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In this paper, we have attempted a problem of reflection and refraction of plane harmonic SH‐wave at a corrugated interface between two different perfectly conducting self‐reinforced elastic half‐spaces. Rayleigh's method is employed to find out the expressions of reflection and refraction coefficients for first‐ and second‐order approximation of the corrugation. The expressions of these coefficients show that they depend on the properties of half‐spaces, angle of incidence, frequency of the incident wave and are strongly influenced by the corrugation of the interface. Numerical computations are performed for a particular model having special type of interface and the variation of these coefficients are depicted graphically against the angles of incidence, frequency parameter, corrugation parameter at different values of reinforcement parameters. Results of some earlier works are reduced as a particular case of this formulation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The reflection and transmission phenomena of elastic waves incident at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar fibre‐reinforced elastic half‐spaces have been analysed. Using Rayleigh method of approximation, the expressions of the reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained in closed form for the plane interface as well as for the first order approximation of the periodic interface ζ = d cos px. All these reflection and transmission coefficients of regular and irregular waves are found to be the functions of angle of incidence and elastic parameters of the media. Moreover, the coefficients of irregularly reflected and transmitted waves are found to be proportional to the amplitude of the corrugated interface and are functions of the frequency of the incident wave. Numerical computations have been performed for a specific model to compute these coefficients and results obtained are shown graphically. The results of Singh and Singh (Sadhana 2004; 29 :249–257) and Ben‐Menahem and Singh (Seismic Waves and Sources. Springer: New York) have been derived from our analysis as particular cases. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The propagation of plane shear wave at a corrugation interface between elastic solid and viscoelastic liquid half‐spaces has been investigated. Adopting Rayleigh's method of approximation, the reflection and refraction coefficients corresponding to reflected and refracted SH‐waves have been derived for the first order of approximation of the corrugated interface. These coefficients are derived in the closed form for a periodic interface. Numerical computation has been performed for a particular model and the results are depicted graphically. The results of Asano (Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. 1960; 38 (2):177–197) and Kielczynski and Pajewski (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1987; 81 (3):599–605) are recovered from this study. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents some numerical results of the problem on contact of stratified elastic half‐spaces possessing unevenness of their surface layers. The approach of the Jacobi polynomials is used to reduce the singular integral equation of the problem to a system of linear algebraic equations. On the basis of the system's solution the dependence of gaps' geometric characteristics on external load and friction is investigated for two types of initial boundary disturbances, namely a local symmetric recess and a periodic set of recesses at a flat boundary. Numerical results are presented in figures for a few elastic and geometric parameters of joint components. The analysis shows that elastic properties and geometric structure of a laminated half‐space have a significant influence on the shape of interface gaps and their location. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The transient deformation of an elastic half‐space under a line‐concentrated impulsive vector shear load applied momentarily is disclosed in this paper. While in an earlier work, the author gave an analytical–numerical method for the solution to this transient boundary‐value problem, here, the resultant response of the half‐space is presented and interpreted. In particular, a probe is set up for the kinematics of the source signature and wave fronts, both explicitly revealed in the strained half‐space by the solution method. The source signature is the imprint of the spatiotemporal configuration of the excitation source in the resultant response. Fourteen wave fronts exist behind the precursor shear wave S: four concentric cylindrical, eight plane, and two relativistic cylindrical initiated at propagating centres that are located on the stationary boundaries of the solution domain. A snapshot of the stressed half‐space reveals that none of the 14 wave fronts fully extend laterally. Instead, each is enclosed within point bounds. These wave arresting points and the two propagating centres of the relativistic waves constitute the source signature. The obtained 14 wave fronts are further combined into 11 disparate wave fronts that are grouped into four categories: an axis of symmetry wave—so named here by reason of being a wave front that is contiguous to the axis of symmetry, three body waves, five surface waves and two inhibitor waves—so named here by reason that beyond them the material motion dies out. Of the three body waves, the first is an unloading shear wave, the second is a diffracted wave and the third is a reflected longitudinal two‐branch wave. Of the two inhibitor waves, the first is a two‐joint relativistic wave, while the second is a two‐branch wave. The wave system, however, is not the same for all the dependent variables; a wave front that appears in the behaviour of one dependent variable may not exist in the behaviour of another. It is evident from this work that Saint–Venant's principle for wave propagation problems cannot be formulated. Therefore, the above results are valid for the particular proposed model for the momentary line‐concentrated shear load. The formulation of the source signature, the wave system, and their role in the half‐space transient deformation are presented here. