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Based on the study of lithology, sedimentology and paleontology at the Permian-Triassic boundary in Liaotian, Northwestern Jiangxi Province, the sequence stratigraphy and depositional environments across the boundary are reconstructed. The top part of the Upper Permian Changxing Formation is composed of very thick-bedded ligh-colored dolomitic limestone formed in high deposition rate on carbonate ramp,which indacates a transgression systems tract (TST). The Lower Triassic Qinglong Formation shows continuous deposition with the underlying Upper Permian. The lower member of Qinglong Formation consists of calcareous shale, shelly limestome and dolomitic limestone with abundant bivalves (Claraia sp.) and trace fossills (Chondrites). The calcareous shale at the bottom of Lower Triassic indicates a calm deep water environment to form the condensed section (CS). The shelly limestome and dolomitic limeston with shell fossils, intraclast, algal ooide show clean but turbulent environment of carbonate ramp, which produce the deposition of highstand systems tract (TST).  相似文献   

Based on the research on sequence stratigraphy of the Permian in Southwest China,in conjunction with the carbon isotope data from the typical sections at Ganluo,Sichuan and Tianlin and Masan,Guangxi,the authors suggest that the genetic framework and internal architicture of different sequences possess quite different carbon isotopic characteristics.Therefore ,the following problems can be solved in terms of carbon isotopic values,evolutionary curve patterns and structures of carbonate sequences:(1) to determe the nature of sequence boundary surface and related geological events;(2) to recognize various kinds of sedimentary system tracts;(3) to discuss the internal architicture and genetic framework of the sequences and their evolution;(4) to subdivide and correlate sedimentary sequences on a regional or global scale; and (5)to enhance the resolution of sequence stratigraphic analysis.Stable carbon isotopes have proved themselves to be valid in sequence stratigraphic studies of carbonate rocks,as demonstrated by our results presented in this paper.  相似文献   

贵州广顺二叠系化学地层的划分及沉积环境分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
南君亚  周德全 《矿物学报》1996,16(2):223-230
本文以贵州省广顺二叠纪坝子头-茶叶剖面作了基准剖面,通过野外观察和室内岩相分析,根据岩石的成岩作用,颜色,微相特征及岩层的厚度和叠置关系,进行了层序的划分。在此基础上,以该剖面59个岩层的17个微量元素(As,B,Ba,Co,Cr,Cu,Ga,Mn,Mo,Ni,Pb,Sn,Sr,Ti,V,Zn和Zr)为变量,用因子分析和群分析进行了化学地层单元的划分,通过化学地层和层序地层划分结果的对比,结合化学  相似文献   

On the basis of researches over several years on biostratigraphy of Changhsingian at Meishan Section D in Changxing County, the abundant materials were accumulated. This paper studies the escostratigraphy and establishes 7 community zones (CZ), in ascending order, Sinoplatysomus-Gernitzina-Clarkina subcarinata, Tapashanites-Nodosaria-Clarkina subcarinata,Crurithyris-Geinitzina-Clarkina subcarinata,Glomospira-Clarkina changxingensis, Colaniella-Clarkina changxingensis,Rotodiscoceras-Palaeofusulina-Hindeodus typicalis,Clarkina meishanensis-Hypophiceras.The habitat type (HT) is diffent from upper shallow sea to the lower part of the lower shallow sea.  相似文献   

There are two main types of iron deposits in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Valley district.Both of them underwent post-magmatic hydrothermal processes during ore formation.Iron in the hydrothermal ore bodies was derived largely through mobilization from substantially consolidated diroitic intrusives.Wall-roch alteration zonation indicates that iron-mobilizing hydrothermal fluids evolved in a trend of decreasing alkalinity,which is suggested by regularly distributed wall-rock alterations formed by iron-mobilizing hydrothermal fluids and is in contradiction with the current chloride,chloride complex and bicarbonate models for iron mobilization.The close association of carbonatization with iron ores and the high concentrations of reduced gases such as CO,CH4 and H2 in fluid inclusions suggest that iron is most probably transported in the form of iron carbonyls during post-magmatic hydrothermal processes. In the light of the iron carbonyl mobilization model,explanations are made of the constraints on ores of some geologic factors such as melanocratic alteration,carbonatization,carbonate strata,structural fractures,cyptoexplosive pipes and embryo ores.  相似文献   

