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太阳在这里铺金月亮在这里铺银上海人在这里铺心超负荷的滩头在我的笑声中下沉国旗下的钟声响了霓虹灯炫耀着黄浦江的缤纷所有的情感都在这里流动于是声控彩泉擎起醉意朦泷的黄昏该怎样的写首抒情诗呢我抛锚了思绪的拖轮五光十色的夜上海呦外滩上拥挤着生活的兴奋流连的游人以惊叹的方式感受莱笔下的涛韵缠绵的恋人用喁喁的私语升华着维娜斯怀中的体温打开无拘无束的闸门吧溶入白兰花熏染的纯真我的诗就是这浓浓的香滨酒还有送给夜上海一个漂亮的吻外滩(外一首)@向春林  相似文献   

悠悠历史三千载 ,赫赫雄都十二朝。博馆碑林镌圣迹 ,慈恩雁塔柱高标。唐商织成丝绸路 ,秦俑涌来旅客潮。大厦巍峨接天起 ,小吃风味满街飘长安行(外一首)@赵仲文  相似文献   

绿水如绸红叶零,南来北去两心情。静坐尘烦茗翡翠,归去还须浪中行。 过唐寅墓姑苏城外拜君坟,书画风流天下闻。春花秋月成良友,闲云野鹤似近邻。吴娃越女多体态,维妙维肖人画心。潦倒才子应堪羡,长留人间点点春。湖心亭品茗(外一首)@高帆  相似文献   

天宫后妃香佛盛,吕祖观海无宁静。蓬莱绝岭谙千古,戏演将相飘渺中。小三峡碧水春流小三峡,巴山古栈多凌崖。大宁河渡孤帆远,日落猿啼望烟霞。登蓬莱(外一首)!安徽@唐东生  相似文献   

Surface Modeling: High Accuracy and High Speed Methods, CRC Press, published in 2011, 711 pp., hardcover, price 129.95$ This book, written by Tian-Xiang Yue, on surface modelling  相似文献   

第1期亚太地区环境综合监测的研究方法———APEIS项目研究综 渡边正孝王勤学林诚二等(3)不同类型生态系统水热碳通量的监测与研 王勤学渡边正孝欧阳竹等(13)长江流域稻田生态系统的水分和养分转换过 周卫军王克林王凯荣等(25)盐生荒漠地表水、热与C  相似文献   

1柴达木有望成为中国新"镍都",近日从青海省获悉,青海省柴达木盆地发现大型高品位镍矿床。这一发现使柴达木有望成为中国新的"镍都"。去年,地勘部门在格尔木市境内的夏日哈木地区地质勘察  相似文献   

千里岷江似蛟龙冲出高山峡谷,一路咆哮而下,在进入川西成都扇形平原的咽喉处,被一条无形的锁链紧紧缚住,从此,千百年来它不再肆虐,而是温顺地听候人们调遣,去肥田沃土,造福黎民。这里由此得到一个美丽而响亮的名字——“天府之国”。这条伏龙锁链便是都江堰。汽车出成都向西北方向疾弛,一路穿越河渠密布、绿浪如织的良田沃野抵达岷江东岸玉垒山下只见一座构筑精巧、飞檐翘角的仿古亭阁建在突兀崖畔,名叫“秦堰楼”。登上楼阁,极目四顾,群山迷蒙辽远,岷江从山峡中蜿蜒而来,到此如银盆倾覆只见起内外江分水关键作用的鱼嘴工程,像一只巨大的楔…  相似文献   

历史,只有人名是真的;小说,只有人名是假的。——历史与小说的区别记住:要是有人说金钱买不到幸福,那他只是还不知道该上哪儿去买。—巴菲特致股东的公开信大部分天才都有同样的命运:始于特立独行,终于穷困潦倒。——天才不容于世93的,来二两!——网友调侃,汽油价再涨,去加油时就得这么说了让现代都市人头疼的9件事:1.有工作,没生活。2.有爱人,没爱情。3.有微博,没粉丝。4.有住所,没住房。5.有存折,没存款。6.有名片,没名气。7.有加班,没加薪。8.有职业,没事业。9.有娱乐,没快乐。——正了巴经的微博  相似文献   