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The propagation of plane waves in an anisotropic elastic medium possessing monoclinic symmetry is discussed. The expressions for the phase velocity ofqP andqSV waves propagating in the plane of elastic symmetry are obtained in terms of the direction cosines of the propagation vector. It is shown that, in general,qP waves are not longitudinal andqSV waves are not transverse. Pure longitudinal and pure transverse waves can propagate only in certain specific directions. Closed-form expressions for the reflection coefficients ofqP andqSV waves incident at the free surface of a homogeneous monoclinic elastic half-space are obtained. These expressions are used for studying numerically the variation of the reflection coefficients with the angle of incidence. The present analysis corrects some fundamental errors appearing in recent papers on the subject.  相似文献   

First, the response of an ideal elastic half‐space to a line‐concentrated impulsive normal load applied to its surface is obtained by a computational method based on the theory of characteristics in conjunction with kinematical relations derived across surfaces of strong discontinuities. Then, the geometry is determined of the obtained waves and the source signature—the latter is the imprint of the spatiotemporal configuration of the excitation source in the resultant response. Behind the dilatational precursor wave, there exists a pencil of three plane waves extending from the vertex at the impingement point of the precursor wave on the stress‐free surface of the half‐space to three points located on the other two boundaries of the solution domain. These four wave‐arresting points (end points) of the three plane waves constitute the source signature. One wave is an inhibitor front in the behaviour of the normal stress components and the particle velocity, while in the behaviour of the shear stress component, it is a surface‐axis wave. The second is a surface wave in the behaviour of the horizontal components of the dependent variables, while the third is an inhibitor wave in the behaviour of the shear stress component. An inhibitor wave is so named, since beyond it, the material motion is dying or becomes uniform. A surface‐axis wave is so named, since upon its arrival, like a surface wave, the dependent variable in question features an extreme value, but unlike a surface wave, it exists in the entire depth of the solution domain. It is evident from this work that Saint‐Venant's principle for wave propagation problems cannot be formulated; therefore, the above results are a consequence of the particular model proposed here for the line‐concentrated normal load. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The response of an ideal elastic half‐space to a line‐concentrated impulsive vector shear force applied momentarily is obtained by an analytical–numerical computational method based on the theory of characteristics in conjunction with kinematical relations derived across surfaces of strong discontinuities. The shear force is concentrated along an infinite line, drawn on the surface of the half‐space, while being normal to that line as well as to the axis of symmetry of the half‐space. An exact loading model is introduced and built into the computational method for this shear force. With this model, a compatibility exists among the prescribed applied force, the geometric decay of the shear stress component at the precursor shear wave, and the boundary conditions of the half‐space; in this sense, the source configuration is exact. For the transient boundary‐value problem described above, a wave characteristics formulation is presented, where its differential equations are extended to allow for strong discontinuities which occur in the material motion of the half‐space. A numerical integration of these extended differential equations is then carried out in a three‐dimensional spatiotemporal wavegrid formed by the Cartesian bicharacteristic curves of the wave characteristics formulation. This work is devoted to the construction of the computational method and to the concepts involved therein, whereas the interpretation of the resultant transient deformation of the half‐space is presented in a subsequent paper. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the plane problem on frictional contact of stratified elastic half‐spaces provided discontinuity of their direct touch. Imperfectness of contact of the bodies is assumed to be caused by surface unevenness of their surface layers. The problem is formulated within the framework of the homogenized model with microlocal parameters. Using the method of complex potentials in combination with the method of interface gaps the problem is reduced to a singular integral equation on the function of interface gap height. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于多相孔隙介质弹性理论,给出了非饱和土中不同弹性波的传播方程。根据分界面上的边界条件,建立了各势函数波幅值之间的关系式,讨论了入射剪切波在不同饱和度土层分界面上的反射与透射问题。在无限空间非饱和土体中存在3种压缩波和1种剪切波,因此,当剪切波传播到不同饱和度的非饱和土层分界面上将分别在上、下土层激发产生4种反射波和4种透射波。推导出不同反射波和透射波的振幅比例系数和能量比例系数的理论表达式,并且在此基础上进行数值分析。在数值算例中分别研究了各反射波与透射波的能量比例系数(即能量反射率和能量透射率)受入射频率、入射角度以及上、下土层土体饱和度变化的影响情况。计算结果表明:各能量反射率和能量透射率不仅与入射角和入射频率有关,而且其受上、下土层饱和度变化的影响也同样不能忽视。  相似文献   