In the Upper-Yangtze region,especially in Guizhou Province and its adjacent areas,the Lower Cambrian is well developed and is marked by a succession from black shales of the basin facies to carbonate rocks of the platform facies.The drowning event of the platform occurring at the turn from Sinian to Cambrian resulted in a set of black shales,i.e.the Niutitang Formation,which makes up the bottom part of the Lower Cambrian.With the shoaling of the sedimentary environment,a set of carbonate rocks,i.e.the Qingxudong Formation,was formed in the top part of the Lower Cambrian.Thus,the Lower Cambrian in the study area makes up one second-order sequence that can be further subdivided into five third-order sequences,and forms a regularly cyclic succession of transgression-regression.There is a regularly vertical stacking pattern for the third-order sequences in the second-order sequence.From bottom to top,the succession of the"CS(condensed section) HST(high-stand system tract)"of the third-order sequences is changed into the succession of the"TST(transgressive system tract) CS HST".Correspondingly,the drowning-type sequence boundary is changed into the exposure-type one.Therefore,both the second-order and the third-order sequences have similar sedimentary-facies architectures.A concomitant with these temporal changes, the Lower Cambrian with a thickness of 1000m that contains five third-order sequences is changed into a condensed succession that cannot identify third-order sequences toward the southeast with the deepening of the sedimentary environment.According to the elementary features of the third-order sequences,i.e.the regularity o sedimentary-facies successions in space and the synchronism of sedimentary-environment changes in time,the detailed division of the third-order sequences at main logged sections in different paleogeographical background becomes the basis to establish the sequence-stratigraphic framework that can demonstrate two types of facies-changing surface and two types of diachronism in the stratigraphic records.This sequence-stratigraphic framework shows a growing process of the carbonate platform from the base of the condensed succession formed by black shales of basin facies.Resulting from the rapid transgression at the turn from Sinian to Cambrian the ecological space became open,which formed the antecedent condition of paleogeographical setting for"the Cambrian Biological Explosion".Ultimately,the genetic relationship between the depositional events and the biological-diversity events is very complex and there remain lots of problems that need further research in the future.  相似文献   

皖南地区二叠纪层序地层研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
以层序地层学理论为基础 ,根据皖南地区二叠系钻孔、测井和露头剖面等资料 ,详细研究了该区二叠纪层序地层及海平面变化 ,划分了沉积层序和沉积体系域 ,探讨了界面性质、层序类型及层序特征。本区二叠系可划分出 2个 级和 4个 级层序。2个 级层序的时限分别对应早二叠世和晚二叠世 ,这与中国南方二叠纪构造旋回盆地变更时限相一致。 4个 级层序分别对应于栖霞阶、茅口阶、龙潭阶和长兴阶。栖霞阶和龙潭阶为 类沉积层序 ,其层序底界为类型 界线不整合 ;茅口阶和长兴阶为 类层序 ,其底界为类型 界线不整合。区内低水位体系域不发育 ,沉积层序基本上由海侵体系域和高水位体系域组成。二叠纪存在四次三级海平面变化周期和二次二级海平面变化周期 ,后者可能与全球海平面升降有关。早二叠世早期的海侵及晚期的海退可能代表大区域性的海平面升降。  相似文献   