1近日,国土资源部审议通过了《国家可持续发展国土资源战略纲要》。《国家可持续发展国土资源战略纲要》是第一个着眼于国家可持续发展和长治久安的国土资源综合战略,是以"大资源、大国土、大地质"为战略基点,为促进经济社会可持续发展而提出的国土资源工作蓝图。《纲要》基于各类国土资源规划,通过研判事关国计民生的重大资源问题,提出解决未来20年国土资源利用和管理的重大战略方针,确定我国的资源国家战略。  相似文献   

博士吵架一个博士和邻居吵架,被一个泼妇骂了八辈祖宗,并被打了两记耳光。博士非常生气,一跺脚骂了出来:"你吸的是二氧化碳,吃的是糟粕,存的钱是负数,打人用的是反作用力,浑身麻木不仁,将来必至被剥夺政治权利终身……"减肥食谱妻子下决心开始减肥,对丈夫说:"从明天开始,我晚饭只吃香蕉和菠萝。"丈夫淡淡地回了一句":大象就是吃这些长成那样的……"  相似文献   

(一) 歌者执著于生命的畦畔,麦地和稻田是他永不疲倦的归宿。 解读十月,我不是一个智慧濡染的长者,握着心灵的彩色四处打探岩石的深度; 解读十月,我只是一个真正意义的后来者,像大海中飘扬航行的水手,永无顾忌地拥抱着太阳对于大地的光辉。 而你,我最亲爱的孩子;你的春意般的频频招手和充满童稚的铃铃微笑,该是解读十月最坦诚的表述? 解读十月,从皑皑昨天到猎猎今日,从茫茫雪域到莽莽原野,从离开母亲的襁褓到播种山崖的枫叶,从小到大,我已经作过太多诚恳朴素的比喻。 可是,我仍然无法准确地知道,经历了风霜和血雨之后,…  相似文献   

The first issue of ANTARCTIC RESEARCH comes into the world.I greatly rcjoice andwarmly.congratulate on its start publication.Chinese Antarctic research started in a late time,but gets a rapid development.Especially inrecent years,a Chinese Antarctic investigation station named Great Wall Station was established,three extensive multidisciplinary investigations were carried out in.the area of the station,and thegratifying results of the preliminary study were obtained.So the Chinese scientists have the abilityto undertake independent investigations on Antarctica and gained some experience in the research.This success has  相似文献   

往事是孩提的记忆图画,不尽的长吟中,似那泥泞坎坷路上撒满的光,从门缝窗隙扑进屋内。科尔沁沙丘上埋下了孩提时数不清的故事,如今再也看不到脚印,再也觅寻不到碱滩沙塬,眼前只有绿树鲜花和矗起的幢幢高楼大厦。望着带状的车站广场,望着如茵的草坪和鲜花盛开的花坛,恍然若梦。眼前不禁浮出旧时的通辽车站,说是车站,实质白音泰赉屯子。只有两栋小平房,站前一条泥泞的马路,几十户人家破旧的房屋。四周杂草丛生,三三两两的羊、牛在不安地吃草。如今再也找不到曾遇雨滴水的泥土家宅,那凄凉荒芜的小村落,已被勤劳的通辽人变成史话…  相似文献   

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采用生物测定方法,研究了黑沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)叶水浸液对生态相关种羊柴(Hedysarum laeve)与柠条(Caragana intermedia)种子萌发与幼苗生长的化感作用。结果表明:黑沙蒿叶水浸液可抑制羊柴种子萌发与幼苗生长,抑制作用随浓度的升高逐渐加强;幼苗形态指标对叶水浸液作用较为敏感,敏感程度为苗干重苗鲜重根鲜重根长苗高根干重;丙二醛含量综合化感效应指数值明显大于其他指标,相对电导率也表现出较敏感的抑制效应。黑沙蒿叶水浸液对柠条种子萌发存在低促高抑作用;对幼苗形态指标综合化感效应表现为促进,促进作用随浓度的升高逐渐减弱,根鲜重、根长与苗干重为较敏感指标;对生理指标化感综合效应表现为抑制,抑制作用随浓度升高而增强,相对电导率是最敏感的指标,丙二醛含量指标也较敏感。由此推断,对膜系统的伤害可能是黑沙蒿化感物质多种效应的生物起点。  相似文献   

