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The Bay of Bengal (BOB) is known to possess complex thermodynamics which show distinct seasonal patterns. Surface heat fluxes in the BOB are very much dependant on upper ocean heat exchanges and wind. Sensible heat flux (SHF) is also one among those fluxes that depends on air-sea temperature difference and wind. However, this study further proves that a strong relationship exists between barrier layer thickness (BLT) and SHF variability that has not been focussed on in earlier literatures. This study also investigates the seasonal as well as inter-annual variability of SHF and its relationship with BLT and sea surface temperature (SST) patterns in more detail with statistical analyses. It is found that both SST and BLT are responsible for the evolution of SHF signal in the BOB although their effects are spatially distributed. During the post monsoon period, freshwater induced enhanced BLT is more related to SHF than the summer time when effect of SST is found to be dominant. During Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) years, the correlation between SHF and BLT in the eastern BOB is more pronounced compared to SHF and SST. The western BOB however is dominated by SST variations for the respective IOD phase which also contribute to SHF signals there. Northernmost BOB shows high standard deviation due to river discharge effects.  相似文献   

金蕊  祁莉  何金海 《海洋学报》2016,38(5):83-95
本文利用在青藏高原适用性较好的ERA-interim地表感热通量资料,研究了1981-2010年青藏高原春季地表感热通量的年际变率与前期不同海区海温强迫的联系,以及这种联系对我国东部降水可能造成的影响。结果表明,春季青藏高原地表感热通量的年际变化有两个主要的模态,分别与前期太平洋以及印度洋海温有密切联系。与冬季ENSO事件相应的赤道中东太平洋海温强迫可以激发一个向极向西的波列,通过改变青藏高原南侧的环流和降水异常,形成一个纬向偶极型分布的高原感热第一模态,其对应的时间序列主要表现为准5 a的振荡,与ENSO事件的周期较为吻合;而春季印度洋的三极型海温分布可以强迫出一个跨越南北半球的波列,使青藏高原主体表现为东风异常,减弱背景西风,从而形成一个青藏高原主体与周围反相关的回字形感热第二模态,其主要呈现5~7 a的振荡周期。ENSO事件以及印度洋海温分布分别与青藏高原春季感热两个主模态相联系,并且冬春季海温与高原春季感热主模态对我国东部春季降水有协同影响,对于我国北方降水异常而言,高原的贡献相对海洋更重要。  相似文献   

中国近海海气界面热通量的反演   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
应用卫星SSM/I(Special Sensor Microwave/Imager)和AVHRR(Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)遥感资料,使用先进的海气通量计算方法(COARE3.0),计算了中国近海海气界面的感热和潜热通量.计算结果与南海西沙(2002年5月)和文昌(2000年10~11月)实测结果进行比较发现,应用遥感资料获得的海气界面热通量与实测结果非常一致.遥感获得的感热通量和潜热通量与西沙实测结果的均方根误差分别为2.9和29.9 W/m2,与文昌实测结果的均方根误差:2000年10月分别为4.42和43.05 W/m2,2000年11月分别为4.19和40.8 W/m2.与GSSTF2的结果相比,其时空分布变化特征基本一致.根据中国近海遥感资料(1988~2000年)的感热通量的分析,其均方根误差在10.1~12.4 W/m2之间,多年平均均方根误差为11.7 W/m2.潜热通量的均方根误差在34.8~49.7 W/m2之间,多年平均均方根误差为43.2 W/m2.由此可以说明,利用遥感获得的热通量可以用来进行中国近海海气相互作用的研究以及作为我国气候预测研究的重要依据.  相似文献   

We estimated the northward heat flux through the eastern channel of the Bering Strait during the ice-free seasons between 1999 and 2008. This is likely about half of the total heat flux through the strait. The net volume transport and heat flux through the eastern channel of the strait were estimated from multiple linear regression models with in-situ/satellite remotely sensed datasets and NCEP reanalysis 10 m wind. The net volume transport was well explained by the west-east slope of sea level anomaly and NNW wind component at the strait. On the heat flux, the contributions of both barotropic and baroclinic components were taken into account. Estimated volume transport and vertical profile of temperature were used to calculate northward heat flux through the eastern channel of the strait. The magnitude of the estimated heat flux is comparable to estimates from in-situ measurements. Averaged heat flux in the eastern Bering Strait between 2004 and 2007 was about 1.9 times larger than that between 2000 and 2003. Maximum heat flux occurred in 2004, and same magnitude of heat flux was estimated from 2005 to 2007. This resulted not only from the increase in northward volume transport but also anomalous warm water intrusion from the Bering Sea. Our results suggest a candidate among the important parameters controlling heat budget, which contributes to the Arctic sea ice reduction, whereas more studies are required to confirm that this mechanism is actually responsible for the interannual and longer timescale variability.  相似文献   

