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We consider the effect that coherent motion has on the observed brightness of moving clouds above the photosphere. We find that steady state clouds (constant N e and T e ) that are moving perpendicular to the line of sight will appear brighter in H for speeds between 8 and 100 km/sec and dimmer for speeds greater than 135 km/sec. The brightening and dimming are due to apparent Doppler shifts of the respective H absorption and the Lyman- emission profiles seen by the absorption profile of the moving cloud.We apply this analysis, along with optical depth and geometrical considerations, to the observed brightness variations of the 1 March 1969 limb eruptive prominence. We find that all of the observed brightening and dimming can be explained by the motions, and that no significant change in the prominence N e or T e was necessary during the observed H event. This conclusion is significant in interpreting an X-ray burst that began as the prominence velocity increased abruptly at the time of maximum H intensity. The thermal X-ray peak occurred 150 sec later when the prominence had become faint again. There was no associated flare that was visible in H. We discuss the relative brightness of H and D 3 in a specific moving prominence knot.We note that the observed range of limb speeds (30–150 km/sec) may be due to the combined H Doppler brightening and Lyman- dimming effects. We also discuss generally the H brightness of disk surges (bright and dark) and flares, and sprays and puffs that occur at or near the limb.Now at the Dept. of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Colorado, and High Altitude Observatory (NCAR) Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.  相似文献   

The eruptive prominence observed on 27 May 1999 in H at Ondejov Observatory is analyzed using image-processing techniques. To understand the physical processes behind the prominence eruption, heated structures inside the cold H prominence material are sought. Two local minima of intensity (holes), the first above and the second below the erupting H prominence, have been found in the processed H images. A comparison of H images with the SOHO/EIT and Yohkoh/SXT images showed: (a) the cold H prominence is visible as a dark feature in the EIT images, (b) the upper local minimum of intensity in the H image corresponds to a hot structure seen in EIT, (c) the lower minimum corresponds to a hot loop observed by SXT. The physical significance of the H intensity minima and their relation to the hot structures observed by EIT and SXT is discussed. The time sequence of observed processes is in favor of the prominence eruption model with the destabilization of the loop spanning the prominence. For comparison with other events the velocities of selected parts of the eruptive prominence are determined.  相似文献   

We have compared the structures seen on X-ray images obtained by a flight of the NIXT sounding rocket payload on July 11, 1991 with near-simultaneous photospheric and chromospheric structures and magnetic fields observed at Big Bear. The X-ray images reflect emission of both Mgx and Fexvi, formed at 1 × 106 K and 3 × 106 K, respectively. The brightest H sources correspond to a dying sub-flare and other active region components, all of which reveal coronal enhancements situated spatially well above the H emission. The largest set of X-ray arches connected plages of opposite polarity in a large bipolar active region. The arches appear to lie in a small range of angle in the meridian plane connecting their footpoints. Sunspots are dark on the surface and in the corona. For the first time we see an emerging flux region in X-rays and find the emission extends twice as high as the H arches. Many features which we believe to correspond to X-ray bright points (XBPs) were observed. Whether by resolution or spectral band, the number detected greatly exceeds that from previous work. All of the brighter XBPs correspond to bipolar H features, while unipolar H bright points are the base of more diffuse comet-like coronal arches, generally vertical. These diverge from individual features by less than 30°, and give a good measure of what the canopies must do. The H data shows that all the H features were present the entire day, so they are not clearly disappearing or reappearing. We find a new class of XBPs which we call satellite points, elements of opposite polarity linked to nearby umbrae by invisible field lines. The satellite points change rapidly in X-ray brightness during the flight. An M1.9 flare occurred four hours after the flight; examination of the pre-flare structures reveals nothing unusual.  相似文献   

We use the Cerenkov line emission mechanism to give a new explanation of the observed intensity ratios, particularly the L/H ratio, of the emission lines of quasars. We give equations that restrict the choice of the parameter values. The parameters are the characteristic energy of the relativistic electrons, the number density of neutral hydrogen and its relative level populations. With reasonable choice of the parmaeters, we can obtain calculated L/H, H/H, P/H ratios in agreement with observed values. Our estimate for the gas density in the broad line region of quasars is 1015 cm–3, very different from previous estimates. Unlike previous theories, such a high density causes no difficulties with the Cerenkov line emission.  相似文献   

Observations of C100 and C125 atomic carbon recombination lines were made at the Algonquin Radio Observatory, towards the neutral interface separating theHii region DR21 (at RA=20h37m14s, Dec=+42°0900) from its associated molecular cloud. An analysis of the Cn observations in conjunction with a simple model of a neutral interface enabled the derivation of the following parameters: electron density of 300 cm–3, electron temperature of 30 K, microturbulent velocity of 2.3 km s–1, and depth of the neutral interface of 0.01 pc. A single,stimulated emission model is sufficient to reproduce the Cn observations in the wavelength range from 4.6 cm (C100) to 21 cm (C166). All the known Cn data do support a pressure equilibrium between the neutral interface and theHii region, after the usual allowance is made for carbon depletion on grains.  相似文献   

