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通过对乌鲁木齐河河流冰椎多年系统观测和对比分析,认为其形成和发育过程大致经历形成、发育、稳定、副化一冻结和消亡五个阶段,冰椎与稳定负温期的积温、季节土冻(融)、空气相对湿度及水泊补给形式有较好的相关性。研究冰椎形成发育过程及其影响因素可为人工调蓄利用冰椎提供科学依据。  相似文献   

广东揭西河谷地貌与风化层特征初步观察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
朱照宇 《热带地理》2000,20(4):331-336
在对广东省揭西县若干河谷地貌与相应的风化层初步观察的基础上,提出了该地区河谷发育的可能模式;对照河谷地貌与沉积-风化作用发育的基本规律和广东省已有的基本研究成果,认为当地所观察到的近代-现代河床中的穴状微地貌不大可能是二三百万年前冰川作用形成的“冰臼”,而可能应归结于山区河流作用下形成的正常河成“壶穴”。至于是否存在末次冰期盛冰阶时期的冰川遗迹和冰臼则值得进行进一步研究和讨论。  相似文献   

关于南国冰臼群成因的商榷之二   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
韩同林  劳雄  郭克毅 《热带地理》2001,21(2):189-194,F003
南国冰臼群分布区大量冰川堆积、冰川条痕石及变形砾石的发现,再次有力地证明是“冰臼”不是“壶穴”的正确结论,由冰川漂砾经融冻作用形成的“石海”,与化学风化作用产生的花岗岩“石蛋”地貌特征,有天渊之别,不应混为一谈;边滩是由河流冲积物组成,不能与基岩冰床相提并论;圆滚水钻与急流旋涡及风蚀作用,形成的动力学性质、方向和方式完全不同,不该阴错阳差;节理、构造只影响冰臼的形态和发育程度,不是控制形成的动力学性质、方向和方式完全不同,不该阴错阳差;节理、构造只影响冰臼的形态和发育程度,不是控制冰臼的发育部位,不致于是非不辨,南国地区古冰川遗迹的大量发现,证明距今约二三百万年的第四纪早期确实曾发生过大规模的古冰川运动,为争论了半个多世纪的中国东部中低山区有无第四纪冰川问题,从此画上一个圆满的句号。  相似文献   

与"冰臼论"再商榷   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
发达的花岗岩节理和丰富的年降水量是揭西石肚溪、丰顺龙鲸河等粤东近海山区河流壶穴地貌发育的基础。“冰臼论”提出在冰裂隙中形成的“滚流”、“圆柱体水砧”等流体形式只不过是一种主观臆断。石肚溪的宽谷-峡谷相间的河谷形势及龙鲸河的谷中现象是地壳间歇式上升造成河流的侧蚀和下切作用相交替的结果,宽谷(或U形谷)并不一定就是冰川谷。分布于河床上或谷坡上的花岗岩巨块是花岗岩巨型球化风化产物被洪水从上游带来或从谷坡  相似文献   

冰后期海面上升对长江中下游影响的探讨   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
方金琪 《地理学报》1991,46(4):427-435
本文通过地质、地貌和古水文调查资料的分析,并结合计算机数值模拟研究讨论了冰后期海面上升对长江中下游河床泥沙加积、水位变化,沿岸湖泊发育及荆江河曲形成的影响。  相似文献   

本文利用前人的成果及笔者1992/1993年的南极海冰观测和收集的资料以及水文观测资料数据阐述了南极海冰的特性,特别是南极海冰过程、冰穴以及冰川冰对南极水团(南极表层水、南极底层水、南极陆架水、南极中层水以及南极冰架水)的形成和变性所起的特殊作用。 南极海冰覆盖面积的年际变化,夏季最大年份是最小年份的2倍多,冬季年间变化较小,最大仅为20%;但其季节变化非常大,冬季平均覆盖面积通常是夏季的5倍。南极海冰对大气-海洋间相互作用有重大影响,特别是深海洋区中冬季的结冰和发育造成的垂向对流、夏季的融化是形成南极表层水(含南极冬季水和南极夏季表层水),进而形成南极中层水的主要原因;南极陆架区的的海冰兴衰过程是形成南极陆架水的直接原因,它与变性南极绕极深层水混合并受到冰川冰的进一步冷却作用,成为形成南极底层水的主要水团;南极冰架底部的冷却、融化和冰架以下水体的结冰作用形成的高盐对流过程产生的南极冰架水,亦是形成南极底层水的贡献者。 冰穴是70年代以来卫星观测的重大发现。对其形成和对大气、海洋的影响作用尚不完全清楚,初步的研究成果表明,冰穴中产生的热盐对流对南极水团的形成、变性、大洋深层的翻转以及海洋-大气间的热量传输和气体交换起有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

