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Electrical resistivity survey is conducted in the Khanasser Valley, considered as a semi-arid region in Northern Syria, to guide and control fresh water well drilling. Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) are carried out near the existing wells, which were also used to measure salinity and conductivity of water samplings. Resistivity and hydrogeological data combination made it possible to establish empirical relationships between earth resistivity, water resistivity, and the amount of total dissolved solids (TDS). These relationships are used in the present research in order to follow the TDS salinity variations, both in lateral and depth directions, along the longitudinal profile LP3, located in Khanasser Valley. Apparent salinity map under this profile is established for Quaternary and Paleogene deposits, and boundaries of suitable areas for fresh water well drilling in the totality of the Khanasser Valley are drawn. It was shown that excessive fresh-water depletion may affect the groundwater quality by upward seepage of saline water. Therefore, it is important to keep the fresh-salt water interface in a stationary situation. The geoelectrical methods widely contribute in determining the position of such interface, and can be easily applied in similar arid areas.  相似文献   

Jamal Asfahani 《水文研究》2007,21(8):1085-1097
A resistivity survey is conducted in Khanasser Valley, a semi‐arid region in northern Syria, to delineate the characteristics of ground water affected by the salt‐water intrusion related to Al‐Jaboul Sabkha. Existing wells were used to measure salinity and conductivity of water samplings. Vertical electrical sounding was carried out near the existing wells. The combination of resistivity and hydrogeological data enables the establishment of empirical relationships between earth resistivity, water resistivity, and the amount of total dissolved solids. These relationships are then used in order to derive salinity maps for electrode spacings of 70, 100, and 150 m. The distribution of fresh, brackish and salt‐water zones and their variations in space along two longitudinal profiles (LP1 and LP2) are established through converting subsurface depth–resistivity models into different ground‐water areas. The constructed ground‐water area maps allow interfaces between different water zones to be determined. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to characterize and understand the origin of the water losses problem in the Afamia B dam located at Al-Ghab basin in Syria. The survey involved various geophysical methods including a superficial electromagnetic (EM), an electrical sounding (ES) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Special considerations were focused on the lake of the dam, which is currently suffering serious water infiltration and leakage through its bedrocks. The application of the ERT technique was more effective and convenient. The analysis of the integrated results of the above mentioned methods revealed a vertical serious leakage which could take place in certain locations via fractures and faults that hit the main valley and pass through the dam lake. Additionally, the presence of an alternating lithological heterogeneity between permeable and impermeable layers may lead to infiltration through the geological formations of the basin. These processes are most likely causing hydraulic connections between the Neogene superficial deposits and the underlying Cretaceous fractured and karstified carbonates rocks. Consequently, such hydraulic connections may lead to water losses and leakage throughout the dam basin. Eventually, the presence of tens of drilled wells which penetrate the Neogene and Cretaceous formations, and the existence of numerous archeological graves and subsurface tunnels complicate the situation in the study area and cause more water leakage.  相似文献   


Traditional and polar vertical electrical sounding (VES) techniques were used for computing and characterizing the transmissivity of the Quaternary and Palaeogene aquifers in the Khanasser Valley, northern Syria. The VES technique with its different applied approaches is inexpensive, easy and gives rapid results with high spatial resolution. The Dar-Zarrouk parameters were determined to estimate the groundwater potential of the aquifers. The results show the mean transmissivity of the Quaternary aquifer to be 49 m2/d (minimum: 10 m2/d; maximum: 131 m2/d; standard deviation: 32 m2/d), and that of the Palaeogene aquifer is 0.94 m2/d (minimum: 0.31 m2/d; maximum: 1.54 m2/d; standard deviation: 0.33 m2/d).