The mechanism that controls regional mineralization must be governed by a series of geochemical reactions in relation to the source system of magmatism.In this respect,the geological bodies must have been overprinted by various kinds of tracers in terms of either chemical elements or isotopes.For this reason,the problem may be better approached by treating the lithosphere as a whole with due considerations given to the various tracer elements and isotopes and the various media of the magmatism(magmatic as well as sedimentary rocks).Presented in this paper are the results of this attempt based on a great wealth of available data concerning the source system of Mesozoic magmatism in the Middle and Lower Yangtze Valleys and adjacent areas.  相似文献   

中下扬子区二叠系露头层序地层研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
按新近国际年代地层划分方案(ICS,2000),下扬子区二叠纪地层自下向上分为3统,9阶和相对应的华南传统6阶划分。二叠系从阿瑟尔阶至长兴阶(44Ma)共划分出14个三级层序,每个三级层序平均时限约为3.14Ma,其中“紫松阶”)相当阿瑟尔+2/3萨克马尔阶)1个(船山组中上部)、“隆林阶、(相当1/3萨克马尔阶+阿丁斯克阶)2个(分别对应船山组上部和梁山组或镇江组)、“栖霞阶”(相当库班甘德阶+1/3罗德阶)3个(栖霞组),“茅口阶”(相当于2/3罗德阶+沃德阶+卡皮丹阶)4个(孤峰组,茅口组,堰桥组,银屏组和武穴组),吴家坪阶2个(龙潭组或吴家坪组),长兴阶2个(长兴组或大隆组);共归并为4个层序组(sequence set)。  相似文献   

童金南  崔玮霞 《地球科学》2002,27(5):565-569
碳酸盐缓坡区沉积相带宽, 缺乏直观的物理层序界面标志, 但区域上受气候海平面控制的多级岩性旋回发育, 可对比性强, 生物丰富, 因而可借助于旋回地层学和生态地层学方法进行区域露头层序地层研究.通过岩性旋回叠加型式和生境型迁移过程研究, 较好地进行了下扬子区下三叠统露头层序划分, 建立了层序地层格架, 并提出以海侵面为界进行层序划分对于碳酸盐缓坡区露头层序地层研究更有可操作性和实用性.   相似文献   

YangtzeplatformofSouthChinawasaplatforminthePaleo-TethysOceanduringthePermianandTriassic.TheMiddleTriassicIndosinianmovementw...  相似文献   

中扬子台地下奥陶统含礁层系层序地层研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用露头层序地层学原理与方法,将中扬子台地早奥陶世含礁地层划分为4个Ⅱ型层序,并阐述了各层序的体系域特征和形成的沉积动力学机制以及海平面变化对沉积、生物迁移、生物礁及环境的控制作用。认为在含礁层序形成过程中,存在着4个海平面变化旋回,第一旋回为两河口期早至中期,第二旋回为两河口期晚期至道保湾期早期,第三旋回为道保湾期早至晚期,第四旋回为大湾期早至中期,其中两河口期存在着3个次一级的旋回,第一旋回发生于分乡组二段(鲡粒段);第二旋回发生于分乡组三段(互层段);第三旋回发生于分乡组四段(夹层段);识别出3个平衡型碳酸盐体系和一个滞后型碳酸盐岩沉积体系。研究结果表明,分乡组与红花园组生物礁均形成于高海平面时期。由于海平面变化过程中存在多个次一级的旋回,致使本区生物礁具有厚度和规模小、数量多和分布广等特点。  相似文献   

上扬子区志留纪层序地层特征   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
在稳定的上扬子地区,对志留系(439~409Ma)进行了露头层序地层研究,建立了2个二级层序(不完整)和9个三级层序(OS1- OS9),每个三级层序的时限约3.3Ma, OS1由龙马溪组和香树园组构成。雷家屯组包括2个三级层序。OS4由马脚冲组和溶溪组构成。秀山组和回星哨组构成OS5和OS6层序。OS7位于关底组下部。由关底组上部和妙高组下部组成OS8。OS9由妙高组上部和玉龙寺组构成。OS1和OS7为Ⅰ型层序,其余为Ⅱ型层序。三级层序均发育TST和HST,而缺乏LST和SMST。层序的发育与全球海平面变化有密切关系。加里东运动造成的扬子地台持续上升及差异升降对二级层序的组成具有明显的影响。  相似文献   