关于冰臼形成与保存机理认识上的几个误区   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
刘尚仁 《热带地理》2000,20(2):156-161
关于冰臼的形成与保存机理认识上的误区,主要包括冰臼三种生成模式:冰川压融水--水刀切割模式、水应力集中一点模式、滴水穿石模式等,以及冰臼能保存至今的三论:花岗岩抗蚀论,与旧石器比较论,冰碛物覆盖论。文中认为争流漩涡模式和瀑布模式是壶穴、冰臼生成的模式;揭西石肝溪所谓平缓基岩冰床,其实是该V形谷底宽10 ̄30m的花岗岩边滩,河床中所谓冰川漂跞,其实中山洪和块体运动带来的本流域大漂石,所为漂砾碛及石海  相似文献   

关于南国冰臼群成因的商榷   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
南国冰臼群的确定,是在发现大量古冰川遗迹的基础上提出的。依据前期气候地层法的分析、研究和对比,冰臼群大约形成于距今约2~3百万年的第四纪早期。根据我国2~2.4百万年考古学最新发现的旧石器的石质、岩石类型、保存条件等的对比,冰臼群历经2~3百万年的沧桑,完全可以保存至今。以南国遗植物、更新世动植物群化石,和试图在冰臼中及砾石表面发现“针头鼠尾”状擦痕的存在,来佐证“广东第四纪汉有冰川发育的条件”、  相似文献   

自1992年4月12日至12月30日对中山站附近内拉峡湾冰下水柱中浮游植物生物量以及环境因子的季节变化进行了测定。水中叶绿素a含量在0.03-21.40mg/m3之间波动,在覆冰期间,生物量基本上随深度的增加而下降;5-9月份各层次的生物量普遍低于0.5mg/m3,8-9月份低于0.1mg/m3。各层次中以水表含量的季节变化最为明显,成冰后在9月份形成低谷,于12月中旬紧接着冰底水华的消失而形成单一峰值。生物量中微型浮游植物(<20μm)的比重在4-9月份的多数层次占有一半以上,10月份后随着生物量的上升而下降,在水华期水表的比重最低,仅占总量的3.2%。其柱总生物量基本上与冰中生物量处于同一数量级,在冰藻水华期其量值甚至低于冰中生物量。营养盐(μmol/L)的波动范围为PO4-P:0.32-0.79,SiO3-Si:26.47-69.92,NO3-N:1.41-31.75,尽管水华期水表营养盐含量降至观测期间的最低点,但仍能满足冰下浮游植物的生长所需。光辐照度由于在冰水界面的量值仅为冰表入射光的不足5.3%至低于1%,成为水中产量最为可能的限制因子。  相似文献   

硝酸根(NO_3~–)是南极雪冰中主要的化学离子之一,过去对雪冰NO_3~–记录与气候环境信息的关联开展了广泛研究。然而,不同于雪冰中其他化学离子,NO_3~–沉积进入雪层中会发生一系列复杂的沉积后过程,给定量解读雪冰NO_3~–的气候环境信息带来了严峻挑战。NO_3~–的稳定同位素构成则为定量解译大气氮的来源、氧化剂的相对丰度等提供了有力工具,受样品量(尤其是冰芯)和含量所限,目前对南极雪冰中NO_3~–稳定同位素研究仍非常薄弱。本文综述了目前南极雪冰中NO_3~–稳定同位素的空间分布特征和主要影响因素、NO_3~–的沉积后过程和相关机制及南极雪冰中NO_3~–稳定同位素记录,并指出了目前研究存在的主要问题,探讨了未来南极雪冰中NO_3~–稳定同位素可能的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   