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Asfahani, J., 2013. Groundwater potential estimation using vertical electrical sounding measurements in the semi-arid Khanasser Valley region, Syria. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (2), 468--482.  相似文献   

Important observations and parameters for a salt water intrusion model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shoemaker WB 《Ground water》2004,42(6-7):829-840
Sensitivity analysis with a density-dependent ground water flow simulator can provide insight and understanding of salt water intrusion calibration problems far beyond what is possible through intuitive analysis alone. Five simple experimental simulations presented here demonstrate this point. Results show that dispersivity is a very important parameter for reproducing a steady-state distribution of hydraulic head, salinity, and flow in the transition zone between fresh water and salt water in a coastal aquifer system. When estimating dispersivity, the following conclusions can be drawn about the data types and locations considered. (1) The "toe" of the transition zone is the most effective location for hydraulic head and salinity observations. (2) Areas near the coastline where submarine ground water discharge occurs are the most effective locations for flow observations. (3) Salinity observations are more effective than hydraulic head observations. (4) The importance of flow observations aligned perpendicular to the shoreline varies dramatically depending on distance seaward from the shoreline. Extreme parameter correlation can prohibit unique estimation of permeability parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and flow parameters such as recharge in a density-dependent ground water flow model when using hydraulic head and salinity observations. Adding flow observations perpendicular to the shoreline in areas where ground water is exchanged with the ocean body can reduce the correlation, potentially resulting in unique estimates of these parameter values. Results are expected to be directly applicable to many complex situations, and have implications for model development whether or not formal optimization methods are used in model calibration.  相似文献   

Vertical electrical sounding technique (VES) is used as an alternative approach to pumping test for computing the Quaternary aquifer transmissivity in the Khanasser Valley, Northern Syria. The method is inexpensive, easy and gives faster results with higher special resolution than the traditional pumping technique. The hydraulic conductivity values obtained using VES agree with the pumping test results, which in the Khanasser Valley vary between the order of 0.864 and 8.64 m/day (10−5 and 10−4 m/s). The probable location of the Quaternary aquifer in the Khanasser Valley is obtained through the transmissivity map derived from VES. The knowledge of transmissivity is fundamental for modeling and management processes in the Khanasser Valley. Other similar semiarid regions can benefit from the approach successfully applied in the study area.  相似文献   

The Geodynamic Observatory Moxa, located in Thuringia/Germany, is dedicated to studies of temporal deformations of the earth's crust and of variations of the gravity field. One of the essential issues with respect to these investigations is the reduction of the hydrological impact on the data of the gravimeters, strainmeters and tiltmeters. In order to optimise the reductions, we investigated the changes in the hydrological conditions in the woody mountain slope above the observatory with time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), and analysed the strain and tilt measurements for prominent signatures of pore pressure induced subsurface deformations.Here we present the results for two profiles – parallel and perpendicular to the slope – measured with ERT during 33 campaigns between June 2007 and April 2010. Resistivity changes and variations of apparent soil moisture, inferred from ERT sections, were found to primarily occur in the first two metres of the subsurface. These variations can be related to subsurface flow in the upper two metres induced by precipitation events and snowmelts. Trees close to the profiles only show a minimum impact on the resistivity and soil moisture changes.Furthermore, systematic hydrologically induced deformations can be observed in hodographs of strain and tilt measurements for large precipitation events (> 80 mm) and snowmelts. In the strain data a short-term (< 3 days) dilatational signal is found with an amplitude of 20 nstrain to 60 nstrain and a long-term (> 7 days) compressional signal between 40 nstrain and 180 nstrain. The preferential N–S direction of long-term deformational signals (> 1 week) is also observed in the tilt data. The direction of tilt changes (25 nrad–120 nrad) is nearly parallel to the drainage direction of the nearby Silberleite creek indicating variations of pore pressure gradients during hydrological events.The results of these hydrological studies at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa can be used for removing the time dependent hydrological signal in strain and tilt data and, thus, better correction algorithms for hydrological impacts can be developed to enhance the value of the data for geodynamic studies.  相似文献   