In the present paper, H-evolutive curves of chromospheric events are compared with flux evolutive curves of X-ray events observed at the same time in different spectral regions. A correspondence between the emissions E(I H/I chr)'s at higher and higher H-intensity levels, and the X-ray fluxes F()'s in harder and harder -ranges is shown. Further, the present observations seem to indicate the existence of a single triggering mechanism during the flash-phase of a flare. It is also shown that these results may be in agreement with Brown's model for chromospheric flares.  相似文献   

Large field H observations of the Milky Way between Carina and Aquila were made through a narrow interference filter 15 wide. Characteristic large-scale features of the observed region are extended emission areas in Carina, Norma-Scorpius and Scutum-Sagittarius and some weak isolated nebulosities near the Coal Sac, Centauri and Normae. H photographs, a chart mapping the emission, and a list of identified emission regions are given.  相似文献   

In the previously published Parts I and II of the paper, the author has constructed a formal long-periodic solution for the case of 11 resonance in the restricted problem of three bodies to 0(m 3/2), wherem is the small mass parameter of the system. The time-dependencet(, ,m), where is the mean synodic longitude and is related to the Jacobi constant, has been expressed by ahyperelliptic integral. It is shown here that with the approximationm=0 in the integrand, the functiont(, , 0) can be expanded in a series involving standardelliptic functions. Then the problem of inversion can be formally solved, yielding the function (t, , 0).Similarly, the normalized period (,m) of the motion can be approximated by theHagihara hyperelliptic integral (, 0), corresponding tom=0. This integral is also expanded into elliptic functions. Asymptotic forms for (, 0) are derived for 0 and for 1, corresponding to the extreme members of thetadpole branch of the family of orbits.  相似文献   

The H observations of a selected sample of bright Be stars are presented. The available infrared observations at K band (2.2 m) of these stars have been used to find the infrared excess emission. The analysis of the combined data show thatL H, the luminosity of the H emission line, is proportional toL IR, the luminosity of the infrared excess emission. The linear correlation betweenL IR andL H shows that both the infrared excess and the H line originate in a common region. It is also detected that the infrared excess emission is produced throughout the whole envelope whereas the H is emitted in some defined region of the circumstellar (CS) envelope.  相似文献   

On the basis of the erenkov line emission theory in the optically thick case, a new interpretation of intensity ratios H/H and H/H in broad-line radio-galaxies (BLRGs) is reported. Calculation shows that if the theoretical ratio H/H is just taken to be the mean observed value 0.21, equivalently, the parameterX(H)=3.0, then the expected ratio H/H=6.70 is almost the same as the observations. By comparing these values with the previous investigations of QSOs (X(H)=20.9), we conclude that the number density of neutral hydrogen gas in BLRGs is almost one order-of-magnitude smaller than that in the QSOs.Preliminary verification of the erenkov line emission has been obtained by Xuet al. (1981) in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Bray  R. J. 《Solar physics》1974,38(2):377-388
High-resolution filtergrams of a sunspot and its surroundings, taken at seven wavelengths in H with the aid of a computer-controlled 1/8 Å filter, have been used to derive the contrast of ten sunspot superpenumbra fibrils as functions of wavelength. The observed contrast profiles are compared with profiles calculated on the basis of three theoretical models, namely, Beckers' (1964) cloud model, Athay's (1970) velocity model, and a pure Doppler shift model. However, none of these models in their present form account for all the observed profiles.Arguments are presented which suggest that, in addition to line-of-sight velocity, the height of a moving chromospheric structure relative to the region over which the H line is formed plays a decisive role in shaping the observed profile. Improvements to existing theoretical treatments are suggested.The nature of the fibril velocity field is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

, , . . ( I), ( II). I , () . -, . , , (R/R i)2/3, R/R i- . ( II) . , . , , , . , . , , . , , - , , . , , , , . , . . . 1969 .  相似文献   