Zonal overturning circulation(ZOC) and its associated zonal heat flux(ZHF) are important components of the oceanic circulation and climate system, although these conceptions have not received adequate attentions.Heaving induced by inter-annual and decadal wind stress perturbations can give rise to anomalous ZOC and ZHF.Based on a simple reduced gravity model, the anomalous ZOC and ZHF induced by idealized heaving modes in the world oceans are studied. For example, in a Pacific-like model basin intensified equatorial easterly on decadal time scales can lead to a negative ZOC with a non-negligible magnitude(–0.3×106 m3/s) and a considerable westward ZHF with an amplitude of –11.2 TW. Thus, anomalous ZOC and ZHF may consist of a major part of climate signals on decadal time scales and thus play an important role in the oceanic circulation and climate change.  相似文献   

北冰洋上层双扩散阶梯热通量的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北冰洋中,低温低盐的上层水与高温高盐的大西洋水之间,广泛存在着稳定的双扩散阶梯。基于锚定剖面仪、冰基剖面仪和微结构剖面仪的数据,对温盐廓线中的阶梯进行研究,分析阶梯的热通量。固定跟踪了锚定剖面仪的3个阶梯,研究阶梯参数随时间的变化。发现由经验公式得出的上下两界面的热通量差,与混合层内热量的变化有较好的相关性。利用微结构剖面仪数据,计算阶梯界面通过分子热传导输送的热通量。当选取最大位温梯度时,算出的传导热通量与经验公式算出的热通量接近。因此,实验室研究得到的热通量经验公式,可以用于计算北冰洋双扩散阶梯的热通量。  相似文献   

海底沉积物孔隙度计算方法与声速反演的误差分析研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究海底沉积物孔隙度的测量误差,采用参数计算方法时,分析了基于不同物理量应用不同公式所得到的误差不同,通过运用误差传递理论,分别推导出3种孔隙度计算式基于单次测量和多次测量两个不同过程的误差公式,以此为基础定量分析孔隙度参数的误差,以不断提高孔隙度的精度;采用反演方法时,分析了基于正演经验公式解析结果存在的歧义性,应用南海海域实验数据拟合反演公式,并且运用Hamilton、Chen Minben的数据进行验证,得出反演公式的基本误差限,为反演的准确性提供一个定性分析的依据。  相似文献   

Ocean eddies produce strong vertical heat flux (VHF) in the upper ocean, exerting profound influences on the climate and ecosystem. Currently, mooring array provides a standard way to estimate the eddy-induced VHF (EVHF) based on the adiabatic potential density equation. Apart from the validity of adiabatic assumption, it remains unclear to what extent the estimated EVHF at a single location within a limited time period is representative of its climatological mean value. In this study, we analyzed the above issue by systematically evaluating the variability of EVHF simulated by a 1-km ocean model configured over the Kuroshio Extension. It is found that the EVHF at a single location exhibits pronounced variability. Even averaged over one year that is comparable to the current maintenance capacity of mooring array, the EVHF still deviates significantly from its climatological mean value. For more than 49% of locations in our computational domain (31°–40°N, 149°–166°E), the discrepancy between the one-year mean EVHF and its climatological mean value at the peaking depth is larger than the climatological mean itself. The mesoscale eddies play a dominant role in the variability of EVHF but contribute little to the climatological mean EVHF; the opposite is true for submesoscale eddies. Our findings indicate that nested mooring array allowing for isolating the effects of submesoscale eddies will be useful to obtain climatological mean EVHF.  相似文献   

本文对大气运动中垂直速度w计算中的几种校正方法作了分析比较,并在前人工作的基础上,对校正方法作了改进,提出了进行低通滤波、散度校正和法线风分量校正的方法。通过这些校正,使计算出的平均散度和垂直速度的垂直廓线能维持原计算曲线的形式,并能满足整个气层连续方程积分为零的条件,也符合误差随高度增大的情况。  相似文献   

基于SolidWorks移动式平台稳性计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伦灿章  胡铁牛 《海洋工程》2009,27(3):100-105
提出一种利用SolidWorks进行移动式平台稳性计算的方法.应用VB.NET对SolidWorks进行二次开发,自动创建、修改平台的三维实体模型,并由此快速准确地求出体积、形心等稳性计算所需的参数,从而使平台稳性计算变得更加方便快捷而且精度更高.最后通过计算实例证明,利用该方法计算平台的稳性是切实可行的.  相似文献   