Lahcen Zouhri 《水文研究》2010,24(10):1308-1317
An electrical prospecting survey is conducted in the Rharb basin, a semi‐arid region in the southern part of the Rifean Cordillera (Morocco) to delineate characteristics of the aquifer and the groundwater affected by the marine intrusion related to Atlantic Ocean. Analysis and interpretations of electrical soundings, bi‐logarithmic diagrams and the geoelectrical sections highlight a monolayer aquifer in the southern part, a multilayer system in the northern part of the Rharb basin and lenticular semi‐permeable formations. Several electrical layers have been deduced from the analysis of bi‐logarithmic diagrams: resistant superficial level (R0), conducting superficial level (C0), resistant level (R), intermediary resistant level (R′), conducting level (Cp) and intermediary layer of resistivity (AT). Spatial distribution of the resistivity deduced from the interpretation of apparent resistivity maps (AB = 400 and 1000 m) and the decreasing of resistivity values (35–10 Ωm), in particular in the coastal zone show that this heterogeneity is related to several anomalies identified in the coastal area, which result from hydraulic and geological processes: (i) heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity in particular in the southern part of the Rharb; (ii) lateral facies and synsedimentary faulting and (iii) the relationship between the electrical conductivity and chloride concentration of groundwater shows that salinity is the most important factor controlling resistivity. The distribution of fresh/salt‐water zones and their variations in space along geoelectrical sections are established through converting subsurface depth‐resistivity models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Badland areas are usually regarded as impermeable zones which generate high runoff and are very vulnerable to sheetwash and rainsplash. To test those considerations sprinkling experiments using two rainfall simulators were carried out on slopes of varying aspect in the northern Negev (Israel). For one unit 1·5 m2 plots were used with rainfall of natural characteristics at 36 mm/hr intensity and 43–48 minute duration, runoff being recorded and water/sediment samples taken every 5 minutes. The second unit was used on 30–50 m2 plots but rainfall energy production was below that of natural rainfall. Results show that due to the high stability and strong flocculation of clay-rich aggregates rainsplash is ineffective in surface sealing so that infiltration capacities remain high despite intense, prolonged rainfall. Aspect differences are reflected in variation of surface properties despite homogenous bed-rock, which cause marked differences in hydrological response. North-facing slopes respond more quickly, more frequently and produce more runoff than south-facing slopes. Non-uniform runoff generation is also seen within plots of one aspect reflecting subtle variations in surface properties. Comparison of rainfall intensity and duration used during the experiments with those prevailing under natural conditions shows that under present day conditions surface flow in the Zin valley badlands must be extremely infrequent and denudation rates very low.  相似文献   

Evidence of long-term, late Cenozoic uplift, as well as strike-slip faulting, is revealed by topographic and geological features along the northern 500 km of the Dead Sea fault system (DSFS)—the transform boundary between the Arabian and African plates in the eastern Mediterranean region. Macro-geomorphic features are studied using a new, high-resolution (20 m pixel) digital elevation model (DEM) produced by radar interferometry (InSAR). This DEM provides a spatially continuous view of topography at an unprecedented resolution along this continental transform from 32.5° to 38° N. This section of the left-lateral transform can be subdivided into a 200 km long Lebanese restraining bend (mostly in Lebanon), and the section to the north (northwest Syria). Spatial variations in Cenozoic bedrock uplift are inferred through mapping of topographic residuals from the DEM. Additionally, high altitude, low-relief surfaces are mapped and classified in the Mount Lebanon and Anti Lebanon ranges that also provide references for assessing net uplift. These results demonstrate an asymmetric distribution of post-Miocene uplift between the Mt. Lebanon and Anti Lebanon ranges. Antecedent drainages also imply that a major episode of uplift in the Palmyride fold belt post-dates the uplift of the Anti Lebanon region. North of the restraining bend, the Late Miocene surface is preserved beneath spatially extensive lava flows. Hilltop remnants of this paleosurface demonstrate Pliocene-Quaternary uplift and tilting of the Syrian Coastal Range, adjacent to the DSFS north of the restraining bend. This late Cenozoic uplift is contemporaneous with strike-slip along the DSFS. Geometrical relationships between folds and strike-slip features suggest that regional strain partitioning may accommodate a convergent component of motion between the Arabian and African plates. This interpretation is consistent with regional plate tectonic models that predict 10–25° of obliquity between the relative plate motion and the strike of the DSFS north of the restraining bend. We suggest that this convergent component of plate motion is responsible for uplift along and adjacent to the DSFS in the Syrian Coastal Range, as well as within the Lebanese restraining bend.  相似文献   