On small-meso scale,the sea ice dynamic characteristics are quite different from that on large scale.To model the sea ice dynamics on small-meso scale,a new elastic-viscous-plastic(EVP) constitutive model and a hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian (HLE) numerical method are developed based on continuum theory.While a modified discrete element model(DEM) is introduced to model the ice cover at discrete state.With the EVP constitutive model,the numerical simulation for ice ridging in an idealized rectangular basin is carried out and the results are comparable with the analytical solution of jam theory.Adopting the HLE numerical model,the sea ice dynamic process is simulated in a vortex wind field.The furthering application of DEM is discussed in details for modeling the discrete distribution of sea ice.With this study ,the mechanical and numerical models for sea ice dynamics can be improved with high precision and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

We explore the relationships amongst bedding dip, basin aspect, and glacial landforms using field observations and GIS analyses of the northwestern Uinta Mountains of Utah. We examine basins on opposing sides of three ice divides in which quartzite beds of the Mount Watson Formation maintain a near constant dip. These areas provide contrasting relationships between ice flow and bedding dip directions while holding rock type and climate constant. We map the occurrence of three glacial erosional landforms: cliffs showing evidence of quarrying, scoured surfaces polished by abrasion, and overdeepenings. Cliffs and overdeepenings are more common in basins where bedding dips up‐basin, while scoured surfaces are more prevalent where bedding dips down‐basin. The significance of jointing in controlling glacial erosional forms is well established and we propose that bedding, as well as joints, dictates the geometry of quarried blocks and influences the spatial patterns of process dominance. Where bedding dips up‐basin, the geometry of pre‐existing weaknesses favours quarrying creating both cliffs and overdeepenings. In contrast, where bedding dips down‐basin, block geometry does not favour the creation of overdeepenings via quarrying and exposed bedding planes are subjected to glacial abrasion, producing scoured surfaces.  相似文献   

River ice jams are generally perceived as significant erosive events and are well known to impact both channel morphology and geometry. However, the extent of these impacts and the frequency of events required to maintain erosion-induced morphologies remain unexplored in most cold region watersheds. In this study, we investigated downstream variations in channel width, cross-sectional area, depth, and geomorphological characteristics in a small high-boreal basin. We coupled these observations to dendrochronological data on ice jam frequency. Our results show that channels affected by ice erosion appear enlarged and present an important retreat of the upper bank. Such enlarged channels present a typical two-level, ice-scoured morphology when ice jams recur more often than once every 5 years. By contrast, channels appear unaffected when ice jams are less frequent. These results suggest that ice jams maintain ice-scoured and enlarged morphologies once a minimal frequency-of-occurrence threshold is exceeded. We therefore conclude that ice jam frequencies should be taken into account in order to better define the role of ice as a geomorphological agent in cold environments.  相似文献   

The net accumulation record of ice core is one of the most reliable indicators for reconstructing precipitation changes in high mountains. A 20.12 m ice core was drilled in 2006 from the accumulation zone of Laohugou Glacier No.12 in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. We obtained the precipitation from the ice core net accumulation during 1960-2006, and found out the relationship between Laohugou ice core record and other data from surrounding sites of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Results showed that during 1960-2006, the precipitation in the high mountains showed firstly an increasing trend, while during 1980 to 2006 it showed an obvious decreasing trend. Reconstructed precipitation change in the Laohugou glacier basin was consistent with the measured data from the nearby weather stations in the lower mountain of Subei, and the correlation coefficient was 0.619 (P<0.001). However, the precipitation in the high mountain was about 3 times more than that of the lower mountain. The precipitation in Laohugou Glacier No.12 of the western Qilian Mountains corresponded well to the net accumulation of Dunde ice core during the same period, tree-ring reconstructed precipitation, the measured data of multiple meteorological stations in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and also the changes of adjacent PDSI drought index. Precipitation changes of the Laohugou glacier basin and other sites of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau had significantly positive correlation with ENSO, which implied that the regional alpine precipitation change was very likely to be influenced by ENSO.  相似文献   