江苏北部潮滩沉积物中~(137)Cs和~(210)pb的分布特征(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven cores were collected from different sediment zones of tidal flats at Xin-yanggang in north Jiangsu province in August 2007. Sediment grain-size distribution and radioisotopes of ~(137)Cs and ~(210)Pb analysis were carried out for these cores. Sediment rates of the cores and radioisotopes distribution in surface sediment in different zones of the tidal flat were calculated from the ~(137)Cs and ~(210)Pb activities in sediments cores. The results indicated that each tidal zone had experienced different evolution phases, hydrological dynamics in the tidal flats made the grain-size of the surface sediment change gradually. ~(137)Cs and ~(210)Pb activities on the superficial layer of the cores varied spatially and the reason was discussed. On tidal flats, the fluctuation of ~(137)Cs and ~(210)Pb activities in the cores reflected the special sedimentary characteristics. Vegetation affects the grain-size distribution and the vertical profiles of ~(137)Cs and ~(210)Pb in the upper depths. ~(137)Cs and ~(210)Pb chronology got the comparable average sediment rates on the tidal flat. The characteristics of ~(137)Cs and ~(210)Pb in the cores reflected various depositional dynamical environments in different tidal zones and gave information on the different evolvement phases of the tidal zones. Based on the information of grain-size distribution, texture of the cores, sediment rates and topography, the evolution lines of the tidal flat were reconstructed.  相似文献   

Based on the GIMMS AVHRR NDVI data(8 km spatial resolution) for 1982–2000, the SPOT VEGETATION NDVI data(1 km spatial resolution) for 1998–2009, and observational plant biomass data, the CASA model was used to model changes in alpine grassland net primary production(NPP) on the Tibetan Plateau(TP). This study will help to evaluate the health conditions of the alpine grassland ecosystem, and is of great importance to the promotion of sustainable development of plateau pasture and to the understanding of the function of the national ecological security shelter on the TP. The spatio-temporal characteristics of NPP change were investigated using spatial statistical analysis, separately on the basis of physico-geographical factors(natural zone, altitude, latitude and longitude), river basin, and county-level administrative area. Data processing was carried out using an ENVI 4.8 platform, while an ArcGIS 9.3 and ANUSPLIN platform was used to conduct the spatial analysis and mapping. The primary results are as follows:(1) The NPP of alpine grassland on the TP gradually decreases from the southeast to the northwest, which corresponds to gradients in precipitation and temperature. From 1982 to 2009, the average annual total NPP in the TP alpine grassland was 177.2×1012gC yr-1(yr represents year), while the average annual NPP was 120.8 gC m-2yr-1.(2) The annual NPP in alpine grassland on the TP fluctuates from year to year but shows an overall positive trend ranging from 114.7 gC m-2yr-1in 1982 to 129.9 gC m-2yr-1in 2009, with an overall increase of 13.3%; 32.56% of the total alpine grassland on the TP showed a significant increase in NPP, while only 5.55% showed a significant decrease over this 28-year period.(3) Spatio-temporal characteristics are an important control on annual NPP in alpine grassland: a) NPP increased in most of the natural zones on the TP, only showing a slight decrease in the Ngari montane desert-steppe and desert zone. The positive trend in NPP in the high-cold shrub-meadow zone, high-cold meadow steppe zone and high-cold steppe zone is more significant than that of the high-cold desert zone; b) with increasing altitude, the percentage area with a positive trend in annual NPP follows a trend of"increasing-stable-decreasing", while the percentage area with a negative trend in annual NPP follows a trend of "decreasing-stable-increasing", with increasing altitude; c) the variation in annual NPP with latitude and longitude co-varies with the vegetation distribution; d) the variation in annual NPP within the major river basins has a generally positive trend, of which the growth in NPP in the Yellow River Basin is most significant. Results show that, based on changes in NPP trends, vegetation coverage and phonological phenomenon with time, NPP has been declining in certain places successively, while the overall health of the alpine grassland on the TP is improving.  相似文献   

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