In this paper we develop a coupled analytical model for salinity and tidal propagation in estuaries where the cross-sectional area varies exponentially. A simple analytical model for tidal dynamics has been used to estimate the tidal excursion, which has an important influence on the salt intrusion process since it determines the extreme salinities (i.e. salinity distribution for high water slack and low water slack). The objective of the coupling is to reduce the number of calibration parameters, which subsequently strengthens the reliability of the salt intrusion model. Moreover, the coupling enables us to assess the potential impacts of external changes, both human-induced interventions (e.g. dredging) and natural changes (e.g. global sea level rise), on the salt intrusion process. In addition, the fully analytical solution for hydrodynamics allows immediate estimation of the tidally averaged depth and friction coefficient for given water level recordings and salinity measurements. This is particularly useful when a geometric survey is not available. The coupled model has been applied to six previously unsurveyed estuaries in Malaysia and the results show that the correspondence between analytical estimations and observations is very good. Thus, the coupled model proves to be a useful tool to obtain estimates of salt intrusion in estuaries based on a minimum amount of information required and for assessing the effect of human-induced or natural changes.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR B. Dewals  相似文献   

The Cheb Basin, located in the western Eger (Ohře) Rift, is part of the European Cenozoic Rift system. Although presently non-volcanic, it is the most active area within the European Rift with signs of recent geodynamic activity like emanations of mantle derived CO2, and the repeated occurrence of swarm earthquakes, which are common features in active volcanic regions. It is assumed that the fluids, uprising in permeable channels, play a key role for the genesis of these earthquake swarms.  相似文献   

The prevailing purpose of geoelectrical exploration is the location of acquifers, as resistivity is strongly sensitive to the presence of water. Through this method valuable information on the structure and volume of storage rocks may be acquired. However, the evaluation of saturation and porosity, which plays a strong role in the estimation of hydraulic parameters, is hitherto affected by a large uncertainty. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out expensive and often numerous drillings, in addition to the calibration ones. In this paper we argue how the uncertainty can be substantially reduced by carrying out a joint seismic and geoelectrical prospection.to profitably utilize the results of a joint seismic and geoelectrical survey, a model is proposed in which the geophysical characteristics of all the phases possibly present in underground rocks, i.e., matrix, clay, water and air (whose percentages give porosity and saturation degree of an acquifer) are taken into account. The four phases are considered contiguous, in parallel as regards the electrical conductivity and in series as regards the propagation of elastic waves. On the basis of the formulas related to the model, theoretical curves for porosity, degree of saturation and percentage of clay have been obtained, which enable us to calculate these parameters.As a test of the suggested methodology, porosity and saturation have been evaluated in an area of the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Napoli) of which porosity data were available after core drillings. The test was performed by practising a joint electrical and seismic prospection using the more customary and less expensive techniques of Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and Seismic Refraction. Our data permit us to produce porosity and saturation maps for two depths; the comparison between the porosity, derived from the maps in the points where core drillings have been made, and the porosity values found on the cores, shows a good agreement for the more superficial layer; for the greater depth, we derived lower values of porosity, probably due to difficulties of laboratory reproduction of thein situ condition of the cores. These results suggest that our model has value in water research.  相似文献   

A number of mounds each several hundred meters across and up to sixty meters high have been observed with SeaMARC II acoustic imagery and Seabeam bathymetry in the sediment-filled axial valley at the northern end of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The mounds are located a few kilometers west of the eastern valley-bounding normal fault scarp where the local sediment fill is approximately 300 m thick. All of the mounds are believed to be of hydrothermal origin, and one is associated with anomalously high heat flow in excess of 1 W m−2. A piston core collected from that mound comprises coarse clastic sulfide units interbedded with sulfidic muds. Hydrothermal minerals present in the 2.3 m section include pyrrhotite, pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, iss (intermediate solid solution in the CuFeZnS system), chalcopyrrhotite, galena, talc, barite, and amorphous silica. Mineral fabrics of the clasts indicate that the material was precipitated at or near the sea floor by mixing of hot hydrothermal fluids with cold seawater. Low concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Ag relative to those found in unsedimented ridge hydrothermal deposits, and the presence of pyrrhotite as an early phase mineral indicates that the vent fluids have been modified by reaction with sediments beneath the mound. Rapid sedimentation in a rift valley is clearly conducive to the formation of large hydrothermal mineral deposits like those believed to be present within and beneath these mounds. The relatively impermeable sediment cover insulates the crust, inhibits groundwater recharge, promotes long-lived discharge at a restricted number of sites, provides a substrate for the efficient subsurface precipitation of minerals, and through continued sedimentation, protects surficial deposits from the corrosive effects of seawater. No reliable estimate of the bulk composition of the mounds can be made with existing data, but their size is comparable to major hydrothermal mineral deposits found on land; ancient settings in which many land deposits formed are in many ways similar to the one in which the features described here are currently forming.  相似文献   

