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Combining the geodetic models of vertical crustal deformation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Different kinds of analytical models of vertical curstal deformation have both advantages and disadvantages, and are appropriate to different deformation patterns. It is difficult to identify which deformation model is most suitable for a particular deformation area. In order to obtain a more precise and reliable analytical result, the combined model based on forecast theory has been approached. As a result, the fitting ability of single models is significantly improved. The combined model still possesses the same important features as the single models, which enable transferal of the derived crustal deformation information, within or even outside the time span of the data coverage, from geodetic sites to any user-specified locations where geodetic data may not exist. Examples are presented of both numerical simulation and a real-life situation, and the results are analysed in detail to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted 14 August 1998  相似文献   

大地测量坐标框架和重力场求定的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈俊勇 《测绘工程》2003,12(1):1-4,8
近几年来大地测量在坐标系统和坐标框架和ITRF,WGS84,GRS80等方面进行了很多研究和改善,本文介绍了坐标原点地心的移动,大地测量基本常数的更新,直至最新的ITRF2000和WGS84(1150)的推出。在求定重力场方面发展了卫星跟踪卫星(SST)测定地球重力场及其变化的新技术。这些使大地测量学提供和处理了涉及原来是地球动力学,行星学,大气学,海洋学、板块运动学和冰川学等学科所需的信息。事实上证明大地测量学业已形成为学科交叉意义上一门科学,它将更大的影响和促进地球科学,环境科学和行星科学的发展。  相似文献   

国际大地测量参考框架技术进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
结合2007年7月意大利佩鲁贾(Perugia)第24届IUGG大会上世界各国科学家在国际大地测量参考框架方面的学术交流,全面回顾了自2003年以来全球参考框架领域的技术进展。具体针对全球参考框架,欧洲、北美、非洲等区域参考框架的技术进展,详细介绍了过去四年里世界各国在地心参考框架和全球垂直参考系统等方面所做的工作,对我国开展大地测量参考框架领域的研究具有非常重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

较为系统地介绍了2003年7月在日本札幌举行的第23届IUGG大会上世界各国所报告的各自国家大地 测量地心坐标参考框架的实施和最新进展。具体结合欧洲、非洲和日本等国的地心坐标系统详细介绍了这些国家 在该领域所开展的工作,对我国今后地心坐标框架的建设和维护提出了一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

基于GPS的四川地区现时地壳形变分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对四川区域网多年数据进行处理,得到欧亚框架下的测站运动速度,采用刚性地块假设下的最小二乘拟合方法,得到川滇、川青、扬子地块的运动速度分别为(17.6±1.0)mm/a、(11.4±0.7)mm/a、(9.6±1.1)mm/a,地块运动方向逐渐由SE向SEE变化;作为川滇地块东边界的鲜水河断裂、安宁河-则木河断裂运动速度远大于龙门山断裂,显示了其较强的活动性。  相似文献   

The estimation of recent crustal movements from repeated geodetic observations is somewhat hampered by an apprehension of the uncertainties involved in the estimation of the standard errors of the observations and by the lack of correlation between the actual errors in networks and the theoretical estimates of these errors. It is here shown that a more reliable evaluation of the quality of the observations may be reached through a factor analysis of several statistical parameters. The suggested procedure is tentatively applied to some published data and a scheme aiming at a generalized treatment is proposed.  相似文献   

A new crustal velocity field for the Alpine Mediterranean area was determined by using a time series spanning 6.5 years of 113 global navigation satellite system (GNSS) permanent stations. This area is characterized by a complex tectonic setting driven by the interaction of Eurasian and African plates. The processing was performed by using a state-of-the-art absolute antenna phase center correction model and by using recomputed precise International GNSS Service orbits, available since April 2014. Thus, a new and more accurate tropospheric mapping function for geodetic applications was adopted. Results provide a new detailed map of the kinematics throughout the entire study area. In some area of the Italian peninsula, such as in the central Apennines, the velocity vector orientation appears rotated with respect to previous results. These discrepancies suggest that the geodynamic setting of this sector of Mediterranean area should be revised in accordance with these new results.  相似文献   

朱新慧  王刃  孟键 《测绘科学》2010,35(1):13-15
我国大陆板块是欧亚大陆板块的重要组成部分,其板块运动剧烈,地质构造复杂,是全球研究板块运动的重要地区。本文通过对各个块体分别建模和解算,得出结论:中国地区除东北块体相对于欧亚板块不动外,其他块体均有不同程度的形变运动,东部形变较小,西部形变较大;华北块体总体上以大约6mm/a的速率向东运动;华南块体以约5~8mm/a的速率向东南方向运动;新疆块体以约10~15mm/a的速率向北东方向运动;西藏块体也向北东方向运动,但运动速率从南到北逐步减少。  相似文献   

