concerning women's working conditions in sparsely populated areas of the Swedish countryside. The specific conditions regarding the job market in such areas can be linked to the issue of equality. Women are more likely than men to have part-time jobs as their main source of income. In the countryside the traditional ‘gender contract’ between a man and a woman is stronger than in the cities. Traditional patterns of gender roles and limited labour market opportunities are the main obstacles to the development of a more gender-equal countryside. This is best illustrated by the fact that, in general, the everyday lives of men and women differ when it comes to working life, taking care of their children and household, and indulging in leisure time activities. For many people, living in the countryside is also a lifestyle issue.  相似文献   

张清源  叶超 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1778-1795
绅士化已经成为全球城乡发展研究的前沿问题。探究绅士化的理论及其对中国城乡治理的启示,对贯彻落实新型城镇化和乡村振兴的国家战略具有重要意义。通过理论分析和案例比较可见,星球绅士化突破了传统绅士化研究的本体论、认识论和方法论,全球北方与全球南方的差异凸显了中国绅士化研究的价值。结合中国独特的城乡关系、央地关系及其多尺度交互作用,可进行星球绅士化的理论创新。未来中国城乡治理应重视治理模式转型、区域战略转型和城乡关系转型,全球经验、区域差异、城乡融合是治理现代化转型的关键点。对绅士化现象须采取批判性的价值论立场,关注城乡中低收入者权利,为维护空间正义和实现共同富裕做出积极贡献。中国绅士化研究需要加强与国际的对话与对接,并提供本土化经验。  相似文献   

陈晓萍  周素红  李秋萍  詹文 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1652-1666
社会空间分异是人文地理学研究的重要议题,以往研究主要聚焦基于居住地和活动地的分异现象,缺乏对道路网社会空间分异的关注。本文以广州市中心区域为例,结合日常活动空间理论和空间分析方法,基于手机轨迹大数据,研究不同性别群体日常出行的城市道路网社会空间分异现象及其影响因素。结果显示:基于性别差异的城市道路网社会隔离指数高于居住地、低于就业地,在14:00—15:00时段达到峰值;不同性别群体在路网中的分布总体呈现不均衡的集聚特点,其中女性集聚程度更高;不同性别群体的出行分布和分异受到路网周边建成环境因素的影响;物流运输业就业密度的提高、小学数量的增多或道路等级的提高都会显著提高男性相对出行量,而社会服务业就业密度的提高、菜市场数量或公交站点数量的增多以及到市中心距离的减少都会显著提高女性相对出行量,这些与个体家庭和职业分工的性别差异有一定的关系。本文通过理论假设和实证分析,验证了家庭和职业的分工决策是影响道路网出行分布性别分异的深层次原因,也是解释社会空间分异的重要理论视角。研究结果有助于认识和挖掘基于城市道路网的社会分异现象及其影响机制,并为完善道路网络及周围设施的布局与建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Mainstream gentrification research predominantly examines experiences and motivations of the middle-class gentrifier groups, while overlooking experiences of non-gentrifying groups including the impact of in situ local processes on gentrification itself. In this paper, I discuss gentrification, neighbourhood belonging and spatial distribution of class in Istanbul by examining patterns of belonging both of gentrifiers and non-gentrifying groups in historic neighbourhoods of the Golden Horn/Halic. I use multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), a methodology rarely used in gentrification research, to explore social and symbolic borders between these two groups. I show how gentrification leads to spatial clustering by creating exclusionary practices and eroding social cohesion, and illuminate divisions that are inscribed into the physical space of the neighbourhood.  相似文献   

This study analyzes commuting trends in a relatively vibrant setting during the 1980s to determine (a) how labor market segmentation correlates with differences in the spatial dimensions of local labor markets, and (b) whether this link represents a direct spatial effect, independent of earnings, travel mode, and part-time work. I use 1980 and 1990 PUMS data to analyze changes in racial and gender divisions in the workforce, and I develop an estimate of work trip distance to adjust for different travel modes. For all groups except white men, employment in a job “typical” of one's gender and racial group is associated with more localized commutes, but this effect is strongly mediated by variations in earnings and part-time work. Using a covariance structure model to control for these effects, I find no independent link between segmentation and longer commutes among African Americans. Earnings and commute distances remained unchanged over the decade for African Americans, providing no evidence of a purely spatial mismatch manifest in lengthening work trips without corresponding wage gains. The spatial dimensions of an employment mismatch for inner-city minorities are concealed through the replacement of production jobs by poorly paid service work in the expanding downtown economy of a vibrant regional center.  相似文献   

国外关于男性气质(Masculinity)的研究由来已久,地理学关于男性气质的探讨最早出现于女性主义的研究中,地理学者通过对其他学科相关理论的引用以及女性主义研究方法的借鉴,采用文本分析、个案研究等方法,对男性气质,特别是支配性男性气质(Hegemonic Masculinity)、乡村与城市男性气质等内容进行了深入的分析与探讨,并将男性气质的理论发展到了城市地理学、经济地理学、人口地理学、后殖民主义地理学等分支学科中。地理学者采用建构理论,综合社会、文化、性别和女性主义地理等多元视角,不仅分析了男性身份政治的形成过程,而且探索了不同男性身份政治形成的空间与环境,并尝试建构男性气质地理学。本文试图通过对国外人文地理学关于男性气质研究的回顾和梳理,为国内人文地理学中男性气质的研究提供指导与借鉴。  相似文献   

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