An area of about 30 km2 located in Ain Jouhra, south of Rabat, Morocco, was the subject of a geoelectric resistivity investigation. The main goal of the investigation was the assessment of the groundwater potential of the uppermost aquifer. The aquifer conditions such as depth, thickness and boundaries were also investigated. The obtained apparent resistivity curves were first analysed qualitatively and classified using simple curve shapes. Thereafter, the data were converted to resistivity and thickness pairs semi‐quantitatively by means of master curves and then quantitatively by computer modelling using ATO and Winsev software (Zohdy, 1989; Zohdy and Bisdrof, 1989). Lithological control from the available single well with a stratigraphic log aided in the correlation of the resistivity values to different rock units. Three different AB‐spacing iso‐resistivity maps, an isopach map of the main groundwater‐bearing horizon, the depth to the aquifer substratum map and five geoelectric cross‐sections were constructed. The interpretation of these soundings indicates the presence of an unconfined to semi‐confined sandy aquifer with relatively important extent and varying thickness. The maximal thickness of the aquifer is recorded in the central part of the investigated area and is thinning southwards to pinch out farther to the south. Geophysical as well as field data indicate a hydraulic connection between the upper and deeper aquifers. Indeed, the two aquifers are separated from each other by a marly substratum that is indicated throughout the area by the lowest values of the interpreted true resistivity. The value of this resistivity varies laterally, most likely due to the lateral variation in the shale‐to‐sand ratio. The altitude of the substratum decreases towards the north, and increases southwards. Regarding the availability of the groundwater in the study area, zones with high potential are theoretically expected to occur in the central part where the transversal resistance is greatest. However, sufficient water supply and high flow rates from wells intended to produce restrictively from the most upper aquifer are not likely to exist. This conclusion, which seems to be very pessimistic, is evidenced from two real field and experimental observations. The first is the rapid fall of the level of Gharnoug lake, despite the ongoing feeding by three wells. Hence, the amount of water level drop cannot be accounted for by the evaporation alone. That means that the deeper aquifer is continuously draining the upper aquifer at a high flow rate. Very low rates are recorded in all the wells that penetrated only the upper aquifer, the exception being the well that reached deeper into the lower aquifer. The flow rate in this lower aquifer measured 18 litre s?1. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological and hydrochemical parameters for two mountain basins are presented and compared. The analysis focuses on the hydrology during the winter, the cumulative outflow of sulphate and nitrate from the basin and a mass balance. An integrated model for the simulation of the amount and quality of snowmelt from seasonal snow cover is briefly described. The possible application of the model to other basins is considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to shed light ontwo important destructive seismicsequences, about 20 years apart (1138–1139and 1156–1159), which hit the northernsector of the Dead Sea transform faultsystem (DSTFS), in the easternMediterranean region. Although some ofthese earthquakes were already known to thescholarly tradition, the interpretationsprovided until today have largely beenpartial and characterised by uncertaintiesand discrepancies among the variousauthors. Our study has developed throughresearch into the original Arabic, Syriac,Armenian and Latin texts and a criticalanalysis relating to a territory fragmentedby the presence of the Christian-Latinstates. This analysis has allowed us toshed light on the already existing, albeitoften uncertain, information and to add newelements of these two important series ofearthquake shocks to our knowledge base.As regards the first seismic sequence(October 1138–June 1139), apart from havingdefined the date with greater accuracy,eight new locations affected have beenidentified, unknown to previous studies.The shocks jolted a vast area withdestructive effects, including theterritory of Aleppo (modern Halab, Syria)and the western part of the region ofEdessa (modern Urfa, Turkey).The second seismic sequence (September1156–May 1159) was much longer anddevastating, and hit a huge area, includedbetween the present-day territories ofnorth-western Syria, northern Lebanon andthe region of Antioch (modern Antakya, insouthern Turkey). A detailed analysis ofthe primary sources has allowed toreconstruct the series of shocks withchronological detail of the effects,improving our previous knowledge. Lastly,the authors formulate an hypothesis as tothe possible seismogenic zones affected.  相似文献   