Bright and dark curvilinear structures observed between the two major chromospheric ribbons during the flare of 29 July 1973 on films from the Big Bear Solar Observatory are interpreted as a typical system of coronal loops joining the inner boundaries of the separating flare ribbons. These observations, made through a 0.25 Å H filter, only show small segments of the loops having Doppler shifts within approximately ± 22 km s–1 relative to the filter passband centered at H, H -0.5 Å or H +0.5 Å. However, from our knowledge of the typical behavior of such loop systems observed at the limb in H and at 5303 Å, it has been possible to reconstruct an appoximate model of the probable development of the loops of the 29 July flare as they would have been viewed at the limb relative to the position of a prominence which began to erupt a few minutes before the start of the flare. It is seen that the loops ascended through the space previously occupied by the filament. On the assumption that H fine structures parallel the magnetic field, we can conclude that a dramatic reorientation of the direction of the magnetic field in the corona occurred early in the flare, subsequent to the start of the eruption of the filament and prior to the time that the H loops ascended through the space previously occupied by the filament.  相似文献   

In this letter, we bring attention to prominences which show different morphology in H and Heii 304 Å, as observed simultaneously by BBSO and EIT on board SOHO. Those two lines have been thought to represent similar chromospheric structures although they are formed at significantly different temperatures. We give two examples representing two kinds of anomaly: (1) prominences showing strong H emissions in the lower part and strong Heii emissions in the upper part, and (2) erupting prominences showing extensive Heii emission, but nothing in H. Our results indicate that a part or the whole of a prominence may be too hot to emit H radiation, possibly due to heating or thermal instability. Please note that these are not just two isolated cases, many other prominences show the similar differences in H and Heii 304 Å.  相似文献   

The composition of the nucleonic component of the primary cosmic radiation has been compared with the natural abundance of the elements. A normalized quotient between the abundance of an element in the radiation and in nature was found to be approximately equal toZ , whereZ is the atomic number and is a constant approximately equal to one. The observed excess of the heavy elements can be expected in the radiation if the selection of the cosmic ray particles is performed by ionization through fast electron or proton impacts on neutral matter having normal composition. Such a selection mechanism may act in regions in space where fast moving thin plasma clouds collide with clouds of neutral matter. A source model in which the plasma clouds originate in Type II supernova explosions is discussed.  相似文献   

We had observed the high-resolution H profiles of fourteen chromospherically active binaries which are And, 3 Cam, 4 UMi, 2 Sgr, Sgr, HR 7333, 33 Psc, UMi, And, UMa, 12 Cam, And, Aur and Dra from August 1990 to August 1991. The H emission and absorption equivalent widths, and the half widths and the radial velocities of these systems were determined. These data have a good supply for the information of the catalog of chromospherically active binary stars. The H profiles of HR 7333, 12 Cam, 4 UMi, UMi and And show marked emission filling in core, but 33 Psc, Sgr, Sgr and And systems show the H as the stronger absorption lines. The observed fourteen binaries presented very different activity levels.  相似文献   

Shakhovskaya  A.N.  Abramenko  V.I.  Yurchyshyn  V.B. 《Solar physics》2002,207(2):369-379
We report on a prominence eruption as seen in H with the Crimean Lyot coronagraph, the global H network, and coronal images from the LASCO C2 instrument on board SOHO. We observed an H eruption at the northwest solar limb between 07:38:50 UT and 07:58:29 UT on 11 August 2000. The eruption originated in a quiet-Sun region and was not associated with an H filament. No flare was associated with the eruption, which may indicate that, in this case, a flux rope was formed prior to the eruption of the magnetic field. The H images and an H Dopplergram show a helical structure present in the erupted magnetic field. We suggest that the driving mechanism of the eruption may be magnetic flux emergence or magnetic flux injection. The limb H observations provide missing data on CME speed and acceleration in the lower corona. Our data show that the prominence accelerated impulsively at 5.5 km s–2 and reached a speed slightly greater than 800 km s–1 in a narrow region (h<0.14 R ) above the solar surface. The observations presented here also imply that, based only on a CME's speed and acceleration, it cannot be determined whether a CME is the result of a flare or an eruptive prominence.  相似文献   

Sudden brightening of FeII and Balmer (H and H) lines of X Oph was observed on 28–29 May, 1986. Equivalent width of FeII and H lines increased by a factor of two and that for H line by a factor of four, during the brigtening phase of the star. This brightening phenomena has been explained in the framework of Coronal Radiative Instability.  相似文献   

The characteristics of 3.5 mm depression features associated with two disparition brusques observed in H are discussed. The millimeter depressions still exist, although reduced in strength, after the disappearance of the H filament. The two depressions correspond to temperatures of 600 and 450 K before and to 200 and 250 K after the H filament disappearance.  相似文献   

A limb, two-ribbon H flare on June 4, 1991, associated with a white-light flare and followed by an emission spray and post-flare loops, is studied. A region of rapidly enhanced brightness at the bottom of the H ribbon above the white-light flare is revealed. The energy released by the white-light flare at eff = 4100 is estimated to be about 1.5 × 1028 erg s–1.  相似文献   

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