A flow-line model is coupled to a 2D temperature model to simulate the thermodynamic changes of Jutulstraumen drainage basin due to grounding line retreat and increased surface temperature since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The basin consists of a plateau drained by an outlet glacier, and the simulated ice volume reductions are 1% and 2% respectively of the current grounded volume. The mountain ranges H.U. Sverdrupfjella and Neumayerskarvet fringing the plateau were not overridden by ice at the LGM, while the Nashornet nunataks closer to the grounding line were. Today the glacier is almost in balance with the current climate, with the highest thinning rate?<?5.0×10?3 ma?1 at the plateau. The simulated present-day thermal regime of the outlet glacier shows a basal layer at the pressure melting point and negative temperature gradients with depth due to horizontal advection of cold ice from the plateau. Sensitivity studies show that strain heating and horizontal advection are important for the basal temperatures in the fast flowing outlet glacier and for about half of the wide basin at the polar plateau. Increased strain heating and horizontal advection since the LGM control the response time required to readjust to the new conditions, and it controls the present-day volume.  相似文献   

北极冰面融池对于研究北极海冰质量平衡、海洋混合层热收支和盐量收支等具有重要意义。为了获得准确的融池覆盖率,本研究提出了一种利用无人机进行北极海冰融池及冰面粗糙度信息提取的方法。在第7次中国北极科学考察期间,利用无人机获取加拿大海盆周边浮冰区冰面航拍影像,针对海冰航拍图像特殊性改进了基于暗原色先验的图像去雾算法,对拼接后的航拍图像进行融池识别,计算得到航拍区域的融池覆盖率。同时利用航拍影像三维建模得到海冰表面相对高程和冰面粗糙度,继而对融池覆盖率和海冰表面粗糙度分布规律进行研究。结果表明,在本次航拍区域,海冰粗糙度大的区域具有更多小面积的融池,而融透的、面积大的融池多出现在粗糙度小的平整冰区。  相似文献   

The Colville basin drains the North Slope of Alaska and is one of several large Arctic river systems located within permafrost. The timing and style of fluvial processes in the earth's permafrost regions differ from those occurring in midlatitude settings. Moreover, in comparison to temperate-zone systems, rivers located entirely within permafrost perform most of their work during relatively short periods of time. This paper examines river ice hydrology and the resulting geomorphic processes that occur within the Colville delta, Alaska. Fluvial processes and landform development within the Colville delta occur after the flood-pulse is initiated by the breakup of river ice. During this 4-month period, the geomorphic processes are largely influenced by the movement of ice. The flood-pulse and accompanying river ice influences erosional and depositional processes and results in unique styles of sediment transport, deposition, and riverbank erosion.  相似文献   

1960-2017年渭河流域极端气温变化及其对区域增暖的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姬霖  段克勤 《地理科学》2020,40(3):466-477
基于逐日最高和最低气温,计算1960-2017年渭河流域16项极端气温指数,发现近58 a 渭河流域极端冷指数(冰冻日数、霜冻日数、冷夜日数、冷昼日数和冷持续指数)呈下降趋势,极端暖指数(夏日日数、热夜日数、暖昼日数、暖夜日数、作物生长期和热持续指数)呈上升趋势,特别是20世纪80年代后上升速率明显加快。流域半干旱区对气候变暖的响应更敏感,主要体现在白天温度增高以及冰冻和霜冻日数减少,而半湿润区主要为夜间增暖。相比1960-2003年,2004-2017年流域平均温度升高1.75℃,暖夜/暖昼日数增加10.99/6.79 d,而霜冻/冷夜日数减少8.71/2.35 d。分析发现地形条件是影响流域极端气温空间差异的重要因素。在流域半干旱区,冷夜和冷昼日数的快速减少,有利于农作物的生长。而在相对湿度较大的半湿润区,随着夏季连续高温天气增多,高温热浪事件的危害更大。  相似文献   

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