In this article a numerical solution for a three‐dimensional isotropic, viscoelastic half‐space subjected to concentrated surface stress loadings is synthesized with the aid of the Radon and Fourier integral transforms. Dynamic displacement and stress fields are computed for points at the surface and inside the domain. The analysis is performed in the frequency domain. Viscoelastic effects are incorporated by means of the elastic–viscoelastic correspondence principle. The equations of motion are solved in the Radon–Fourier transformed domain. Inverse transformations to the physical domain are accomplished numerically. The scheme used to perform the numerical inverse transformations is addressed. The solution is validated by comparison with results available in the literature. A set of original dynamic displacement and stress solutions for points within the half‐space is presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A single pile embedded in a layered poroelastic half‐space subjected to a harmonic lateral load is investigated in this study. Based on Biot's theory, the frequency domain fundamental solution for a horizontal circular patch load applied in the layered poroelastic half‐space is derived via the transmission and reflection matrices method. Utilizing Muki and Sternberg's method, the second kind of Fredholm integral equation describing the dynamic interaction between the layered half‐space and the pile subjected to a top harmonic lateral load is constructed. The proposed methodology is validated by comparing results of this paper with some existing results. Numerical results show that for a two‐layered half‐space, the thickness of the upper softer layer has pronounced influences on the dynamic response of the pile and the half‐space. For a three‐layered half‐space, the presence of a softer middle layer in the layered half‐space will enhance the compliance for the pile significantly, while a stiffer middle layer will diminish the dynamic compliance of the pile considerably. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rigorous analysis for the static interaction of a cylindrical thin‐walled pile with an inhomogeneous isotropic elastic half‐space under vertical, horizontal, and torsional forces individually applied at the top of pile. The inhomogeneity is specified with the exponential variation of shear modulus along depth of the embedding medium, and the Poisson's ratio is assumed to be constant. By means of a set of Green's functions for pile and soil medium and satisfying the compatibility conditions between the 2 interacting media, the formulation is reduced to coupled Fredholm integral equations. Using the adaptive‐gradient elements, capable of capturing the singular stress transfer at both ends of the pile, a numerical procedure is developed and utilized for evaluating the relevant integral equations and studying the inhomogeneity effect on the soil‐pile interaction responses. The analysis results have been validated for different soil‐pile modulus ratios under axial load and for a Poisson's ratio of 0.3 under lateral load. The procedure does not consider the nonlinear behavior of the soil medium or plastic yielding in the pile section, and the impact of the unreliable results for the case of high Poisson's ratio is not examined.  相似文献   

An analytical investigation of a half‐space containing transversely isotropic material under forced vertical and horizontal displacements applied on a rectangular rigid foundation is presented in this paper. With the goal of a rigorous solution to the shape‐ and rigidity‐ induced singular mixed boundary value problem, the formulation employs scalar potential representation, the Fourier expansion and the Hankel integral transforms method to obtain the surface arbitrary point‐load solution in cylindrical coordinate system. The obtained Green's functions are rewritten in rectangular coordinate system, allowing the response of the half‐space because of an arbitrary distributed load on a rectangular surface area be given in terms of a double integral. The numerical evaluations of stresses are done with the use of an element, which is singular at the edge and the corner of the rectangle. Upon the imposition of the rigidity displacement boundary condition for a rigid foundation and the use of a set of two‐dimensional adaptive‐gradient elements, which can capture the singular behavior in the contact stress effectively, a set of new numerical results are presented to illustrate the effect of transverse isotropy on the foundation response. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finite element discretization of Biot's consolidation equations can produce a symmetric indefinite system (commonly used in geomechanics) or a non‐symmetric system. While this difference appears to be minor, however, it will require the selection of entirely different Krylov subspace solvers with potentially significant impact on solution efficiency. The former is solved using the symmetric quasi‐minimal residual whereas the latter is solved using the popular bi‐conjugate gradient stabilized. This paper presents an extensive comparison of the symmetric and non‐symmetric forms by varying the time step, size of the spatial domain, choice of physical units, and left versus left–right preconditioning. The generalized Jacobi (GJ) preconditioner is able to handle the non‐symmetric version of Biot's finite element method equation, although there are no practical incentives to do so. The convergence behaviour of GJ‐preconditioned systems and its relation to the spectral condition number or the complete spectrum are studied to clarify the concept of ill‐conditioning within the context of iteration solvers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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