We present a method for constructing and assessing the stability of a geometrical reference frame for use in vertical crustal motion studies. Our approach exploits the fact that when we transform GPS velocity solutions from one reference frame (RF) to another one using a Helmert transformation, only the frame translation rate parameters produce significant changes in the vertical station velocities expressed in the final RF. Loosely speaking, one can select and impose a ‘vertical RF’ from an ensemble of candidate frames, without any reference to the ‘horizontal RF’ (which can be selected and imposed afterwards), by seeing how the frame translation rates vary as one moves across the ensemble of frames. We order this ensemble according to the number of stations, N, incorporated into the set VREF whose RMS vertical motion is minimized in order to realize each frame. The value of N controls the level of scatter in, and hence the degree of similarity between the vertical velocities of the stations composing VREF. We characterize a specific vertical RF as stable if all of the frames located in a large neighborhood of the ensemble which includes the specific frame are characterized by very small relative frame translation rates. In this case, the expression of vertical GPS station velocities in any of these frames would lead to very similar results. We present a case study using a very large global time series in which we find a large RF neighborhood in which vertical station velocities are globally stable at the $\sim $ 0.2 mm/year level, and a slightly smaller neighborhood in which vertical stability improves to $\sim $ 0.1 mm/year level in polar regions.  相似文献   

介绍了小区域GPS地壳形变监测网建立、观测和数据处理方法,提出了一种平面直角坐标下位移—应变关系计算模型,得到监测区的位移场、应变场及断层活动方式,进一步得到主应变及方向、最大剪应变、面膨胀等应变参量及应力。  相似文献   

Combining the dense GPS and gravity observation data in Sichuan-Yunnan area, where there are the relatively complete active tectonic zones and seismic data, this paper applies the geodesy and geophysical inversion technique and the advanced numerical simulation to the synthesis study of geodesy inversion to find the dynamic process of tectonic movement and deformation in the area and finally to investigate the kinematics characteristic of the geological structure of different layer and different scale. This paper discusses the kinematics, dynamics model about the crustal movement of active blocks in Sichuan-Yunnan area and its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

Modern techniques of precise geodetic positioning are capable of monitoring global tectonic movements. We can avoid the tremendous effort of observing those point motions at every place on the earth, if we accept the model of rigid tectonic plates, which allows us to extrapolate from discrete point observations to the appertaining plates. The target of describing plate kinematics is the determination of its kinematic parameters, which are the coordinates of the rotation pole and the rotational velocity of each tectonic plate. A mathematical model is presented, which is capable of including geodetic observations (point coordinate shifts, distance changes) as well as geophysical quantities (sea floor spreading rates, earthquake slip vectors). The parameter estimation procedure is derived and demonstrated in simulated examples. Finally a global geodetic network for space techniques is designed, which provides an optimum parameter estimation.  相似文献   

以1999-2004年间中国西部地区近650个GPS站点的观测资料为基础,采用二维“高张力样条”函数内插算法获得了连续地壳形变场。结果表明,相对于稳定欧亚参考框架,中国西部现今地壳运动西强东弱,北向运动从西向东逐渐减弱,东向运动逐渐增强,青藏高原东缘及附近地区是东向运动的消减区带;主应变从西向东由压缩应变转变为拉伸应变;最大剪应变主要位于喜马拉雅地块及其东部地区;中国西部地区地震活动在空间分布上似乎集中发生在印度板块北东向挤压欧亚板块的两条共扼带内,与地壳形变场有一定对应关系,地壳形变的高应变率区为中强地震多发地带。  相似文献   

Geodetic adjustment models are often set up in a way that the model parameters need to fulfil certain constraints. The normalized Lagrange multipliers have been used as a measure of the strength of constraint in such a way that if one of them exceeds in magnitude a certain threshold then the corresponding constraint is likely to be incompatible with the observations and the rest of the constraints. We show that these and similar measures can be deduced as test statistics of a likelihood ratio test of the statistical hypothesis that some constraints are incompatible in the same sense. This has been done before only for special constraints (Teunissen in Optimization and Design of Geodetic Networks, pp. 526–547, 1985). We start from the simplest case, that the full set of constraints is to be tested, and arrive at the advanced case, that each constraint is to be tested individually. Every test is worked out both for a known as well as for an unknown prior variance factor. The corresponding distributions under null and alternative hypotheses are derived. The theory is illustrated by the example of a double levelled line.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSouthAmericaplate (SOAM )liesamongtheCaribbeanSea ,Peru Chileseagouge ,Nazca ,Cocos ,CaribbeanplateandAtlantic .Ithasapeculiartectonicfeature ,andisastrongdeformationregionoftectonicmovementintheSouthHemi sphere .Especially ,theAndesMountaininthewestedgeofSouthAmericacameintobeingduetothedeformationofear lyCenozoic[1 ] .Aroundthisregionthetectonicplateactivities ,suchasearthquakes ,volcaniceruption ,occurfrequently(Fig .1 ) .Ontheotherhand ,becauseofaforcefuleastwardpus…  相似文献   

This paper presents the contemporary motion and active deformation of South America plate and relative motion of Nazca-South America plate using space geodetic data. The South America plate is moving at average 14.5 mm/a with an azimuth of 15.2° and shrinking in the west-east at 10.9 mm/a. The geodetic deformations of sites with respect to the South America plate are in quite good agreement with the estimated deformations from NNR-NUVEL1A, but the deformation of the western South America regions is very large.  相似文献   

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