A 3-D, time-dependent, baroclinic, hydrodynamic and salinity model was implemented and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system and the adjacent coastal sea in Taiwan. The model forcing functions consist of tidal elevations along the open boundaries and freshwater inflows from the main stream and major tributaries in the Danshuei River estuarine system. The bottom friction coefficient was adjusted to achieve model calibration and verification in model simulations of barotropic and baroclinic flows. The turbulent diffusivities were ascertained through comparison of simulated salinity time series with observations. The model simulation results are in qualitative agreement with the available field data.  相似文献   

崔旭  张兵  何明霞  夏文雪  王义东  赵勇 《湖泊科学》2021,33(6):1675-1686
生态补水是维持和改善白洋淀生态环境的重要途径.为研究生态补水对白洋淀水环境的影响,分别在补水前与补水后采集淀水、河水及地下水样品,分析区域地表水和地下水水化学特征.结果表明:(1)白洋淀补水前、后地表水与地下水的水化学组成中Na+为主要阳离子,补水后阴离子以HCO3-为主,淀区南部地表水电导率高;补水后地表水与地下水Ca2+、Mg2+和HCO3-浓度显著增加,水体电导率降低.(2)补水前地下水为Na-HCO3型水,地表水主要为Na-Cl·SO4及Na-Cl·HCO3类型;补水后地表水与浅层地下水向Ca·Mg-HCO3型演化,深层地下水水化学类型基本保持不变.(3)生态补水使白洋淀水位升高,淀区水面积增大,缓解了水资源短缺的问题;同时也使浅层地下水水化学组成发生改变,而深层地下水暂未受到影响.生态补水后,受稀释和混合作用的影响,水体Na+、Cl-和SO42-浓度显著下降,Ca2+、Mg2+及HCO3-浓度增加.在白洋淀生态补水中应"先治污,后补水",以减少补水过程中污染物向淀区的运移,还应注意区域地下水位上升过程中的阳离子交换及水岩相互作用,为合理调配生态补水及改善白洋淀生态环境提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity of the Earth’s crust is sensitive to a wide range of petrological and physical parameters, and it particularly clearly indicates crustal zones that have been tectonically or thermodynamically disturbed. A complex geological structure of the Alpine nappe system, remnants of older Hercynian units and Neogene block tectonics in Western Slovakia has been a target of recent magnetotelluric investigations which made a new and more precise identification of the crustal structural elements of the Western Carpathians possible. A NW-SE magnetotelluric profile, 150 km long, with 30 broad-band and 3 long-period magnetotelluric sites, was deployed, crossing the major regional tectonic elements listed from the north: Brunia (as a part of the European platform), Outer Carpathian Flysch, Klippen Belt, blocks of Penninic or Oravicum crust, Tatricum and Veporicum. Magnetotelluric models were combined with previous seismic and gravimetric results and jointly interpreted in the final integrated geological model. The magnetotelluric models of geoelectrical structures exhibit strong correlation with the geological structures of the crust in this part of the Western Carpathians. The significant resemblance in geoelectrical and crustal geological structures are highlighted in shallow resistive structures of the covering formations represented by mainly Tertiary sediments and volcanics. Also in the deeper parts of the crust highly resistive and conductive structures are shown, which reflect the original building Hercynian crust, with superposition of granitoids or granitised complexes and lower metamorphosed complexes. Another important typical feature in the construction of the Western Carpathians is the existence of young Neogene steep fault zones exhibited by conductive zones within the whole crust. The most significant fault zones separate individual blocks of the Western Carpathians and the Western Carpathians itself from the European Platform.  相似文献   

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