In high-latitude oceans with seasonal ice cover, the ice and the low-salinity mixed layer form an interacting barrier for the heat flux from the ocean to the atmosphere. The presence of a less dense surface layer allows ice to form, and the ice cover reduces the heat loss to the atmosphere. The ice formation weakens the stability at the base of the mixed layer, leading to stronger entrainment and larger heat flux from below. This heat transport retards, and perhaps stops, the growth of the ice cover. As much heat is then entrained from below as is lost to the atmosphere. This heat loss further reduces the stability, and unless a net ice melt occurs, the mixed layer convects. Two possibilities exist: (1) A net ice melt, sufficient to retain the stability, will always occur and convection will not take place until all ice is removed. The deep convection will then be thermal, deepening the mixed layer. (2) The ice remains until the stability at the base of the mixed layer disappears. The mixed layer then convects, through haline convection, into the deep ocean. Warm water rises towards the surface and the ice starts to melt, and a new mixed layer is reformed. The present work discusses the interactions between ice cover and entrainment during winter, when heat loss to the atmosphere is present. One crucial hypothesis is introduced: “When ice is present and the ocean loses sensible heat to the atmosphere and to ice melt, the buoyancy input at the sea surface due to ice melt is at a minimum”. Using a one-dimensional energy-balance model, applied to the artificial situation, where ice melts directly on warmer water, it is found that this corresponds to a constant fraction of the heat loss going to ice melt. It is postulated that this partitioning holds for the ice cover and the mixed layer in the high-latitude ocean. When a constant fraction of heat goes to ice melt, at least one deep convection event occurs, before the ice cover can be removed by heat entrained from below. After one or several convection events the ice normally disappears and a deep-reaching thermal convection is established. Conditions appropriate for the Weddell Sea and the Greenland Sea are examined and compared with field observations. With realistic initial conditions no convection occurs in the warm regime of the Weddell Sea. A balance between entrained heat and atmospheric heat loss is established and the ice cover remains throughout the winter. At Maud Rise convection may occur, but late in winter and normally no polynya can form before the summer ice melt. In the central Greenland Sea the mixed layer generally convects early in winter and the ice is removed by melting from below as early as February or March. This is in agreement with existing observations.  相似文献   

Precise measurements of the CO2 gas transfer across the air-sea interface provide a better understanding of the global carbon cycle.The air-sea CO2 fluxes are obtained by the eddy covariance method and the bulk method from a buoy observation in the northern Huanghai sea.The effects of buoy motion on flux calculated by the eddy covariance method are demonstrated.The research shows that a motion correction can improve the correlation coefficient between the CO2 fluxes estimated from two different levels.Without the CO2-H2 O cross-correlation correction which is termed as PKT correction,the air-sea CO2 fluxes estimated by eddy covariance method using the motion corrected data are nearly an order of magnitude larger than those estimated by the bulk method.After the CO2-H2 O cross-correlation correction,some eddy covariance CO2 fluxes indeed become closer to the bulk CO2 flux,whereas some are overcorrected which are in response to small water vapor flux.  相似文献   

科学发展观要求建立绿色经济核算体系。进行绿色海洋核算是客观评价海洋经济的基础。文章在对绿色GDP由来综述的基础上,论述了海洋绿色GDP核算的内容和方法,实行海洋绿色核算的保障措施。  相似文献   

西北太平洋海气界面热通量时空分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翟方国 《海洋科学》2009,33(7):37-42
基于第三版本HOAPs (Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data)海表面温度、潜热通量、感热通量、海表面空气比湿以及海表面风场5个参量的18 a(1988~2005年)逐月平均资料,利用经验正交函数和奇异值分解方法分析了异常潜热和感热通量场在西北太平洋的时空分布特征及造成这种分布的主要影响因素.EOF的分析结果表明,异常潜热通量场主要体现为第一第二两个模态的变化,第一模态显示整个海域呈同相变化且在时间上呈准年周期变化,第二模态则描述了分别位于10°N,25°N和40°N的3个极值中心并伴随多年振荡,由因子载荷分布可知热带太平洋是第二模态的行为中心,因此该模态可能与ENSO事件相关.异常感热通量场则主要表现为第一模态的变化,在时间上呈准年周期变化并伴随有多年时间尺度的振荡.奇异值分解方法的分析结果表明异常海表面风场是异常潜热和感热通量场时空变化的重要影响因素.  相似文献   