通过对上扬子地台东南缘奥陶纪碳酸盐台地、台缘斜坡和盆地三个不同相区典型剖面的沉积学、生物地层学及岩石地层学等方面的综合研究,在该地区奥陶系中识别出时限为2 ~5 Ma 的18 个正层序和相应的19次海退事件,将其与塔里木、华北及北美、澳洲等大陆对比结果表明,上扬子地台东南缘奥陶纪的绝大部分三级以上海退事件及沉积层序有着良好的全球可比性。  相似文献   

杭州上泥盆统西湖组露头层序地层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据露头剖面层序地层的详细研究,将杭州上泥盆统西湖组划分为2个三级层序,其高频变化表现为:海进及低位体系域的粒序变化主要表现为下粗上细的正粒序组构特征,总体表现为自下而上沉积水体由浅变深的退积型旋回;高位体系域自下而上表现为由细变粗的逆粒序组构特征,总体构成下细上粗的向上变浅的进积型旋回。认为构造活动和海平面变化是控制西湖组层序发育演化的主要因素,并将其发育演化分成三个阶段:滨岸相之近滨上部转换为前滨与后滨交替沉积阶段,曲流河之河道与边滩反复沉积阶段,浅海陆棚与近滨下部相间沉积阶段。  相似文献   

在前人岩石地层、生物地层、年代地层研究基础上,作者运用层序地层学理论结合沉积微相分析,对柯坪地区中下奥陶统露头碳酸盐岩进行了层序地层解剖。研究区共识别出二种界面类型 (暴露层序不整合界面和淹没层序不整合界面 )、三种准层序组构特征 (潮坪、浅滩和滩下陆棚 )和两种主要类型的体系域构成 (海侵体系域和高位体系域 ),在此基础上把该套碳酸盐岩划分为 7个三级层序,其中Sq1~ 2对应于蓬莱坝组地层、Sq3~ 6对应于鹰山组地层和Sq7对应于大湾沟组地层。Sq1~ 2三级层序由潮坪旋回的藻纹层白云岩、细粉晶白云岩和灰岩组成;Sq3~ 4三级层序由潮坪旋回的藻纹层灰岩和颗粒灰岩组成;Sq5~ 6三级层序由潮下浅滩相旋回的颗粒灰岩组成;Sq7三级层序由滩下陆棚环境藻灰岩和泥质瘤状灰岩组成  相似文献   

应用露头层序地层学基本原理和方法,在详细的岩石岩相学、沉积学研究和精细的地层划分对比基础上,对贵州宗地剖面晚石炭世二叠纪早期地层进行了露头层序地层研究。研究表明,贵州宗地剖面晚石炭世一二叠纪早期地层至少可识别出6种主要岩相及11种具有不同环境意义的微相类型。宗地剖面晚石炭世地层可以划分出6个三级层序,二叠纪早期地层可划分出4个三级层序。笔者等阐述了沉积层序的各种界面的露头标志,探讨了三级层序和层序区域对比的基本特征。三级沉积层序在不同古地理单元和不同沉积环境中可以进行对比。三级层序发育TST和HST,LST不发育或难以识别。  相似文献   

针对研究区钻及二叠系的井甚少,现有的几条地震剖面质量欠佳的状况,采用露头层序地层学的方法在8条主干剖面、数十条辅助剖面详细研究的基础上将研究区二叠系划分为11个Ⅲ级层序(栖霞阶为3个层序,茅口阶为3个层序,吴家坪阶为3个层序和长兴阶为2个层序)。以具区域性分布的生物化石带为主,辅以岩性组合、岩相特征、垂向相序特点及地质事件,对研究区二叠系进行详细区域层序对比,总结了二叠系层序特点。  相似文献   

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