The seasonal variabilities of a latent-heat flux (LHF), a sensible-heat flux (SHF) and net surface heat flux are examined in the northern South China Sea (NSCS), including their spatial characteristics, using the in situ data collected by ship from 2006 to 2007. The spatial distribution of LHF in the NSCS is mostly controlled by wind in summer and autumn owing to the lower vertical gradient of air humidity, but is influenced by both wind and near-surface air humidity vertical gradient in spring and winter. The largest area-averaged LHF is in autumn, with the value of 197.25 W/m 2 , followed by that in winter; the third and the forth are in summer and spring, respectively. The net heat flux is positive in spring and summer, so the NSCS absorbs heat; and the solar shortwave radiation plays the most important role in the surface heat budget. In autumn and winter, the net heat flux is negative in most of the observation region, so the NSCS loses heat; and the LHF plays the most important role in the surface heat budget. The net heating is mainly a result of the offsetting between heating due to the shortwave radiation and cooling due to the LHF and the upward (outgoing) long wave radiation, since the role of SHF is negligible. The ratio of the magnitudes of the three terms (shortwave radiation to LHF to long-wave radiation) averaged over the entire year is roughly 3:2:1, and the role of SHF is the smallest.  相似文献   

对比了两套不同空间分辨率的海表热通量和风应力资料的差异,并将这两套外强迫数据作为全球海洋环流模式MOM4的上边界,研究不同的外强迫对全球海温模拟的影响。通过将两组试验的全球海温的气候态SST、经向平均的垂直海温、海温的季节及年际变化特征与SODA数据进行对比分析。结果表明:不同的外强迫对全球海温的模拟具有重要的影响,虽然采用这两套外强迫数据模拟的海温在大尺度的空间分布上与观测较为一致,但同时也存在一定的差异。这些差异总体表现为:采用CFSR数据作为模式外强迫时,模拟的海温表现为印度洋及大西洋区域的海温误差相对较小,而采用NCEP数据作为模式外强迫时,模拟的海温表现为太平洋区域的海温误差相对较小。两组试验模拟的海温差异的分布及特征与这两套数据净热通量差异的分布及风应力差异的分布相一致。未来建立海洋气候预测系统时,应该根据业务需求更加合理的选择外强迫数据。  相似文献   

Considering the shear deformation and thickness stretching of large deformation, a modified numerical calculation method based on the thick shell theory is established to determine the collapse pressure of thick-walled pipes. Verification experiments are conducted on ten pipe specimens in hyperbaric chambers. The good agreement between experimental results and numerical predictions shows the validity and reliability of the new numerical calculation method. Combining DNV specification, the characteristic collapse pressure is also calculated for comparison. The difference between experimental results and DNV calculations illustrates the latter one is much conservative in predicting collapse pressure for thick-walled pipes. Sensitivity analysis on manufacturing imperfections and material properties is investigated for pipes with different D/t ratios. Thick-walled pipes are easier to be affected by initial ovality, residual stress and hardening factor. Based on the stress distribution at the moment of collapse, a novel discovery is found that the collapse pressure of thick-walled pipes is dominated by material plastic behavior.  相似文献   

We numerically investigated the physical process of water exchange caused by fluctuations of the front. This front is formed in a vertically two-dimensional NH-model (non-hydrostatic model) under steady forcing and simulates well the front observed during winter in the Kii Channel, Japan. The velocity field in the model has two kinds of oscillations. The first has a period of 6∼12 hr and is caused by intermittent gravitational convection in the frontal zone. The period and the intensity of intermittent convection are determined by buoyancy flux through the side boundaries as well as surface cooling. The other is associated with large scale circulation driven at the side boundaries and is controlled by the Coriolis force and the bottom stress. Its period of 3∼4 days is determined by the sum of the inertial period and the spin down time for the baroclinic mode of the along-front velocity component. These oscillations make the position of the front fluctuate with the same periods. We next examined water exchange across the fluctuating front by numerically tracking a number of labelled particles. Intermittent convection induces exchange of particles in the frontal zone and large scale circulations transport the exchanged particles toward offshore or onshore through the lower layer. The exchange rate and the dispersion coefficient are calculated in the NH-model as 0.85 and 2.3×103 cm2 sec−1, respectively. On the other hand, in the H-model (hydrostatic model) parameterizing gravitational convections with a convective adjustment method, these values are reduced to 0.68 and 3.2×102 cm2 sec−1, respectively. This result implies that intermittent convections in the frontal zone have a large effect on water exchange across the front, and that no little water is exchanged across the fluctuating front in an actual shallow sea, such as observed in the Kii Channel.  相似文献   

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